Hi ralf.gebhardt@mariadb.com,
Audits are typically about user activities on database objects and on accessing the server as such. A server startup or shutdown is more about monitoring a server instance. I would not mix these use cases.
I would personally consider issuing a shutdown/startup request to be a form of "accessing the server" as well as performing an activity that can potentially affect all "database objects".
Shutdowns and startups could definitely be relevant in an audit. Especially if the auditors suspect a rogue DBA of adding options to my.cnf or other configuration files as a way to bypass security mechanisms.
Also, are mysql_audit_initialize() and mysql_audit_finalize() really only called on Server startup and shutdown?
Yeah, it does appear so.
> Should we log startup events in mysql_audit_initialize() and shutdown events in mysql_audit_finalize(), so that the API can
> stay the same?
It makes sence to me.