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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-13739

Huge slowness at inserting rows, CPU-bound



      Test case:

      • DB almost empty
      • 2 transactions with thousands queries inserting 1 row, some of them result in IntegrityError (DUP_ENTRY):
        • txn1: 18645 inserts, including 7467 DUP_ENTRY
        • txn2: 23178 inserts, including 9833 DUP_ENTRY
      • the other queries in the transactions are SELECT, but whenever SHOW PROCESSLIST returns something, it's an INSERT
      • final DB size: 20 MB


      • default configuration
      • txn1: 4min 25s
      • txn2: 10min 10s


      • tokudb_cache_size explicitely set to 512M to match RocksDB
      • txn1: 11s
      • txn2: 15s

      perf shows a lot of time spent in rollback, but the application does not do any explicitely

      + 99.43% 0.00% mysqld libpthread-2.13.so [.] start_thread 
      + 99.38% 0.00% mysqld mysqld [.] handle_one_connection 
      + 99.38% 0.00% mysqld mysqld [.] do_handle_one_connection(CONNECT*) 
      + 99.37% 0.00% mysqld mysqld [.] do_command(THD*) 
      + 99.36% 0.01% mysqld mysqld [.] dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned int, bool, bool) 
      + 99.27% 0.01% mysqld mysqld [.] mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned int, Parser_state*, bool, bool) 
      + 98.95% 0.01% mysqld mysqld [.] mysql_execute_command(THD*) 
      + 97.48% 0.00% mysqld mysqld [.] trans_rollback_stmt(THD*) 
      + 97.48% 0.00% mysqld mysqld [.] ha_rollback_trans(THD*, bool) 
      + 97.48% 0.00% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] 0x00000000001a44ad 
      + 97.48% 0.00% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] myrocks::Rdb_transaction_impl::rollback_stmt() 
      + 97.48% 0.00% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::TransactionImpl::RollbackToSavePoint() 
      + 97.47% 0.01% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::TransactionBaseImpl::RollbackToSavePoint() 
      + 97.46% 0.00% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex::RollbackToSavePoint() 
      + 97.35% 0.28% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex::Rep::ReBuildIndex() 
      + 67.90% 32.38% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::WriteBatchEntryComparator::operator()(rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry const*, rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry const*) const 
      + 51.86% 0.51% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex::Rep::UpdateExistingEntryWithCfId(unsigned int, rocksdb::Slice const&) 
      + 43.25% 0.32% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::WriteBatchWithIndex::Rep::AddNewEntry(unsigned int) 
      + 42.45% 9.94% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::SkipList<rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry*, rocksdb::WriteBatchEntryComparator const&>::FindGreaterOrEqual(rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry* const&) const 
      + 42.14% 0.77% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::SkipList<rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry*, rocksdb::WriteBatchEntryComparator const&>::Insert(rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry* const&) 
      + 34.56% 5.20% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::SkipList<rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry*, rocksdb::WriteBatchEntryComparator const&>::FindLessThan(rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry* const&, rocksdb::SkipList<rocksdb::WriteBatchIndexEntry*, rocksdb::Wr
      + 11.24% 11.20% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] rocksdb::WriteBatchEntryComparator::CompareKey(unsigned int, rocksdb::Slice const&, rocksdb::Slice const&) const 
      + 9.29% 9.26% mysqld ha_rocksdb.so [.] myrocks::Rdb_pk_comparator::Compare(rocksdb::Slice const&, rocksdb::Slice const&) const 
      + 5.20% 5.18% mysqld libc-2.13.so [.] 0x0000000000138670


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            Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times
            Andrii Nikitin (Inactive) made transition -
            Open Confirmed
            5d 23h 10m 1


              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              jmuchemb Julien Muchembled
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue



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