MariaDB [arche_prod]> set optimizer_trace=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,000 sec)

MariaDB [arche_prod]> set @@optimizer_adjust_secondary_key_costs='fix_card_multiplier,fix_reuse_range_for_ref';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,000 sec)

MariaDB [arche_prod]> ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,
stanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.contextid = WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND
ra.userid = '78244'
nstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_capabilities rc ON rc.contextid = JOIN mdl_role_assignments rc_ra ON rc_ra.rolei
d = rc.roleid JOIN mdl_context rc_ra_ctx ON = rc_ra.contextid WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND rc_ra.userid = '78244' AND (ctx.path = rc_ra_ctx.path OR ctx.path LIKE CONCAT(rc_ra_ctx.path, '/%'));
| ANALYZE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| {
  "query_optimization": {
    "r_total_time_ms": 1.182400318
  "query_block": {
    "union_result": {
      "table_name": "<union1,2>",
      "access_type": "ALL",
      "r_loops": 1,
      "r_rows": 3,
      "query_specifications": [
          "query_block": {
            "select_id": 1,
            "r_loops": 1,
            "r_total_time_ms": 0.129972086,
            "nested_loop": [
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "ra",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["userid"],
                  "ref": ["const"],
                  "r_loops": 1,
                  "rows": 23,
                  "r_rows": 23,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.021667401,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.010154083,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
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                  "r_filtered": 100,
                  "using_index": true
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "ctx",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.ra.contextid"],
                  "r_loops": 23,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.087926635,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.003228621,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 66
                  "filtered": 0.135051519,
                  "r_filtered": 0,
                  "attached_condition": "ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "cc",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.ctx.instanceid"],
                  "r_loops": 0,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": null,
                  "r_engine_stats": {},
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": null
          "query_block": {
            "select_id": 2,
            "operation": "UNION",
            "r_loops": 1,
            "r_total_time_ms": 672.5885696,
            "nested_loop": [
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "rc_ra",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["userid"],
                  "ref": ["const"],
                  "r_loops": 1,
                  "rows": 23,
                  "r_rows": 23,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.03438359,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.030318987,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 3
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                  "r_filtered": 100,
                  "using_index": true
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "rc_ra_ctx",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "mdl_cont_pat_ix"],
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.rc_ra.contextid"],
                  "r_loops": 23,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.105490124,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.016569395,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 66
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                  "r_filtered": 100
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "rc",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_rolecapa_rolconcap_uix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["roleid"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.rc_ra.roleid"],
                  "r_loops": 23,
                  "rows": 1017,
                  "r_rows": 12045.86957,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 67.99440653,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 24.67118133,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 887
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 100,
                  "using_index": true
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "ctx",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.rc.contextid"],
                  "r_loops": 277055,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 560.8064515,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 18.85439611,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 785809
                  "filtered": 0.135051519,
                  "r_filtered": 0.001804696,
                  "attached_condition": "ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%'))"
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "cc",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.ctx.instanceid"],
                  "r_loops": 5,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.013700674,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.059638639,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 6
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 100
} |
1 row in set (0,672 sec)

MariaDB [arche_prod]> select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                            QUERY: ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.contextid = WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND ra.userid = '78244' UNION SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_capabilities rc ON rc.contextid = JOIN mdl_role_assignments rc_ra ON rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid JOIN mdl_context rc_ra_ctx ON = rc_ra.contextid WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND rc_ra.userid = '78244' AND (ctx.path = rc_ra_ctx.path OR ctx.path LIKE CONCAT(rc_ra_ctx.path, '/%'))
                            TRACE: {
  "steps": [
      "join_preparation": {
        "select_id": 1,
        "steps": [
            "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select cc.`id` AS `id`,cc.`name` AS `name`,cc.idnumber AS idnumber,cc.parent AS parent,cc.sortorder AS sortorder,cc.coursecount AS coursecount,cc.`visible` AS `visible`,cc.depth AS depth,cc.`path` AS `path`,ctx.`id` AS ctxid,ctx.`path` AS ctxpath,ctx.depth AS ctxdepth,ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance,ctx.`locked` AS ctxlocked from ((mdl_course_categories cc join mdl_context ctx on(cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40)) join mdl_role_assignments ra on(ra.contextid = ctx.`id`)) where ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and ra.userid = 78244"
      "join_preparation": {
        "select_id": 2,
        "steps": [
            "expanded_query": "/* select#2 */ select cc.`id` AS `id`,cc.`name` AS `name`,cc.idnumber AS idnumber,cc.parent AS parent,cc.sortorder AS sortorder,cc.coursecount AS coursecount,cc.`visible` AS `visible`,cc.depth AS depth,cc.`path` AS `path`,ctx.`id` AS ctxid,ctx.`path` AS ctxpath,ctx.depth AS ctxdepth,ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance,ctx.`locked` AS ctxlocked from ((((mdl_course_categories cc join mdl_context ctx on(cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40)) join mdl_role_capabilities rc on(rc.contextid = ctx.`id`)) join mdl_role_assignments rc_ra on(rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid)) join mdl_context rc_ra_ctx on(rc_ra_ctx.`id` = rc_ra.contextid)) where ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and rc_ra.userid = 78244 and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%'))"
      "join_optimization": {
        "select_id": 1,
        "steps": [
            "condition_processing": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "original_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and ra.userid = 78244 and ra.contextid = ctx.`id` and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40",
              "steps": [
                  "transformation": "equality_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and multiple equal(78244, ra.userid) and multiple equal(ra.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "constant_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and multiple equal(78244, ra.userid) and multiple equal(ra.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and multiple equal(78244, ra.userid) and multiple equal(ra.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
            "table_dependencies": [
                "table": "cc",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 0,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "ctx",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 1,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "ra",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 2,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
            "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [
                "table": "cc",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ctx.instanceid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ra.contextid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                "field": "contextlevel",
                "equals": "40",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                "field": "instanceid",
                "equals": "cc.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                "field": "instanceid",
                "equals": "cc.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ra.contextid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_con_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
            "rows_estimation": [
                "table": "cc",
                "table_scan": {
                  "rows": 3737,
                  "cost": 97
                "table": "ctx",
                "range_analysis": {
                  "table_scan": {
                    "rows": 1328382,
                    "cost": 272253.4
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                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "key_parts": ["contextlevel", "instanceid"]
                      "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["path", "id"]
                  "setup_range_conditions": [],
                  "analyzing_range_alternatives": {
                    "range_scan_alternatives": [
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                        "rows": 3588,
                        "cost": 4311.796108,
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                        "ranges": [
                          "(/1/																											) <= (path) <= (/1/ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿)"
                        "rowid_ordered": false,
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                        "cost": 860735.9769,
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                        "cause": "cost"
                    "analyzing_roworder_intersect": {
                      "cause": "too few roworder scans"
                    "analyzing_index_merge_union": []
                  "group_index_range": {
                    "chosen": false,
                    "cause": "not single_table"
                  "chosen_range_access_summary": {
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                    "cost_for_plan": 4311.796108,
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                      "usable": false,
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                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["userid", "id"]
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                    "chosen": true
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                  "analyzing_range_alternatives": {
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                        "rows": 23,
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                        "cause": "cost"
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                      "cause": "too few roworder scans"
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                  "group_index_range": {
                    "chosen": false,
                    "cause": "not single_table"
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                      "rows": 23,
                      "ranges": ["(78244) <= (userid) <= (78244)"]
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                    "cost_for_plan": 4.753983827,
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                    "key": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                    "build_cost": 0.965655583,
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            "considered_execution_plans": [
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "get_costs_for_tables": [
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                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
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                          "rows": 23,
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                          "cause": "cost"
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                        "records": 23,
                        "cost": 0.133983827,
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                      "considered_access_paths": [
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                          "rows": 3588,
                          "cost": 3594.176108,
                          "chosen": true
                          "type": "scan",
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                      "chosen_access_method": {
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                        "records": 3588,
                        "cost": 3594.176108,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
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                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "scan",
                          "resulting_rows": 3737,
                          "cost": 97,
                          "chosen": true
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "scan",
                        "records": 3737,
                        "cost": 97,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "ra",
                "rows_for_plan": 23,
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                              "access_type": "eq_ref",
                              "index": "PRIMARY",
                              "rows": 1,
                              "cost": 23,
                              "chosen": true
                              "access_type": "ref",
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                              "cause": "cost"
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                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "no predicate for first keypart"
                              "type": "scan",
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
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                            "type": "eq_ref",
                            "records": 1,
                            "cost": 23,
                            "uses_join_buffering": false
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                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "scan",
                              "resulting_rows": 3737,
                              "cost": 97,
                              "chosen": true
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "scan",
                            "records": 3737,
                            "cost": 97,
                            "uses_join_buffering": true
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                    "table": "ctx",
                    "rows_for_plan": 23,
                    "cost_for_plan": 32.33398383,
                    "selectivity": 0.001350515,
                    "estimated_join_cardinality": 0.031061848,
                    "rest_of_plan": [
                        "plan_prefix": ["ra", "ctx"],
                        "get_costs_for_tables": [
                            "best_access_path": {
                              "table": "cc",
                              "considered_access_paths": [
                                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                                  "index": "PRIMARY",
                                  "rows": 1,
                                  "cost": 0.031061848,
                                  "chosen": true
                                  "type": "scan",
                                  "chosen": false,
                                  "cause": "cost"
                              "chosen_access_method": {
                                "type": "eq_ref",
                                "records": 1,
                                "cost": 0.031061848,
                                "uses_join_buffering": false
                        "plan_prefix": ["ra", "ctx"],
                        "table": "cc",
                        "rows_for_plan": 0.031061848,
                        "cost_for_plan": 32.37125804
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "ctx",
                "rows_for_plan": 3588,
                "cost_for_plan": 4311.776108,
                "pruned_by_cost": true,
                "current_cost": 4311.776108,
                "best_cost": 32.37125804
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "cc",
                "rows_for_plan": 3737,
                "cost_for_plan": 844.4,
                "pruned_by_cost": true,
                "current_cost": 844.4,
                "best_cost": 32.37125804
            "best_join_order": ["ra", "ctx", "cc"]
            "substitute_best_equal": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "resulting_condition": "ra.userid = 78244 and ctx.`id` = ra.contextid and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
              "attached_conditions_computation": [],
              "attached_conditions_summary": [
                  "table": "ra",
                  "attached": null
                  "table": "ctx",
                  "attached": "ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
                  "table": "cc",
                  "attached": null
      "join_optimization": {
        "select_id": 2,
        "steps": [
            "condition_processing": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "original_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and rc_ra.userid = 78244 and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and rc_ra_ctx.`id` = rc_ra.contextid and rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid and rc.contextid = ctx.`id` and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40",
              "steps": [
                  "transformation": "equality_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (multiple equal(ctx.`path`, rc_ra_ctx.`path`) or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and multiple equal(78244, rc_ra.userid) and multiple equal(rc_ra_ctx.`id`, rc_ra.contextid) and multiple equal(rc_ra.roleid, rc.roleid) and multiple equal(rc.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "constant_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (multiple equal(ctx.`path`, rc_ra_ctx.`path`) or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and multiple equal(78244, rc_ra.userid) and multiple equal(rc_ra_ctx.`id`, rc_ra.contextid) and multiple equal(rc_ra.roleid, rc.roleid) and multiple equal(rc.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (multiple equal(ctx.`path`, rc_ra_ctx.`path`) or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and multiple equal(78244, rc_ra.userid) and multiple equal(rc_ra_ctx.`id`, rc_ra.contextid) and multiple equal(rc_ra.roleid, rc.roleid) and multiple equal(rc.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
            "table_dependencies": [
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                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 0,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "ctx",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 1,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "rc",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 2,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 3,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 4,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
            "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [
                "table": "cc",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ctx.instanceid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
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                "equals": "40",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                "field": "instanceid",
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                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                "field": "instanceid",
                "equals": "cc.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                "field": "id",
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                "null_rejecting": false
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                "equals": "rc_ra.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc",
                "index": "mdl_rolecapa_rolconcap_uix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc",
                "index": "mdl_rolecapa_rol_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc_ra.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc",
                "index": "mdl_rolecapa_con_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
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                "index": "mdl_roleassi_rolcon_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_rolcon_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "rc_ra_ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "rc_ra_ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_rol_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_con_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "rc_ra_ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "rc_ra.contextid",
                "null_rejecting": false
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                  "rows": 3737,
                  "cost": 97
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                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "key_parts": ["path", "id"]
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                        "rows": 3588,
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                        "ranges": [
                          "(/1/																											) <= (path) <= (/1/ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿ï¿¿)"
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                        "cost": 860735.9769,
                        "chosen": false,
                        "cause": "cost"
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                      "cause": "too few roworder scans"
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                      "rows": 3588,
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                    "selectivity_from_index": 0.5
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                "cond_selectivity": 0.001350515
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                "table_scan": {
                  "rows": 34604,
                  "cost": 225
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                    "rows": 3886566,
                    "cost": 799650.2
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_sor_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_rolcon_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_rol_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_con_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["userid", "id"]
                  "best_covering_index_scan": {
                    "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                    "cost": 788926.2972,
                    "chosen": true
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                  "analyzing_range_alternatives": {
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                        "ranges": ["(78244) <= (userid) <= (78244)"],
                        "rowid_ordered": false,
                        "using_mrr": false,
                        "index_only": true,
                        "rows": 23,
                        "cost": 4.753983827,
                        "chosen": true
                        "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                        "ranges": ["(78244) <= (userid) <= (78244)"],
                        "rowid_ordered": true,
                        "using_mrr": false,
                        "index_only": false,
                        "rows": 23,
                        "cost": 27.74949191,
                        "chosen": false,
                        "cause": "cost"
                    "analyzing_roworder_intersect": {
                      "cause": "too few roworder scans"
                    "analyzing_index_merge_union": []
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                    "chosen": false,
                    "cause": "not single_table"
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                      "rows": 23,
                      "ranges": ["(78244) <= (userid) <= (78244)"]
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                    "cost_for_plan": 4.753983827,
                    "chosen": true
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "rowid_filters": [
                    "key": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                    "build_cost": 0.965655583,
                    "rows": 23
                    "key": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                    "build_cost": 0.965655583,
                    "rows": 23
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                    "index_name": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                    "selectivity_from_index": 5.917821e-6
                "selectivity_for_columns": [],
                "cond_selectivity": 5.917821e-6
                "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                "table_scan": {
                  "rows": 1328382,
                  "cost": 6575
            "considered_execution_plans": [
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "get_costs_for_tables": [
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "rc_ra",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                          "used_range_estimates": true,
                          "rows": 23,
                          "cost": 0.133983827,
                          "chosen": true
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                          "used_range_estimates": true,
                          "rows": 23,
                          "cost": 23.12949191,
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                          "type": "scan",
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "ref",
                        "records": 23,
                        "cost": 0.133983827,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "ctx",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                          "used_range_estimates": true,
                          "rows": 3588,
                          "cost": 3594.176108,
                          "chosen": true
                          "type": "scan",
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "ref",
                        "records": 3588,
                        "cost": 3594.176108,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "cc",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "scan",
                          "resulting_rows": 3737,
                          "cost": 97,
                          "chosen": true
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "scan",
                        "records": 3737,
                        "cost": 97,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                    "best_access_path": {
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                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "scan",
                          "resulting_rows": 34604,
                          "cost": 225,
                          "chosen": true
                      "chosen_access_method": {
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                        "records": 34604,
                        "cost": 225,
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                          "cost": 6575,
                          "chosen": true
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                        "records": 1328382,
                        "cost": 6575,
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                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
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                              "rows": 3588,
                              "cost": 82666.05048,
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                              "type": "scan",
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "ref",
                            "records": 3588,
                            "cost": 82666.05048,
                            "uses_join_buffering": false
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                              "access_type": "scan",
                              "resulting_rows": 3737,
                              "cost": 97,
                              "chosen": true
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                            "records": 3737,
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                        "best_access_path": {
                          "table": "rc",
                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_rolecapa_rolconcap_uix",
                              "rows": 1017,
                              "cost": 2253.651034,
                              "chosen": true
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_rolecapa_rol_ix",
                              "rows": 1017,
                              "cost": 15552.56828,
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                              "cause": "cost"
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                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                          "chosen_access_method": {
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                            "cost": 2253.651034,
                            "uses_join_buffering": false
                        "best_access_path": {
                          "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                          "considered_access_paths": [
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                              "index": "PRIMARY",
                              "rows": 1,
                              "cost": 23,
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                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
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                                "current_cost": 69855.9137,
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                        "rows_for_plan": 42975.5,
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                        "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
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                        "cost_for_plan": 496428257.2,
                        "pruned_by_cost": true,
                        "current_cost": 496428257.2,
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                    "plan_prefix": ["cc"],
                    "table": "rc_ra",
                    "rows_for_plan": 85951,
                    "cost_for_plan": 18535.29756,
                    "pruned_by_heuristic": true
                    "plan_prefix": ["cc"],
                    "table": "rc",
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                    "cost_for_plan": 25864099,
                    "pruned_by_cost": true,
                    "current_cost": 25864099,
                    "best_cost": 35071.2929
                    "plan_prefix": ["cc"],
                    "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
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                    "cost_for_plan": 992840126.2,
                    "pruned_by_cost": true,
                    "current_cost": 992840126.2,
                    "best_cost": 35071.2929
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "rc",
                "rows_for_plan": 34604,
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                          "table": "ctx",
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                              "access_type": "eq_ref",
                              "index": "PRIMARY",
                              "rows": 1,
                              "cost": 34604,
                              "chosen": true
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                              "used_range_estimates": true,
                              "rows": 3588,
                              "cost": 124372870,
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "no predicate for first keypart"
                              "access_type": "range",
                              "resulting_rows": 1794,
                              "cost": 161621307.7,
                              "chosen": false
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "eq_ref",
                            "records": 1,
                            "cost": 34604,
                            "uses_join_buffering": false
                        "best_access_path": {
                          "table": "cc",
                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "scan",
                              "resulting_rows": 3737,
                              "cost": 97,
                              "chosen": true
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "scan",
                            "records": 3737,
                            "cost": 97,
                            "uses_join_buffering": true
                        "best_access_path": {
                          "table": "rc_ra",
                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_roleassi_rolcon_ix",
                              "rowid_filter_skipped": "worst/max seeks clipping",
                              "rows": 138805,
                              "cost": 2320082728,
                              "chosen": true
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                              "used_range_estimates": true,
                              "rows": 23,
                              "cost": 4636.376338,
                              "chosen": true
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_roleassi_rol_ix",
                              "rowid_filter_skipped": "worst/max seeks clipping",
                              "rows": 138805,
                              "cost": 2319613693,
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                              "used_range_estimates": true,
                              "rows": 23,
                              "cost": 800372.9382,
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                              "type": "scan",
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "ref",
                            "records": 23,
                            "cost": 4636.376338,
                            "uses_join_buffering": false
                        "best_access_path": {
                          "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "scan",
                              "resulting_rows": 1328382,
                              "cost": 6575,
                              "chosen": true
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "scan",
                            "records": 1328382,
                            "cost": 6575,
                            "uses_join_buffering": true
                    "plan_prefix": ["rc"],
                    "table": "ctx",
                    "rows_for_plan": 34604,
                    "cost_for_plan": 48670.6,
                    "pruned_by_cost": true,
                    "current_cost": 48670.6,
                    "best_cost": 35071.2929
                    "plan_prefix": ["rc"],
                    "table": "rc_ra",
                    "rows_for_plan": 795892,
                    "cost_for_plan": 170960.5763,
                    "pruned_by_cost": true,
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                    "best_cost": 35071.2929
                    "plan_prefix": ["rc"],
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                    "current_cost": 25870272.4,
                    "best_cost": 35071.2929
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                    "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                    "rows_for_plan": 45967330728,
                    "cost_for_plan": 9193479866,
                    "pruned_by_cost": true,
                    "current_cost": 9193479866,
                    "best_cost": 35071.2929
                "plan_prefix": [],
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                "cost_for_plan": 272251.4,
                "pruned_by_cost": true,
                "current_cost": 272251.4,
                "best_cost": 35071.2929
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            "substitute_best_equal": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "resulting_condition": "rc_ra.userid = 78244 and rc_ra_ctx.`id` = rc_ra.contextid and rc.roleid = rc_ra.roleid and ctx.`id` = rc.contextid and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%'))"
            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
              "attached_conditions_computation": [],
              "attached_conditions_summary": [
                  "table": "rc_ra",
                  "attached": null
                  "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                  "attached": null
                  "table": "rc",
                  "attached": null
                  "table": "ctx",
                  "attached": "ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%'))"
                  "table": "cc",
                  "attached": null
      "join_execution": {
        "select_id": 1,
        "steps": []
      "join_execution": {
        "select_id": 2,
        "steps": []
      "join_preparation": {
        "select_id": "fake",
        "steps": [
            "expanded_query": "select `id` AS `id`,`name` AS `name`,idnumber AS idnumber,parent AS parent,sortorder AS sortorder,coursecount AS coursecount,`visible` AS `visible`,depth AS depth,`path` AS `path`,ctxid AS ctxid,ctxpath AS ctxpath,ctxdepth AS ctxdepth,ctxlevel AS ctxlevel,ctxinstance AS ctxinstance,ctxlocked AS ctxlocked from dual"
      "join_optimization": {
        "select_id": "fake",
        "steps": [
            "table_dependencies": [
                "table": "union",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 0,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
            "rows_estimation": [
                "table": "union",
                "table_scan": {
                  "rows": 3,
                  "cost": 10.15
            "considered_execution_plans": [
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "get_costs_for_tables": [
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "union",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "scan",
                          "resulting_rows": 3,
                          "cost": 10.15,
                          "chosen": true
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "scan",
                        "records": 3,
                        "cost": 10.15,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "union",
                "rows_for_plan": 3,
                "cost_for_plan": 10.75
            "best_join_order": ["union"]
            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
              "attached_conditions_computation": [],
              "attached_conditions_summary": [
                  "table": "union",
                  "attached": null
      "join_execution": {
        "select_id": "fake",
        "steps": []
1 row in set (0,002 sec)

MariaDB [arche_prod]> set @@optimizer_adjust_secondary_key_costs='fix_card_multiplier';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,000 sec)

MariaDB [arche_prod]> ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.contextid = WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND
ra.userid = '78244' UNION SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_capabilities rc ON rc.contextid = JOIN mdl_role_assignments rc_ra ON rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid JOIN mdl_context rc_ra_ctx ON = rc_ra.contextid WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND rc_ra.userid = '78244' AND (ctx.path = rc_ra_ctx.path OR ctx.path LIKE CONCAT(rc_ra_ctx.path, '/%'));
| ANALYZE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| {
  "query_optimization": {
    "r_total_time_ms": 1.076939021
  "query_block": {
    "union_result": {
      "table_name": "<union1,2>",
      "access_type": "ALL",
      "r_loops": 1,
      "r_rows": 3,
      "query_specifications": [
          "query_block": {
            "select_id": 1,
            "r_loops": 1,
            "r_total_time_ms": 0.127017758,
            "nested_loop": [
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "ra",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["userid"],
                  "ref": ["const"],
                  "r_loops": 1,
                  "rows": 23,
                  "r_rows": 23,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.020298557,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.009611612,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 3
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 100,
                  "using_index": true
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "ctx",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.ra.contextid"],
                  "r_loops": 23,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.087318648,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.003246965,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 66
                  "filtered": 0.135051519,
                  "r_filtered": 0,
                  "attached_condition": "ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "cc",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.ctx.instanceid"],
                  "r_loops": 0,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": null,
                  "r_engine_stats": {},
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": null
          "query_block": {
            "select_id": 2,
            "operation": "UNION",
            "r_loops": 1,
            "r_total_time_ms": 107.6887928,
            "nested_loop": [
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "ctx",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["contextlevel"],
                  "ref": ["const"],
                  "r_loops": 1,
                  "rows": 3588,
                  "r_rows": 3588,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 20.68727008,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.832023312,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
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                    "pages_read_time_ms": 13.53580911
                  "filtered": 50,
                  "r_filtered": 100,
                  "attached_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "cc",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY"],
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.ctx.instanceid"],
                  "r_loops": 3588,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 34.17940458,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.329980613,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 7240,
                    "pages_read_count": 30,
                    "pages_read_time_ms": 29.03216599
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 100
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "rc",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_rolecapa_con_ix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["contextid"],
                  "ref": [""],
                  "r_loops": 3588,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 0.011984392,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 50.60651977,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.239311047,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 7305,
                    "pages_read_count": 54,
                    "pages_read_time_ms": 46.29708561
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 100
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "rc_ra",
                  "access_type": "ref",
                  "possible_keys": [
                  "key": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["userid"],
                  "ref": ["const"],
                  "r_loops": 43,
                  "rows": 9,
                  "r_rows": 23,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.381131019,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.114880729,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 129
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 7.684529828,
                  "attached_condition": "rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid",
                  "using_index": true
                "table": {
                  "table_name": "rc_ra_ctx",
                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                  "possible_keys": ["PRIMARY", "mdl_cont_pat_ix"],
                  "key": "PRIMARY",
                  "key_length": "8",
                  "used_key_parts": ["id"],
                  "ref": ["arche_prod.rc_ra.contextid"],
                  "r_loops": 76,
                  "rows": 1,
                  "r_rows": 1,
                  "r_table_time_ms": 0.168489289,
                  "r_other_time_ms": 0.147119767,
                  "r_engine_stats": {
                    "pages_accessed": 222
                  "filtered": 100,
                  "r_filtered": 6.578947368,
                  "attached_condition": "rc_ra_ctx.`path` = ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')"
} |
1 row in set (0,109 sec)

MariaDB [arche_prod]> select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                            QUERY: ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON ra.contextid = WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND ra.userid = '78244' UNION SELECT,,cc.idnumber,cc.parent,cc.sortorder,cc.coursecount,cc.visible,cc.depth,cc.path, AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath, ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance, ctx.locked AS ctxlocked FROM mdl_course_categories cc JOIN mdl_context ctx ON = ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = '40' JOIN mdl_role_capabilities rc ON rc.contextid = JOIN mdl_role_assignments rc_ra ON rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid JOIN mdl_context rc_ra_ctx ON = rc_ra.contextid WHERE ctx.path LIKE '/1/%' AND rc_ra.userid = '78244' AND (ctx.path = rc_ra_ctx.path OR ctx.path LIKE CONCAT(rc_ra_ctx.path, '/%'))
                            TRACE: {
  "steps": [
      "join_preparation": {
        "select_id": 1,
        "steps": [
            "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select cc.`id` AS `id`,cc.`name` AS `name`,cc.idnumber AS idnumber,cc.parent AS parent,cc.sortorder AS sortorder,cc.coursecount AS coursecount,cc.`visible` AS `visible`,cc.depth AS depth,cc.`path` AS `path`,ctx.`id` AS ctxid,ctx.`path` AS ctxpath,ctx.depth AS ctxdepth,ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance,ctx.`locked` AS ctxlocked from ((mdl_course_categories cc join mdl_context ctx on(cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40)) join mdl_role_assignments ra on(ra.contextid = ctx.`id`)) where ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and ra.userid = 78244"
      "join_preparation": {
        "select_id": 2,
        "steps": [
            "expanded_query": "/* select#2 */ select cc.`id` AS `id`,cc.`name` AS `name`,cc.idnumber AS idnumber,cc.parent AS parent,cc.sortorder AS sortorder,cc.coursecount AS coursecount,cc.`visible` AS `visible`,cc.depth AS depth,cc.`path` AS `path`,ctx.`id` AS ctxid,ctx.`path` AS ctxpath,ctx.depth AS ctxdepth,ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel,ctx.instanceid AS ctxinstance,ctx.`locked` AS ctxlocked from ((((mdl_course_categories cc join mdl_context ctx on(cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40)) join mdl_role_capabilities rc on(rc.contextid = ctx.`id`)) join mdl_role_assignments rc_ra on(rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid)) join mdl_context rc_ra_ctx on(rc_ra_ctx.`id` = rc_ra.contextid)) where ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and rc_ra.userid = 78244 and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%'))"
      "join_optimization": {
        "select_id": 1,
        "steps": [
            "condition_processing": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "original_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and ra.userid = 78244 and ra.contextid = ctx.`id` and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40",
              "steps": [
                  "transformation": "equality_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and multiple equal(78244, ra.userid) and multiple equal(ra.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "constant_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and multiple equal(78244, ra.userid) and multiple equal(ra.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and multiple equal(78244, ra.userid) and multiple equal(ra.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
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                "depends_on_map_bits": []
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                "depends_on_map_bits": []
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                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 2,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
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                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ctx.instanceid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ra.contextid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
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                "equals": "40",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                "field": "instanceid",
                "equals": "cc.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                "field": "instanceid",
                "equals": "cc.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
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                "equals": "ra.contextid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_con_ix",
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                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
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                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
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                  "rows": 3737,
                  "cost": 97
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                    "rows": 1328382,
                    "cost": 272253.4
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                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["contextlevel", "instanceid"]
                      "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["path", "id"]
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                "cond_selectivity": 0.001350515
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                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["userid", "contextid", "roleid", "id"]
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
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                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_con_ix",
                      "usable": false,
                      "cause": "not applicable"
                      "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                      "usable": true,
                      "key_parts": ["userid", "id"]
                  "best_covering_index_scan": {
                    "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                    "cost": 788926.2972,
                    "chosen": true
                  "setup_range_conditions": [],
                  "analyzing_range_alternatives": {
                    "range_scan_alternatives": [
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                        "rowid_ordered": false,
                        "using_mrr": false,
                        "index_only": true,
                        "rows": 23,
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                        "chosen": true
                        "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                        "ranges": ["(78244) <= (userid) <= (78244)"],
                        "rowid_ordered": true,
                        "using_mrr": false,
                        "index_only": false,
                        "rows": 23,
                        "cost": 27.74949191,
                        "chosen": false,
                        "cause": "cost"
                    "analyzing_roworder_intersect": {
                      "cause": "too few roworder scans"
                    "analyzing_index_merge_union": []
                  "group_index_range": {
                    "chosen": false,
                    "cause": "not single_table"
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                      "ranges": ["(78244) <= (userid) <= (78244)"]
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                    "chosen": true
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                "rowid_filters": [
                    "key": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                    "build_cost": 0.965655583,
                    "rows": 23
                    "key": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                    "build_cost": 0.965655583,
                    "rows": 23
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                "selectivity_for_columns": [],
                "cond_selectivity": 5.917821e-6
            "considered_execution_plans": [
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "get_costs_for_tables": [
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "ra",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                          "used_range_estimates": true,
                          "rows": 23,
                          "cost": 0.133983827,
                          "chosen": true
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                          "used_range_estimates": true,
                          "rows": 23,
                          "cost": 23.12949191,
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                          "type": "scan",
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "ref",
                        "records": 23,
                        "cost": 0.133983827,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "ctx",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "ref",
                          "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
                          "used_range_estimates": true,
                          "rows": 3588,
                          "cost": 3594.176108,
                          "chosen": true
                          "type": "scan",
                          "chosen": false,
                          "cause": "cost"
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "ref",
                        "records": 3588,
                        "cost": 3594.176108,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                    "best_access_path": {
                      "table": "cc",
                      "considered_access_paths": [
                          "access_type": "scan",
                          "resulting_rows": 3737,
                          "cost": 97,
                          "chosen": true
                      "chosen_access_method": {
                        "type": "scan",
                        "records": 3737,
                        "cost": 97,
                        "uses_join_buffering": false
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "ra",
                "rows_for_plan": 23,
                "cost_for_plan": 4.733983827,
                "rest_of_plan": [
                    "plan_prefix": ["ra"],
                    "get_costs_for_tables": [
                        "best_access_path": {
                          "table": "ctx",
                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "eq_ref",
                              "index": "PRIMARY",
                              "rows": 1,
                              "cost": 23,
                              "chosen": true
                              "access_type": "ref",
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                              "used_range_estimates": true,
                              "rows": 3588,
                              "cost": 82666.05048,
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                              "access_type": "ref",
                              "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "no predicate for first keypart"
                              "type": "scan",
                              "chosen": false,
                              "cause": "cost"
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "eq_ref",
                            "records": 1,
                            "cost": 23,
                            "uses_join_buffering": false
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                          "considered_access_paths": [
                              "access_type": "scan",
                              "resulting_rows": 3737,
                              "cost": 97,
                              "chosen": true
                          "chosen_access_method": {
                            "type": "scan",
                            "records": 3737,
                            "cost": 97,
                            "uses_join_buffering": true
                    "plan_prefix": ["ra"],
                    "table": "ctx",
                    "rows_for_plan": 23,
                    "cost_for_plan": 32.33398383,
                    "selectivity": 0.001350515,
                    "estimated_join_cardinality": 0.031061848,
                    "rest_of_plan": [
                        "plan_prefix": ["ra", "ctx"],
                        "get_costs_for_tables": [
                            "best_access_path": {
                              "table": "cc",
                              "considered_access_paths": [
                                  "access_type": "eq_ref",
                                  "index": "PRIMARY",
                                  "rows": 1,
                                  "cost": 0.031061848,
                                  "chosen": true
                                  "type": "scan",
                                  "chosen": false,
                                  "cause": "cost"
                              "chosen_access_method": {
                                "type": "eq_ref",
                                "records": 1,
                                "cost": 0.031061848,
                                "uses_join_buffering": false
                        "plan_prefix": ["ra", "ctx"],
                        "table": "cc",
                        "rows_for_plan": 0.031061848,
                        "cost_for_plan": 32.37125804
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "ctx",
                "rows_for_plan": 3588,
                "cost_for_plan": 4311.776108,
                "pruned_by_cost": true,
                "current_cost": 4311.776108,
                "best_cost": 32.37125804
                "plan_prefix": [],
                "table": "cc",
                "rows_for_plan": 3737,
                "cost_for_plan": 844.4,
                "pruned_by_cost": true,
                "current_cost": 844.4,
                "best_cost": 32.37125804
            "best_join_order": ["ra", "ctx", "cc"]
            "substitute_best_equal": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "resulting_condition": "ra.userid = 78244 and ctx.`id` = ra.contextid and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
            "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {
              "attached_conditions_computation": [],
              "attached_conditions_summary": [
                  "table": "ra",
                  "attached": null
                  "table": "ctx",
                  "attached": "ctx.contextlevel = 40 and ctx.`path` like '/1/%'"
                  "table": "cc",
                  "attached": null
      "join_optimization": {
        "select_id": 2,
        "steps": [
            "condition_processing": {
              "condition": "WHERE",
              "original_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and rc_ra.userid = 78244 and (ctx.`path` = rc_ra_ctx.`path` or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and rc_ra_ctx.`id` = rc_ra.contextid and rc_ra.roleid = rc.roleid and rc.contextid = ctx.`id` and cc.`id` = ctx.instanceid and ctx.contextlevel = 40",
              "steps": [
                  "transformation": "equality_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (multiple equal(ctx.`path`, rc_ra_ctx.`path`) or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and multiple equal(78244, rc_ra.userid) and multiple equal(rc_ra_ctx.`id`, rc_ra.contextid) and multiple equal(rc_ra.roleid, rc.roleid) and multiple equal(rc.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "constant_propagation",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (multiple equal(ctx.`path`, rc_ra_ctx.`path`) or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and multiple equal(78244, rc_ra.userid) and multiple equal(rc_ra_ctx.`id`, rc_ra.contextid) and multiple equal(rc_ra.roleid, rc.roleid) and multiple equal(rc.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
                  "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
                  "resulting_condition": "ctx.`path` like '/1/%' and (multiple equal(ctx.`path`, rc_ra_ctx.`path`) or ctx.`path` like concat(rc_ra_ctx.`path`,'/%')) and multiple equal(78244, rc_ra.userid) and multiple equal(rc_ra_ctx.`id`, rc_ra.contextid) and multiple equal(rc_ra.roleid, rc.roleid) and multiple equal(rc.contextid, ctx.`id`) and multiple equal(cc.`id`, ctx.instanceid) and multiple equal(40, ctx.contextlevel)"
            "table_dependencies": [
                "table": "cc",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 0,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "ctx",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 1,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "rc",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 2,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 3,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
                "table": "rc_ra_ctx",
                "row_may_be_null": false,
                "map_bit": 4,
                "depends_on_map_bits": []
            "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [
                "table": "cc",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "ctx.instanceid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "PRIMARY",
                "field": "id",
                "equals": "rc.contextid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
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                "field": "contextlevel",
                "equals": "40",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "ctx",
                "index": "mdl_cont_conins_uix",
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                "null_rejecting": false
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                "index": "mdl_cont_ins_ix",
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                "field": "id",
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                "null_rejecting": false
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                "table": "rc",
                "index": "mdl_rolecapa_rolconcap_uix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc",
                "index": "mdl_rolecapa_rol_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc_ra.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc",
                "index": "mdl_rolecapa_con_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
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                "index": "mdl_roleassi_rolcon_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_rolcon_ix",
                "field": "contextid",
                "equals": "rc_ra_ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
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                "equals": "rc_ra_ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
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                "index": "mdl_roleassi_useconrol_ix",
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                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_rol_ix",
                "field": "roleid",
                "equals": "rc.roleid",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_con_ix",
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                "equals": "rc_ra_ctx.`id`",
                "null_rejecting": false
                "table": "rc_ra",
                "index": "mdl_roleassi_use_ix",
                "field": "userid",
                "equals": "78244",
                "null_rejecting": false
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                "null_rejecting": false
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                  "cost": 97
                "table": "ctx",
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                    "rows": 1328382,
                    "cost": 272253.4
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      "join_execution": {
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        "steps": []
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      "join_execution": {
        "select_id": "fake",
        "steps": []
1 row in set (0,002 sec)