(view as text)
runvm --port=2229 --memory=6144 --user=buildbot --smp=4 --cpu=qemu64 --startup-timeout=600 --logfile=kernel_2229.log --logfile=kernel_2229.log vm-tmp-2229.qcow2 '
set -ex

if ! rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb-server
  echo "Pre-MTR warning: MariaDB server was not installed, skipping the tests"



cd /usr/share/mysql-test

if test -f suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so; then
  for p in /lib*/security /lib*/*/security ; do
    test -f $p/pam_unix.so && sudo cp -v suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so $p/
  sudo cp -v suite/plugins/pam/mariadb_mtr /etc/pam.d/

if sudo yum install -y perl-Env
  echo "Installed Env.pm"

if [[ "yes" == "yes" ]] ; then
  if sudo yum install -y gperftools-libs
    tcmalloc=`rpm -ql gperftools-libs | grep libtcmalloc.so | head -1`

if [ "$test_set" == "default" ] ; then
  if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc NO_FEEDBACK_PLUGIN=1 perl mysql-test-run.pl --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=4 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
elif [ "$test_set" == "galera" ] ; then
  case "10.2" in
  if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc perl mysql-test-run.pl --suites=$galera_suites --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=2 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
elif [ "$test_set" == "rocksdb" ] ; then
  set +o pipefail
  if ! perl mysql-test-run.pl rocksdb.1st --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" 2>&1 | grep -E '"'"'RocksDB is not compiled|Could not find'"'"' ; then
    if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc perl mysql-test-run.pl --suite=rocksdb* --skip-test=rocksdb_hotbackup* --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=4 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
    echo "WARNING: RocksDB engine not found"
elif [ "$test_set" == "s3" ] ; then
  set +o pipefail
  if perl mysql-test-run.pl s3.basic --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" 2>&1 | grep -E '"'"'Need S3 engine'"'"' ; then
    echo "Pre-MTR warning"": S3 engine not found, tests will be skipped"
    exit 0
  if ! curl ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/minio-linux-${arch} --output ~/minio ; then
    echo "ERROR: Could not download MinIO server for Linux ${arch}"
    echo "Check if it is available at http://dl.min.io/server/minio/release and store as ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/minio-linux-${arch}"
    exit 1
  chmod a+x ~/minio
  MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin ~/minio server /tmp/shared 2>&1 &
  if ! curl ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/mc-linux-${arch} --output ~/mc ; then
    echo "ERROR: Could not download MinIO client for Linux ${arch}"
    echo "Check if it is available at http://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/ and store as ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/mc-linux-${arch}"
    exit 1
  chmod a+x ~/mc
  # Try a few times in case the server hasn'"'"'t finished initializing yet
  for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
    if ~/mc alias set local  minio minioadmin ; then
    sleep 1
  if [ "$res" == "1" ] ; then
    echo "ERROR: Couldn'"'"'t configure MinIO server"
    exit 1
  ~/mc mb --ignore-existing local/storage-engine
  if ! perl mysql-test-run.pl --suite=s3 --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --force --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
  echo "ERROR: Unknown test set $test_set"

rm -rf /home/buildbot/var
cp -r /dev/shm/var /home/buildbot
exit $res
' '!= rm -Rf var/ ; scp -rp -P 2229 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no buildbot@localhost:/home/buildbot/var/ . || :'
 in dir /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/maria/kvm-rpm-centos74-amd64-debug/build (timeout 1200 secs)
 watching logfiles {'kernel': 'kernel_2229.log', 'syslog': 'daemon.log', 'mysqld.1.err': './var/log/mysqld.1.err', 'mysqld.4.err': './var/log/mysqld.4.err', 'mysqld.3.err.1': './var/1/log/mysqld.3.err', 'mysqld.4.err.1': './var/1/log/mysqld.4.err', 'mysqld.4.err.3': './var/3/log/mysqld.4.err', 'mysqld.4.err.2': './var/2/log/mysqld.4.err', 'mysqld.3.err.2': './var/2/log/mysqld.3.err', 'mysqld.3.err.3': './var/3/log/mysqld.3.err', 'mysqld.3.err.4': './var/4/log/mysqld.3.err', 'mysqld.4.err.4': './var/4/log/mysqld.4.err', 'mysqld.2.err.4': './var/4/log/mysqld.2.err', 'mysqld.2.err.1': './var/1/log/mysqld.2.err', 'mysqld.2.err.3': './var/3/log/mysqld.2.err', 'mysqld.2.err.2': './var/2/log/mysqld.2.err', 'mysqld.2.err': './var/log/mysqld.2.err', 'mysqld.3.err': './var/log/mysqld.3.err', 'mysqld.1.err.2': './var/2/log/mysqld.1.err', 'mysqld.1.err.3': './var/3/log/mysqld.1.err', 'mysqld.1.err.1': './var/1/log/mysqld.1.err', 'mysqld.1.err.4': './var/4/log/mysqld.1.err'}
 argv: ['runvm', '--port=2229', '--memory=6144', '--user=buildbot', '--smp=4', '--cpu=qemu64', '--startup-timeout=600', '--logfile=kernel_2229.log', '--logfile=kernel_2229.log', 'vm-tmp-2229.qcow2', '\nset -ex\n\nif ! rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb-server\nthen\n  echo "Pre-MTR warning: MariaDB server was not installed, skipping the tests"\n  exit\nfi\n\ntest_set=galera\n\narch=\n\ncd /usr/share/mysql-test\n\nif test -f suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so; then\n  for p in /lib*/security /lib*/*/security ; do\n    test -f $p/pam_unix.so && sudo cp -v suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so $p/\n  done\n  sudo cp -v suite/plugins/pam/mariadb_mtr /etc/pam.d/\nfi\n\nif sudo yum install -y perl-Env\nthen\n  echo "Installed Env.pm"\nfi\n\ntcmalloc=\nif [[ "yes" == "yes" ]] ; then\n  if sudo yum install -y gperftools-libs\n  then\n    tcmalloc=`rpm -ql gperftools-libs | grep libtcmalloc.so | head -1`\n  fi\nfi\n\nres=0\nif [ "$test_set" == "default" ] ; then\n  if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc NO_FEEDBACK_PLUGIN=1 perl mysql-test-run.pl --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=4 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then\n    res=1\n  fi\nelif [ "$test_set" == "galera" ] ; then\n  case "10.2" in\n  *10.1*)\n    galera_suites=galera,wsrep\n    ;;\n  *10.[2-3]*)\n    galera_suites=galera,wsrep,galera_3nodes\n    ;;\n  *)\n    galera_suites=galera,wsrep,galera_3nodes,galera_sr\n  ;;\n  esac\n  if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc perl mysql-test-run.pl --suites=$galera_suites --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=2 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then\n    res=1\n  fi\nelif [ "$test_set" == "rocksdb" ] ; then\n  set +o pipefail\n  if ! perl mysql-test-run.pl rocksdb.1st --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" 2>&1 | grep -E \'RocksDB is not compiled|Could not find\' ; then\n    if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc perl mysql-test-run.pl --suite=rocksdb* --skip-test=rocksdb_hotbackup* --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=4 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then\n      res=1\n    fi\n  else\n    echo "WARNING: RocksDB engine not found"\n  fi\nelif [ "$test_set" == "s3" ] ; then\n  set +o pipefail\n  if perl mysql-test-run.pl s3.basic --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" 2>&1 | grep -E \'Need S3 engine\' ; then\n    echo "Pre-MTR warning"": S3 engine not found, tests will be skipped"\n    exit 0\n  fi\n \n  if ! curl ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/minio-linux-${arch} --output ~/minio ; then\n    echo "ERROR: Could not download MinIO server for Linux ${arch}"\n    echo "Check if it is available at http://dl.min.io/server/minio/release and store as ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/minio-linux-${arch}"\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  chmod a+x ~/minio\n  MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin ~/minio server /tmp/shared 2>&1 &\n  if ! curl ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/mc-linux-${arch} --output ~/mc ; then\n    echo "ERROR: Could not download MinIO client for Linux ${arch}"\n    echo "Check if it is available at http://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/ and store as ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/mc-linux-${arch}"\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  chmod a+x ~/mc\n  # Try a few times in case the server hasn\'t finished initializing yet\n  res=1\n  for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do\n    if ~/mc alias set local  minio minioadmin ; then\n      res=0\n      break\n    fi\n    sleep 1\n  done\n  if [ "$res" == "1" ] ; then\n    echo "ERROR: Couldn\'t configure MinIO server"\n    exit 1\n  fi\n  ~/mc mb --ignore-existing local/storage-engine\n  if ! perl mysql-test-run.pl --suite=s3 --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --force --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then\n    res=1\n  fi\nelse\n  echo "ERROR: Unknown test set $test_set"\n  res=1\nfi\n\nrm -rf /home/buildbot/var\ncp -r /dev/shm/var /home/buildbot\nexit $res\n', '!= rm -Rf var/ ; scp -rp -P 2229 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no buildbot@localhost:/home/buildbot/var/ . || :']
 using PTY: False
+ kvm -m 6144 -hda vm-tmp-2229.qcow2 -boot c -smp 4 -cpu qemu64,-kvmclock -nographic -net nic,model=virtio -net 'user,hostfwd=tcp:' -pidfile /var/lib/buildbot/.runvmkvm_2229.pid
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost true
Connection timed out during banner exchange
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost true
Connection timed out during banner exchange
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost true
Connection to localhost closed.
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost true
Connection to localhost closed.
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost true
Connection to localhost closed.
set -ex

if ! rpm -qa | grep -i mariadb-server
  echo "Pre-MTR warning: MariaDB server was not installed, skipping the tests"



cd /usr/share/mysql-test

if test -f suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so; then
  for p in /lib*/security /lib*/*/security ; do
    test -f $p/pam_unix.so && sudo cp -v suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so $p/
  sudo cp -v suite/plugins/pam/mariadb_mtr /etc/pam.d/

if sudo yum install -y perl-Env
  echo "Installed Env.pm"

if [[ "yes" == "yes" ]] ; then
  if sudo yum install -y gperftools-libs
    tcmalloc=`rpm -ql gperftools-libs | grep libtcmalloc.so | head -1`

if [ "$test_set" == "default" ] ; then
  if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc NO_FEEDBACK_PLUGIN=1 perl mysql-test-run.pl --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=4 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
elif [ "$test_set" == "galera" ] ; then
  case "10.2" in
  if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc perl mysql-test-run.pl --suites=$galera_suites --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=2 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
elif [ "$test_set" == "rocksdb" ] ; then
  set +o pipefail
  if ! perl mysql-test-run.pl rocksdb.1st --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" 2>&1 | grep -E 'RocksDB is not compiled|Could not find' ; then
    if ! LD_PRELOAD=$tcmalloc perl mysql-test-run.pl --suite=rocksdb* --skip-test=rocksdb_hotbackup* --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --parallel=4 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
    echo "WARNING: RocksDB engine not found"
elif [ "$test_set" == "s3" ] ; then
  set +o pipefail
  if perl mysql-test-run.pl s3.basic --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" 2>&1 | grep -E 'Need S3 engine' ; then
    echo "Pre-MTR warning"": S3 engine not found, tests will be skipped"
    exit 0
  if ! curl ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/minio-linux-${arch} --output ~/minio ; then
    echo "ERROR: Could not download MinIO server for Linux ${arch}"
    echo "Check if it is available at http://dl.min.io/server/minio/release and store as ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/minio-linux-${arch}"
    exit 1
  chmod a+x ~/minio
  MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio MINIO_SECRET_KEY=minioadmin ~/minio server /tmp/shared 2>&1 &
  if ! curl ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/mc-linux-${arch} --output ~/mc ; then
    echo "ERROR: Could not download MinIO client for Linux ${arch}"
    echo "Check if it is available at http://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/ and store as ftp://ftp.askmonty.org/public/minio/mc-linux-${arch}"
    exit 1
  chmod a+x ~/mc
  # Try a few times in case the server hasn't finished initializing yet
  for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do
    if ~/mc alias set local  minio minioadmin ; then
    sleep 1
  if [ "$res" == "1" ] ; then
    echo "ERROR: Couldn't configure MinIO server"
    exit 1
  ~/mc mb --ignore-existing local/storage-engine
  if ! perl mysql-test-run.pl --suite=s3 --verbose-restart --vardir="$(readlink -f /dev/shm/var)" --force --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1 ; then
  echo "ERROR: Unknown test set $test_set"

rm -rf /home/buildbot/var
cp -r /dev/shm/var /home/buildbot
exit $res

+ rpm -qa
+ grep -i mariadb-server
+ test_set=galera
+ arch=
+ cd /usr/share/mysql-test
+ test -f suite/plugins/pam/pam_mariadb_mtr.so
+ sudo yum install -y perl-Env
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.funet.fi
 * epel: mirror.yandex.ru
 * extras: ftp.funet.fi
 * updates: ftp.funet.fi
Package perl-Env-1.04-2.el7.noarch already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
+ echo 'Installed Env.pm'
Installed Env.pm
+ tcmalloc=
+ [[ yes == \y\e\s ]]
+ sudo yum install -y gperftools-libs
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.funet.fi
 * epel: mirror.yandex.ru
 * extras: ftp.funet.fi
 * updates: ftp.funet.fi
Package gperftools-libs-2.6.1-1.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
++ rpm -ql gperftools-libs
++ grep libtcmalloc.so
++ head -1
+ tcmalloc=/usr/lib64/libtcmalloc.so.4
+ res=0
+ '[' galera == default ']'
+ '[' galera == galera ']'
+ case "10.2" in
+ galera_suites=galera,wsrep,galera_3nodes
++ readlink -f /dev/shm/var
+ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libtcmalloc.so.4
+ perl mysql-test-run.pl --suites=galera,wsrep,galera_3nodes --verbose-restart --vardir=/dev/shm/var --parallel=2 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1
Logging: mysql-test-run.pl  --suites=galera,wsrep,galera_3nodes --verbose-restart --vardir=/dev/shm/var --parallel=2 --force --retry=3 --max-save-core=0 --max-save-datadir=1
vardir: /dev/shm/var
Removing old var directory...
Creating var directory '/dev/shm/var'...
Checking supported features...
MariaDB Version 10.2.37-MariaDB-debug
 - SSL connections supported
 - binaries are debug compiled
 - binaries built with wsrep patch
Using suites: galera,wsrep,galera_3nodes
Collecting tests...
Installing system database...


TEST                                  WORKER RESULT   TIME (ms) or COMMENT

worker[2] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 301, with reserved ports 16020..16039
worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 16000..16019
galera.GAL-419                           [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.MW-286                            [ disabled ]  MDEV-18464 Killing thread can cause mutex deadlock if done concurrently with Galera/replication victim kill
galera.MW-328A                           [ disabled ]  MDEV-22666 galera.MW-328A MTR failed: "Semaphore wait has lasted > 600 seconds" and do not release port 16002
galera.MW-328B                           [ disabled ]  MDEV-22666 galera.MW-328A MTR failed: "Semaphore wait has lasted > 600 seconds" and do not release port 16002
galera.MW-329                            [ disabled ]  MDEV-19962 Galera test failure on MW-329
galera.galera_as_slave_replication_bundle [ disabled ]  MDEV-15785 OPTION_GTID_BEGIN is set in Gtid_log_event::do_apply_event()
galera.galera_bf_lock_wait               [ disabled ]  MDEV-24649 galera.galera_bf_lock_wait MTR failed with sigabrt: Assertion `!is_owned()' failed in sync0policy.ic on MutexDebug with Mutex = TTASEventMutex<GenericPolicy>
galera.galera_binlog_stmt_autoinc        [ disabled ]  MDEV-19959 Galera test failure on galera_binlog_stmt_autoinc
galera.galera_fulltext                   [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_gcache_recover_manytrx     [ disabled ]  MDEV-18834 Galera test failure
galera.galera_kill_largechanges          [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_many_columns               [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_many_tables_nopk           [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_many_tables_pk             [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_mdl_race                   [ disabled ]  MDEV-21524: galera.galera_mdl_race MTR failed: query 'reap' succeeded - should have failed with errno 1213
galera.galera_parallel_autoinc_largetrx  [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_parallel_autoinc_manytrx   [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_parallel_simple            [ disabled ]  MDEV-20318 galera.galera_parallel_simple fails
galera.galera_partition                  [ disabled ]  MDEV-21806: galera.galera_partition MTR failed: failed to recover from DONOR state
galera.galera_rsu_add_pk                 [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_rsu_drop_pk                [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_shutdown_nonprim           [ disabled ]  MDEV-21493 galera.galera_shutdown_nonprim
galera.galera_ssl_upgrade                [ disabled ]  MDEV-19950 Galera test failure on galera_ssl_upgrade
galera.galera_sst_mariabackup_encrypt_with_key [ disabled ]  MDEV-21484 galera_sst_mariabackup_encrypt_with_key
galera.galera_toi_ddl_error              [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_toi_ddl_fk_insert          [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_toi_ddl_fk_update          [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_var_load_data_splitting    [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_var_node_address           [ disabled ]  MDEV-20485 Galera test failure
galera.galera_wan                        [ disabled ]  MDEV-17259 Test failure on galera.galera_wan
galera.galera_wsrep_desync_wsrep_on      [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.partition                         [ disabled ]  MDEV-19958 Galera test failure on galera.partition
galera.query_cache                       [ disabled ]  MDEV-15805 Test failure on galera.query_cache
galera.sql_log_bin                       [ disabled ]  MDEV-21491 galera.sql_log_bin
galera_3nodes.GAL-501                    [ disabled ]  MDEV-24645 galera_3nodes.GAL-501 MTR failed: failed to open gcomm backend connection: 110
galera_3nodes.galera_garbd               [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera_3nodes.galera_gtid_2_cluster      [ disabled ]  MDEV-23775 Galera test failure on galera_3nodes.galera_gtid_2_cluster
galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mariabackup    [ disabled ]  MDEV-24440: galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mariabackup MTR fails sporadically: Failed to read from: wsrep_sst_mariabackup --role 'donor' --address '[::1]:16028/xtrabackup_sst//1'
galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mariabackup_section [ disabled ]  MDEV-22195: galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mariabackup_section MTR failed: assert_grep.inc failed
galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mysqldump      [ disabled ]  MDEV-24036: galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_mysqldump: rare random crashes during shutdown
galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_rsync_section  [ disabled ]  MDEV-23580: galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_rsync_section MTR failed: WSREP_SST: [ERROR] rsync daemon port '16008' has been taken
galera_3nodes.galera_ist_gcache_rollover [ disabled ]  MDEV-23578 WSREP: exception caused by message: {v=0,t=1,ut=255,o=4,s=0,sr=0,as=1,f=6,src=50524cfe,srcvid=view_id(REG,50524cfe,4),insvid=view_id(UNKNOWN,00000000,0),ru=00000000,r=[-1,-1],fs=75,nl=(}
galera_3nodes.galera_load_data_ist       [ disabled ]  MDEV-24639 galera_3nodes.galera_load_data_ist MTR failed with SIGABRT: query 'reap' failed: 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
galera_3nodes.galera_pc_bootstrap        [ disabled ]  MDEV-24650 galera_pc_bootstrap MTR failed: Could not execute 'check-testcase' before testcase
galera_3nodes.galera_slave_options_do    [ disabled ]  MDEV-8798
galera_3nodes.galera_slave_options_ignore [ disabled ]  MDEV-8798
galera.galera#414                        [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_as_slave_nonprim           [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_autoinc_sst_mariabackup    [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_autoinc_sst_xtrabackup     [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_binlog_event_max_size_max  [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_gcache_recover             [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_gcache_recover_full_gcache [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_gcs_max_packet_size        [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_gtid_slave_sst_rsync       [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_innodb_flush_logs      [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_mariabackup            [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_mariabackup_innodb_flush_logs [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_mysqldump              [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_progress               [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_recv_bind              [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_restart_joiner         [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_rsync                  [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ist_xtrabackup-v2          [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_many_rows                  [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ssl                        [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_ssl_compression            [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_mariabackup            [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_mariabackup_lost_found [ skipped ]  Need socat or nc
galera.galera_sst_mariabackup_table_options [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_mysqldump              [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_mysqldump_with_key     [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_rsync                  [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_rsync_data_dir         [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_xtrabackup-v2-options  [ skipped ]  Need socat or nc
galera.galera_sst_xtrabackup-v2          [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_xtrabackup-v2_data_dir [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_sst_xtrabackup-v2_encrypt_with_key [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_wan_restart_ist            [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.galera_wan_restart_sst            [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.mysql-wsrep#33                    [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera_3nodes.galera_pc_weight           [ skipped ]  Test needs --big-test
galera.MW-86-wait1 'innodb'              w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 1390, winpid: 1390] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --log-bin --wsrep_forced_binlog_format=ROW' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row'
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 1468, winpid: 1468] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --log-bin --wsrep_forced_binlog_format=ROW' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row'
galera.galera_log_output_csv 'innodb'    w1 [ pass ]   2040
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 1392, winpid: 1392] - running with different options '--log-bin --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-output=TABLE --log-queries-not-using-indexes --general-log --slow-query-log'
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 1460, winpid: 1460] - running with different options '--log-bin --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-output=TABLE --log-queries-not-using-indexes --general-log --slow-query-log'
galera.galera_forced_binlog_format 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2057
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 1948, winpid: 1948] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-output=TABLE' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --log-bin --wsrep_forced_binlog_format=ROW'
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 2022, winpid: 2022] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-output=TABLE' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --log-bin --wsrep_forced_binlog_format=ROW'
galera.MDEV-22021 'binlogon,innodb'      w1 [ pass ]   2044
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 1951, winpid: 1951] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep-new-cluster' != '--log-bin --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual'
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 2026, winpid: 2026] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep-new-cluster' != '--log-bin --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual'
galera.galera_wsrep_new_cluster 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2670
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 2544, winpid: 2544] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep_notify_cmd=/usr/share/mysql-test/std_data/wsrep_notify.sh --wsrep-sync-wait=0' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep-new-cluster'
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 2618, winpid: 2618] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep_notify_cmd=/usr/share/mysql-test/std_data/wsrep_notify.sh --wsrep-sync-wait=0' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep-new-cluster'
galera.MW-44 'innodb'                    w2 [ pass ]   2046
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 2542, winpid: 2542] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-output=TABLE'
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 2614, winpid: 2614] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-output=TABLE'
galera.galera_var_notify_cmd 'innodb'    w1 [ pass ]   2032
worker[1] > Restart  - not started
worker[1] > Restart  - not started
galera.GAL-382 'innodb'                  w2 [ pass ]   2041
galera.galera_transaction_read_only 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2039
galera.galera_transaction_replay 'innodb' w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_trigger 'innodb'           w1 [ pass ]   2079
galera.galera_truncate 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   2074
galera.galera_truncate_temporary 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2074
galera.GAL-401 'innodb'                  w2 [ pass ]  17564
galera.galera_unicode_identifiers 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2061
galera.GAL-480 'innodb'                  w2 [ pass ]   2253
galera.galera_unicode_pk 'innodb'        w1 [ pass ]   2047
galera.MDEV-20225 'innodb'               w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_update_limit 'innodb'      w1 [ pass ]   2046
galera.MDEV-22021 'binlogoff,innodb'     w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.galera_var_OSU_method 'innodb'    w1 [ pass ]   2038
galera.MDEV-22707 'innodb'               w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_var_OSU_method2 'innodb'   w1 [ pass ]   2044
galera.MW-252 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   2145
galera.galera_var_auto_inc_control_off 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   4048
galera.galera_var_certify_nonPK_off 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2043
galera.MW-258 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]  10057
galera.MW-259 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   4053
galera.galera_var_cluster_address 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]  10188
galera.MW-285 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   2041
galera.MW-292 'innodb'                   w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_var_desync_on 'innodb'     w1 [ pass ]   3058
galera.MW-309 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   2045
galera.MW-328D 'innodb'                  w2 [ pass ]   4040
galera.galera_var_dirty_reads 'innodb'   w1 [ pass ]   8186
galera.MW-328E 'innodb'                  w2 [ pass ]   4034
galera.galera_var_fkchecks 'innodb'      w1 [ pass ]   2042
galera.MW-357 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   2028
galera.MW-369 'innodb'                   w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.MW-388 'innodb'                   w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.MW-402 'innodb'                   w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_var_innodb_disallow_writes 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]  10153
galera.MW-416 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   2037
galera.basic 'innodb'                    w2 [ pass ]   2106
galera.binlog_checksum 'innodb'          w2 [ pass ]   2115
galera.galera_var_max_ws_rows 'innodb'   w1 [ pass ]   6812
galera.create 'innodb'                   w2 [ pass ]   2080
galera.galera_var_max_ws_size 'innodb'   w1 [ pass ]   2032
galera.enforce_storage_engine 'innodb'   w2 [ pass ]   2036
galera.galera_var_mysql_replication_bundle 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2028
galera.ev51914 'innodb'                  w2 [ pass ]   2127
galera.fk 'innodb'                       w2 [ pass ]   2209
galera.galera_var_reject_queries 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   4041
galera.galera#500 'innodb'               w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_var_replicate_myisam_off 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2023
galera.galera#505 'innodb'               w2 [ pass ]   2028
galera.galera_var_replicate_myisam_on 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2065
galera.galera_FK_duplicate_client_insert 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2303
galera.galera_var_retry_autocommit 'innodb' w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_UK_conflict 'innodb'       w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_admin 'innodb'             w2 [ pass ]   3463
galera.galera_alter_engine_innodb 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2046
galera.galera_alter_engine_myisam 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2049
galera.galera_var_slave_threads 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2316
worker[1] > Restart  - not started
worker[1] > Restart  - not started
galera.galera_alter_table_force 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2034
galera.galera_applier_ftwrl_table 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2039
galera.galera_bf_abort 'innodb'          w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.galera_var_sync_wait 'innodb'     w1 [ pass ]   2050
galera.galera_bf_abort_flush_for_export 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.galera_var_wsrep_on_off 'innodb'  w1 [ pass ]   2032
galera.galera_bf_abort_for_update 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2044
galera.galera_wsrep_provider_options_syntax 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2040
galera.galera_bf_abort_ftwrl 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2045
galera.galera_bf_abort_get_lock 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   3036
galera.galera_bf_abort_lock_table 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2052
galera.galera_bf_abort_sleep 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.galera_wsrep_provider_unset_set 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]  11221
galera.galera_binlog_cache_size 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   3049
galera.galera_zero_length_column 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2048
galera.galera_binlog_row_image 'innodb'  w2 [ pass ]   2085
galera.grant 'innodb'                    w1 [ pass ]   2021
galera.lp1276424 'innodb'                w1 [ pass ]   2036
galera.lp1347768 'innodb'                w1 [ pass ]   2048
galera.lp1376747 'innodb'                w1 [ pass ]   4080
galera.lp1376747-2 'innodb'              w1 [ pass ]   2064
galera.lp1376747-3 'innodb'              w1 [ pass ]   2061
galera.galera_concurrent_ctas 'innodb'   w2 [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2021-01-26 10:14:14

CURRENT_TEST: galera.galera_concurrent_ctas
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Server [mysqld.2 - pid: 3259, winpid: 3259, exit: 256] failed during test run
Server log from this test:
----------SERVER LOG START-----------
mysqld: /home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.2.37/sql/sql_class.cc:1696: void THD::awake(killed_state): Assertion `(&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->count > 0 && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->thread)' failed.
210126 10:13:59 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.

To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs

We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, 
something is definitely wrong and this may fail.

Server version: 10.2.37-MariaDB-debug-log
It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 63104 K  bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Thread pointer: 0x562f58018070
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
stack_bottom = 0x7f6585c20ca8 thread_stack 0x49000
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3828697) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014757) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2758475) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3571674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6514020) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1862285386) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25509216) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6579297) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (29426177) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (218205184) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (653868338) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (648179286) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (643597606) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (659073890) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2360880) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7173491) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3828697) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014757) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2758475) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3571674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6514020) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1862285386) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25509216) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/handler.cc:6327(ha_abort_transaction(THD*, THD*, char))[0x562f4e70916c]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6579297) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (29426177) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (218205184) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (653868338) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (648179286) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (643597606) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (659073890) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2360880) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7173491) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/wsrep_thd.cc:829(wsrep_abort_thd(void*, void*, char))[0x562f4e5b6dee]
sql/wsrep_mysqld.cc:2062(wsrep_grant_mdl_exception(MDL_context*, MDL_ticket*, MDL_key const*))[0x562f4e5b8831]
sql/mdl.cc:1592(MDL_lock::can_grant_lock(enum_mdl_type, MDL_context*, bool) const)[0x562f4e5b9a44]
sql/mdl.cc:1923(MDL_context::try_acquire_lock_impl(MDL_request*, MDL_ticket**))[0x562f4e6a5451]
sql/mdl.cc:2067(MDL_context::acquire_lock(MDL_request*, double))[0x562f4e6a679e]
sql/mdl.cc:2258(MDL_context::acquire_locks(I_P_List<MDL_request, I_P_List_adapter<MDL_request, &MDL_request::next_in_list, &MDL_request::prev_in_list>, I_P_List_counter, I_P_List_no_push_back<MDL_request> >*, double))[0x562f4e6135ef]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2036689706) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2147683520) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744920) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2734883727) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744920) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2036689706) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/sql_base.cc:3831(lock_table_names(THD*, DDL_options_st const&, TABLE_LIST*, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned long, unsigned int))[0x562f4e614ca9]
sql/sql_base.cc:4051(open_tables(THD*, DDL_options_st const&, TABLE_LIST**, unsigned int*, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*))[0x562f4e8f4c57]
sql/sql_base.cc:4880(open_and_lock_tables(THD*, DDL_options_st const&, TABLE_LIST*, bool, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*))[0x562f4e8f558a]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3942842858) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4194501786) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2902655674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2634219970) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/sql_base.h:500(mysql_create_table(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, Table_specification_st*, Alter_info*))[0x562f4e77a620]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7628147) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3942842858) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7628147) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2542797623) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2046831943) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (28542252) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2255815426) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
src/trx_handle.cpp:312(galera::TrxHandle::apply(void*, wsrep_cb_status (*)(void*, void const*, unsigned long, unsigned int, wsrep_trx_meta const*), wsrep_trx_meta const&) const)[0x7f658044dd68]
src/replicator_smm.cpp:92(apply_trx_ws(void*, wsrep_cb_status (*)(void*, void const*, unsigned long, unsigned int, wsrep_trx_meta const*), wsrep_cb_status (*)(void*, unsigned int, wsrep_trx_meta const*, bool*, bool), galera::TrxHandle const&, wsrep_trx_meta const&))[0x7f6580452fe3]
src/replicator_smm.cpp:458(galera::ReplicatorSMM::apply_trx(void*, galera::TrxHandle*))[0x7f658045606c]
src/replicator_smm.cpp:1258(galera::ReplicatorSMM::process_trx(void*, galera::TrxHandle*))[0x7f658045928e]
src/gcs_action_source.cpp:116(galera::GcsActionSource::dispatch(void*, gcs_action const&, bool&))[0x7f65804813f8]
src/gcs_action_source.cpp:28(galera::GcsActionSource::process(void*, bool&))[0x7f6580482aec]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3828697) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014757) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2758475) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3571674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6514020) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1862285386) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25509216) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6579297) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (29426177) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (218205184) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (653868338) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (648179286) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (643597606) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (659073890) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2360880) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7173491) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).

Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.
Query (0x562f59b9ebbb): CREATE TABLE `t1` (
  `SLEEP(0)` bigint(21) NOT NULL

Connection ID (thread ID): 1

Optimizer switch: index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,index_merge_sort_intersection=off,engine_condition_pushdown=off,index_condition_pushdown=on,derived_merge=on,derived_with_keys=on,firstmatch=on,loosescan=on,materialization=on,in_to_exists=on,semijoin=on,partial_match_rowid_merge=on,partial_match_table_scan=on,subquery_cache=on,mrr=off,mrr_cost_based=off,mrr_sort_keys=off,outer_join_with_cache=on,semijoin_with_cache=on,join_cache_incremental=on,join_cache_hashed=on,join_cache_bka=on,optimize_join_buffer_size=off,table_elimination=on,extended_keys=on,exists_to_in=on,orderby_uses_equalities=on,condition_pushdown_for_derived=on

The manual page at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.
Writing a core file...
Working directory at /dev/shm/var/2/mysqld.2/data
Resource Limits:
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit           Units     
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited            seconds   
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max stack size            8388608              unlimited            bytes     
Max core file size        unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max resident set          unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max processes             4096                 23142                processes 
Max open files            1024                 1024                 files     
Max locked memory         65536                65536                bytes     
Max address space         unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max file locks            unlimited            unlimited            locks     
Max pending signals       23142                23142                signals   
Max msgqueue size         819200               819200               bytes     
Max nice priority         0                    0                    
Max realtime priority     0                    0                    
Max realtime timeout      unlimited            unlimited            us        
Core pattern: core

----------SERVER LOG END-------------

 - found 'core.3261' (0/0)

Trying 'dbx' to get a backtrace
gdb not found, cannot get the stack trace
 - deleting it, already saved 0
 - saving '/dev/shm/var/2/log/galera.galera_concurrent_ctas-innodb/' to '/dev/shm/var/log/galera.galera_concurrent_ctas-innodb/'

Retrying test galera.galera_concurrent_ctas, attempt(2/3)...

worker[2] > Restart  - not started
worker[2] > Restart  - not started
***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown after running tests: galera.galera_concurrent_ctas galera.GAL-382 galera.MW-402 galera.MDEV-22021 galera.MW-285 galera.enforce_storage_engine galera.galera_alter_engine_innodb galera.galera_binlog_cache_size galera.galera_bf_abort_lock_table galera.binlog_checksum galera.galera_FK_duplicate_client_insert galera.create galera.MW-258 galera.galera_admin galera.GAL-401 galera.MW-357 galera.galera_alter_engine_myisam galera.MW-292 galera.galera_bf_abort galera.galera_bf_abort_flush_for_export galera.galera_bf_abort_ftwrl galera.MW-388 galera.MW-328E galera.galera_bf_abort_for_update galera.MW-369 galera.galera_applier_ftwrl_table galera.galera_bf_abort_get_lock galera.MW-252 galera.MDEV-22707 galera.fk galera.galera_alter_table_force galera.galera_binlog_row_image galera.GAL-480 galera.ev51914 galera.galera_bf_abort_sleep galera.MW-328D galera.MDEV-20225 galera.MW-416 galera.basic galera.MW-309 galera.galera#505 galera.MW-259 galera.galera#500 galera.galera_UK_conflict

mysqld: /home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.2.37/sql/sql_class.cc:1696: void THD::awake(killed_state): Assertion `(&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->count > 0 && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->thread)' failed.
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out

galera.lp1376747-4 'innodb'              w1 [ pass ]   3089
galera.lp1438990 'innodb'                w1 [ pass ]   2056
galera.lp959512 'innodb'                 w1 [ pass ]   2065
galera.galera_concurrent_ctas 'innodb'   w2 [ retry-pass ]   3526

Retrying test galera.galera_concurrent_ctas, attempt(3/3)...

galera.galera_concurrent_ctas 'innodb'   w2 [ retry-pass ]   3875
galera.galera_create_function 'innodb'   w2 [ pass ]   2046
galera.galera_create_procedure 'innodb'  w2 [ pass ]   2054
galera.galera_create_table_like 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2068
galera.galera_create_trigger 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2104
galera.galera_ddl_multiline 'innodb'     w2 [ pass ]   2273
galera.mdev-22543 'innodb'               w1 [ pass ]  21188
galera.galera_defaults 'innodb'          w2 [ pass ]   2052
galera.mdev_9290 'innodb'                w1 [ pass ]   2048
galera.galera_delete_limit 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   2076
galera.mysql-wsrep#110 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   2059
galera.galera_desync_overlapped 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   3151
galera.mysql-wsrep#198 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   2158
galera.mysql-wsrep#237 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   3043
galera.mysql-wsrep#247 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   3041
galera.galera_drop_database 'innodb'     w2 [ pass ]  10410
galera.galera_drop_multi 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   2054
galera.galera_enum 'innodb'              w2 [ pass ]   2061
galera.mysql-wsrep#31 'innodb'           w1 [ pass ]  10783
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 6610, winpid: 6610] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep-start-position=22d26441-5fbf-11eb-a0d1-4a28e07af2c4:111'
galera.galera_events 'innodb'            w2 [ pass ]   3045
galera.mysql-wsrep#332 'innodb'          w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.mysql-wsrep#90 'innodb'           w1 [ pass ]   2066
galera.galera_events2 'innodb'           w2 [ pass ]  18012
galera.galera_fk_cascade_delete 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2071
galera.galera_fk_cascade_delete_debug 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2077
galera.pxc-421 'innodb'                  w1 [ pass ]  11222
galera.galera_fk_cascade_update 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2049
galera.rename 'innodb'                   w1 [ pass ]   2040
galera.galera_fk_conflict 'innodb'       w2 [ pass ]   2043
galera.unique_key 'innodb'               w1 [ pass ]   2101
galera.galera_fk_mismatch 'innodb'       w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.view 'innodb'                     w1 [ pass ]   2045
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 4823, winpid: 4823] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 6677, winpid: 6677] - using different config file
galera.galera_fk_multicolumn 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2053
galera.galera_fk_multitable 'innodb'     w2 [ pass ]   2040
galera.galera_fk_no_pk 'innodb'          w2 [ pass ]   2045
galera.galera_fk_selfreferential 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2030
galera.galera_fk_setnull 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   2037
galera.galera_ftwrl 'innodb'             w2 [ pass ]   4037
galera.galera_ftwrl_drain 'innodb'       w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.MDEV-24327 'innodb'               w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 7473, winpid: 7473] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 7520, winpid: 7520] - using different config file
galera.galera_gcs_fc_limit 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   3049
galera.galera_gra_log 'innodb'           w2 [ pass ]   2076
galera.galera_insert_ignore 'innodb'     w2 [ pass ]   2051
galera.galera_insert_multi 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   2082
galera.galera_kill_applier 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   2050
worker[2] > Restart  - not started
worker[2] > Restart  - not started
galera.MW-284 'innodb'                   w1 [ pass ]  11590
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 7846, winpid: 7846] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 7891, winpid: 7891] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 7895, winpid: 7895] - using different config file
galera.MW-313 'innodb'                   w1 [ pass ]   2055
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 8460, winpid: 8460] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 8497, winpid: 8497] - using different config file
galera.galera_kill_ddl 'innodb'          w2 [ pass ]  22723
galera.MW-336 'innodb'                   w1 [ pass ]   2418
worker[1] > Restart  - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart  - using different config file
galera.galera_kill_nochanges 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]  18652
galera.MW-86-wait8 'innodb'              w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 9282, winpid: 9282] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 9319, winpid: 9319] - using different config file
galera.enforce_storage_engine2 'innodb'  w1 [ pass ]   2036
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 9798, winpid: 9798] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 9834, winpid: 9834] - using different config file
galera.galera_kill_smallchanges 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]  21785
galera.galera_lock_table 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   4046
galera.galera_many_indexes 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   2411
galera.galera_mdev_10812 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   6037
galera.galera_multi_database 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2044
galera.galera_myisam_autocommit 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2031
galera.galera_applier_ftwrl_table_alter 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   8056
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 10319, winpid: 10319] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 10355, winpid: 10355] - using different config file
galera.galera_myisam_transactions 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2033
galera.galera_nopk_bit 'innodb'          w2 [ pass ]   2052
galera.galera_nopk_blob 'innodb'         w2 [ pass ]   2034
galera.galera_nopk_large_varchar 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2050
galera.galera_nopk_unicode 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   2033
galera.galera_parallel_apply_lock_table 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   4048
galera.galera_as_master 'innodb'         w1 [ pass ]   2801
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 10736, winpid: 10736] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 10773, winpid: 10773] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 10775, winpid: 10775] - using different config file
galera.galera_as_master_large 'innodb'   w1 [ pass ]   2065
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 11116, winpid: 11116] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 11153, winpid: 11153] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 11155, winpid: 11155] - using different config file
galera.galera_as_slave 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   3050
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 11455, winpid: 11455] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 11457, winpid: 11457] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 11521, winpid: 11521] - using different config file
galera.galera_pc_ignore_sb 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]  23702
galera.galera_performance_schema 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2059
galera.galera_pk_bigint_signed 'innodb'  w2 [ pass ]   2032
galera.galera_pk_bigint_unsigned 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2029
galera.galera_prepared_statement 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2070
galera.galera_read_only 'innodb'         w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.galera_repl_key_format_flat16 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2036
galera.galera_as_slave_autoinc 'innodb'  w1 [ pass ]   3152
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 12084, winpid: 12084] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 12086, winpid: 12086] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 12152, winpid: 12152] - using different config file
galera.galera_repl_max_ws_size 'innodb'  w2 [ pass ]   2040
galera.galera_restart_nochanges 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   8485
galera.galera_as_slave_ctas 'innodb'     w1 [ pass ]   3021
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 12538, winpid: 12538] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 12543, winpid: 12543] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 12621, winpid: 12621] - using different config file
galera.galera_as_slave_gtid 'innodb'     w1 [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2021-01-26 10:19:35

CURRENT_TEST: galera.galera_as_slave_gtid
mysqltest: In included file "./include/wait_condition.inc": 
included from /usr/share/mysql-test/suite/galera/t/galera_as_slave_gtid.test at line 32:
At line 43: query 'let $success= `$wait_condition`' failed with wrong errno 2013: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query', instead of 0...

The result from queries just before the failure was:
connect node_2a,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_2;
connection node_2;
connection node_1;
SELECT LENGTH(@@global.gtid_binlog_state) > 1;
LENGTH(@@global.gtid_binlog_state) > 1
connection node_2;

Server [mysqld.2 - pid: 12901, winpid: 12901, exit: 256] failed during test run
Server log from this test:
----------SERVER LOG START-----------
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] WSREP: option --wsrep-causal-reads is deprecated
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] WSREP: --wsrep-causal-reads=ON takes precedence over --wsrep-sync-wait=0. WSREP_SYNC_WAIT_BEFORE_READ is on
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 10.2.37-MariaDB-debug-log) starting as process 12902 ...
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than 1024 (request: 32186)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] Changed limits: max_open_files: 1024  max_connections: 151 (was 151)  table_cache: 421 (was 2000)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] WSREP: wsrep_sst_receive_address is set to '' which makes it impossible for another host to reach this one. Please set it to the address which this node can be connected at by other cluster members.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so'
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 3.32(rf74c6d3) by Codership Oy <info@codership.com> loaded successfully.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using "slicing-by-8" algorithm.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] WSREP: Could not open state file for reading: '/dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data//grastate.dat'
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data/; base_host =; base_port = 16003; cert.log_conflicts = no; cert.optimistic_pa = yes; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 10M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.v
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab()
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Start replication
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: (f1c2af46, 'tcp://') listening at tcp://
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: (f1c2af46, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'my_wsrep_cluster', peer ''
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: start_prim is enabled, turn off pc_recovery
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Node f1c2af46 state prim
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,f1c2af46,1) memb {
} joined {
} left {
} partitioned {
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'my_wsrep_cluster'
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 0, memb_num = 1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Starting new group from scratch: f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE_EXCHANGE: sent state UUID: f1c2f861-5fbf-11eb-8cb5-ff3abe5a5640
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: f1c2f861-5fbf-11eb-8cb5-ff3abe5a5640
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: f1c2f861-5fbf-11eb-8cb5-ff3abe5a5640 from 0 (centos74-amd64)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results:
	version    = 6,
	component  = PRIMARY,
	conf_id    = 0,
	members    = 1/1 (joined/total),
	act_id     = 0,
	last_appl. = -1,
	protocols  = 0/9/3 (gcs/repl/appl),
	group UUID = f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [16, 16]
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Restored state OPEN -> JOINED (0)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.0 (centos74-amd64) synced with group.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Shifting JOINED -> SYNCED (TO: 0)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 9 (4, 2)
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074:0, view# 1: Primary, number of nodes: 1, my index: 0, protocol version 3
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] WSREP: SST complete, seqno: 0
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'SEQUENCE' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'partition' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: !!!!!!!! UNIV_DEBUG switched on !!!!!!!!!
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.7
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Using generic crc32 instructions
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, total size = 8M, instances = 1, chunk size = 8M
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052620752640 [Note] InnoDB: If the mysqld execution user is authorized, page cleaner thread priority can be changed. See the man page of setpriority().
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: 128 out of 128 rollback segments are active.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Creating shared tablespace for temporary tables
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Setting file './ibtmp1' size to 12 MB. Physically writing the file full; Please wait ...
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: File './ibtmp1' size is now 12 MB.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] InnoDB: 5.7.33 started; log sequence number 1628836
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052528432896 [Note] InnoDB: Loading buffer pool(s) from /dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data/ib_buffer_pool
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052528432896 [Note] InnoDB: Buffer pool(s) load completed at 210126 10:19:16
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_MUTEXES' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_CMP' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_FT_DELETED' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_CMP_RESET' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_LOCK_WAITS' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX_RESET' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'user_variables' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_FT_INDEX_CACHE' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_FT_BEING_DELETED' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_FT_CONFIG' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_TABLESPACES_SCRUBBING' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Plugin 'INNODB_SYS_SEMAPHORE_WAITS' is disabled.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Warning] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--loose-pam-debug'
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 0, protocol version: 4
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052705068800 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074:0
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: Synchronized with group, ready for connections
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Reading of all Master_info entries succeeded
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] Added new Master_info '' to hash table
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052808165696 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '10.2.37-MariaDB-debug-log'  socket: '/dev/shm/var/tmp/1/mysqld.2.sock'  port: 16001  MariaDB Server
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: (f1c2af46, 'tcp://') connection established to f1fba751 tcp://
2021-01-26 10:19:16 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: (f1c2af46, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: declaring f1fba751 at tcp:// stable
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: Node f1c2af46 state prim
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,f1c2af46,2) memb {
} joined {
} left {
} partitioned {
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 0, memb_num = 2
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE_EXCHANGE: sent state UUID: f2486989-5fbf-11eb-9734-e206b2da97bc
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: f2486989-5fbf-11eb-9734-e206b2da97bc
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: f2486989-5fbf-11eb-9734-e206b2da97bc from 0 (centos74-amd64)
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: f2486989-5fbf-11eb-9734-e206b2da97bc from 1 (centos74-amd64)
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results:
	version    = 6,
	component  = PRIMARY,
	conf_id    = 1,
	members    = 1/2 (joined/total),
	act_id     = 0,
	last_appl. = 0,
	protocols  = 0/9/3 (gcs/repl/appl),
	group UUID = f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [23, 23]
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 9 (4, 2)
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074:0, view# 2: Primary, number of nodes: 2, my index: 0, protocol version 3
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 0, protocol version: 4
2021-01-26 10:19:17 140052705068800 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.0 (centos74-amd64) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (centos74-amd64)(SYNCED) as donor.
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Shifting SYNCED -> DONOR/DESYNCED (TO: 0)
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052486166272 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'donor' --address '' --socket '/dev/shm/var/tmp/1/mysqld.2.sock' --datadir '/dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data/' --defaults-file '/dev/shm/var/1/my.cnf' --defaults-group-suffix '.2' --gtid 'f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074:0' --gtid-domain-id '0' --binlog 'mysqld-bin' --mysqld-args --defaults-group-suffix=.2 --defaults-file=/dev/shm/var/1/my.cnf --log-output=file --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --core-file --loose-debug-sync-timeout=300'
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: sst_donor_thread signaled with 0
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052486166272 [Note] WSREP: Flushing tables for SST...
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052486166272 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at f1c2f58e-5fbf-11eb-9cea-bb907d4ac074:0 (5)
2021-01-26 10:19:18 140052486166272 [Note] WSREP: Tables flushed.
WSREP_SST: [INFO] Preparing binlog files for transfer: (20210126 10:19:18.526)
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052486166272 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 5
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052486166272 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: 0.0 (centos74-amd64): State transfer to 1.0 (centos74-amd64) complete.
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Shifting DONOR/DESYNCED -> JOINED (TO: 0)
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Member 0.0 (centos74-amd64) synced with group.
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Shifting JOINED -> SYNCED (TO: 0)
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: Synchronized with group, ready for connections
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052807849728 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
2021-01-26 10:19:19 140052696676096 [Note] WSREP: (f1c2af46, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off
2021-01-26 10:19:21 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: 1.0 (centos74-amd64): State transfer from 0.0 (centos74-amd64) complete.
2021-01-26 10:19:21 140052688283392 [Note] WSREP: Member 1.0 (centos74-amd64) synced with group.
2021-01-26 10:19:23 140052477773568 [Note] Master connection name: ''  Master_info_file: 'master.info'  Relay_info_file: 'relay-log.info'
2021-01-26 10:19:23 140052477773568 [Note] 'CHANGE MASTER TO executed'. Previous state master_host='', master_port='3306', master_log_file='', master_log_pos='4'. New state master_host='', master_port='16000', master_log_file='', master_log_pos='4'.
2021-01-26 10:19:23 140052477167360 [Note] WSREP: ready state reached
2021-01-26 10:19:23 140052477167360 [Note] Slave SQL thread initialized, starting replication in log 'FIRST' at position 0, relay log './mysqld-relay-bin.000001' position: 4
2021-01-26 10:19:23 140052477470464 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'root@',replication started in log 'FIRST' at position 4
mysqld: /home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.2.37/sql/sql_class.cc:1696: void THD::awake(killed_state): Assertion `(&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->count > 0 && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->thread)' failed.
210126 10:19:23 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.

To report this bug, see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/reporting-bugs

We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
diagnose the problem, but since we have already crashed, 
something is definitely wrong and this may fail.

Server version: 10.2.37-MariaDB-debug-log
It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 63104 K  bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Thread pointer: 0x55cf425da070
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
stack_bottom = 0x7f608226b4d0 thread_stack 0x49000
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3828697) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014757) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2758475) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3571674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6514020) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1862285386) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25509216) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6579297) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (29426177) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (218205184) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (653868338) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (648179286) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (643597606) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (659073890) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2360880) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7173491) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3828697) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014757) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2758475) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3571674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6514020) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1862285386) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25509216) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/handler.cc:6327(ha_abort_transaction(THD*, THD*, char))[0x55cf376b4399]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6579297) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (29426177) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (218205184) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (18547037) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (653868338) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (648179286) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (643597606) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (659073890) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2360880) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7173491) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/wsrep_thd.cc:829(wsrep_abort_thd(void*, void*, char))[0x55cf3765079e]
sql/wsrep_mysqld.cc:2062(wsrep_grant_mdl_exception(MDL_context*, MDL_ticket*, MDL_key const*))[0x55cf375bd5ef]
sql/mdl.cc:1592(MDL_lock::can_grant_lock(enum_mdl_type, MDL_context*, bool) const)[0x55cf375beca9]
sql/mdl.cc:1923(MDL_context::try_acquire_lock_impl(MDL_request*, MDL_ticket**))[0x55cf3789ec57]
sql/mdl.cc:2067(MDL_context::acquire_lock(MDL_request*, double))[0x55cf3789f58a]
sql/mdl.cc:2258(MDL_context::acquire_locks(I_P_List<MDL_request, I_P_List_adapter<MDL_request, &MDL_request::next_in_list, &MDL_request::prev_in_list>, I_P_List_counter, I_P_List_no_push_back<MDL_request> >*, double))[0x55cf3751d9ed]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2036689706) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2147683520) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744920) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2734883727) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744920) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2036689706) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2684553613) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (1201744921) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
sql/sql_base.cc:3831(lock_table_names(THD*, DDL_options_st const&, TABLE_LIST*, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned long, unsigned int))[0x55cf37523de3]
sql/sql_base.cc:4051(open_tables(THD*, DDL_options_st const&, TABLE_LIST**, unsigned int*, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*))[0x55cf37525899]
sql/sql_base.cc:4880(open_and_lock_tables(THD*, DDL_options_st const&, TABLE_LIST*, bool, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*))[0x55cf37d9ea56]
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3942842858) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4194501786) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2902655674) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (6516329) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2634219970) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7628147) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3942842858) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (4211278330) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (7628147) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2542797623) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2046831943) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (28542252) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3014388) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2215773) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27362604) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2255815426) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3106628) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (3242692) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (950403185) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (31850752) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (3950432).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25953132) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25953132) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25953132) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (25953132) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2818769540) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (759669114) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2818769540) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (759669114) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2818769540) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (759669114) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27919130) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27919130) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (27919130) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).
addr2line: Dwarf Error: Offset (2967457) greater than or equal to .debug_str size (133394).

Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.
Query (0x55cf3ef3fedb): CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB

Connection ID (thread ID): 17

Optimizer switch: index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,index_merge_sort_intersection=off,engine_condition_pushdown=off,index_condition_pushdown=on,derived_merge=on,derived_with_keys=on,firstmatch=on,loosescan=on,materialization=on,in_to_exists=on,semijoin=on,partial_match_rowid_merge=on,partial_match_table_scan=on,subquery_cache=on,mrr=off,mrr_cost_based=off,mrr_sort_keys=off,outer_join_with_cache=on,semijoin_with_cache=on,join_cache_incremental=on,join_cache_hashed=on,join_cache_bka=on,optimize_join_buffer_size=off,table_elimination=on,extended_keys=on,exists_to_in=on,orderby_uses_equalities=on,condition_pushdown_for_derived=on

The manual page at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/how-to-produce-a-full-stack-trace-for-mysqld/ contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.
Writing a core file...
Working directory at /dev/shm/var/1/mysqld.2/data
Resource Limits:
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit           Units     
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited            seconds   
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max stack size            8388608              unlimited            bytes     
Max core file size        unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max resident set          unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max processes             4096                 23142                processes 
Max open files            1024                 1024                 files     
Max locked memory         65536                65536                bytes     
Max address space         unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max file locks            unlimited            unlimited            locks     
Max pending signals       23142                23142                signals   
Max msgqueue size         819200               819200               bytes     
Max nice priority         0                    0                    
Max realtime priority     0                    0                    
Max realtime timeout      unlimited            unlimited            us        
Core pattern: core

----------SERVER LOG END-------------

 - found 'core.12902' (0/0)

Trying 'dbx' to get a backtrace
gdb not found, cannot get the stack trace
 - deleting it, already saved 0
 - skipping '/dev/shm/var/1/log/galera.galera_as_slave_gtid-innodb/'

Retrying test galera.galera_as_slave_gtid, attempt(2/3)...

worker[1] > Restart  - not started
worker[1] > Restart  - not started
worker[1] > Restart  - not started
***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown after running tests: galera.galera_as_slave_gtid

mysqld: /home/buildbot/buildbot/padding_for_CPACK_RPM_BUILD_SOURCE_DIRS_PREFIX/mariadb-10.2.37/sql/sql_class.cc:1696: void THD::awake(killed_state): Assertion `(&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->count > 0 && pthread_equal(pthread_self(), (&(&LOCK_thd_data)->m_mutex)->thread)' failed.
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out

galera.galera_as_slave_gtid 'innodb'     w1 [ retry-pass ]   3167

Retrying test galera.galera_as_slave_gtid, attempt(3/3)...

galera.galera_as_slave_gtid 'innodb'     w1 [ retry-pass ]   3152
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 13229, winpid: 13229] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 13231, winpid: 13231] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 13301, winpid: 13301] - using different config file
galera.galera_as_slave_gtid_myisam 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   3807
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 13811, winpid: 13811] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 13813, winpid: 13813] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 13877, winpid: 13877] - using different config file
galera.galera_restart_on_unknown_option 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]  82074
galera.galera_as_slave_replay 'innodb'   w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 14157, winpid: 14157] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 14159, winpid: 14159] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 14263, winpid: 14263] - using different config file
galera.galera_roles 'innodb'             w2 [ pass ]   5113
galera.galera_rsu_error 'innodb'         w2 [ pass ]   2049
galera.galera_rsu_simple 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   2041
galera.galera_rsu_wsrep_desync 'innodb'  w2 [ pass ]   4193
galera.galera_sbr 'innodb'               w2 [ pass ]   2033
galera.galera_schema_dirty_reads 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2023
galera.galera_bf_background_statistics 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   3931
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 14737, winpid: 14737] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 14773, winpid: 14773] - using different config file
galera.galera_serializable 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   6051
galera.galera_server 'innodb'            w2 [ pass ]   2024
galera.galera_sp_bf_abort 'innodb'       w2 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera.galera_binlog_checksum 'innodb'   w1 [ pass ]   2037
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 15114, winpid: 15114] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 15150, winpid: 15150] - using different config file
galera.galera_binlog_event_max_size_min 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2028
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 15602, winpid: 15602] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 15638, winpid: 15638] - using different config file
galera.galera_split_brain 'innodb'       w2 [ pass ]  33143
galera.galera_sql_log_bin_zero 'innodb'  w2 [ pass ]   2032
galera.galera_status_cluster 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2025
galera.galera_status_local_index 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2040
galera.galera_status_local_state 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2038
galera.galera_encrypt_tmp_files 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2237
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 15909, winpid: 15909] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 15948, winpid: 15948] - using different config file
galera.galera_flush_local 'innodb'       w1 [ pass ]   4623
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 16265, winpid: 16265] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 16301, winpid: 16301] - using different config file
galera.galera_suspend_slave 'innodb'     w2 [ pass ]  26438
galera.galera_sync_wait_show 'innodb'    w2 [ pass ]   2054
galera.galera_toi_alter_auto_increment 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   4109
galera.galera_gcs_fragment 'innodb'      w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 16576, winpid: 16576] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 16612, winpid: 16612] - using different config file
galera.galera_toi_ddl_locking 'innodb'   w2 [ pass ]   5059
galera.galera_toi_ddl_nonconflicting 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2056
galera.galera_toi_ddl_sequential 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   2049
galera.galera_gtid 'innodb'              w1 [ pass ]   2037
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 16916, winpid: 16916] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 16953, winpid: 16953] - using different config file
galera.galera_gtid_slave 'innodb'        w1 [ pass ]   2894
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 17201, winpid: 17201] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 17203, winpid: 17203] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 17267, winpid: 17267] - using different config file
galera.galera_toi_drop_database 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]  38840
galera.galera_toi_ftwrl 'innodb'         w2 [ pass ]   2042
galera.galera_toi_lock_exclusive 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]   3062
galera.galera_load_data 'innodb'         w1 [ pass ]   2156
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 17557, winpid: 17557] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 17595, winpid: 17595] - using different config file
galera.galera_toi_lock_shared 'innodb'   w2 [ pass ]   2042
galera.galera_toi_truncate 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   2059
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 8178, winpid: 8178] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 15391, winpid: 15391] - using different config file
galera.galera_mdev_13787 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   2040
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 18121, winpid: 18121] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 18157, winpid: 18157] - using different config file
galera.galera_log_bin 'innodb'           w1 [ pass ]   2280
worker[1] > Restart  - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart  - using different config file
galera.galera_query_cache 'innodb'       w1 [ pass ]   2059
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 18473, winpid: 18473] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 18509, winpid: 18509] - using different config file
galera.galera_mdev_15611 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   2291
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 18677, winpid: 18677] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 18714, winpid: 18714] - using different config file
galera.galera_query_cache_sync_wait 'innodb' w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 19022, winpid: 19022] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 19058, winpid: 19058] - using different config file
galera.galera_sbr_binlog 'innodb'        w2 [ pass ]   2039
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 19225, winpid: 19225] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 19264, winpid: 19264] - using different config file
galera.galera_slave_replay 'innodb'      w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 19575, winpid: 19575] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 19577, winpid: 19577] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 19641, winpid: 19641] - using different config file
File /usr/share/mysql-test/suite/galera/r/galera_sst_rsync2.result is read-only; trying to patch anyway
galera.galera_v1_row_events 'innodb'     w1 [ pass ]   2038
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 20182, winpid: 20182] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 20218, winpid: 20218] - using different config file
galera.galera_var_auto_inc_control_on 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2060
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 20919, winpid: 20919] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 20955, winpid: 20955] - using different config file
galera.galera_var_gtid_domain_id 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2963
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 21457, winpid: 21457] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 21494, winpid: 21494] - using different config file
galera.galera_sst_rsync2 'debug,innodb'  w2 [ pass ]  54780
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 19814, winpid: 19814] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 21775, winpid: 21775] - using different config file
galera.galera_var_log_bin 'innodb'       w1 [ pass ]   2033
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 22029, winpid: 22029] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 22066, winpid: 22066] - using different config file
galera.galera_var_sst_auth 'innodb'      w2 [ pass ]   9481
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 22251, winpid: 22251] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 22589, winpid: 22589] - using different config file
galera.galera_wsrep_log_conficts 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   2083
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 22594, winpid: 22594] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 22630, winpid: 22630] - using different config file
galera.mdev_10518 'innodb'               w2 [ pass ]   2834
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 22911, winpid: 22911] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 22948, winpid: 22948] - using different config file
galera.mysql-wsrep#201 'innodb'          w1 [ pass ]   3195
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 23193, winpid: 23193] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 23229, winpid: 23229] - using different config file
galera.rpl_row_annotate 'innodb'         w2 [ pass ]   2066
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 23480, winpid: 23480] - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 23517, winpid: 23517] - using different config file
galera_3nodes.galera_certification_ccc 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]  18074
galera_3nodes.galera_certification_double_failure 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   3049
galera_3nodes.galera_ipv6_rsync 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]  13509
worker[2] > Restart  - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart  - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart  - using different config file
galera_3nodes.galera_evs_suspect_timeout 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]  16972
galera_3nodes.galera_join_with_cc_A 'innodb' w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera_3nodes.galera_join_with_cc_B 'innodb' w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera_3nodes.galera_join_with_cc_C 'innodb' w1 [ skipped ]  Test requires Galera debug library with debug_sync functionality
galera_3nodes.galera_parallel_apply_3nodes 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]   3049
galera_3nodes.galera_var_dirty_reads2 'innodb' w1 [ pass ]  19319
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 23762, winpid: 23762] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 23764, winpid: 23764] - using different config file
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.3 - pid: 23766, winpid: 23766] - using different config file
wsrep.pool_of_threads 'innodb'           w1 [ pass ]     19
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 25630, winpid: 25630] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row --innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm://' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row --innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm:// --thread_handling=pool-of-threads --wsrep-on=1'
wsrep.foreign_key 'innodb'               w1 [ pass ]     36
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 25760, winpid: 25760] - running with different options '--log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row --innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm:// --wsrep-on=1' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row --innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm://'
wsrep.binlog_format                      w1 [ pass ]     38
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26014, winpid: 26014] - running with different options '--log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm:// --wsrep-on=1' != '--log-bin=master-bin --binlog-format=row --innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2 --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm:// --wsrep-on=1'
galera_3nodes.galera_safe_to_bootstrap 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]  45001
worker[2] > Restart  - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart  - using different config file
worker[2] > Restart  - using different config file
wsrep.mysql_tzinfo_to_sql_symlink 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]    169
wsrep.mysql_tzinfo_to_sql_symlink_skip 'innodb' w2 [ pass ]    142
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26074, winpid: 26074] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --wsrep-provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --wsrep-cluster-address=gcomm:// --wsrep-on=1 --binlog_format=ROW'
wsrep.mdev_6832                          w1 [ pass ]   4046
wsrep.trans 'innodb'                     w2 [ pass ]     16
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26170, winpid: 26170] - running with different options '' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual'
wsrep.mdev_7798                          w1 [ pass ]   3567
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26213, winpid: 26213] - using different config file
wsrep.plugin                             w2 [ pass ]     12
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26216, winpid: 26216] - using different config file
wsrep.mdev_10186                         w2 [ pass ]      8
worker[2] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26253, winpid: 26253] - using different config file
wsrep.alter_table_innodb 'innodb'        w1 [ pass ]   1999
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26314, winpid: 26314] - using different config file
File /usr/share/mysql-test/suite/wsrep/r/wsrep-recover-v25.result is read-only; trying to patch anyway
wsrep.wsrep-recover-v25 'binlogon,innodb' w1 [ pass ]  12095
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 26658, winpid: 26658] - running with different options '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual' != '--innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin --wsrep-start-position=2920b141-5fc1-11eb-b264-0aac54be0464:2'
wsrep.variables 'innodb'                 w2 [ fail ]
        Test ended at 2021-01-26 10:28:14

CURRENT_TEST: wsrep.variables
--- /usr/share/mysql-test/suite/wsrep/r/variables.result	2021-01-26 08:19:48.000000000 +0000
+++ /dev/shm/var/2/log/variables.reject	2021-01-26 10:28:14.541502047 +0000
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 SET @@global.wsrep_sst_auth= '';
 SELECT @@global.wsrep_sst_auth;
 SET @@global.wsrep_sst_auth= NULL;
 SELECT @@global.wsrep_sst_auth;

mysqltest: Result length mismatch

 - skipping '/dev/shm/var/2/log/wsrep.variables-innodb/'

Retrying test wsrep.variables, attempt(2/3)...

worker[2] > Restart  - not started
wsrep.wsrep-recover-v25 'binlogoff,innodb' w1 [ pass ]  11898
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 27027, winpid: 27027] - using different config file
wsrep.wsrep_rpl 'innodb,mix'             w1 [ pass ]   1149
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 27068, winpid: 27068] - running with different options '--binlog-format=row --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin' != '--binlog-format=mixed --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin'
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 27070, winpid: 27070] - running with different options '--binlog-format=row --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=slave-bin' != '--binlog-format=mixed --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=slave-bin'
wsrep.wsrep_rpl 'innodb,row'             w1 [ pass ]   1086
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.1 - pid: 27173, winpid: 27173] - running with different options '--binlog-format=statement --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin' != '--binlog-format=row --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=master-bin'
worker[1] > Restart [mysqld.2 - pid: 27175, winpid: 27175] - running with different options '--binlog-format=statement --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=slave-bin' != '--binlog-format=row --innodb --innodb-cmpmem --innodb-cmp-per-index --innodb-trx --innodb-locks --innodb-metrics --innodb-buffer-pool-stats --innodb-buffer-page --innodb-buffer-page-lru --innodb-sys-columns --innodb-sys-fields --innodb-sys-foreign --innodb-sys-foreign-cols --innodb-sys-indexes --innodb-sys-tables --innodb-sys-virtual --log-bin=slave-bin'
wsrep.variables 'innodb'                 w2 [ retry-fail ]
        Test ended at 2021-01-26 10:28:36

CURRENT_TEST: wsrep.variables
--- /usr/share/mysql-test/suite/wsrep/r/variables.result	2021-01-26 08:19:48.000000000 +0000
+++ /dev/shm/var/2/log/variables.reject	2021-01-26 10:28:35.768501101 +0000
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 SET @@global.wsrep_sst_auth= '';
 SELECT @@global.wsrep_sst_auth;
 SET @@global.wsrep_sst_auth= NULL;
 SELECT @@global.wsrep_sst_auth;

mysqltest: Result length mismatch

 - skipping '/dev/shm/var/2/log/wsrep.variables-innodb/'

Test wsrep.variables has failed 2 times, no more retries!

wsrep.wsrep_rpl 'innodb,stmt'            w1 [ pass ]   1154
The servers were restarted 70 times
Spent 1101.323 of 1084 seconds executing testcases

Completed: Failed 3/227 tests, 98.68% were successful.

Failing test(s): galera.galera_concurrent_ctas galera.galera_as_slave_gtid wsrep.variables

The log files in var/log may give you some hint of what went wrong.

If you want to report this error, please read first the documentation
at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/mysql-test-suite.html

Errors/warnings were found in logfiles during server shutdown after running the
following sequence(s) of tests:
    galera.galera_concurrent_ctas galera.GAL-382 galera.MW-402 galera.MDEV-22021 galera.MW-285 galera.enforce_storage_engine galera.galera_alter_engine_innodb galera.galera_binlog_cache_size galera.galera_bf_abort_lock_table galera.binlog_checksum galera.galera_FK_duplicate_client_insert galera.create galera.MW-258 galera.galera_admin galera.GAL-401 galera.MW-357 galera.galera_alter_engine_myisam galera.MW-292 galera.galera_bf_abort galera.galera_bf_abort_flush_for_export galera.galera_bf_abort_ftwrl galera.MW-388 galera.MW-328E galera.galera_bf_abort_for_update galera.MW-369 galera.galera_applier_ftwrl_table galera.galera_bf_abort_get_lock galera.MW-252 galera.MDEV-22707 galera.fk galera.galera_alter_table_force galera.galera_binlog_row_image galera.GAL-480 galera.ev51914 galera.galera_bf_abort_sleep galera.MW-328D galera.MDEV-20225 galera.MW-416 galera.basic galera.MW-309 galera.galera#505 galera.MW-259 galera.galera#500 galera.galera_UK_conflict
75 tests were skipped, 23 by the test itself.

mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: there were failing test cases
+ res=1
+ rm -rf /home/buildbot/var
+ cp -r /dev/shm/var /home/buildbot
+ exit 1
Connection to localhost closed.
Command exit 1
= rm -Rf var/ ; scp -rp -P 2229 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no buildbot@localhost:/home/buildbot/var/ . || :
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2229' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
scp: /home/buildbot/var/tmp/2/mysqld.1.sock: No such device or address
Use of uninitialized value $opt_baseimage in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/runvm line 385.
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
Connection to localhost closed by remote host.
Connection to localhost closed.
Use of uninitialized value $opt_baseimage in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/runvm line 385.
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
Use of uninitialized value $opt_baseimage in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/runvm line 385.
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
Use of uninitialized value $opt_baseimage in pattern match (m//) at /usr/local/bin/runvm line 385.
+ ssh -t -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR -o ConnectTimeout=4 -p 2229 -l buildbot localhost sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
ssh: connect to host localhost port 2229: Connection refused
program finished with exit code 1