New Feature
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
3.3.2, 3.1.18
Windows (Windows 10 Pro, version - 21H2, build number - 19044.1889, arch - X86_64)
I use libmariadb on Windows machine.
When I run mysql_real_query_start() after creating connection with ssl mode to mysq server (8.0.30) or mariadb server (10.9.2) it fails with error code 2013 and error msg "Lost connection to MySQL server during query".
If I run the same code on Centos7 it works fine.
The problem is in mysql_real_query_start(). It sends not encrypted request to server and therefore server closes the connection. As the result we get error msg "Lost connection to MySQL server during query".
How to repeat:
1) Download libmariadb any version from 3.3.2, 3.2.7, 3.1.18 and build on Windonws 10 Pro;
2) Download mysql server (8.0.30) or mariadb server (10.9.2), install on the same machine where libmariadb was built and run;
3) Create c++ test project from the attached file;
4) Build project and execute the program;