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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-21421

Galera test sporadic failure on galera.galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam: Result length mismatch



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 10.2.30, 10.4.12
    • 10.5.4, 10.2.33, 10.3.24, 10.4.14
    • Galera, Tests
    • None
    • TestTarball_2 rhel-6; CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core).


      galera.galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam sporadically fails on Azure and bb . It failed also on local run of CS 10.4.12-MariaDB ffc0a08 (Server logs).


      10.4.11-5-MariaDB-enterprise d4f88b8, rhel-6

      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9739977Z galera.galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam 'innodb' w2 [ fail ]
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9740914Z         Test ended at 2019-12-27 00:53:10
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9741372Z CURRENT_TEST: galera.galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9742211Z --- /__w/1/s/mysql-test/suite/galera/r/galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam.result	2019-12-26 20:05:45.000000000 -0500
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9742859Z +++ /__w/1/s/mysql-test/suite/galera/r/galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam.reject	2019-12-27 00:53:10.695480129 -0500
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9743348Z @@ -22,12 +22,34 @@
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9743599Z  DROP TABLE t1;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9743797Z  reset master;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9743998Z  connection node_2a;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9744503Z +Timeout in wait_condition.inc for SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 't1';
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9744801Z +Id	User	Host	db	Command	Time	State	Info	Progress
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9745006Z +1	system user		NULL	Sleep	36	Closing tables	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9745231Z +2	system user		NULL	Sleep	36	wsrep aborter idle	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9745457Z +3	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge coordinator	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9745683Z +4	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge worker	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9745920Z +6	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge worker	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9746128Z +5	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge worker	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9746348Z +7	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB shutdown handler	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9746575Z +16	root	localhost:58344	test	Query	0	Init	show full processlist	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9746817Z +17	system user		NULL	Slave_IO	30	Waiting for master to send event	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9747076Z +18	system user		NULL	Slave_SQL	30	Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9747313Z  STOP SLAVE;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9747487Z  RESET SLAVE ALL;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9747674Z  set global wsrep_on=OFF;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9747865Z  reset master;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9748049Z  set global wsrep_on=ON;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9748227Z  connection node_3;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9748738Z +Timeout in wait_condition.inc for SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 't1';
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9749082Z +Id	User	Host	db	Command	Time	State	Info	Progress
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9749330Z +1	system user		NULL	Sleep	65	wsrep aborter idle	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9749554Z +2	system user		NULL	Sleep	60	After apply log event	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9749764Z +5	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge coordinator	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9749998Z +7	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge worker	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9750218Z +4	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge worker	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9750439Z +6	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB purge worker	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9750659Z +8	system user		NULL	Daemon	NULL	InnoDB shutdown handler	NULL	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9750871Z +16	root	localhost:51258	test	Query	0	Init	show full processlist	0.000
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9751083Z  set global wsrep_on=OFF;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9751275Z  reset master;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9751458Z  set global wsrep_on=ON;
      2019-12-27T05:53:10.9751797Z mysqltest: Result length mismatch


        1. 20191227.3_ttb2_rhel6.txt
          43 kB
          Stepan Patryshev



            jplindst Jan Lindström (Inactive)
            stepan.patryshev Stepan Patryshev (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue



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