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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-10637

tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock, tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock_3 failed in buildbot


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • 10.0(EOL), 10.1(EOL)
    • N/A
    • Tests
    • None


      Logs not available

      tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock              w2 [ fail ]
              Test ended at 2016-03-12 02:38:45
      CURRENT_TEST: tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock
      --- /opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/dan_demeter1/build/storage/tokudb/mysql-test/tokudb_bugs/r/checkpoint_lock.result	2016-03-11 15:45:31.034243538 +0200
      +++ /opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/dan_demeter1/build/storage/tokudb/mysql-test/tokudb_bugs/r/checkpoint_lock.reject	2016-03-12 02:38:45.424807997 +0200
      @@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
       select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info;
       DB	command	state	info
       test	Sleep		NULL
      -test	Query	Filling schema table	select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info
      +test	Execute	Filling schema table	select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info
       flush logs;
       select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info;
       DB	command	state	info
       test	Sleep		NULL
      -test	Query	Filling schema table	select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info
      +test	Execute	Filling schema table	select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info
       set tokudb_checkpoint_lock=1;
       flush logs;;
       select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info;
       DB	command	state	info
       test	Query	init	flush logs
      -test	Query	Filling schema table	select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info
      +test	Execute	Filling schema table	select DB, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist order by info
       set tokudb_checkpoint_lock=0;
       set global tokudb_checkpoint_on_flush_logs=OFF;
      mysqltest: Result length mismatch
       - saving '/opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/dan_demeter1/build/mysql-test/var/2/log/tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock/' to '/opt/buildbot-slave/mariadb/dan_demeter1/build/mysql-test/var/log/tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock/'
      Retrying test tokudb_bugs.checkpoint_lock, attempt(2/3)...

      It's possible that the problem has already disappeared, but to be sure, we need to observe it for a while or better still, to find out why it stopped happening.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              elenst Elena Stepanova
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



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