Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
This task goal is to permit not sending metadata every time
What MySQL has done in version 8
MySQL has changed the protocol to permit skipping metadata for version 8.
In description MySQL task indicate some big improvement:
- METADATA_FULL : 3.48w TPS, Net send 113M
- METADATA_IGNORE: 13.8w TPS, Net send 30M
MySQL implementation send metadata (or not) according to resultset_metadata variable.
Associate capability is CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA (1UL << 25)
When resultset_metadata = 0 (NONE) no metadata is send for COM_STMT_PREPARE/COM_STMT_EXECUTE/COM_QUERY
Exchange format change
Column count packet
There is a "new metadata_follows flag"
* int<lenenc> column count
* int<1> metadata_follows flag (0x00: No metadata, 0x01: metadata follows)
When metadata_follows = 0x00, protocol skip column informations packet (continuing by an EOF_packet if CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF capability is not set or rows if CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF is set).
be careful not to rely on mysql documentation that indicate them in a wrong order
COM_PREPARE response
* int<1> 0x00 COM_STMT_PREPARE_OK header
* int<4> statement id
* int<2> number of columns in the returned result set (or 0 if statement does not return result set)
* int<2> number of prepared statement parameters ('?' placeholders)
* string<1> -not used-
* int<2> number of warnings
** int<1> metadata_follows flag (0x00: No metadata, 0x01: metadata follows)
if metadata is set to 0x00, column definition packet that decribe each parameter and each column are skipped.
Connectors need metadata to parse resultset.
Proposal is to offer this functionality, but in a more modular way.
What do connectors need:
For first execute of a prepared statement:
- COM_STMT_PREPARE asked WITHOUT metadata.
- COM_STMT_EXECUTE asked WITH METADATA. metadata is cached
For next execute:
- COM_STMT_EXECUTE WITHOUT metadata. use cached metadata
There are two issues with not sending metadata each time:
- Metadata can change over time. Server already automatically reprepares internally, so it knows to resend the metadata even if the client asked not to send the metadata every time.
- commands like "SELECT ?" will have metadata type changing according to parameter. Metadata must then be send each time.
COM_STMT_PREPARE still need to have the possibility to ask for metadata (at least java need that possibility to have metadata (example) without any COM_STMT_EXECUTE execution)
For production environment where DDL never change an option can be set on client level to use that same functionality for COM_QUERY.
Client can then cache metadata and ask for COM_QUERY without metadata.
MySQL doesn't permits modularity, so client request have to add this information.
That can be either by:
- changing existing COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE and COM_QUERY format.
Issue Links
- causes
MDEV-26271 Crashes in net_field_length since commit 295f3e4cfb4a8f132f36d53475efc92f2487aa97
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MDEV-14615 Avoid resend METADATA information in binary protocol if not changed
- Closed
- relates to
CONJ-840 support 10.6 new feature metadata skip
- Closed
CONJS-153 support Prepared statement with 10.6 new feature metadata skip
- Closed
MDEV-23913 Prepared statement column metadata can be wrong with UNION
- Stalled
MXS-3613 Support PS with metadata skip (i.e. MARIADB_CLIENT_CACHE_METADATA)
- Closed
R2DBC-10 support 10.6 new feature metadata skip
- Closed
ODBC-286 Very Poor Performance on Remote Connection
- Open