New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Do
Find a way to improve columnStorebackup to provide a non-locking mechanism or at least more granular locking. Suspending all writes during the duration of rsync is time consuming and causes a 'write' outage.
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Epic Link |
Component/s | advanced tools [ 13515 ] |
Description | Find a way to improve columnStorebackup to provide a non-locking mechanism. Suspending writes during the duration of rsync is time consuming and causes a 'write' outage. | Find a way to improve columnStorebackup to provide a non-locking mechanism or at least more granular locking. Suspending writes during the duration of rsync is time consuming and causes a 'write' outage. |
Description | Find a way to improve columnStorebackup to provide a non-locking mechanism or at least more granular locking. Suspending writes during the duration of rsync is time consuming and causes a 'write' outage. | Find a way to improve columnStorebackup to provide a non-locking mechanism or at least more granular locking. Suspending all writes during the duration of rsync is time consuming and causes a 'write' outage. |
Fix Version/s | 1.5 [ 22800 ] |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked lower |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Confirmed [ 10101 ] |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked lower |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Team | ColumnStore Team |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Fix Version/s | 1.5.5 [ 24414 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 1.5 [ 22800 ] |
Labels | Backup |
Fix Version/s | 5.5.1 [ 25030 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 5.5.1 [ 25030 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 1.5.5 [ 24414 ] |
Fix Version/s | Icebox [ 22302 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 5.5.1 [ 25030 ] |
Rank | Ranked lower |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked higher |
Rank | Ranked lower |
Status | Confirmed [ 10101 ] | Open [ 1 ] |
Assignee | Todd Stoffel [ toddstoffel ] | Ben Thompson [ ben.thompson ] |
Assignee | Ben Thompson [ ben.thompson ] |
Assignee | Todd Stoffel [ toddstoffel ] |
Component/s | N/A [ 15201 ] | |
Component/s | advanced tools [ 13515 ] | |
Resolution | Won't Do [ 10201 ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Zendesk Related Tickets | 181814 |