Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Not a Bug
Aurora MySQL
I'm trying to connect to Aurora with the MariaDB Connector and having a hard time figuring out how I should connect. I have two applications: one is read/write, and one is read-only. I'd like to setup failover properly for both applications. Based on what I can understand from documentation I've set up my URLs like this:
For the read/write application, I have
jdbc:mariadb:aurora:// Will this failover properly given a change in the master instance? Or do I have to specify additional parameters?
For the read-only application I would like to connect to the cluster reader endpoint, for which I do not see documentation in the Connector. My URL looks like jdbc:mariadb:// When I try to include aurora: in the reader endpoint URL, connection acquisition attempts hang indefinitely. My understanding is that as I have it, I will not see great failover properties from the read-only application. However AWS specifies that the cluster reader endpoint has certain failover properties itself, so I'm not sure how to leverage the Connector properly to get the best failover behavior.
Is there documentation with respect to using the MariaDB Connector with Aurora cluster reader endpoints?
Never thought about that scenario. Not an expert but we are using Aurora MySQL, too. At the moment we distribute known read only selects to the cluster-ro endpoint. We do not specify aurora in the JDBC connection url. My assumption was that you always end up getting a read-only slave with the ro-endpoint. So it does the load-balancing but not the failover?
I bookmarked this issue because it might be important to us. Sorry, I can't be of help.