2021-06-16 8:54:30 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd: Shutdown complete 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Loading provider /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so initial position: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so' 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 4.7(ree4f10fc) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using 64-bit x86 acceleration. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: opened preamble: Version: 2 UUID: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Seqno: 239015 - 239015 Offset: 2913264792 Synced: 1 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: version: 2, UUID: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506, offset: 2913264792 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer initial scan... 0.0% ( 0/4294967320 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer initial scan...100.0% (4294967320/4294967320 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: found gapless sequence 239015-239015 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer unused buffers scan... 0.0% ( 0/208 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer unused buffers scan...100.0% (208/208 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::recover(): found 0/1 locked buffers 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::recover(): free space: 4294967088/4294967296 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /var/lib/mysql/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; cert.optimistic_pa = yes; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.causal_keepalive_period = PT3S; evs.debug_log_mask = 0x1; evs.delay_margin = PT5S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT1S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT1M; evs.info_log_mask = 0; evs.install_timeout = PT1M; evs.join_retrans_period = PT3S; evs.keepalive_period = PT3S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 1024; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT15S; evs.use_aggregate = true; evs.user_send_window = 512; evs.version = 1; evs.view_forget_timeout = P1D; gcache.dir = /var/lib/mysql/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 4; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = yes; gcache.size = 4G; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 10000; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 100000; gcs.max_throttl 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015, protocol version: -1 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Connecting with bootstrap option: 0 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Setting GCS initial position to 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/var/lib/mysql//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory) 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c3, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c3, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 1 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'test2021', peer ',' 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Warning] WSREP: Receive buffer size 212992 less than requested 2097152, this may affect performance in high latency/high throughput networks. 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c3, 'tcp://') Found matching local endpoint for a connection, blacklisting address tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c3, 'tcp://') connection established to f30a793c-879f tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:44:50 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c3, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: EVS version upgrade 0 -> 1 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: declaring f30a793c-879f at tcp:// stable 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: PC protocol upgrade 0 -> 1 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Node f30a793c-879f state prim 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,e093b610-b8c3,8) memb { e093b610-b8c3,1 f30a793c-879f,1 } joined { } left { } partitioned { }) 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 100000, resulting msg size: 32636 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'test2021' 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 0, memb_num = 2 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE_EXCHANGE: sent state UUID: e12cf45f-ce8f-11eb-8cf0-cb6da5b37e9f 2021-06-16 10:44:51 1 [Note] WSREP: Starting rollbacker thread 1 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: e12cf45f-ce8f-11eb-8cf0-cb6da5b37e9f 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: e12cf45f-ce8f-11eb-8cf0-cb6da5b37e9f from 0 (test5) 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: e12cf45f-ce8f-11eb-8cf0-cb6da5b37e9f from 1 (test4) 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 6, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 7, members = 1/2 (joined/total), act_id = 245631, last_appl. = 233717, protocols = 2/10/4 (gcs/repl/appl), vote policy= 0, group UUID = 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [14142, 14142] 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 245632) 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 2 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### processing CC 245632, local, ordered 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: Process first view: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 my uuid: e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c3-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: Server test5 connected to cluster at position 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:245632 with ID e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c3-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: Server status change disconnected -> connected 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### My UUID: e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c3-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: Cert index reset to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 (proto: 10), state transfer needed: yes 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, protocol version: -1 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:245632 Local state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: Server status change connected -> joiner 2021-06-16 10:44:51 2 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Joiner monitor thread started to monitor 2021-06-16 10:44:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_mariabackup --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/var/lib/mysql/' --parent '1402451' --mysqld-args --wsrep_start_position=032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015' WSREP_SST: [INFO] Streaming with xbstream (20210616 10:44:52.076) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Using socat as streamer (20210616 10:44:52.078) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating timeout -k 310 300 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:4444,reuseaddr stdio | mbstream -x; RC=( ${PIPESTATUS[@]} ) (20210616 10:44:52.150) 2021-06-16 10:44:52 2 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: mariabackup| 2021-06-16 10:44:52 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST uuid:032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 f: 239016, l: 245632, STRv: 3 2021-06-16 10:44:52 2 [Note] WSREP: IST receiver addr using tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:44:52 2 [Note] WSREP: Prepared IST receiver for 239016-245632, listening at: tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.1 (test5) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 1.1 (test4)(SYNCED) as donor. 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 245632) 2021-06-16 10:44:52 2 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 1 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] WSREP: 1.1 (test4): State transfer to 0.1 (test5) complete. 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.1 (test4) synced with group. WSREP_SST: [INFO] NOTE: Joiner-Recv-gtid took 0 seconds (20210616 10:44:52.659) WSREP_SST: [INFO] xtrabackup_ist received from donor: Running IST (20210616 10:44:52.665) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Galera co-ords from recovery: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 0 (20210616 10:44:52.667) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Total time on joiner: 0 seconds (20210616 10:44:52.669) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Removing the sst_in_progress file (20210616 10:44:52.670) 2021-06-16 10:44:52 3 [Note] WSREP: SST received 2021-06-16 10:44:52 3 [Note] WSREP: Server status change joiner -> initializing 2021-06-16 10:44:52 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: innodb_page_size=65536 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using crc32 + pclmulqdq instructions 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] mariadbd: O_TMPFILE is not supported on /tmp (disabling future attempts) 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 134217728, chunk size = 134217728 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool 2021-06-16 10:44:52 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 4294967296 bytes 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c3, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: New log file created, LSN=1601005910997 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segments are active. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file '/var/lib/mysql/ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ... 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: File '/var/lib/mysql/ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: 10.5.10 started; log sequence number 0; transaction id 2202026 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Warning] 'user' entry '@west1' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Warning] 'proxies_priv' entry '@% root@west1' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 210616 10:44:54 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_init_schema_and_SR 0x0 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: Server initialized 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: Server status change initializing -> initialized 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: Server status change initialized -> joined 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: Recovered position from storage: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:54 9 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 9 2021-06-16 10:44:54 16 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 16 2021-06-16 10:44:54 18 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 18 2021-06-16 10:44:54 10 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 10 2021-06-16 10:44:54 19 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 19 2021-06-16 10:44:54 17 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 17 2021-06-16 10:44:54 11 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 11 2021-06-16 10:44:54 8 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 8 2021-06-16 10:44:54 7 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 7 2021-06-16 10:44:54 22 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 22 2021-06-16 10:44:54 14 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 14 2021-06-16 10:44:54 12 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 12 2021-06-16 10:44:54 15 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 15 2021-06-16 10:44:54 23 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 23 2021-06-16 10:44:54 13 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 13 2021-06-16 10:44:54 6 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 6 2021-06-16 10:44:54 20 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 20 2021-06-16 10:44:54 24 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 24 2021-06-16 10:44:54 5 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 5 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd: ready for connections. Version: '10.5.10-MariaDB-log' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MariaDB Server 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: Recovered view from SST: id: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 status: primary protocol_version: 4 capabilities: MULTI-MASTER, CERTIFICATION, PARALLEL_APPLYING, REPLAY, ISOLATION, PAUSE, CAUSAL_READ, INCREMENTAL_WS, UNORDERED, PREORDERED, STREAMING, NBO final: no own_index: -1 members(2): 0: 4c68389e-ce7f-11eb-89b8-0b76f8360a53, test5 1: f30a793c-cde0-11eb-879f-d30bb1a39f87, test4 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 26 [Note] WSREP: Recovered cluster id 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: SST received: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:54 3 [Note] WSREP: SST succeeded for position 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:54 2 [Note] WSREP: Installed new state from SST: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 2021-06-16 10:44:54 2 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST: 6617 writesets, seqnos 239016-245632 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: Joiner monitor thread ended with total time 3 sec 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST applying starts with 239016 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST current seqno initialized to 233721 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 0.0% ( 0/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: IST preload starting at 233721 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:44:54 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:233720, protocol version: 5 2021-06-16 10:45:05 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 1.5% ( 176/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:45:16 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 5.4% ( 640/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:45:26 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 11.3% ( 1344/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:45:37 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 12.9% ( 1536/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:45:47 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 18.8% ( 2240/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:45:57 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 21.1% ( 2512/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:46:08 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 23.5% ( 2800/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:46:12 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000000 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:14 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000001 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:16 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000002 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:17 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000003 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:18 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 28.7% ( 3424/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:46:19 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000004 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:20 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000005 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:21 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000006 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:23 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000007 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 237689 -> 237690 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 237690 -> 237691 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000008 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:26 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000009 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:28 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 34.1% ( 4064/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:46:28 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000010 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:31 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000011 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:33 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000012 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000013 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:37 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000014 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:38 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000015 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:38 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 37.6% ( 4480/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:46:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000016 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:41 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000017 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000018 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:44 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000019 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:45 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000020 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000021 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 239014 -> 239015 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 239015 -> 239016 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from ist: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from ist: 233721 2021-06-16 10:46:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 44.5% ( 5296/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:46:48 9 [Note] WSREP: ================================================ View: id: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239016 status: primary protocol_version: 4 capabilities: MULTI-MASTER, CERTIFICATION, PARALLEL_APPLYING, REPLAY, ISOLATION, PAUSE, CAUSAL_READ, INCREMENTAL_WS, UNORDERED, PREORDERED, STREAMING, NBO final: no own_index: -1 members(1): 0: f30a793c-cde0-11eb-879f-d30bb1a39f87, test4 ================================================= 2021-06-16 10:46:48 9 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:46:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000022 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:55 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000023 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:58 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000024 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:46:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 45.5% ( 5424/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000025 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:08 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000026 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:09 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 46.3% ( 5520/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000027 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:13 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000028 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:16 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000029 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:18 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000030 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:19 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 51.3% ( 6112/11912 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:20 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000031 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:47:23 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000032 of size 134217728 bytes terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc 210616 10:47:24 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong and this may fail. Server version: 10.5.10-MariaDB-log key_buffer_size=134217728 read_buffer_size=131072 max_used_connections=0 max_threads=153 thread_count=21 It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 467871 K bytes of memory Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation. Thread pointer: 0x0 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 0x0 thread_stack 0x49000 Can't start addr2line /usr/sbin/mariadbd(my_print_stacktrace+0x2e)[0x55e00cef045e] /usr/sbin/mariadbd(handle_fatal_signal+0x485)[0x55e00c97fb75] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x12dd0)[0x7f69113d9dd0] /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x10f)[0x7f691072170f] /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x127)[0x7f691070bb25] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9006b)[0x7f6910ebe06b] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9650c)[0x7f6910ec450c] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x96567)[0x7f6910ec4567] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(__cxa_rethrow+0x4d)[0x7f6910ec481d] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x87ab5)[0x7f690e8c6ab5] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x82e69)[0x7f690e8c1e69] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x84d15)[0x7f690e8c3d15] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x8509b)[0x7f690e8c409b] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x8513a)[0x7f690e8c413a] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x700fa)[0x7f690e8af0fa] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x70238)[0x7f690e8af238] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x74068)[0x7f690e8b3068] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x7444b)[0x7f690e8b344b] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x94d37)[0x7f690e8d3d37] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x95f39)[0x7f690e8d4f39] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x82de)[0x7f69113cf2de] /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x43)[0x7f69107e5e83] The manual page at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ contains information that should help you find out what is causing the crash. Writing a core file... Working directory at /var/lib/mysql Resource Limits: Fatal signal 11 while backtracing 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: Loading provider /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so initial position: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so' 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 4.7(ree4f10fc) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using 64-bit x86 acceleration. 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: opened preamble: Version: 2 UUID: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Seqno: -1 - -1 Offset: -1 Synced: 0 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: version: 2, UUID: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506, offset: -1 2021-06-16 10:47:56 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer initial scan... 0.0% ( 0/4294967320 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer initial scan...100.0% (4294967320/4294967320 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: found gapless sequence 239015-239015 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: discarding seqnos 233721-239014 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer unused buffers scan... 0.0% ( 0/208 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer unused buffers scan...100.0% (208/208 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::recover(): found 0/1 locked buffers 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::recover(): free space: 4294967088/4294967296 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /var/lib/mysql/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; cert.optimistic_pa = yes; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.causal_keepalive_period = PT3S; evs.debug_log_mask = 0x1; evs.delay_margin = PT5S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT1S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT1M; evs.info_log_mask = 0; evs.install_timeout = PT1M; evs.join_retrans_period = PT3S; evs.keepalive_period = PT3S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 1024; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT15S; evs.use_aggregate = true; evs.user_send_window = 512; evs.version = 1; evs.view_forget_timeout = P1D; gcache.dir = /var/lib/mysql/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 4; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = yes; gcache.size = 4G; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 10000; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 100000; gcs.max_throttl 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036, protocol version: -1 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239015 -> 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::seqno_reset(): full reset 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Connecting with bootstrap option: 0 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Setting GCS initial position to 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk successfully 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c4, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c4, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 1 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'test2021', peer ',' 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Warning] WSREP: Receive buffer size 212992 less than requested 2097152, this may affect performance in high latency/high throughput networks. 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c4, 'tcp://') Found matching local endpoint for a connection, blacklisting address tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c4, 'tcp://') connection established to f30a793c-879f tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:47:59 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c4, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: EVS version upgrade 0 -> 1 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: declaring f30a793c-879f at tcp:// stable 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: PC protocol upgrade 0 -> 1 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: re-bootstrapping prim from partitioned components 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,e093b610-b8c4,10) memb { e093b610-b8c4,1 f30a793c-879f,1 } joined { } left { } partitioned { e093b610-b8c3,1 }) 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: clear restored view 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 100000, resulting msg size: 32636 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'test2021' 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 0, memb_num = 2 2021-06-16 10:48:00 1 [Note] WSREP: Starting rollbacker thread 1 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE_EXCHANGE: sent state UUID: 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 2 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 from 0 (test5) 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 from 1 (test4) 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Warning] WSREP: Quorum: No node with complete state: Version : 6 Flags : 0x1 Protocols : 2 / 10 / 4 State : NON-PRIMARY Desync count : 0 Prim state : NON-PRIMARY Prim UUID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Prim seqno : -1 First seqno : -1 Last seqno : 239036 Commit cut : 239036 Last vote : -1.0 Vote policy : 0 Prim JOINED : 0 State UUID : 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 Group UUID : 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Name : 'test5' Incoming addr: 'AUTO' Version : 6 Flags : 0x2 Protocols : 2 / 10 / 4 State : NON-PRIMARY Desync count : 0 Prim state : SYNCED Prim UUID : e12cf45f-ce8f-11eb-8cf0-cb6da5b37e9f Prim seqno : 8 First seqno : 233718 Last seqno : 245632 Commit cut : 233717 Last vote : -1.0 Vote policy : 0 Prim JOINED : 1 State UUID : 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 Group UUID : 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Name : 'test4' Incoming addr: 'AUTO' 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Full re-merge of primary e12cf45f-ce8f-11eb-8cf0-cb6da5b37e9f found: 1 of 1. 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 6, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 8, members = 1/2 (joined/total), act_id = 245632, last_appl. = 233717, protocols = 2/10/4 (gcs/repl/appl), vote policy= 0, group UUID = 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [14142, 14142] 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 245633) 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### processing CC 245633, local, ordered 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: Process first view: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 my uuid: e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c4-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: Server test5 connected to cluster at position 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:245633 with ID e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c4-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: Server status change disconnected -> connected 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### My UUID: e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c4-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: Cert index reset to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 (proto: 10), state transfer needed: yes 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, protocol version: -1 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:245633 Local state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: Server status change connected -> joiner 2021-06-16 10:48:00 2 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Joiner monitor thread started to monitor 2021-06-16 10:48:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_mariabackup --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/var/lib/mysql/' --parent '1403622' --mysqld-args --wsrep_start_position=032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036' WSREP_SST: [INFO] Streaming with xbstream (20210616 10:48:01.090) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Using socat as streamer (20210616 10:48:01.091) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating timeout -k 310 300 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:4444,reuseaddr stdio | mbstream -x; RC=( ${PIPESTATUS[@]} ) (20210616 10:48:01.142) 2021-06-16 10:48:01 2 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: mariabackup| 2021-06-16 10:48:01 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST uuid:032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 f: 239037, l: 245633, STRv: 3 2021-06-16 10:48:01 2 [Note] WSREP: IST receiver addr using tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:48:01 2 [Note] WSREP: Prepared IST receiver for 239037-245633, listening at: tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.1 (test5) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 1.1 (test4)(SYNCED) as donor. 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 245633) 2021-06-16 10:48:01 2 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 1 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] WSREP: 1.1 (test4): State transfer to 0.1 (test5) complete. 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.1 (test4) synced with group. WSREP_SST: [INFO] NOTE: Joiner-Recv-gtid took 0 seconds (20210616 10:48:01.648) WSREP_SST: [INFO] xtrabackup_ist received from donor: Running IST (20210616 10:48:01.658) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Galera co-ords from recovery: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 0 (20210616 10:48:01.661) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Total time on joiner: 0 seconds (20210616 10:48:01.662) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Removing the sst_in_progress file (20210616 10:48:01.664) 2021-06-16 10:48:01 3 [Note] WSREP: SST received 2021-06-16 10:48:01 3 [Note] WSREP: Server status change joiner -> initializing 2021-06-16 10:48:01 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: innodb_page_size=65536 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using crc32 + pclmulqdq instructions 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] mariadbd: O_TMPFILE is not supported on /tmp (disabling future attempts) 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 134217728, chunk size = 134217728 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool 2021-06-16 10:48:01 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 4294967296 bytes 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c4, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: New log file created, LSN=1601714210096 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: 19 transaction(s) which must be rolled back or cleaned up in total 452970 row operations to undo 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Trx id counter is 2202108 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segments are active. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Starting in background the rollback of recovered transactions 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file '/var/lib/mysql/ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ... 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: File '/var/lib/mysql/ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: 10.5.10 started; log sequence number 0; transaction id 2202109 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Warning] 'user' entry '@west1' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Warning] 'proxies_priv' entry '@% root@west1' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_init_schema_and_SR 0x0 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Server initialized 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Server status change initializing -> initialized 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: Server status change initialized -> joined 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: Recovered position from storage: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:48:03 9 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 9 2021-06-16 10:48:03 19 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 19 2021-06-16 10:48:03 20 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 20 2021-06-16 10:48:03 10 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 10 2021-06-16 10:48:03 13 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 13 2021-06-16 10:48:03 18 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 18 2021-06-16 10:48:03 14 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 14 2021-06-16 10:48:03 21 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 21 2021-06-16 10:48:03 7 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 7 2021-06-16 10:48:03 5 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 5 2021-06-16 10:48:03 12 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 12 2021-06-16 10:48:03 15 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 15 2021-06-16 10:48:03 16 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 16 2021-06-16 10:48:03 22 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 22 2021-06-16 10:48:03 8 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 8 2021-06-16 10:48:03 11 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 11 2021-06-16 10:48:03 6 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 6 2021-06-16 10:48:03 17 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 17 2021-06-16 10:48:03 24 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 24 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd: ready for connections. Version: '10.5.10-MariaDB-log' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MariaDB Server 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: Recovered view from SST: id: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239016 status: primary protocol_version: 4 capabilities: MULTI-MASTER, CERTIFICATION, PARALLEL_APPLYING, REPLAY, ISOLATION, PAUSE, CAUSAL_READ, INCREMENTAL_WS, UNORDERED, PREORDERED, STREAMING, NBO final: no own_index: -1 members(1): 0: f30a793c-cde0-11eb-879f-d30bb1a39f87, test4 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 26 [Note] WSREP: Recovered cluster id 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: SST received: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:48:03 3 [Note] WSREP: SST succeeded for position 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:48:03 2 [Note] WSREP: Installed new state from SST: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239036 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Joiner monitor thread ended with total time 3 sec 2021-06-16 10:48:03 2 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST: 6597 writesets, seqnos 239037-245633 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST applying starts with 239037 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST current seqno initialized to 233721 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 0.0% ( 0/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: IST preload starting at 233721 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:233720, protocol version: 5 2021-06-16 10:48:03 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202083 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 210616 10:48:04 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202067 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202095 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202093 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202069 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202105 2021-06-16 10:48:04 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202065 2021-06-16 10:48:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202073 2021-06-16 10:48:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202097 2021-06-16 10:48:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202082 2021-06-16 10:48:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202080 2021-06-16 10:48:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202100 2021-06-16 10:48:05 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202102 2021-06-16 10:48:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202066 2021-06-16 10:48:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202072 2021-06-16 10:48:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202104 2021-06-16 10:48:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202094 2021-06-16 10:48:06 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202078 2021-06-16 10:48:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202076 2021-06-16 10:48:07 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rollback of non-prepared transactions completed 2021-06-16 10:48:13 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 1.3% ( 160/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:48:25 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 5.4% ( 640/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:48:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 11.1% ( 1328/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:48:45 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 12.6% ( 1504/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:48:56 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 17.3% ( 2064/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:49:07 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 20.4% ( 2432/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:49:18 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 23.2% ( 2768/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:49:24 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000000 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:26 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000001 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:28 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 26.5% ( 3152/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:49:29 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000002 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:31 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000003 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:32 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000004 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:34 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000005 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000006 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:38 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000007 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:38 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 32.4% ( 3856/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 237689 -> 237690 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 237690 -> 237691 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:49:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:49:40 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000008 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000009 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:45 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000010 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:49 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000011 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:49 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 34.5% ( 4112/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:49:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000012 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:53 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000013 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:55 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000014 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:57 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000015 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000016 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:49:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 38.7% ( 4608/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:50:01 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000017 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:03 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000018 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:05 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000019 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:07 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000020 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:09 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 43.5% ( 5184/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:50:10 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000021 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 239014 -> 239015 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 239015 -> 239016 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:50:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:50:13 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000022 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:19 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000023 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:20 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 45.1% ( 5376/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:50:25 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000024 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:30 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 45.8% ( 5456/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:50:31 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000025 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000026 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000027 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:40 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 47.5% ( 5664/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:50:43 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000028 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:47 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000029 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 49.8% ( 5936/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:50:53 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000030 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:50:57 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000031 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:51:01 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 52.2% ( 6224/11913 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:02 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000032 of size 134217728 bytes terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc 210616 10:51:02 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong and this may fail. Server version: 10.5.10-MariaDB-log key_buffer_size=134217728 read_buffer_size=131072 max_used_connections=0 max_threads=153 thread_count=21 It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 467871 K bytes of memory Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation. Thread pointer: 0x0 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 0x0 thread_stack 0x49000 Can't start addr2line /usr/sbin/mariadbd(my_print_stacktrace+0x2e)[0x55fb16e2d45e] /usr/sbin/mariadbd(handle_fatal_signal+0x485)[0x55fb168bcb75] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x12dd0)[0x7fb3d293fdd0] /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x10f)[0x7fb3d1c8770f] /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x127)[0x7fb3d1c71b25] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9006b)[0x7fb3d242406b] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9650c)[0x7fb3d242a50c] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x96567)[0x7fb3d242a567] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(__cxa_rethrow+0x4d)[0x7fb3d242a81d] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x87ab5)[0x7fb3cbc51ab5] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x82e69)[0x7fb3cbc4ce69] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x84d15)[0x7fb3cbc4ed15] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x8509b)[0x7fb3cbc4f09b] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x8513a)[0x7fb3cbc4f13a] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x700fa)[0x7fb3cbc3a0fa] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x70238)[0x7fb3cbc3a238] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x74068)[0x7fb3cbc3e068] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x7444b)[0x7fb3cbc3e44b] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x94d37)[0x7fb3cbc5ed37] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x95f39)[0x7fb3cbc5ff39] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x82de)[0x7fb3d29352de] /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x43)[0x7fb3d1d4be83] The manual page at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ contains information that should help you find out what is causing the crash. Writing a core file... Working directory at /var/lib/mysql Resource Limits: Fatal signal 11 while backtracing 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: Loading provider /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so initial position: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so' 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 4.7(ree4f10fc) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using 64-bit x86 acceleration. 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: opened preamble: Version: 2 UUID: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Seqno: -1 - -1 Offset: -1 Synced: 0 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: version: 2, UUID: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506, offset: -1 2021-06-16 10:51:32 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer initial scan... 0.0% ( 0/4294967320 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer initial scan...100.0% (4294967320/4294967320 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: found gapless sequence 239015-239016 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Recovering GCache ring buffer: discarding seqnos 233721-239014 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer unused buffers scan... 0.0% ( 0/4294636680 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache::RingBuffer unused buffers scan...100.0% (4294636680/4294636680 bytes) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::recover(): found 2945/2947 locked buffers 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::recover(): free space: 4294966936/4294967296 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /var/lib/mysql/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; cert.optimistic_pa = yes; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.causal_keepalive_period = PT3S; evs.debug_log_mask = 0x1; evs.delay_margin = PT5S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT1S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT1M; evs.info_log_mask = 0; evs.install_timeout = PT1M; evs.join_retrans_period = PT3S; evs.keepalive_period = PT3S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 1024; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT15S; evs.use_aggregate = true; evs.user_send_window = 512; evs.version = 1; evs.view_forget_timeout = P1D; gcache.dir = /var/lib/mysql/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 4; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = yes; gcache.size = 4G; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 10000; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 100000; gcs.max_throttl 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059, protocol version: -1 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239016 -> 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GCache DEBUG: RingBuffer::seqno_reset(): full reset 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Connecting with bootstrap option: 0 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Setting GCS initial position to 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk successfully 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c5, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c5, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 1 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'test2021', peer ',' 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Warning] WSREP: Receive buffer size 212992 less than requested 2097152, this may affect performance in high latency/high throughput networks. 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c5, 'tcp://') Found matching local endpoint for a connection, blacklisting address tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c5, 'tcp://') connection established to f30a793c-879f tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:51:35 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c5, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: EVS version upgrade 0 -> 1 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: declaring f30a793c-879f at tcp:// stable 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: PC protocol upgrade 0 -> 1 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: re-bootstrapping prim from partitioned components 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,e093b610-b8c5,12) memb { e093b610-b8c5,1 f30a793c-879f,1 } joined { } left { } partitioned { e093b610-b8c4,1 }) 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: clear restored view 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 100000, resulting msg size: 32636 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'test2021' 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 0, memb_num = 2 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE_EXCHANGE: sent state UUID: d2a6927d-ce90-11eb-b57f-32aca307d693 2021-06-16 10:51:36 1 [Note] WSREP: Starting rollbacker thread 1 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 2 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: d2a6927d-ce90-11eb-b57f-32aca307d693 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: d2a6927d-ce90-11eb-b57f-32aca307d693 from 0 (test5) 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: d2a6927d-ce90-11eb-b57f-32aca307d693 from 1 (test4) 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Warning] WSREP: Quorum: No node with complete state: Version : 6 Flags : 0x1 Protocols : 2 / 10 / 4 State : NON-PRIMARY Desync count : 0 Prim state : NON-PRIMARY Prim UUID : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Prim seqno : -1 First seqno : -1 Last seqno : 239059 Commit cut : 239059 Last vote : -1.0 Vote policy : 0 Prim JOINED : 0 State UUID : d2a6927d-ce90-11eb-b57f-32aca307d693 Group UUID : 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Name : 'test5' Incoming addr: 'AUTO' Version : 6 Flags : 0x2 Protocols : 2 / 10 / 4 State : NON-PRIMARY Desync count : 0 Prim state : SYNCED Prim UUID : 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 Prim seqno : 9 First seqno : 233718 Last seqno : 245633 Commit cut : 233717 Last vote : -1.0 Vote policy : 0 Prim JOINED : 1 State UUID : d2a6927d-ce90-11eb-b57f-32aca307d693 Group UUID : 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 Name : 'test4' Incoming addr: 'AUTO' 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Full re-merge of primary 51d31fc8-ce90-11eb-97a4-27fa46ee8856 found: 1 of 1. 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 6, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 9, members = 1/2 (joined/total), act_id = 245633, last_appl. = 233717, protocols = 2/10/4 (gcs/repl/appl), vote policy= 0, group UUID = 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [14142, 14142] 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 245634) 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### processing CC 245634, local, ordered 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: Process first view: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 my uuid: e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c5-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: Server test5 connected to cluster at position 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:245634 with ID e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c5-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: Server status change disconnected -> connected 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### My UUID: e093b610-ce8f-11eb-b8c5-cec4d69ae54a 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: Cert index reset to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 (proto: 10), state transfer needed: yes 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, protocol version: -1 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:245634 Local state: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: Server status change connected -> joiner 2021-06-16 10:51:36 2 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Joiner monitor thread started to monitor 2021-06-16 10:51:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_mariabackup --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/var/lib/mysql/' --parent '1404796' --mysqld-args --wsrep_start_position=032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059' WSREP_SST: [INFO] Streaming with xbstream (20210616 10:51:37.222) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Using socat as streamer (20210616 10:51:37.224) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Evaluating timeout -k 310 300 socat -u TCP-LISTEN:4444,reuseaddr stdio | mbstream -x; RC=( ${PIPESTATUS[@]} ) (20210616 10:51:37.276) 2021-06-16 10:51:37 2 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: mariabackup| 2021-06-16 10:51:37 2 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST uuid:032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 f: 239060, l: 245634, STRv: 3 2021-06-16 10:51:37 2 [Note] WSREP: IST receiver addr using tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:51:37 2 [Note] WSREP: Prepared IST receiver for 239060-245634, listening at: tcp:// 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.1 (test5) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 1.1 (test4)(SYNCED) as donor. 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 245634) 2021-06-16 10:51:37 2 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 1 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] WSREP: 1.1 (test4): State transfer to 0.1 (test5) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.1 (test4) synced with group. WSREP_SST: [INFO] NOTE: Joiner-Recv-gtid took 0 seconds (20210616 10:51:37.760) WSREP_SST: [INFO] xtrabackup_ist received from donor: Running IST (20210616 10:51:37.770) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Galera co-ords from recovery: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 0 (20210616 10:51:37.773) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Total time on joiner: 0 seconds (20210616 10:51:37.775) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Removing the sst_in_progress file (20210616 10:51:37.776) 2021-06-16 10:51:37 3 [Note] WSREP: SST received 2021-06-16 10:51:37 3 [Note] WSREP: Server status change joiner -> initializing 2021-06-16 10:51:37 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: innodb_page_size=65536 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.11 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using crc32 + pclmulqdq instructions 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] mariadbd: O_TMPFILE is not supported on /tmp (disabling future attempts) 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 134217728, chunk size = 134217728 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool 2021-06-16 10:51:37 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile101 size to 4294967296 bytes 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: (e093b610-b8c5, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Renaming log file ./ib_logfile101 to ./ib_logfile0 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: New log file created, LSN=1602450444926 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: 20 transaction(s) which must be rolled back or cleaned up in total 787645 row operations to undo 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Trx id counter is 2202208 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segments are active. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Starting in background the rollback of recovered transactions 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file '/var/lib/mysql/ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ... 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: File '/var/lib/mysql/ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: 10.5.10 started; log sequence number 0; transaction id 2202209 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /var/lib/mysql/ib_buffer_pool 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Warning] 'user' entry '@west1' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Warning] 'proxies_priv' entry '@% root@west1' ignored in --skip-name-resolve mode. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_init_schema_and_SR 0x0 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Server initialized 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Server status change initializing -> initialized 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: Server status change initialized -> joined 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: Recovered position from storage: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:39 6 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 6 2021-06-16 10:51:39 18 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 18 2021-06-16 10:51:39 7 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 7 2021-06-16 10:51:39 13 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 13 2021-06-16 10:51:39 5 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 5 2021-06-16 10:51:39 20 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 20 2021-06-16 10:51:39 16 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 16 2021-06-16 10:51:39 17 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 17 2021-06-16 10:51:39 11 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 11 2021-06-16 10:51:39 8 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 8 2021-06-16 10:51:39 10 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 10 2021-06-16 10:51:39 15 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 15 2021-06-16 10:51:39 22 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 22 2021-06-16 10:51:39 23 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 23 2021-06-16 10:51:39 14 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 14 2021-06-16 10:51:39 12 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 12 2021-06-16 10:51:39 19 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 19 2021-06-16 10:51:39 21 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 21 2021-06-16 10:51:39 9 [Note] WSREP: Starting applier thread 9 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mariadbd: ready for connections. Version: '10.5.10-MariaDB-log' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306 MariaDB Server 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: Recovered view from SST: id: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239016 status: primary protocol_version: 4 capabilities: MULTI-MASTER, CERTIFICATION, PARALLEL_APPLYING, REPLAY, ISOLATION, PAUSE, CAUSAL_READ, INCREMENTAL_WS, UNORDERED, PREORDERED, STREAMING, NBO final: no own_index: -1 members(1): 0: f30a793c-cde0-11eb-879f-d30bb1a39f87, test4 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 26 [Note] WSREP: Recovered cluster id 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: SST received: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:39 3 [Note] WSREP: SST succeeded for position 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:39 2 [Note] WSREP: Installed new state from SST: 032f82c4-bdf1-11eb-99ba-f7eace79e506:239059 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Joiner monitor thread ended with total time 3 sec 2021-06-16 10:51:39 2 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST: 6575 writesets, seqnos 239060-245634 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST applying starts with 239060 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### IST current seqno initialized to 233721 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 0.0% ( 0/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: IST preload starting at 233721 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Assign initial position for certification: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:233720, protocol version: 5 2021-06-16 10:51:39 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202193 2021-06-16 10:51:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 210616 10:51:40 2021-06-16 10:51:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202198 2021-06-16 10:51:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202182 2021-06-16 10:51:40 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202202 2021-06-16 10:51:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202194 2021-06-16 10:51:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202181 2021-06-16 10:51:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202170 2021-06-16 10:51:41 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202173 2021-06-16 10:51:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202165 2021-06-16 10:51:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202184 2021-06-16 10:51:42 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202167 2021-06-16 10:51:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202199 2021-06-16 10:51:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202195 2021-06-16 10:51:43 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202196 2021-06-16 10:51:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202179 2021-06-16 10:51:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202172 2021-06-16 10:51:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202192 2021-06-16 10:51:44 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202203 2021-06-16 10:51:45 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202175 2021-06-16 10:51:45 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rolled back recovered transaction 2202187 2021-06-16 10:51:45 0 [Note] InnoDB: Rollback of non-prepared transactions completed 2021-06-16 10:51:50 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 1.5% ( 176/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 5.4% ( 640/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:10 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 11.3% ( 1344/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:20 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 12.9% ( 1536/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:30 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 19.1% ( 2272/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:40 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 21.4% ( 2544/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:51 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 23.5% ( 2800/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:52:56 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000000 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:52:58 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000001 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:00 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000002 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:01 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 27.5% ( 3280/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:53:02 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000003 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:04 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000004 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:06 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000005 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:08 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000006 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:10 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000007 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 237689 -> 237690 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 237690 -> 237691 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:11 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:12 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000008 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:12 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 33.4% ( 3984/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:53:14 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000009 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:17 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000010 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:20 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000011 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:23 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000012 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:23 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 34.9% ( 4160/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:53:25 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000013 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:27 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000014 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:29 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000015 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:30 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000016 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:32 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000017 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:33 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 40.2% ( 4784/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:53:34 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000018 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:36 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000019 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:38 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000020 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:41 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000021 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 239014 -> 239015 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 10 (5) 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: ####### Adjusting cert position: 239015 -> 239016 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Lowest cert index boundary for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:42 0 [Note] WSREP: Min available from gcache for CC from preload: 233721 2021-06-16 10:53:43 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000022 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:43 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 44.7% ( 5328/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:53:48 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000023 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:53 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000024 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:53:54 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 45.5% ( 5424/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:53:59 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000025 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:05 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000026 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:05 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 46.2% ( 5504/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:54:09 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000027 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:14 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000028 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:15 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 48.7% ( 5808/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:54:17 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000029 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:22 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000030 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:25 0 [Note] WSREP: Receiving IST... 51.4% ( 6128/11914 events) complete. 2021-06-16 10:54:26 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000031 of size 134217728 bytes 2021-06-16 10:54:31 0 [Note] WSREP: Created page /var/lib/mysql/gcache.page.000032 of size 134217728 bytes terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc 210616 10:54:31 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ; This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong and this may fail. Server version: 10.5.10-MariaDB-log key_buffer_size=134217728 read_buffer_size=131072 max_used_connections=0 max_threads=153 thread_count=21 It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 467871 K bytes of memory Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation. Thread pointer: 0x0 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 0x0 thread_stack 0x49000 Can't start addr2line /usr/sbin/mariadbd(my_print_stacktrace+0x2e)[0x55cb5d02a45e] /usr/sbin/mariadbd(handle_fatal_signal+0x485)[0x55cb5cab9b75] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x12dd0)[0x7f2634301dd0] /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x10f)[0x7f263364970f] /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x127)[0x7f2633633b25] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9006b)[0x7f2633de606b] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9650c)[0x7f2633dec50c] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0x96567)[0x7f2633dec567] /lib64/libstdc++.so.6(__cxa_rethrow+0x4d)[0x7f2633dec81d] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x87ab5)[0x7f26317eeab5] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x82e69)[0x7f26317e9e69] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x84d15)[0x7f26317ebd15] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x8509b)[0x7f26317ec09b] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x8513a)[0x7f26317ec13a] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x700fa)[0x7f26317d70fa] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x70238)[0x7f26317d7238] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x74068)[0x7f26317db068] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x7444b)[0x7f26317db44b] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x94d37)[0x7f26317fbd37] /usr/lib64/galera-4/libgalera_smm.so(+0x95f39)[0x7f26317fcf39] /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x82de)[0x7f26342f72de] /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x43)[0x7f263370de83] The manual page at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ contains information that should help you find out what is causing the crash. Writing a core file... Working directory at /var/lib/mysql Resource Limits: Fatal signal 11 while backtracing