"Where this join query hangs forever on the master node, but runs fine on the replicas"
SELECT ff.acct_id, COUNT(1)
FROM ff JOIN dd ON ff.acct_sk =dd.acct_sk
AND ff.db_source_sk =dd.db_source_sk
GROUP BY ff.acct_id LIMIT 10;
mariadb -e "create database test; use test;"
mariadb test -e "CREATE TABLE `dd`( `acct_sk` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `acct_id` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None', `db_source_sk` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL) ENGINE=Columnstore DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;"
mariadb test -e "CREATE TABLE `ff` ( `db_source_sk` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `acct_id` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'None', `acct_sk` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE=Columnstore DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;"
mariadb test -e "INSERT INTO dd SELECT ROUND(RAND() * 10, 2), substring(MD5(RAND()),1,1), ROUND(RAND() * 100, 2) FROM seq_1_to_300000; "
mariadb test -e "INSERT INTO ff SELECT ROUND(RAND() * 10, 2), substring(MD5(RAND()),1,1), ROUND(RAND() * 100, 2) FROM seq_1_to_300000;"