SELECT FLOOR(MIN(IF (sp.id_specific_price IS NULL, (p_shop.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0))*((IFNULL(t.rate,0)/100) + 1),IF (sp.reduction_type = 'percentage',IF(sp.price = -1, (p_shop.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0)), (sp.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0))) * ((IFNULL(t.rate,0)/100) + 1) * (1 - sp.reduction),(IF(sp.price = -1, (p_shop.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0)), (sp.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0))) * ((IFNULL(t.rate,0)/100) + 1)) - sp.reduction)))) AS min_price, CEIL(MAX(IF (sp.id_specific_price IS NULL, (p_shop.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0))*((IFNULL(t.rate,0)/100) + 1),IF (sp.reduction_type = 'percentage',IF(sp.price = -1, (p_shop.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0)), (sp.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0))) * ((IFNULL(t.rate,0)/100) + 1) * (1 - sp.reduction),(IF(sp.price = -1, (p_shop.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0)), (sp.price + IFNULL(pas.price, 0))) * ((IFNULL(t.rate,0)/100) + 1)) - sp.reduction)))) AS max_price\ FROM `ps_product` p\ INNER JOIN `ps_product_shop` p_shop ON p_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND p_shop.id_shop = 1\ INNER JOIN `ps_category_product` cpro_p ON cpro_p.id_product = p_shop.id_product\ INNER JOIN `ps_category_shop` cshop_p ON cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category AND cshop_p.id_shop = 1\ LEFT JOIN `ps_product_attribute_shop` `pas` ON pas.id_product = p_shop.id_product AND pas.id_shop = 1\ LEFT JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group` `trg` ON trg.id_tax_rules_group = p_shop.id_tax_rules_group\ LEFT JOIN `ps_tax_rules_group_shop` `trgs` ON trgs.id_tax_rules_group = trg.id_tax_rules_group AND trgs.id_shop = 1\ LEFT JOIN `ps_tax_rule` `tr` ON trg.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = 37 AND tr.`id_state` = 0 AND tr.`zipcode_from` = 0\ LEFT JOIN `ps_tax` `t` ON t.id_tax = tr.id_tax\ LEFT JOIN `ps_specific_price` `sp` ON p_shop.id_product = sp.id_product AND sp.id_specific_price = (SELECT spc.id_specific_price\ FROM `ps_specific_price` spc\ WHERE (spc.id_product = p.id_product) AND (spc.id_shop IN (0, 1)) AND (spc.id_currency IN (0, 1)) AND (spc.id_country IN (0, 37)) AND (spc.id_group IN (0, 3)) AND (spc.from = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.from) AND ( = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= AND (spc.id_product_attribute = 0)\ ORDER BY spc.id_product_attribute DESC, spc.from_quantity DESC, (IF(spc.id_group = 3, 2, 0) + IF(spc.id_country = 37, 4, 0) + IF(spc.id_currency = 1, 8, 0) + IF(spc.id_shop = 1, 16, 0) + IF(spc.id_customer = 0, 32, 0)) DESC, DESC, spc.from DESC\ LIMIT 1) \ INNER JOIN `ps_stock_available` stock_0 ON stock_0.id_product = p.id_product AND stock_0.id_product_attribute = IFNULL(pas.id_product_attribute, 0)\ WHERE ( = 1) AND (p_shop.visibility IN ("both", "catalog")) AND (cshop_p.id_category = 12 OR cshop_p.id_category IN (SELECT c.id_category\ FROM `ps_category` c\ WHERE (c.nleft >= 3) AND (c.nright <= 100)\ )) AND (stock_0.quantity > 0) LIMIT 1 {\ "steps": [\ {\ "join_preparation": {\ "select_id": 1,\ "steps": [\ {\ "join_preparation": {\ "select_id": 3,\ "steps": [\ {\ "transformation": {\ "select_id": 3,\ "from": "IN (SELECT)",\ "to": "materialization",\ "sjm_scan_allowed": true,\ "possible": true\ }\ },\ {\ "expanded_query": "/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "join_preparation": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": [\ {\ "expanded_query": "/* select#2 */ select spc.id_specific_price from ps_specific_price spc where spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and spc.id_product_attribute = 0 order by spc.id_product_attribute desc,spc.from_quantity desc,if(spc.id_group = 3,2,0) + if(spc.id_country = 37,4,0) + if(spc.id_currency = 1,8,0) + if(spc.id_shop = 1,16,0) + if(spc.id_customer = 0,32,0) desc,spc.`to` desc,spc.`from` desc limit 1"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select floor(min(if(sp.id_specific_price is null,(p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1),if(sp.reduction_type = 'percentage',if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) * (1 - sp.reduction),if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) - sp.reduction)))) AS min_price,ceiling(max(if(sp.id_specific_price is null,(p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1),if(sp.reduction_type = 'percentage',if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) * (1 - sp.reduction),if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) - sp.reduction)))) AS max_price from ((((((((((ps_product p join ps_product_shop p_shop on(p_shop.id_product = p.id_product and p_shop.id_shop = 1)) join ps_category_product cpro_p on(cpro_p.id_product = p_shop.id_product)) join ps_category_shop cshop_p on(cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category and cshop_p.id_shop = 1)) left join ps_product_attribute_shop pas on(pas.id_product = p_shop.id_product and pas.id_shop = 1)) left join ps_tax_rules_group trg on(trg.id_tax_rules_group = p_shop.id_tax_rules_group)) left join ps_tax_rules_group_shop trgs on(trgs.id_tax_rules_group = trg.id_tax_rules_group and trgs.id_shop = 1)) left join ps_tax_rule tr on(trg.id_tax_rules_group = tr.id_tax_rules_group and tr.id_country = 37 and tr.id_state = 0 and tr.zipcode_from = 0)) left join ps_tax t on(t.id_tax = tr.id_tax)) left join ps_specific_price sp on(p_shop.id_product = sp.id_product and sp.id_specific_price = (/* select#2 */ select spc.id_specific_price from ps_specific_price spc where spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and spc.id_product_attribute = 0 order by spc.id_product_attribute desc,spc.from_quantity desc,if(spc.id_group = 3,2,0) + if(spc.id_country = 37,4,0) + if(spc.id_currency = 1,8,0) + if(spc.id_shop = 1,16,0) + if(spc.id_customer = 0,32,0) desc,spc.`to` desc,spc.`from` desc limit 1))) join ps_stock_available stock_0 on(stock_0.id_product = p.id_product and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0))) where = 1 and p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog') and (cshop_p.id_category = 12 or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and stock_0.quantity > 0 limit 1"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "join_optimization": {\ "select_id": 1,\ "steps": [\ {\ "condition_processing": {\ "condition": "WHERE",\ "original_condition": " = 1 and p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog') and (cshop_p.id_category = 12 or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and stock_0.quantity > 0 and stock_0.id_product = p.id_product and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0) and cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category and cshop_p.id_shop = 1 and cpro_p.id_product = p_shop.id_product and p_shop.id_product = p.id_product and p_shop.id_shop = 1",\ "steps": [\ {\ "build_equal_items": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "sp",\ "resulting_condition": "sp.id_specific_price = (/* select#2 */ select spc.id_specific_price from ps_specific_price spc where spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and spc.id_product_attribute = 0 order by spc.id_product_attribute desc,spc.from_quantity desc,if(spc.id_group = 3,2,0) + if(spc.id_country = 37,4,0) + if(spc.id_currency = 1,8,0) + if(spc.id_shop = 1,16,0) + if(spc.id_customer = 0,32,0) desc,spc.`to` desc,spc.`from` desc limit 1) and multiple equal(cpro_p.id_product, p_shop.id_product, stock_0.id_product, p.id_product, sp.id_product)"\ }\ },\ {\ "build_equal_items": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "t",\ "resulting_condition": "t.id_tax = tr.id_tax"\ }\ },\ {\ "build_equal_items": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "tr",\ "resulting_condition": "tr.zipcode_from = 0 and multiple equal(trg.id_tax_rules_group, tr.id_tax_rules_group) and multiple equal(37, tr.id_country) and multiple equal(0, tr.id_state)"\ }\ },\ {\ "build_equal_items": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "trgs",\ "resulting_condition": "trgs.id_tax_rules_group = trg.id_tax_rules_group and multiple equal(1, trgs.id_shop)"\ }\ },\ {\ "build_equal_items": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "trg",\ "resulting_condition": "trg.id_tax_rules_group = p_shop.id_tax_rules_group"\ }\ },\ {\ "build_equal_items": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "pas",\ "resulting_condition": "multiple equal(cpro_p.id_product, p_shop.id_product, stock_0.id_product, p.id_product, pas.id_product) and multiple equal(1, pas.id_shop)"\ }\ },\ {\ "transformation": "equality_propagation",\ "resulting_condition": "p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog') and (multiple equal(12, cshop_p.id_category) or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and stock_0.quantity > 0 and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0) and cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category and multiple equal(1, and multiple equal(1, cshop_p.id_shop) and multiple equal(cpro_p.id_product, p_shop.id_product, stock_0.id_product, p.id_product) and multiple equal(1, p_shop.id_shop)"\ },\ {\ "transformation": "constant_propagation",\ "resulting_condition": "p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog') and (multiple equal(12, cshop_p.id_category) or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and stock_0.quantity > 0 and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0) and cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category and multiple equal(1, and multiple equal(1, cshop_p.id_shop) and multiple equal(cpro_p.id_product, p_shop.id_product, stock_0.id_product, p.id_product) and multiple equal(1, p_shop.id_shop)"\ },\ {\ "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",\ "resulting_condition": "p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog') and (multiple equal(12, cshop_p.id_category) or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and stock_0.quantity > 0 and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0) and cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category and multiple equal(1, and multiple equal(1, cshop_p.id_shop) and multiple equal(cpro_p.id_product, p_shop.id_product, stock_0.id_product, p.id_product) and multiple equal(1, p_shop.id_shop)"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "table_dependencies": [\ {\ "table": "p",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 0,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ },\ {\ "table": "p_shop",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 1,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 2,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ },\ {\ "table": "cshop_p",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 3,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "row_may_be_null": true,\ "map_bit": 4,\ "depends_on_map_bits": ["1"]\ },\ {\ "table": "trg",\ "row_may_be_null": true,\ "map_bit": 5,\ "depends_on_map_bits": ["1", "4"]\ },\ {\ "table": "trgs",\ "row_may_be_null": true,\ "map_bit": 6,\ "depends_on_map_bits": ["1", "4", "5"]\ },\ {\ "table": "tr",\ "row_may_be_null": true,\ "map_bit": 7,\ "depends_on_map_bits": ["1", "4", "5", "6"]\ },\ {\ "table": "t",\ "row_may_be_null": true,\ "map_bit": 8,\ "depends_on_map_bits": ["1", "4", "5", "6", "7"]\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "row_may_be_null": true,\ "map_bit": 9,\ "depends_on_map_bits": ["0", "1", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]\ },\ {\ "table": "stock_0",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 10,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [\ {\ "table": "p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "stock_0.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "cpro_p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p_shop.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "p_shop",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "p_shop",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "stock_0.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "p_shop",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "cpro_p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "p_shop",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_shop",\ "equals": "1",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_category",\ "equals": "cshop_p.id_category",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "stock_0.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p_shop.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p_shop.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "stock_0.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_category",\ "equals": "cshop_p.id_category",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "index": "id_category",\ "field": "id_category",\ "equals": "cshop_p.id_category",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cshop_p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_category",\ "equals": "cpro_p.id_category",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "cshop_p",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_shop",\ "equals": "1",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "stock_0.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p_shop.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "cpro_p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_shop",\ "equals": "1",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "trg",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_tax_rules_group",\ "equals": "p_shop.id_tax_rules_group",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "trgs",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_tax_rules_group",\ "equals": "trg.id_tax_rules_group",\ "null_rejecting": true\ },\ {\ "table": "trgs",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_shop",\ "equals": "1",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "trgs",\ "index": "id_shop",\ "field": "id_shop",\ "equals": "1",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "trgs",\ "index": "id_shop",\ "field": "id_tax_rules_group",\ "equals": "trg.id_tax_rules_group",\ "null_rejecting": true\ },\ {\ "table": "tr",\ "index": "id_tax_rules_group",\ "field": "id_tax_rules_group",\ "equals": "trg.id_tax_rules_group",\ "null_rejecting": true\ },\ {\ "table": "tr",\ "index": "category_getproducts",\ "field": "id_tax_rules_group",\ "equals": "trg.id_tax_rules_group",\ "null_rejecting": true\ },\ {\ "table": "tr",\ "index": "category_getproducts",\ "field": "id_country",\ "equals": "37",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "tr",\ "index": "category_getproducts",\ "field": "id_state",\ "equals": "0",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "t",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_tax",\ "equals": "tr.id_tax",\ "null_rejecting": true\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "field": "id_specific_price",\ "equals": "(/* select#2 */ select spc.id_specific_price from ps_specific_price spc where spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and spc.id_product_attribute = 0 order by spc.id_product_attribute desc,spc.from_quantity desc,if(spc.id_group = 3,2,0) + if(spc.id_country = 37,4,0) + if(spc.id_currency = 1,8,0) + if(spc.id_shop = 1,16,0) + if(spc.id_customer = 0,32,0) desc,spc.`to` desc,spc.`from` desc limit 1)",\ "null_rejecting": true\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "cpro_p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p_shop.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "stock_0.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ 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"current_cost": 3783326.423,\ "best_cost": 575483.6612\ }\ ]\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "plan_prefix": ["trgs", "stock_0"],\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "rows_for_plan": 76584,\ "cost_for_plan": 199185.2411,\ "pruned_by_heuristic": true\ },\ {\ "plan_prefix": ["trgs", "stock_0"],\ "table": "cshop_p",\ "rows_for_plan": 17461152,\ "cost_for_plan": 3599520.823,\ "pruned_by_cost": true,\ "current_cost": 3599520.823,\ "best_cost": 575483.6612\ }\ ]\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "best_join_order": [\ "trgs",\ "p_shop",\ "p",\ "cpro_p",\ "cshop_p",\ "pas",\ "trg",\ "tr",\ "t",\ "sp",\ "stock_0"\ ]\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "WHERE",\ "resulting_condition": " = 1 and cshop_p.id_shop = 1 and p.id_product = p_shop.id_product and cpro_p.id_product = p_shop.id_product and stock_0.id_product = p_shop.id_product and p_shop.id_shop = 1 and p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog') and (cshop_p.id_category = 12 or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and stock_0.quantity > 0 and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0) and cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category"\ }\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "pas",\ "resulting_condition": "pas.id_product = p_shop.id_product and pas.id_shop = 1"\ }\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "trg",\ "resulting_condition": "trg.id_tax_rules_group = p_shop.id_tax_rules_group"\ }\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "tr",\ "resulting_condition": "tr.id_tax_rules_group = trg.id_tax_rules_group and tr.id_country = 37 and tr.id_state = 0 and tr.zipcode_from = 0"\ }\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "t",\ "resulting_condition": "t.id_tax = tr.id_tax"\ }\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "ON expr",\ "attached_to": "sp",\ "resulting_condition": "sp.id_product = p_shop.id_product and 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"id_category_default",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ },\ {\ "index": "date_add",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ },\ {\ "index": "indexed",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ }\ ],\ "setup_range_conditions": [],\ "analyzing_range_alternatives": {\ "range_scan_alternatives": [],\ "analyzing_roworder_intersect": {\ "cause": "too few roworder scans"\ },\ "analyzing_index_merge_union": []\ },\ "group_index_range": {\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "not single_table"\ }\ }\ }\ ],\ "attached_conditions_summary": [\ {\ "table": "p_shop",\ "attached": " = 1 and p_shop.id_shop = 1 and p_shop.visibility in ('both','catalog')"\ },\ {\ "table": "p",\ "attached": null\ },\ {\ "table": "cpro_p",\ "attached": null\ },\ {\ "table": "cshop_p",\ "attached": "(cshop_p.id_category = 12 or (cshop_p.id_category,(/* select#3 */ select c.id_category from ps_category c where c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100))) and cshop_p.id_category = cpro_p.id_category"\ },\ {\ "table": "pas",\ "attached": null\ },\ {\ "table": "trg",\ "attached": "trigcond(trg.id_tax_rules_group = p_shop.id_tax_rules_group)"\ },\ {\ "table": "tr",\ "attached": "trigcond(tr.zipcode_from = 0 and trigcond(trg.id_tax_rules_group is not null))"\ },\ {\ "table": "t",\ "attached": "trigcond(t.id_tax = tr.id_tax and trigcond(tr.id_tax is not null))"\ },\ {\ "table": "sp",\ "attached": "trigcond(sp.id_product = p_shop.id_product and sp.id_specific_price = (/* select#2 */ select spc.id_specific_price from ps_specific_price spc where spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and spc.id_product_attribute = 0 order by spc.id_product_attribute desc,spc.from_quantity desc,if(spc.id_group = 3,2,0) + if(spc.id_country = 37,4,0) + if(spc.id_currency = 1,8,0) + if(spc.id_shop = 1,16,0) + if(spc.id_customer = 0,32,0) desc,spc.`to` desc,spc.`from` desc limit 1))"\ },\ {\ "table": "stock_0",\ "attached": "stock_0.id_product = p_shop.id_product and stock_0.quantity > 0 and stock_0.id_product_attribute = ifnull(pas.id_product_attribute,0)"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "join_optimization": {\ "select_id": 3,\ "steps": [\ {\ "condition_processing": {\ "condition": "WHERE",\ "original_condition": "c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100",\ "steps": [\ {\ "transformation": "equality_propagation",\ "resulting_condition": "c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100"\ },\ {\ "transformation": "constant_propagation",\ "resulting_condition": "c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100"\ },\ {\ "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",\ "resulting_condition": "c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "table_dependencies": [\ {\ "table": "c",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 0,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "ref_optimizer_key_uses": []\ },\ {\ "rows_estimation": [\ {\ "table": "c",\ "range_analysis": {\ "table_scan": {\ "rows": 304,\ "cost": 65.8\ },\ "potential_range_indexes": [\ {\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ },\ {\ "index": "category_parent",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ },\ {\ "index": "nleftrightactive",\ "usable": true,\ "key_parts": [\ "nleft",\ "nright",\ "active",\ "id_category"\ ]\ },\ {\ "index": "level_depth",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ },\ {\ "index": "nright",\ "usable": true,\ "key_parts": ["nright", "id_category"]\ },\ {\ "index": "activenleft",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ },\ {\ "index": "activenright",\ "usable": false,\ "cause": "not applicable"\ }\ ],\ "best_covering_index_scan": {\ "index": "nleftrightactive",\ "cost": 61.84823924,\ "chosen": true\ },\ "setup_range_conditions": [],\ "analyzing_range_alternatives": {\ "range_scan_alternatives": [\ {\ "index": "nleftrightactive",\ "ranges": ["(3) <= (nleft)"],\ 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"get_costs_for_tables": [\ {\ "best_access_path": {\ "table": "c",\ "considered_access_paths": [\ {\ "access_type": "range",\ "resulting_rows": 49,\ "cost": 58.94978486,\ "chosen": true\ }\ ],\ "chosen_access_method": {\ "type": "range",\ "records": 49,\ "cost": 58.94978486,\ "uses_join_buffering": false\ }\ }\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "plan_prefix": [],\ "table": "c",\ "rows_for_plan": 49,\ "cost_for_plan": 68.74978486\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "considered_execution_plans": [\ {\ "plan_prefix": [],\ "get_costs_for_tables": [\ {\ "best_access_path": {\ "table": "c",\ "considered_access_paths": [\ {\ "access_type": "eq_ref",\ "index": "PRIMARY",\ "rows": 1,\ "cost": 1,\ "chosen": true\ },\ {\ "type": "scan",\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "cost"\ }\ ],\ "chosen_access_method": {\ "type": "eq_ref",\ "records": 1,\ "cost": 1,\ "uses_join_buffering": false\ }\ }\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "plan_prefix": [],\ "table": "c",\ "rows_for_plan": 1,\ "cost_for_plan": 1.2\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "best_join_order": ["c"]\ },\ {\ "substitute_best_equal": {\ "condition": "WHERE",\ "resulting_condition": "c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100"\ }\ },\ {\ "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {\ "attached_conditions_computation": [],\ "attached_conditions_summary": [\ {\ "table": "c",\ "attached": "c.nleft >= 3 and c.nright <= 100"\ }\ ]\ }\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "join_optimization": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": [\ {\ "condition_processing": {\ "condition": "WHERE",\ "original_condition": "spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and spc.id_product_attribute = 0",\ "steps": [\ {\ "transformation": "equality_propagation",\ "resulting_condition": "spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (multiple equal(TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00', spc.`from`) or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (multiple equal(TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00', spc.`to`) or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and multiple equal(0, spc.id_product_attribute)"\ },\ {\ "transformation": "constant_propagation",\ "resulting_condition": "spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (multiple equal(TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00', spc.`from`) or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (multiple equal(TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00', spc.`to`) or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and multiple equal(0, spc.id_product_attribute)"\ },\ {\ "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",\ "resulting_condition": "spc.id_product = p.id_product and spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (multiple equal(TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00', spc.`from`) or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (multiple equal(TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00', spc.`to`) or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`) and multiple equal(0, spc.id_product_attribute)"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "table_dependencies": [\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "row_may_be_null": false,\ "map_bit": 0,\ "depends_on_map_bits": []\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "ref_optimizer_key_uses": [\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "field": "id_product_attribute",\ "equals": "0",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "index": "id_product",\ "field": "id_product",\ "equals": "p.id_product",\ "null_rejecting": false\ },\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "index": "id_product_attribute",\ "field": "id_product_attribute",\ "equals": "0",\ "null_rejecting": false\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "rows_estimation": [\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "range_analysis": {\ "table_scan": {\ "rows": 2578,\ "cost": 536.6\ 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"index": "id_product_2",\ "cost": 529.3936649,\ "chosen": true\ },\ "setup_range_conditions": [],\ "analyzing_range_alternatives": {\ "range_scan_alternatives": [\ {\ "index": "id_product_attribute",\ "ranges": ["(0) <= (id_product_attribute) <= (0)"],\ "rowid_ordered": true,\ "using_mrr": false,\ "index_only": false,\ "rows": 2576,\ "cost": 3091.596547,\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "cost"\ },\ {\ "index": "id_shop",\ "ranges": [\ "(0) <= (id_shop) <= (0)",\ "(1) <= (id_shop) <= (1)"\ ],\ "rowid_ordered": false,\ "using_mrr": false,\ "index_only": false,\ "rows": 2578,\ "cost": 3094.121742,\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "cost"\ },\ {\ "index": "from",\ "ranges": ["(from) <= (2022-05-31 23:12:00)"],\ "rowid_ordered": false,\ "using_mrr": false,\ "index_only": false,\ "rows": 2578,\ "cost": 3094.02821,\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "cost"\ },\ {\ "index": "to",\ "ranges": [\ "(0000-00-00 00:00:00) <= (to) <= (0000-00-00 00:00:00)",\ "(2022-05-31 23:12:00) <= (to)"\ ],\ "rowid_ordered": false,\ "using_mrr": false,\ "index_only": false,\ "rows": 2578,\ "cost": 3094.15321,\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "cost"\ }\ ],\ "analyzing_roworder_intersect": {\ "cause": "too few roworder scans"\ },\ "analyzing_index_merge_union": []\ },\ "group_index_range": {\ "chosen": false,\ "cause": "correlated conditions"\ }\ }\ },\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "rowid_filters": [\ {\ "key": "id_product_attribute",\ "build_cost": 215.5754091,\ "rows": 2576\ },\ {\ "key": "from",\ "build_cost": 215.7941598,\ "rows": 2578\ },\ {\ "key": "from",\ "build_cost": 215.7941598,\ "rows": 2578\ },\ {\ "key": "to",\ "build_cost": 215.9191598,\ "rows": 2578\ }\ ]\ }\ ]\ },\ {\ "considered_execution_plans": [\ {\ "plan_prefix": [],\ "get_costs_for_tables": [\ {\ "best_access_path": {\ "table": "spc",\ "considered_access_paths": [\ {\ "access_type": "ref",\ "index": "id_product_2",\ "rows": 1,\ "cost": 1.000695758,\ "chosen": true\ },\ {\ "access_type": "ref",\ "index": "id_product",\ "rows": 1,\ "cost": 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23:12:00' <= spc.`to`)"\ }\ },\ {\ "attaching_conditions_to_tables": {\ "attached_conditions_computation": [],\ "attached_conditions_summary": [\ {\ "table": "spc",\ "attached": "spc.id_shop in (0,1) and spc.id_currency in (0,1) and spc.id_country in (0,37) and spc.id_group in (0,3) and (spc.`from` = TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' >= spc.`from`) and (spc.`to` = TIMESTAMP'0000-00-00 00:00:00' or '2022-05-31 23:12:00' <= spc.`to`)"\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "test_if_skip_sort_order": []\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "prepare_sum_aggregators": {\ "function": "max(if(sp.id_specific_price is null,(p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1),if(sp.reduction_type = 'percentage',if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) * (1 - sp.reduction),if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) - sp.reduction)))",\ "aggregator_type": "simple"\ }\ },\ {\ "prepare_sum_aggregators": {\ "function": "min(if(sp.id_specific_price is null,(p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1),if(sp.reduction_type = 'percentage',if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) * (1 - sp.reduction),if(sp.price = -1,p_shop.price + ifnull(pas.price,0),sp.price + ifnull(pas.price,0)) * (ifnull(t.rate,0) / 100 + 1) - sp.reduction)))",\ "aggregator_type": "simple"\ }\ }\ ]\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 1,\ "steps": [\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 3,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ {\ "join_execution": {\ "select_id": 2,\ "steps": []\ }\ },\ 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