In order to validate the rest of the container image, I've re-build with the latest 10.11 but a downgraded version of libmariadb down to fb0eea663ac3f8c89cd96a0f32204e950003cb9c, right before the GnuTLS update.
cmake . -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DRPM=rhel7
Comparing my results to the latest 10.11 release on RH7 i.e.
I don't have:
For galera-4, it will be solved once we run a galera build on the RH7 container.
I don't understand how ended up on the mirror. cvicentiu any idea?
Other notable changes:
For OQGRAPH I had to downgrade Judy a lot of minor releases to find something that will install on RH7.
Normally, for RH 8 and 9 we use Judy-1.0.5-31.fc38 , see:
But on RH7, RPM is too old for this version of Judy to install.
ERROR You need to update rpm to handle:
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1 is needed by Judy-devel-1.0.5-31.fc38.x86_64
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1 is needed by Judy-1.0.5-31.fc38.x86_64
So I used the one purposed for el7 (enterprise-linux 7) which is:
yum -y install
"" \
Here, cvicentiu I don't know how downgrading Judy will affect us and I can't find any old-bb logs on RH7 to see what was installed there. On new-bb, we never had Judy on RH7, until I discovered the issue now. 
faust can you please re-create the RHEL 7.9 VM ? We only need AMD64. Can be a subtask here.
I've almost found out a solution for container images.