Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
centos 7
when we switched from rsync sst method to mariabackup and forced an sst the sst failed with the following error message, which is not easy to see/find:
[root@notebook31 .sst]# tail innobackup.move.log
180322 17:37:22 innobackupex: Starting the move-back operation
IMPORTANT: Please check that the move-back run completes successfully.
At the end of a successful move-back run innobackupex
prints "completed OK!".
--innobackupex based on MariaDB server 10.2.13-MariaDB Linux (x86_64)
Error: datadir must be specified.
Maybe it is possible to write down datadir automatically in my.cnf when mariadb is rolled out via RPM?
Issue Links
- relates to
MDEV-23580 galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_rsync_section MTR failed: WSREP_SST: [ERROR] rsync daemon port '16008' has been taken
- Closed
MDEV-25669 SST scripts should check all server groups in configuration files
- Closed
I had the exact same problem while setting up SST tests. It gets especially nasty when you run more than one node on the same machine.
I wouldn't go as far as writing something into a cnf file, and besides it's not a general solution. The behavior is dangerous in general, since you might be running a node from a non-default location, but innobackupex still tries to get the datadir directly from the default cnf files – even if the wrapping SST script knows the datadir location, it doesn't pass it to innobackupex. So, I think it needs to be fixed in the SST script if at all possible.