; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy ; File D:\10.6\storage\myisam\mi_delete.c ; COMDAT remove_key _TEXT SEGMENT tv950 = 96 keyinfo$ = 96 nod_flag$ = 104 keypos$ = 112 lastkey$ = 120 page_end$ = 128 next_block$ = 136 remove_key PROC ; COMDAT ; 779 : { mov QWORD PTR [rsp+32], r9 mov QWORD PTR [rsp+24], r8 push rbp push rbx push rsi push rdi push r12 push r13 push r14 mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 32 ; 00000020H ; 780 : int s_length; ; 781 : uchar *start; ; 782 : DBUG_ENTER("remove_key"); ; 783 : DBUG_PRINT("enter",("keypos: %p page_end: %p",keypos, page_end)); ; 784 : ; 785 : start=keypos; ; 786 : if (!(keyinfo->flag & test BYTE PTR [rcx+10], 46 ; 0000002eH mov r13, r9 mov r12, QWORD PTR page_end$[rbp-32] mov rsi, r8 mov ebx, edx mov r14, rcx jne SHORT $LN11@remove_key ; 787 : (HA_PACK_KEY | HA_SPACE_PACK_USED | HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | ; 788 : HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY))) ; 789 : { ; 790 : s_length=(int) (keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag); movzx edi, WORD PTR [rcx+18] ; 791 : if (next_block && nod_flag) mov r14, QWORD PTR next_block$[rbp-32] add edi, edx test r14, r14 je $end$57 test edx, edx je $end$57 ; 792 : *next_block= _mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos+s_length); movsxd rdx, edi mov ecx, ebx add rdx, r8 call _mi_kpos mov QWORD PTR [r14], rax ; 793 : } jmp $end$57 $LN11@remove_key: ; 794 : else ; 795 : { /* Let keypos point at next key */ ; 796 : /* Calculate length of key */ ; 797 : if (!(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&keypos,lastkey)) lea r8, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] call QWORD PTR [rcx+72] test eax, eax jne SHORT $LN6@remove_key ; 897 : } /* remove_key */ add rsp, 32 ; 00000020H pop r14 pop r13 pop r12 pop rdi pop rsi pop rbx pop rbp ret 0 $LN6@remove_key: ; 798 : DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Error */ ; 799 : ; 800 : if (next_block && nod_flag) mov rdi, QWORD PTR next_block$[rbp-32] test rdi, rdi je SHORT $LN15@remove_key test ebx, ebx je SHORT $LN15@remove_key ; 801 : *next_block= _mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos); mov rdx, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] mov ecx, ebx call _mi_kpos mov QWORD PTR [rdi], rax $LN15@remove_key: ; 802 : s_length=(int) (keypos-start); mov rcx, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] mov edi, ecx sub edi, esi ; 803 : if (keypos != page_end) cmp rcx, r12 je $end$57 ; 804 : { ; 805 : if (keyinfo->flag & HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY) test BYTE PTR [r14+10], 32 ; 00000020H mov QWORD PTR [rsp+104], r15 je $LN17@remove_key ; 806 : { ; 807 : uchar *old_key=start; ; 808 : uint next_length,prev_length,prev_pack_length; ; 809 : get_key_length(next_length,keypos); movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rcx] cmp al, 255 ; 000000ffH je SHORT $LN19@remove_key mov r14d, eax inc rcx jmp SHORT $LN53@remove_key $LN19@remove_key: movzx r14d, BYTE PTR [rcx+1] movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rcx+2] shl r14d, 8 or r14d, eax add rcx, 3 $LN53@remove_key: ; 810 : get_key_pack_length(prev_length,prev_pack_length,old_key); mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rcx movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rsi] cmp al, 255 ; 000000ffH je SHORT $LN21@remove_key mov ebx, eax mov r15d, 1 jmp SHORT $LN22@remove_key $LN21@remove_key: movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [rsi+1] mov r15d, 3 movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rsi+2] shl ebx, 8 or ebx, eax $LN22@remove_key: ; 811 : if (next_length > prev_length) cmp r14d, ebx jbe $LN52@remove_key ; 812 : { ; 813 : /* We have to copy data from the current key to the next key */ ; 814 : bmove_upp(keypos, (lastkey+next_length), mov r8d, r14d mov edx, r14d sub r8d, ebx add rdx, r13 call bmove_upp ; 815 : (next_length-prev_length)); ; 816 : keypos-=(next_length-prev_length)+prev_pack_length; mov rcx, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] sub r15d, ebx lea eax, DWORD PTR [r14+r15] sub rcx, rax mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rcx ; 817 : store_key_length(keypos,prev_length); cmp ebx, 255 ; 000000ffH jae SHORT $LN24@remove_key mov BYTE PTR [rcx], bl ; 818 : s_length=(int) (keypos-start); mov edi, DWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] sub edi, esi ; 819 : } ; 820 : } jmp $LN52@remove_key $LN24@remove_key: ; 817 : store_key_length(keypos,prev_length); mov BYTE PTR [rcx], 255 ; 000000ffH mov rax, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] mov BYTE PTR [rax+2], bl mov rax, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] shr ebx, 8 mov BYTE PTR [rax+1], bl ; 818 : s_length=(int) (keypos-start); mov edi, DWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] sub edi, esi ; 819 : } ; 820 : } jmp $LN52@remove_key $LN17@remove_key: ; 821 : else ; 822 : { ; 823 : /* Check if a variable length first key part */ ; 824 : if ((keyinfo->seg->flag & HA_PACK_KEY) && *keypos & 128) mov r9, QWORD PTR [r14+40] test BYTE PTR [r9+18], 2 je $LN52@remove_key movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rcx] test al, al jns $LN52@remove_key ; 825 : { ; 826 : /* Next key is packed against the current one */ ; 827 : uint next_length,prev_length,prev_pack_length,lastkey_length, ; 828 : rest_length; ; 829 : if (keyinfo->seg[0].length >= 127) cmp WORD PTR [r9+20], 127 ; 0000007fH mov r8d, eax mov r15d, 1 jb SHORT $LN27@remove_key ; 830 : { ; 831 : if (!(prev_length=mi_uint2korr(start) & 32767)) movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rsi+1] shl r8d, 8 or eax, r8d and eax, 32767 ; 00007fffH je $LN52@remove_key ; 832 : goto end; ; 833 : next_length=mi_uint2korr(keypos) & 32767; movzx edx, BYTE PTR [rcx+1] ; 834 : keypos+=2; ; 835 : prev_pack_length=2; lea r13d, QWORD PTR [r15+1] or edx, r8d and edx, 32767 ; 00007fffH add rcx, 2 ; 836 : } jmp SHORT $LN54@remove_key $LN27@remove_key: ; 837 : else ; 838 : { ; 839 : if (!(prev_length= *start & 127)) and eax, 127 ; 0000007fH mov edx, eax je $LN52@remove_key ; 840 : goto end; /* Same key as previous*/ ; 841 : next_length= *keypos & 127; ; 842 : keypos++; inc rcx ; 843 : prev_pack_length=1; mov r13d, r15d $LN54@remove_key: ; 844 : } ; 845 : if (!(*start & 128)) ; 846 : prev_length=0; /* prev key not packed */ ; 847 : if (keyinfo->seg[0].flag & HA_NULL_PART) xor ebx, ebx mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rcx cmp BYTE PTR [rsi], bl mov r10d, ebx cmovl r10d, eax ; 848 : lastkey++; /* Skip null marker */ ; 849 : get_key_length(lastkey_length,lastkey); mov rax, QWORD PTR lastkey$[rbp-32] test BYTE PTR [r9+18], 16 mov DWORD PTR tv950[rbp-32], r10d lea r9, QWORD PTR [rax+1] cmove r9, rax movzx eax, BYTE PTR [r9] lea r11, QWORD PTR [r9+1] cmp al, 255 ; 000000ffH je SHORT $LN33@remove_key mov r8d, eax jmp SHORT $LN34@remove_key $LN33@remove_key: movzx eax, BYTE PTR [r11] lea r11, QWORD PTR [r9+3] movzx r8d, BYTE PTR [r9+2] shl eax, 8 or r8d, eax $LN34@remove_key: ; 850 : if (!next_length) /* Same key after */ test edx, edx jne SHORT $LN35@remove_key ; 851 : { ; 852 : next_length=lastkey_length; mov edx, r8d ; 853 : rest_length=0; ; 854 : } jmp SHORT $LN38@remove_key $LN35@remove_key: ; 855 : else ; 856 : get_key_length(rest_length,keypos); cmp BYTE PTR [rcx], 255 ; 000000ffH je SHORT $LN37@remove_key movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [rcx] inc rcx jmp SHORT $LN55@remove_key $LN37@remove_key: movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [rcx+1] movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rcx+2] shl ebx, 8 or ebx, eax add rcx, 3 $LN55@remove_key: ; 857 : ; 858 : if (next_length >= prev_length) mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rcx $LN38@remove_key: cmp edx, r10d jb $LN52@remove_key ; 859 : { /* Key after is based on deleted key */ ; 860 : uint pack_length,tmp; ; 861 : bmove_upp(keypos, (lastkey+next_length), mov edi, edx add rdx, r11 sub edi, r10d mov r8d, edi call bmove_upp ; 862 : tmp=(next_length-prev_length)); ; 863 : rest_length+=tmp; ; 864 : pack_length= prev_length ? get_pack_length(rest_length): 0; mov rdx, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] add ebx, edi cmp DWORD PTR tv950[rbp-32], 0 je SHORT $LN49@remove_key mov ecx, r15d lea eax, DWORD PTR [rdi+r13] cmp ebx, 255 ; 000000ffH mov r15d, 3 cmovae ecx, r15d add ecx, eax sub rdx, rcx mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rdx mov edi, edx ; 865 : keypos-=tmp+pack_length+prev_pack_length; ; 866 : s_length=(int) (keypos-start); ; 867 : if (prev_length) /* Pack against prev key */ ; 868 : { ; 869 : *keypos++= start[0]; movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rsi] sub edi, esi mov BYTE PTR [rdx], al mov rcx, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] inc rcx mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rcx ; 870 : if (prev_pack_length == 2) cmp r13d, 2 jne SHORT $LN42@remove_key ; 871 : *keypos++= start[1]; movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rsi+1] mov BYTE PTR [rcx], al mov rcx, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] inc rcx mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rcx $LN42@remove_key: ; 872 : store_key_length(keypos,rest_length); cmp ebx, 255 ; 000000ffH jae SHORT $LN43@remove_key mov BYTE PTR [rcx], bl jmp SHORT $LN52@remove_key $LN43@remove_key: mov BYTE PTR [rcx], 255 ; 000000ffH mov rax, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] mov BYTE PTR [rax+2], bl mov rax, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] shr ebx, 8 mov BYTE PTR [rax+1], bl ; 873 : } jmp SHORT $LN52@remove_key $LN49@remove_key: ; 874 : else ; 875 : { ; 876 : /* Next key is not packed anymore */ ; 877 : if (keyinfo->seg[0].flag & HA_NULL_PART) mov rax, QWORD PTR [r14+40] lea ecx, DWORD PTR [rdi+r13] sub rdx, rcx mov edi, edx mov QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32], rdx sub edi, esi test BYTE PTR [rax+18], 16 je SHORT $LN45@remove_key ; 878 : { ; 879 : rest_length++; /* Mark not null */ inc ebx $LN45@remove_key: ; 880 : } ; 881 : if (prev_pack_length == 2) cmp r13d, 2 jne SHORT $LN46@remove_key ; 882 : { ; 883 : mi_int2store(keypos,rest_length); mov BYTE PTR [rdx+1], bl mov rax, QWORD PTR keypos$[rbp-32] shr ebx, 8 mov BYTE PTR [rax], bl ; 884 : } jmp SHORT $LN52@remove_key $LN46@remove_key: ; 885 : else ; 886 : *keypos= rest_length; mov BYTE PTR [rdx], bl $LN52@remove_key: mov r15, QWORD PTR [rsp+104] $end$57: ; 887 : } ; 888 : } ; 889 : } ; 890 : } ; 891 : } ; 892 : } ; 893 : end: ; 894 : bmove((uchar*) start,(uchar*) start+s_length, sub r12d, esi movsxd rdx, edi sub r12d, edi add rdx, rsi mov r8d, r12d mov rcx, rsi call memmove ; 895 : (uint) (page_end-start-s_length)); ; 896 : DBUG_RETURN((uint) s_length); mov eax, edi ; 897 : } /* remove_key */ add rsp, 32 ; 00000020H pop r14 pop r13 pop r12 pop rdi pop rsi pop rbx pop rbp ret 0 remove_key ENDP