[root@vmc11 mysql]# rpm -qa|grep -i mariadb [root@vmc11 mysql]# rpm -qa|grep -i galera [root@vmc11 mysql]# yum install MariaDB-server After Installation :- [root@vmc11 mysql]# rpm -qa|grep -i mariadb MariaDB-client-10.5.11-1.el7.centos.x86_64 MariaDB-common-10.5.11-1.el7.centos.x86_64 MariaDB-compat-10.5.11-1.el7.centos.x86_64 MariaDB-server-10.5.11-1.el7.centos.x86_64 [root@vmc11 mysql]# rpm -qa|grep -i galera galera-4-26.4.8-1.el7.centos.x86_64 [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /etc/my.cnf |grep -i server-id server-id=600 [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /etc/my.cnf |grep -i wsrep_on wsrep_on=1 [root@vmc11 mysql]# galera_new_cluster [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysql Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 8 Server version: 10.5.11-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> show global status like '%wsrep_cluster_s%'; +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | wsrep_cluster_size | 1 | | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | ed1d4249-ee72-11eb-862d-eb9f56d82d4a | | wsrep_cluster_status | Primary | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> select @@gtid_domain_id, @@server_id, @@wsrep_gtid_domain_id,@@wsrep_gtid_mode; +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | @@gtid_domain_id | @@server_id | @@wsrep_gtid_domain_id | @@wsrep_gtid_mode | +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | 11 | 600 | 1 | 1 | +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show global variables like '%gtid%'; +-------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+-------+ | gtid_binlog_pos | | | gtid_binlog_state | | | gtid_cleanup_batch_size | 64 | | gtid_current_pos | | | gtid_domain_id | 11 | | gtid_ignore_duplicates | ON | | gtid_pos_auto_engines | | | gtid_slave_pos | | | gtid_strict_mode | OFF | | wsrep_gtid_domain_id | 1 | | wsrep_gtid_mode | ON | +-------------------------+-------+ 11 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show master status; +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | mysql-bin.000003 | 328 | | | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | test | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> create database sbtest; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show global variables like '%gtid%'; +-------------------------+---------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+---------+ | gtid_binlog_pos | 1-600-1 | | gtid_binlog_state | 1-600-1 | | gtid_cleanup_batch_size | 64 | | gtid_current_pos | 1-600-1 | | gtid_domain_id | 11 | | gtid_ignore_duplicates | ON | | gtid_pos_auto_engines | | | gtid_slave_pos | | | gtid_strict_mode | OFF | | wsrep_gtid_domain_id | 1 | | wsrep_gtid_mode | ON | +-------------------------+---------+ 11 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000003'; +------------------+-----+-------------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Log_name | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info | +------------------+-----+-------------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | mysql-bin.000003 | 4 | Format_desc | 600 | 256 | Server ver: 10.5.11-MariaDB-log, Binlog ver: 4 | | mysql-bin.000003 | 256 | Gtid_list | 600 | 285 | [] | | mysql-bin.000003 | 285 | Binlog_checkpoint | 600 | 328 | mysql-bin.000003 | | mysql-bin.000003 | 328 | Gtid | 600 | 370 | GTID 1-600-1 | | mysql-bin.000003 | 370 | Query | 600 | 466 | create database sbtest | +------------------+-----+-------------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> shutdown; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> exit Bye [root@vmc11 mysql]# systemctl status mariadb ● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.5.11 database server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d └─migrated-from-my.cnf-settings.conf Active: inactive (dead) Docs: man:mariadbd(8) https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/systemd/ Jul 26 20:37:11 vmc11 systemd[1]: mariadb.service failed. Jul 26 20:37:29 vmc11 systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB 10.5.11 database server... Jul 26 20:37:29 vmc11 mariadbd[15917]: 2021-07-26 20:37:29 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd (mysqld 10.5.11-MariaDB-log) starting as process 15917 ... Jul 26 20:37:29 vmc11 systemd[1]: Started MariaDB 10.5.11 database server. Jul 26 20:37:47 vmc11 systemd[1]: Stopping MariaDB 10.5.11 database server... Jul 26 20:37:47 vmc11 systemd[1]: Stopped MariaDB 10.5.11 database server. Jul 26 20:38:13 vmc11 systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB 10.5.11 database server... Jul 26 20:38:13 vmc11 sh[15965]: WSREP: Recovered position 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1,0-0-0 Jul 26 20:38:13 vmc11 mariadbd[16075]: 2021-07-26 20:38:13 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd (mysqld 10.5.11-MariaDB-log) starting as process 16075 ... Jul 26 20:38:13 vmc11 systemd[1]: Started MariaDB 10.5.11 database server. [root@vmc11 mysql]# vi /etc/my.cnf [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /etc/my.cnf |grep -i server-id server-id=800 [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /etc/my.cnf |grep -i wsrep_on wsrep_on=1 [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# galera_new_cluster [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysql Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 8 Server version: 10.5.11-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> show global status like '%wsrep_cluster_s%'; +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | wsrep_cluster_size | 1 | | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | ed1d4249-ee72-11eb-862d-eb9f56d82d4a | | wsrep_cluster_status | Primary | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> select @@gtid_domain_id, @@server_id, @@wsrep_gtid_domain_id,@@wsrep_gtid_mode; +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | @@gtid_domain_id | @@server_id | @@wsrep_gtid_domain_id | @@wsrep_gtid_mode | +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | 11 | 800 | 1 | 1 | +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show global variables like '%gtid%'; +-------------------------+---------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+---------+ | gtid_binlog_pos | 1-600-1 | | gtid_binlog_state | 1-600-1 | | gtid_cleanup_batch_size | 64 | | gtid_current_pos | | | gtid_domain_id | 11 | | gtid_ignore_duplicates | ON | | gtid_pos_auto_engines | | | gtid_slave_pos | | | gtid_strict_mode | OFF | | wsrep_gtid_domain_id | 1 | | wsrep_gtid_mode | ON | +-------------------------+---------+ 11 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show master status; +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | mysql-bin.000005 | 342 | | | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> drop database sbtest; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.002 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> create database sbtest; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show global variables like '%gtid%'; +-------------------------+---------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+---------+ | gtid_binlog_pos | 1-600-3 | | gtid_binlog_state | 1-600-3 | | gtid_cleanup_batch_size | 64 | | gtid_current_pos | | | gtid_domain_id | 11 | | gtid_ignore_duplicates | ON | | gtid_pos_auto_engines | | | gtid_slave_pos | | | gtid_strict_mode | OFF | | wsrep_gtid_domain_id | 1 | | wsrep_gtid_mode | ON | +-------------------------+---------+ 11 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000005' from 342; +------------------+-----+------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------+ | Log_name | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info | +------------------+-----+------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------+ | mysql-bin.000005 | 342 | Gtid | 600 | 384 | GTID 1-600-2 | | mysql-bin.000005 | 384 | Query | 600 | 478 | drop database sbtest | | mysql-bin.000005 | 478 | Gtid | 600 | 520 | GTID 1-600-3 | | mysql-bin.000005 | 520 | Query | 600 | 616 | create database sbtest | +------------------+-----+------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.000 sec) [root@vmc11 mysql]# ls -ltrh mysql-bin.* -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 351 Jul 26 20:37 mysql-bin.000001 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 351 Jul 26 20:38 mysql-bin.000002 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 489 Jul 26 20:40 mysql-bin.000003 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 365 Jul 26 20:41 mysql-bin.000004 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 95 Jul 26 20:41 mysql-bin.index -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 616 Jul 26 20:42 mysql-bin.000005 [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose mysql-bin.000001 >/tmp/mysql-bin.000001.txt [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose mysql-bin.000002 >/tmp/mysql-bin.000002.txt [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose mysql-bin.000003 >/tmp/mysql-bin.000003.txt [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose mysql-bin.000004 >/tmp/mysql-bin.000004.txt [root@vmc11 mysql]# mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose mysql-bin.000005 >/tmp/mysql-bin.000005.txt [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /tmp/mysql-bin.000001.txt /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/; /*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/; /*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/; DELIMITER /*!*/; # at 4 #210726 20:37:34 server id 600 end_log_pos 256 CRC32 0xe8936deb Start: binlog v 4, server v 10.5.11-MariaDB-log created 210726 20:37:34 at startup ROLLBACK/*!*/; # at 256 #210726 20:37:34 server id 600 end_log_pos 285 CRC32 0xc3de7162 Gtid list [] # at 285 #210726 20:37:34 server id 600 end_log_pos 328 CRC32 0x18fbeee3 Binlog checkpoint mysql-bin.000001 # at 328 #210726 20:37:47 server id 600 end_log_pos 351 CRC32 0x1f2370ad Stop DELIMITER ; # End of log file ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */; /*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/; /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/; [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /tmp/mysql-bin.000002.txt /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/; /*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/; /*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/; DELIMITER /*!*/; # at 4 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 256 CRC32 0x319fb86c Start: binlog v 4, server v 10.5.11-MariaDB-log created 210726 20:38:13 at startup ROLLBACK/*!*/; # at 256 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 285 CRC32 0x32013d34 Gtid list [] # at 285 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 328 CRC32 0x1f690513 Binlog checkpoint mysql-bin.000002 # at 328 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 351 CRC32 0xadda102f Stop DELIMITER ; # End of log file ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */; /*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/; /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/; [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /tmp/mysql-bin.000003.txt /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/; /*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/; /*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/; DELIMITER /*!*/; # at 4 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 256 CRC32 0x319fb86c Start: binlog v 4, server v 10.5.11-MariaDB-log created 210726 20:38:13 at startup ROLLBACK/*!*/; # at 256 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 285 CRC32 0x32013d34 Gtid list [] # at 285 #210726 20:38:13 server id 600 end_log_pos 328 CRC32 0x686e3585 Binlog checkpoint mysql-bin.000003 # at 328 #210726 20:38:56 server id 600 end_log_pos 370 CRC32 0x9c879e56 GTID 1-600-1 ddl /*!100101 SET @@session.skip_parallel_replication=0*//*!*/; /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_domain_id=1*//*!*/; /*!100001 SET @@session.server_id=600*//*!*/; /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=1*//*!*/; # at 370 #210726 20:38:56 server id 600 end_log_pos 466 CRC32 0xd5b31b63 Query thread_id=8 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1627346336/*!*/; SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=8/*!*/; SET @@session.foreign_key_checks=1, @@session.sql_auto_is_null=0, @@session.unique_checks=1, @@session.autocommit=1, @@session.check_constraint_checks=1, @@session.sql_if_exists=0/*!*/; SET @@session.sql_mode=1411383296/*!*/; SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=5, @@session.auto_increment_offset=1/*!*/; /*!\C utf8 *//*!*/; SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=8/*!*/; SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/; SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/; create database sbtest /*!*/; # at 466 #210726 20:40:29 server id 600 end_log_pos 489 CRC32 0xf2f92592 Stop DELIMITER ; # End of log file ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */; /*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/; /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/; [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /tmp/mysql-bin.000004.txt /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/; /*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/; /*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/; DELIMITER /*!*/; # at 4 #210726 20:41:29 server id 800 end_log_pos 256 CRC32 0xc5b152ad Start: binlog v 4, server v 10.5.11-MariaDB-log created 210726 20:41:29 at startup ROLLBACK/*!*/; # at 256 #210726 20:41:29 server id 800 end_log_pos 299 CRC32 0xe5891685 Gtid list [1-600-1] # at 299 #210726 20:41:29 server id 800 end_log_pos 342 CRC32 0x7c809b69 Binlog checkpoint mysql-bin.000004 # at 342 #210726 20:41:29 server id 800 end_log_pos 365 CRC32 0xa78fe352 Stop DELIMITER ; # End of log file ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */; /*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/; /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/; [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# [root@vmc11 mysql]# cat /tmp/mysql-bin.000005.txt /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=1*/; /*!40019 SET @@session.max_insert_delayed_threads=0*/; /*!50003 SET @OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE=@@COMPLETION_TYPE,COMPLETION_TYPE=0*/; DELIMITER /*!*/; # at 4 #210726 20:41:30 server id 800 end_log_pos 256 CRC32 0x1ba43974 Start: binlog v 4, server v 10.5.11-MariaDB-log created 210726 20:41:30 at startup # Warning: this binlog is either in use or was not closed properly. ROLLBACK/*!*/; # at 256 #210726 20:41:30 server id 800 end_log_pos 299 CRC32 0x36120a7e Gtid list [1-600-1] # at 299 #210726 20:41:30 server id 800 end_log_pos 342 CRC32 0xd81cb704 Binlog checkpoint mysql-bin.000005 # at 342 #210726 20:42:32 server id 600 end_log_pos 384 CRC32 0x1fa38419 GTID 1-600-2 ddl /*!100101 SET @@session.skip_parallel_replication=0*//*!*/; /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_domain_id=1*//*!*/; /*!100001 SET @@session.server_id=600*//*!*/; /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=2*//*!*/; # at 384 #210726 20:42:32 server id 600 end_log_pos 478 CRC32 0xa7ffcf68 Query thread_id=8 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1627346552/*!*/; SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=8/*!*/; SET @@session.foreign_key_checks=1, @@session.sql_auto_is_null=0, @@session.unique_checks=1, @@session.autocommit=1, @@session.check_constraint_checks=1, @@session.sql_if_exists=0/*!*/; SET @@session.sql_mode=1411383296/*!*/; SET @@session.auto_increment_increment=5, @@session.auto_increment_offset=1/*!*/; /*!\C utf8 *//*!*/; SET @@session.character_set_client=33,@@session.collation_connection=33,@@session.collation_server=8/*!*/; SET @@session.lc_time_names=0/*!*/; SET @@session.collation_database=DEFAULT/*!*/; drop database sbtest /*!*/; # at 478 #210726 20:42:38 server id 600 end_log_pos 520 CRC32 0x8aae0fa3 GTID 1-600-3 ddl /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=3*//*!*/; # at 520 #210726 20:42:38 server id 600 end_log_pos 616 CRC32 0x8f71e0b7 Query thread_id=8 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1627346558/*!*/; create database sbtest /*!*/; DELIMITER ; # End of log file ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */; /*!50003 SET COMPLETION_TYPE=@OLD_COMPLETION_TYPE*/; /*!50530 SET @@SESSION.PSEUDO_SLAVE_MODE=0*/; 13. Taking backup of such node (Bootstrap node) : Backup log GTID value missing [00] 2021-07-26 20:57:51 MySQL binlog position: filename 'mysql-bin.000005', position '616', GTID of the last change '' 14. After prepare backup : (No GTID Value) [root@vmc11 mariabackup_slavebuild]# cat xtrabackup_binlog_info mysql-bin.000005 616 vmc12 :- [root@vmc12 mysql]# systemctl start mariadb [root@vmc12 mysql]# mysql Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 10 Server version: 10.5.11-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> show global status like '%wsrep_cluster_s%'; +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | wsrep_cluster_size | 2 | | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | ed1d4249-ee72-11eb-862d-eb9f56d82d4a | | wsrep_cluster_status | Primary | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------+ MariaDB [(none)]> select @@gtid_domain_id, @@server_id, @@wsrep_gtid_domain_id,@@wsrep_gtid_mode; +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | @@gtid_domain_id | @@server_id | @@wsrep_gtid_domain_id | @@wsrep_gtid_mode | +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ | 12 | 800 | 1 | 1 | +------------------+-------------+------------------------+-------------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show global variables like '%gtid%'; +-------------------------+----------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+----------+ | gtid_binlog_pos | 1-600-14 | | gtid_binlog_state | 1-600-14 | | gtid_cleanup_batch_size | 64 | | gtid_current_pos | | | gtid_domain_id | 12 | | gtid_ignore_duplicates | ON | | gtid_pos_auto_engines | | | gtid_slave_pos | | | gtid_strict_mode | OFF | | wsrep_gtid_domain_id | 1 | | wsrep_gtid_mode | ON | +-------------------------+----------+ 11 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> create database sbtest3; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.002 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show global variables like '%gtid%'; +-------------------------+----------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------+----------+ | gtid_binlog_pos | 1-600-15 | | gtid_binlog_state | 1-600-15 | | gtid_cleanup_batch_size | 64 | | gtid_current_pos | | | gtid_domain_id | 12 | | gtid_ignore_duplicates | ON | | gtid_pos_auto_engines | | | gtid_slave_pos | | | gtid_strict_mode | OFF | | wsrep_gtid_domain_id | 1 | | wsrep_gtid_mode | ON | +-------------------------+----------+ 11 rows in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show master status; +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | mysql-bin.000010 | 482 | | | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000010'; +------------------+-----+-------------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Log_name | Pos | Event_type | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info | +------------------+-----+-------------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ | mysql-bin.000010 | 4 | Format_desc | 800 | 256 | Server ver: 10.5.11-MariaDB-log, Binlog ver: 4 | | mysql-bin.000010 | 256 | Gtid_list | 800 | 299 | [1-600-14] | | mysql-bin.000010 | 299 | Binlog_checkpoint | 800 | 342 | mysql-bin.000010 | | mysql-bin.000010 | 342 | Gtid | 600 | 384 | GTID 1-600-15 | | mysql-bin.000010 | 384 | Query | 600 | 482 | create database sbtest3 | +------------------+-----+-------------------+-----------+-------------+------------------------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.000 sec)