Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Not a Bug
I tried to compile and install mariadb in alpine, because it was used in docker, so I wanted to take up less space after the compilation was successful.
I used the -dcmake_build_type =MinSizeRel option to minimize the installation. But the mysql-test directory still takes up a lot of space.
I tried using -dwith_unit_tests =OFF and -dconc_with_unit_tests =OFF to disable mysql-test installation, but they didn't work. I haven't found any other relevant options, similar to INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR="" in mysql.
How can I disable mysql-test installation?
mysql installation options is this:
cmake . \
Our documentation a little simplified contains accurate description of what cmake -L[A][H] does .
List non-advanced cached variables.
"Non-advanced" is important part. INSTALL_XXX variables are marked as advanced.
but you can cat or vi CMakeCache.txt to see all variables.