There are two aspects for SBOM: (1) syntax/schema/fields and (2) actual content (with respect to the actual dependencies). We first focus on (1). 1. You can bump the Cyclone DX version number from 1.5 to 1.6, which is the latest version. 2. The provided SBOM complies with Cyclone DX standard (1.5 & 1.6). That means the data objects that are listed in the document do exist and are valid, from a schema perspective. However elements can still be missing. 3. One required element that is missing: the supplier name for each component. Example for rocksb: { "bom-ref": "rocksdb-bba5e7b", "type": "library", "name": "rocksdb", "version": "bba5e7b", "purl": "github/facebook/rocksdb@bba5e7b", "supplier" : { "name" : "Facebook" } } 4. Also missing: the dependencies list should list all components, not only the top-level component, even if they have no dependencies. Example: { "ref": "MariaDB", "dependsOn": [ ... ] }, { "ref" : "zlib-1.3.1" }, ... Optional: 5. The lifecyle phase that the SBOM was generated from can and should be included in the metadata field (not sure if you are doing this during build or post-build): "metadata": { "lifecycles": [ { "phase": "build"}, { "phase": "post-build" } ] } And now to the content. First, this section of the Wiki [1] is extremely important, because it defines the dependency types and how they are used in the build process. 1. If you are building from source and linking those artifacts into your release, then the github PURLs are valid (assuming the source used in your build process originates from or is identical to the Github source). The supplier name of this component can then be either the owner of the repo (deduced from the URL$OWNER/repo) OR Github itself (as they can be seen as the distributor of the source code). 2. If you are linking against a static lib that is provided by the build environment, e.g. OS installed package, then you have to provide that in the PURL. IIIRC, depending on what platform server is built and with what build parameters, zlib or pcre2 might be linked this way. In that case the package information has to be retrieved from the OS package manager. E.g., the purl will then look like this: pkg:deb/debian/zlib1g@1:1.2.13.dfsg-1?arch=amd64&distro=bookworm The supplier in that case is Debian because they are distributing the package. 3. This is not covered by SBOM spec, but is IMHO important: disambiguation for the different platforms and architectures that server is built for. I suggest to use the[] element for that, e.g. [ { "name": "arch", "value" : "x86_64"}, { "name" : "os", "value" : "Debian"} ] [1]