Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Not a Bug
10.0.34, 10.0(EOL), 10.1(EOL), 10.2(EOL), 10.3(EOL)
When two GTIDs get to the same Slave like for example via a multisource setup one of the two is discarded if you have gtid_ignore_duplicates=ON.
This is fine.
Also there is no guarantee on via which multisource channel each GTID arrives and it's processed first, they are all written in the per-source relay log and processed asynchronously, this is also fine.
If you have a good replication setup you probably have put in place replication filters so that duplicate transactions are not applied twice on the same slave(they still are copied from the Master into the relay logs). With GTID the option gtid_ignore_duplicates can save you, but with traditional coordinates you risk to apply twice the same transactions.
For this reason a setup that can lead the same transaction to reach to same multisource slave should have a `replication_wild_do|ignore` filter to avoid this (unless you are implementing a sort of custom highly available replication setup).
The problem happens exactly when you setup a filter, the piece of code that checks for duplicates apparently(at least from my limited understanding) is not aware that GTIDs coming from the channel with the filter won't be actually applied, so if the channel without the filter arrives second on a specific GTID it will be considered as duplicate and not applied, with the result of having missing transactions.
I attach a picture of the setup and the log of some testing I executed amending sql/ to add some extra debug prints.
For reference:
This is a strange setup, unless I'm missing something. The jpg says, "REPLICATION FILTER B2C such as no transactions coming from A via B have to be applied on C, also because they're supposed to reach C directly via the A2C replication channel. e.g. B2C - replicate_wild_do_tables='dummy%.%'."
But doesn't it actually ensure that no transactions coming from B are applied on C at all, either originated from A or from B? And if so, then what's the point in this complicated setup – if you don't want to apply any transactions from B on C, then why have B->C replication at all?
But the strange setup aside, the effect itself is of course easily reproducible, it doesn't even require a concurrent test, an MTR test will do, just let B2C replication work first, and only then start A2C – events from A won't be replicated. I don't know if it was really designed to be so or just happened to be, either way it doesn't seem to contradict any existing documentation. I'll leave it to Elkin to decide whether it's a bug or not, and if it's to be fixed, then in which versions – feel free to adjust Fix Version/s accordingly.