Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-16762

mariabackup --lock-ddl-per-table can not create backup safely when RENAME TABLE happens many times during the backup stage



      It seems mariabackup, even with --lock-ddl-per-table option, can not create consistent backup when RENAME TABLE happens many times during the backup stage.

      There is a simple test case for this. Start with new instance and add the following two tables:

      openxs@ao756:~/dbs/maria10.2$ bin/mysql -uroot --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock test
      Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
      Your MariaDB connection id is 8
      Server version: 10.2.17-MariaDB Source distribution
      Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
      MariaDB [test]> show tables;
      Empty set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> create table tbig(id int auto_increment, c1 char(200), c2 char(200), primary key(id)) engine=InnoDB;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.23 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1,c2) values ('a','b');
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig, tbig t2, tbig t3, tbig t4;
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
      Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig, tbig t2, tbig t3, tbig t4;
      Query OK, 16 rows affected (0.05 sec)
      Records: 16  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig, tbig t2, tbig t3, tbig t4;
      Query OK, 104976 rows affected (5.80 sec)
      Records: 104976  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig;
      Query OK, 104994 rows affected (5.94 sec)
      Records: 104994  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig;
      Query OK, 209988 rows affected (12.74 sec)
      Records: 209988  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig;
      Query OK, 419976 rows affected (28.18 sec)
      Records: 419976  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> insert into tbig(c1, c2) select repeat('a',200), repeat('b',200) from tbig;
      Query OK, 839952 rows affected (1 min 5.06 sec)
      Records: 839952  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> show table status like 'tbig'\G                                 
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
                 Name: tbig
               Engine: InnoDB
              Version: 10
           Row_format: Dynamic
                 Rows: 1594309
       Avg_row_length: 464
          Data_length: 740294656
      Max_data_length: 0
         Index_length: 0
            Data_free: 4194304
       Auto_increment: 1835014
          Create_time: 2018-07-15 18:14:26
          Update_time: 2018-07-15 18:32:40
           Check_time: NULL
            Collation: latin1_swedish_ci
             Checksum: NULL
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> create table t(id int primary key, c1 int);
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.21 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> insert into t values(1,1),(2,2);
      Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.04 sec)
      Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [test]> show tables;
      | Tables_in_test |
      | t              |
      | tbig           |
      2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> exit

      Then in one shell window start the following loop of renaming tables:

      openxs@ao756:~/dbs/maria10.2$ for i in {0..999}; do bin/mysql -e "use test; drop table if exists tmp_t${i}; create table tmp_t${i} like t; rename table t to zem_t${i}, tmp_t${i} to t; drop table zem_t${i};"; echo "${i}"; sleep 5; done;

      While this loop runs (I let it execute at least once, but you can try whatever timing you prefer) try to run mariabackup with --lock-ddl-per-table option:

      openxs@ao756: ~/dbs/maria10.2openxs@ao756:~/dbs/maria10.2$ bin/mariabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbosee --backup --lock-ddl-per-table --target-dir=/home/openxs/backup --tmpdir=/home/openxs/backup

      Backup completes with OK message. You may get concurrent statement killed if it's DDL involving t table. Let me share the log:

      180715 19:28:10 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
      Using server version 10.2.17-MariaDB
      bin/mariabackup based on MariaDB server 10.2.17-MariaDB Linux (x86_64) 
      mariabackup: uses posix_fadvise().
      mariabackup: cd to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/
      mariabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024
      mariabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration:
      mariabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = 
      mariabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
      mariabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./
      mariabackup: using O_DIRECT
      2018-07-15 19:28:10 139901451954048 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
      mariabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces
      2018-07-15 19:28:10 139901451954048 [Warning] InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 1 for mysql/innodb_table_stats, old maximum was 0
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455019076) ignored at 6455019085
      180715 19:28:10 >> log scanned up to (6455019085)
      180715 19:28:10 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
      180715 19:28:10 Locking MDL for `mysql`.`innodb_table_stats`
      180715 19:28:10 Locking MDL for `mysql`.`innodb_index_stats`
      180715 19:28:10 Locking MDL for `mysql`.`gtid_slave_pos`
      180715 19:28:10 Locking MDL for `test`.`t`
      180715 19:28:10 Locking MDL for `test`.`tbig`
      180715 19:28:10 [01] Copying ibdata1 to /home/openxs/backup/ibdata1
      180715 19:28:11 >> log scanned up to (6455019085)
      180715 19:28:12 >> log scanned up to (6455019085)
      180715 19:28:13 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:13 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd
      180715 19:28:13 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:13 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd
      180715 19:28:13 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:13 [01] Copying ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd
      180715 19:28:13 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:13 [01] Copying ./test/t.ibd to /home/openxs/backup/test/t.ibd
      180715 19:28:13 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:13 [01] Copying ./test/tbig.ibd to /home/openxs/backup/test/tbig.ibd
      180715 19:28:13 >> log scanned up to (6455019102)
      180715 19:28:14 >> log scanned up to (6455022545)
      180715 19:28:15 >> log scanned up to (6455023319)
      180715 19:28:16 >> log scanned up to (6455023325)
      180715 19:28:17 >> log scanned up to (6455023364)
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455023325) ignored at 6455023826
      180715 19:28:18 >> log scanned up to (6455023826)
      180715 19:28:19 >> log scanned up to (6455024194)
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455023364) ignored at 6455024423
      180715 19:28:21 >> log scanned up to (6455024423)
      180715 19:28:22 >> log scanned up to (6455024599)
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455024599) ignored at 6455025108
      180715 19:28:23 >> log scanned up to (6455025108)
      180715 19:28:24 >> log scanned up to (6455025298)
      2018-07-15 19:28:25 139901381166848 [Note] InnoDB: Read redo log up to LSN=6455026688
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455025298) ignored at 6455026511
      180715 19:28:25 >> log scanned up to (6455026511)
      180715 19:28:26 >> log scanned up to (6455026511)
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455026511) ignored at 6455026520
      180715 19:28:27 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:28 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:29 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:30 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:31 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:32 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:33 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:34 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:35 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:36 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:37 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:38 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:39 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:39 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:39 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES...
      180715 19:28:39 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
      180715 19:28:39 Killing MDL waiting Query ('rename table t to zem_t1, tmp_t1 to t') on connection 13
      2018-07-15 19:28:40 139901381166848 [Note] InnoDB: Read redo log up to LSN=6455026688
      180715 19:28:40 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:40 Executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK...
      180715 19:28:40 Kill mdl waiters thread stopped
      180715 19:28:40 Starting to backup non-InnoDB tables and files
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/func.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/procs_priv.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/user.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/host.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/tables_priv.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_keyword.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_keyword.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/plugin.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/columns_priv.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/db.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_relation.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/tables_priv.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/event.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/columns_priv.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/proc.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/columns_priv.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_transition.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/servers.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/column_stats.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/table_stats.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/proxies_priv.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/roles_mapping.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/func.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/host.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.CSM to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/general_log.CSM
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.CSM to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/slow_log.CSM
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/slow_log.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/host.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_topic.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_topic.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_name.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/servers.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/roles_mapping.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/user.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/plugin.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/general_log.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/event.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/db.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_name.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.CSV to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/slow_log.CSV
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_category.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/column_stats.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_keyword.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/procs_priv.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_relation.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/tables_priv.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/proc.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/index_stats.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/table_stats.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_name.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.CSV to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/general_log.CSV
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/index_stats.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/column_stats.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/plugin.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/index_stats.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_topic.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_category.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/servers.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/event.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/proc.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_category.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/func.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/proxies_priv.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/help_relation.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/roles_mapping.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/proxies_priv.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/user.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/table_stats.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/procs_priv.MYD
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.MYI to /home/openxs/backup/mysql/db.MYI
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./test/tmp_t1.frm to /home/openxs/backup/test/tmp_t1.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./test/t.frm to /home/openxs/backup/test/t.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./test/tbig.frm to /home/openxs/backup/test/tbig.frm
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./test/db.opt to /home/openxs/backup/test/db.opt
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying ./performance_schema/db.opt to /home/openxs/backup/performance_schema/db.opt
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 Finished backing up non-InnoDB tables and files
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying aria_log.00000001 to /home/openxs/backup/aria_log.00000001
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [01] Copying aria_log_control to /home/openxs/backup/aria_log_control
      180715 19:28:40 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG ENGINE LOGS...
      mariabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '6455026511'
      mariabackup: Stopping log copying thread.180715 19:28:40 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:40 >> log scanned up to (6455026520)
      180715 19:28:40 Executing UNLOCK TABLES
      180715 19:28:40 All tables unlocked
      180715 19:28:40 Unlocking MDL for all tables
      180715 19:28:40 [00] Copying ib_buffer_pool to /home/openxs/backup/ib_buffer_pool
      180715 19:28:40 [00]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 Backup created in directory '/home/openxs/backup/'
      180715 19:28:40 [00] Writing backup-my.cnf
      180715 19:28:40 [00]        ...done
      180715 19:28:40 [00] Writing xtrabackup_info
      180715 19:28:40 [00]        ...done
      mariabackup: Redo log (from LSN 6455019076 to 6455026520) was copied.
      180715 19:28:40 completed OK!

      Stop rename loop as soon as backup completed:

      openxs@ao756:~/dbs/maria10.2$ for i in {0..999}; do bin/mysql -e "use test; drop table if exists tmp_t${i}; create table tmp_t${i} like t; rename table t to zem_t${i}, tmp_t${i} to t; drop table zem_t${i};"; echo "${i}"; sleep 5; done;

      Note that you may get error for one of RENAME statements.

      Then prepare the backup. Again, in all cases we get "completed OK!":

      openxs@ao756: ~/dbs/maria10.2$ bin/mariabackup -uroot --verbose --no-version-check --prepare --target-dir=/home/openxs/backup
      bin/mariabackup based on MariaDB server 10.2.17-MariaDB Linux (x86_64) 
      mariabackup: cd to /home/openxs/backup/
      mariabackup: This target seems to be not prepared yet.
      mariabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:
      mariabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = .
      mariabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
      mariabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = .
      mariabackup: Starting InnoDB instance for recovery.
      mariabackup: Using 104857600 bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Using SSE2 crc32 instructions
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 100M, instances = 1, chunk size = 100M
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139735745947392 [Note] InnoDB: If the mysqld execution user is authorized, page cleaner thread priority can be changed. See the man page of setpriority().
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery from checkpoint LSN=6455019076
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455019076) read at 6455019085
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455019076) reread at 6455019085
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455023325) ignored at 6455023826
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455023364) ignored at 6455024423
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455024599) ignored at 6455025108
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455025298) ignored at 6455026511
      MLOG_CHECKPOINT(6455026511) ignored at 6455026520
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Warning] InnoDB: Tablespace 430 was not found at ./test/tmp_t1.ibd when restoring a (partial?) backup. All redo log for this file will be ignored!
      2018-07-15 19:29:21 139736077338496 [Note] InnoDB: Starting final batch to recover 87 pages from redo log.
      Applying log to page 0:0
      apply 6455023576: 1 len 4 page 0:0
      apply 6455023583: 1 len 4 page 0:0
      apply 6455023590: 4 len 4 page 0:0
      Applying log to page 2:3
      apply 6455022823: 38 len 106 page 2:3
      apply 6455023011: 38 len 129 page 2:3
      apply 6455023193: 38 len 116 page 2:3
      Applying log to page 1:3
      apply 6455022616: 38 len 84 page 1:3
      Applying log to page 0:7
      apply 6455019085: 8 len 7 page 0:7
      apply 6455019095: 4 len 4 page 0:7
      apply 6455020125: 8 len 7 page 0:7
      Applying log to page 0:8
      apply 6455019719: 9 len 79 page 0:8
      Applying log to page 0:9
      apply 6455019801: 8 len 7 page 0:9
      apply 6455019811: 9 len 33 page 0:9
      Applying log to page 0:10
      apply 6455019871: 9 len 39 page 0:10
      apply 6455019936: 9 len 35 page 0:10
      Applying log to page 0:11
      apply 6455020162: 9 len 52 page 0:11
      apply 6455022531: 4 len 3 page 0:11
      apply 6455023319: 4 len 3 page 0:11
      Applying log to page 0:12
      apply 6455020240: 9 len 23 page 0:12
      Applying log to page 0:1771
      apply 6455022545: 24 len 5 page 0:1771
      apply 6455022554: 2 len 4 page 0:1771
      apply 6455022562: 2 len 4 page 0:1771
      apply 6455022570: 2 len 4 page 0:1771
      apply 6455022579: 20 len 17 page 0:1771
      apply 6455022740: 2 len 3 page 0:1771
      Applying log to page 0:420
      apply 6455025384: 4 len 7 page 0:420
      apply 6455025395: 2 len 3 page 0:420
      Applying log to page 0:422
      apply 6455023520: 2 len 3 page 0:422
      Applying log to page 0:442
      apply 6455019646: 24 len 5 page 0:442
      apply 6455019655: 2 len 4 page 0:442
      apply 6455019663: 2 len 4 page 0:442
      apply 6455019671: 2 len 4 page 0:442
      apply 6455019679: 1 len 3 page 0:442
      apply 6455019686: 8 len 7 page 0:442
      apply 6455019698: 20 len 17 page 0:442
      apply 6455019848: 20 len 19 page 0:442
      apply 6455019913: 20 len 19 page 0:442
      apply 6455019974: 20 len 10 page 0:442
      apply 6455020057: 20 len 10 page 0:442
      apply 6455020135: 20 len 23 page 0:442
      apply 6455020217: 20 len 19 page 0:442
      apply 6455022538: 2 len 3 page 0:442
      Applying log to page 0:443
      apply 6455022747: 24 len 5 page 0:443
      apply 6455022756: 2 len 4 page 0:443
      apply 6455022764: 2 len 4 page 0:443
      apply 6455022772: 2 len 4 page 0:443
      apply 6455022781: 20 len 38 page 0:443
      apply 6455022969: 20 len 38 page 0:443
      apply 6455023159: 20 len 30 page 0:443
      apply 6455023312: 2 len 3 page 0:443
      Applying log to page 0:48
      apply 6455023325: 4 len 7 page 0:48
      apply 6455023335: 2 len 3 page 0:48
      apply 6455023341: 4 len 7 page 0:48
      apply 6455023351: 2 len 3 page 0:48
      apply 6455023357: 4 len 3 page 0:48
      Applying log to page 0:49
      apply 6455023364: 4 len 7 page 0:49
      apply 6455023374: 2 len 3 page 0:49
      apply 6455023380: 4 len 7 page 0:49
      apply 6455023390: 2 len 3 page 0:49
      apply 6455023396: 4 len 3 page 0:49
      Applying log to page 0:50
      apply 6455023403: 4 len 7 page 0:50
      apply 6455023413: 2 len 3 page 0:50
      apply 6455023419: 4 len 7 page 0:50
      apply 6455023429: 2 len 3 page 0:50
      apply 6455023435: 4 len 3 page 0:50
      Applying log to page 0:51
      apply 6455023442: 4 len 7 page 0:51
      apply 6455023452: 2 len 3 page 0:51
      apply 6455023458: 4 len 7 page 0:51
      apply 6455023468: 2 len 3 page 0:51
      apply 6455023474: 4 len 3 page 0:51
      Applying log to page 0:52
      apply 6455023481: 4 len 7 page 0:52
      apply 6455023491: 2 len 3 page 0:52
      apply 6455023497: 4 len 7 page 0:52
      apply 6455023507: 2 len 3 page 0:52
      apply 6455023513: 4 len 3 page 0:52
      Applying log to page 0:53
      apply 6455023527: 4 len 7 page 0:53
      apply 6455023537: 2 len 3 page 0:53
      apply 6455023543: 4 len 7 page 0:53
      apply 6455023553: 2 len 3 page 0:53
      apply 6455023559: 4 len 3 page 0:53
      apply 6455023635: 4 len 3 page 0:53
      Applying log to page 0:62
      apply 6455023642: 4 len 7 page 0:62
      apply 6455023652: 2 len 3 page 0:62
      apply 6455023658: 4 len 7 page 0:62
      apply 6455023668: 2 len 3 page 0:62
      apply 6455023674: 4 len 3 page 0:62
      Applying log to page 0:63
      apply 6455023681: 4 len 7 page 0:63
      apply 6455023691: 2 len 3 page 0:63
      apply 6455023697: 4 len 7 page 0:63
      apply 6455023707: 2 len 3 page 0:63
      apply 6455023713: 4 len 3 page 0:63
      Applying log to page 0:193
      apply 6455023826: 4 len 7 page 0:193
      apply 6455023837: 2 len 3 page 0:193
      apply 6455023844: 4 len 7 page 0:193
      apply 6455023855: 2 len 3 page 0:193
      apply 6455023862: 4 len 3 page 0:193
      Applying log to page 0:194
      apply 6455023870: 4 len 7 page 0:194
      apply 6455023881: 2 len 3 page 0:194
      apply 6455023888: 4 len 7 page 0:194
      apply 6455023899: 2 len 3 page 0:194
      apply 6455023906: 4 len 3 page 0:194
      Applying log to page 0:256
      apply 6455026370: 4 len 7 page 0:256
      apply 6455026381: 2 len 3 page 0:256
      apply 6455026388: 4 len 7 page 0:256
      apply 6455026399: 2 len 3 page 0:256
      apply 6455026406: 4 len 3 page 0:256
      Applying log to page 0:257
      apply 6455026414: 4 len 7 page 0:257
      apply 6455026425: 2 len 3 page 0:257
      apply 6455026432: 4 len 7 page 0:257
      apply 6455026443: 2 len 3 page 0:257
      apply 6455026450: 4 len 3 page 0:257
      Applying log to page 0:258
      apply 6455026458: 4 len 7 page 0:258
      apply 6455026469: 2 len 3 page 0:258
      apply 6455026476: 4 len 7 page 0:258
      apply 6455026487: 2 len 3 page 0:258
      apply 6455026494: 4 len 3 page 0:258
      Applying log to page 0:196
      apply 6455023914: 4 len 7 page 0:196
      apply 6455023925: 2 len 3 page 0:196
      apply 6455023932: 4 len 7 page 0:196
      apply 6455023943: 2 len 3 page 0:196
      apply 6455023950: 4 len 3 page 0:196
      Applying log to page 0:197
      apply 6455023958: 4 len 7 page 0:197
      apply 6455023969: 2 len 3 page 0:197
      apply 6455023976: 4 len 7 page 0:197
      apply 6455023987: 2 len 3 page 0:197
      apply 6455023994: 4 len 3 page 0:197
      Applying log to page 0:198
      apply 6455024002: 4 len 7 page 0:198
      apply 6455024013: 2 len 3 page 0:198
      apply 6455024020: 4 len 7 page 0:198
      apply 6455024031: 2 len 3 page 0:198
      apply 6455024038: 4 len 3 page 0:198
      Applying log to page 0:199
      apply 6455024046: 4 len 7 page 0:199
      apply 6455024057: 2 len 3 page 0:199
      apply 6455024064: 4 len 7 page 0:199
      apply 6455024075: 2 len 3 page 0:199
      apply 6455024082: 4 len 3 page 0:199
      Applying log to page 0:200
      apply 6455024090: 4 len 7 page 0:200
      apply 6455024101: 2 len 3 page 0:200
      apply 6455024108: 4 len 7 page 0:200
      apply 6455024119: 2 len 3 page 0:200
      apply 6455024142: 4 len 3 page 0:200
      Applying log to page 0:201
      apply 6455024150: 4 len 7 page 0:201
      apply 6455024161: 2 len 3 page 0:201
      apply 6455024168: 4 len 7 page 0:201
      apply 6455024179: 2 len 3 page 0:201
      apply 6455024186: 4 len 3 page 0:201
      Applying log to page 0:202
      apply 6455024194: 4 len 7 page 0:202
      apply 6455024205: 2 len 3 page 0:202
      apply 6455024212: 4 len 7 page 0:202
      apply 6455024223: 2 len 3 page 0:202
      apply 6455024230: 4 len 3 page 0:202
      Applying log to page 0:209
      apply 6455024238: 4 len 7 page 0:209
      apply 6455024249: 2 len 3 page 0:209
      apply 6455024256: 4 len 7 page 0:209
      apply 6455024267: 2 len 3 page 0:209
      apply 6455024274: 4 len 3 page 0:209
      Applying log to page 0:210
      apply 6455024282: 4 len 7 page 0:210
      apply 6455024293: 2 len 3 page 0:210
      apply 6455024300: 4 len 7 page 0:210
      apply 6455024311: 2 len 3 page 0:210
      apply 6455024318: 4 len 3 page 0:210
      Applying log to page 0:213
      apply 6455024326: 4 len 7 page 0:213
      apply 6455024337: 2 len 3 page 0:213
      apply 6455024344: 4 len 7 page 0:213
      apply 6455024355: 2 len 3 page 0:213
      apply 6455024362: 4 len 3 page 0:213
      Applying log to page 0:214
      apply 6455024370: 4 len 7 page 0:214
      apply 6455024381: 2 len 3 page 0:214
      apply 6455024388: 4 len 7 page 0:214
      apply 6455024399: 2 len 3 page 0:214
      apply 6455024406: 4 len 3 page 0:214
      Applying log to page 0:307
      apply 6455019988: 9 len 49 page 0:307
      Applying log to page 0:308
      apply 6455020071: 9 len 50 page 0:308
      Applying log to page 0:216
      apply 6455024423: 4 len 7 page 0:216
      apply 6455024434: 2 len 3 page 0:216
      apply 6455024441: 4 len 7 page 0:216
      apply 6455024452: 2 len 3 page 0:216
      apply 6455024459: 4 len 3 page 0:216
      Applying log to page 0:217
      apply 6455024467: 4 len 7 page 0:217
      apply 6455024478: 2 len 3 page 0:217
      apply 6455024485: 4 len 7 page 0:217
      apply 6455024496: 2 len 3 page 0:217
      apply 6455024503: 4 len 3 page 0:217
      Applying log to page 0:218
      apply 6455024511: 4 len 7 page 0:218
      apply 6455024522: 2 len 3 page 0:218
      apply 6455024529: 4 len 7 page 0:218
      apply 6455024540: 2 len 3 page 0:218
      apply 6455024547: 4 len 3 page 0:218
      Applying log to page 0:219
      apply 6455024555: 4 len 7 page 0:219
      apply 6455024566: 2 len 3 page 0:219
      apply 6455024573: 4 len 7 page 0:219
      apply 6455024584: 2 len 3 page 0:219
      apply 6455024591: 4 len 3 page 0:219
      Applying log to page 0:221
      apply 6455024599: 4 len 7 page 0:221
      apply 6455024610: 2 len 3 page 0:221
      apply 6455024617: 4 len 7 page 0:221
      apply 6455024628: 2 len 3 page 0:221
      apply 6455024635: 4 len 3 page 0:221
      Applying log to page 0:224
      apply 6455024747: 4 len 7 page 0:224
      apply 6455024758: 2 len 3 page 0:224
      apply 6455024765: 4 len 7 page 0:224
      apply 6455024776: 2 len 3 page 0:224
      apply 6455024783: 4 len 3 page 0:224
      Applying log to page 0:222
      apply 6455024659: 4 len 7 page 0:222
      apply 6455024670: 2 len 3 page 0:222
      apply 6455024677: 4 len 7 page 0:222
      apply 6455024688: 2 len 3 page 0:222
      apply 6455024695: 4 len 3 page 0:222
      Applying log to page 0:223
      apply 6455024703: 4 len 7 page 0:223
      apply 6455024714: 2 len 3 page 0:223
      apply 6455024721: 4 len 7 page 0:223
      apply 6455024732: 2 len 3 page 0:223
      apply 6455024739: 4 len 3 page 0:223
      Applying log to page 0:226
      apply 6455024791: 4 len 7 page 0:226
      apply 6455024802: 2 len 3 page 0:226
      apply 6455024809: 4 len 7 page 0:226
      apply 6455024820: 2 len 3 page 0:226
      apply 6455024827: 4 len 3 page 0:226
      Applying log to page 0:227
      apply 6455024835: 4 len 7 page 0:227
      apply 6455024846: 2 len 3 page 0:227
      apply 6455024853: 4 len 7 page 0:227
      apply 6455024864: 2 len 3 page 0:227
      apply 6455024871: 4 len 3 page 0:227
      Applying log to page 0:316
      apply 6455023565: 4 len 7 page 0:316
      apply 6455023597: 8 len 7 page 0:316
      apply 6455023608: 4 len 7 page 0:316
      Applying log to page 0:228
      apply 6455024879: 4 len 7 page 0:228
      apply 6455024890: 2 len 3 page 0:228
      apply 6455024897: 4 len 7 page 0:228
      apply 6455024908: 2 len 3 page 0:228
      apply 6455024915: 4 len 3 page 0:228
      Applying log to page 0:229
      apply 6455024923: 4 len 7 page 0:229
      apply 6455024934: 2 len 3 page 0:229
      apply 6455024941: 4 len 7 page 0:229
      apply 6455024952: 2 len 3 page 0:229
      apply 6455024959: 4 len 3 page 0:229
      Applying log to page 0:231
      apply 6455024967: 4 len 7 page 0:231
      apply 6455024978: 2 len 3 page 0:231
      apply 6455024985: 4 len 7 page 0:231
      apply 6455024996: 2 len 3 page 0:231
      apply 6455025003: 4 len 3 page 0:231
      Applying log to page 0:232
      apply 6455025011: 4 len 7 page 0:232
      apply 6455025022: 2 len 3 page 0:232
      apply 6455025029: 4 len 7 page 0:232
      apply 6455025040: 2 len 3 page 0:232
      apply 6455025047: 4 len 3 page 0:232
      Applying log to page 0:233
      apply 6455025055: 4 len 7 page 0:233
      apply 6455025066: 2 len 3 page 0:233
      apply 6455025073: 4 len 7 page 0:233
      apply 6455025084: 2 len 3 page 0:233
      apply 6455025091: 4 len 3 page 0:233
      Applying log to page 0:234
      apply 6455025108: 4 len 7 page 0:234
      apply 6455025119: 2 len 3 page 0:234
      apply 6455025126: 4 len 7 page 0:234
      apply 6455025137: 2 len 3 page 0:234
      apply 6455025144: 4 len 3 page 0:234
      Applying log to page 0:235
      apply 6455025168: 4 len 7 page 0:235
      apply 6455025179: 2 len 3 page 0:235
      apply 6455025186: 4 len 7 page 0:235
      apply 6455025197: 2 len 3 page 0:235
      apply 6455025204: 4 len 3 page 0:235
      Applying log to page 0:236
      apply 6455025230: 4 len 4 page 0:236
      apply 6455025238: 2 len 4 page 0:236
      apply 6455025246: 4 len 3 page 0:236
      apply 6455025254: 4 len 7 page 0:236
      apply 6455025265: 2 len 3 page 0:236
      apply 6455025272: 4 len 7 page 0:236
      apply 6455025283: 2 len 3 page 0:236
      apply 6455025290: 4 len 3 page 0:236
      Applying log to page 0:237
      apply 6455025316: 4 len 4 page 0:237
      apply 6455025324: 2 len 4 page 0:237
      apply 6455025332: 4 len 3 page 0:237
      apply 6455025340: 4 len 7 page 0:237
      apply 6455025351: 2 len 3 page 0:237
      apply 6455025358: 4 len 7 page 0:237
      apply 6455025369: 2 len 3 page 0:237
      apply 6455025376: 4 len 3 page 0:237
      Applying log to page 0:238
      apply 6455025402: 4 len 4 page 0:238
      apply 6455025410: 2 len 4 page 0:238
      apply 6455025418: 4 len 3 page 0:238
      apply 6455025426: 4 len 7 page 0:238
      apply 6455025437: 2 len 3 page 0:238
      apply 6455025444: 4 len 7 page 0:238
      apply 6455025455: 2 len 3 page 0:238
      apply 6455025462: 4 len 3 page 0:238
      Applying log to page 0:239
      apply 6455025470: 4 len 7 page 0:239
      apply 6455025481: 2 len 3 page 0:239
      apply 6455025488: 4 len 7 page 0:239
      apply 6455025499: 2 len 3 page 0:239
      apply 6455025506: 4 len 3 page 0:239
      Applying log to page 0:240
      apply 6455025514: 4 len 7 page 0:240
      apply 6455025525: 2 len 3 page 0:240
      apply 6455025532: 4 len 7 page 0:240
      apply 6455025543: 2 len 3 page 0:240
      apply 6455025550: 4 len 3 page 0:240
      Applying log to page 0:241
      apply 6455025558: 4 len 7 page 0:241
      apply 6455025569: 2 len 3 page 0:241
      apply 6455025576: 4 len 7 page 0:241
      apply 6455025587: 2 len 3 page 0:241
      apply 6455025594: 4 len 3 page 0:241
      Applying log to page 0:245
      apply 6455025602: 4 len 7 page 0:245
      apply 6455025613: 2 len 3 page 0:245
      apply 6455025620: 4 len 7 page 0:245
      apply 6455025631: 2 len 3 page 0:245
      apply 6455025638: 4 len 3 page 0:245
      Applying log to page 0:246
      apply 6455025646: 4 len 7 page 0:246
      apply 6455025657: 2 len 3 page 0:246
      apply 6455025680: 4 len 7 page 0:246
      apply 6455025691: 2 len 3 page 0:246
      apply 6455025698: 4 len 3 page 0:246
      Applying log to page 0:247
      apply 6455025706: 4 len 7 page 0:247
      apply 6455025717: 2 len 3 page 0:247
      apply 6455025724: 4 len 7 page 0:247
      apply 6455025735: 2 len 3 page 0:247
      apply 6455025742: 4 len 3 page 0:247
      Applying log to page 0:248
      apply 6455025750: 4 len 7 page 0:248
      apply 6455025761: 2 len 3 page 0:248
      apply 6455025768: 4 len 7 page 0:248
      apply 6455025779: 2 len 3 page 0:248
      apply 6455025786: 4 len 3 page 0:248
      Applying log to page 0:249
      apply 6455025794: 4 len 7 page 0:249
      apply 6455025805: 2 len 3 page 0:249
      apply 6455025812: 4 len 7 page 0:249
      apply 6455025823: 2 len 3 page 0:249
      apply 6455025830: 4 len 3 page 0:249
      Applying log to page 0:250
      apply 6455025856: 4 len 4 page 0:250
      apply 6455025864: 2 len 4 page 0:250
      apply 6455025872: 4 len 3 page 0:250
      apply 6455025880: 4 len 7 page 0:250
      apply 6455025891: 2 len 3 page 0:250
      apply 6455025898: 4 len 7 page 0:250
      apply 6455025909: 2 len 3 page 0:250
      apply 6455025916: 4 len 3 page 0:250
      Applying log to page 0:251
      apply 6455025942: 4 len 4 page 0:251
      apply 6455025950: 2 len 4 page 0:251
      apply 6455025958: 4 len 3 page 0:251
      apply 6455025966: 4 len 7 page 0:251
      apply 6455025977: 2 len 3 page 0:251
      apply 6455025984: 4 len 7 page 0:251
      apply 6455025995: 2 len 3 page 0:251
      apply 6455026002: 4 len 3 page 0:251
      Applying log to page 0:252
      apply 6455026028: 4 len 4 page 0:252
      apply 6455026036: 2 len 4 page 0:252
      apply 6455026044: 4 len 3 page 0:252
      apply 6455026052: 4 len 7 page 0:252
      apply 6455026063: 2 len 3 page 0:252
      apply 6455026070: 4 len 7 page 0:252
      apply 6455026081: 2 len 3 page 0:252
      apply 6455026088: 4 len 3 page 0:252
      Applying log to page 0:253
      apply 6455026114: 4 len 4 page 0:253
      apply 6455026122: 2 len 4 page 0:253
      apply 6455026130: 4 len 3 page 0:253
      apply 6455026138: 4 len 7 page 0:253
      apply 6455026149: 2 len 3 page 0:253
      apply 6455026156: 4 len 7 page 0:253
      apply 6455026167: 2 len 3 page 0:253
      apply 6455026190: 4 len 3 page 0:253
      Applying log to page 0:254
      apply 6455026216: 4 len 4 page 0:254
      apply 6455026224: 2 len 4 page 0:254
      apply 6455026232: 4 len 3 page 0:254
      apply 6455026240: 4 len 7 page 0:254
      apply 6455026251: 2 len 3 page 0:254
      apply 6455026258: 4 len 7 page 0:254
      apply 6455026269: 2 len 3 page 0:254
      apply 6455026276: 4 len 3 page 0:254
      Applying log to page 0:255
      apply 6455026302: 4 len 4 page 0:255
      apply 6455026310: 2 len 4 page 0:255
      apply 6455026318: 4 len 3 page 0:255
      apply 6455026326: 4 len 7 page 0:255
      apply 6455026337: 2 len 3 page 0:255
      apply 6455026344: 4 len 7 page 0:255
      apply 6455026355: 2 len 3 page 0:255
      apply 6455026362: 4 len 3 page 0:255
      Applying log to page 0:518
      apply 6455026096: 4 len 7 page 0:518
      apply 6455026107: 2 len 3 page 0:518
      Applying log to page 0:553
      apply 6455025298: 4 len 7 page 0:553
      apply 6455025309: 2 len 3 page 0:553
      Applying log to page 0:555
      apply 6455026198: 4 len 7 page 0:555
      apply 6455026209: 2 len 3 page 0:555
      Applying log to page 0:465
      apply 6455026284: 4 len 7 page 0:465
      apply 6455026295: 2 len 3 page 0:465
      Applying log to page 0:774
      apply 6455025212: 4 len 7 page 0:774
      apply 6455025223: 2 len 3 page 0:774
      Applying log to page 0:487
      apply 6455025924: 4 len 7 page 0:487
      apply 6455025935: 2 len 3 page 0:487
      Applying log to page 0:1784
      apply 6455025838: 4 len 7 page 0:1784
      apply 6455025849: 2 len 3 page 0:1784
      Applying log to page 0:1785
      apply 6455026010: 4 len 7 page 0:1785
      apply 6455026021: 2 len 3 page 0:1785
      180715 19:29:22 completed OK!

      Then stop MariaDB server, remove the content of the datadir and apply --move-back:

      openxs@ao756: ~/dbs/maria10.2$ rm -rf ~/backup
      openxs@ao756: bin/mariabackup --no-defaults -uroot --no-version-ccheck --verbose --datadir=/home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data --target-dir=/home/opennxs/backup --move-back 
      bin/mariabackup based on MariaDB server 10.2.17-MariaDB Linux (x86_64) 
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ibdata1 to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/ibdata1
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/func.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/func.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/procs_priv.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/procs_priv.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/user.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/user.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/host.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/host.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/tables_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/tables_priv.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_keyword.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_keyword.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_keyword.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_keyword.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/plugin.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/plugin.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/columns_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/columns_priv.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/db.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/db.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_relation.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_relation.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/tables_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/tables_priv.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/event.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/event.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/columns_priv.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/columns_priv.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/proc.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/proc.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/columns_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/columns_priv.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_transition.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_transition.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/servers.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/servers.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/column_stats.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/column_stats.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/table_stats.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/table_stats.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/proxies_priv.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/proxies_priv.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/roles_mapping.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/func.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/func.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/host.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/host.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/general_log.CSM to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/general_log.CSM
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/slow_log.CSM to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/slow_log.CSM
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/slow_log.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/slow_log.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/host.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/host.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_topic.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_topic.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_topic.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_topic.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_name.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_name.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/servers.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/servers.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/roles_mapping.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/roles_mapping.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/user.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/user.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/plugin.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/plugin.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/general_log.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/general_log.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/event.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/event.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/db.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/db.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_name.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/slow_log.CSV to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/slow_log.CSV
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_category.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_category.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/column_stats.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/column_stats.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_keyword.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_keyword.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/procs_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/procs_priv.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_relation.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_relation.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/tables_priv.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/tables_priv.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/proc.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/proc.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/index_stats.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/index_stats.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/table_stats.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/table_stats.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_name.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/general_log.CSV to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/general_log.CSV
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/index_stats.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/index_stats.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/column_stats.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/column_stats.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/plugin.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/plugin.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/index_stats.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/index_stats.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_topic.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_topic.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_category.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_category.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/servers.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/servers.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/event.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/event.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/proc.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/proc.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_category.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_category.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/func.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/func.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/proxies_priv.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/help_relation.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/help_relation.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/roles_mapping.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/proxies_priv.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/user.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/user.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/table_stats.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/table_stats.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/procs_priv.MYD to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/procs_priv.MYD
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./mysql/db.MYI to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/mysql/db.MYI
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./aria_log.00000001 to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/aria_log.00000001
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./test/tmp_t1.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/test/tmp_t1.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./test/t.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/test/t.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./test/tbig.frm to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/test/tbig.frm
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./test/t.ibd to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/test/t.ibd
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./test/tbig.ibd to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/test/tbig.ibd
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./test/db.opt to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/test/db.opt
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./aria_log_control to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/aria_log_control
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./xtrabackup_info to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/xtrabackup_info
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./performance_schema/db.opt to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/performance_schema/db.opt
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 [01] Moving ./ib_buffer_pool to /home/openxs/dbs/maria10.2/data/ib_buffer_pool
      180715 19:29:47 [01]        ...done
      180715 19:29:47 completed OK!

      Now, if you start server with the datadir content restored from the backup, maybe depending on time to start the loop vs backup process, you can get the following outcome:

      Some table tmp_t{$i} exists and can not be accessed.

      openxs@ao756:~/dbs/maria10.2$ bin/mysql -uroot --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock test
      Reading table information for completion of table and column names
      You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
      Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
      Your MariaDB connection id is 9
      Server version: 10.2.17-MariaDB Source distribution
      Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
      MariaDB [test]> show tables;
      | Tables_in_test |
      | t              |
      | tbig           |
      | tmp_t1         |
      3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      MariaDB [test]> select count(*) from tmp_t1;
      ERROR 1932 (42S02): Table 'test.tmp_t1' doesn't exist in engine

      In this case in the error log we see the following:

      Version: '10.2.17-MariaDB'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  Source distribution
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table `test`.`tmp_t1` in the cache. Attempting to load the tablespace with space id 430
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified.
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot open datafile for read-only: './test/tmp_t1.ibd' OS error: 71
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified.
      2018-07-15 19:30:01 139688247625472 [ERROR] InnoDB: Could not find a valid tablespace file for `test/tmp_t1`. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-troubleshooting-datadict.html for how to resolve the issue.

      MDL lock can not protect the table that had not existed at the moment when MDL locks were set.

      The original instance we do not have these problems after we stop rename loop at any stage.

      I've used MariaDB 10.2.17 built from current source for my tests (this way I get som,e xtra diagnostic outputs for --prepare stage, for example):

      openxs@ao756:~/git/server$ git branch
      * 10.2
      openxs@ao756:~/git/server$ git log -1
      commit 1cc1d0429da14a041a6240c6fce17e0d31cad8e2
      Author: Marko Mцєkelцє <marko.makela@mariadb.com>
      Date:   Sat Jul 7 11:34:26 2018 +0300
          MDEV-16664: Change the default to innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs
          The parameter innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm was introduced in
          MariaDB Server 10.1.19, 10.2.13, 10.3.4 as part of MDEV-11039.
          In MariaDB 10.1, the default value of the parameter is 'fcfs',
          that is, the existing algorithm is used by default. But in
          later versions of MariaDB Server, the parameter was 'vats',
          enabling the new algorithm.
          Because the new algorithm is triggering a debug assertion failure
          that suggests corruption of the transactional lock data structures,
          we will revert to the old algorithm by default until we have
          resolved the problem.
      openxs@ao756:~/git/server$ git pull
      Already up-to-date.

      But the problem happens with 10.2.16 as well.


        Issue Links


            manjot Manjot Singh (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

            I ran this test in 10.2 and replicated it. I then wiped the data and did it again in 10.3 and the same errors occur.

            MariaDB [(none)]> use test;
            Reading table information for completion of table and column names
            You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
            Database changed
            MariaDB [test]> show tables;
            | Tables_in_test |
            | t              |
            | tbig           |
            | tmp_t3         |
            3 rows in set (0.000 sec)
            MariaDB [test]> select count(*) from tmp_t3;
            ERROR 1932 (42S02): Table 'test.tmp_t3' doesn't exist in engine
            MariaDB [test]> select @@version;
            | @@version      |
            | 10.3.8-MariaDB |
            1 row in set (0.000 sec)

            Error log:

            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table `test`.`tmp_t3` in the cache. Attempting to load the tablespace with space id 10
            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.
            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified.
            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot open datafile for read-only: './test/tmp_t3.ibd' OS error: 71
            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.
            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified.
            Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Could not find a valid tablespace file for ``test`.`tmp_t3``. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-troubleshooting-datadict.html for how to resolve the issue.

            manjot Manjot Singh (Inactive) added a comment - - edited I ran this test in 10.2 and replicated it. I then wiped the data and did it again in 10.3 and the same errors occur. MariaDB [(none)]> use test; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A   Database changed MariaDB [test]> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_test | +----------------+ | t | | tbig | | tmp_t3 | +----------------+ 3 rows in set (0.000 sec)   MariaDB [test]> select count(*) from tmp_t3; ERROR 1932 (42S02): Table 'test.tmp_t3' doesn't exist in engine MariaDB [test]> select @@version; +----------------+ | @@version | +----------------+ | 10.3.8-MariaDB | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) Error log: Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Failed to find tablespace for table `test`.`tmp_t3` in the cache. Attempting to load the tablespace with space id 10 Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 2 in a file operation. Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified. Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Cannot open datafile for read-only: './test/tmp_t3.ibd' OS error: 71 Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 2 in a file operation. Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified. Jul 15 20:27:33 ip-10-0-0-158 mysqld: 2018-07-15 20:27:33 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Could not find a valid tablespace file for ``test`.`tmp_t3``. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-troubleshooting-datadict.html for how to resolve the issue.

            InnoDB: Tablespace 430 was not found at ./test/tmp_t1.ibd when restoring a (partial?) backup. All redo log for this file will be ignored!

            this is odd during prepare

            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - InnoDB: Tablespace 430 was not found at ./test/tmp_t1.ibd when restoring a (partial?) backup. All redo log for this file will be ignored! this is odd during prepare
            manjot Manjot Singh (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

            I've rerun the same test with MariaDB 10.2 and XtraBackup 2.4.12-1

            With old_alter_table=1:

            [root@ip-10-0-0-158 ~]# xtrabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbose --backup --lock-ddl-per-table --target-dir=/backup/manjot4/
            xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: 
            xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --user=root --no-version-check=1 --backup=1 --lock-ddl-per-table=1 --target-dir=/backup/manjot4/ 
            180717 20:48:48 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
            Using server version 10.2.16-MariaDB
            xtrabackup version 2.4.12 based on MySQL server 5.7.19 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 170eb8c)
            xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise().
            xtrabackup: cd to /var/lib/mysql/
            xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024
            xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration:
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_file_size = 50331648
            InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
            180717 20:48:48 >> log scanned up to (545264729)
            xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces
            InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 7 for benchmarking1/sbtest1, old maximum was 0
            180717 20:48:49 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
            180717 20:48:49 [01] Copying ./ibdata1 to /backup/manjot4/ibdata1
            180717 20:48:49 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:48:49 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.sbtest1
            180717 20:48:49 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd to /backup/manjot4/benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd
            180717 20:48:49 >> log scanned up to (545291532)
            180717 20:48:50 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:48:50 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.em_agg_group_prediction
            Error: failed to fetch query result SELECT * FROM benchmarking1.em_agg_group_prediction LIMIT 1: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction

            Without old_alter_table=1:
            xtrabackup succeeds at all steps and the tmp table doesn't exist in the restore. but it is not consistent.

            [root@ip-10-0-0-158 ~]# xtrabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbose --backup --lock-ddl-per-table --target-dir=/backup/manjot6/
            xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: 
            xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --user=root --no-version-check=1 --backup=1 --lock-ddl-per-table=1 --target-dir=/backup/manjot6/ 
            180717 20:52:47 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
            Using server version 10.2.16-MariaDB
            xtrabackup version 2.4.12 based on MySQL server 5.7.19 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 170eb8c)
            xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise().
            xtrabackup: cd to /var/lib/mysql/
            xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024
            xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration:
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_file_size = 50331648
            InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
            180717 20:52:47 >> log scanned up to (546542833)
            xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces
            InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 7 for benchmarking1/sbtest1, old maximum was 0
            180717 20:52:48 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set
            180717 20:52:48 [01] Copying ./ibdata1 to /backup/manjot6/ibdata1
            180717 20:52:48 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:48 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.sbtest1
            180717 20:52:48 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd
            180717 20:52:48 >> log scanned up to (546568888)
            180717 20:52:49 >> log scanned up to (546576242)
            180717 20:52:50 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:50 >> log scanned up to (546579248)
            180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.zem_a41
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for mysql.gtid_slave_pos
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd to /backup/manjot6/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for mysql.innodb_index_stats
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for mysql.innodb_table_stats
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Starting to backup non-InnoDB tables and files
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/db.opt to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/db.opt
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/sbtest1.frm to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/sbtest1.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/zem_a41.frm to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/zem_a41.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.frm to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/roles_mapping.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/column_stats.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/table_stats.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/column_stats.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/table_stats.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/column_stats.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/tables_priv.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/columns_priv.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/tables_priv.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/columns_priv.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/tables_priv.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/columns_priv.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/db.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/db.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/db.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/event.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/event.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/event.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/func.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/func.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/func.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.CSM to /backup/manjot6/mysql/general_log.CSM
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.CSV to /backup/manjot6/mysql/general_log.CSV
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/general_log.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_category.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_name.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_category.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_name.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_category.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_name.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_keyword.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_keyword.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_keyword.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_relation.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/user.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_relation.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/user.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_relation.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/user.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_topic.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_topic.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_topic.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/host.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/host.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/host.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/index_stats.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/index_stats.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/index_stats.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proxies_priv.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proxies_priv.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/roles_mapping.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/plugin.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/plugin.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/plugin.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proc.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proc.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proc.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/procs_priv.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/procs_priv.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/procs_priv.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proxies_priv.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/roles_mapping.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/servers.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/servers.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/servers.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.CSM to /backup/manjot6/mysql/slow_log.CSM
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.CSV to /backup/manjot6/mysql/slow_log.CSV
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/slow_log.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/table_stats.MYD
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./performance_schema/db.opt to /backup/manjot6/performance_schema/db.opt
            180717 20:52:51 [01]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Finished backing up non-InnoDB tables and files
            180717 20:52:51 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG ENGINE LOGS...
            xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '546353499'
            xtrabackup: Stopping log copying thread.
            .180717 20:52:51 >> log scanned up to (546589496)
            180717 20:52:51 Executing UNLOCK TABLES
            180717 20:52:51 All tables unlocked
            180717 20:52:51 [00] Copying ib_buffer_pool to /backup/manjot6/ib_buffer_pool
            180717 20:52:51 [00]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Backup created in directory '/backup/manjot6/'
            180717 20:52:51 [00] Writing /backup/manjot6/backup-my.cnf
            180717 20:52:51 [00]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 [00] Writing /backup/manjot6/xtrabackup_info
            180717 20:52:51 [00]        ...done
            180717 20:52:51 Unlocking MDL for all tablesxtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (546353499) to (546589496) was copied.
            180717 20:52:51 completed OK!
            [root@ip-10-0-0-158 ~]# xtrabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbose --prepare --target-dir=/backup/manjot5/
            xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: --innodb_checksum_algorithm=crc32 --innodb_log_checksum_algorithm=strict_crc32 --innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:12M:autoextend --innodb_log_files_in_group=2 --innodb_log_file_size=50331648 --innodb_fast_checksum=0 --innodb_page_size=16384 --innodb_log_block_size=512 --innodb_undo_directory=./ --innodb_undo_tablespaces=0 --server-id=0 --redo-log-version=1 
            xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --innodb_checksum_algorithm=crc32 --innodb_log_checksum_algorithm=strict_crc32 --innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:12M:autoextend --innodb_log_files_in_group=2 --innodb_log_file_size=50331648 --innodb_fast_checksum=0 --innodb_page_size=16384 --innodb_log_block_size=512 --innodb_undo_directory=./ --innodb_undo_tablespaces=0 --server-id=0 --redo-log-version=1 --user=root --no-version-check=1 --prepare=1 --target-dir=/backup/manjot5/ 
            xtrabackup version 2.4.12 based on MySQL server 5.7.19 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 170eb8c)
            xtrabackup: cd to /backup/manjot5/
            xtrabackup: This target seems to be not prepared yet.
            InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
            xtrabackup: xtrabackup_logfile detected: size=8388608, start_lsn=(545459152)
            xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_files_in_group = 1
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_file_size = 8388608
            xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_files_in_group = 1
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_file_size = 8388608
            xtrabackup: Starting InnoDB instance for recovery.
            xtrabackup: Using 104857600 bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter)
            InnoDB: PUNCH HOLE support available
            InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
            InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
            InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier
            InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7
            InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
            InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
            InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 100M, instances = 1, chunk size = 100M
            InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
            InnoDB: page_cleaner coordinator priority: -20
            InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
            InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 545459152
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 236, since the redo log references ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd with space ID 227.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 228. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 228 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 228. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a1.ibd' with space ID 228. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 229. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 229 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 228 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 229. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a2.ibd' with space ID 229. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 230. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 230 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 229 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 230. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a3.ibd' with space ID 230. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 231. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 231 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 230 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 231. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a4.ibd' with space ID 231. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 232. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 232 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 231 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 232. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a5.ibd' with space ID 232. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 233. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 233 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 232 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 233. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a6.ibd' with space ID 233. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 234. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 234 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 233 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 234. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a7.ibd' with space ID 234. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 235. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 235 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again.
            InnoDB:  Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 234 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/tmp_a8.ibd' with space ID 236. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 235. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a8.ibd' with space ID 235. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 235 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a9.ibd' with space ID 236. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 237. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a9.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 236 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a10.ibd' with space ID 237. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 238. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a10.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 237 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a11.ibd' with space ID 238. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 239. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a11.ibd exists with the same space ID.
            InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 545788695 (4%)
            InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 238 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.
            InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!
            InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
            InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database...
            InnoDB: Progress in percent: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 
            InnoDB: Apply batch completed
            InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
            InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
            InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
            InnoDB: 96 redo rollback segment(s) found. 1 redo rollback segment(s) are active.
            InnoDB: 32 non-redo rollback segment(s) are active.
            InnoDB: 5.7.19 started; log sequence number 545788695
            xtrabackup: starting shutdown with innodb_fast_shutdown = 1
            InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting.
            InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
            InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 545791816
            InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
            xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery:
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = .
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
            xtrabackup:   innodb_log_file_size = 50331648
            InnoDB: PUNCH HOLE support available
            InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
            InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
            InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier
            InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7
            InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
            InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
            InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 100M, instances = 1, chunk size = 100M
            InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
            InnoDB: page_cleaner coordinator priority: -20
            InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 48 MB
            InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 size to 48 MB
            InnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0
            InnoDB: New log files created, LSN=545791816
            InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
            InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 545792012
            InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 545792021 (0%)
            InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!
            InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
            InnoDB: Removed temporary tablespace data file: "ibtmp1"
            InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
            InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
            InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
            InnoDB: 96 redo rollback segment(s) found. 1 redo rollback segment(s) are active.
            InnoDB: 32 non-redo rollback segment(s) are active.
            InnoDB: 5.7.19 started; log sequence number 545792021
            xtrabackup: starting shutdown with innodb_fast_shutdown = 1
            InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting.
            InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
            InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 545792040
            180717 20:53:28 completed OK!

            manjot Manjot Singh (Inactive) added a comment - - edited I've rerun the same test with MariaDB 10.2 and XtraBackup 2.4.12-1 With old_alter_table=1: [root@ip-10-0-0-158 ~]# xtrabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbose --backup --lock-ddl-per-table --target-dir=/backup/manjot4/ xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --user=root --no-version-check=1 --backup=1 --lock-ddl-per-table=1 --target-dir=/backup/manjot4/ 180717 20:48:48 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set Using server version 10.2.16-MariaDB xtrabackup version 2.4.12 based on MySQL server 5.7.19 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 170eb8c) xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise(). xtrabackup: cd to /var/lib/mysql/ xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024 xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./ xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 50331648 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 180717 20:48:48 >> log scanned up to (545264729) xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 7 for benchmarking1/sbtest1, old maximum was 0 180717 20:48:49 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set 180717 20:48:49 [01] Copying ./ibdata1 to /backup/manjot4/ibdata1 180717 20:48:49 [01] ...done 180717 20:48:49 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.sbtest1 180717 20:48:49 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd to /backup/manjot4/benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd 180717 20:48:49 >> log scanned up to (545291532) 180717 20:48:50 [01] ...done 180717 20:48:50 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.em_agg_group_prediction Error: failed to fetch query result SELECT * FROM benchmarking1.em_agg_group_prediction LIMIT 1: Table definition has changed, please retry transaction Without old_alter_table=1: xtrabackup succeeds at all steps and the tmp table doesn't exist in the restore. but it is not consistent. [root@ip-10-0-0-158 ~]# xtrabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbose --backup --lock-ddl-per-table --target-dir=/backup/manjot6/ xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --user=root --no-version-check=1 --backup=1 --lock-ddl-per-table=1 --target-dir=/backup/manjot6/ 180717 20:52:47 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set Using server version 10.2.16-MariaDB xtrabackup version 2.4.12 based on MySQL server 5.7.19 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 170eb8c) xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise(). xtrabackup: cd to /var/lib/mysql/ xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024 xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./ xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 50331648 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 180717 20:52:47 >> log scanned up to (546542833) xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 7 for benchmarking1/sbtest1, old maximum was 0 180717 20:52:48 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: not set 180717 20:52:48 [01] Copying ./ibdata1 to /backup/manjot6/ibdata1 180717 20:52:48 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:48 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.sbtest1 180717 20:52:48 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/sbtest1.ibd 180717 20:52:48 >> log scanned up to (546568888) 180717 20:52:49 >> log scanned up to (546576242) 180717 20:52:50 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:50 >> log scanned up to (546579248) 180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for benchmarking1.zem_a41 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for mysql.gtid_slave_pos 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd to /backup/manjot6/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.ibd 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for mysql.innodb_index_stats 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Locking MDL for mysql.innodb_table_stats 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Starting to backup non-InnoDB tables and files 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/db.opt to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/db.opt 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/sbtest1.frm to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/sbtest1.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/zem_a41.frm to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/zem_a41.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.frm to /backup/manjot6/benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/roles_mapping.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/column_stats.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/table_stats.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/column_stats.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/table_stats.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/column_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/column_stats.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/tables_priv.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/columns_priv.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/tables_priv.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/columns_priv.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/tables_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/tables_priv.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/columns_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/columns_priv.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/db.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/db.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/db.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/db.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/event.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/event.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/event.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/event.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/func.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/func.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/func.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/func.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.CSM to /backup/manjot6/mysql/general_log.CSM 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.CSV to /backup/manjot6/mysql/general_log.CSV 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/general_log.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/general_log.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/gtid_slave_pos.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_category.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_name.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_category.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_name.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_category.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_category.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_name.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_name.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_keyword.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_keyword.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_keyword.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_keyword.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_relation.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/user.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_relation.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/user.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_relation.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_relation.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/user.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/user.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_topic.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_topic.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/help_topic.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/help_topic.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/host.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/host.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/host.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/host.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/index_stats.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/index_stats.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/index_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/index_stats.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proxies_priv.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proxies_priv.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/roles_mapping.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/plugin.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/plugin.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/plugin.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/plugin.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proc.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proc.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proc.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proc.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/procs_priv.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/procs_priv.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/procs_priv.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/procs_priv.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/proxies_priv.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/roles_mapping.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/roles_mapping.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/servers.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/servers.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/servers.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/servers.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.CSM to /backup/manjot6/mysql/slow_log.CSM 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.CSV to /backup/manjot6/mysql/slow_log.CSV 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/slow_log.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/slow_log.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/table_stats.MYD to /backup/manjot6/mysql/table_stats.MYD 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.MYI 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm to /backup/manjot6/mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [01] Copying ./performance_schema/db.opt to /backup/manjot6/performance_schema/db.opt 180717 20:52:51 [01] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Finished backing up non-InnoDB tables and files 180717 20:52:51 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG ENGINE LOGS... xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '546353499' xtrabackup: Stopping log copying thread. .180717 20:52:51 >> log scanned up to (546589496)   180717 20:52:51 Executing UNLOCK TABLES 180717 20:52:51 All tables unlocked 180717 20:52:51 [00] Copying ib_buffer_pool to /backup/manjot6/ib_buffer_pool 180717 20:52:51 [00] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Backup created in directory '/backup/manjot6/' 180717 20:52:51 [00] Writing /backup/manjot6/backup-my.cnf 180717 20:52:51 [00] ...done 180717 20:52:51 [00] Writing /backup/manjot6/xtrabackup_info 180717 20:52:51 [00] ...done 180717 20:52:51 Unlocking MDL for all tablesxtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (546353499) to (546589496) was copied. 180717 20:52:51 completed OK! [root@ip-10-0-0-158 ~]# xtrabackup -uroot --no-version-check --verbose --prepare --target-dir=/backup/manjot5/ xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: --innodb_checksum_algorithm=crc32 --innodb_log_checksum_algorithm=strict_crc32 --innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:12M:autoextend --innodb_log_files_in_group=2 --innodb_log_file_size=50331648 --innodb_fast_checksum=0 --innodb_page_size=16384 --innodb_log_block_size=512 --innodb_undo_directory=./ --innodb_undo_tablespaces=0 --server-id=0 --redo-log-version=1 xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --innodb_checksum_algorithm=crc32 --innodb_log_checksum_algorithm=strict_crc32 --innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:12M:autoextend --innodb_log_files_in_group=2 --innodb_log_file_size=50331648 --innodb_fast_checksum=0 --innodb_page_size=16384 --innodb_log_block_size=512 --innodb_undo_directory=./ --innodb_undo_tablespaces=0 --server-id=0 --redo-log-version=1 --user=root --no-version-check=1 --prepare=1 --target-dir=/backup/manjot5/ xtrabackup version 2.4.12 based on MySQL server 5.7.19 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 170eb8c) xtrabackup: cd to /backup/manjot5/ xtrabackup: This target seems to be not prepared yet. InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 xtrabackup: xtrabackup_logfile detected: size=8388608, start_lsn=(545459152) xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 1 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 8388608 xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 1 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 8388608 xtrabackup: Starting InnoDB instance for recovery. xtrabackup: Using 104857600 bytes for buffer pool (set by --use-memory parameter) InnoDB: PUNCH HOLE support available InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins InnoDB: Uses event mutexes InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 100M, instances = 1, chunk size = 100M InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool InnoDB: page_cleaner coordinator priority: -20 InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda. InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 545459152 InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 236, since the redo log references ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd with space ID 227. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 228. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 228 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 228. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a1.ibd' with space ID 228. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a0.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 229. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 229 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 228 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 229. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a2.ibd' with space ID 229. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a1.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 230. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 230 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 229 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 230. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a3.ibd' with space ID 230. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a2.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 231. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 231 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 230 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 231. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a4.ibd' with space ID 231. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a3.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 232. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 232 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 231 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 232. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a5.ibd' with space ID 232. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a4.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 233. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 233 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 232 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 233. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a6.ibd' with space ID 233. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a5.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 234. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 234 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 233 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 234. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a7.ibd' with space ID 234. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a6.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 235. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot rename './benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd' to './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' for space ID 235 because the target file exists. Remove the target file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot replay file rename. Remove either file and try again. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 234 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/tmp_a8.ibd' with space ID 236. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 235. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a8.ibd' with space ID 235. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a7.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 235 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a9.ibd' with space ID 236. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 237. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a9.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 236 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a10.ibd' with space ID 237. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 238. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a10.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 237 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/zem_a11.ibd' with space ID 238. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Ignoring data file './benchmarking1/em_agg_group_prediction.ibd' with space ID 239. Another data file called ./benchmarking1/tmp_a11.ibd exists with the same space ID. InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 545788695 (4%) InnoDB: Cannot delete tablespace 238 because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache. InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally! InnoDB: Starting crash recovery. InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database... InnoDB: Progress in percent: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 InnoDB: Apply batch completed InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ... InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB. InnoDB: 96 redo rollback segment(s) found. 1 redo rollback segment(s) are active. InnoDB: 32 non-redo rollback segment(s) are active. InnoDB: 5.7.19 started; log sequence number 545788695   xtrabackup: starting shutdown with innodb_fast_shutdown = 1 InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting. InnoDB: Starting shutdown... InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 545791816 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration for recovery: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 50331648 InnoDB: PUNCH HOLE support available InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins InnoDB: Uses event mutexes InnoDB: GCC builtin __atomic_thread_fence() is used for memory barrier InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 100M, instances = 1, chunk size = 100M InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool InnoDB: page_cleaner coordinator priority: -20 InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 48 MB InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 size to 48 MB InnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0 InnoDB: New log files created, LSN=545791816 InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda. InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 545792012 InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 545792021 (0%) InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally! InnoDB: Starting crash recovery. InnoDB: Removed temporary tablespace data file: "ibtmp1" InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ... InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB. InnoDB: 96 redo rollback segment(s) found. 1 redo rollback segment(s) are active. InnoDB: 32 non-redo rollback segment(s) are active. InnoDB: 5.7.19 started; log sequence number 545792021 xtrabackup: starting shutdown with innodb_fast_shutdown = 1 InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting. InnoDB: Starting shutdown... InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 545792040 180717 20:53:28 completed OK!

            Running the test with old_alter_table=1 and mariabackup 10.2.16 we get the exact same output as in the ticket report.

            The tmp table is there but "doesn't exist in engine"

            manjot Manjot Singh (Inactive) added a comment - Running the test with old_alter_table=1 and mariabackup 10.2.16 we get the exact same output as in the ticket report. The tmp table is there but "doesn't exist in engine"
            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - - edited

            Closing in favor of more general MDEV-16791

            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - - edited Closing in favor of more general MDEV-16791


              wlad Vladislav Vaintroub
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