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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-10142 PL/SQL parser
  3. MDEV-13864

Change Item_func_case to store the predicant in args[0]


    • Technical task
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 10.3.2
    • OTHER
    • None
    • 10.2.2-3, 10.2.2-1, 10.2.2-2, 10.2.2-4, 10.1.18


      As of version 10.3.1, Item_func_case (when handling a simple CASE) stores the predicant argument (in the args[] array) after the WHEN..THEN arguments and before the ELSE argument.

      For example, this expression:

      CASE pred WHEN search1 THEN res1 WHEN search2 THEN res2 ELSE resE END

      stores the arguments as follows:

      • args[0]=search1
      • args[1]=res1
      • args[2]=search2
      • args[3]=res2
      • args[4]=pred
      • args[6]=resE

      Under terms of this task we'll do the following:
      1. Change Item_func_case to store the arguments in the order of their appearance in the parser: the predicant argument in args[0], followed by the WHEN..THEN..ELSE arguments
      2. Split Item_func_case into two separate classes Item_func_case_simple and Item_func_case_searched (for CASE expressions with and without predicant respectively).
      3. Change the constructors of the affected classes just to accept a List<Item> argument (without additional first_expr_arg and else_expr_arg.


      a. #1 and #3 will help to simplify the code in sql_yacc_ora.yy

      | DECODE_SYM '(' expr ',' decode_when_list ')'
          // 30 lines of the code, extracting {{else_expr_arg}} from the list.

      to something as simple as:

      | DECODE_SYM '(' expr ',' decode_when_list ')'
          $5->push_front($3, thd->mem_root);
          if (!($$= new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_case_simple(thd, *$5)))

      b. #1 and #3 will help to implement MDEV-13863 easier. MDEV-13836 will introduce a new class Item_func_decode_oracle. Without #1, we'd have to use the same complex code from sql_yacc_ora.yy, now for both DECODE() and DECODE_ORACLE().
      c. #2 will slightly reduce the memory size required to handle searched CASE expression, because only Item_func_case_simple will need to derive from Predicant_to_list_comparator
      d. #2 will make the code more readable by removing a lot of if statements like this:

      if (first_expr_num != -1)

      as the branches for the searched and the simple CASE expressions will reside in methods of different classes.
      e. #1 will make it easier to debug the code in gdb, as printing the arguments in their syntactic order will be much easier than now.


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