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  1. MariaDB Foundation Development
  2. MDBF-518

Diffrences between Debian Salsa and Buildbot testing



    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • N/A
    • None
    • Buildbot, debian
    • None


      Debian Salsa-CI and Buildbot has lot's of differences and they are documented here. These are only from Debian version 10.6 and if there is some major like 10.11 then it's mentioned.

      Source pre-tests

      These test


      This test uses Seravo Gnitpick which nitpick commits language.

      Command which is run is:

      gnitpick --target-repository https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-server.git --target-branch debian/latest

      This test can fail


      This test depends on Debian package git devscripts python3-debian
      Checks if there is no unaddressed patches in debian/patches directory.

      if [ "$(find debian/patches/ -type f -not -name series | wc -l)" -eq "$(cat debian/patches/series | wc -l)" ]

      and after that it runs wrap-and-sort-command which does (taken from man page):

      wrap-and-sort wraps the package lists in Debian control files. By default the lists will only split into multiple lines if the entries are longer than the maximum line length limit of 79 characters. wrap-and-sort sorts the package lists in Debian

      command which does this is:

      wrap-and-sort -a

      What it mostly does it makes sure that files are in alphabetical order under debian-directory and takes care or debian/control that it does not contain rows over 80-bytes long


      build bullseye-backports

      This is not the test but builds Debian 11 version of MariaDB and it's used on later tests after build is done

      build buster-backports

      This is not the test but builds Debian 10 version of MariaDB and it's used on later tests after build is done. This one is available on MariaDB 10.6 and after that there can't be Buster version because of change of dependencies.

      Upgrading and install


      Autopkg is different from other tests as it is run inside of LXC virtualization (inside of docker container) and not straightly inside docker container as rest of the tests. Good thing about this is that there is possibility to use systemd and goodies. Autopkg test runs tests that are located under debian/tests/

      Git repository for LXC image is https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/autopkgtest-lxc

      LXC image used is (for Sid): https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/autopkgtest-lxc/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/artifacts/lxc.tar?job=sid

      Command which is executed is (for debci you can read here:

      su -P debci -c "debci localtest $WORKING_DIR/*.changes --suite ${RELEASE} --logs-dir ${DEBCI_LOG_PATH}" || ( ret=$?; [ $ret -eq 8 ] || [ $ret -eq 2 ] )

      Where RELEASE is something like buster and DEBCI_LOG_PATH comes from Salsa-CI env variables. Under debian/tests there is currently two tests and then control file where dependencies are collected for these tests.

      smoke test

      Smoke test creates use and database and test weather compression plugins are available then it checks if RocksDB is available

      upstream test

      It runs MariaDB test suite and it has unstable-tests for tests that does not work


      Piuparts is QA tool which installs and uninstalls all the deb packages created in building process

      Piuparts needs some of tooling before running inside docker. CHROOT is not chroot as we are inside container is set up as CHROOT_PATH="/tmp/debian-chroot"

      mknod -m 666 ${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/urandom c 1 9
      mkdir -p /srv/local-apt-repository/ && cp -a ${WORKING_DIR}/*.deb /srv/local-apt-repository/ && /usr/lib/local-apt-repository/rebuild
      mkdir -p ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc-target/apt/sources.list.d ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc-target/apt/preferences.d
      cp -Hv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/local-apt-repository.list ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc-target/apt/sources.list.d/
      cp -aTLv /etc/apt/preferences.d  ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc-target/apt/preferences.d
      cp -aTLv /srv/local-apt-repository ${CHROOT_PATH}/srv/local-apt-repository
      cp -aTLv /var/lib/local-apt-repository/ ${CHROOT_PATH}/var/lib/local-apt-repository/
      add_extra_repository.sh -v -e "${SALSA_CI_EXTRA_REPOSITORY}" -k "${SALSA_CI_EXTRA_REPOSITORY_KEY}" -t "${CHROOT_PATH}/etc-target"
      sed  '/ localhost/' /etc/hosts > ${CHROOT_PATH}/etc/hosts

      After these it's run against build deb packages:

      (for PACKAGE in $(ls ${WORKING_DIR}/*.deb); do
              piuparts --mirror "${SALSA_CI_MIRROR} ${SALSA_CI_COMPONENTS}" ${SALSA_CI_PIUPARTS_ARGS} --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts --allow-database --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge --hard-link -e ${CHROOT_PATH} ${PIUPARTS_DISTRIBUTION_ARG} ${PACKAGE}
            done) | filter-output


      BLHC stands for build log hardening check, checks build logs for missing hardening flags which blhc is a small tool which checks build logs for missing hardening flags.

      Command behind it is:

       blhc --debian --line-numbers --color ${SALSA_CI_BLHC_ARGS} ${WORKING_DIR}/*.build


      Lintian is tool to spot problems in Deb-packages. It's little bit conversational as it's tries to keep up with Debian packaging documentation but it's also mixed with good practices.

      Command to run lintian

      lintian --suppress-tags --display-info --pedantic --fail-on error --allow-root ${WORKING_DIR}/*.changes | tee lintian.output || ECODE=$?


      Missing breaks tool is Python code which lives outside of Debian package and can be found here. I checks packages to have correct Breaks/Conflicts that they can be installed and uninstalled

      Command to run

      check_for_missing_breaks_replaces.py -o ${WORKING_DIR}/missing_breaks.xml --changes-file ${WORKING_DIR}/*.changes


      RC bugs tries to find if there is open RC bugs in Debian bug database for the package. Script can be found here

      Command to run

      check_rc_bugs.py -v -o ${WORKING_DIR}/rc_bugs.xml --changes-file ${WORKING_DIR}/*.changes

      test basic features

      Test basic feature test some MariaDB basic features. It tries to see if MariaDB is functioning ok after fresh install.

      print info about server

       mariadb --skip-column-names -e "select @@version, @@version_comment"
       mariadb --skip-column-names -e "select engine, support, transactions, savepoints from information_schema.engines order by engine" | sort
       mariadb --skip-column-names -e "select plugin_name, plugin_status, plugin_type, plugin_library, plugin_license from information_schema.all_plugins order by plugin_name, plugin_library"

      Test various features

      mariadb -e "CREATE DATABASE db"
      mariadb -e "CREATE TABLE db.t_innodb(a1 SERIAL, c1 CHAR(8)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO db.t_innodb VALUES (1,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(2,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "CREATE TABLE db.t_myisam(a2 SERIAL, c2 CHAR(8)) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO db.t_myisam VALUES (1,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(2,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "CREATE TABLE db.t_aria(a3 SERIAL, c3 CHAR(8)) ENGINE=Aria; INSERT INTO db.t_aria VALUES (1,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(2,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "CREATE TABLE db.t_memory(a4 SERIAL, c4 CHAR(8)) ENGINE=MEMORY; INSERT INTO db.t_memory VALUES (1,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(2,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "CREATE ALGORITHM=MERGE VIEW db.v_merge AS SELECT * FROM db.t_innodb, db.t_myisam, db.t_aria"
      mariadb -e "CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE VIEW db.v_temptable AS SELECT * FROM db.t_innodb, db.t_myisam, db.t_aria"
      mariadb -e "CREATE PROCEDURE db.p() SELECT * FROM db.v_merge"

      Test that the features still work (this step can be done e.g. after an upgrade)

      mariadb -e "SHOW TABLES IN db"
      mariadb -e "SELECT * FROM db.t_innodb; INSERT INTO db.t_innodb VALUES (3,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(4,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "SELECT * FROM db.t_myisam; INSERT INTO db.t_myisam VALUES (3,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(4,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "SELECT * FROM db.t_aria; INSERT INTO db.t_aria VALUES (3,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(4,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "SELECT * FROM db.t_memory; INSERT INTO db.t_memory VALUES (3,'"'"'foo'"'"'),(4,'"'"'bar'"'"')"
      mariadb -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.v_merge"
      mariadb -e "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.v_temptable"
      mariadb -e "CALL db.p()"
      mariadb -e "SELECT db.f()"

      Test TLS connections

      dpkg -l | grep -i -e tls -e ssl
      # Create user for TCP connection, must have password
       mariadb -e "SET PASSWORD FOR 'mysql'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('asdf234');"
      cat <<EOF > /root/.my.cnf
      export CERT_PATH=/usr/share/mysql/mysql-test/std_data
      openssl verify -CAfile $CERT_PATH/cacert.pem $CERT_PATH/server-cert.pem
      openssl x509 -subject -issuer -noout -in $CERT_PATH/cacert.pem
      openssl x509 -subject -issuer -noout -in $CERT_PATH/server-cert.pem
      cat <<EOF > /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/tls.cnf
      ssl = on
      ssl-ca = $CERT_PATH/cacert.pem
      ssl-cert = $CERT_PATH/server-cert.pem
      ssl-key = $CERT_PATH/server-key.pem
      require-secure-transport = on
      ssl-verify-server-cert = on
      service mariadb restart
      mariadb -Bse 'STATUS' | tee result
      # Ensure important values present, otherwise fail job
      grep --quiet "localhost via TCP/IP" result
      mariadb -Bse 'SHOW VARIABLES' | grep -e tls -e ssl | tee result
      grep --quiet "have_ssl	YES" result
      grep --quiet TLSv1.3 result
      mariadb -Bse 'SHOW SESSION STATUS' | grep -i -e tls -e ssl | tee result
      grep --quiet TLSv1.3 result

      fresh install

      Installs build packages to container and tests if server is up and running with service mariadb status and

      mkdir -p debug # Ensure dir exists before using it
      find /var/lib/mysql -ls > debug/var-lib-mysql.list || true # Ignore errors about "no such file or directory"
      cp -ra /etc/mysql debug/etc-mysql
      cp -ra /var/log/mysql debug/var-log-mysql
      mariadb --skip-column-names -e "select @@version, @@version_comment" # Show version
      mariadb --table -e "SHOW DATABASES;" # List databases
      mariadb --table -e "SELECT host,user,plugin,authentication_string FROM user;" mysql
      mariadb --table -e "SELECT * FROM plugin;" mysql
      mariadb --table -e "SHOW PLUGINS;" mysql
      # Test that InnoDB works and that command 'mysql' is also still usable

      build mariadbclient consumer Python-MySQLdb

      Builds MariaDB Python 3.x client library against build debs

      pkg-config --cflags --libs mysqlclient # See what MySQLdb builds with
      apt-get install -y python3-pip
      pip3 install mysqlclient # Compiles module against libmysqlclient
      apt-get purge -y libmariadb-dev # Not needed for run-time
      python3 -c "import MySQLdb; print(MySQLdb.get_client_info())"

      Upgrade MariaDB

      default-libmysqlclient-dev Sid upgrade

      Install Debian default-libmysqlclient-dev package and then libmariadb-packages over them


      apt-get install -y pkg-config default-libmysqlclient-dev default-libmysqld-dev
      pkg-config --list-all

      Install all libraries over them. This is also function that is re-used in several tests

      apt-get install -y ./libmariadb3_*.deb ./libmariadb-dev_*.deb ./libmariadb-dev-compat_*.deb ./libmariadbd19_*.deb ./libmariadbd-dev_*.deb ./mariadb-common_*.deb

      upgrade default-libmysqlclient-dev and Bullseye (also Buster)

      Same as above but uses Buster or Bullseye packages in test

      libmysql* to libmariadb* upgrade

      Can libmariadb* be installed over libmysql* packages

      apt-get install -y pkg-config libmysqlclient-dev
      pkg-config --list-all
      pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient # mysqlclient.pc from original package
      apt-get install -y ./libmariadb3_*.deb ./mariadb-common_*.deb
      pkg-config --list-all
      apt-get install -y ./libmariadb-dev_*.deb
      pkg-config --list-all
      apt-get install -y ./libmariadb-dev-compat_*.deb
      pkg-config --cflags mysqlclient # mysqlclient.pc from compat package
      pkg-config --list-all
      apt-get install -y ./libmariadbd19_*.deb
      pkg-config --list-all
      apt-get install -y ./libmariadbd-dev_*.deb
      pkg-config --list-all
      apt-get install -y default-libmysqlclient-dev default-libmysqld-dev

      Upgrading in distro

      Upgrading distro packages are done in Bullseye and Buster images. First they install distro version on MariaDB. In Buster version is 10.3 and in Bullseye version is 10.5. They goes nearly the same as next chapter but they are just not done in Sid.

      This command is used to install distro packages

      apt-get install -y 'default-mysql*' 'mariadb-*' 'libmariadb*'

      Upgrading from MariaDB versions

      Salsa-CI has upgrading tests from 10.2-10.6 (currently Debian Sid contains 10.6 version). Most of them goes the same.

      For example 10.3 goes like this

      apt-get -qq install --no-install-recommends --yes ca-certificates curl
      curl -sS https://mariadb.org/mariadb_release_signing_key.asc -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mariadb.asc
      echo "deb https://archive.mariadb.org/mariadb-10.3/repo/debian ${RELEASE} main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list
      apt-get update -qq
      apt-get install -y mariadb-server-10.3
      service mysql status
      # Give the mariadb-upgrade plenty of time to complete, otherwise next commands
      # fail on non-existing mariadb.sys user
      sleep 15




            illuusio Tuukka Pasanen
            illuusio Tuukka Pasanen
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              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Remaining Estimate - 0d
                Time Spent - 5h