create schema coltest; use coltest;
drop table if exists test_mult;
create table test_mult (
indemnity_paid int(11),
n_clms tinyint(3) unsigned
) engine=columnstore;
insert into test_mult (indemnity_paid, n_clms) values (-10, 1);
select indemnity_paid, n_clms, indemnity_paid * n_clms from test_mult;
| indemnity_paid | n_clms | indemnity_paid * n_clms |
| -10 | 1 | 18446744073709551606 |
The multiplication produces an incorrect value.
For the same table defined engine=innodb, the multiplication produces an expected out-of-range error:
alter table test_mult engine=innodb;
select indemnity_paid, n_clms, indemnity_paid * n_clms from test_mult;
ERROR 1690 (22003): BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '`coltest`.`test_mult`.`indemnity_paid` * `coltest`.`test_mult`.`n_clms`'