mariadbd N1 my_malloc 337.70kB (58.67%) NN1_0 128.02kB N1->NN1_0 128.02kB NN1_1 16.03kB N1->NN1_1 80.16kB NN1_2 15.98kB N1->NN1_2 63.94kB NN1_3 56B..3.09kB N1->NN1_3 61.62kB N2 mysql_execute_command 0 of 323.17kB (56.15%) N11 mysql_insert 0 of 150.70kB (26.18%) N2->N11 150.70kB N18 execute_sqlcom_select 0 of 131.28kB (22.81%) N2->N18 131.28kB N17 mysql_update 0 of 41.11kB (7.14%) N2->N17 41.11kB N3 __GI___clone 0 of 402.33kB (69.90%) N22 start_thread 0 of 402.33kB (69.90%) N3->N22 402.33kB N4 do_handle_one_connection 0 of 401.89kB (69.82%) N7 do_command 0 of 319.70kB (55.54%) N4->N7 319.70kB N16 CONNECT create_thd 0 of 82.05kB (14.26%) N4->N16 82.05kB N5 pfs_malloc 128kB (22.24%) NN5_0 128kB N5->NN5_0 128kB N6 mysql_parse 0 of 387.11kB (67.25%) N6->N2 323.17kB N10 MYSQLparse 0 of 63.94kB (11.11%) N6->N10 63.94kB N21 dispatch_command 0 of 387.80kB (67.37%) N7->N21 387.80kB N8 my_realloc -68.09kB (11.83%) N7->N8 -68.09kB NN8_0 22.70kB N8->NN8_0 -68.09kB N9 alloc_root 0 of 70.79kB (12.30%) N9->N1 70.79kB N15 THD make_string_literal 0 of 31.97kB (5.55%) N10->N15 31.97kB (inline) N14 Item operator new 0 of 31.97kB (5.55%) N10->N14 15.98kB N37 Lex_input_stream lex_token 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N10->N37 15.98kB N59 ha_myisam start_bulk_insert 0 of 128.02kB (22.24%) N11->N59 128.02kB N19 open_and_lock_tables 0 of 25.85kB (4.49%) N11->N19 22.66kB (inline) N12 open_and_process_table 0 of 62.04kB (10.78%) N23 MDL_context try_acquire_lock_impl 0 of 48.68kB (8.46%) N12->N23 47.95kB N20 open_table_from_share 0 of 10.06kB (1.75%) N12->N20 10.06kB N53 create_schema_table 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N12->N53 2.46kB N13 open_tables 0 of 62.04kB (10.78%) N13->N12 62.04kB (inline) N14->N9 31.97kB N15->N14 15.98kB N33 Item_string 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N15->N33 15.98kB (inline) N16->N1 81.17kB N46 THD reset_for_reuse 0 of 3.32kB (0.58%) N16->N46 3.32kB N44 THD THD 0 of -2.44kB (0.42%) N16->N44 -2.44kB N17->N13 36.19kB (inline) N62 handler ha_update_row 0 of 4.92kB (0.86%) N17->N62 4.92kB N42 Query_cache store_query 0 of 128.09kB (22.25%) N18->N42 128.09kB N18->N19 3.19kB (inline) N19->N13 25.85kB N61 handler ha_open 0 of 3.21kB (0.56%) N20->N61 3.21kB N24 strmake_root 0 of 16.97kB (2.95%) N20->N24 0.98kB N21->N6 387.11kB N60 handle_one_connection 0 of 401.89kB (69.82%) N22->N60 401.89kB N38 MDL_map find_or_insert 0 of 48.68kB (8.46%) N23->N38 48.68kB N24->N9 16.97kB N25 _start 0 of -5.20kB (0.9%) N47 __libc_start_main 0 of -5.20kB (0.9%) N25->N47 -5.20kB N26 trx_undo_mem_create_at_db_start 0 of -5.20kB (0.9%) NN26_0 280B N26->NN26_0 -5.20kB N27 trx_undo_create 0 of 4.92kB (0.86%) NN27_0 280B N27->NN27_0 4.92kB N28 lf_hash_insert 0 of 48.93kB (8.50%) N71 lf_alloc_new 0 of 48.93kB (8.50%) N28->N71 48.93kB N29 lf_hash_search_using_hash_value 0 of 2.95kB (0.51%) N66 initialize_bucket 0 of 2.95kB (0.51%) N29->N66 2.95kB N30 PFS_buffer_scalable_container allocate 0.09kB (0.016%) of 128.09kB (22.25%) N39 PFS_buffer_default_allocator alloc_array 0 of 128kB (22.24%) N30->N39 128kB (inline) N31 Create_tmp_table finalize 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N70 instantiate_tmp_table 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N31->N70 2.46kB N32 Item set_name 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N41 Query_arena strmake 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N32->N41 15.98kB (inline) N34 Item_string fix_and_set_name_from_value 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N33->N34 15.98kB (inline) N34->N32 15.98kB (inline) N35 Lex_input_stream get_text 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N40 Query_arena alloc 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N35->N40 15.98kB (inline) N36 Lex_input_stream lex_one_token 0 of 15.98kB (2.78%) N36->N35 15.98kB N37->N36 15.98kB N38->N28 48.68kB N39->N5 128kB (inline) N40->N9 15.98kB N41->N24 15.98kB N43 Query_cache_query init_n_lock 0 of 128.09kB (22.25%) N42->N43 128.09kB N68 inline_mysql_rwlock_init 0 of 128.09kB (22.25%) N43->N68 128.09kB (inline) N44->N1 -2.44kB N45 THD change_user 0 of 3.32kB (0.58%) N45->N1 3.32kB N46->N45 3.32kB N65 init_server_components 0 of -5.20kB (0.9%) N47->N65 -5.20kB N48 btr_cur_optimistic_update 0 of 4.92kB (0.86%) N50 btr_cur_update_in_place 0 of 4.92kB (0.86%) N48->N50 4.92kB N49 btr_cur_upd_lock_and_undo 0 of 4.92kB (0.86%) N49->N27 4.92kB N50->N49 4.92kB (inline) N51 create_internal_tmp_table 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N72 maria_create 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N51->N72 2.46kB N52 create_rwlock 0 of 128.09kB (22.25%) N52->N30 128.09kB (inline) N54 create_tmp_table_for_schema 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N53->N54 2.46kB N54->N31 2.46kB N55 find_or_create_file 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N55->N29 2.46kB N56 ha_initialize_handlerton 0 of -5.20kB (0.9%) N69 innodb_init 0 of -5.20kB (0.9%) N56->N69 -5.20kB N57 ha_innobase update_row 0 of 4.92kB (0.86%) N57->N48 4.92kB N58 ha_myisam open 0 of 3.21kB (0.56%) N74 mi_open 0 of 3.21kB (0.56%) N58->N74 3.21kB N73 mi_extra 0 of 128.02kB (22.24%) N59->N73 128.02kB N60->N4 401.89kB N61->N58 3.21kB N62->N57 4.92kB N63 init_io_cache 0 of 128.02kB (22.24%) N64 init_io_cache_ext 0 of 128.02kB (22.24%) N63->N64 128.02kB N64->N1 128.02kB N65->N56 -5.20kB N66->N1 2.95kB N67 inline_mysql_file_create_with_symlink 0 of 2.46kB (0.43%) N67->N55 2.46kB N68->N52 128.09kB N69->N26 -5.20kB N70->N51 2.46kB N71->N1 48.93kB N72->N67 2.46kB (inline) N73->N63 128.02kB N74->N1 3.21kB