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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-13079

Table x contains y indexes inside InnoDB, which is different from MySQL




      Can someone confirm that the bug from MySQL link title is fix?

      Test case based on the upstream bug (change n as needed):

      --source include/have_innodb.inc
      drop table if exists t1;
      create table t1(a int,b int,c int)engine=innodb;
      drop procedure if exists p1;
      --delimiter $
      create procedure p1()
        declare n int default 100;
        declare continue handler for sqlexception begin end;
          set n= n-1;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 add unique key a(a); end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 add key b(b); end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 add unique key ba(b,a); end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 add key cba(c,b,a); end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 add key abc(a,b,c); end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 add key cb(c,b); end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 drop key a; end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 drop key b; end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 drop key ba; end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 drop key cba; end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 drop key abc; end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then alter ignore table t1 drop key cb; end if;
          if rand()>0.5 then show table status like 't1'; end if;
        until n=0 end repeat;
      end $
      --delimiter ;
      call p1(); 
      --connect (con1,localhost,root,,)
      call p1();
      --disconnect con1
      --connection default
      drop procedure p1;
      drop table t1;

      170921 18:25:54 [ERROR] Table test/t1 contains 1 indexes inside InnoDB, which is different from the number of indexes 0 defined in the MySQL 
      170921 18:26:01 [ERROR] Table test/t1 contains 3 indexes inside InnoDB, which is different from the number of indexes 2 defined in the MySQL 
      170921 18:26:02 [ERROR] Table test/t1 contains 2 indexes inside InnoDB, which is different from the number of indexes 1 defined in the MySQL 
      170921 18:26:07 [ERROR] Table test/t1 contains 1 indexes inside InnoDB, which is different from the number of indexes 0 defined in the MySQL 




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