Thread 43 "mariadbd" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 11820] st_join_table::choose_best_splitting (this=this@entry=0x7f57e01b79f0, idx=idx@entry=0, remaining_tables=remaining_tables@entry=1, spl_pd_boundary=spl_pd_boundary@entry=0x7f5cacd86cd8) at ./sql/ 1047 ./sql/ No such file or directory. (gdb) set print frame-arguments all (gdb) bt full #0 st_join_table::choose_best_splitting (this=this@entry=0x7f57e01b79f0, idx=idx@entry=0, remaining_tables=remaining_tables@entry=1, spl_pd_boundary=spl_pd_boundary@entry=0x7f5cacd86cd8) at ./sql/ pos = 0x809fe01b7e78 last_found = 1 spl_opt_info = 0x7f57e01778e8 join = 0x7f57e0156e78 thd = 0x7f57e0000c58 tables_usable_for_splitting = 1 keyuse_ext = 0x7f57e01cb9a0 best_key_keyuse_ext_start = best_table = best_rec_per_key = spl_plan = 0x0 best_key = best_key_parts = best_param_tables = trace_obj = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_arr = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d930 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = true}, } refills = 1.7976931348623157e+308 excluded_tables = 1 #1 0x0000556c517b2988 in best_access_path (join=0x7f57e01567e8, s=0x7f57e01b79f0, remaining_tables=1, join_positions=0x7f57e01b7fc0, idx=0, disable_jbuf=true, record_count=1, pos=0x7f57e01b7fc0, loose_scan_pos=0x7f5cacd86e60) at ./sql/ thd = 0x7f57e0000c58 use_cond_selectivity = 4 best_key = 0x0 best_max_key_part = 0 found_constraint = 0 '\000' best = 1.7976931348623157e+308 best_time = 1.7976931348623157e+308 records = 1.7976931348623157e+308 records_for_key = 0 best_ref_depends_map = 0 key_dependent = 0 best_filter = 0x0 tmp = keyread_tmp = 0 rec = best_uses_jbuf = false eq_join_set = 0x7f57e0165120 hj_start_key = 0x0 spl_plan = 0x0 spl_pd_boundary = 1 filter = 0x0 cause = 0x0 best_type = JT_UNKNOWN type = JT_UNKNOWN loose_scan_opt = {try_loosescan = , bound_sj_equalities = 0, handled_sj_equalities = , loose_scan_keyparts = , max_loose_keypart = , part1_conds_met = , quick_uses_applicable_index = , quick_max_loose_keypart = , best_loose_scan_key = , best_loose_scan_cost = , best_loose_scan_records = , best_loose_scan_start_key = , best_max_loose_keypart = , best_ref_depend_map = } trace_wrapper = { = { --Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_paths = { = {_vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x0, my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x556c525b4208 }, closed = 61}, } trace_access_scan = { = {_vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x0, my_writer = 0xfffffffffffffe00, context = {writer = 0x556c525b41c8 }, closed = 61}, } #2 0x0000556c517b671f in best_extension_by_limited_search (join=0x7f57e01567e8, remaining_tables=1, idx=0, record_count=1, read_time=0, search_depth=62, prune_level=1, use_cond_selectivity=4) at ./sql/ trace_one_table = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } filter_cmp_gain = pushdown_cond_selectivity = current_record_count = 6.918698349246787e-310 current_read_time = 6.9176798229926993e-310 partial_join_cardinality = position = 0x7f57e01b7fc0 loose_scan_pos = {table = 0x0, records_read = 0, cond_selectivity = 0, read_time = 0, prefix_record_count = 0, key = 0x0, partial_join_cardinality = 4.6404486567798277e-310, spl_plan = 0x0, spl_pd_boundary = 0, range_rowid_filter_info = 0x0, ref_depend_map = 0, key_dependent = 0, dups_producing_tables = 0, inner_tables_handled_with_other_sjs = 0, dups_weedout_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b4208 }, first_dupsweedout_table = 61, dupsweedout_tables = 0, is_used = false}, firstmatch_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b41c8 }, first_firstmatch_table = 61, first_firstmatch_rtbl = 4222451713, firstmatch_need_tables = 140036013584720, is_used = false}, loosescan_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b4188 }, first_loosescan_table = 61, loosescan_need_tables = 140036013584724, loosescan_key = 2899865999, loosescan_parts = 32604, is_used = false}, sjmat_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b4148 }, is_used = false, sjm_scan_last_inner = 0, sjm_scan_need_tables = 0}, prefix_cost = {io_count = 0, avg_io_cost = 1, idx_io_count = 0, idx_avg_io_cost = 1, cpu_cost = 0, idx_cpu_cost = 0, import_cost = 0, mem_cost = 0, static IO_COEFF = 1, static CPU_COEFF = 1, static MEM_COEFF = 1, static IMPORT_COEFF = 1}, sj_strategy = SJ_OPT_NONE, type = JT_UNKNOWN, n_sj_tables = 0, use_join_buffer = false} real_table_bit = 1 thd = 0x7f57e0000c58 s = 0x7f57e01b79f0 pos = 0x7f57e01b7fa0 best_record_count = 1.7976931348623157e+308 best_read_time = 1.7976931348623157e+308 disable_jbuf = best_res = allowed_tables = 18446744073709551615 #3 0x0000556c517b7534 in greedy_search (use_cond_selectivity=4, prune_level=1, search_depth=62, remaining_tables=1, join=0x7f57e01567e8) at ./sql/ is_interleave_error = pos = idx = 0 best_idx = n_tables = 1 record_count = 1 read_time = 0 size_remain = 1 best_pos = {table = 0x0, records_read = 0, cond_selectivity = 0, read_time = 0, prefix_record_count = 0, key = 0x0, partial_join_cardinality = 6.9186983492839407e-310, spl_plan = 0x0, spl_pd_boundary = 0, range_rowid_filter_info = 0x0, ref_depend_map = 0, key_dependent = 0, dups_producing_tables = 0, inner_tables_handled_with_other_sjs = 0, dups_weedout_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b4208 }, first_dupsweedout_table = 61, dupsweedout_tables = 0, is_used = false}, --Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- firstmatch_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b41c8 }, first_firstmatch_table = 61, first_firstmatch_rtbl = 0, firstmatch_need_tables = 0, is_used = false}, loosescan_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b4188 }, first_loosescan_table = 61, loosescan_need_tables = 0, loosescan_key = 0, loosescan_parts = 0, is_used = false}, sjmat_picker = { = { _vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = 0x556c525b4148 }, is_used = false, sjm_scan_last_inner = 0, sjm_scan_need_tables = 0}, prefix_cost = {io_count = 0, avg_io_cost = 1, idx_io_count = 0, idx_avg_io_cost = 1, cpu_cost = 0, idx_cpu_cost = 0, import_cost = 0, mem_cost = 0, static IO_COEFF = 1, static CPU_COEFF = 1, static MEM_COEFF = 1, static IMPORT_COEFF = 1}, sj_strategy = SJ_OPT_NONE, type = JT_UNKNOWN, n_sj_tables = 0, use_join_buffer = false} best_table = record_count = read_time = idx = best_idx = size_remain = best_pos = {table = , records_read = , cond_selectivity = , read_time = , prefix_record_count = , key = , partial_join_cardinality = , spl_plan = , spl_pd_boundary = , range_rowid_filter_info = , ref_depend_map = , key_dependent = , dups_producing_tables = , inner_tables_handled_with_other_sjs = , dups_weedout_picker = { = {_vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = }, first_dupsweedout_table = , dupsweedout_tables = , is_used = }, firstmatch_picker = { = {_vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = }, first_firstmatch_table = , first_firstmatch_rtbl = , firstmatch_need_tables = , is_used = }, loosescan_picker = { = {_vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = }, first_loosescan_table = , loosescan_need_tables = , loosescan_key = , loosescan_parts = , is_used = }, sjmat_picker = { = {_vptr.Semi_join_strategy_picker = }, is_used = , sjm_scan_last_inner = , sjm_scan_need_tables = }, prefix_cost = {io_count = , avg_io_cost = , idx_io_count = , idx_avg_io_cost = , cpu_cost = , idx_cpu_cost = , import_cost = , mem_cost = , static IO_COEFF = 1, static CPU_COEFF = 1, static MEM_COEFF = 1, static IMPORT_COEFF = 1}, sj_strategy = , type = , n_sj_tables = , use_join_buffer = } best_table = n_tables = is_interleave_error = pos = #4 choose_plan (join=0x7f57e01567e8, join_tables=) at ./sql/ search_depth = 62 prune_level = 1 use_cond_selectivity = 4 straight_join = thd = jtab_sort_func = wrapper = { = {_vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = {writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_plan = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d930 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } #5 0x0000556c517e17b1 in make_join_statistics (join=0x7f57e01567e8, tables_list= @0x7f57e0015c88: { = { = {}, first = 0x7f57e015d4e0, last = 0x7f57e015d4e0, elements = 1}, }, keyuse_array=0x7f57e0156b08) at ./sql/ records = 1 unit = 0x7f57e00176a0 error = --Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging-- error = 0 table = i = table_count = const_count = 0 key = found_const_table_map = 0 all_table_map = const_ref = {static BITS_PER_ELEMENT = 64, static ARRAY_ELEMENTS = 1, static ALL_BITS_SET = 18446744073709551615, buffer = {}} eq_part = {static BITS_PER_ELEMENT = 64, static ARRAY_ELEMENTS = 1, static ALL_BITS_SET = 18446744073709551615, buffer = {}} has_expensive_keyparts = table_vector = 0x7f57e01b7fb0 stat = 0x7f57e01b79f0 stat_end = 0x7f57e01b7db8 s = stat_ref = 0x7f57e01b7db8 stat_vector = 0x7f57e01b7fa0 keyuse = start_keyuse = outer_join = no_rows_const_tables = sargables = 0x7f57e0177aa8 ti = { = {list = 0x7f57e0015c88, el = , prev = , current = }, } tables = thd = ref_changed = 0 #6 0x0000556c517e649c in JOIN::optimize_inner (this=0x7f57e01567e8) at ./sql/ trace_wrapper = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_prepare = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_steps = { = { _vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d930 , my_writer = 0x0, context = { writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } sel = eq_list = { = { = {}, first = 0x556c527a5b50 , last = 0x7f5cacd87660, elements = 0}, } ignore_on_expr = #7 0x0000556c517e6ab0 in JOIN::optimize (this=this@entry=0x7f57e01567e8) at ./sql/ res = 0 init_state = #8 0x0000556c51753868 in st_select_lex::optimize_unflattened_subqueries (this=0x7f57e0013930, const_only=const_only@entry=false) at ./sql/ save_options = 2199023255552 eq = inner_join = 0x7f57e01567e8 save_select = 0x7f57e0013930 res = sl = 0x7f57e0015a70 empty_union_result = is_correlated_unit = first = false union_plan_saved = false subquery_predicate = 0x7f57e0017ec0 un = 0x7f57e00176a0 --Type for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--c next_unit = 0x0 #9 0x0000556c518d208e in JOIN::optimize_unflattened_subqueries (this=this@entry=0x7f57e011a388) at ./sql/ No locals. #10 0x0000556c517e21da in JOIN::optimize_stage2 (this=) at ./sql/ select_opts_for_readinfo = no_jbuf_after = tab = res = #11 0x0000556c517e65ac in JOIN::optimize_inner (this=0x7f57e011a388) at ./sql/ trace_wrapper = { = {_vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = {writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_prepare = { = {_vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d910 , my_writer = 0x0, context = {writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } trace_steps = { = {_vptr.Json_writer_struct = 0x556c5259d930 , my_writer = 0x0, context = {writer = 0x0}, closed = false}, } sel = eq_list = { = { = {}, first = 0x556c527a5b50 , last = 0x7f5cacd87880, elements = 0}, } ignore_on_expr = #12 0x0000556c517e6ab0 in JOIN::optimize (this=this@entry=0x7f57e011a388) at ./sql/ res = 0 init_state = #13 0x0000556c517e6b83 in mysql_select (thd=0x7f57e0000c58, tables=0x7f57e0021128, fields=@0x7f57e0013be8: { = { = {}, first = 0x7f57e0013f00, last = 0x7f57e016f790, elements = 36}, }, conds=0x7f57e0021940, og_num=0, order=0x0, group=0x0, having=0x0, proc_param=0x0, select_options=, result=0x7f57e0119d88, unit=0x7f57e0004e08, select_lex=0x7f57e0013930) at ./sql/ err = free_join = false join = 0x7f57e011a388 #14 0x0000556c517e765b in mysql_explain_union (thd=thd@entry=0x7f57e0000c58, unit=unit@entry=0x7f57e0004e08, result=result@entry=0x7f57e0119d88) at ./sql/ res = false first = 0x7f57e0013930 is_pushed_union = false #15 0x0000556c5176d329 in execute_sqlcom_select (thd=0x7f57e0000c58, all_tables=0x7f57e0021128) at ./sql/ lex = 0x7f57e0004d40 result = 0x7f57e0119d88 res = #16 0x0000556c5177c267 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7f57e0000c58, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=) at ./sql/ privileges_requested = multi_delete_error = wsrep_error_label = error = res = 0 up_result = 0 lex = 0x7f57e0004d40 select_lex = first_table = 0x7f57e0021128 all_tables = 0x7f57e0021128 unit = 0x7f57e0004e08 have_table_map_for_update = false rpl_filter = ots = {ctx = 0x7f57e0004a10, traceable = false} orig_binlog_format = BINLOG_FORMAT_MIXED orig_current_stmt_binlog_format = BINLOG_FORMAT_STMT #17 0x0000556c5177d857 in mysql_parse (thd=0x7f57e0000c58, rawbuf=, length=, parser_state=) at ./sql/ found_semicolon = error = lex = 0x7f57e0004d40 err = #18 0x0000556c5178005d in dispatch_command (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0x7f57e0000c58, packet=, packet_length=, blocking=) at ./sql/sql_class.h:240 packet_end = 0x7f57e00133ed "" parser_state = {m_lip = {lookahead_token = -1, lookahead_yylval = 0x0, m_thd = 0x7f57e0000c58, m_ptr = 0x7f57e00133ee "\v", m_tok_start = 0x7f57e00133ee "\v", m_tok_end = 0x7f57e00133ee "\v", m_end_of_query = 0x7f57e00133ed "", m_tok_start_prev = 0x7f57e00133ed "", m_buf = 0x7f57e0012f10 "explain SELECT * FROM (SELECT CONCAT(Nachname, ', ', Vorname) AS Name , CONCAT(RIGHT(mo.month, 2), ', ', LEFT(mo.month, 4)) AS Monat , Bildungsgutscheinnummer AS Ma\237nahmennummer , CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT("..., m_buf_length = 1245, m_echo = true, m_echo_saved = false, m_cpp_buf = 0x7f57e0013450 "explain SELECT * FROM (SELECT CONCAT(Nachname, ', ', Vorname) AS Name , CONCAT(RIGHT(mo.month, 2), ', ', LEFT(mo.month, 4)) AS Monat , Bildungsgutscheinnummer AS Ma\237nahmennummer , CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT("..., m_cpp_ptr = 0x7f57e001392d "", m_cpp_tok_start = 0x7f57e001392d "", m_cpp_tok_start_prev = 0x7f57e001392d "", m_cpp_tok_end = 0x7f57e001392d "", m_body_utf8 = 0x0, m_body_utf8_ptr = 0x0, m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr = 0x0, next_state = MY_LEX_END, found_semicolon = 0x0, ignore_space = false, stmt_prepare_mode = false, multi_statements = true, yylineno = 10, m_digest = 0x0, in_comment = NO_COMMENT, in_comment_saved = NO_COMMENT, m_cpp_text_start = 0x7f57e001392c "0", m_cpp_text_end = 0x7f57e001392d "", m_underscore_cs = 0x0}, m_yacc = {yacc_yyss = 0x0, yacc_yyvs = 0x0, m_set_signal_info = {m_item = {0x0 }}, m_lock_type = TL_READ_DEFAULT, m_mdl_type = MDL_SHARED_READ}, m_digest_psi = 0x0} net = 0x7f57e0000f10 error = false do_end_of_statement = true drop_more_results = false __FUNCTION__ = "dispatch_command" res = #19 0x0000556c51781bf8 in do_command (thd=0x7f57e0000c58, blocking=blocking@entry=true) at ./sql/ return_value = packet = 0x7f57e00085a8 "\002" packet_length = net = 0x7f57e0000f10 command = COM_QUERY __FUNCTION__ = "do_command" #20 0x0000556c5189070f in do_handle_one_connection (connect=, put_in_cache=true) at ./sql/ create_user = true thr_create_utime = thd = 0x7f57e0000c58 #21 0x0000556c51890a5d in handle_one_connection (arg=arg@entry=0x556c53457848) at ./sql/ connect = 0x556c53457848 #22 0x0000556c51bfd4c2 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x556c534578b8) at ./storage/perfschema/ typed_arg = 0x556c534578b8 user_arg = 0x556c53457848 user_start_routine = 0x556c51890a00 pfs = klass = #23 0x00007f5cf0372ea7 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #24 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () No symbol table info available.