# 2022-01-07T20:02:06 INFO: Logfile for RQG Worker [248] Subroutine main::getcwd redefined at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 26. Subroutine GenTest::getcwd redefined at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/GenTest.pm line 32. Subroutine Auxiliary::getcwd redefined at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/Auxiliary.pm line 2720. Subroutine setDbh redefined at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/GenTest/Executor.pm line 188. Useless use of private variable in void context at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/GenTest/XML/Environment.pm line 254. "my" variable $trash masks earlier declaration in same scope at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/GenTest/XML/Environment.pm line 277. # DEBUG: rqg_home computed is '/home/mleich/RQG_N'. # DEBUG: '/home/mleich/RQG_N/lib' added to begin of @INC # DEBUG @INC is ->/home/mleich/RQG_N/lib---/etc/perl---/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.30.0---/usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0---/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.30---/usr/share/perl5---/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.30---/usr/share/perl/5.30---/usr/local/lib/site_perl---/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base<- # INFO: Environment variable 'RQG_HOME' set to '/home/mleich/RQG_N'. Subroutine DBServer::DBServer::getcwd redefined at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/DBServer/DBServer.pm line 31. Subroutine main::say redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::sayError redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::sayFile redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::tmpdir redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::safe_exit redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::osWindows redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::osLinux redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::osSolaris redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::osMac redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::isoTimestamp redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine main::isoUTCTimestamp redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.30/Exporter.pm line 66. at /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl line 71. Subroutine tmpdir redefined at /home/mleich/RQG_N/lib/DBServer/MySQL/MySQLd.pm line 318. # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] Using Log::Log4perl # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] DEBUG: rqg_home set to ->/home/mleich/RQG_N<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: script_debug : '_nix_' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] DEBUG: The RQG run seems to be under control of RQG Batch. # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] DEBUG: major_runid : ->1641576394<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] DEBUG: minor_runid : ->248<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: The directory '/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248' was created. # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: The directory '/home/mleich/rqg/1641576394/248' was created. # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] --------------------------------------------------------- # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] Local Properties after processing '/home/mleich/RQG_N/local.cfg' and parameters assigned # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: major_runid : '1641576394' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: minor_runid : '248' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: vardir_type : 'fast' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: rqg_fast_dir : '/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248' -- fs_type observed: tmpfs # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: rqg_slow_dir : '/home/mleich/rqg/1641576394/248' -- fs_type observed: ext4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: rqg_slow_dbdir_rr_add : '--innodb_flush_method=fsync' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: rr_options_add : '--disable-cpuid-features-ext 0xfc230000,0x2c42,0xc' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: rqg_rr_add : '' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: binarch_dir : '/data/binarchs' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: results_dir : '/data/results/1641576394/248' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: vardir : '/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: build_thread : '730' # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] --------------------------------------------------------- # 2022-01-07T20:02:07 [441978] INFO: 'rr' invocation type 'Extended'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: rr_options ->--chaos --wait<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: RQG workdir : '/data/results/1641576394/248' and infrastructure is prepared. # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] Copyright (c) 2010,2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] Please see http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/Category:RandomQueryGenerator for more information on this test framework. # -------- Informations useful for bug reports ------------------------------------------------------------ # git clone https://github.com/mleich1/rqg --branch experimental RQG # # GIT_SHOW: HEAD -> experimental, origin/experimental f1cb1e206678662cb17c7e1d948fd5e0a9fd50b7 2021-12-21T17:57:05+01:00 # rqg.pl : Version 4.0.4 (2021-12) # # $RQG_HOME/rqg.pl \ # --grammar=conf/mariadb/table_stress_innodb_nocopy1.yy \ # --gendata=conf/mariadb/table_stress.zz \ # --gendata_sql=conf/mariadb/table_stress.sql \ # --reporters=RestartConsistency \ # --mysqld=--loose-innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs \ # --mysqld=--loose-idle_write_transaction_timeout=0 \ # --mysqld=--loose-idle_transaction_timeout=0 \ # --mysqld=--loose-idle_readonly_transaction_timeout=0 \ # --mysqld=--connect_timeout=60 \ # --mysqld=--interactive_timeout=28800 \ # --mysqld=--slave_net_timeout=60 \ # --mysqld=--net_read_timeout=30 \ # --mysqld=--net_write_timeout=60 \ # --mysqld=--loose-table_lock_wait_timeout=50 \ # --mysqld=--wait_timeout=28800 \ # --mysqld=--lock-wait-timeout=86400 \ # --mysqld=--innodb-lock-wait-timeout=50 \ # --no-mask \ # --queries=10000000 \ # --seed=random \ # --reporters=Backtrace \ # --reporters=ErrorLog \ # --reporters=Deadlock1 \ # --validators=None \ # --mysqld=--log_output=none \ # --mysqld=--log_bin_trust_function_creators=1 \ # --mysqld=--loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0 \ # --engine=InnoDB \ # --restart_timeout=240 \ # --mysqld=--plugin-load-add=file_key_management.so \ # --mysqld=--loose-file-key-management-filename=$RQG_HOME/conf/mariadb/encryption_keys.txt \ # --duration=300 \ # --mysqld=--loose-innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold=300 \ # --mysqld=--loose-innodb_read_only_compressed=OFF \ # --mysqld=--innodb_stats_persistent=on \ # --mysqld=--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=on \ # --mysqld=--loose-innodb_evict_tables_on_commit_debug=off \ # --mysqld=--loose-max-statement-time=30 \ # --threads=2 \ # --mysqld=--innodb-use-native-aio=0 \ # --mysqld=--loose-gdb \ # --mysqld=--loose-debug-gdb \ # --rr=Extended \ # --rr_options=--chaos --wait \ # --mysqld=--innodb_rollback_on_timeout=OFF \ # --vardir_type=fast \ # --mysqld=--innodb_page_size=64K \ # --mysqld=--innodb-buffer-pool-size=256M \ # --no_mask \ # --mtr-build-thread=977 \ # --batch \ # --basedir1=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan \ # --basedir2=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan \ # --script_debug=_nix_ \ # --major_runid=1641576394 \ # --minor_runid=248 # # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] DEBUG: no_mask is defind. Therefore setting mask_level=0 , mask=0 and no_mask=undef. # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] Reading grammar from file '/home/mleich/RQG_N/conf/mariadb/table_stress_innodb_nocopy1.yy'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: build_thread : 977 # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: master_port : 29540 slave_port : 29541 ports : 29540 29541 29542 MTR_BUILD_THREAD : 977 # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: rpl_mode was not defined or eq '' and therefore set to 'none'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: Number of servers involved = 1. (0 means unknown) # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] INFO: Initial RQG basedirs : ->undef<-->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<-->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<-->undef<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:08 [441978] DEBUG: $basedirs[0] is not defined or eq ''. Setting it to '/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: RQG_HOME : ->/home/mleich/RQG_N<- GIT_SHOW: HEAD -> experimental, origin/experimental f1cb1e206678662cb17c7e1d948fd5e0a9fd50b7 2021-12-21T17:57:05+01:00 # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: basedir[0] : ->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<- GIT_SHOW: HEAD, origin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodb f6b1e6fbae27842f78b28ad8ceb898e6008841d1 2022-01-07T18:59:05+02:00 # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: basedir[1] : ->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<- GIT_SHOW: HEAD, origin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodb f6b1e6fbae27842f78b28ad8ceb898e6008841d1 2022-01-07T18:59:05+02:00 # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: basedir[2] : ->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<- GIT_SHOW: HEAD, origin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodb f6b1e6fbae27842f78b28ad8ceb898e6008841d1 2022-01-07T18:59:05+02:00 # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: basedir[3] : ->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<- GIT_SHOW: HEAD, origin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodb f6b1e6fbae27842f78b28ad8ceb898e6008841d1 2022-01-07T18:59:05+02:00 # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: Final RQG vardirs : ->/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248<-->/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] tmpdir in GenTest ->/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] tmpdir in DBServer ->/tmp/<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: subdir_list : ->sql<-->libexec<-->bin<-->sbin<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: Basedirs : ->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<-->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<-->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<-->/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: debug_server : ->undef<-->undef<-->undef<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: Server binary found : '/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: Server binary found : '/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: Server binary found : '/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: Server binary found : '/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: seed eq 'random'. Computation. seed : 20191 # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: Final command line: ->perl /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl --grammar=conf/mariadb/table_stress_innodb_nocopy1.yy --gendata=conf/mariadb/table_stress.zz --gendata_sql=conf/mariadb/table_stress.sql --reporters=RestartConsistency --mysqld=--loose-innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs --mysqld=--loose-idle_write_transaction_timeout=0 --mysqld=--loose-idle_transaction_timeout=0 --mysqld=--loose-idle_readonly_transaction_timeout=0 --mysqld=--connect_timeout=60 --mysqld=--interactive_timeout=28800 --mysqld=--slave_net_timeout=60 --mysqld=--net_read_timeout=30 --mysqld=--net_write_timeout=60 --mysqld=--loose-table_lock_wait_timeout=50 --mysqld=--wait_timeout=28800 --mysqld=--lock-wait-timeout=86400 --mysqld=--innodb-lock-wait-timeout=50 --no-mask --queries=10000000 --reporters=Backtrace --reporters=ErrorLog --reporters=Deadlock1 --validators=None --mysqld=--log_output=none --mysqld=--log_bin_trust_function_creators=1 --mysqld=--loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0 --engine=InnoDB --restart_timeout=240 --mysqld=--plugin-load-add=file_key_management.so --mysqld=--loose-file-key-management-filename=/home/mleich/RQG_N/conf/mariadb/encryption_keys.txt --duration=300 --mysqld=--loose-innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold=300 --mysqld=--loose-innodb_read_only_compressed=OFF --mysqld=--innodb_stats_persistent=on --mysqld=--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=on --mysqld=--loose-innodb_evict_tables_on_commit_debug=off --mysqld=--loose-max-statement-time=30 --threads=2 --mysqld=--innodb-use-native-aio=0 --mysqld=--loose-gdb --mysqld=--loose-debug-gdb --rr=Extended --rr_options=--chaos --wait --mysqld=--innodb_rollback_on_timeout=OFF --vardir_type=fast --mysqld=--innodb_page_size=64K --mysqld=--innodb-buffer-pool-size=256M --no_mask --mtr-build-thread=977 --batch --basedir1=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan --basedir2=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan --script_debug=_nix_ --major_runid=1641576394 --minor_runid=248 --seed=20191<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] INFO: sqltrace was not defined and therefore set to 'None'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] MATCHING: Region start ===================== # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: rpl_mode is 'none' # 2022-01-07T20:02:10 [441978] DEBUG: max_id is 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:12 [441978] Creating MySQL 10.8.0 database at /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data # 2022-01-07T20:02:12 [441978] DEBUG: -->--loose-innodb_evict_tables_on_commit_debug=off<-- will be removed from the bootstrap options. # 2022-01-07T20:02:12 [441978] Bootstrap command: ->ulimit -c 0; cat "/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/boot.sql" | rr record --chaos --wait --disable-cpuid-features-ext 0xfc230000,0x2c42,0xc --mark-stdio "/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld" "--no-defaults" "--basedir=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan" "--lc-messages-dir=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/share" "--character-sets-dir=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/share/charsets" "--tmpdir=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/tmp" "--datadir=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data" "--loose-innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs" "--loose-idle_write_transaction_timeout=0" "--loose-idle_transaction_timeout=0" "--loose-idle_readonly_transaction_timeout=0" "--connect_timeout=60" "--interactive_timeout=28800" "--slave_net_timeout=60" "--net_read_timeout=30" "--net_write_timeout=60" "--loose-table_lock_wait_timeout=50" "--wait_timeout=28800" "--lock-wait-timeout=86400" "--innodb-lock-wait-timeout=50" "--log_output=none" "--log_bin_trust_function_creators=1" "--loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0" "--plugin-load-add=file_key_management.so" "--loose-file-key-management-filename=/home/mleich/RQG_N/conf/mariadb/encryption_keys.txt" "--loose-innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold=300" "--loose-innodb_read_only_compressed=OFF" "--innodb_stats_persistent=on" "--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=on" "--loose-max-statement-time=30" "--innodb-use-native-aio=0" "--loose-gdb" "--loose-debug-gdb" "--innodb_rollback_on_timeout=OFF" "--innodb_page_size=64K" "--innodb-buffer-pool-size=256M" "--sql-mode=no_engine_substitution" "--skip-log-bin" "--loose-innodb-encrypt-tables=OFF" "--loose-innodb-encrypt-log=OFF" "--loose-server-audit-logging=OFF" "--log_error=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/boot.err" "--bootstrap" > "/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/boot.log" 2>&1<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:22 [441978] INFO: Starting MySQL 10.8.0: ulimit -c 0; rr record --chaos --wait --disable-cpuid-features-ext 0xfc230000,0x2c42,0xc --mark-stdio "/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld" "--no-defaults" "--basedir=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan" "--lc-messages-dir=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/share" "--character-sets-dir=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/share/charsets" "--tmpdir=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/tmp" "--datadir=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data" "--max-allowed-packet=128Mb" "--port=29540" "--socket=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.sock" "--pid-file=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.pid" "--general-log" "--general-log-file=/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.log" "--loose-innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs" "--loose-idle_write_transaction_timeout=0" "--loose-idle_transaction_timeout=0" "--loose-idle_readonly_transaction_timeout=0" "--connect_timeout=60" "--interactive_timeout=28800" "--slave_net_timeout=60" "--net_read_timeout=30" "--net_write_timeout=60" "--loose-table_lock_wait_timeout=50" "--wait_timeout=28800" "--lock-wait-timeout=86400" "--innodb-lock-wait-timeout=50" "--log_output=none" "--log_bin_trust_function_creators=1" "--loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0" "--plugin-load-add=file_key_management.so" "--loose-file-key-management-filename=/home/mleich/RQG_N/conf/mariadb/encryption_keys.txt" "--loose-innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold=300" "--loose-innodb_read_only_compressed=OFF" "--innodb_stats_persistent=on" "--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=on" "--loose-innodb_evict_tables_on_commit_debug=off" "--loose-max-statement-time=30" "--innodb-use-native-aio=0" "--loose-gdb" "--loose-debug-gdb" "--innodb_rollback_on_timeout=OFF" "--innodb_page_size=64K" "--innodb-buffer-pool-size=256M" "--sql-mode=no_engine_substitution" --log_warnings=4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:24 [441978] INFO: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Time till server pid 445357 detected in s: 2 # 2022-01-07T20:02:24 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:25 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:25 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:25 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:25 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:26 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:26 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:26 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Up till now no '[ERROR] mysqld got signal ' observed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:26 [441978] INFO: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::startServer: Time for server startup in s: 2 # 2022-01-07T20:02:26 [441978] MySQL Version: 10.8.0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:26 [441978] Binary: /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Type: Debug # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Datadir: /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Tmpdir: /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/tmp # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Corefile: /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/core.445357 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Connecting to 29540 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: alter_algorithm : DEFAULT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: analyze_sample_percentage : 100.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_block_size : 8192 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_checkpoint_interval : 30 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_checkpoint_log_activity : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_encrypt_tables : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_force_start_after_recovery_failures : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_group_commit : none # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_group_commit_interval : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_log_file_size : 1073741824 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_log_purge_type : immediate # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_max_sort_file_size : 9223372036853727232 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_page_checksum : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_pagecache_age_threshold : 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_pagecache_buffer_size : 134217728 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_pagecache_division_limit : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_pagecache_file_hash_size : 512 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_recover_options : BACKUP,QUICK # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_repair_threads : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_sort_buffer_size : 268434432 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_stats_method : nulls_unequal # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_sync_log_dir : NEWFILE # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: aria_used_for_temp_tables : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: auto_increment_increment : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: auto_increment_offset : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: autocommit : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: automatic_sp_privileges : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: back_log : 80 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: basedir : /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: big_tables : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: bind_address : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_annotate_row_events : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_cache_size : 32768 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_checksum : CRC32 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_commit_wait_count : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_commit_wait_usec : 100000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_expire_logs_seconds : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_file_cache_size : 16384 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_format : MIXED # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_optimize_thread_scheduling : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_row_image : FULL # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_row_metadata : NO_LOG # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: binlog_stmt_cache_size : 32768 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: bulk_insert_buffer_size : 8388608 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_client : latin1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_connection : latin1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_database : latin1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_filesystem : binary # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_results : latin1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_server : latin1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_set_system : utf8mb3 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: character_sets_dir : /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/share/charsets/ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: check_constraint_checks : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: collation_connection : latin1_swedish_ci # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: collation_database : latin1_swedish_ci # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: collation_server : latin1_swedish_ci # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: column_compression_threshold : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: column_compression_zlib_level : 6 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: column_compression_zlib_strategy : DEFAULT_STRATEGY # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: column_compression_zlib_wrap : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: completion_type : NO_CHAIN # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: concurrent_insert : AUTO # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: connect_timeout : 60 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: core_file : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: datadir : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: date_format : %Y-%m-%d # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: datetime_format : %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: deadlock_search_depth_long : 15 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: deadlock_search_depth_short : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: deadlock_timeout_long : 50000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: deadlock_timeout_short : 10000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: debug : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: debug_binlog_fsync_sleep : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: debug_dbug : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: debug_mutex_deadlock_detector : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: debug_no_thread_alarm : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: debug_sync : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: default_master_connection : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: default_password_lifetime : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: default_regex_flags : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: default_storage_engine : InnoDB # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: default_tmp_storage_engine : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: default_week_format : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: delay_key_write : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: delayed_insert_limit : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: delayed_insert_timeout : 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: delayed_queue_size : 1000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: disconnect_on_expired_password : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: div_precision_increment : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: encrypt_binlog : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: encrypt_tmp_disk_tables : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: encrypt_tmp_files : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: enforce_storage_engine : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: eq_range_index_dive_limit : 200 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: error_count : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: event_scheduler : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: expensive_subquery_limit : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: expire_logs_days : 0.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: explicit_defaults_for_timestamp : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: external_user : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: extra_max_connections : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: extra_port : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: file_key_management_encryption_algorithm : aes_cbc # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: file_key_management_filekey : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: file_key_management_filename : /home/mleich/RQG_N/conf/mariadb/encryption_keys.txt # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: flush : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: flush_time : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: foreign_key_checks : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ft_boolean_syntax : + -><()~*:""&| # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ft_max_word_len : 84 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ft_min_word_len : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ft_query_expansion_limit : 20 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ft_stopword_file : (built-in) # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: general_log : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: general_log_file : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.log # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: group_concat_max_len : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_binlog_pos : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_binlog_state : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_cleanup_batch_size : 64 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_current_pos : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_domain_id : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_ignore_duplicates : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_pos_auto_engines : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_seq_no : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_slave_pos : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: gtid_strict_mode : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_compress : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_crypt : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_dynamic_loading : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_geometry : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_openssl : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_profiling : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_query_cache : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_rtree_keys : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_sanitizer : ASAN # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_ssl : DISABLED # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: have_symlink : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: histogram_size : 254 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: histogram_type : DOUBLE_PREC_HB # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: host_cache_size : 279 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: hostname : pluto # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: identity : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: idle_readonly_transaction_timeout : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: idle_transaction_timeout : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: idle_write_transaction_timeout : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ignore_builtin_innodb : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ignore_db_dirs : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: in_predicate_conversion_threshold : 1000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: in_transaction : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: init_connect : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: init_file : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: init_slave : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_adaptive_flushing : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm : 10.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_adaptive_hash_index : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_adaptive_hash_index_parts : 8 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_autoextend_increment : 64 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_autoinc_lock_mode : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buf_dump_status_frequency : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buf_flush_list_now : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size : 4194304 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct : 25 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_evict : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_filename : ib_buffer_pool # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_load_abort : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_load_now : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_load_pages_abort : 9223372036854775807 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_buffer_pool_size : 268435456 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_change_buffer_dump : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_change_buffer_max_size : 25 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_change_buffering : all # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_change_buffering_debug : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_checksum_algorithm : full_crc32 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_compression_algorithm : zlib # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_compression_default : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_compression_failure_threshold_pct : 5 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_compression_level : 6 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_compression_pad_pct_max : 50 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_data_file_path : ibdata1:12M:autoextend # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_data_file_size_debug : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_data_home_dir : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_deadlock_detect : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_deadlock_report : full # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_default_encryption_key_id : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_default_row_format : dynamic # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_defragment : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_defragment_fill_factor : 0.900000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_defragment_fill_factor_n_recs : 20 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_defragment_frequency : 40 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_defragment_n_pages : 7 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_defragment_stats_accuracy : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_disable_sort_file_cache : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_disallow_writes : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_doublewrite : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_encrypt_log : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_encrypt_tables : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_encrypt_temporary_tables : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_encryption_rotate_key_age : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_encryption_rotation_iops : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_encryption_threads : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_evict_tables_on_commit_debug : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_fast_shutdown : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold : 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_fil_make_page_dirty_debug : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_file_per_table : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_fill_factor : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_flush_log_at_timeout : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_flush_method : O_DIRECT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_flush_neighbors : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_flush_sync : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_flushing_avg_loops : 30 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_force_primary_key : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_force_recovery : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_aux_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_cache_size : 8000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_enable_diag_print : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_enable_stopword : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_max_token_size : 84 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_min_token_size : 3 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_num_word_optimize : 2000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_result_cache_limit : 2000000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_server_stopword_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree : 2 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_total_cache_size : 640000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_ft_user_stopword_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_immediate_scrub_data_uncompressed : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_instant_alter_column_allowed : add_drop_reorder # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_io_capacity : 200 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_io_capacity_max : 2000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_lock_wait_timeout : 50 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_log_buffer_size : 16777216 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_log_checkpoint_now : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_log_file_size : 100663296 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_log_group_home_dir : ./ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_lru_flush_size : 32 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_lru_scan_depth : 1536 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct : 90.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm : 0.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_max_purge_lag : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_max_purge_lag_delay : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_max_purge_lag_wait : 4294967295 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_max_undo_log_size : 41943040 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_merge_threshold_set_all_debug : 50 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_monitor_disable : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_monitor_enable : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_monitor_reset : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_monitor_reset_all : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_numa_interleave : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_old_blocks_pct : 37 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_old_blocks_time : 1000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_online_alter_log_max_size : 134217728 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_open_files : 2000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_optimize_fulltext_only : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_page_size : 65536 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_print_all_deadlocks : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_purge_batch_size : 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency : 128 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_purge_threads : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_random_read_ahead : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_read_ahead_threshold : 56 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_read_io_threads : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_read_only : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_read_only_compressed : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_rollback_on_timeout : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_saved_page_number_debug : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_sort_buffer_size : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_spin_wait_delay : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_auto_recalc : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_include_delete_marked : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_method : nulls_equal # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_modified_counter : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_on_metadata : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_persistent : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages : 20 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_traditional : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages : 8 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_status_output : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_status_output_locks : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_strict_mode : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_sync_spin_loops : 30 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_table_locks : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_temp_data_file_path : ibtmp1:12M:autoextend # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_tmpdir : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_trx_purge_view_update_only_debug : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_trx_rseg_n_slots_debug : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_undo_directory : ./ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_undo_log_truncate : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_undo_tablespaces : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_use_atomic_writes : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_use_native_aio : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_version : 10.8.0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: innodb_write_io_threads : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: insert_id : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: interactive_timeout : 28800 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: join_buffer_size : 262144 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: join_buffer_space_limit : 2097152 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: join_cache_level : 2 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: keep_files_on_create : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: key_buffer_size : 134217728 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: key_cache_age_threshold : 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: key_cache_block_size : 1024 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: key_cache_division_limit : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: key_cache_file_hash_size : 512 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: key_cache_segments : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: large_files_support : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: large_page_size : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: large_pages : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: last_gtid : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: last_insert_id : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: lc_messages : en_US # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: lc_messages_dir : /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/share # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: lc_time_names : en_US # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: license : GPL # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: local_infile : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: lock_wait_timeout : 86400 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: locked_in_memory : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_bin : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_bin_basename : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_bin_compress : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_bin_compress_min_len : 256 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_bin_index : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_bin_trust_function_creators : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_disabled_statements : sp # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_error : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_output : NONE # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_queries_not_using_indexes : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slave_updates : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slow_admin_statements : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slow_disabled_statements : sp # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slow_filter : admin,filesort,filesort_on_disk,filesort_priority_queue,full_join,full_scan,query_cache,query_cache_miss,tmp_table,tmp_table_on_disk # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slow_rate_limit : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slow_slave_statements : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_slow_verbosity : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_tc_size : 24576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: log_warnings : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: long_query_time : 10.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: low_priority_updates : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: lower_case_file_system : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: lower_case_table_names : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: master_verify_checksum : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_allowed_packet : 134217728 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_binlog_cache_size : 18446744073709547520 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_binlog_size : 1073741824 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_binlog_stmt_cache_size : 18446744073709547520 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_connect_errors : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_connections : 151 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_delayed_threads : 20 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_digest_length : 1024 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_error_count : 64 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_heap_table_size : 16777216 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_insert_delayed_threads : 20 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_join_size : 18446744073709551615 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_length_for_sort_data : 1024 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_password_errors : 4294967295 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_prepared_stmt_count : 16382 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_recursive_iterations : 1000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_relay_log_size : 1073741824 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_rowid_filter_size : 131072 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_seeks_for_key : 4294967295 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_session_mem_used : 9223372036854775807 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_sort_length : 1024 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_sp_recursion_depth : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_statement_time : 30.000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_tmp_tables : 32 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_user_connections : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: max_write_lock_count : 4294967295 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: metadata_locks_cache_size : 1024 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: metadata_locks_hash_instances : 8 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: min_examined_row_limit : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: mrr_buffer_size : 262144 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_block_size : 1024 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_data_pointer_size : 6 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_max_sort_file_size : 9223372036853727232 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_mmap_size : 18446744073709551615 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_recover_options : BACKUP,QUICK # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_repair_threads : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_sort_buffer_size : 134216704 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_stats_method : NULLS_UNEQUAL # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: myisam_use_mmap : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: mysql56_temporal_format : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: net_buffer_length : 16384 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: net_read_timeout : 30 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: net_retry_count : 10 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: net_write_timeout : 60 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: old : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: old_alter_table : DEFAULT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: old_mode : UTF8_IS_UTF8MB3 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: old_passwords : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: open_files_limit : 32188 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_max_sel_arg_weight : 32000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_prune_level : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_search_depth : 62 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_selectivity_sampling_limit : 100 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_switch : index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,index_merge_sort_intersection=off,engine_condition_pushdown=off,index_condition_pushdown=on,derived_merge=on,derived_with_keys=on,firstmatch=on,loosescan=on,materialization=on,in_to_exists=on,semijoin=on,partial_match_rowid_merge=on,partial_match_table_scan=on,subquery_cache=on,mrr=off,mrr_cost_based=off,mrr_sort_keys=off,outer_join_with_cache=on,semijoin_with_cache=on,join_cache_incremental=on,join_cache_hashed=on,join_cache_bka=on,optimize_join_buffer_size=on,table_elimination=on,extended_keys=on,exists_to_in=on,orderby_uses_equalities=on,condition_pushdown_for_derived=on,split_materialized=on,condition_pushdown_for_subquery=on,rowid_filter=on,condition_pushdown_from_having=on,not_null_range_scan=off # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_trace : enabled=off # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_trace_max_mem_size : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: optimizer_use_condition_selectivity : 4 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: pid_file : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.pid # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: plugin_dir : /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/lib/plugin/ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: plugin_maturity : experimental # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: port : 29540 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: preload_buffer_size : 32768 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: profiling : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: profiling_history_size : 15 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: progress_report_time : 5 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: protocol_version : 10 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: proxy_protocol_networks : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: proxy_user : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: pseudo_slave_mode : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: pseudo_thread_id : 3 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_alloc_block_size : 16384 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_cache_limit : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_cache_min_res_unit : 4096 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_cache_size : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_cache_strip_comments : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_cache_type : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_cache_wlock_invalidate : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: query_prealloc_size : 24576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rand_seed1 : 645977031 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rand_seed2 : 812642949 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: range_alloc_block_size : 4096 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: read_binlog_speed_limit : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: read_buffer_size : 131072 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: read_only : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: read_rnd_buffer_size : 262144 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log_basename : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log_index : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log_info_file : relay-log.info # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log_purge : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log_recovery : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: relay_log_space_limit : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_annotate_row_events : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_do_db : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_do_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_events_marked_for_skip : REPLICATE # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_ignore_db : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_ignore_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_wild_do_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: replicate_wild_ignore_table : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: report_host : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: report_password : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: report_port : 29540 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: report_user : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: require_secure_transport : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rowid_merge_buff_size : 8388608 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout : 10000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_master_trace_level : 32 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_no_slave : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point : AFTER_COMMIT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_slave_delay_master : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_slave_kill_conn_timeout : 5 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: rpl_semi_sync_slave_trace_level : 32 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: secure_auth : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: secure_file_priv : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: secure_timestamp : NO # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: server_id : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: session_track_schema : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: session_track_state_change : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: session_track_system_variables : autocommit,character_set_client,character_set_connection,character_set_results,time_zone # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: session_track_transaction_info : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: skip_external_locking : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: skip_name_resolve : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: skip_networking : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: skip_parallel_replication : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: skip_replication : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: skip_show_database : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_compressed_protocol : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_ddl_exec_mode : IDEMPOTENT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_domain_parallel_threads : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_exec_mode : STRICT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_load_tmpdir : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/tmp # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_max_allowed_packet : 1073741824 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_net_timeout : 60 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_parallel_max_queued : 131072 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_parallel_mode : optimistic # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_parallel_threads : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_parallel_workers : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_run_triggers_for_rbr : NO # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_skip_errors : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_sql_verify_checksum : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_transaction_retries : 10 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_transaction_retry_errors : 1158,1159,1160,1161,1205,1213,1429,2013,12701 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_transaction_retry_interval : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slave_type_conversions : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slow_launch_time : 2 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slow_query_log : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: slow_query_log_file : pluto-slow.log # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: socket : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.sock # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sort_buffer_size : 2097152 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_auto_is_null : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_big_selects : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_buffer_result : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_if_exists : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_log_bin : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_log_off : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_mode : NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_notes : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_quote_show_create : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_safe_updates : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_select_limit : 18446744073709551615 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_slave_skip_counter : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sql_warnings : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_ca : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_capath : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_cert : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_cipher : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_crl : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_crlpath : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: ssl_key : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: standard_compliant_cte : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: storage_engine : InnoDB # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: stored_program_cache : 256 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: strict_password_validation : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sync_binlog : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sync_frm : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sync_master_info : 10000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sync_relay_log : 10000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: sync_relay_log_info : 10000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: system_time_zone : UTC # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: system_versioning_alter_history : ERROR # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: system_versioning_asof : DEFAULT # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: table_definition_cache : 400 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: table_open_cache : 2000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: table_open_cache_instances : 8 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tcp_keepalive_interval : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tcp_keepalive_probes : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tcp_keepalive_time : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tcp_nodelay : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_cache_size : 151 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_handling : one-thread-per-connection # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_dedicated_listener : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_exact_stats : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_idle_timeout : 60 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_max_threads : 65536 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_oversubscribe : 3 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_prio_kickup_timer : 1000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_priority : auto # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_size : 6 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_pool_stall_limit : 500 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: thread_stack : 1048576 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: time_format : %H:%i:%s # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: time_zone : SYSTEM # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: timestamp : 1641585747.482952 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tls_version : TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tmp_disk_table_size : 18446744073709551615 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tmp_memory_table_size : 16777216 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tmp_table_size : 16777216 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tmpdir : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/tmp # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: transaction_alloc_block_size : 8192 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: transaction_prealloc_size : 4096 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tx_isolation : REPEATABLE-READ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: tx_read_only : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: unique_checks : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: updatable_views_with_limit : YES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: use_stat_tables : PREFERABLY_FOR_QUERIES # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: userstat : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version : 10.8.0-MariaDB-debug-log # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version_comment : Source distribution # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version_compile_machine : x86_64 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version_compile_os : Linux # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version_malloc_library : system # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version_source_revision : f6b1e6fbae27842f78b28ad8ceb898e6008841d1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: version_ssl_library : OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wait_timeout : 28800 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: warning_count : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_auto_increment_control : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_causal_reads : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_certification_rules : strict # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_certify_nonpk : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_cluster_address : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_cluster_name : my_wsrep_cluster # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_convert_lock_to_trx : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_data_home_dir : /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/ # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_dbug_option : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_debug : NONE # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_desync : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_dirty_reads : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_drupal_282555_workaround : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_forced_binlog_format : NONE # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_gtid_domain_id : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_gtid_mode : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_gtid_seq_no : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_ignore_apply_errors : 7 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_load_data_splitting : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_log_conflicts : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_max_ws_rows : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_max_ws_size : 2147483647 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_mode : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_mysql_replication_bundle : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_node_address : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_node_incoming_address : AUTO # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_node_name : pluto # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_notify_cmd : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_on : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_osu_method : TOI # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_patch_version : wsrep_26.22 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_provider : none # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_provider_options : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_recover : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_reject_queries : NONE # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_restart_slave : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_retry_autocommit : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_slave_fk_checks : ON # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_slave_threads : 1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_slave_uk_checks : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sr_store : table # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sst_auth : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sst_donor : # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sst_donor_rejects_queries : OFF # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sst_method : rsync # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sst_receive_address : AUTO # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_start_position : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_sync_wait : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_trx_fragment_size : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SVAR: wsrep_trx_fragment_unit : bytes # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] SPLUG: file_key_management : file_key_management.so # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] DEBUG: dsns[0] defined. # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] --------------------------------------------------------------- # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Configuration # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] debug_server => ['undef', 'undef', 'undef'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] dsn => ['dbi:mysql:host='] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] duration => 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] engine => ['InnoDB', 'InnoDB', 'InnoDB'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] gendata => /data/results/1641576394/248/rqg.zz # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] gendata_sql => ['/data/results/1641576394/248/rqg.sql'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] generator => FromGrammar # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] grammar => /data/results/1641576394/248/rqg.yy # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] logfile => /data/results/1641576394/248/rqg.log # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] mask => 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] mask-level => 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] max_gd_duration => 300 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] queries => 10000000 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] reporters => ['RestartConsistency', 'Backtrace', 'ErrorLog', 'Deadlock1'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] restart-timeout => 240 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] rpl_mode => none # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] rr => Extended # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] rr_options => --chaos --wait --disable-cpuid-features-ext 0xfc230000,0x2c42,0xc # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] seed => 20191 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] servers => ['DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd=ARRAY(0x558018a32900)'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] threads => 2 # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] validators => ['None'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] vcols => ['undef', 'undef', 'undef'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] views => ['undef', 'undef', 'undef'] # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] --------------------------------------------------------------- # 2022-01-07T20:02:27 [441978] Reporters (for Simplifier): ->Backtrace<->Deadlock1<->ErrorLog<->None<->RestartConsistency<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:28 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R Backtrace QNO 0 CON_ID 6 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:28 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Backtrace' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:28 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R Deadlock1 QNO 0 CON_ID 7 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:29 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Deadlock1' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:29 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R ErrorLog QNO 0 CON_ID 8 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:29 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'ErrorLog' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R RestartConsistency QNO 0 CON_ID 9 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'RestartConsistency' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: GenTest::App::GenTest::doGenData: Begin of activity # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: Starting GenTest::App::Gendata # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] Creating MySQL table: test.table0_innodb_int; engine: innodb; rows: 0 . # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: Finishing GenTest::App::Gendata # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R Gendata QNO 0 CON_ID 10 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: GenTest::App::GenTest::doGenData: Start processing the SQL file '/data/results/1641576394/248/rqg.sql'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: Starting GenTest::App::GendataSQL # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R GendataSQL QNO 0 CON_ID 11 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: End of GenData activity # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] GenData returned status STATUS_OK (0) # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] INFO: RQG GenData runtime in s : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:02:30 [441978] Caching schema metadata for dbi:mysql:host= # 2022-01-07T20:02:39 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R MetaDataCacher QNO 0 CON_ID 12 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:39 [441978] INFO: GenTest: (Planned) Start of running queries : 1641585761 -- 2022-01-07T20:02:41 # 2022-01-07T20:02:39 [441978] Reading grammar from file '/data/results/1641576394/248/rqg.yy'. # 2022-01-07T20:02:39 [441978] Reporters (for Simplifier): ->Backtrace<->Deadlock1<->ErrorLog<->None<->RestartConsistency<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:39 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R Backtrace QNO 0 CON_ID 13 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:40 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Backtrace' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:40 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R Deadlock1 QNO 0 CON_ID 14 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:40 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Deadlock1' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:40 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R ErrorLog QNO 0 CON_ID 15 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:41 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'ErrorLog' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:41 [441978] DEBUG: /* E_R RestartConsistency QNO 0 CON_ID 16 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:41 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'RestartConsistency' added. # 2022-01-07T20:02:41 [441978] Validators (for Simplifier): ->None<- # 2022-01-07T20:02:41 [441978] Starting 2 processes, 10000000 queries each, duration 300 seconds. # 2022-01-07T20:02:41 [441978] GenTest::ErrorFilter(450032) started # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450033] INFO: Periodic reporting process at begin of activity # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450041] INFO: Thread1 : Mixer created. # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450042] INFO: Thread2 : Mixer created. # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: DELETE FROM t4 WHERE col_int = 7 OR col_int IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 3 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1146 Table '%s' doesn't exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450032] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2 ( col1 INT PRIMARY KEY, col2 INT, col_int INTEGER, col_string CHAR(20), col_varchar VARCHAR(500), col_text TEXT, col_int_g INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col_int) VIRTUAL, col_string_g CHAR(12) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (SUBSTR(col_string,4,12)) VIRTUAL, col_text_g TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (SUBSTR(col_text,1,499)) VIRTUAL ) ENGINE = InnoDB ROW_FORMAT = Compressed /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5 CON_ID 18 */ failed: 1005 Can't create table `test`.`t%d` (errno: %d "Wrong create options"). Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:42 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER IGNORE TABLE t3 ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS col_date DATE DEFAULT CUR_DATE(), ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = DEFAULT /* E_R Thread2 QNO 36 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1901 Function or expression '`CUR_DATE`()' cannot be used in the DEFAULT clause of `col_date`. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:43 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: SET GLOBAL innodb_disable_resize_buffer_pool_debug = OFF /* E_R Thread1 QNO 11 CON_ID 18 */ failed: 1193 Unknown system variable 'innodb_disable_resize_buffer_pool_debug'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:43 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: INSERT INTO t4 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES /* 295 */ (295,295,295,REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 295 AS CHAR),1,1), 10),REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 295 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ), (295,295,295,REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 295 AS CHAR),1,1), 10),REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 295 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread2 QNO 47 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1062 Duplicate entry '%s' for key '%s'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:43 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t5 CHANGE COLUMN IF EXISTS col_string col_string VARCHAR(20), ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = NONE /* E_R Thread1 QNO 41 CON_ID 18 */ failed: 1846 ALGORITHM=NOCOPY is not supported. Reason: Cannot change column type. Try ALGORITHM=COPY. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:43 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t5 DROP KEY `ftidx3`, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = NONE /* E_R Thread2 QNO 64 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1091 Can't DROP INDEX `ftidx%d`; check that it exists. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:43 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: INSERT INTO t4 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES ( NULL, NULL, NULL - 1, REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( NULL AS CHAR),1,1), 10), REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( NULL AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread2 QNO 70 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1048 Column '%s' cannot be null. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:44 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t5 MODIFY COLUMN col_int INTEGER NOT NULL, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = SHARED /* E_R Thread2 QNO 94 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1845 ALGORITHM=NOCOPY is not supported for this operation. Try ALGORITHM=INPLACE. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:45 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE KEY IF NOT EXISTS `uidx3` ( col2 ASC, col2 DESC ), ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = DEFAULT /* E_R Thread2 QNO 141 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1060 Duplicate column name '%s'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:45 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER IGNORE TABLE t4 CHANGE COLUMN col_text_g_copy col_text_g TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (SUBSTR(col_text,1,499)) VIRTUAL, LOCK = DEFAULT, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY /* E_R Thread2 QNO 172 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1054 Unknown column '%s' in 't%d'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:46 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: KILL SOFT CONNECTION @kill_id /* E_R Thread1 QNO 155 CON_ID 18 */ failed: 1094 Unknown thread id: %s%d. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:47 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t7 ADD INDEX `Marvão_idx3` ( col_string(9) DESC ), ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = NONE /* E_R Thread2 QNO 267 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1061 Duplicate key name '%s'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:48 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: KILL SOFT QUERY @kill_id /* E_R Thread2 QNO 321 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1317 Query execution was interrupted. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:50 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: INSERT INTO t3 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES ( 1159, 1159, 1159, REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 1159 AS CHAR),1,1), 10), REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 1159 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread2 QNO 398 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:02:50 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 19 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:50 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: KILL SOFT CONNECTION @kill_id /* E_R Thread2 QNO 397 CON_ID 19 */ failed: 1927 Connection was killed. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:50 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 398 CON_ID 19 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:02:50 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:02:50 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: INSERT INTO t6 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES ( 1, 1, 1, REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 1 AS CHAR),1,1), 10), REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 1 - 1 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread2 QNO 433 CON_ID 22 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 22 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 433 CON_ID 22 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450041] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread1 Query: INSERT INTO t2 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES ( 1636, 1636 - 1, 1636, REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 1636 AS CHAR),1,1), 10), REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 1636 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread1 QNO 424 CON_ID 18 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450041] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 0 CON_ID 18 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450041] INFO: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 424 CON_ID 18 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450041] INFO: Thread1 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:02:51 [450041] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread1 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:02:54 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t6 ADD UNIQUE KEY IF NOT EXISTS `uidx3` ( col_string(9) ASC ), ADD UNIQUE KEY `uidx1` ( col1 ASC, col_text(9) DESC ), LOCK = DEFAULT, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY /* E_R Thread2 QNO 542 CON_ID 24 */ failed: 1072 Key column '%s' doesn't exist in table. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:57 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: INSERT INTO t7 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES /* 44 */ (44,44,44,REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 44 AS CHAR),1,1), 10),REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 44 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ), (44,44,44,REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 44 AS CHAR),1,1), 10),REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 44 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread1 QNO 748 CON_ID 26 */ failed: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:02:58 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: ALTER TABLE t5 CHANGE COLUMN col_text col_text TEXT, LOCK = SHARED, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY /* E_R Thread2 QNO 866 CON_ID 24 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:02:58 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 24 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:02:58 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 866 CON_ID 24 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:02:58 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:02:58 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:02 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: UPDATE t7 SET col_int = 55 ORDER BY col1 DESC LIMIT 2 /* E_R Thread2 QNO 1104 CON_ID 29 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:02 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 29 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:02 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 1104 CON_ID 29 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:02 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:02 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:05 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: DELETE FROM t5 WHERE col_int = NULL OR col_int IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 1373 CON_ID 31 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:05 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 31 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:05 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 1373 CON_ID 31 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:05 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:05 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:12 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: CHECK TABLE t5 EXTENDED /* E_R Thread2 QNO 1823 CON_ID 34 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:12 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 34 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:12 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 1823 CON_ID 34 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:12 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:12 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:16 [450041] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread1 Query: /* DROP SCHEMA cool_down */ /* E_R Thread1 QNO 1925 CON_ID 26 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:16 [450041] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 0 CON_ID 26 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:16 [450041] INFO: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 1925 CON_ID 26 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:16 [450041] INFO: Thread1 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:16 [450041] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread1 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:17 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: INSERT INTO t1 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES ( 6, 6, 6, REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 6 AS CHAR),1,1), 10), REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 6 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2133 CON_ID 36 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:17 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 36 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:17 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2133 CON_ID 36 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:17 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:17 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:27 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: ALTER TABLE t3 CHANGE COLUMN col_int_g_copy col_int_g INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS (col_int) PERSISTENT, LOCK = EXCLUSIVE, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2718 CON_ID 41 */ failed: 1907 This is not yet supported for generated columns. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:03:28 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: ALTER TABLE t4 CHANGE COLUMN IF EXISTS col_int col_int INTEGER, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = NONE /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2791 CON_ID 41 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:28 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 41 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:28 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2791 CON_ID 41 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:28 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:28 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:29 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: ALTER TABLE t5 DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS col_date, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = NONE /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2803 CON_ID 44 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:29 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 44 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:29 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 2803 CON_ID 44 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:29 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:29 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:33 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: DELETE FROM t4 WHERE col2 = NULL OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 3014 CON_ID 46 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:33 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 46 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:33 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 3014 CON_ID 46 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:33 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:33 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:41 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: ALTER TABLE t4 DROP INDEX `Marvão_idx3`, ADD FULLTEXT INDEX `ftidx3` ( col_text ), LOCK = EXCLUSIVE, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY /* E_R Thread2 QNO 3565 CON_ID 48 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:41 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 48 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:42 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 3565 CON_ID 48 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:42 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:42 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:43 [450032] ErrorFilter: Query: DROP SCHEMA cool_down /* E_R Thread1 QNO 3365 CON_ID 39 */ failed: 1008 Can't drop database 'cool_down'; database doesn't exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 2022-01-07T20:03:48 [450041] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread1 Query: /* SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size = 33554432 */ /* E_R Thread1 QNO 3722 CON_ID 39 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:48 [450041] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 0 CON_ID 39 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:48 [450041] INFO: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 3722 CON_ID 39 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:48 [450041] INFO: Thread1 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:48 [450041] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread1 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:51 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: DELETE FROM t3 WHERE col1 = NULL OR col1 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 4169 CON_ID 51 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:51 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 51 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:51 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 4169 CON_ID 51 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:51 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:51 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:03:59 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: ALTER TABLE t1 DROP INDEX `Marvão_ftidx1`, ALGORITHM = NOCOPY, LOCK = DEFAULT /* E_R Thread2 QNO 4613 CON_ID 56 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:03:59 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 56 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:03:59 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 4613 CON_ID 56 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:03:59 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:03:59 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:04:00 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: DELETE FROM t7 WHERE col_int = 1 OR col_int IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 4705 CON_ID 59 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:04:00 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 59 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:04:00 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 4705 CON_ID 59 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:04:00 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:04:00 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:04:02 [450041] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread1 Query: DELETE FROM t5 WHERE col2 = 41 OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread1 QNO 4545 CON_ID 54 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:04:02 [450041] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 0 CON_ID 54 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:04:02 [450041] INFO: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 4545 CON_ID 54 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:04:02 [450041] INFO: Thread1 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:04:02 [450041] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread1 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:04:05 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: INSERT INTO t1 (col1,col2, col_int, col_string, col_text) VALUES ( 7, 7, 7, REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 7 AS CHAR),1,1), 10), REPEAT(SUBSTR(CAST( 7 - 1 AS CHAR),1,1), @fill_amount) ) /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5017 CON_ID 61 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:04:05 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 61 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:04:05 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5017 CON_ID 61 */ : The server is connectable. Will return a result containing the status STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP(7). # 2022-01-07T20:04:05 [450042] INFO: Thread2 in Mixer : STATUS_SKIP_RELOOP got. # 2022-01-07T20:04:05 [450042] DEBUG: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: The connection to the server for Thread2 was lost. Trying to reconnect. # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450042] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread2 Query: DELETE FROM t7 WHERE col2 = 34 OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5420 CON_ID 66 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450042] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 0 CON_ID 66 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450042] ERROR: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::get_dbh: ConnectChecker connect to dsn dbi:mysql:host= failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111). Will return undef # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450042] INFO: /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5420 CON_ID 66 */ : The server is not connectable. Will sleep 3s and than return a result containing the status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE(100). # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450041] GenTest::Executor::MySQL::execute: Thread1 Query: ROLLBACK /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5097 CON_ID 63 */ failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450041] DEBUG: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 0 CON_ID 63 before disconnect. */ # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450041] ERROR: GenTest::Executor::MySQL::get_dbh: ConnectChecker connect to dsn dbi:mysql:host= failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111). Will return undef # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [450041] INFO: /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5097 CON_ID 63 */ : The server is not connectable. Will sleep 3s and than return a result containing the status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE(100). # 2022-01-07T20:13:13 [441978] WARN: Auxpid Reaper: Auxpid 445276 exited with exit status 134. # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450042] Thread2 in Mixer : Critical failure STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE (100), Error 0 reported at dsn dbi:mysql:host= # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450042] GenTest: Server crash or critical failure (STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE) was reported. # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450042] The child process for Thread2 will be stopped. # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450042] GenTest: child 450042 is being stopped with status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450041] Thread1 in Mixer : Critical failure STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE (100), Error 0 reported at dsn dbi:mysql:host= # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450041] GenTest: Server crash or critical failure (STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE) was reported. # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450041] The child process for Thread1 will be stopped. # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [450041] GenTest: child 450041 is being stopped with status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [441978] Process with pid 450041 for Thread1 ended with status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [441978] Killing (TERM) remaining worker process with pid 450042... # 2022-01-07T20:13:16 [441978] Process with pid 450042 for Thread2 ended with status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] Killing (TERM) periodic reporting process with pid 450033... # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [450033] INFO: Periodic reporting process: Signal TERM received. Status of last reporter might be invalid. Will exit with previous status STATUS_OK # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [450033] GenTest: child 450033 is being stopped with status STATUS_OK # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] For pid 450033 reporter status STATUS_OK # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] Kill GenTest::ErrorFilter(450032) # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] INFO: GenTest: Effective duration in s : 636 # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] total_status STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE was reported, but often the reason is a crash. So trying post-crash analysis... # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Backtrace': ----- nativeReport ----------- Begin # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] datadir is /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/ # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] binary is /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] bindir is /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] error_log is /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/../mysql.err # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] pid_file is /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.pid # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] ERROR: Reporter 'Backtrace': The server process 445357 has disappeared. # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] DEBUG: The auxiliary process 445276 is no more running. # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Backtrace': The pid_file '/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.pid' did not disappear. # 2022-01-07T20:13:17 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Backtrace': The pattern 'core dumped' was not found in '/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/../mysql.err'. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] --------- Contents of /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/backtrace.txt ------------- # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | GNU gdb (Ubuntu 9.2-0ubuntu1~20.04) 9.2 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Type "show configuration" for configuration details. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | For bug reporting instructions, please see: # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | . # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | . # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | For help, type "help". # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"... # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Reading symbols from /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mariadbd... # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Really redefine built-in command "restart"? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Remote debugging using # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Reading symbols from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2... # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | (No debugging symbols found in /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | 0x00007f1096f1b100 in ?? () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) (rr) Continuing. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.446472] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.540583] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.445816] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.445886] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.446077] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.446087] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.446198] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.446277] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.446541] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.450088] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.450133] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.457492] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.472135] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.472141] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [New Thread 445357.472145] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 3 received signal SIGABRT, Aborted. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [Switching to Thread 445357.540583] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | (rr) Current event: 441547 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | (rr) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 16 (Thread 445357.472145): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1093dd9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1093dd9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f116 in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_01_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:472 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e248a3 in syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584473c66c9 in srw_mutex_impl::wait (this=0x5584495f38c0 , lk=2147483650) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:348 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x00005584473c5da4 in srw_mutex_impl::wait_and_lock (this=0x5584495f38c0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:461 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558446fb97cb in srw_mutex_impl::wr_lock (this=0x5584495f38c0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:80 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558446fb05ba in ssux_lock_impl::wr_lock (this=0x5584495f38c0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:226 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000055844759a405 in dict_sys_t::lock_wait (this=0x5584495f3880 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0dict.cc:961 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558446fa34d1 in dict_sys_t::lock (this=0x5584495f3880 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/dict0dict.h:1568 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000055844759cee7 in dict_sys_t::evict_table_LRU (this=0x5584495f3880 , half=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0dict.cc:1310 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x00005584473ad68d in srv_master_do_idle_tasks (counter_time=11612261096296) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1538 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00005584473add6f in srv_master_callback () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1595 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844775df6e in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::run (this=0x612000025fc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000055844775e250 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::execute (arg=0x612000025fc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:332 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x000055844776dcd7 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x612000026000) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:37 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001f980) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000023d68: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000023d60: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000023d68: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000023d58) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000023d58) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000023d50) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #29 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #30 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 15 (Thread 445357.472141): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10957e2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10957e2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f116 in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_01_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:472 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e248a3 in syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584473c667d in srw_mutex_impl::wait (this=0x55844955ab08 , lk=2147483650) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:348 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x00005584473c5c23 in srw_mutex_impl::wait_and_lock (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:430 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558446fb1cff in srw_mutex_impl::wr_lock (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:80 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005584473c65cc in ssux_lock_impl::rd_wait (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:523 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x00005584470c2a9f in ssux_lock_impl::rd_lock (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:216 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558447420b10 in trx_sys_t::history_size (this=0x558449553f80 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0sys.cc:215 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584473b0965 in purge_coordinator_state::do_purge (this=0x55844a2076a0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1694 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x00005584473aef5a in purge_coordinator_callback () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1901 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844776d3aa in tpool::task_group::execute (this=0x55844a207b20 , t=0x55844a207be0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task_group.cc:55 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844776dc73 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x55844a207be0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:32 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001fc80) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000023ce8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000023ce0: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000023ce8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000023cd8) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000023cd8) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000023cd0) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 14 (Thread 445357.472135): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1095ae2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1095ae2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x48964e9a9810, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x63000001f7ac) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x48964e9a9810, clockid=, mutex=0x618000000990, cond=0x63000001f780) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x63000001f780, mutex=0x618000000990, abstime=0x48964e9a9810) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844775d547 in __gthread_cond_timedwait (__cond=0x63000001f780, __mutex=0x618000000990, __abs_timeout=0x48964e9a9810) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/9/bits/gthr-default.h:872 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x000055844776539f in std::condition_variable::__wait_until_impl > > (this=0x63000001f780, __lock=..., __atime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/condition_variable:188 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558447762d8f in std::condition_variable::wait_until > > (this=0x63000001f780, __lock=..., __atime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/condition_variable:121 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00005584477601bb in std::condition_variable::wait_for > (this=0x63000001f780, __lock=..., __rtime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/condition_variable:152 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584477598c2 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::wait_for_tasks (this=0x618000000880, lk=..., thread_data=0x63000001f780) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:449 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x0000558447759d20 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::get_task (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001f780, t=0x48964e9a9bc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:502 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844775a360 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001f780) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:547 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000023ca8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000023ca0: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000023ca8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000023c98) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000023c98) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000023c90) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 13 (Thread 445357.457492): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 __lll_lock_wait (futex=futex@entry=0x5584495afa68 , private=0) at lowlevellock.c:52 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000000006ffca235 in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock (mutex=0x5584495afa68 ) at ../nptl/pthread_mutex_lock.c:135 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x00005584479043b5 in safe_mutex_lock (mp=0x5584495afa40 , my_flags=0, file=0x55844869c0c0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc", line=492) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:290 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000055844755ec83 in inline_mysql_mutex_lock (that=0x5584495afa40 , src_file=0x55844869c0c0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc", src_line=492) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:750 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x0000558447562541 in buf_LRU_get_free_block (have_mutex=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:492 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844756cdd2 in buf_page_init_for_read (mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:108 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844756dd80 in buf_read_page_low (err=0x51175fe7bd70, space=0x612000024940, sync=true, mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:302 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844756f2c8 in buf_read_page (page_id=..., zip_size=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:470 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000055844751668b in buf_page_get_low (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=1, guess=0x0, mode=10, mtr=0x51175fe7de40, err=0x51175fe7c660, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2579 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x0000558447518671 in buf_page_get_gen (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=1, guess=0x2f573a1f3ba0, mode=10, mtr=0x51175fe7de40, err=0x51175fe7c660, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2976 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584474b2fad in btr_cur_search_to_nth_level_func (index=0x616000304308, level=0, tuple=0x6280003d1798, mode=PAGE_CUR_GE, latch_mode=1, cursor=0x6280003d14b0, ahi_latch=0x0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40, autoinc=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/btr/btr0cur.cc:1602 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844734b087 in btr_pcur_open_with_no_init_func (index=0x616000304308, tuple=0x6280003d1798, mode=PAGE_CUR_GE, latch_mode=1, cursor=0x6280003d14b0, ahi_latch=0x0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/btr0pcur.ic:427 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x00005584473533c4 in row_sel_open_pcur (plan=0x6280003d14a0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:1398 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x000055844735405b in row_sel_try_search_shortcut (node=0x6280003d0d88, plan=0x6280003d14a0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:1547 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558447355155 in row_sel (node=0x6280003d0d88, thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:1706 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558447357c2e in row_sel_step (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:2386 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000055844721b21c in que_thr_step (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:629 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000055844721b83c in que_run_threads_low (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:709 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844721b9de in que_run_threads (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:729 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844721bd04 in que_eval_sql (info=0x61600727c008, sql=0x5584486f5c60 "PROCEDURE FETCH_STATS () IS\nfound INT;\nDECLARE FUNCTION fetch_table_stats_step;\nDECLARE FUNCTION fetch_index_stats_step;\nDECLARE CURSOR table_stats_cur IS\n SELECT\n n_rows,\n clustered_index_size,\n sum_of_other_index_sizes\n FROM \"mysql/innodb_table_stats\"\n WHERE\n database_name = :database_name AND\n table_name = :table_name;\nDECLARE CURSOR index_stats_cur IS\n SELECT\n index_name,\n stat_name,\n stat_value,\n sample_size\n FROM \"mysql/innodb_index_stats\"\n WHERE\n database_name = :database_name AND\n table_name = :table_name;\nBEGIN\nOPEN table_stats_cur;\nFETCH table_stats_cur INTO\n fetch_table_stats_step();\nIF (SQL % NOTFOUND) THEN\n CLOSE table_stats_cur;\n RETURN;\nEND IF;\nCLOSE table_stats_cur;\nOPEN index_stats_cur;\nfound := 1;\nWHILE found = 1 LOOP\n FETCH index_stats_cur INTO\n fetch_index_stats_step();\n IF (SQL % NOTFOUND) THEN\n found := 0;\n END IF;\nEND LOOP;\nCLOSE index_stats_cur;\nEND;", trx=0x690f40758ce8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:768 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x00005584475ffd13 in dict_stats_fetch_from_ps (table=0x61e00008ad08) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc:3664 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x0000558447601139 in dict_stats_update (table=0x618000003108, stats_upd_option=DICT_STATS_FETCH_ONLY_IF_NOT_IN_MEMORY) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc:3948 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x0000558446f38677 in dict_stats_init (table=0x618000003108) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/dict0stats.ic:165 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x0000558446f7f571 in ha_innobase::info_low (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, flag=282, is_analyze=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:14604 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x0000558446f80e2d in ha_innobase::info (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, flag=282) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:14866 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x0000558446f502ed in ha_innobase::open (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, name=0x61b00010ad60 "./test/t7") at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:6071 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00005584466c91cf in handler::ha_open (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, table_arg=0x619000510498, name=0x61b00010ad60 "./test/t7", mode=2, test_if_locked=18, mem_root=0x0, partitions_to_open=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/handler.cc:3310 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x0000558446210f92 in open_table_from_share (thd=0x62b0001c0218, share=0x61b00010a7b8, alias=0x629000023400, db_stat=33, prgflag=8, ha_open_flags=18, outparam=0x619000510498, is_create_table=false, partitions_to_open=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/table.cc:4335 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x0000558445d2eb5e in open_table (thd=0x62b0001c0218, table_list=0x6290000233b8, ot_ctx=0x51175fe81230) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:2003 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #29 0x0000558445d37aa2 in open_and_process_table (thd=0x62b0001c0218, tables=0x6290000233b8, counter=0x51175fe81360, flags=0, prelocking_strategy=0x51175fe81440, has_prelocking_list=false, ot_ctx=0x51175fe81230) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:3807 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #30 0x0000558445d3a04d in open_tables (thd=0x62b0001c0218, options=..., start=0x51175fe81370, counter=0x51175fe81360, flags=0, prelocking_strategy=0x51175fe81440) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:4290 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #31 0x0000558445d3e698 in open_and_lock_tables (thd=0x62b0001c0218, options=..., tables=0x6290000233b8, derived=true, flags=0, prelocking_strategy=0x51175fe81440) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:5262 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #32 0x0000558445ca3d7c in open_and_lock_tables (thd=0x62b0001c0218, tables=0x6290000233b8, derived=true, flags=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.h:509 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #33 0x0000558445dcf95c in mysql_delete (thd=0x62b0001c0218, table_list=0x6290000233b8, conds=0x629000024088, order_list=0x62b0001c4f00, limit=18446744073709551615, options=0, result=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_delete.cc:341 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #34 0x0000558445eba0d6 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x62b0001c0218, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:4804 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #35 0x0000558445ecee77 in mysql_parse (thd=0x62b0001c0218, rawbuf=0x629000023238 "DELETE FROM t7 WHERE col2 = 34 OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5420 CON_ID 66 */", length=84, parser_state=0x51175fe82b20) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:8027 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #36 0x0000558445ea7268 in dispatch_command (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0x62b0001c0218, packet=0x629000d93219 " DELETE FROM t7 WHERE col2 = 34 OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5420 CON_ID 66 */ ", packet_length=86, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1894 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #37 0x0000558445ea4640 in do_command (thd=0x62b0001c0218, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1402 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #38 0x00005584462d788a in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x6080000048b8, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1418 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #39 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x608000003938) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #40 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #41 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 12 (Thread 445357.450133): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10914dffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10914dffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x20b268279ce0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x558449939cc8 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x20b268279ce0, clockid=, mutex=0x558449939d38 , cond=0x558449939ca0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d38 , abstime=0x20b268279ce0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mp=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x20b268279ce0, file=0x558447dc4700 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005584462d8883 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x20b268279ce0, src_file=0x558447dc77a0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h", src_line=176) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x00005584462d8c10 in Thread_cache::park (this=0x558449939ca0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h:176 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00005584462d7a54 in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x6080000051b8, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1431 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x608000003138) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 11 (Thread 445357.450088): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x000055844756b1c4 in LRUItr::start (this=0x5584495b3f98 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/buf0buf.h:2149 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000055844756054a in buf_LRU_free_from_common_LRU_list (limit=18446744073709551615) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:240 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x0000558447569803 in buf_LRU_scan_and_free_block (limit=18446744073709551615) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:1329 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x0000558447561f26 in buf_LRU_get_free_block (have_mutex=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:430 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x000055844756cdd2 in buf_page_init_for_read (mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:108 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844756dd80 in buf_read_page_low (err=0x22ce59f3a090, space=0x612000023bc0, sync=true, mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:302 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844756f2c8 in buf_read_page (page_id=..., zip_size=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:470 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844751668b in buf_page_get_low (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=2, guess=0x0, mode=10, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260, err=0x0, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2579 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x0000558447518671 in buf_page_get_gen (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=2, guess=0x0, mode=10, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260, err=0x0, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2976 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00005584473d0734 in trx_rsegf_get (space=0x612000023bc0, page_no=256, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/trx0rseg.ic:43 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584473d1dc5 in trx_purge_add_undo_to_history (trx=0x690f407569a8, undo=@0x690f407579f0: 0x611000071240, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0purge.cc:234 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844742d34f in trx_write_serialisation_history (trx=0x690f407569a8, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1049 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844742ebab in trx_t::commit_low (this=0x690f407569a8, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1412 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558447430b55 in trx_t::commit_persist (this=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1450 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558447430ca2 in trx_t::commit (this=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1456 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558447411820 in trx_t::rollback_finish (this=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:66 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x0000558447412586 in trx_t::rollback_low (this=0x690f407569a8, savept=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:133 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000055844740ca90 in trx_rollback_for_mysql_low (trx=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:190 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844740d097 in trx_rollback_for_mysql (trx=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:221 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x0000558446f4841b in innobase_rollback (hton=0x615000003298, thd=0x62b0001ce218, rollback_trx=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4566 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x00005584466c2129 in ha_rollback_trans (thd=0x62b0001ce218, all=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/handler.cc:2164 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x0000558446313bdf in trans_rollback (thd=0x62b0001ce218) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/transaction.cc:372 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x0000558445ec0797 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x62b0001ce218, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:5654 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x0000558445ecee77 in mysql_parse (thd=0x62b0001ce218, rawbuf=0x629000d6b238 "ROLLBACK /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5097 CON_ID 63 */", length=46, parser_state=0x22ce59f3cb20) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:8027 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x0000558445ea7268 in dispatch_command (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0x62b0001ce218, packet=0x629000dcf219 " ROLLBACK /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5097 CON_ID 63 */ ", packet_length=48, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1894 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x0000558445ea4640 in do_command (thd=0x62b0001ce218, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1402 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00005584462d788a in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x608000004738, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1418 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x6080000030b8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #29 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 10 (Thread 445357.446541): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d8306d in sys_poll (call=0x7f1091c96fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:2210 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1091c96fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3339 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1091c96fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e1eb05 in __GI___poll (fds=0x687d45596960, nfds=1, timeout=28800000) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844a26f5ba in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x0000558446b5d1be in vio_io_wait (vio=0x615000071018, event=VIO_IO_EVENT_READ, timeout=28800000) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/vio/viosocket.c:948 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558446b5a0a5 in vio_socket_io_wait (vio=0x615000071018, event=VIO_IO_EVENT_READ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/vio/viosocket.c:116 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558446b5a36d in vio_read (vio=0x615000071018, buf=0x629000db6218 "\a", size=4) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/vio/viosocket.c:182 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558446aab945 in my_real_read (net=0x62b00016c530, complen=0x687d45596c00, header=1 '\001') at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/net_serv.cc:1003 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558446aad3ab in my_net_read_packet_reallen (net=0x62b00016c530, read_from_server=1 '\001', reallen=0x687d45596ca0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/net_serv.cc:1284 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x0000558446aad20f in my_net_read_packet (net=0x62b00016c530, read_from_server=1 '\001') at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/net_serv.cc:1268 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x0000558445ea3ac0 in do_command (thd=0x62b00016c218, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1264 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00005584462d788a in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x608000002fb8, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1418 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x6080000029b8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 9 (Thread 445357.446277): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10922b9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10922b9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce37c in futex_wait_cancelable (private=, expected=0, futex_word=0x55844994e48c ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:183 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x55844994e3a8 , cond=0x55844994e460 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:508 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x55844994e460 , mutex=0x55844994e3a8 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:638 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447905a20 in safe_cond_wait (cond=0x55844994e460 , mp=0x55844994e380 , file=0x558447c34620 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1072) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:494 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558445e9c691 in inline_mysql_cond_wait (that=0x55844994e460 , mutex=0x55844994e380 , src_file=0x558447c37540 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_manager.cc", src_line=103) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1072 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558445e9cbe2 in handle_manager (arg=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_manager.cc:103 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 8 (Thread 445357.446198): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830d3 in syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10928d1fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3420 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10928d1fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x00007b0661d50328 in __GI___sigtimedwait (set=0x14d401e3dd40, info=0x14d401e3dbb0, timeout=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c:29 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000055844a2ba111 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x0000558445b53029 in my_sigwait (set=0x14d401e3dd40, sig=0x14d401e3dcf0, code=0x14d401e3dd00) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/my_pthread.h:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x0000558445b5d136 in signal_hand (arg=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/mysqld.cc:3146 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 7 (Thread 445357.446087): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x00007b0661de93bf in __GI___clock_nanosleep (clock_id=clock_id@entry=0, flags=flags@entry=0, req=0x38b60b7a7ea0, rem=0x38b60b7a7ea0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:78 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x00007b0661def047 in __GI___nanosleep (requested_time=, remaining=) at nanosleep.c:27 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x0000558446fc60ae in std::this_thread::sleep_for > (__rtime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:378 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000055844752e763 in buf_pool_t::resize (this=0x5584495afa40 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1725 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x0000558447511e22 in buf_resize_callback () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1989 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844776d3aa in tpool::task_group::execute (this=0x55844a211b60 , t=0x55844a211c20 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task_group.cc:55 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844776dc73 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x55844a211c20 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:32 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001fc00) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000006028: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000006020: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000006028: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000006018) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000006018) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000006010) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 6 (Thread 445357.446077): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10954dafa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10954dafa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x18d201599ce0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x55844a1add48 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x18d201599ce0, clockid=, mutex=0x55844a1adc68 , cond=0x55844a1add20 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a1add20 , mutex=0x55844a1adc68 , abstime=0x18d201599ce0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a1add20 , mp=0x55844a1adc40 , abstime=0x18d201599ce0, file=0x55844831b9c0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558446cd6301 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x55844a1add20 , mutex=0x55844a1adc40 , abstime=0x18d201599ce0, src_file=0x55844831bac0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c", src_line=115) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558446cd6bb4 in my_service_thread_sleep (control=0x55844934adc0 , sleep_time=30000000000) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c:115 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558446cbcd1b in ma_checkpoint_background (arg=0x1e) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/maria/ma_checkpoint.c:725 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 5 (Thread 445357.445886): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1095de2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1095de2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce37c in futex_wait_cancelable (private=, expected=0, futex_word=0x5584495b3ee8 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:183 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x5584495b3de8 , cond=0x5584495b3ec0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:508 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x5584495b3ec0 , mutex=0x5584495b3de8 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:638 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447905a20 in safe_cond_wait (cond=0x5584495b3ec0 , mp=0x5584495b3dc0 , file=0x5584486905e0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.cc", line=2229) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:494 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558447556b74 in buf_flush_page_cleaner () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.cc:2229 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000055844755ec36 in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x602000001518: 0x55844755660e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:60 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x000055844755eb72 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x602000001518: 0x55844755660e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000055844755ea98 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul> (this=0x602000001518) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000055844755ea19 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x602000001518) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844755e97e in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x602000001510) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 4 (Thread 445357.445816): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1096ce3fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1096ce3fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x55844b315de0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x55844a225908 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x55844b315de0, clockid=, mutex=0x55844a225828 , cond=0x55844a2258e0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a2258e0 , mutex=0x55844a225828 , abstime=0x55844b315de0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a2258e0 , mp=0x55844a225800 , abstime=0x55844b315de0, file=0x5584488041e0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558447908161 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x55844a2258e0 , mutex=0x55844a225800 , abstime=0x55844b315de0, src_file=0x558448804280 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_timer.c", src_line=321) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000055844790964e in timer_handler (arg=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_timer.c:321 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 3 (Thread 445357.540583): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x00007b0661d2e859 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x0000558447458417 in ib::fatal::~fatal (this=0x223b35eac870, __in_chrg=) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/ut/ut0ut.cc:531 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x00005584473abbda in srv_monitor_task () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1292 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x000055844775df6e in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::run (this=0x612000024dc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844775e250 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::execute (arg=0x612000024dc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:332 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844776dcd7 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x612000024e00) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:37 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001fb80) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000002128: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000002120: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000002128: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000002118) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000002118) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000002110) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 2 (Thread 445357.446472): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1091fb9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1091fb9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x558449939cc8 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, clockid=, mutex=0x558449939d38 , cond=0x558449939ca0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d38 , abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mp=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, file=0x558447dc4700 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005584462d8883 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, src_file=0x558447dc77a0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h", src_line=176) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x00005584462d8c10 in Thread_cache::park (this=0x558449939ca0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h:176 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00005584462d7a54 in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x608000005238, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1431 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x6080000028b8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 1 (Thread 445357.445357): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d8306d in sys_poll (call=0x681fffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:2210 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x681fffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3339 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x681fffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e1eb05 in __GI___poll (fds=0x60e000006098, nfds=3, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844a26f5ba in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x0000558445b66211 in handle_connections_sockets () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/mysqld.cc:6158 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558445b65014 in mysqld_main (argc=46, argv=0x6160000003f8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/mysqld.cc:5863 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558445b52f2d in main (argc=45, argv=0x7ffe23ef9c28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/main.cc:34 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | (rr) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 16 (Thread 445357.472145): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1093dd9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1093dd9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f116 in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_01_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:472 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e248a3 in syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584473c66c9 in srw_mutex_impl::wait (this=0x5584495f38c0 , lk=2147483650) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:348 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x00005584473c5da4 in srw_mutex_impl::wait_and_lock (this=0x5584495f38c0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:461 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558446fb97cb in srw_mutex_impl::wr_lock (this=0x5584495f38c0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:80 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558446fb05ba in ssux_lock_impl::wr_lock (this=0x5584495f38c0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:226 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000055844759a405 in dict_sys_t::lock_wait (this=0x5584495f3880 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0dict.cc:961 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558446fa34d1 in dict_sys_t::lock (this=0x5584495f3880 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/dict0dict.h:1568 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000055844759cee7 in dict_sys_t::evict_table_LRU (this=0x5584495f3880 , half=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0dict.cc:1310 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x00005584473ad68d in srv_master_do_idle_tasks (counter_time=11612261096296) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1538 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00005584473add6f in srv_master_callback () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1595 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844775df6e in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::run (this=0x612000025fc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000055844775e250 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::execute (arg=0x612000025fc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:332 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x000055844776dcd7 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x612000026000) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:37 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001f980) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000023d68: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000023d60: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000023d68: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000023d58) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000023d58) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000023d50) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #29 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #30 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 15 (Thread 445357.472141): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10957e2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10957e2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f116 in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_01_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:472 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e248a3 in syscall () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/syscall.S:38 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584473c667d in srw_mutex_impl::wait (this=0x55844955ab08 , lk=2147483650) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:348 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x00005584473c5c23 in srw_mutex_impl::wait_and_lock (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:430 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558446fb1cff in srw_mutex_impl::wr_lock (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:80 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005584473c65cc in ssux_lock_impl::rd_wait (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/sync/srw_lock.cc:523 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x00005584470c2a9f in ssux_lock_impl::rd_lock (this=0x55844955ab08 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/srw_lock.h:216 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558447420b10 in trx_sys_t::history_size (this=0x558449553f80 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0sys.cc:215 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584473b0965 in purge_coordinator_state::do_purge (this=0x55844a2076a0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1694 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x00005584473aef5a in purge_coordinator_callback () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1901 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844776d3aa in tpool::task_group::execute (this=0x55844a207b20 , t=0x55844a207be0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task_group.cc:55 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844776dc73 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x55844a207be0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:32 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001fc80) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000023ce8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000023ce0: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000023ce8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000023cd8) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000023cd8) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000023cd0) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 14 (Thread 445357.472135): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1095ae2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1095ae2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x48964e9a9810, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x63000001f7ac) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x48964e9a9810, clockid=, mutex=0x618000000990, cond=0x63000001f780) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x63000001f780, mutex=0x618000000990, abstime=0x48964e9a9810) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844775d547 in __gthread_cond_timedwait (__cond=0x63000001f780, __mutex=0x618000000990, __abs_timeout=0x48964e9a9810) at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/9/bits/gthr-default.h:872 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x000055844776539f in std::condition_variable::__wait_until_impl > > (this=0x63000001f780, __lock=..., __atime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/condition_variable:188 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558447762d8f in std::condition_variable::wait_until > > (this=0x63000001f780, __lock=..., __atime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/condition_variable:121 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00005584477601bb in std::condition_variable::wait_for > (this=0x63000001f780, __lock=..., __rtime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/condition_variable:152 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584477598c2 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::wait_for_tasks (this=0x618000000880, lk=..., thread_data=0x63000001f780) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:449 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x0000558447759d20 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::get_task (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001f780, t=0x48964e9a9bc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:502 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844775a360 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001f780) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:547 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000023ca8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000023ca0: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000023ca8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000023c98) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000023c98) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000023c90) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 13 (Thread 445357.457492): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 __lll_lock_wait (futex=futex@entry=0x5584495afa68 , private=0) at lowlevellock.c:52 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000000006ffca235 in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock (mutex=0x5584495afa68 ) at ../nptl/pthread_mutex_lock.c:135 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x00005584479043b5 in safe_mutex_lock (mp=0x5584495afa40 , my_flags=0, file=0x55844869c0c0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc", line=492) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:290 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000055844755ec83 in inline_mysql_mutex_lock (that=0x5584495afa40 , src_file=0x55844869c0c0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc", src_line=492) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:750 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x0000558447562541 in buf_LRU_get_free_block (have_mutex=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:492 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844756cdd2 in buf_page_init_for_read (mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:108 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844756dd80 in buf_read_page_low (err=0x51175fe7bd70, space=0x612000024940, sync=true, mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:302 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844756f2c8 in buf_read_page (page_id=..., zip_size=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:470 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000055844751668b in buf_page_get_low (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=1, guess=0x0, mode=10, mtr=0x51175fe7de40, err=0x51175fe7c660, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2579 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x0000558447518671 in buf_page_get_gen (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=1, guess=0x2f573a1f3ba0, mode=10, mtr=0x51175fe7de40, err=0x51175fe7c660, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2976 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584474b2fad in btr_cur_search_to_nth_level_func (index=0x616000304308, level=0, tuple=0x6280003d1798, mode=PAGE_CUR_GE, latch_mode=1, cursor=0x6280003d14b0, ahi_latch=0x0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40, autoinc=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/btr/btr0cur.cc:1602 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844734b087 in btr_pcur_open_with_no_init_func (index=0x616000304308, tuple=0x6280003d1798, mode=PAGE_CUR_GE, latch_mode=1, cursor=0x6280003d14b0, ahi_latch=0x0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/btr0pcur.ic:427 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x00005584473533c4 in row_sel_open_pcur (plan=0x6280003d14a0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:1398 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x000055844735405b in row_sel_try_search_shortcut (node=0x6280003d0d88, plan=0x6280003d14a0, mtr=0x51175fe7de40) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:1547 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558447355155 in row_sel (node=0x6280003d0d88, thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:1706 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558447357c2e in row_sel_step (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/row/row0sel.cc:2386 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000055844721b21c in que_thr_step (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:629 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000055844721b83c in que_run_threads_low (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:709 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844721b9de in que_run_threads (thr=0x6280003d3e28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:729 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x000055844721bd04 in que_eval_sql (info=0x61600727c008, sql=0x5584486f5c60 "PROCEDURE FETCH_STATS () IS\nfound INT;\nDECLARE FUNCTION fetch_table_stats_step;\nDECLARE FUNCTION fetch_index_stats_step;\nDECLARE CURSOR table_stats_cur IS\n SELECT\n n_rows,\n clustered_index_size,\n sum_of_other_index_sizes\n FROM \"mysql/innodb_table_stats\"\n WHERE\n database_name = :database_name AND\n table_name = :table_name;\nDECLARE CURSOR index_stats_cur IS\n SELECT\n index_name,\n stat_name,\n stat_value,\n sample_size\n FROM \"mysql/innodb_index_stats\"\n WHERE\n database_name = :database_name AND\n table_name = :table_name;\nBEGIN\nOPEN table_stats_cur;\nFETCH table_stats_cur INTO\n fetch_table_stats_step();\nIF (SQL % NOTFOUND) THEN\n CLOSE table_stats_cur;\n RETURN;\nEND IF;\nCLOSE table_stats_cur;\nOPEN index_stats_cur;\nfound := 1;\nWHILE found = 1 LOOP\n FETCH index_stats_cur INTO\n fetch_index_stats_step();\n IF (SQL % NOTFOUND) THEN\n found := 0;\n END IF;\nEND LOOP;\nCLOSE index_stats_cur;\nEND;", trx=0x690f40758ce8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/que/que0que.cc:768 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x00005584475ffd13 in dict_stats_fetch_from_ps (table=0x61e00008ad08) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc:3664 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x0000558447601139 in dict_stats_update (table=0x618000003108, stats_upd_option=DICT_STATS_FETCH_ONLY_IF_NOT_IN_MEMORY) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc:3948 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x0000558446f38677 in dict_stats_init (table=0x618000003108) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/dict0stats.ic:165 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x0000558446f7f571 in ha_innobase::info_low (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, flag=282, is_analyze=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:14604 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x0000558446f80e2d in ha_innobase::info (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, flag=282) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:14866 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x0000558446f502ed in ha_innobase::open (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, name=0x61b00010ad60 "./test/t7") at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:6071 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00005584466c91cf in handler::ha_open (this=0x61d000ae6ab8, table_arg=0x619000510498, name=0x61b00010ad60 "./test/t7", mode=2, test_if_locked=18, mem_root=0x0, partitions_to_open=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/handler.cc:3310 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x0000558446210f92 in open_table_from_share (thd=0x62b0001c0218, share=0x61b00010a7b8, alias=0x629000023400, db_stat=33, prgflag=8, ha_open_flags=18, outparam=0x619000510498, is_create_table=false, partitions_to_open=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/table.cc:4335 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x0000558445d2eb5e in open_table (thd=0x62b0001c0218, table_list=0x6290000233b8, ot_ctx=0x51175fe81230) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:2003 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #29 0x0000558445d37aa2 in open_and_process_table (thd=0x62b0001c0218, tables=0x6290000233b8, counter=0x51175fe81360, flags=0, prelocking_strategy=0x51175fe81440, has_prelocking_list=false, ot_ctx=0x51175fe81230) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:3807 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #30 0x0000558445d3a04d in open_tables (thd=0x62b0001c0218, options=..., start=0x51175fe81370, counter=0x51175fe81360, flags=0, prelocking_strategy=0x51175fe81440) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:4290 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #31 0x0000558445d3e698 in open_and_lock_tables (thd=0x62b0001c0218, options=..., tables=0x6290000233b8, derived=true, flags=0, prelocking_strategy=0x51175fe81440) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.cc:5262 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #32 0x0000558445ca3d7c in open_and_lock_tables (thd=0x62b0001c0218, tables=0x6290000233b8, derived=true, flags=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_base.h:509 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #33 0x0000558445dcf95c in mysql_delete (thd=0x62b0001c0218, table_list=0x6290000233b8, conds=0x629000024088, order_list=0x62b0001c4f00, limit=18446744073709551615, options=0, result=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_delete.cc:341 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #34 0x0000558445eba0d6 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x62b0001c0218, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:4804 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #35 0x0000558445ecee77 in mysql_parse (thd=0x62b0001c0218, rawbuf=0x629000023238 "DELETE FROM t7 WHERE col2 = 34 OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5420 CON_ID 66 */", length=84, parser_state=0x51175fe82b20) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:8027 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #36 0x0000558445ea7268 in dispatch_command (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0x62b0001c0218, packet=0x629000d93219 " DELETE FROM t7 WHERE col2 = 34 OR col2 IS NULL /* E_R Thread2 QNO 5420 CON_ID 66 */ ", packet_length=86, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1894 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #37 0x0000558445ea4640 in do_command (thd=0x62b0001c0218, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1402 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #38 0x00005584462d788a in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x6080000048b8, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1418 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #39 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x608000003938) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #40 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #41 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 12 (Thread 445357.450133): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10914dffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10914dffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x20b268279ce0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x558449939cc8 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x20b268279ce0, clockid=, mutex=0x558449939d38 , cond=0x558449939ca0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d38 , abstime=0x20b268279ce0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mp=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x20b268279ce0, file=0x558447dc4700 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005584462d8883 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x20b268279ce0, src_file=0x558447dc77a0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h", src_line=176) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x00005584462d8c10 in Thread_cache::park (this=0x558449939ca0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h:176 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00005584462d7a54 in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x6080000051b8, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1431 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x608000003138) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 11 (Thread 445357.450088): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x000055844756b1c4 in LRUItr::start (this=0x5584495b3f98 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/buf0buf.h:2149 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000055844756054a in buf_LRU_free_from_common_LRU_list (limit=18446744073709551615) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:240 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x0000558447569803 in buf_LRU_scan_and_free_block (limit=18446744073709551615) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:1329 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x0000558447561f26 in buf_LRU_get_free_block (have_mutex=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0lru.cc:430 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x000055844756cdd2 in buf_page_init_for_read (mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:108 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844756dd80 in buf_read_page_low (err=0x22ce59f3a090, space=0x612000023bc0, sync=true, mode=132, page_id=..., zip_size=0, unzip=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:302 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844756f2c8 in buf_read_page (page_id=..., zip_size=0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0rea.cc:470 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844751668b in buf_page_get_low (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=2, guess=0x0, mode=10, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260, err=0x0, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2579 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x0000558447518671 in buf_page_get_gen (page_id=..., zip_size=0, rw_latch=2, guess=0x0, mode=10, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260, err=0x0, allow_ibuf_merge=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:2976 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00005584473d0734 in trx_rsegf_get (space=0x612000023bc0, page_no=256, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/include/trx0rseg.ic:43 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x00005584473d1dc5 in trx_purge_add_undo_to_history (trx=0x690f407569a8, undo=@0x690f407579f0: 0x611000071240, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0purge.cc:234 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844742d34f in trx_write_serialisation_history (trx=0x690f407569a8, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1049 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844742ebab in trx_t::commit_low (this=0x690f407569a8, mtr=0x22ce59f3b260) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1412 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558447430b55 in trx_t::commit_persist (this=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1450 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558447430ca2 in trx_t::commit (this=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.cc:1456 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558447411820 in trx_t::rollback_finish (this=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:66 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x0000558447412586 in trx_t::rollback_low (this=0x690f407569a8, savept=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:133 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000055844740ca90 in trx_rollback_for_mysql_low (trx=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:190 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844740d097 in trx_rollback_for_mysql (trx=0x690f407569a8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/trx/trx0roll.cc:221 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x0000558446f4841b in innobase_rollback (hton=0x615000003298, thd=0x62b0001ce218, rollback_trx=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:4566 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x00005584466c2129 in ha_rollback_trans (thd=0x62b0001ce218, all=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/handler.cc:2164 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x0000558446313bdf in trans_rollback (thd=0x62b0001ce218) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/transaction.cc:372 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #22 0x0000558445ec0797 in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x62b0001ce218, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=false) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:5654 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #23 0x0000558445ecee77 in mysql_parse (thd=0x62b0001ce218, rawbuf=0x629000d6b238 "ROLLBACK /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5097 CON_ID 63 */", length=46, parser_state=0x22ce59f3cb20) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:8027 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #24 0x0000558445ea7268 in dispatch_command (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0x62b0001ce218, packet=0x629000dcf219 " ROLLBACK /* E_R Thread1 QNO 5097 CON_ID 63 */ ", packet_length=48, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1894 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #25 0x0000558445ea4640 in do_command (thd=0x62b0001ce218, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1402 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #26 0x00005584462d788a in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x608000004738, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1418 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #27 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x6080000030b8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #28 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #29 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 10 (Thread 445357.446541): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d8306d in sys_poll (call=0x7f1091c96fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:2210 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1091c96fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3339 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1091c96fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e1eb05 in __GI___poll (fds=0x687d45596960, nfds=1, timeout=28800000) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844a26f5ba in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x0000558446b5d1be in vio_io_wait (vio=0x615000071018, event=VIO_IO_EVENT_READ, timeout=28800000) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/vio/viosocket.c:948 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558446b5a0a5 in vio_socket_io_wait (vio=0x615000071018, event=VIO_IO_EVENT_READ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/vio/viosocket.c:116 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558446b5a36d in vio_read (vio=0x615000071018, buf=0x629000db6218 "\a", size=4) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/vio/viosocket.c:182 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558446aab945 in my_real_read (net=0x62b00016c530, complen=0x687d45596c00, header=1 '\001') at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/net_serv.cc:1003 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558446aad3ab in my_net_read_packet_reallen (net=0x62b00016c530, read_from_server=1 '\001', reallen=0x687d45596ca0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/net_serv.cc:1284 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x0000558446aad20f in my_net_read_packet (net=0x62b00016c530, read_from_server=1 '\001') at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/net_serv.cc:1268 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x0000558445ea3ac0 in do_command (thd=0x62b00016c218, blocking=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_parse.cc:1264 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00005584462d788a in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x608000002fb8, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1418 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x6080000029b8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 9 (Thread 445357.446277): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10922b9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10922b9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce37c in futex_wait_cancelable (private=, expected=0, futex_word=0x55844994e48c ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:183 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x55844994e3a8 , cond=0x55844994e460 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:508 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x55844994e460 , mutex=0x55844994e3a8 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:638 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447905a20 in safe_cond_wait (cond=0x55844994e460 , mp=0x55844994e380 , file=0x558447c34620 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1072) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:494 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558445e9c691 in inline_mysql_cond_wait (that=0x55844994e460 , mutex=0x55844994e380 , src_file=0x558447c37540 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_manager.cc", src_line=103) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1072 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558445e9cbe2 in handle_manager (arg=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_manager.cc:103 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 8 (Thread 445357.446198): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830d3 in syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10928d1fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3420 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10928d1fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x00007b0661d50328 in __GI___sigtimedwait (set=0x14d401e3dd40, info=0x14d401e3dbb0, timeout=0x0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sigtimedwait.c:29 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000055844a2ba111 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x0000558445b53029 in my_sigwait (set=0x14d401e3dd40, sig=0x14d401e3dcf0, code=0x14d401e3dd00) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/my_pthread.h:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x0000558445b5d136 in signal_hand (arg=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/mysqld.cc:3146 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 7 (Thread 445357.446087): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x00007b0661de93bf in __GI___clock_nanosleep (clock_id=clock_id@entry=0, flags=flags@entry=0, req=0x38b60b7a7ea0, rem=0x38b60b7a7ea0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/clock_nanosleep.c:78 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x00007b0661def047 in __GI___nanosleep (requested_time=, remaining=) at nanosleep.c:27 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x0000558446fc60ae in std::this_thread::sleep_for > (__rtime=...) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:378 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000055844752e763 in buf_pool_t::resize (this=0x5584495afa40 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1725 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x0000558447511e22 in buf_resize_callback () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0buf.cc:1989 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844776d3aa in tpool::task_group::execute (this=0x55844a211b60 , t=0x55844a211c20 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task_group.cc:55 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844776dc73 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x55844a211c20 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:32 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001fc00) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000006028: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000006020: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000006028: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000006018) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000006018) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000006010) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 6 (Thread 445357.446077): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f10954dafa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f10954dafa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x18d201599ce0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x55844a1add48 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x18d201599ce0, clockid=, mutex=0x55844a1adc68 , cond=0x55844a1add20 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a1add20 , mutex=0x55844a1adc68 , abstime=0x18d201599ce0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a1add20 , mp=0x55844a1adc40 , abstime=0x18d201599ce0, file=0x55844831b9c0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558446cd6301 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x55844a1add20 , mutex=0x55844a1adc40 , abstime=0x18d201599ce0, src_file=0x55844831bac0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c", src_line=115) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x0000558446cd6bb4 in my_service_thread_sleep (control=0x55844934adc0 , sleep_time=30000000000) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/maria/ma_servicethread.c:115 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x0000558446cbcd1b in ma_checkpoint_background (arg=0x1e) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/maria/ma_checkpoint.c:725 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 5 (Thread 445357.445886): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1095de2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1095de2fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce37c in futex_wait_cancelable (private=, expected=0, futex_word=0x5584495b3ee8 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:183 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x0, clockid=0, mutex=0x5584495b3de8 , cond=0x5584495b3ec0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:508 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_wait (cond=0x5584495b3ec0 , mutex=0x5584495b3de8 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:638 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447905a20 in safe_cond_wait (cond=0x5584495b3ec0 , mp=0x5584495b3dc0 , file=0x5584486905e0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.cc", line=2229) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:494 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558447556b74 in buf_flush_page_cleaner () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.cc:2229 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000055844755ec36 in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x602000001518: 0x55844755660e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:60 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x000055844755eb72 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x602000001518: 0x55844755660e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x000055844755ea98 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul> (this=0x602000001518) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000055844755ea19 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x602000001518) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x000055844755e97e in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x602000001510) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #19 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #20 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #21 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 4 (Thread 445357.445816): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1096ce3fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1096ce3fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x55844b315de0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x55844a225908 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x55844b315de0, clockid=, mutex=0x55844a225828 , cond=0x55844a2258e0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a2258e0 , mutex=0x55844a225828 , abstime=0x55844b315de0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x55844a2258e0 , mp=0x55844a225800 , abstime=0x55844b315de0, file=0x5584488041e0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558447908161 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x55844a2258e0 , mutex=0x55844a225800 , abstime=0x55844b315de0, src_file=0x558448804280 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_timer.c", src_line=321) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000055844790964e in timer_handler (arg=0x0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_timer.c:321 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 3 (Thread 445357.540583): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x00007b0661d2e859 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x0000558447458417 in ib::fatal::~fatal (this=0x223b35eac870, __in_chrg=) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/ut/ut0ut.cc:531 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x00005584473abbda in srv_monitor_task () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.cc:1292 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 0x000055844775df6e in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::run (this=0x612000024dc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 0x000055844775e250 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::execute (arg=0x612000024dc0) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:332 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000055844776dcd7 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x612000024e00) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/task.cc:37 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000055844775a421 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x618000000880, thread_var=0x63000001fb80) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:549 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000055844776ce0b in std::__invoke_impl (__f=@0x604000002128: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e , __t=@0x604000002120: 0x618000000880) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:73 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000055844776cbb6 in std::__invoke (__fn=@0x604000002128: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(class tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, struct tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55844775a23e ) at /usr/include/c++/9/bits/invoke.h:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844776ca47 in std::thread::_Invoker >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x604000002118) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:244 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x000055844776c991 in std::thread::_Invoker >::operator() (this=0x604000002118) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:251 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x000055844776c8f6 in std::thread::_State_impl > >::_M_run (this=0x604000002110) at /usr/include/c++/9/thread:195 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005b351dd94d84 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 2 (Thread 445357.446472): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d830c3 in sys_fcntl (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:1529 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x7f1091fb9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3293 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x7f1091fb9fa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x000000006ffce7b7 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=, abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, clockid=, expected=0, futex_word=0x558449939cc8 ) at ../sysdeps/nptl/futex-internal.h:320 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 __pthread_cond_wait_common (abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, clockid=, mutex=0x558449939d38 , cond=0x558449939ca0 ) at pthread_cond_wait.c:520 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 __pthread_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d38 , abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0) at pthread_cond_wait.c:656 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558447906359 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x558449939ca0 , mp=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, file=0x558447dc4700 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h", line=1088) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/mysys/thr_mutex.c:548 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x00005584462d8883 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x558449939ca0 , mutex=0x558449939d10 , abstime=0x4fcf25303ce0, src_file=0x558447dc77a0 "/data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h", src_line=176) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1088 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #14 0x00005584462d8c10 in Thread_cache::park (this=0x558449939ca0 ) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/thread_cache.h:176 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #15 0x00005584462d7a54 in do_handle_one_connection (connect=0x608000005238, put_in_cache=true) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1431 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #16 0x00005584462d7116 in handle_one_connection (arg=0x6080000028b8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/sql_connect.cc:1312 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #17 0x000000006ffc7609 in start_thread (arg=) at pthread_create.c:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #18 0x00007b0661e2b293 in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Thread 1 (Thread 445357.445357): # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #0 0x0000000070000002 in syscall_traced () # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #1 0x000071f771d841a4 in _raw_syscall () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/raw_syscall.S:120 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #2 0x000071f771d7f2ce in traced_raw_syscall (call=) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:278 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #3 0x000071f771d8306d in sys_poll (call=0x681fffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:2210 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #4 syscall_hook_internal (call=0x681fffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3339 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #5 syscall_hook (call=0x681fffa0) at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscallbuf.c:3454 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #6 0x000071f771d7f0b0 in _syscall_hook_trampoline () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:313 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #7 0x000071f771d7f10f in __morestack () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:458 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #8 0x000071f771d7f12b in _syscall_hook_trampoline_48_3d_00_f0_ff_ff () at /home/roc/rr/rr/src/preload/syscall_hook.S:477 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #9 0x00007b0661e1eb05 in __GI___poll (fds=0x60e000006098, nfds=3, timeout=-1) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:29 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #10 0x000055844a26f5ba in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #11 0x0000558445b66211 in handle_connections_sockets () at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/mysqld.cc:6158 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #12 0x0000558445b65014 in mysqld_main (argc=46, argv=0x6160000003f8) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/mysqld.cc:5863 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | #13 0x0000558445b52f2d in main (argc=45, argv=0x7ffe23ef9c28) at /data/Server/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD/sql/main.cc:34 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | (rr) quit # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | A debugging session is active. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Inferior 1 [process 445357] will be detached. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Quit anyway? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Detaching from program: /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mariadbd, process 445357 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [Inferior 1 (process 445357) detached] # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] ---------------------------------- # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'Backtrace': No core file to be expected. Will return STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED, undef # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] ERROR: ReporterManager : Reporter 'Backtrace' reported 101 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'ErrorLog' ------------------------------ Begin # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] --------- Contents of /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data//../mysql.err ------------- # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4228]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld (server 10.8.0-MariaDB-debug-log) starting as process 445357 ... # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4500]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] Loaded 'file_key_management.so' with offset 0x3eed188f4000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4566]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: innodb_page_size=65536 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4570]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: !!!!!!!! UNIV_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!! # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4574]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4611]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of transaction pools: 1 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4619]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using crc32 + pclmulqdq instructions # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 4813]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 256.000MiB, chunk size = 4.000MiB # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 5003]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 5074]2022-01-07 20:02:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting O_DIRECT on file ./ibdata1 failed # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 5858]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segments are active. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 5983]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12.000MiB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ... # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 5991]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Note] InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12.000MiB. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 7013]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Note] InnoDB: log sequence number 46956 (memory-mapped); transaction id 14 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 7072]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data/ib_buffer_pool # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 7268]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 7820]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Warning] 'innodb-lock-schedule-algorithm' was removed. It does nothing now and exists only for compatibility with old my.cnf files. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 7824]2022-01-07 20:02:25 0 [Warning] /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld: unknown variable 'loose-table_lock_wait_timeout=50' # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 8778]2022-01-07 20:02:26 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 8794]2022-01-07 20:02:26 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: '::'. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 9272]2022-01-07 20:02:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 220107 20:02:26 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 10611]2022-01-07 20:02:26 0 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeeded # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 10617]2022-01-07 20:02:26 0 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 10623]2022-01-07 20:02:26 0 [Note] /data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld: ready for connections. # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | Version: '10.8.0-MariaDB-debug-log' socket: '/dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/mysql.sock' port: 29540 Source distribution # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 10905]2022-01-07 20:02:27 3 [Warning] Aborted connection 3 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 11145]2022-01-07 20:02:27 4 [Warning] Aborted connection 4 to db: 'mysql' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 11268]2022-01-07 20:02:27 5 [Warning] Aborted connection 5 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 11622]2022-01-07 20:02:28 6 [Warning] Aborted connection 6 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 12026]2022-01-07 20:02:28 7 [Warning] Aborted connection 7 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 12376]2022-01-07 20:02:29 8 [Warning] Aborted connection 8 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 12750]2022-01-07 20:02:30 9 [Warning] Aborted connection 9 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 13576]2022-01-07 20:02:30 10 [Warning] Aborted connection 10 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 13952]2022-01-07 20:02:30 11 [Warning] Aborted connection 11 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20407]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'type_test.so' with offset 0x3fbf7fe42000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20436]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'test_versioning.so' with offset 0x26037b6ac000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20462]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'metadata_lock_info.so' with offset 0x3a5d5f933000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20484]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'qa_auth_client.so' with offset 0x3958275b7000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20510]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'func_test.so' with offset 0x5b4c7fefd000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20532]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'sql_errlog.so' with offset 0x25a602099000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20558]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'client_ed25519.so' with offset 0x76b10ae11000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20584]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'ha_test_sql_discovery.so' with offset 0x44a6160fc000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20606]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'example_key_management.so' with offset 0x3c5f0e72c000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20628]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'caching_sha2_password.so' with offset 0x1e9e7e770000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20658]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'ha_federated.so' with offset 0x640008d44000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20710]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'provider_lzo.so' with offset 0x55844b7d4000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20740]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'test_sql_service.so' with offset 0x416a369c6000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20770]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'handlersocket.so' with offset 0x22b63ff9b000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20813]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'ha_example.so' with offset 0x202b66413000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20884]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'provider_bzip2.so' with offset 0x41f461842000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20914]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'dialog_examples.so' with offset 0x7f10918e5000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20938]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'query_cache_info.so' with offset 0x3c757deac000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20968]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'server_audit.so' with offset 0x1aa55e540000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 20990]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'simple_password_check.so' with offset 0x42d6499e7000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21012]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'password_reuse_check.so' with offset 0x21973d3b3000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21038]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'disks.so' with offset 0x440b308cc000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21090]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'provider_lzma.so' with offset 0x4be21a8ec000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21114]2022-01-07 20:02:33 12 [Note] Loaded 'dialog.so' with offset 0x640008d44000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21136]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'mypluglib.so' with offset 0x16c817a72000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21160]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'auth_ed25519.so' with offset 0x45f347ea2000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21214]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'provider_snappy.so' with offset 0x640008d44000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21238]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'sha256_password.so' with offset 0x3c5964542000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21272]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'ha_federatedx.so' with offset 0x1b5c514b4000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21302]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'ha_blackhole.so' with offset 0x54a379006000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 21995]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'ha_s3.so' with offset 0x6e730ca47000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22093]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'debug_key_management.so' with offset 0x452871960000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22117]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'qa_auth_interface.so' with offset 0x576b15950000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22141]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'auth_test_plugin.so' with offset 0x7b0661f27000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22169]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'type_mysql_json.so' with offset 0x6ec041e34000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22221]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'provider_lz4.so' with offset 0x288f6309f000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22251]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'libdaemon_example.so' with offset 0x1c093c6a4000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22273]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'locales.so' with offset 0x18b9215e4000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22295]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'auth_0x0100.so' with offset 0x64b2215a6000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22317]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'qa_auth_server.so' with offset 0x405b57778000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22345]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'wsrep_info.so' with offset 0x7550596a8000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22371]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'adt_null.so' with offset 0x19d618100000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22393]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'mysql_clear_password.so' with offset 0x676a00f98000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 22421]2022-01-07 20:02:34 12 [Note] Loaded 'query_response_time.so' with offset 0x640008d44000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 38610]2022-01-07 20:02:39 12 [Warning] Aborted connection 12 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 38960]2022-01-07 20:02:39 13 [Warning] Aborted connection 13 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 39363]2022-01-07 20:02:40 14 [Warning] Aborted connection 14 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 39707]2022-01-07 20:02:40 15 [Warning] Aborted connection 15 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 40089]2022-01-07 20:02:41 16 [Warning] Aborted connection 16 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 41183]2022-01-07 20:02:42 20 [Warning] Aborted connection 20 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 42806]2022-01-07 20:02:42 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 42882]2022-01-07 20:02:42 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 42886]2022-01-07 20:02:42 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 42894]2022-01-07 20:02:42 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 48602]2022-01-07 20:02:44 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 48649]2022-01-07 20:02:44 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 53228]2022-01-07 20:02:45 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 53277]2022-01-07 20:02:45 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 54227]2022-01-07 20:02:45 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 54271]2022-01-07 20:02:45 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 54275]2022-01-07 20:02:45 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 55686]2022-01-07 20:02:46 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 55730]2022-01-07 20:02:46 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 55736]2022-01-07 20:02:46 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 55992]2022-01-07 20:02:46 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 56044]2022-01-07 20:02:46 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 58184]2022-01-07 20:02:46 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 58226]2022-01-07 20:02:46 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 58230]2022-01-07 20:02:46 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 59975]2022-01-07 20:02:47 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 60026]2022-01-07 20:02:47 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 61006]2022-01-07 20:02:47 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 61053]2022-01-07 20:02:47 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 61583]2022-01-07 20:02:47 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 61627]2022-01-07 20:02:47 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 61631]2022-01-07 20:02:47 19 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 64229]2022-01-07 20:02:48 19 [Warning] Aborted connection 19 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 65992]2022-01-07 20:02:49 19 [Warning] Aborted connection 19 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 70205]2022-01-07 20:02:50 19 [Warning] Aborted connection 19 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 70213]2022-01-07 20:02:50 19 [Warning] Aborted connection 19 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 70568]2022-01-07 20:02:50 21 [Warning] Aborted connection 21 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 70835]2022-01-07 20:02:50 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 70879]2022-01-07 20:02:50 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 70883]2022-01-07 20:02:50 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 71644]2022-01-07 20:02:50 22 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 71691]2022-01-07 20:02:50 22 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 73004]2022-01-07 20:02:51 22 [Warning] Aborted connection 22 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 73119]2022-01-07 20:02:51 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 73132]2022-01-07 20:02:51 18 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 73933]2022-01-07 20:02:51 18 [Warning] Aborted connection 18 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 73956]2022-01-07 20:02:51 23 [Warning] Aborted connection 23 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 74077]2022-01-07 20:02:51 25 [Warning] Aborted connection 25 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 76725]2022-01-07 20:02:52 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 76894]2022-01-07 20:02:52 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 77335]2022-01-07 20:02:52 27 [Warning] Aborted connection 27 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 81969]2022-01-07 20:02:54 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 82018]2022-01-07 20:02:54 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 82753]2022-01-07 20:02:54 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 82766]2022-01-07 20:02:54 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:29 [441978] | [rr 445357 88442]2022-01-07 20:02:55 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 88526]2022-01-07 20:02:55 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 90641]2022-01-07 20:02:56 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 90685]2022-01-07 20:02:56 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 90689]2022-01-07 20:02:56 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 94246]2022-01-07 20:02:57 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 94405]2022-01-07 20:02:57 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 94409]2022-01-07 20:02:57 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 99604]2022-01-07 20:02:58 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 99617]2022-01-07 20:02:58 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 99729]2022-01-07 20:02:58 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 99773]2022-01-07 20:02:58 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 99777]2022-01-07 20:02:58 24 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 101168]2022-01-07 20:02:58 24 [Warning] Aborted connection 24 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 101311]2022-01-07 20:02:58 28 [Warning] Aborted connection 28 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 102623]2022-01-07 20:02:59 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 102667]2022-01-07 20:02:59 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 104230]2022-01-07 20:02:59 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 104279]2022-01-07 20:02:59 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 104569]2022-01-07 20:02:59 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 104613]2022-01-07 20:02:59 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 104617]2022-01-07 20:02:59 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 110918]2022-01-07 20:03:01 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 111558]2022-01-07 20:03:01 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 113371]2022-01-07 20:03:01 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 113410]2022-01-07 20:03:01 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 113414]2022-01-07 20:03:01 29 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 114214]2022-01-07 20:03:01 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 114256]2022-01-07 20:03:01 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 114260]2022-01-07 20:03:01 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 115187]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 115229]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 115233]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 115796]2022-01-07 20:03:02 29 [Warning] Aborted connection 29 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 115882]2022-01-07 20:03:02 30 [Warning] Aborted connection 30 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 116094]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 116245]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 116249]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 118131]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 118159]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 118690]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 118737]2022-01-07 20:03:02 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 118928]2022-01-07 20:03:02 32 [Warning] Aborted connection 32 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 121806]2022-01-07 20:03:03 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 121850]2022-01-07 20:03:03 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 129468]2022-01-07 20:03:04 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 129501]2022-01-07 20:03:04 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 129505]2022-01-07 20:03:04 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 132784]2022-01-07 20:03:04 31 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 132823]2022-01-07 20:03:04 31 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 132827]2022-01-07 20:03:04 31 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 134257]2022-01-07 20:03:05 31 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 134394]2022-01-07 20:03:05 31 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 134398]2022-01-07 20:03:05 31 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 134854]2022-01-07 20:03:05 31 [Warning] Aborted connection 31 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 134967]2022-01-07 20:03:05 33 [Warning] Aborted connection 33 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 139979]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 140065]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 140602]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 140633]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 143620]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 143631]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 143772]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 143806]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 143810]2022-01-07 20:03:06 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 144477]2022-01-07 20:03:07 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 144502]2022-01-07 20:03:07 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 144506]2022-01-07 20:03:07 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 145414]2022-01-07 20:03:07 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 145425]2022-01-07 20:03:07 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 148768]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 148955]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 148959]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 148963]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 149520]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 149545]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 149549]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 151150]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 151178]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 151182]2022-01-07 20:03:08 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 152832]2022-01-07 20:03:09 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 152843]2022-01-07 20:03:09 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 153237]2022-01-07 20:03:09 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 153248]2022-01-07 20:03:09 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 155304]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 155393]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 155704]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 155732]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 155736]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 156496]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 156544]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 157011]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 157050]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 158222]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 158270]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 158274]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 158278]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 158852]2022-01-07 20:03:10 26 [Warning] Aborted connection 34 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 160627]2022-01-07 20:03:11 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 160661]2022-01-07 20:03:11 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 160665]2022-01-07 20:03:11 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 160825]2022-01-07 20:03:11 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 160850]2022-01-07 20:03:11 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 160854]2022-01-07 20:03:11 34 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 165901]2022-01-07 20:03:12 26 [Warning] Aborted connection 34 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 166259]2022-01-07 20:03:12 35 [Warning] Aborted connection 35 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 167178]2022-01-07 20:03:13 37 [Warning] Aborted connection 37 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 167458]2022-01-07 20:03:13 34 [Warning] Aborted connection 34 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 178103]2022-01-07 20:03:16 26 [Warning] Aborted connection 26 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 178457]2022-01-07 20:03:16 38 [Warning] Aborted connection 38 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 178835]2022-01-07 20:03:16 36 [Warning] Aborted connection 36 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 179666]2022-01-07 20:03:16 36 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 179731]2022-01-07 20:03:16 36 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 184149]2022-01-07 20:03:17 36 [Warning] Aborted connection 36 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 184228]2022-01-07 20:03:17 40 [Warning] Aborted connection 40 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 185996]2022-01-07 20:03:18 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 186069]2022-01-07 20:03:18 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 186073]2022-01-07 20:03:18 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 188268]2022-01-07 20:03:18 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 188281]2022-01-07 20:03:18 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 195652]2022-01-07 20:03:21 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 195715]2022-01-07 20:03:21 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 202260]2022-01-07 20:03:23 42 [Warning] Aborted connection 42 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 212299]2022-01-07 20:03:25 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 212333]2022-01-07 20:03:25 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 212337]2022-01-07 20:03:25 41 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 214770]2022-01-07 20:03:26 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 214795]2022-01-07 20:03:26 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 214799]2022-01-07 20:03:26 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 219982]2022-01-07 20:03:27 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 220013]2022-01-07 20:03:27 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 223345]2022-01-07 20:03:28 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 223358]2022-01-07 20:03:28 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 224527]2022-01-07 20:03:28 41 [Warning] Aborted connection 41 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 224537]2022-01-07 20:03:28 41 [Warning] Aborted connection 41 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 224607]2022-01-07 20:03:28 43 [Warning] Aborted connection 43 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 227900]2022-01-07 20:03:29 44 [Warning] Aborted connection 44 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 228060]2022-01-07 20:03:29 45 [Warning] Aborted connection 45 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 232019]2022-01-07 20:03:30 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 232182]2022-01-07 20:03:30 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 233012]2022-01-07 20:03:30 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 233027]2022-01-07 20:03:30 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 234794]2022-01-07 20:03:31 46 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 234822]2022-01-07 20:03:31 46 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 241632]2022-01-07 20:03:33 46 [Warning] Aborted connection 46 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 241720]2022-01-07 20:03:33 47 [Warning] Aborted connection 47 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 241761]2022-01-07 20:03:33 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 241988]2022-01-07 20:03:33 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 242274]2022-01-07 20:03:33 49 [Warning] Aborted connection 49 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 242825]2022-01-07 20:03:33 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 242862]2022-01-07 20:03:33 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 244647]2022-01-07 20:03:34 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 244675]2022-01-07 20:03:34 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246003]2022-01-07 20:03:34 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246014]2022-01-07 20:03:34 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246136]2022-01-07 20:03:34 48 [Warning] Aborted connection 48 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246282]2022-01-07 20:03:34 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246337]2022-01-07 20:03:34 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246724]2022-01-07 20:03:34 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 246735]2022-01-07 20:03:34 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 248570]2022-01-07 20:03:35 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 248595]2022-01-07 20:03:35 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 248599]2022-01-07 20:03:35 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 260226]2022-01-07 20:03:38 48 [Warning] Aborted connection 48 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 262159]2022-01-07 20:03:38 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 262233]2022-01-07 20:03:38 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 265348]2022-01-07 20:03:39 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 265415]2022-01-07 20:03:39 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 265419]2022-01-07 20:03:39 48 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 270965]2022-01-07 20:03:41 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 270993]2022-01-07 20:03:41 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 273037]2022-01-07 20:03:41 48 [Warning] Aborted connection 48 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 273110]2022-01-07 20:03:42 50 [Warning] Aborted connection 50 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 276035]2022-01-07 20:03:42 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 276252]2022-01-07 20:03:42 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 280881]2022-01-07 20:03:43 52 [Warning] Aborted connection 52 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 284601]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 284633]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 284637]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 285156]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 285274]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 285278]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 285282]2022-01-07 20:03:45 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 287048]2022-01-07 20:03:45 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 287076]2022-01-07 20:03:45 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 287080]2022-01-07 20:03:45 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 288318]2022-01-07 20:03:46 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 288383]2022-01-07 20:03:46 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 289092]2022-01-07 20:03:46 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 289120]2022-01-07 20:03:46 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 289124]2022-01-07 20:03:46 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 292005]2022-01-07 20:03:47 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 292036]2022-01-07 20:03:47 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 293221]2022-01-07 20:03:47 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 293249]2022-01-07 20:03:47 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 293253]2022-01-07 20:03:47 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 294788]2022-01-07 20:03:47 51 [Warning] Aborted connection 51 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 295273]2022-01-07 20:03:47 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 295299]2022-01-07 20:03:47 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 295303]2022-01-07 20:03:47 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 295660]2022-01-07 20:03:47 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 295698]2022-01-07 20:03:47 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 298989]2022-01-07 20:03:48 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 299000]2022-01-07 20:03:48 39 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 299507]2022-01-07 20:03:48 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 299674]2022-01-07 20:03:48 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 300622]2022-01-07 20:03:48 39 [Warning] Aborted connection 39 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 300845]2022-01-07 20:03:48 53 [Warning] Aborted connection 53 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 302276]2022-01-07 20:03:49 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 302304]2022-01-07 20:03:49 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 302308]2022-01-07 20:03:49 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 303721]2022-01-07 20:03:49 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 303757]2022-01-07 20:03:49 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 303761]2022-01-07 20:03:49 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 305738]2022-01-07 20:03:49 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 305825]2022-01-07 20:03:49 51 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 310607]2022-01-07 20:03:51 51 [Warning] Aborted connection 51 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 310615]2022-01-07 20:03:51 51 [Warning] Aborted connection 51 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 310724]2022-01-07 20:03:51 55 [Warning] Aborted connection 55 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 312527]2022-01-07 20:03:51 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 312594]2022-01-07 20:03:51 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 312857]2022-01-07 20:03:51 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 312888]2022-01-07 20:03:51 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 314590]2022-01-07 20:03:52 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 314615]2022-01-07 20:03:52 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 314619]2022-01-07 20:03:52 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 316350]2022-01-07 20:03:52 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 316386]2022-01-07 20:03:52 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 316648]2022-01-07 20:03:52 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 316676]2022-01-07 20:03:52 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 316680]2022-01-07 20:03:52 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 321023]2022-01-07 20:03:53 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 321067]2022-01-07 20:03:53 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 322920]2022-01-07 20:03:53 57 [Warning] Aborted connection 57 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 324092]2022-01-07 20:03:54 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 324123]2022-01-07 20:03:54 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 326907]2022-01-07 20:03:55 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 326918]2022-01-07 20:03:55 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 335207]2022-01-07 20:03:57 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 335235]2022-01-07 20:03:57 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 335239]2022-01-07 20:03:57 56 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 335659]2022-01-07 20:03:57 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 335778]2022-01-07 20:03:57 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 337986]2022-01-07 20:03:58 56 [Warning] Aborted connection 56 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 338916]2022-01-07 20:03:58 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 338944]2022-01-07 20:03:58 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 340344]2022-01-07 20:03:59 56 [Warning] Aborted connection 56 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 340352]2022-01-07 20:03:59 56 [Warning] Aborted connection 56 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 340458]2022-01-07 20:03:59 58 [Warning] Aborted connection 58 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 341879]2022-01-07 20:03:59 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 341910]2022-01-07 20:03:59 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 341914]2022-01-07 20:03:59 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 342816]2022-01-07 20:03:59 59 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 342970]2022-01-07 20:03:59 59 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 342974]2022-01-07 20:03:59 59 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 345525]2022-01-07 20:04:00 59 [Warning] Aborted connection 59 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 345685]2022-01-07 20:04:00 60 [Warning] Aborted connection 60 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 348980]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 349025]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 349029]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 349033]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 349356]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 349384]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 349388]2022-01-07 20:04:01 54 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 356315]2022-01-07 20:04:02 54 [Warning] Aborted connection 54 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 356479]2022-01-07 20:04:02 62 [Warning] Aborted connection 62 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 359699]2022-01-07 20:04:03 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 359823]2022-01-07 20:04:03 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 360919]2022-01-07 20:04:04 64 [Warning] Aborted connection 64 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 364191]2022-01-07 20:04:05 61 [Warning] Aborted connection 61 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 364281]2022-01-07 20:04:05 65 [Warning] Aborted connection 65 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 365110]2022-01-07 20:04:05 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 365276]2022-01-07 20:04:05 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 365280]2022-01-07 20:04:05 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 370985]2022-01-07 20:04:07 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 371010]2022-01-07 20:04:07 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 371014]2022-01-07 20:04:07 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 374107]2022-01-07 20:04:08 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 374220]2022-01-07 20:04:08 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 374224]2022-01-07 20:04:08 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 374486]2022-01-07 20:04:08 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 374514]2022-01-07 20:04:08 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 382383]2022-01-07 20:04:11 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 382521]2022-01-07 20:04:11 63 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 384117]2022-01-07 20:04:11 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 384149]2022-01-07 20:04:11 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 386435]2022-01-07 20:04:12 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Start reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 386464]2022-01-07 20:04:12 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : End of reading clustered index of the table and create temporary files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 386468]2022-01-07 20:04:12 66 [Note] InnoDB: Online DDL : Applying log to index # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 387831]2022-01-07 20:04:12 63 [Note] InnoDB: Requested to resize buffer pool. (new size: 8388608 bytes) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 387845]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: Resizing buffer pool from 256.000MiB to 8.000MiB (unit=4.000MiB). # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 387849]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: Disabling adaptive hash index. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 387853]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: disabled adaptive hash index. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 387857]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: Withdrawing blocks to be shrunken. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 387861]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389348]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389352]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 3224 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 119 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389356]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389360]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389364]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389368]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389372]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389376]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389380]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389384]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389388]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389392]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389396]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389400]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389404]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389408]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389412]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389416]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389420]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389424]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389428]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389432]2022-01-07 20:04:12 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 1 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 389752]2022-01-07 20:04:13 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390064]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390068]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390072]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390076]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390080]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390084]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390088]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390092]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390096]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390100]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390104]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390108]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390112]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390116]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390120]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390124]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390128]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390132]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390136]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390140]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390144]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390148]2022-01-07 20:04:14 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 2 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390618]2022-01-07 20:04:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 390698]2022-01-07 20:04:17 67 [Warning] Aborted connection 67 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391460]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391464]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391468]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391472]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391476]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391480]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391484]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391488]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391492]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391496]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391500]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391504]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391508]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391512]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391533]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391537]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391541]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391545]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391563]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391566]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391570]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 391574]2022-01-07 20:04:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 4 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392627]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392678]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392682]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392686]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392690]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392694]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392698]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392702]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392706]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392710]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392714]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392718]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392722]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392726]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392730]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392736]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392740]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392744]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392748]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392752]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392756]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392760]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 392764]2022-01-07 20:04:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 8 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 393135]2022-01-07 20:04:27 68 [Warning] Aborted connection 68 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395163]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395288]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395292]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395330]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395334]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395338]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395342]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395346]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395350]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395354]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395358]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395362]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395366]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395370]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395374]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395378]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395382]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395386]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395390]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395394]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395398]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395402]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 395406]2022-01-07 20:04:34 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 397218]2022-01-07 20:04:37 69 [Warning] Aborted connection 69 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 400825]2022-01-07 20:04:42 0 [Warning] Aborted connection 63 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 400854]2022-01-07 20:04:42 0 [Warning] Aborted connection 66 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (KILLED) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402120]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402174]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402178]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402202]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402206]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402210]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402214]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402218]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402222]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402226]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402230]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402234]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402238]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402242]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402246]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402252]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402256]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402260]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402264]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402268]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402272]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402276]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 402280]2022-01-07 20:04:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 404066]2022-01-07 20:04:48 70 [Warning] Aborted connection 70 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405395]2022-01-07 20:04:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405448]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405452]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405456]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405460]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405464]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405468]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405472]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405476]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405480]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405484]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405488]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405492]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405496]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405500]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405504]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405508]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405512]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405516]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405520]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405524]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405528]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 405532]2022-01-07 20:04:55 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 406385]2022-01-07 20:04:59 71 [Warning] Aborted connection 71 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407402]2022-01-07 20:05:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407494]2022-01-07 20:05:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407498]2022-01-07 20:05:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407589]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407593]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407597]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407601]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407605]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407609]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407613]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407617]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407621]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407625]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407629]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407633]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407637]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407641]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407645]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407649]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407653]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407657]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407661]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 407665]2022-01-07 20:05:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 409886]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410022]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410026]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410030]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410034]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410038]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410042]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410046]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410050]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410054]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410058]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410062]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410066]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410070]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410074]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410078]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410082]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410086]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410090]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410094]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410098]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410102]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410106]2022-01-07 20:05:16 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410511]2022-01-07 20:05:17 72 [Warning] Aborted connection 72 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410904]2022-01-07 20:05:26 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410940]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410944]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410948]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410952]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410956]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410960]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410964]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410968]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410972]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410976]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410980]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410984]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410988]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410992]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 410996]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411000]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411004]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411008]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411012]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411016]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411020]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411024]2022-01-07 20:05:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411145]2022-01-07 20:05:27 73 [Warning] Aborted connection 73 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411579]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411648]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411652]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411656]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411660]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411664]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411668]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411672]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411676]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411680]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411684]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411688]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411692]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411696]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411700]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411704]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411708]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411712]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411716]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411720]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411724]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411728]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411732]2022-01-07 20:05:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 411919]2022-01-07 20:05:38 74 [Warning] Aborted connection 74 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413071]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413154]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413158]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413162]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413166]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413170]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413174]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413178]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413182]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413186]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413190]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413194]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413198]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413202]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413206]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413210]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413214]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413218]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413222]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413226]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413230]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413234]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413238]2022-01-07 20:05:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 413409]2022-01-07 20:05:48 75 [Warning] Aborted connection 75 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414109]2022-01-07 20:05:58 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414216]2022-01-07 20:05:59 76 [Warning] Aborted connection 76 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414496]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414499]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414621]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414625]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414629]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414633]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414637]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414641]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414645]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414649]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414653]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414657]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414661]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414665]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414669]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414673]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414677]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414681]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414685]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414689]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414693]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 414697]2022-01-07 20:06:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 415233]2022-01-07 20:06:10 77 [Warning] Aborted connection 77 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416329]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416395]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416399]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416403]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416407]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416411]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416415]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416419]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416423]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416427]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416431]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416435]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416439]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416443]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416447]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416451]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416455]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416459]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416463]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416467]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416471]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416475]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 416479]2022-01-07 20:06:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 417027]2022-01-07 20:06:20 78 [Warning] Aborted connection 78 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418279]2022-01-07 20:06:27 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418530]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418534]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418557]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418561]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418565]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418569]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418573]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418577]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418581]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418585]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418589]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418593]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418597]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418601]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418605]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418609]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418613]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418617]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418621]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418625]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418629]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 418633]2022-01-07 20:06:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 419141]2022-01-07 20:06:30 79 [Warning] Aborted connection 79 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420576]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420597]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420601]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420605]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420609]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420613]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420617]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420621]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420625]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420629]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420633]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420637]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420641]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420645]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420649]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420653]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420657]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420661]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420665]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420669]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420673]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420677]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 420681]2022-01-07 20:06:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 421087]2022-01-07 20:06:41 80 [Warning] Aborted connection 80 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425110]2022-01-07 20:06:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425266]2022-01-07 20:07:00 81 [Warning] Aborted connection 81 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425333]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425337]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425341]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425345]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425349]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425353]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425357]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425361]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425365]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425369]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425373]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425377]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425381]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425385]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425389]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425393]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425397]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425401]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425405]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425409]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425413]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 425417]2022-01-07 20:07:00 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426677]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426753]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426757]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426761]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426765]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426769]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426773]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426777]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426781]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426785]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426789]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426793]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426797]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426801]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426805]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426809]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426813]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426817]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426821]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426825]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426829]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426833]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426837]2022-01-07 20:07:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 426858]2022-01-07 20:07:10 82 [Warning] Aborted connection 82 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428229]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428261]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428265]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428269]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428273]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428277]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428281]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428285]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428289]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428293]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428297]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428301]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428305]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428309]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428313]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428317]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428321]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428325]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428329]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428333]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428337]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428341]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428345]2022-01-07 20:07:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 428516]2022-01-07 20:07:20 83 [Warning] Aborted connection 83 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 429874]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 429980]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 429984]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 429988]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 429992]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 429996]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430000]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430004]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430008]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430012]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430016]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430020]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430024]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430028]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430032]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430036]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430040]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430044]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430048]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430052]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430056]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430060]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430064]2022-01-07 20:07:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 430129]2022-01-07 20:07:30 84 [Warning] Aborted connection 84 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431139]2022-01-07 20:07:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431239]2022-01-07 20:07:41 85 [Warning] Aborted connection 85 to db: 'test' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431450]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431454]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431458]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431462]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431466]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431470]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431474]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431478]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431482]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431486]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431490]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431494]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431498]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431502]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431506]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431510]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431514]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431518]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431522]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431526]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431530]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 431534]2022-01-07 20:07:47 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432533]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432551]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432555]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432559]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432563]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432567]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432571]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432575]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432579]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432583]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432587]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432591]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432595]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432599]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432603]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432607]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432611]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432615]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432619]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432623]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432627]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432631]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432635]2022-01-07 20:07:57 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 432987]2022-01-07 20:08:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433035]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433039]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433067]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433071]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433075]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433079]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433083]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433087]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433091]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433095]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433099]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433103]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433107]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433111]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433115]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433119]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433123]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433127]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433131]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433135]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433139]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433143]2022-01-07 20:08:08 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433366]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433377]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433381]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433385]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433389]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433393]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433397]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433401]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433405]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433416]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433420]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433424]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433428]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433432]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433436]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433440]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433444]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433448]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433452]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433456]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433460]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433464]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433468]2022-01-07 20:08:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433737]2022-01-07 20:08:28 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433781]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433785]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433789]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433793]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433797]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433801]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433805]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433809]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433813]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433817]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433821]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433825]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433829]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433833]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433837]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433841]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433845]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433849]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433853]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433857]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433861]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 433865]2022-01-07 20:08:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434746]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434802]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434806]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434810]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434814]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434818]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434822]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434826]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434830]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434834]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434838]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434842]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434846]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434850]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434854]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434858]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434862]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434866]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434870]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434874]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434878]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434882]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 434886]2022-01-07 20:08:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436180]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436205]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436209]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436213]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436217]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436221]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436225]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436229]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436233]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436237]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436241]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436245]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436249]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436253]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436257]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436261]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436265]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436269]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436273]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436277]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436281]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436285]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 436289]2022-01-07 20:08:49 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437805]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437829]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437833]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437837]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437841]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437845]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437849]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437853]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437857]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437861]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437865]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437869]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437873]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437877]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437881]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437885]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437889]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437893]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437897]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437901]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437905]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437909]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 437913]2022-01-07 20:08:59 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439222]2022-01-07 20:09:09 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439269]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439272]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439298]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439302]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439306]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439310]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439314]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439318]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439322]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439326]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439330]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439334]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439338]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439342]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439346]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439350]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439354]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439358]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439362]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439366]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439370]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 439374]2022-01-07 20:09:10 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440598]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440661]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440665]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440669]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440673]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440677]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440681]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440685]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440689]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440693]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440697]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440701]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440705]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440709]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440713]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440717]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440721]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440725]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440729]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440733]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440737]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440741]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 440745]2022-01-07 20:09:20 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441530]2022-01-07 20:09:27 0 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold was exceeded for dict_sys.latch. Please refer to https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441549]220107 20:09:27 [rr 445357 441552][ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441554]This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441556]To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441558]We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | something is definitely wrong and this may fail. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441560]Server version: 10.8.0-MariaDB-debug-log # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441562]key_buffer_size=134217728 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441564]read_buffer_size=131072 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441566]max_used_connections=5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441568]max_threads=153 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441570]thread_count=5 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441572]It is possible that mysqld could use up to # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 468043 K bytes of memory # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441574]Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441576]Thread pointer: 0x0 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441578]Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | terribly wrong... # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441584]stack_bottom = 0x0 thread_stack 0x100000 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 441684]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5(+0x6cd30)[0x55844a29fd30] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442160]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442200]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442204]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442208]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442212]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442216]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442220]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442224]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442228]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442232]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442236]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442240]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442244]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442248]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442252]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442256]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442260]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442264]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442268]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442272]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442276]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442280]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 442284]2022-01-07 20:09:30 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445493]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace+0xec)[0x5584478fa16e] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445846]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445867]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0xa22)[0x5584466b460f] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445878]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445882]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445886]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445890]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445894]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445898]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445902]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445906]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445910]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445914]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445918]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445922]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445926]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445930]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445934]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445938]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445942]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445946]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445950]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445954]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445958]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 445962]2022-01-07 20:09:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447552]2022-01-07 20:09:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447594]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447598]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447602]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447606]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447610]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447614]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447618]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447622]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447626]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447630]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447634]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447638]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447642]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447646]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447650]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447654]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447658]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447662]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447666]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447670]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447688]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 447712]2022-01-07 20:09:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 450538]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x153c0)[0x6ffd33c0] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 450673]2022-01-07 20:10:02 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451739]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451743]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451747]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451751]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451755]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451759]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451763]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451767]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451771]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451775]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451779]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451783]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451787]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451791]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451795]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451799]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451803]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451807]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451811]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451815]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451819]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 451823]2022-01-07 20:10:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 453979]2022-01-07 20:10:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454083]2022-01-07 20:10:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454087]2022-01-07 20:10:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454156]2022-01-07 20:10:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454160]2022-01-07 20:10:17 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454348]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454352]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454356]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454360]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454364]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454368]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454372]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454376]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454380]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454384]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454388]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454392]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454396]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454400]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454404]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454408]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454412]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 454416]2022-01-07 20:10:18 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 455324]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0xcb)[0x7b0661d4f18b] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 456009]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x12b)[0x7b0661d2e859] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 457635]2022-01-07 20:10:28 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 457853]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(+0x2d26417)[0x558447458417] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458059]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458063]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458067]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458071]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458075]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458079]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458083]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458087]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458091]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458095]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458099]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458103]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458107]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458111]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458115]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458119]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458123]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458127]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458131]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458135]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458139]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458143]2022-01-07 20:10:29 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458395]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(+0x2c79bda)[0x5584473abbda] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458505]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZN5tpool19thread_pool_generic13timer_generic3runEv+0x17e)[0x55844775df6e] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458557]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZN5tpool19thread_pool_generic13timer_generic7executeEPv+0x24)[0x55844775e250] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458637]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZN5tpool4task7executeEv+0xbd)[0x55844776dcd7] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458666]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZN5tpool19thread_pool_generic11worker_mainEPNS_11worker_dataE+0x1e3)[0x55844775a421] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458710]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZSt13__invoke_implIvMN5tpool19thread_pool_genericEFvPNS0_11worker_dataEEPS1_JS3_EET_St21__invoke_memfun_derefOT0_OT1_DpOT2_+0x16b)[0x55844776ce0b] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458741]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZSt8__invokeIMN5tpool19thread_pool_genericEFvPNS0_11worker_dataEEJPS1_S3_EENSt15__invoke_resultIT_JDpT0_EE4typeEOS8_DpOS9_+0xe1)[0x55844776cbb6] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458786]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZNSt6thread8_InvokerISt5tupleIJMN5tpool19thread_pool_genericEFvPNS2_11worker_dataEEPS3_S5_EEE9_M_invokeIJLm0ELm1ELm2EEEEvSt12_Index_tupleIJXspT_EEE+0x63)[0x55844776ca47] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458811]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZNSt6thread8_InvokerISt5tupleIJMN5tpool19thread_pool_genericEFvPNS2_11worker_dataEEPS3_S5_EEEclEv+0x97)[0x55844776c991] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458844]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458851]/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan/bin/mysqld(_ZNSt6thread11_State_implINS_8_InvokerISt5tupleIJMN5tpool19thread_pool_genericEFvPNS3_11worker_dataEEPS4_S6_EEEEE6_M_runEv+0x20)[0x55844776c8f6] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458890]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458894]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458898]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458902]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458906]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458910]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458914]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458918]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458922]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458926]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458930]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458934]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458938]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458942]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458946]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458950]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458954]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458958]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458962]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458966]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458970]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 458974]2022-01-07 20:10:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462862] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | ================================================================= # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462872][rr 560013 462875]==560013==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462878][rr 560013 462880] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462884][rr 560013 462886]Direct leak of 1424 byte(s) in 18 object(s) allocated from: # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462888][rr 560013 462894] #0 0x676dbbc8 in malloc (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libasan.so.5+0x10dbc8) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462896] #1 0x55c735accf95 (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libbfd-2.34-system.so+0x50f95) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462898] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 560013 462912]SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 1424 byte(s) leaked in 18 allocation(s). # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464774]2022-01-07 20:10:50 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464835]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464839]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464843]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464847]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464851]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464855]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464859]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464863]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464867]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464871]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464875]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464879]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464883]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464887]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464891]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464895]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464899]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464903]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464907]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464911]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464915]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 464919]2022-01-07 20:10:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466131]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466210]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466220]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466230]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466234]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466238]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466242]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466246]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466250]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466254]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466258]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466262]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466266]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466270]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466274]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466278]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466282]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466286]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466290]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466294]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466298]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466302]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 466306]2022-01-07 20:11:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469489]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469548]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469552]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469556]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469560]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469564]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469568]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469572]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469576]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469580]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469584]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469588]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469592]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469596]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469600]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469604]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469608]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469612]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469616]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469620]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469624]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469628]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 469632]2022-01-07 20:11:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 472986]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473011]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473015]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473019]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473023]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473027]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473031]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473035]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473039]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473043]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473047]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473051]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473055]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473059]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473063]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473067]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473071]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473075]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473079]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473083]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473087]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473091]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 473095]2022-01-07 20:11:21 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 475963]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476023]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476027]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476031]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476035]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476039]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476043]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476047]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476051]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476055]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476059]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476063]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476067]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476071]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476075]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476079]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476083]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476087]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476091]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476095]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476099]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476103]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 476107]2022-01-07 20:11:31 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479013]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479083]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479087]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479091]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479095]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479099]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479103]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479107]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479111]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479115]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479119]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479123]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479127]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479131]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479135]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479139]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479143]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479147]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479151]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479155]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479159]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479163]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 479167]2022-01-07 20:11:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482306]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482357]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482361]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482365]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482369]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482373]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482377]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482381]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482385]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482389]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482393]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482397]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482401]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482405]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482409]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482413]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482417]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482421]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482425]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482429]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482433]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482437]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 482441]2022-01-07 20:11:51 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485709]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485725]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485729]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485733]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485737]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485741]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485745]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485749]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485753]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485757]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485761]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485765]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485769]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485773]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485777]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485781]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485785]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485789]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485793]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485797]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485801]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485805]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 485809]2022-01-07 20:12:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490022]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490069]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490073]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490077]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490081]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490085]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490089]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490093]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490097]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490101]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490105]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490109]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490113]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490117]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490121]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490125]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490129]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490133]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490137]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490141]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490145]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490149]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 490153]2022-01-07 20:12:11 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494184]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494381]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494385]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494389]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494393]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494397]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494401]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494405]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494409]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494413]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494417]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494421]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494425]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494429]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494433]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494437]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494441]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494445]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494449]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494453]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494457]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494461]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 494465]2022-01-07 20:12:22 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496130]2022-01-07 20:12:32 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496197]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496201]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496205]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496209]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496213]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496217]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496221]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496225]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496229]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496233]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496237]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496241]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496245]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496249]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496253]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496257]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496261]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496265]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496269]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496273]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496277]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 496281]2022-01-07 20:12:33 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497085]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497118]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497122]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497126]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497130]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497134]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497138]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497142]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497146]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497150]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497154]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497158]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497162]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497166]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497170]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497174]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497178]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497182]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497186]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497190]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497194]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497198]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 497202]2022-01-07 20:12:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500023]2022-01-07 20:12:53 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500298]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500302]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500344]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500348]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500352]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500356]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500360]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500364]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500368]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500372]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500376]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500380]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500384]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500388]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500392]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500396]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500400]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500404]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500408]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500412]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500416]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 500420]2022-01-07 20:12:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503388]2022-01-07 20:13:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: start to withdraw the last 3893 blocks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503672]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503676]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503680]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503684]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503688]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503692]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503696]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503700]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503704]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503708]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503712]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503716]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503720]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503724]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503728]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503732]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503736]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503740]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503744]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrawing blocks. (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503748]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: withdrew 0 blocks from free list. Tried to relocate 0 pages (3863/3893) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503752]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: will retry to withdraw later # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 503756]2022-01-07 20:13:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Will retry to withdraw 10 seconds later. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 505456]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(+0xd6d84)[0x5b351dd94d84] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 506647]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x9609)[0x6ffc7609] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 508494]/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x43)[0x7b0661e2b293] # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 508496]The manual page at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ contains # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | information that should help you find out what is causing the crash. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 508499]Writing a core file... # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Working directory at /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248/1/data # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 508506]Resource Limits: # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 508515]Limit Soft Limit Hard Limit Units # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max cpu time unlimited unlimited seconds # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max file size unlimited unlimited bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max data size unlimited unlimited bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max stack size 8388608 unlimited bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max core file size 0 0 bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max resident set unlimited unlimited bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max processes 1546116 1546116 processes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max open files 61440 102400 files # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max locked memory 67108864 67108864 bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max address space unlimited unlimited bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max file locks unlimited unlimited locks # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max pending signals 1546116 1546116 signals # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max msgqueue size 819200 819200 bytes # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max nice priority 0 0 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max realtime priority 0 0 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Max realtime timeout unlimited unlimited us # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | [rr 445357 508545]Core pattern: |/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c %d %P %E # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] | Aborted # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] ---------------------------------- # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] INFO: Reporter 'ErrorLog' ------------------------------ End # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] INFO: The reporters to be run at test end delivered status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED(101) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] Test completed with failure status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED (101) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] GenTest returned status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED (101) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] INFO: RQG GenTest runtime in s : 1080 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] RESULT: The core of the RQG run ended with status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED (101) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] DEBUG: rqg.pl: Entering stopServers with assigned status 101 # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] Stopping server(s)... # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] DEBUG: DBServer::MySQL::MySQLd::stopServer: The server with process [445357] is already no more running. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] DEBUG: Omitting shutdown attempt, but will clean up and return DBSTATUS_OK. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] INFO: Any remaining servers were killed. # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] RESULT: The RQG run ended with status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED (101) # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] MATCHING: Region end ===================== # 2022-01-07T20:20:30 [441978] Killing server(s)... # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] INFO: RQG total runtime in s : 1104 # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] DEBUG: 'du -sk /dev/shm/rqg/1641576394/248 | cut -f1' exited with value 0 # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] INFO: vardir_size : 467040 # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] SUMMARY: Final command line: ->perl /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl --grammar=conf/mariadb/table_stress_innodb_nocopy1.yy --gendata=conf/mariadb/table_stress.zz --gendata_sql=conf/mariadb/table_stress.sql --reporters=RestartConsistency --mysqld=--loose-innodb_lock_schedule_algorithm=fcfs --mysqld=--loose-idle_write_transaction_timeout=0 --mysqld=--loose-idle_transaction_timeout=0 --mysqld=--loose-idle_readonly_transaction_timeout=0 --mysqld=--connect_timeout=60 --mysqld=--interactive_timeout=28800 --mysqld=--slave_net_timeout=60 --mysqld=--net_read_timeout=30 --mysqld=--net_write_timeout=60 --mysqld=--loose-table_lock_wait_timeout=50 --mysqld=--wait_timeout=28800 --mysqld=--lock-wait-timeout=86400 --mysqld=--innodb-lock-wait-timeout=50 --no-mask --queries=10000000 --reporters=Backtrace --reporters=ErrorLog --reporters=Deadlock1 --validators=None --mysqld=--log_output=none --mysqld=--log_bin_trust_function_creators=1 --mysqld=--loose-debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory=0 --engine=InnoDB --restart_timeout=240 --mysqld=--plugin-load-add=file_key_management.so --mysqld=--loose-file-key-management-filename=/home/mleich/RQG_N/conf/mariadb/encryption_keys.txt --duration=300 --mysqld=--loose-innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold=300 --mysqld=--loose-innodb_read_only_compressed=OFF --mysqld=--innodb_stats_persistent=on --mysqld=--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=on --mysqld=--loose-innodb_evict_tables_on_commit_debug=off --mysqld=--loose-max-statement-time=30 --threads=2 --mysqld=--innodb-use-native-aio=0 --mysqld=--loose-gdb --mysqld=--loose-debug-gdb --rr=Extended --rr_options=--chaos --wait --mysqld=--innodb_rollback_on_timeout=OFF --vardir_type=fast --mysqld=--innodb_page_size=64K --mysqld=--innodb-buffer-pool-size=256M --no_mask --mtr-build-thread=977 --batch --basedir1=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan --basedir2=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan --script_debug=_nix_ --major_runid=1641576394 --minor_runid=248 --seed=20191<- # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] SUMMARY: RQG GenData runtime in s : 0 # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] SUMMARY: RQG GenTest runtime in s : 1080 # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] SUMMARY: RQG total runtime in s : 1104 # 2022-01-07T20:20:31 [441978] /home/mleich/RQG_N/rqg.pl will exit with exit status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED(101) uid pid ppid pgid sid args 1001 441971 2481791 441971 1160737 perl -w ./rqg_batch.pl --parallel=270 --basedir1=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan --basedir2=/data/Server_bin/preview-10.8-MDEV-14425-innodbD_asan --config=conf/mariadb/InnoDB_standard.cc --trials=