Relevant excerpts from an SQL standard
<simple table> ::= <query specification> | <table value constructor> | <explicit table>
<explicit table> ::= TABLE <table or query name>
5) The <explicit table>
TABLE <table or query name>
is equivalent to the <query specification>
SELECT * FROM <table or query name>
12) A <query expression> QE1 is insertable-into if it does not specify a <result offset clause> or a <fetch first clause> and the <query expression body> of QE1 is a <query primary> that is one of the following:
b) An <explicit table> that identifies a table that is insertable-into.
Without Feature F661, “Simple tables”, conforming SQL language shall not contain an <explicit table>.
d) If VC i is an <explicit table>, then let T be the table identified by the <explicit table>.
i) If the applicable privileges for A include DELETE on T, then a view component table privilege
descriptor is created whose identified object is VC i , action is DELETE, grantor is the special
grantor value “_SYSTEM”, and the grantee is A. The privilege is grantable if and only if the
applicable privileges for A includes grantable DELETE privilege on T. The privilege descriptor
is immediately dependent on the privilege descriptor whose identified object is T, action is
DELETE, and grantee is A.
ii) For each updatable column C of VC i , let CC be the counterpart to C in T. If the applicable
privileges for A include UPDATE(CC) on T, then a view component column privilege
descriptor VCCPD is created, as follows: the identified object is C, the action is UPDATE, the
grantor is the special grantor value “_SYSTEM”, and the grantee is A. The privilege is grantable
if and only if the applicable privilege for A includes grantable UPDATE(CC) privilege on T.
The privilege descriptor is immediately dependent on the privilege descriptor whose identified
object is CC, action is UPDATE, and grantee is A.
iii) For each updatable column C of VC i , let CC be the counterpart to C in T. If the applicable
privileges for A include INSERT(CC) on T, then a view component column privilege descriptor
VCCPD is created, as follows: the identified object is C, the action is INSERT, the grantor is
the special grantor value “_SYSTEM”, and the grantee is A. The privilege is grantable if and
only if the applicable privilege for A includes grantable INSERT(CC) privilege on T. The
privilege descriptor is immediately dependent on the privilege descriptor whose identified
object is CC, action is INSERT, and grantee is A.
Yes indeed, I'm currently working on something for 11.2, i'll close the 11.0 PR.