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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-5044

Improve PP thread pool with a fair scheduler


    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 6.3.1
    • 22.08.1
    • PrimProc
    • None
    • 2021-17


      PP now uses PriorityThreadPool(PTP) that has 3 priority queues and supports Job re-scheduling(can happen if there is no space to service a primitive job request from EM).
      PTP doesn't equally distribute computation resources b/w primitive jobs that belongs to different queries so that the variance of query timings is linear to number of simultaneous queries.
      The suggestion is to implement a scheduling component that will try to fairly process mentioned primitive jobs.


        Issue Links


            drrtuy Roman created issue -
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Field Original Value New Value
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Status Open [ 1 ] Confirmed [ 10101 ]
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Status Confirmed [ 10101 ] Open [ 1 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Open [ 1 ] Confirmed [ 10101 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Assignee Roman [ drrtuy ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Confirmed [ 10101 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            Fix Version/s 22.08 [ 26904 ]
            Fix Version/s 6.4.1 [ 26046 ]
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Fix Version/s 22.08.1 [ 28206 ]
            Fix Version/s 22.08 [ 26904 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Attachment slap4.lua [ 63932 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Attachment Снимок экрана от 2022-05-26 17-09-56.png [ 63933 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Attachment Снимок экрана от 2022-05-26 17-09-56.png [ 63933 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Sprint 2021-17 [ 614 ]
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status In Progress [ 3 ] In Testing [ 10301 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Assignee Roman [ drrtuy ] Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ]
            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) made changes -
            Assignee Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ] Roman [ drrtuy ]
            Status In Testing [ 10301 ] Stalled [ 10000 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Stalled [ 10000 ] Confirmed [ 10101 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Confirmed [ 10101 ] In Review [ 10002 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status In Review [ 10002 ] In Testing [ 10301 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Assignee Roman [ drrtuy ] Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ]
            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) made changes -
            Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
            Status In Testing [ 10301 ] Closed [ 6 ]


              dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              drrtuy Roman
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



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