Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Duplicate
Docker mariadb:10.2 running under Ubuntu 16.04
We recently upgraded from MariaDB 10.1 to MariaDB 10.2.21 and we are facing a critical error in our replication schema.
From our diagnosis, one transaction, when writing to binlog, is inserting one event in both formats, Mixed AND Statement. When the slave tries to duplicate the binary log it gets a "DUPLICATE PRIMARY KEY" in that transaction.
Last_SQL_Error: Error 'Duplicate entry '5277245' for key 'PRIMARY'' on query. Default database: 'SVC'. Query: 'INSERT INTO `FileTaskDateLog` (`idFileTaskDate`, `fecha`, `action`, `message`) VALUES ('660794', '2019-01-30 18:01:02', 'SAVED FILE', 'Guardado archivo {DbAPI_SVC_Objects_InputFile:671150} in the file system')'
This error can be seen in this extract from the master's binary log (using mysqlbinlog -v option)
384057858-# at 217275360
384057873-#190130 18:01:02 server id 2 end_log_pos 217275402 CRC32 0x2539902c GTID 2-2-381134617 trans
384057968-/*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=381134617*//*!*/;
384065477-### INSERT INTO `SVC`.`FileTaskDateLog`
384065517-### SET
384065525:### @1=5277245
384065542-### @2=660794
384065558-### @3='2019-01-30 18:01:02'
384065589-### @4='SAVED FILE'
384065611-### @5='Guardado archivo {DbAPI_SVC_Objects_InputFile:671150} in the file system'
384065695-# at 217277527
384065710-#190130 18:01:02 server id 2 end_log_pos 217277559 CRC32 0x1d92ecbd Intvar
384065787:SET INSERT_ID=5277245/*!*/;
384065815-# at 217277559
384065830-#190130 18:01:02 server id 2 end_log_pos 217277839 CRC32 0xa5e57101 Query thread_id=693090 exec_time=0 error_code=0
384065948-SET TIMESTAMP=1548882062/*!*/;
384065979-INSERT INTO `FileTaskDateLog` (`idFileTaskDate`, `fecha`, `action`, `message`) VALUES ('660794', '2019-01-30 18:01:02', 'SAVED FILE', 'Guardado archivo {DbAPI_SVC_Objects_InputFile:671150} in the file system')
384066196-# at 217277839
384066211-#190130 18:01:02 server id 2 end_log_pos 217277870 CRC32 0x0fafcd18 Xid = 58771609
We found the cause that caused this error:
One process we had did a weird behavior;
START TRANSACTION, then LOCKS TABLES, <does stuff where the error happens>, then UNLOCK TABLES and finally COMMIT.
Removing this behavior (Removing the Lock Tables and leaving it with just transactions) solved the issue. (Reading the documentation it seems when you issue LOCK TABLES the active transaction should be closed, it seems that behavior it's acting oddly)
I added a test case reduction over on:
but now think my report may be better suited here, as the duplicate RBR and Statement in the binary log is exactly what I am seeing as well. I'm seeing this behavior in 10.3.14.
In my case, the following all appear to be required:
The final INSERT of T3 is where the error in the binary log occurs for me. In my case all the tables are MyISAM, so no TRANSACTION statements are in play. t2 is locked implicitly; but even if you add it directly to the LOCK statement you still get the errant behavior.