For the documentation, the patch 49ff2cbff4
1. changes the type of expire_log_days to double to allow factional part of the whole day.
Backward compatible setting to an integer value is preserved (no need any post-upgrade actions)
2. adopts from the upstream binlog_expire_logs_seconds as an alias to expire_log_days so
the two variables show the same value just in different units and formats.
The changes to --help for expire_log_days can be seen in the patch:
"If non-zero, binary logs will be purged after expire_logs_days "
- "days; possible purges happen at startup and at binary log rotation",
+ "days; It and binlog_expire_logs_seconds are aliases, such that "
+ "changes in one are converted into the other, presentable as a "
+ "decimal value with 1/1000000 of the day precision; possible "
+ "purges happen at startup and at binary log rotation",
The upstream new binlog_expire_logs_seconds is described as
+ "If non-zero, binary logs will be purged after "
+ "binlog_expire_logs_seconds seconds; It and expire_logs_days are "
+ "aliases, such that changes in one are converted into the other. "
+ "Possible purges happen at startup and at binary log rotation.",
the type is double,
the valid range is from 0 to 99*86400 seconds.
Values from 1 to 11 are rounded to zero 0.000000 of expire_log_days.
For the documentation, the patch 49ff2cbff4
1. changes the type of expire_log_days to double to allow factional part of the whole day.
Backward compatible setting to an integer value is preserved (no need any post-upgrade actions)
2. adopts from the upstream binlog_expire_logs_seconds as an alias to expire_log_days so
the two variables show the same value just in different units and formats.
The changes to --help for expire_log_days can be seen in the patch:
The upstream new binlog_expire_logs_seconds is described as
+ "If non-zero, binary logs will be purged after "
+ "binlog_expire_logs_seconds seconds; It and expire_logs_days are "
+ "aliases, such that changes in one are converted into the other. "
+ "Possible purges happen at startup and at binary log rotation.",
the type is double,
the valid range is from 0 to 99*86400 seconds.
Values from 1 to 11 are rounded to zero 0.000000 of expire_log_days.