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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-14505

Threads_running becomes scalability bottleneck


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.5(EOL), 10.0(EOL), 10.1(EOL), 10.2(EOL), 10.3(EOL)
    • 10.3.3
    • Server


      thread_running is global shared variable, which is updated twice per query in dispatch_command() using atomic-add.

      It started to appear on radar in OLTP RO benchmark. E.g here're numbers for 2 socket/20 cores/40 threads Intel Broadwell system:

         0,70%  mysqld               [.] dispatch_command
             │      inline void thread_safe_increment32(int32 *value)
             │      {
             │        (void) my_atomic_add32_explicit(value, 1, MY_MEMORY_ORDER_RELAXED);
        0,59 │ 680:   lea    thread_running,%rax
       16,07 │        lock   addl   $0x1,(%rax)

      If we remove inc_thread_running() and dec_thread_running() we get slightly better throughput and dispatch_command() goes down in profiler:

         0,58%  mysqld               [.] dispatch_command
             │      /* increment query_id and return it.  */
             │      inline __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) query_id_t next_query_id()
             │      {
             │        return my_atomic_add64_explicit(&global_query_id, 1, MY_MEMORY_ORDER_RELAXED);
        0,49 │ 290:   mov    $0x1,%edx
       18,02 │        lock   xadd   %rdx,(%r14)

      So bottleneck is shifted to global_query_id counter, which is subject for another bug.

      I expect much higher scalability impact on more powerful hardware.


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            ssethia, dthompson FYI: I added this under MDEV-14442, because it may have negative impact for ARM as well. Nevertheless it is generic scalability bottleneck, so feel free to move it out of scope of arm64 optimisations.

            svoj Sergey Vojtovich added a comment - ssethia , dthompson FYI: I added this under MDEV-14442 , because it may have negative impact for ARM as well. Nevertheless it is generic scalability bottleneck, so feel free to move it out of scope of arm64 optimisations.

            Patch was approved by wlad.

            svoj Sergey Vojtovich added a comment - Patch was approved by wlad .


              svoj Sergey Vojtovich
              svoj Sergey Vojtovich
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