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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-5044

Improve PP thread pool with a fair scheduler


    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 6.3.1
    • 22.08.1
    • PrimProc
    • None
    • 2021-17


      PP now uses PriorityThreadPool(PTP) that has 3 priority queues and supports Job re-scheduling(can happen if there is no space to service a primitive job request from EM).
      PTP doesn't equally distribute computation resources b/w primitive jobs that belongs to different queries so that the variance of query timings is linear to number of simultaneous queries.
      The suggestion is to implement a scheduling component that will try to fairly process mentioned primitive jobs.


        Issue Links


            drrtuy Roman created issue -
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Field Original Value New Value
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Status Open [ 1 ] Confirmed [ 10101 ]
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Status Confirmed [ 10101 ] Open [ 1 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Open [ 1 ] Confirmed [ 10101 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Assignee Roman [ drrtuy ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Confirmed [ 10101 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            Fix Version/s 22.08 [ 26904 ]
            Fix Version/s 6.4.1 [ 26046 ]
            David.Hall David Hall (Inactive) made changes -
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Fix Version/s 22.08.1 [ 28206 ]
            Fix Version/s 22.08 [ 26904 ]
            drrtuy Roman added a comment -

            There is a scheduling policy in the current implementation of a thread pool. It has 3 fixed priorities to allow to favor queries with a higher priority running primitive jobs in PrimProc. The scheduling policy picks a number(3 with default settings) of morsel tasks for execution out of a common queue. This scheduling doesn't fit for multiple parallel queries workload pattern b/c it tend to allocate all threads to run primitive jobs that belongs to a query that reaches PP first.
            The main idea is to replace existing scheduler policy AKA thread pool with a fair scheduling policy. Here is the model:

            • every primitive job has a cost(initial version has a fixed cost) that is based on a set of operations and columns involved(the model doesn't take a morsel size into account b/c they are roughly the same in terms of records number).
            • every primitive job belongs to a certain transaction(!!! We are talking about SELECTs only b/c it is PPP. Every SELECT is a separate txn !!!)
              FairThreadPool picks a primitive job that belongs to a transaction with a lowest combined cost of completed primitive jobs. (Who wants tech details about the implementation plz look at the commits)
            drrtuy Roman added a comment - There is a scheduling policy in the current implementation of a thread pool. It has 3 fixed priorities to allow to favor queries with a higher priority running primitive jobs in PrimProc. The scheduling policy picks a number(3 with default settings) of morsel tasks for execution out of a common queue. This scheduling doesn't fit for multiple parallel queries workload pattern b/c it tend to allocate all threads to run primitive jobs that belongs to a query that reaches PP first. The main idea is to replace existing scheduler policy AKA thread pool with a fair scheduling policy. Here is the model: every primitive job has a cost(initial version has a fixed cost) that is based on a set of operations and columns involved(the model doesn't take a morsel size into account b/c they are roughly the same in terms of records number). every primitive job belongs to a certain transaction(!!! We are talking about SELECTs only b/c it is PPP. Every SELECT is a separate txn !!!) FairThreadPool picks a primitive job that belongs to a transaction with a lowest combined cost of completed primitive jobs. (Who wants tech details about the implementation plz look at the commits)
            drrtuy Roman added a comment -

            Here are the first benchmark setup that I run on c59xlarge AWS instance(36 cores). Dataset is flights that is available here.. There were 13 mln records(to fit everything into memory). I run a single query that hits PP harder than EM in 5 threads using sysbench(see .lua script attached). Here is the query.

            select s from (select count(*) as s from flights group by tail_num)sub;

            Here are some results(see the attached latency distribution histograms also).
            develop-6, 44d326ef

            General statistics:                                                                  
                total time:                          54.7672s                                  
                total number of events:              500                                  
            Latency (ms):                                                                        
                     min:                                  321.53                                
                     avg:                                  547.31                                
                     max:                                  968.99                               
                     95th percentile:                      682.06                         
                     sum:                               273653.81      

            MCOL-5044-3, 61a1242b

             General statistics:
                total time:                          47.2456s
                total number of events:              500
            Latency (ms):
                     min:                                  212.46
                     avg:                                  471.78
                     max:                                  708.09
                     95th percentile:                      601.29
                     sum:                               235890.47

            The total time, 95 percentile are 12% better with the fair scheduling policy.

            To be precise a mixed workload doesn't have significant positive effect as a PP-heavy queries, the improvement lies within statistical error.

            drrtuy Roman added a comment - Here are the first benchmark setup that I run on c59xlarge AWS instance(36 cores). Dataset is flights that is available here. . There were 13 mln records(to fit everything into memory). I run a single query that hits PP harder than EM in 5 threads using sysbench(see .lua script attached). Here is the query. select s from (select count(*) as s from flights group by tail_num)sub; Here are some results(see the attached latency distribution histograms also). develop-6, 44d326ef General statistics: total time: 54.7672s total number of events: 500   Latency (ms): min: 321.53 avg: 547.31 max: 968.99 95th percentile: 682.06 sum: 273653.81 MCOL-5044 -3, 61a1242b General statistics: total time: 47.2456s total number of events: 500   Latency (ms): min: 212.46 avg: 471.78 max: 708.09 95th percentile: 601.29 sum: 235890.47 The total time, 95 percentile are 12% better with the fair scheduling policy. To be precise a mixed workload doesn't have significant positive effect as a PP-heavy queries, the improvement lies within statistical error.
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Attachment slap4.lua [ 63932 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Attachment Снимок экрана от 2022-05-26 17-09-56.png [ 63933 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Attachment Снимок экрана от 2022-05-26 17-09-56.png [ 63933 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Sprint 2021-17 [ 614 ]
            toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
            Rank Ranked higher
            drrtuy Roman added a comment -

            The mixed workload test(slap6.lua) doesn't make a benefit so obvious though.
            develop-6 run on a 16 core Xeon E5620 @ 2.40GHz

            Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds)
                   value  ------------- distribution ------------- count
                3267.187 |*                                        1
                3326.551 |**                                       2
                3386.993 |**                                       2
                3448.533 |*                                        1
                3511.192 |*                                        1
                3639.945 |********                                 8
                3706.081 |******                                   6
                3773.420 |*******                                  7
                3841.981 |*****************                        16
                3911.789 |**********************                   21
                3982.864 |*************************                24
                4055.231 |********************************         30
                4128.913 |************************************     34
                4203.934 |**************************************** 38
                4280.318 |***************************              26
                4358.090 |**********************                   21
                4437.275 |*******************                      18
                4517.898 |************                             11
                4599.987 |**************                           13
                4683.567 |************                             11
                4768.666 |****                                     4
                4855.311 |*                                        1
                4943.530 |*                                        1
                5033.352 |*                                        1
                5124.806 |*                                        1
                5409.260 |*                                        1
            SQL statistics:
                queries performed:
                    read:                            1800
                    write:                           0
                    other:                           0
                    total:                           1800
                transactions:                        300    (0.72 per sec.)
                queries:                             1800   (4.31 per sec.)
                ignored errors:                      0      (0.00 per sec.)
                reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)
            General statistics:
                total time:                          417.4668s
                total number of events:              300
            Latency (ms):
                     min:                                 3288.39
                     avg:                                 4169.14
                     max:                                 5418.50
                     95th percentile:                     4683.57
                     sum:                              1250742.04

            vs MCOL-5044

            Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds)
                   value  ------------- distribution ------------- count
                2362.716 |*                                        1
                3511.192 |*                                        1
                3574.989 |**                                       3
                3639.945 |*                                        2
                3706.081 |******                                   8
                3773.420 |****                                     6
                3841.981 |***********                              15
                3911.789 |*************                            17
                3982.864 |******************                       24
                4055.231 |**************************               35
                4128.913 |*********************************        45
                4203.934 |**************************************** 54
                4280.318 |**********************                   30
                4358.090 |***********                              15
                4437.275 |**********                               13
                4517.898 |********                                 11
                4599.987 |******                                   8
                4683.567 |****                                     6
                4768.666 |**                                       3
                4855.311 |*                                        2
                5124.806 |*                                        1
            SQL statistics:
                queries performed:
                    read:                            1800
                    write:                           0
                    other:                           0
                    total:                           1800
                transactions:                        300    (0.72 per sec.)
                queries:                             1800   (4.33 per sec.)
                ignored errors:                      0      (0.00 per sec.)
                reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)
            General statistics:
                total time:                          416.1538s
                total number of events:              300
            Latency (ms):
                     min:                                 2381.25
                     avg:                                 4153.23
                     max:                                 5093.98
                     95th percentile:                     4599.99
                     sum:                              1245967.92
            Threads fairness:
                events (avg/stddev):           100.0000/0.00
                execution time (avg/stddev):   415.3226/0.59

            drrtuy Roman added a comment - The mixed workload test(slap6.lua) doesn't make a benefit so obvious though. develop-6 run on a 16 core Xeon E5620 @ 2.40GHz Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds) value ------------- distribution ------------- count 3267.187 |* 1 3326.551 |** 2 3386.993 |** 2 3448.533 |* 1 3511.192 |* 1 3639.945 |******** 8 3706.081 |****** 6 3773.420 |******* 7 3841.981 |***************** 16 3911.789 |********************** 21 3982.864 |************************* 24 4055.231 |******************************** 30 4128.913 |************************************ 34 4203.934 |**************************************** 38 4280.318 |*************************** 26 4358.090 |********************** 21 4437.275 |******************* 18 4517.898 |************ 11 4599.987 |************** 13 4683.567 |************ 11 4768.666 |**** 4 4855.311 |* 1 4943.530 |* 1 5033.352 |* 1 5124.806 |* 1 5409.260 |* 1 SQL statistics: queries performed: read: 1800 write: 0 other: 0 total: 1800 transactions: 300 (0.72 per sec.) queries: 1800 (4.31 per sec.) ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.) reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.)   General statistics: total time: 417.4668s total number of events: 300   Latency (ms): min: 3288.39 avg: 4169.14 max: 5418.50 95th percentile: 4683.57 sum: 1250742.04 vs MCOL-5044 Latency histogram (values are in milliseconds) value ------------- distribution ------------- count 2362.716 |* 1 3511.192 |* 1 3574.989 |** 3 3639.945 |* 2 3706.081 |****** 8 3773.420 |**** 6 3841.981 |*********** 15 3911.789 |************* 17 3982.864 |****************** 24 4055.231 |************************** 35 4128.913 |********************************* 45 4203.934 |**************************************** 54 4280.318 |********************** 30 4358.090 |*********** 15 4437.275 |********** 13 4517.898 |******** 11 4599.987 |****** 8 4683.567 |**** 6 4768.666 |** 3 4855.311 |* 2 5124.806 |* 1 SQL statistics: queries performed: read: 1800 write: 0 other: 0 total: 1800 transactions: 300 (0.72 per sec.) queries: 1800 (4.33 per sec.) ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.) reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.)   General statistics: total time: 416.1538s total number of events: 300   Latency (ms): min: 2381.25 avg: 4153.23 max: 5093.98 95th percentile: 4599.99 sum: 1245967.92   Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 100.0000/0.00 execution time (avg/stddev): 415.3226/0.59
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status In Progress [ 3 ] In Testing [ 10301 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Assignee Roman [ drrtuy ] Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ]
            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) made changes -
            Assignee Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ] Roman [ drrtuy ]
            Status In Testing [ 10301 ] Stalled [ 10000 ]
            drrtuy Roman added a comment -

            4QA the first test goal would be to have the same functionality for single-node and cluster.
            The second thing is that a delay for a small query should be smaller when PrimProcs in the cluster is busy with a complex query(or queries) that consumes the system's resource. In general I expect the current develop to increase a throughput for a mixed workload with short lasting and long lasting queries.

            drrtuy Roman added a comment - 4QA the first test goal would be to have the same functionality for single-node and cluster. The second thing is that a delay for a small query should be smaller when PrimProcs in the cluster is busy with a complex query(or queries) that consumes the system's resource. In general I expect the current develop to increase a throughput for a mixed workload with short lasting and long lasting queries.
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Stalled [ 10000 ] Confirmed [ 10101 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status Confirmed [ 10101 ] In Review [ 10002 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Status In Review [ 10002 ] In Testing [ 10301 ]
            drrtuy Roman made changes -
            Assignee Roman [ drrtuy ] Daniel Lee [ dleeyh ]

            Close by regression tests

            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) added a comment - Close by regression tests
            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) made changes -
            Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
            Status In Testing [ 10301 ] Closed [ 6 ]


              dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              drrtuy Roman
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



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