- CONPY-197Uninterpretable mariadb.InterfaceError
- CONPY-207Add support for connection redirection on the Connector/Python
- CONPY-177It looks like returning a connection to ConnectionPool does not work properly.
- CONPY-309mariadb.InterfaceError:
- CONPY-308Prepared Statements Not Releasing On Cursor Close
- CONPY-307Support for type hints
- CONPY-298support native UUID object
- CONPY-301permit creating connection using connection string
- CONPY-92charset, ssl_crl_path, ssl_verify_server_cert, ssl_enforce is an invalid keyword argument for connect()
- CONPY-2Asynchronous support
- CONPY-288Can't install mariadb with pip
- CONPY-22Benchmark MariaDB C/Python against MySQL C/Python
- CONPY-285Parallel deletion queries block database
- CONPY-232Runtime encryption: ability to encrypt/decrypt data prior to persist/receive
- CONPY-113Make mariadb package available in the conda-forge channel
- CONPY-265Loadbalancing capabilities
- CONPY-122Add execution time per query
- CONPY-174pool_recycle : reconnect automatically staled/closed connections into the pool
- CONPY-266Make executemany() faster on non-MariaDB servers
- CONPY-165Optimize executemany() for non MariaDB servers
- CONPY-152INSERT statement with VALUES(DEFAULT) not accepted by cursor.executemany()
- CONPY-241Parameter substitution in text protocol
- CONPY-216Process hang while invoke ConnectionPool.get_connection()
- CONPY-121Provide a mariadb database backend for Django Framework
- CONPY-153Travis: Add SQL Alchemy test suite
- CONPY-90XA test fail (SQL Alchemy)
- CONPY-65segfault at [..] error 4 in libmariadb.so
- CONPY-60Support redirection mechanism
- CONPY-16benchmark current implementation versus Text
- CONPY-10Implement prepare caching
- CONPY-1MrdbConnection: support all connection parameters
- CONPY-171Return a Python dict/list when querying a JSON column
- CONPY-282BinaryLogStream: Use mariadb_rpl_errno/error instead of mysql_errno/mysql_error
- CONPY-146Loadbalancing capabilities for Connector/Python
- CONPY-120Provide way to inspect defaults
- CONPY-191Unable to cross-compile wheel
- CONPY-154Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded
- CONPY-86BenchMark with PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python
- CONPY-104Python connector doesn't support gevent.
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