mysql> source /home/psergey/tpcds/try2/v2.8.0rc4/tools/tmp-queries/query_0.sql Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query96.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 949 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.75 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query96.tpl | 756.1590 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query7.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+---------+------------+-------------+------------+ | i_item_id | agg1 | agg2 | agg3 | agg4 | +------------------+---------+------------+-------------+------------+ | AAAAAAAAAAABAAAA | 55.0000 | 80.405000 | 1074.840000 | 29.370000 | | AAAAAAAAAAACAAAA | 74.0000 | 86.670000 | 3180.810000 | 53.730000 | | AAAAAAAAAAAEAAAA | 42.0000 | 95.255000 | 0.000000 | 35.330000 | | AAAAAAAAAABEAAAA | 29.5000 | 124.610000 | 645.960000 | 67.480000 | | AAAAAAAAAACDAAAA | 74.0000 | 86.040000 | 770.360000 | 47.320000 | | AAAAAAAAAADBAAAA | 51.0000 | 19.515000 | 687.730000 | 13.550000 | | AAAAAAAAAAEDAAAA | 96.0000 | 99.410000 | 0.000000 | 46.720000 | | AAAAAAAAAAEEAAAA | 73.0000 | 78.340000 | 0.000000 | 45.430000 | | AAAAAAAAAAFDAAAA | 16.0000 | 41.810000 | 0.000000 | 28.010000 | | AAAAAAAAAAGBAAAA | 69.0000 | 86.930000 | 0.000000 | 72.150000 | | AAAAAAAAAAGCAAAA | 36.0000 | 52.970000 | 75.325000 | 25.560000 | | AAAAAAAAAAHAAAAA | 83.0000 | 155.830000 | 0.000000 | 18.690000 | | AAAAAAAAAAHBAAAA | 51.0000 | 13.830000 | 46.510000 | 9.120000 | | AAAAAAAAAAHDAAAA | 95.0000 | 23.680000 | 0.000000 | 17.040000 | | AAAAAAAAAAIAAAAA | 12.6667 | 91.413333 | 0.000000 | 50.753333 | | AAAAAAAAAAICAAAA | 4.0000 | 65.810000 | 0.000000 | 3.940000 | | AAAAAAAAAAJCAAAA | 85.0000 | 21.000000 | 0.000000 | 11.970000 | | AAAAAAAAAAKAAAAA | 11.0000 | 70.470000 | 0.000000 | 23.250000 | | AAAAAAAAAAKDAAAA | 36.0000 | 53.366667 | 0.000000 | 24.226667 | | AAAAAAAAAAMCAAAA | 1.0000 | 41.020000 | 0.000000 | 5.740000 | | AAAAAAAAAANBAAAA | 69.0000 | 129.770000 | 2119.725000 | 65.160000 | | AAAAAAAAAANDAAAA | 63.0000 | 34.830000 | 0.000000 | 8.700000 | | AAAAAAAAAAOAAAAA | 21.0000 | 113.710000 | 0.000000 | 22.740000 | | AAAAAAAAAAOCAAAA | 79.0000 | 165.120000 | 0.000000 | 110.630000 | | AAAAAAAAAAODAAAA | 33.6667 | 86.473333 | 201.066667 | 39.353333 | | AAAAAAAAAAPCAAAA | 29.5000 | 135.630000 | 0.000000 | 76.715000 | | AAAAAAAAABAAAAAA | 90.0000 | 27.440000 | 0.000000 | 16.180000 | | AAAAAAAAABABAAAA | 65.0000 | 96.530000 | 1219.720000 | 34.750000 | | AAAAAAAAABADAAAA | 95.0000 | 35.790000 | 495.160000 | 11.090000 | | AAAAAAAAABBAAAAA | 83.5000 | 29.800000 | 0.000000 | 4.370000 | | AAAAAAAAABBDAAAA | 25.0000 | 57.710000 | 0.000000 | 57.130000 | | AAAAAAAAABCBAAAA | 75.0000 | 83.760000 | 0.000000 | 4.180000 | | AAAAAAAAABCEAAAA | 53.0000 | 33.850000 | 0.000000 | 12.180000 | | AAAAAAAAABDAAAAA | 60.0000 | 115.320000 | 0.000000 | 38.050000 | | AAAAAAAAABDDAAAA | 42.5000 | 23.245000 | 2.005000 | 4.900000 | | AAAAAAAAABEAAAAA | 96.0000 | 72.910000 | 0.000000 | 36.450000 | | AAAAAAAAABEDAAAA | 78.0000 | 97.000000 | 0.000000 | 53.350000 | | AAAAAAAAABFBAAAA | 14.0000 | 135.085000 | 0.000000 | 16.850000 | | AAAAAAAAABGAAAAA | 57.0000 | 84.945000 | 0.000000 | 16.635000 | | AAAAAAAAABGBAAAA | 35.0000 | 40.760000 | 0.000000 | 5.700000 | | AAAAAAAAABGEAAAA | 49.0000 | 55.416667 | 0.000000 | 16.233333 | | AAAAAAAAABHCAAAA | 81.0000 | 72.920000 | 24.345000 | 15.640000 | | AAAAAAAAABHDAAAA | 73.0000 | 12.270000 | 0.000000 | 9.200000 | | AAAAAAAAABIBAAAA | 56.0000 | 97.425000 | 0.000000 | 8.265000 | | AAAAAAAAABKAAAAA | 86.0000 | 92.845000 | 1660.450000 | 87.205000 | | AAAAAAAAABKDAAAA | 48.0000 | 39.920000 | 275.900000 | 19.160000 | | AAAAAAAAABLCAAAA | 53.0000 | 112.410000 | 554.010000 | 11.240000 | | AAAAAAAAABMAAAAA | 36.0000 | 62.290000 | 1600.630000 | 51.700000 | | AAAAAAAAABNAAAAA | 59.0000 | 184.100000 | 0.000000 | 178.570000 | | AAAAAAAAABNDAAAA | 14.0000 | 131.840000 | 0.000000 | 32.960000 | | AAAAAAAAABOCAAAA | 49.0000 | 56.820000 | 0.000000 | 37.500000 | | AAAAAAAAABPAAAAA | 40.6667 | 99.636667 | 80.440000 | 69.836667 | | AAAAAAAAABPBAAAA | 18.3333 | 61.623333 | 0.000000 | 11.660000 | | AAAAAAAAACAAAAAA | 63.0000 | 95.170000 | 0.000000 | 29.500000 | | AAAAAAAAACBEAAAA | 34.0000 | 178.820000 | 0.000000 | 78.680000 | | AAAAAAAAACCAAAAA | 53.0000 | 77.355000 | 42.465000 | 66.985000 | | AAAAAAAAACCDAAAA | 33.0000 | 54.070000 | 0.000000 | 28.650000 | | AAAAAAAAACCEAAAA | 33.0000 | 105.480000 | 0.000000 | 15.820000 | | AAAAAAAAACDAAAAA | 26.0000 | 40.985000 | 2.245000 | 24.085000 | | AAAAAAAAACDCAAAA | 60.0000 | 115.690000 | 0.000000 | 86.760000 | | AAAAAAAAACFBAAAA | 93.0000 | 73.530000 | 0.000000 | 63.970000 | | AAAAAAAAACFEAAAA | 82.0000 | 28.130000 | 0.000000 | 6.750000 | | AAAAAAAAACGAAAAA | 84.0000 | 4.790000 | 0.000000 | 1.770000 | | AAAAAAAAACGCAAAA | 45.6667 | 118.320000 | 0.000000 | 23.776667 | | AAAAAAAAACHBAAAA | 99.0000 | 1.580000 | 116.600000 | 1.510000 | | AAAAAAAAACHCAAAA | 55.0000 | 149.190000 | 6495.980000 | 129.790000 | | AAAAAAAAACIDAAAA | 80.5000 | 61.265000 | 0.000000 | 11.170000 | | AAAAAAAAACJAAAAA | 38.5000 | 73.725000 | 0.000000 | 48.665000 | | AAAAAAAAACJCAAAA | 42.0000 | 114.170000 | 0.000000 | 74.210000 | | AAAAAAAAACKBAAAA | 49.0000 | 45.390000 | 876.610000 | 33.130000 | | AAAAAAAAACKCAAAA | 91.0000 | 57.020000 | 0.000000 | 47.320000 | | AAAAAAAAACLAAAAA | 48.0000 | 100.110000 | 0.000000 | 37.040000 | | AAAAAAAAACLBAAAA | 71.0000 | 46.490000 | 0.000000 | 8.360000 | | AAAAAAAAACLDAAAA | 63.5000 | 133.095000 | 0.000000 | 96.970000 | | AAAAAAAAACMCAAAA | 29.0000 | 113.920000 | 0.000000 | 77.460000 | | AAAAAAAAACNCAAAA | 99.0000 | 97.950000 | 0.000000 | 50.930000 | | AAAAAAAAACOBAAAA | 50.0000 | 143.850000 | 0.000000 | 74.800000 | | AAAAAAAAACODAAAA | 40.5000 | 83.050000 | 0.000000 | 36.820000 | | AAAAAAAAADACAAAA | 97.0000 | 8.540000 | 0.000000 | 6.230000 | | AAAAAAAAADAEAAAA | 56.5000 | 94.405000 | 0.000000 | 25.140000 | | AAAAAAAAADBAAAAA | 35.0000 | 67.810000 | 0.000000 | 43.390000 | | AAAAAAAAADBBAAAA | 38.0000 | 192.580000 | 0.000000 | 121.320000 | | AAAAAAAAADBEAAAA | 70.5000 | 25.255000 | 86.910000 | 4.670000 | | AAAAAAAAADCAAAAA | 25.0000 | 123.620000 | 611.870000 | 111.250000 | | AAAAAAAAADCCAAAA | 58.0000 | 112.970000 | 0.000000 | 21.460000 | | AAAAAAAAADCDAAAA | 23.0000 | 114.570000 | 0.000000 | 79.005000 | | AAAAAAAAADDCAAAA | 47.0000 | 26.205000 | 13.680000 | 16.120000 | | AAAAAAAAADDEAAAA | 61.0000 | 59.660000 | 0.000000 | 38.725000 | | AAAAAAAAADEDAAAA | 33.5000 | 39.675000 | 0.000000 | 17.210000 | | AAAAAAAAADEEAAAA | 39.0000 | 76.805000 | 0.000000 | 32.575000 | | AAAAAAAAADFAAAAA | 54.5000 | 129.140000 | 0.000000 | 51.305000 | | AAAAAAAAADFCAAAA | 36.0000 | 111.595000 | 913.920000 | 46.510000 | | AAAAAAAAADGBAAAA | 54.0000 | 7.720000 | 0.000000 | 4.780000 | | AAAAAAAAADGCAAAA | 70.0000 | 45.050000 | 0.000000 | 5.850000 | | AAAAAAAAADGEAAAA | 65.0000 | 95.595000 | 0.000000 | 55.000000 | | AAAAAAAAADHBAAAA | 90.0000 | 64.020000 | 0.000000 | 35.850000 | | AAAAAAAAADHDAAAA | 53.0000 | 37.860000 | 0.000000 | 32.930000 | | AAAAAAAAADIAAAAA | 54.0000 | 91.980000 | 0.000000 | 19.310000 | | AAAAAAAAADIDAAAA | 66.5000 | 53.635000 | 244.920000 | 17.890000 | | AAAAAAAAADJBAAAA | 55.0000 | 15.790000 | 0.000000 | 3.060000 | +------------------+---------+------------+-------------+------------+ 100 rows in set (4.97 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query7.tpl | 4967.3290 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query75.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------+------+------------+------------+---------------+---------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+ | prev_year | year | i_brand_id | i_class_id | i_category_id | i_manufact_id | prev_yr_cnt | curr_yr_cnt | sales_cnt_diff | sales_amt_diff | +-----------+------+------------+------------+---------------+---------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+ | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 173 | 16748 | 4204 | -12544 | -476562.00 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 428 | 11906 | 89 | -11817 | -515221.13 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 707 | 10746 | 41 | -10705 | -434115.84 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 147 | 10444 | 103 | -10341 | -443418.87 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 305 | 9771 | 40 | -9731 | -385417.41 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 16 | 15622 | 8883 | -6739 | -354476.17 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 286 | 10895 | 4276 | -6619 | -279105.65 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 167 | 6604 | 22 | -6582 | -280172.30 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 11081 | 4542 | -6539 | -259752.94 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 620 | 6453 | 57 | -6396 | -326976.54 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 958 | 6251 | 19 | -6232 | -288065.65 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 708 | 6251 | 46 | -6205 | -257916.06 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 460 | 6228 | 37 | -6191 | -287788.90 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 584 | 6160 | 5 | -6155 | -236883.29 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 291 | 6117 | 50 | -6067 | -276173.12 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 158 | 10641 | 4575 | -6066 | -300349.26 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 237 | 10892 | 4841 | -6051 | -320981.03 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 220 | 5968 | 11 | -5957 | -313448.52 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 130 | 5925 | 25 | -5900 | -219079.80 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 600 | 5980 | 83 | -5897 | -243237.17 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 765 | 5947 | 51 | -5896 | -261604.81 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 361 | 5912 | 49 | -5863 | -288375.47 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 916 | 5891 | 57 | -5834 | -243065.08 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 39 | 5783 | 10 | -5773 | -239322.35 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 112 | 5710 | 7 | -5703 | -284042.22 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 31 | 5753 | 66 | -5687 | -217313.71 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 416 | 5680 | 28 | -5652 | -307253.31 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 251 | 11041 | 5419 | -5622 | -244999.11 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 14 | 5633 | 18 | -5615 | -199939.33 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 172 | 5598 | 10 | -5588 | -189835.87 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 539 | 5588 | 1 | -5587 | -239341.48 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 130 | 5605 | 26 | -5579 | -237364.57 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 492 | 10334 | 4790 | -5544 | -193214.26 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 627 | 5601 | 76 | -5525 | -239455.04 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 103 | 5577 | 61 | -5516 | -275300.94 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 545 | 5667 | 152 | -5515 | -253288.02 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 323 | 5580 | 79 | -5501 | -244046.48 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 603 | 5522 | 27 | -5495 | NULL | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 206 | 5537 | 43 | -5494 | -305003.10 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 28 | 5515 | 21 | -5494 | -279711.30 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 489 | 10683 | 5200 | -5483 | -163393.27 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 583 | 5495 | 13 | -5482 | -266404.91 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 107 | 5527 | 80 | -5447 | -204423.89 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 182 | 5541 | 94 | -5447 | -200368.03 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 50 | 5501 | 76 | -5425 | -215105.48 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 154 | 5434 | 12 | -5422 | -286944.00 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 218 | 10571 | 5197 | -5374 | -147866.98 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 151 | 5408 | 47 | -5361 | -258865.96 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 75 | 11007 | 5649 | -5358 | -271280.37 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 357 | 5447 | 96 | -5351 | -243088.88 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 186 | 5414 | 88 | -5326 | -204031.59 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 200 | 5379 | 70 | -5309 | -197651.47 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 264 | 5342 | 69 | -5273 | -207296.64 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 865 | 5301 | 29 | -5272 | -197986.33 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 273 | 5296 | 25 | -5271 | -226114.79 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 118 | 5343 | 76 | -5267 | -243486.43 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 48 | 5307 | 41 | -5266 | -277197.09 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 289 | 5322 | 57 | -5265 | -188792.52 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 338 | 5320 | 72 | -5248 | -255391.67 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 36 | 9901 | 4664 | -5237 | -240218.41 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 171 | 5259 | 75 | -5184 | -215552.43 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 129 | 5208 | 25 | -5183 | -246118.10 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 187 | 5182 | 28 | -5154 | -235582.14 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 335 | 5194 | 45 | -5149 | -268920.89 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 267 | 5163 | 22 | -5141 | -234398.64 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 281 | 10734 | 5594 | -5140 | -280867.58 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 88 | 5183 | 55 | -5128 | -202379.48 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 11294 | 6190 | -5104 | -256229.57 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 325 | 5134 | 52 | -5082 | -206259.84 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 480 | 5171 | 114 | -5057 | -242220.42 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 414 | 9712 | 4673 | -5039 | -231825.38 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 350 | 5129 | 94 | -5035 | -194857.35 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 517 | 5051 | 22 | -5029 | -252865.33 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 98 | 5074 | 51 | -5023 | -233077.71 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 138 | 5139 | 119 | -5020 | -244282.32 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 642 | 5068 | 68 | -5000 | -204625.01 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 263 | 5000 | 13 | -4987 | -205731.63 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 690 | 4989 | 22 | -4967 | -224380.65 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 173 | 4996 | 54 | -4942 | -212661.26 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 570 | 4992 | 60 | -4932 | -242911.60 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 451 | 4966 | 50 | -4916 | -213875.62 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 301 | 4892 | 9 | -4883 | -212800.89 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 208 | 9803 | 4939 | -4864 | -211177.16 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4004001 | 4 | 4 | 514 | 4888 | 61 | -4827 | -231325.48 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 926 | 4806 | 7 | -4799 | -205972.69 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 649 | 4903 | 114 | -4789 | -165438.32 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 505 | 4830 | 45 | -4785 | -198212.56 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 22 | 4835 | 77 | -4758 | -231898.25 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 601 | 4866 | 110 | -4756 | -183256.06 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 436 | 4782 | 40 | -4742 | -202608.65 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 312 | 4805 | 79 | -4726 | -242672.14 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 315 | 4735 | 61 | -4674 | -201059.21 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 253 | 4798 | 150 | -4648 | -214814.84 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 370 | 10130 | 5543 | -4587 | -138579.64 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4003001 | 3 | 4 | 413 | 4540 | 15 | -4525 | -184605.08 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 53 | 4570 | 46 | -4524 | -185914.09 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 598 | 4619 | 123 | -4496 | -207448.73 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4002001 | 2 | 4 | 142 | 4541 | 59 | -4482 | -165333.45 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 213 | 4490 | 20 | -4470 | -189428.00 | | 1999 | 2000 | 4001001 | 1 | 4 | 74 | 4534 | 81 | -4453 | -196538.56 | +-----------+------+------------+------------+---------------+---------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+ 100 rows in set (2.51 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query75.tpl | 2508.3400 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query44.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Empty set (0.00 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query44.tpl | 0.7630 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query39.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+ | w_warehouse_sk | i_item_sk | d_moy | mean | cov | w_warehouse_sk | i_item_sk | d_moy | mean | cov | +----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+ | 1 | 265 | 1 | 324.7500 | 1.24383918 | 1 | 265 | 2 | 329.0000 | 1.01515813 | | 1 | 363 | 1 | 499.5000 | 1.03194157 | 1 | 363 | 2 | 321.0000 | 1.14117668 | | 1 | 679 | 1 | 373.7500 | 1.09554981 | 1 | 679 | 2 | 417.5000 | 1.04297099 | | 1 | 695 | 1 | 450.7500 | 1.08358883 | 1 | 695 | 2 | 368.7500 | 1.13564941 | | 1 | 789 | 1 | 357.2500 | 1.03450938 | 1 | 789 | 2 | 410.0000 | 1.02842219 | | 1 | 815 | 1 | 216.5000 | 1.17022709 | 1 | 815 | 2 | 150.5000 | 1.30572815 | | 1 | 827 | 1 | 271.7500 | 1.10468901 | 1 | 827 | 2 | 424.7500 | 1.16531986 | | 1 | 1041 | 1 | 382.5000 | 1.28480840 | 1 | 1041 | 2 | 424.7500 | 1.00057727 | | 1 | 1569 | 1 | 212.0000 | 1.63021352 | 1 | 1569 | 2 | 239.2500 | 1.26415133 | | 1 | 1623 | 1 | 338.2500 | 1.12854833 | 1 | 1623 | 2 | 261.3333 | 1.27178106 | | 1 | 2581 | 1 | 448.5000 | 1.06042904 | 1 | 2581 | 2 | 476.2500 | 1.03629847 | | 1 | 2705 | 1 | 246.2500 | 1.01203084 | 1 | 2705 | 2 | 294.6667 | 1.07421329 | | 1 | 3131 | 1 | 393.7500 | 1.00376140 | 1 | 3131 | 2 | 480.5000 | 1.06691450 | | 1 | 3291 | 1 | 374.5000 | 1.19518983 | 1 | 3291 | 2 | 265.2500 | 1.57297211 | | 1 | 3687 | 1 | 279.7500 | 1.42609091 | 1 | 3687 | 2 | 157.2500 | 1.45343409 | | 1 | 4955 | 1 | 495.2500 | 1.03182962 | 1 | 4955 | 2 | 322.5000 | 1.16938423 | | 1 | 5627 | 1 | 282.7500 | 1.56570324 | 1 | 5627 | 2 | 297.5000 | 1.20842868 | | 1 | 7017 | 1 | 175.5000 | 1.04274542 | 1 | 7017 | 2 | 321.3333 | 1.01833580 | | 1 | 7317 | 1 | 366.3333 | 1.02546650 | 1 | 7317 | 2 | 378.0000 | 1.21725132 | | 1 | 7569 | 1 | 430.5000 | 1.08743969 | 1 | 7569 | 2 | 360.2500 | 1.04700556 | | 1 | 7999 | 1 | 166.2500 | 1.79242317 | 1 | 7999 | 2 | 375.3333 | 1.00809235 | | 1 | 8319 | 1 | 306.7500 | 1.16153780 | 1 | 8319 | 2 | 276.0000 | 1.14209964 | | 1 | 8443 | 1 | 327.7500 | 1.25671837 | 1 | 8443 | 2 | 332.5000 | 1.00441673 | | 1 | 8583 | 1 | 319.5000 | 1.02410889 | 1 | 8583 | 2 | 310.2500 | 1.23588138 | | 1 | 8591 | 1 | 398.0000 | 1.14781687 | 1 | 8591 | 2 | 355.7500 | 1.00244721 | | 1 | 8611 | 1 | 300.5000 | 1.51915452 | 1 | 8611 | 2 | 243.7500 | 1.23421228 | | 1 | 9081 | 1 | 367.0000 | 1.08789321 | 1 | 9081 | 2 | 435.0000 | 1.03305308 | | 1 | 9357 | 1 | 351.6667 | 1.19029215 | 1 | 9357 | 2 | 427.0000 | 1.04385830 | | 1 | 9449 | 1 | 406.2500 | 1.01831831 | 1 | 9449 | 2 | 175.0000 | 1.05447798 | | 1 | 9713 | 1 | 242.5000 | 1.10350444 | 1 | 9713 | 2 | 393.0000 | 1.20847461 | | 1 | 9809 | 1 | 479.0000 | 1.01896025 | 1 | 9809 | 2 | 317.5000 | 1.06141421 | | 1 | 9993 | 1 | 417.7500 | 1.00998327 | 1 | 9993 | 2 | 204.5000 | 1.55287075 | | 1 | 10127 | 1 | 239.7500 | 1.05617706 | 1 | 10127 | 2 | 359.2500 | 1.18579804 | | 1 | 11159 | 1 | 407.2500 | 1.07855072 | 1 | 11159 | 2 | 250.0000 | 1.33475791 | | 1 | 11277 | 1 | 211.2500 | 1.26158583 | 1 | 11277 | 2 | 330.7500 | 1.08087680 | | 1 | 11937 | 1 | 344.5000 | 1.08580403 | 1 | 11937 | 2 | 200.3333 | 1.06385288 | | 1 | 12373 | 1 | 387.7500 | 1.10149048 | 1 | 12373 | 2 | 306.0000 | 1.07617444 | | 1 | 12471 | 1 | 365.2500 | 1.06075702 | 1 | 12471 | 2 | 327.2500 | 1.05475606 | | 1 | 12625 | 1 | 279.0000 | 1.30165605 | 1 | 12625 | 2 | 443.2500 | 1.06049588 | | 1 | 12751 | 1 | 280.7500 | 1.10833058 | 1 | 12751 | 2 | 369.3333 | 1.34165056 | | 1 | 12779 | 1 | 331.0000 | 1.04169021 | 1 | 12779 | 2 | 359.0000 | 1.02897806 | | 1 | 13077 | 1 | 367.6667 | 1.34552378 | 1 | 13077 | 2 | 358.6667 | 1.51324277 | | 1 | 13191 | 1 | 260.2500 | 1.06356963 | 1 | 13191 | 2 | 405.0000 | 1.01979992 | | 1 | 13561 | 1 | 335.2500 | 1.26096170 | 1 | 13561 | 2 | 240.0000 | 1.05136045 | | 1 | 13935 | 1 | 311.7500 | 1.03992897 | 1 | 13935 | 2 | 275.0000 | 1.03675272 | | 1 | 14687 | 1 | 358.0000 | 1.43693569 | 1 | 14687 | 2 | 187.0000 | 1.54936315 | | 1 | 14719 | 1 | 209.0000 | 1.04115096 | 1 | 14719 | 2 | 489.0000 | 1.37661688 | | 1 | 15345 | 1 | 148.5000 | 1.52957840 | 1 | 15345 | 2 | 246.5000 | 1.50879877 | | 1 | 15427 | 1 | 482.7500 | 1.01242389 | 1 | 15427 | 2 | 333.2500 | 1.27247701 | | 1 | 15647 | 1 | 201.6667 | 1.28579298 | 1 | 15647 | 2 | 249.2500 | 1.36481730 | | 1 | 16079 | 1 | 280.5000 | 1.24447574 | 1 | 16079 | 2 | 361.2500 | 1.07378057 | | 1 | 16223 | 1 | 245.6667 | 1.06011475 | 1 | 16223 | 2 | 412.6667 | 1.06712302 | | 1 | 16289 | 1 | 171.0000 | 1.08726331 | 1 | 16289 | 2 | 316.5000 | 1.36953067 | | 1 | 16451 | 1 | 300.0000 | 1.25165076 | 1 | 16451 | 2 | 467.5000 | 1.29623639 | | 1 | 17051 | 1 | 349.7500 | 1.13464238 | 1 | 17051 | 2 | 319.7500 | 1.03793549 | | 2 | 71 | 1 | 221.5000 | 1.56397411 | 2 | 71 | 2 | 309.0000 | 1.49170579 | | 2 | 833 | 1 | 363.3333 | 1.04228148 | 2 | 833 | 2 | 158.7500 | 1.21308917 | | 2 | 969 | 1 | 282.0000 | 1.13743403 | 2 | 969 | 2 | 386.0000 | 1.13710012 | | 2 | 1401 | 1 | 249.0000 | 1.32062377 | 2 | 1401 | 2 | 296.6667 | 1.28681205 | | 2 | 1681 | 1 | 337.7500 | 1.05215660 | 2 | 1681 | 2 | 252.7500 | 1.03179107 | | 2 | 1991 | 1 | 356.0000 | 1.13367900 | 2 | 1991 | 2 | 273.2500 | 1.33241964 | | 2 | 2031 | 1 | 407.5000 | 1.02098768 | 2 | 2031 | 2 | 418.7500 | 1.00533886 | | 2 | 2481 | 1 | 319.7500 | 1.11602666 | 2 | 2481 | 2 | 378.3333 | 1.05971862 | | 2 | 2725 | 1 | 349.7500 | 1.11487049 | 2 | 2725 | 2 | 265.6667 | 1.54629702 | | 2 | 3073 | 1 | 385.0000 | 1.10208458 | 2 | 3073 | 2 | 231.7500 | 1.08849891 | | 2 | 3769 | 1 | 334.0000 | 1.19542966 | 2 | 3769 | 2 | 335.0000 | 1.04946496 | | 2 | 4085 | 1 | 327.7500 | 1.10054139 | 2 | 4085 | 2 | 281.7500 | 1.01876081 | | 2 | 4995 | 1 | 282.2500 | 1.26041833 | 2 | 4995 | 2 | 248.0000 | 1.25482290 | | 2 | 5099 | 1 | 418.6667 | 1.06809000 | 2 | 5099 | 2 | 428.6667 | 1.03523720 | | 2 | 5211 | 1 | 157.0000 | 1.06955174 | 2 | 5211 | 2 | 270.2500 | 1.19402008 | | 2 | 5769 | 1 | 341.2500 | 1.27231327 | 2 | 5769 | 2 | 267.0000 | 1.18157918 | | 2 | 6103 | 1 | 194.3333 | 1.51606728 | 2 | 6103 | 2 | 158.5000 | 1.27436986 | | 2 | 6243 | 1 | 168.5000 | 1.07321081 | 2 | 6243 | 2 | 386.7500 | 1.08329026 | | 2 | 6489 | 1 | 268.0000 | 1.69563724 | 2 | 6489 | 2 | 389.0000 | 1.41057805 | | 2 | 6585 | 1 | 183.7500 | 1.11519376 | 2 | 6585 | 2 | 353.7500 | 1.09397071 | | 2 | 6767 | 1 | 341.0000 | 1.09316398 | 2 | 6767 | 2 | 235.0000 | 1.13995439 | | 2 | 7411 | 1 | 460.0000 | 1.06282933 | 2 | 7411 | 2 | 297.5000 | 1.00057654 | | 2 | 8489 | 1 | 126.7500 | 1.34164630 | 2 | 8489 | 2 | 398.2500 | 1.00411248 | | 2 | 8633 | 1 | 218.5000 | 1.46451897 | 2 | 8633 | 2 | 230.2500 | 1.31169630 | | 2 | 8807 | 1 | 417.2500 | 1.02581129 | 2 | 8807 | 2 | 356.2500 | 1.10797306 | | 2 | 8883 | 1 | 249.2500 | 1.11122718 | 2 | 8883 | 2 | 189.2500 | 1.01007549 | | 2 | 9253 | 1 | 413.3333 | 1.16066609 | 2 | 9253 | 2 | 465.0000 | 1.02424458 | | 2 | 9467 | 1 | 108.2500 | 1.09112239 | 2 | 9467 | 2 | 107.0000 | 1.03092204 | | 2 | 9561 | 1 | 190.5000 | 1.03030325 | 2 | 9561 | 2 | 271.0000 | 1.20583495 | | 2 | 9575 | 1 | 452.5000 | 1.04944922 | 2 | 9575 | 2 | 155.7500 | 1.15340567 | | 2 | 9903 | 1 | 322.7500 | 1.07610801 | 2 | 9903 | 2 | 387.3333 | 1.26124079 | | 2 | 10535 | 1 | 324.3333 | 1.05711051 | 2 | 10535 | 2 | 310.2500 | 1.00406350 | | 2 | 10955 | 1 | 356.0000 | 1.15828133 | 2 | 10955 | 2 | 339.0000 | 1.07025321 | | 2 | 12089 | 1 | 212.0000 | 1.08275011 | 2 | 12089 | 2 | 173.3333 | 1.07398142 | | 2 | 12633 | 1 | 402.7500 | 1.00713621 | 2 | 12633 | 2 | 367.0000 | 1.12705356 | | 2 | 12765 | 1 | 308.0000 | 1.11884769 | 2 | 12765 | 2 | 347.0000 | 1.15717446 | | 2 | 13077 | 1 | 277.0000 | 1.23233608 | 2 | 13077 | 2 | 223.5000 | 1.13940034 | | 2 | 13687 | 1 | 361.2500 | 1.01073417 | 2 | 13687 | 2 | 468.2500 | 1.00984292 | | 2 | 14025 | 1 | 371.7500 | 1.01501361 | 2 | 14025 | 2 | 141.0000 | 1.25431703 | | 2 | 14117 | 1 | 298.5000 | 1.02512380 | 2 | 14117 | 2 | 220.2500 | 1.41526845 | | 2 | 14347 | 1 | 366.0000 | 1.03278929 | 2 | 14347 | 2 | 369.7500 | 1.01857399 | | 2 | 14697 | 1 | 397.7500 | 1.00812054 | 2 | 14697 | 2 | 328.7500 | 1.16084956 | | 2 | 14987 | 1 | 146.7500 | 1.02900406 | 2 | 14987 | 2 | 436.5000 | 1.04476815 | | 2 | 15321 | 1 | 527.0000 | 1.21026626 | 2 | 15321 | 2 | 298.7500 | 1.13090984 | | 2 | 15347 | 1 | 243.0000 | 1.22262398 | 2 | 15347 | 2 | 310.7500 | 1.20365849 | | 2 | 15533 | 1 | 223.0000 | 1.09651113 | 2 | 15533 | 2 | 330.0000 | 1.49674885 | | 2 | 15839 | 1 | 353.0000 | 1.50636844 | 2 | 15839 | 2 | 255.5000 | 1.23623932 | | 2 | 16107 | 1 | 376.0000 | 1.01332463 | 2 | 16107 | 2 | 364.7500 | 1.06886780 | | 2 | 16749 | 1 | 200.0000 | 1.09447095 | 2 | 16749 | 2 | 438.2500 | 1.03606466 | | 2 | 17329 | 1 | 321.3333 | 1.30932808 | 2 | 17329 | 2 | 490.2500 | 1.07565806 | | 2 | 17417 | 1 | 321.7500 | 1.13067648 | 2 | 17417 | 2 | 534.0000 | 1.00107252 | | 3 | 1049 | 1 | 252.5000 | 1.10906411 | 3 | 1049 | 2 | 457.2500 | 1.02398412 | | 3 | 1415 | 1 | 247.5000 | 1.13216178 | 3 | 1415 | 2 | 369.7500 | 1.09546796 | | 3 | 2199 | 1 | 185.7500 | 1.20281256 | 3 | 2199 | 2 | 300.7500 | 1.07678451 | | 3 | 2403 | 1 | 270.7500 | 1.32587057 | 3 | 2403 | 2 | 384.0000 | 1.09039872 | | 3 | 2541 | 1 | 364.7500 | 1.07921353 | 3 | 2541 | 2 | 550.5000 | 1.05455889 | | 3 | 2727 | 1 | 303.7500 | 1.03016470 | 3 | 2727 | 2 | 219.2500 | 1.38220918 | | 3 | 3207 | 1 | 383.7500 | 1.08545880 | 3 | 3207 | 2 | 258.2500 | 1.21133925 | | 3 | 3373 | 1 | 404.5000 | 1.01433741 | 3 | 3373 | 2 | 171.2500 | 1.28566540 | | 3 | 3969 | 1 | 234.2500 | 1.04228318 | 3 | 3969 | 2 | 217.2500 | 1.42154907 | | 3 | 4407 | 1 | 438.5000 | 1.06566635 | 3 | 4407 | 2 | 330.7500 | 1.02444040 | | 3 | 6051 | 1 | 289.7500 | 1.26388809 | 3 | 6051 | 2 | 439.0000 | 1.10457692 | | 3 | 6521 | 1 | 381.0000 | 1.00156829 | 3 | 6521 | 2 | 437.7500 | 1.03651493 | | 3 | 6691 | 1 | 377.0000 | 1.10907373 | 3 | 6691 | 2 | 380.5000 | 1.05813013 | | 3 | 6757 | 1 | 282.5000 | 1.08950094 | 3 | 6757 | 2 | 345.2500 | 1.22638287 | | 3 | 6915 | 1 | 420.6667 | 1.04683448 | 3 | 6915 | 2 | 292.5000 | 1.25061711 | | 3 | 7207 | 1 | 329.6667 | 1.59544805 | 3 | 7207 | 2 | 414.5000 | 1.01791971 | | 3 | 7889 | 1 | 318.5000 | 1.28790300 | 3 | 7889 | 2 | 291.3333 | 1.00429265 | | 3 | 8559 | 1 | 356.2500 | 1.00651935 | 3 | 8559 | 2 | 393.5000 | 1.01288317 | | 3 | 8829 | 1 | 364.2500 | 1.07928523 | 3 | 8829 | 2 | 350.2500 | 1.11339122 | | 3 | 9555 | 1 | 377.0000 | 1.13084693 | 3 | 9555 | 2 | 444.7500 | 1.01715882 | | 3 | 9623 | 1 | 331.3333 | 1.15512904 | 3 | 9623 | 2 | 284.6667 | 1.03037232 | | 3 | 9813 | 1 | 343.7500 | 1.05169538 | 3 | 9813 | 2 | 384.6667 | 1.08150050 | | 3 | 9881 | 1 | 351.5000 | 1.17888206 | 3 | 9881 | 2 | 287.7500 | 1.09093861 | | 3 | 10035 | 1 | 378.2500 | 1.02163995 | 3 | 10035 | 2 | 364.2500 | 1.15679227 | | 3 | 10509 | 1 | 420.2500 | 1.05486269 | 3 | 10509 | 2 | 368.2500 | 1.18206334 | | 3 | 10547 | 1 | 182.3333 | 1.53256443 | 3 | 10547 | 2 | 320.2500 | 1.30244184 | | 3 | 10743 | 1 | 233.2500 | 1.27930224 | 3 | 10743 | 2 | 110.2500 | 1.10720463 | | 3 | 11477 | 1 | 264.2500 | 1.09535300 | 3 | 11477 | 2 | 278.5000 | 1.03279098 | | 3 | 11959 | 1 | 358.0000 | 1.06848353 | 3 | 11959 | 2 | 268.5000 | 1.00898568 | | 3 | 12043 | 1 | 169.2500 | 1.03309381 | 3 | 12043 | 2 | 377.2500 | 1.01619625 | | 3 | 12157 | 1 | 326.3333 | 1.00223197 | 3 | 12157 | 2 | 396.3333 | 1.02878189 | | 3 | 12433 | 1 | 199.7500 | 1.30725892 | 3 | 12433 | 2 | 478.5000 | 1.01647421 | | 3 | 12867 | 1 | 278.2500 | 1.64038001 | 3 | 12867 | 2 | 350.7500 | 1.20069333 | | 3 | 13499 | 1 | 281.0000 | 1.14319655 | 3 | 13499 | 2 | 446.7500 | 1.03315203 | | 3 | 14589 | 1 | 266.5000 | 1.11432439 | 3 | 14589 | 2 | 334.3333 | 1.14531480 | | 3 | 15207 | 1 | 300.2500 | 1.48446113 | 3 | 15207 | 2 | 564.0000 | 1.00048087 | | 3 | 15395 | 1 | 258.2500 | 1.05138769 | 3 | 15395 | 2 | 307.5000 | 1.13822532 | | 3 | 15973 | 1 | 477.5000 | 1.20393259 | 3 | 15973 | 2 | 286.0000 | 1.28722942 | | 3 | 16233 | 1 | 260.6667 | 1.12042341 | 3 | 16233 | 2 | 210.5000 | 1.17881433 | | 3 | 16267 | 1 | 456.0000 | 1.00422635 | 3 | 16267 | 2 | 364.3333 | 1.48188568 | | 3 | 16605 | 1 | 394.2500 | 1.11374136 | 3 | 16605 | 2 | 296.2500 | 1.28858927 | | 3 | 16949 | 1 | 155.7500 | 1.11861773 | 3 | 16949 | 2 | 229.5000 | 1.02894692 | | 3 | 17319 | 1 | 364.7500 | 1.27093644 | 3 | 17319 | 2 | 359.2500 | 1.15787514 | | 4 | 947 | 1 | 247.5000 | 1.69331818 | 4 | 947 | 2 | 203.3333 | 1.20543334 | | 4 | 1895 | 1 | 354.7500 | 1.23973415 | 4 | 1895 | 2 | 383.7500 | 1.08930770 | | 4 | 3429 | 1 | 358.5000 | 1.06655934 | 4 | 3429 | 2 | 346.0000 | 1.25194893 | | 4 | 4559 | 1 | 215.0000 | 1.24323299 | 4 | 4559 | 2 | 360.7500 | 1.03335459 | | 4 | 4773 | 1 | 328.2500 | 1.05098366 | 4 | 4773 | 2 | 330.5000 | 1.00625806 | | 4 | 4885 | 1 | 151.0000 | 1.32055704 | 4 | 4885 | 2 | 377.2500 | 1.04890352 | | 4 | 4915 | 1 | 289.2500 | 1.08639295 | 4 | 4915 | 2 | 368.0000 | 1.06965855 | | 4 | 5043 | 1 | 476.0000 | 1.01559643 | 4 | 5043 | 2 | 244.2500 | 1.35628937 | | 4 | 5095 | 1 | 334.0000 | 1.22588613 | 4 | 5095 | 2 | 390.2500 | 1.06217881 | | 4 | 5193 | 1 | 263.3333 | 1.25017111 | 4 | 5193 | 2 | 323.0000 | 1.09796162 | | 4 | 5975 | 1 | 434.0000 | 1.02336145 | 4 | 5975 | 2 | 359.7500 | 1.19793569 | | 4 | 6251 | 1 | 285.0000 | 1.12153803 | 4 | 6251 | 2 | 335.5000 | 1.16021925 | | 4 | 6389 | 1 | 280.7500 | 1.20492361 | 4 | 6389 | 2 | 259.3333 | 1.48165525 | | 4 | 6487 | 1 | 452.7500 | 1.07106266 | 4 | 6487 | 2 | 350.5000 | 1.17164757 | | 4 | 6619 | 1 | 430.0000 | 1.00072626 | 4 | 6619 | 2 | 226.2500 | 1.54855745 | | 4 | 7191 | 1 | 260.7500 | 1.00126668 | 4 | 7191 | 2 | 195.2500 | 1.53726755 | | 4 | 7427 | 1 | 239.5000 | 1.41835671 | 4 | 7427 | 2 | 373.2500 | 1.04297920 | | 4 | 8453 | 1 | 314.7500 | 1.02597149 | 4 | 8453 | 2 | 376.7500 | 1.00990239 | | 4 | 8781 | 1 | 518.5000 | 1.10055000 | 4 | 8781 | 2 | 521.0000 | 1.12377047 | | 4 | 9571 | 1 | 314.0000 | 1.21685782 | 4 | 9571 | 2 | 309.0000 | 1.08921674 | | 4 | 9587 | 1 | 248.0000 | 1.49818873 | 4 | 9587 | 2 | 248.0000 | 1.00649878 | | 4 | 10333 | 1 | 321.0000 | 1.14861071 | 4 | 10333 | 2 | 317.0000 | 1.04692263 | | 4 | 10969 | 1 | 186.6667 | 1.10442042 | 4 | 10969 | 2 | 307.0000 | 1.10947641 | | 4 | 10993 | 1 | 446.0000 | 1.00923763 | 4 | 10993 | 2 | 206.6667 | 1.23553315 | | 4 | 11571 | 1 | 342.5000 | 1.14262840 | 4 | 11571 | 2 | 304.6667 | 1.03199421 | | 4 | 11979 | 1 | 225.3333 | 1.46706583 | 4 | 11979 | 2 | 438.2500 | 1.13899270 | | 4 | 13409 | 1 | 312.3333 | 1.34275039 | 4 | 13409 | 2 | 336.2500 | 1.10819783 | | 4 | 13443 | 1 | 417.7500 | 1.02177961 | 4 | 13443 | 2 | 334.0000 | 1.30764309 | | 4 | 13567 | 1 | 271.5000 | 1.00876216 | 4 | 13567 | 2 | 370.0000 | 1.45576861 | | 4 | 13683 | 1 | 318.7500 | 1.01498277 | 4 | 13683 | 2 | 363.5000 | 1.07811546 | | 4 | 14143 | 1 | 367.0000 | 1.04417994 | 4 | 14143 | 2 | 290.0000 | 1.19330608 | | 4 | 14401 | 1 | 342.7500 | 1.18365590 | 4 | 14401 | 2 | 344.2500 | 1.20670831 | | 4 | 14693 | 1 | 447.2500 | 1.05166749 | 4 | 14693 | 2 | 498.0000 | 1.35173826 | | 4 | 14877 | 1 | 414.3333 | 1.17077248 | 4 | 14877 | 2 | 282.5000 | 1.58305829 | | 4 | 15063 | 1 | 378.2500 | 1.11281926 | 4 | 15063 | 2 | 444.0000 | 1.06327777 | | 4 | 15275 | 1 | 335.5000 | 1.15363829 | 4 | 15275 | 2 | 292.6667 | 1.29783122 | | 4 | 15509 | 1 | 296.3333 | 1.02467417 | 4 | 15509 | 2 | 317.6667 | 1.44703630 | | 4 | 15969 | 1 | 423.0000 | 1.04728755 | 4 | 15969 | 2 | 342.5000 | 1.25117694 | | 4 | 16627 | 1 | 485.5000 | 1.01514609 | 4 | 16627 | 2 | 161.2500 | 1.35332527 | | 4 | 16641 | 1 | 521.5000 | 1.10506621 | 4 | 16641 | 2 | 221.5000 | 1.03085905 | | 4 | 16751 | 1 | 549.5000 | 1.08221438 | 4 | 16751 | 2 | 223.3333 | 1.33778996 | | 5 | 75 | 1 | 333.0000 | 1.26563188 | 5 | 75 | 2 | 226.0000 | 1.03580785 | | 5 | 125 | 1 | 441.6667 | 1.09597137 | 5 | 125 | 2 | 331.5000 | 1.00811483 | | 5 | 431 | 1 | 159.0000 | 1.10617948 | 5 | 431 | 2 | 304.0000 | 1.12242254 | | 5 | 671 | 1 | 403.3333 | 1.00560150 | 5 | 671 | 2 | 281.3333 | 1.33668368 | | 5 | 745 | 1 | 466.7500 | 1.01090655 | 5 | 745 | 2 | 351.0000 | 1.11472129 | | 5 | 1701 | 1 | 374.0000 | 1.08644582 | 5 | 1701 | 2 | 385.0000 | 1.33063087 | | 5 | 2521 | 1 | 360.7500 | 1.09924823 | 5 | 2521 | 2 | 265.5000 | 1.17240777 | | 5 | 2855 | 1 | 406.0000 | 1.40376371 | 5 | 2855 | 2 | 183.2500 | 1.06622499 | | 5 | 3137 | 1 | 271.2500 | 1.57545322 | 5 | 3137 | 2 | 380.0000 | 1.08342034 | | 5 | 3279 | 1 | 299.5000 | 1.05366972 | 5 | 3279 | 2 | 276.7500 | 1.44588781 | | 5 | 3467 | 1 | 294.0000 | 1.14772946 | 5 | 3467 | 2 | 349.6667 | 1.16742226 | | 5 | 4463 | 1 | 338.0000 | 1.06993201 | 5 | 4463 | 2 | 273.5000 | 1.23697973 | | 5 | 4719 | 1 | 340.5000 | 1.05718578 | 5 | 4719 | 2 | 423.6667 | 1.02549994 | | 5 | 4739 | 1 | 281.3333 | 1.02429727 | 5 | 4739 | 2 | 383.5000 | 1.03343374 | | 5 | 4839 | 1 | 310.2500 | 1.03590344 | 5 | 4839 | 2 | 232.0000 | 1.29541938 | | 5 | 4979 | 1 | 359.5000 | 1.10464081 | 5 | 4979 | 2 | 323.7500 | 1.17042510 | | 5 | 5401 | 1 | 219.2500 | 1.27738702 | 5 | 5401 | 2 | 203.0000 | 1.09156752 | | 5 | 5635 | 1 | 370.0000 | 1.02270546 | 5 | 5635 | 2 | 351.6667 | 1.37776632 | | 5 | 5797 | 1 | 403.0000 | 1.02348823 | 5 | 5797 | 2 | 457.5000 | 1.00370401 | | 5 | 5901 | 1 | 360.2500 | 1.12596313 | 5 | 5901 | 2 | 376.0000 | 1.00950384 | | 5 | 6129 | 1 | 419.2500 | 1.01691802 | 5 | 6129 | 2 | 359.5000 | 1.04788894 | | 5 | 6213 | 1 | 351.6667 | 1.20562114 | 5 | 6213 | 2 | 361.5000 | 1.11684081 | | 5 | 6479 | 1 | 301.3333 | 1.27800119 | 5 | 6479 | 2 | 395.7500 | 1.17797435 | | 5 | 7333 | 1 | 227.0000 | 1.46113460 | 5 | 7333 | 2 | 243.7500 | 1.17891625 | | 5 | 7923 | 1 | 358.0000 | 1.10467709 | 5 | 7923 | 2 | 342.3333 | 1.16077823 | | 5 | 8737 | 1 | 217.2500 | 1.07421364 | 5 | 8737 | 2 | 403.5000 | 1.04420805 | | 5 | 8945 | 1 | 344.2500 | 1.14148377 | 5 | 8945 | 2 | 298.0000 | 1.00083670 | | 5 | 8993 | 1 | 399.0000 | 1.18737229 | 5 | 8993 | 2 | 371.7500 | 1.13163538 | | 5 | 10667 | 1 | 288.0000 | 1.34536402 | 5 | 10667 | 2 | 289.5000 | 1.09522380 | | 5 | 10771 | 1 | 394.7500 | 1.04806801 | 5 | 10771 | 2 | 323.2500 | 1.23773488 | | 5 | 10949 | 1 | 383.0000 | 1.11256774 | 5 | 10949 | 2 | 378.2500 | 1.12554061 | | 5 | 11107 | 1 | 446.5000 | 1.26534898 | 5 | 11107 | 2 | 258.5000 | 1.55361256 | | 5 | 11795 | 1 | 395.5000 | 1.01044732 | 5 | 11795 | 2 | 430.7500 | 1.13106259 | | 5 | 12017 | 1 | 347.7500 | 1.16823794 | 5 | 12017 | 2 | 308.0000 | 1.15932280 | | 5 | 12027 | 1 | 456.2500 | 1.02629401 | 5 | 12027 | 2 | 390.3333 | 1.11427710 | | 5 | 13583 | 1 | 430.3333 | 1.04238401 | 5 | 13583 | 2 | 256.2500 | 1.54103483 | | 5 | 13651 | 1 | 272.3333 | 1.16952327 | 5 | 13651 | 2 | 330.5000 | 1.19018735 | | 5 | 13783 | 1 | 419.5000 | 1.05846997 | 5 | 13783 | 2 | 339.5000 | 1.06809095 | | 5 | 13859 | 1 | 318.0000 | 1.14222390 | 5 | 13859 | 2 | 380.2500 | 1.05644962 | | 5 | 14537 | 1 | 206.0000 | 1.22834400 | 5 | 14537 | 2 | 357.7500 | 1.03879827 | | 5 | 15309 | 1 | 276.3333 | 1.29875921 | 5 | 15309 | 2 | 409.0000 | 1.01024062 | | 5 | 15883 | 1 | 385.3333 | 1.01247784 | 5 | 15883 | 2 | 173.2500 | 1.35622382 | | 5 | 15935 | 1 | 293.5000 | 1.01876594 | 5 | 15935 | 2 | 271.2500 | 1.40009475 | | 5 | 15949 | 1 | 241.5000 | 1.14866599 | 5 | 15949 | 2 | 235.0000 | 1.40728879 | | 5 | 16037 | 1 | 327.2500 | 1.13076173 | 5 | 16037 | 2 | 412.6667 | 1.18301992 | | 5 | 16291 | 1 | 380.5000 | 1.05495950 | 5 | 16291 | 2 | 411.6667 | 1.03492132 | | 5 | 16459 | 1 | 370.0000 | 1.27564991 | 5 | 16459 | 2 | 265.7500 | 1.29881917 | | 5 | 16901 | 1 | 305.2500 | 1.10430105 | 5 | 16901 | 2 | 186.5000 | 1.02312693 | | 5 | 17199 | 1 | 376.5000 | 1.10389698 | 5 | 17199 | 2 | 374.0000 | 1.08730312 | | 5 | 17387 | 1 | 298.3333 | 1.38487433 | 5 | 17387 | 2 | 327.6667 | 1.36708744 | | 5 | 17717 | 1 | 283.7500 | 1.15571566 | 5 | 17717 | 2 | 235.2500 | 1.14162394 | | 5 | 17927 | 1 | 217.5000 | 1.35499643 | 5 | 17927 | 2 | 250.7500 | 1.07092131 | | 5 | 17943 | 1 | 209.7500 | 1.37170713 | 5 | 17943 | 2 | 428.0000 | 1.10907993 | +----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+ 243 rows in set (32.45 sec) +----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+ | w_warehouse_sk | i_item_sk | d_moy | mean | cov | w_warehouse_sk | i_item_sk | d_moy | mean | cov | +----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+ | 1 | 1569 | 1 | 212.0000 | 1.63021352 | 1 | 1569 | 2 | 239.2500 | 1.26415133 | | 1 | 5627 | 1 | 282.7500 | 1.56570324 | 1 | 5627 | 2 | 297.5000 | 1.20842868 | | 1 | 7999 | 1 | 166.2500 | 1.79242317 | 1 | 7999 | 2 | 375.3333 | 1.00809235 | | 1 | 8611 | 1 | 300.5000 | 1.51915452 | 1 | 8611 | 2 | 243.7500 | 1.23421228 | | 1 | 15345 | 1 | 148.5000 | 1.52957840 | 1 | 15345 | 2 | 246.5000 | 1.50879877 | | 2 | 71 | 1 | 221.5000 | 1.56397411 | 2 | 71 | 2 | 309.0000 | 1.49170579 | | 2 | 6103 | 1 | 194.3333 | 1.51606728 | 2 | 6103 | 2 | 158.5000 | 1.27436986 | | 2 | 6489 | 1 | 268.0000 | 1.69563724 | 2 | 6489 | 2 | 389.0000 | 1.41057805 | | 2 | 15839 | 1 | 353.0000 | 1.50636844 | 2 | 15839 | 2 | 255.5000 | 1.23623932 | | 3 | 7207 | 1 | 329.6667 | 1.59544805 | 3 | 7207 | 2 | 414.5000 | 1.01791971 | | 3 | 10547 | 1 | 182.3333 | 1.53256443 | 3 | 10547 | 2 | 320.2500 | 1.30244184 | | 3 | 12867 | 1 | 278.2500 | 1.64038001 | 3 | 12867 | 2 | 350.7500 | 1.20069333 | | 4 | 947 | 1 | 247.5000 | 1.69331818 | 4 | 947 | 2 | 203.3333 | 1.20543334 | | 5 | 3137 | 1 | 271.2500 | 1.57545322 | 5 | 3137 | 2 | 380.0000 | 1.08342034 | +----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+----------------+-----------+-------+----------+------------+ 14 rows in set (24.98 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query39.tpl | 57443.8800 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query80.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: rollup+order by | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '(channel, id) order by channel ,id limit 100' at line 90 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query80.tpl | 0.6820 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query32.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------------+ | excess discount amount | +------------------------+ | 153971.98 | +------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query32.tpl | 13.5530 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query19.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------+----------------------+---------------+-----------------+-----------+ | brand_id | brand | i_manufact_id | i_manufact | ext_price | +----------+----------------------+---------------+-----------------+-----------+ | 5001002 | amalgscholar #2 | 124 | eseableought | 60599.51 | | 9013005 | exportiunivamalg #5 | 362 | ablecallypri | 56623.61 | | 1004001 | edu packamalg #1 | 507 | ationbaranti | 48684.15 | | 10012006 | importoamalgamalg #6 | 162 | ablecallyought | 45172.85 | | 4004001 | edu packedu pack #1 | 257 | ationantiable | 43243.34 | | 2004001 | edu packimporto #1 | 584 | eseeinganti | 35786.38 | | 2002001 | importoimporto #1 | 525 | antiableanti | 34269.30 | | 4001001 | amalgedu pack #1 | 236 | callypriable | 34158.86 | | 9005011 | scholarmaxi #11 | 349 | n stesepri | 33263.83 | | 4001001 | amalgedu pack #1 | 379 | n stationpri | 32585.02 | | 1002002 | importoamalg #2 | 50 | baranti | 32179.58 | | 8009002 | maxinameless #2 | 558 | eingantianti | 30680.39 | | 1002001 | importoamalg #1 | 184 | eseeingought | 29531.83 | | 9012003 | importounivamalg #3 | 818 | eingoughteing | 28668.11 | | 9011008 | amalgunivamalg #8 | 93 | prin st | 28642.70 | | 5003001 | exportischolar #1 | 264 | esecallyable | 28519.93 | | 2002001 | importoimporto #1 | 134 | esepriought | 28445.90 | | 6009005 | maxicorp #5 | 619 | n stoughtcally | 28218.65 | | 4003002 | exportiedu pack #2 | 117 | ationoughtought | 28047.76 | | 3004001 | edu packexporti #1 | 119 | n stoughtought | 27984.30 | | 3002001 | importoexporti #1 | 605 | antibarcally | 27543.33 | | 10008005 | namelessunivamalg #5 | 813 | prioughteing | 27264.59 | | 5002002 | importoscholar #2 | 245 | antieseable | 27208.84 | | 10013006 | exportiamalgamalg #6 | 461 | oughtcallyese | 27134.36 | | 8007009 | brandnameless #9 | 34 | esepri | 26915.93 | | 9004011 | edu packmaxi #11 | 241 | oughteseable | 26887.66 | | 6011004 | amalgbrand #4 | 9 | n st | 26684.52 | | 2004001 | edu packimporto #1 | 289 | n steingable | 26662.05 | | 6013004 | exportibrand #4 | 520 | barableanti | 26434.98 | | 2003001 | exportiimporto #1 | 653 | priantically | 26235.95 | | 8003007 | exportinameless #7 | 85 | antieing | 25956.01 | | 3001002 | amalgexporti #2 | 448 | eingeseese | 25519.10 | | 10001014 | amalgunivamalg #14 | 207 | ationbarable | 25452.33 | | 10006012 | corpunivamalg #12 | 166 | callycallyought | 25330.51 | | 9009011 | maximaxi #11 | 117 | ationoughtought | 25204.23 | | 4003001 | exportiedu pack #1 | 659 | n stantically | 24921.46 | | 9002011 | importomaxi #11 | 606 | callybarcally | 24908.86 | | 5004001 | edu packscholar #1 | 303 | pribarpri | 24594.65 | | 1003002 | exportiamalg #2 | 400 | barbarese | 23355.49 | | 3001001 | amalgexporti #1 | 24 | eseable | 23168.55 | | 8011003 | amalgmaxi #3 | 683 | prieingcally | 22998.91 | | 6009001 | maxicorp #1 | 66 | callycally | 22731.00 | | 1002001 | importoamalg #1 | 743 | prieseation | 22378.08 | | 10011002 | amalgamalgamalg #2 | 112 | ableoughtought | 22328.35 | | 8005009 | scholarnameless #9 | 323 | priablepri | 22309.60 | | 9016003 | corpunivamalg #3 | 51 | oughtanti | 21816.07 | | 1003001 | exportiamalg #1 | 162 | ablecallyought | 21779.00 | | 8003003 | exportinameless #3 | 85 | antieing | 21486.09 | | 4004001 | edu packedu pack #1 | 718 | eingoughtation | 21109.09 | | 10003001 | exportiunivamalg #1 | 252 | ableantiable | 20521.78 | | 1003002 | exportiamalg #2 | 483 | prieingese | 20442.57 | | 5002001 | importoscholar #1 | 202 | ablebarable | 20155.61 | | 10007007 | brandunivamalg #7 | 190 | barn stought | 20109.86 | | 9004003 | edu packmaxi #3 | 191 | oughtn stought | 20037.92 | | 5002001 | importoscholar #1 | 442 | ableeseese | 20006.02 | | 8014007 | edu packmaxi #7 | 350 | barantipri | 19925.31 | | 3002002 | importoexporti #2 | 597 | ationn stanti | 19828.78 | | 3002001 | importoexporti #1 | 462 | ablecallyese | 19342.72 | | 5003002 | exportischolar #2 | 162 | ablecallyought | 19209.09 | | 2002001 | importoimporto #1 | 100 | barbarought | 19042.42 | | 2003001 | exportiimporto #1 | 288 | eingeingable | 18685.69 | | 10015008 | scholaramalgamalg #8 | 839 | n stprieing | 18534.54 | | 1001001 | amalgamalg #1 | 346 | callyesepri | 18433.11 | | 10011013 | amalgamalgamalg #13 | 551 | oughtantianti | 18064.77 | | 6015001 | scholarbrand #1 | 543 | prieseanti | 18056.20 | | 7014001 | edu packnameless #1 | 23 | priable | 17807.30 | | 5003001 | exportischolar #1 | 457 | ationantiese | 17728.94 | | 10010013 | univamalgamalg #13 | 656 | callyantically | 17471.71 | | 10006011 | corpunivamalg #11 | 328 | eingablepri | 17466.17 | | 8012007 | importomaxi #7 | 320 | barablepri | 17382.18 | | 4002002 | importoedu pack #2 | 615 | antioughtcally | 17354.10 | | 6006004 | corpcorp #4 | 27 | ationable | 16817.59 | | 8012001 | importomaxi #1 | 277 | ationationable | 16644.59 | | 8014009 | edu packmaxi #9 | 214 | eseoughtable | 16588.51 | | 1004001 | edu packamalg #1 | 675 | antiationcally | 16423.48 | | 5004002 | edu packscholar #2 | 168 | eingcallyought | 16291.22 | | 1002002 | importoamalg #2 | 504 | esebaranti | 16252.61 | | 4002001 | importoedu pack #1 | 101 | oughtbarought | 16134.60 | | 5003001 | exportischolar #1 | 306 | callybarpri | 15992.48 | | 7001007 | amalgbrand #7 | 39 | n stpri | 15797.42 | | 4004001 | edu packedu pack #1 | 286 | callyeingable | 15768.36 | | 5002002 | importoscholar #2 | 503 | pribaranti | 15627.77 | | 1003001 | exportiamalg #1 | 377 | ationationpri | 15582.50 | | 7005004 | scholarbrand #4 | 641 | oughtesecally | 15481.51 | | 4001002 | amalgedu pack #2 | 149 | n steseought | 15402.78 | | 6010003 | univbrand #3 | 165 | anticallyought | 15354.23 | | 2002001 | importoimporto #1 | 265 | anticallyable | 15075.73 | | 1004001 | edu packamalg #1 | 380 | bareingpri | 14925.12 | | 5004002 | edu packscholar #2 | 427 | ationableese | 14687.36 | | 8002004 | importonameless #4 | 764 | esecallyation | 14618.25 | | 3002002 | importoexporti #2 | 581 | oughteinganti | 14596.06 | | 3002001 | importoexporti #1 | 176 | callyationought | 14368.19 | | 10016002 | corpamalgamalg #2 | 512 | ableoughtanti | 14128.65 | | 9007011 | brandmaxi #11 | 238 | eingpriable | 14013.00 | | 7002009 | importobrand #9 | 39 | n stpri | 13990.52 | | 4004002 | edu packedu pack #2 | 293 | prin stable | 13937.66 | | 2004002 | edu packimporto #2 | 912 | ableoughtn st | 13897.89 | | 1001001 | amalgamalg #1 | 89 | n steing | 13737.65 | | 8006008 | corpnameless #8 | 605 | antibarcally | 13650.38 | | 6004005 | edu packcorp #5 | 224 | eseableable | 13353.16 | +----------+----------------------+---------------+-----------------+-----------+ 100 rows in set (7.88 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query19.tpl | 7884.4530 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query25.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Empty set (0.73 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query25.tpl | 731.4280 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query78.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------------+-------+-----------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | ss_customer_sk | ratio | store_qty | store_wholesale_cost | store_sales_price | other_chan_qty | other_chan_wholesale_cost | other_chan_sales_price | +----------------+-------+-----------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ | 373 | 1.69 | 98 | 73.85 | 9.65 | 58 | 79.31 | 89.33 | | 1302 | 0.48 | 10 | 73.37 | 24.85 | 21 | 46.46 | 88.08 | | 1861 | 0.63 | 48 | 51.02 | 12.98 | 76 | 19.12 | 11.83 | | 2415 | 0.82 | 69 | 87.49 | 34.29 | 84 | 65.79 | 7.99 | | 4169 | 0.47 | 26 | 67.91 | 86.43 | 55 | 87.94 | 14.35 | | 4843 | 0.37 | 35 | 39.85 | 11.10 | 95 | 29.53 | 17.50 | | 5138 | 0.95 | 18 | 68.02 | 58.11 | 19 | 92.98 | 201.76 | | 5146 | 0.81 | 39 | 35.53 | 9.32 | 48 | 65.81 | 64.99 | | 5835 | 0.58 | 25 | 34.22 | 40.31 | 43 | 95.47 | 69.16 | | 5838 | 4.33 | 26 | 33.23 | 37.48 | 6 | 54.20 | 37.72 | | 6072 | 5.67 | 17 | 8.58 | 11.18 | 3 | 98.93 | 133.01 | | 6128 | 0.86 | 42 | 74.15 | 49.77 | 49 | 77.31 | 172.97 | | 6292 | 0.01 | 1 | 94.97 | 10.99 | 86 | 79.39 | 28.32 | | 6426 | 0.03 | 1 | 46.00 | 33.38 | 37 | 81.77 | 116.74 | | 6529 | 2.79 | 39 | 82.20 | 62.14 | 14 | 82.37 | 128.78 | | 6968 | NULL | NULL | 74.10 | NULL | 11 | 84.51 | 123.82 | | 7005 | 0.75 | 21 | 41.62 | 32.77 | 28 | 38.70 | 10.21 | | 7161 | 1.08 | 92 | 83.91 | 40.13 | 85 | 33.67 | 37.89 | | 7244 | 0.53 | 52 | 47.94 | 29.51 | 99 | 77.00 | 56.54 | | 8030 | 0.75 | 74 | 30.43 | 28.03 | 99 | 17.36 | 21.48 | | 8322 | 0.64 | 54 | 76.27 | 12.96 | 84 | 44.96 | 84.16 | | 9555 | 0.58 | 45 | 70.72 | 54.45 | 78 | 29.16 | 11.54 | | 9686 | 0.65 | 62 | 54.84 | 49.50 | 95 | 31.53 | 36.18 | | 9932 | 0.13 | 2 | 31.75 | 12.86 | 15 | 65.47 | 43.23 | | 10604 | 92.00 | 92 | 75.75 | 104.98 | 1 | 58.64 | 5.39 | | 11485 | 3.50 | 91 | 31.65 | 9.91 | 26 | 3.66 | 1.27 | | 12313 | 1.79 | 61 | 47.28 | 59.54 | 34 | 39.55 | 57.47 | | 12351 | 4.67 | 14 | 49.04 | 11.67 | 3 | 83.46 | 23.62 | | 12954 | 2.10 | 63 | 78.38 | 112.10 | 30 | 51.41 | 14.87 | | 13798 | 4.92 | 64 | 42.77 | 45.03 | 13 | 2.28 | 1.58 | | 14070 | 0.16 | 13 | 6.18 | 5.29 | 83 | 21.99 | 39.59 | | 15217 | 0.65 | 63 | 77.94 | 32.95 | 97 | 90.71 | 42.72 | | 15894 | 1.18 | 100 | 93.86 | 31.42 | 85 | 96.22 | 109.41 | | 15926 | 2.40 | 72 | 14.29 | 0.00 | 30 | 16.44 | 2.10 | | 16065 | 42.00 | 84 | 40.51 | 57.50 | 2 | 6.94 | 7.89 | | 16602 | 1.02 | 52 | 97.93 | 116.13 | 51 | 75.05 | 98.46 | | 17427 | 2.63 | 92 | 52.80 | 52.56 | 35 | 55.82 | 54.40 | | 19171 | 1.67 | 20 | 32.85 | 38.10 | 12 | 80.56 | 20.51 | | 19186 | 0.14 | 5 | 88.62 | 19.88 | 36 | 33.45 | 19.33 | | 19240 | 0.25 | 16 | 62.07 | 85.00 | 64 | 37.07 | 8.74 | | 20034 | 4.56 | 73 | 29.82 | 30.56 | 16 | 27.41 | 51.61 | | 20586 | 0.56 | 41 | 38.01 | 33.20 | 73 | 65.36 | 2.05 | | 21195 | 0.90 | 54 | 19.31 | 27.71 | 60 | 31.48 | 14.93 | | 21385 | 0.86 | 62 | 34.41 | 44.55 | 72 | 93.19 | 102.40 | | 22265 | 0.38 | 21 | 4.49 | 4.35 | 56 | 88.99 | 216.24 | | 22794 | 0.32 | 29 | 96.94 | 62.69 | 90 | 87.83 | 168.05 | | 23674 | 0.22 | 11 | 23.54 | 2.99 | 50 | 7.17 | 2.19 | | 23682 | 0.10 | 7 | 82.27 | 98.47 | 71 | 18.91 | 27.42 | | 23783 | 0.91 | 39 | 93.87 | 79.41 | 43 | 39.61 | 77.22 | | 24083 | 4.88 | 39 | 79.98 | 6.84 | 8 | 77.36 | 60.10 | | 24114 | 0.44 | 31 | 67.38 | 39.46 | 70 | 78.26 | 44.75 | | 26511 | 7.43 | 52 | 80.66 | 122.74 | 7 | 7.64 | 14.72 | | 28636 | 9.40 | 47 | 62.59 | 25.84 | 5 | 5.99 | 0.43 | | 28718 | 1.00 | 18 | 67.41 | 78.98 | 18 | 27.10 | 7.46 | | 28743 | 4.14 | 58 | 60.89 | 19.94 | 14 | 38.85 | 9.82 | | 29192 | 0.33 | 27 | 96.05 | 33.50 | 81 | 41.74 | 13.72 | | 29779 | 1.07 | 49 | 47.60 | 13.93 | 46 | 69.82 | 50.14 | | 29852 | 0.14 | 13 | 99.24 | 1.51 | 90 | 28.86 | 12.61 | | 30113 | 0.40 | 10 | 18.01 | 0.00 | 25 | 19.40 | 7.21 | | 30522 | 0.84 | 81 | 20.37 | 11.98 | 97 | 18.26 | 27.58 | | 30649 | 0.37 | 29 | 18.08 | 13.31 | 79 | 58.12 | 10.20 | | 30746 | 0.89 | 32 | 40.71 | 5.34 | 36 | 28.28 | 28.29 | | 31695 | 6.67 | 40 | 48.98 | 11.72 | 6 | 62.33 | 145.48 | | 31868 | 2.09 | 67 | 66.79 | 54.64 | 32 | 75.13 | 33.26 | | 32572 | 0.54 | 48 | 82.29 | 15.63 | 89 | 11.72 | 27.63 | | 33698 | 0.74 | 56 | 2.63 | 2.47 | 76 | 55.62 | 31.57 | | 34637 | 0.13 | 4 | 13.45 | 15.84 | 30 | 33.09 | 33.58 | | 34843 | 21.00 | 21 | 92.20 | 101.06 | 1 | 57.84 | 40.05 | | 35487 | 0.14 | 4 | 56.23 | 31.28 | 28 | 58.97 | 55.34 | | 35537 | 1.40 | 60 | 90.29 | 57.39 | 43 | 79.24 | 207.88 | | 36179 | 1.42 | 61 | 74.72 | 94.68 | 43 | 32.78 | 76.60 | | 36905 | 0.33 | 29 | 60.60 | 61.42 | 88 | 51.15 | 20.58 | | 37826 | 0.56 | 19 | 33.53 | 51.59 | 34 | 29.46 | 6.36 | | 38356 | 12.00 | 60 | 85.12 | 19.82 | 5 | 88.85 | 83.37 | | 38652 | 0.13 | 13 | 39.35 | 11.80 | 100 | 36.14 | 23.01 | | 38668 | 1.54 | 83 | 82.14 | 68.30 | 54 | 44.04 | 68.16 | | 38875 | 0.80 | 33 | 70.91 | 111.59 | 41 | 91.78 | 160.09 | | 39082 | 5.80 | 87 | 71.32 | 56.73 | 15 | 1.66 | 1.51 | | 39322 | 1.45 | 61 | 44.76 | 11.05 | 42 | 1.29 | 0.00 | | 40837 | 2.63 | 100 | 58.74 | 52.72 | 38 | 82.29 | 84.49 | | 40907 | 3.79 | 91 | 33.85 | 37.34 | 24 | 92.53 | 209.16 | | 41474 | 6.00 | 78 | 70.58 | 72.41 | 13 | 15.25 | 22.93 | | 47436 | 0.17 | 3 | 22.20 | 6.64 | 18 | 78.66 | 228.11 | | 48202 | 0.01 | 1 | 64.05 | 80.74 | 81 | 85.56 | 54.25 | | 48525 | 0.33 | 12 | 97.86 | 84.54 | 36 | 8.51 | 8.04 | | 48606 | 0.85 | 66 | 84.42 | 70.73 | 78 | 10.44 | 11.03 | | 48713 | 0.61 | 17 | 51.26 | 50.10 | 28 | 93.64 | 117.79 | | 48818 | 2.23 | 87 | 45.23 | 7.34 | 39 | 2.74 | 5.78 | | 49027 | 1.47 | 50 | 59.72 | 42.35 | 34 | 57.24 | 48.21 | | 49301 | 7.75 | 93 | 91.50 | 73.96 | 12 | 64.80 | 57.64 | | 50574 | 0.80 | 61 | 65.23 | 52.96 | 76 | 57.65 | 21.44 | | 51602 | 0.87 | 86 | 69.75 | 93.79 | 99 | 43.27 | 64.96 | | 53909 | 18.25 | 73 | 26.45 | 26.23 | 4 | 77.01 | 31.88 | | 54463 | 0.44 | 40 | 87.94 | 87.92 | 90 | 83.62 | 124.81 | | 55264 | 0.63 | 22 | 7.48 | 2.62 | 35 | 62.72 | 82.25 | | 55736 | 1.94 | 95 | 40.15 | 16.06 | 49 | 58.52 | 134.68 | | 57282 | 0.90 | 65 | 89.26 | 120.49 | 72 | 53.35 | 77.81 | | 57791 | 0.27 | 21 | 17.10 | 16.31 | 77 | 81.90 | 133.64 | | 57932 | 0.61 | 57 | 36.89 | 36.44 | 94 | 52.80 | 40.86 | | 58004 | 1.17 | 77 | 16.66 | 4.45 | 66 | 33.84 | 20.58 | +----------------+-------+-----------+----------------------+-------------------+----------------+---------------------------+------------------------+ 100 rows in set (1 min 39.78 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query78.tpl | 99781.6080 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query86.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: rollup+order by | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '(i_category,i_class) order by lochierarchy desc, case when lochierarchy =' at line 18 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query86.tpl | 0.4070 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query1.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+ | c_customer_id | +------------------+ | AAAAAAAAAAABBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAADAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAADBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAAHBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAAIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAABEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAABEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAABNAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAACIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAACIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAACJAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAACLAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAACNAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAACPAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAADCBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAADFAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAEGAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAEHBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAEJAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAFBBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAFGAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAFGAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAFNAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAGLAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAHEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAHJAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAHMAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAIDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAIKAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAINAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAINAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAJAAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAJABAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAJBAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAJCBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAJEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAJLAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKCBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKEAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKFBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKFBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKJAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAKLAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAALDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAALDBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAMBBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAMMAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAANDBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAANEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAANGAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAOBBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAOBBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAOEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAONAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAPIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAAAPOAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABABBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABBCBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABBGBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABBHAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABBIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABBPAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABCFBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABCKAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABCKAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABDCAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABDHAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABEBAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABEEAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABEGBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABEIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABEIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABEMAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABFIBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABGEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABGJAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABHDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABHMAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABHOAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABIAAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABIDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABIEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABIFBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABIHBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABJAAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABJEAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABJEAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABJEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABJGBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABJIAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABKBAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABKCBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABKDAAAA | | AAAAAAAAABKDBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABKEBAAA | | AAAAAAAAABLABAAA | | AAAAAAAAABLBBAAA | +------------------+ 100 rows in set (1.10 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query1.tpl | 1090.0460 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query91.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Call_Center | Call_Center_Name | Manager | Returns_Loss | +------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+ | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | Mid Atlantic | Mark Hightower | 4046.80 | | AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA | NY Metro | Bob Belcher | 615.62 | | AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA | North Midwest | Larry Mccray | 434.88 | | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | Mid Atlantic | Mark Hightower | 365.47 | | AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA | NY Metro | Bob Belcher | 165.59 | +------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+ 5 rows in set (0.29 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query91.tpl | 292.2280 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query21.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+------------------+------------+-----------+ | w_warehouse_name | i_item_id | inv_before | inv_after | +------------------+------------------+------------+-----------+ | NULL | AAAAAAAAAABDAAAA | 1696 | 1891 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAACDAAAA | 2208 | 2222 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAAHDAAAA | 2196 | 2495 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAACHCAAAA | 1419 | 1635 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAACLDAAAA | 2091 | 2700 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAADKBAAAA | 1724 | 1870 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAEADAAAA | 2499 | 2105 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAFACAAAA | 2419 | 2083 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAFADAAAA | 2668 | 2691 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAHDEAAAA | 2100 | 1792 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAHHAAAAA | 2075 | 1651 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAHJBAAAA | 3137 | 2369 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAIECAAAA | 2482 | 1797 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAIMCAAAA | 2050 | 2813 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAJCAAAAA | 2058 | 2492 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAJKBAAAA | 2540 | 1990 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAALBEAAAA | 2538 | 2606 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAALCEAAAA | 2232 | 1561 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAMBEAAAA | 2390 | 1759 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAMPBAAAA | 2185 | 1610 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAOIBAAAA | 2212 | 2681 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAPBAAAAA | 1738 | 1831 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAPLAAAAA | 2316 | 1863 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAAPLDAAAA | 3509 | 2547 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABAPDAAAA | 2620 | 2432 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABDCEAAAA | 2207 | 3026 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABEFDAAAA | 1626 | 1400 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABFCCAAAA | 2491 | 1851 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABFMBAAAA | 940 | 1142 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABFNAAAAA | 2008 | 1762 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABFOCAAAA | 2265 | 1576 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABIGBAAAA | 2887 | 2848 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABIJBAAAA | 2250 | 2733 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABJFEAAAA | 2764 | 2095 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABKMCAAAA | 2928 | 2221 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABLDEAAAA | 3098 | 2193 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABNHBAAAA | 2140 | 2473 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABNIDAAAA | 1986 | 2174 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABNLAAAAA | 2008 | 1844 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABNLDAAAA | 2417 | 2876 | | NULL | AAAAAAAABOCCAAAA | 2311 | 2256 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACBFAAAAA | 2297 | 2885 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACBIAAAAA | 2045 | 2377 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACBPBAAAA | 2764 | 2646 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACCABAAAA | 3325 | 2701 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACCHDAAAA | 2973 | 1991 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACCMDAAAA | 2677 | 2922 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACDBCAAAA | 2115 | 1485 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACDECAAAA | 2527 | 2353 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACFHDAAAA | 2381 | 2830 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACGFDAAAA | 2260 | 1843 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACHHDAAAA | 1637 | 1414 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACJDCAAAA | 2311 | 1780 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACKHAAAAA | 2632 | 2078 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACKIAAAAA | 1952 | 2368 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACLAEAAAA | 2755 | 1946 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACLGAAAAA | 2567 | 2693 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACLLBAAAA | 1217 | 1410 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACLOBAAAA | 2827 | 2676 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACMJAAAAA | 2011 | 1721 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACNABAAAA | 2685 | 1905 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACNBBAAAA | 2393 | 2311 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACNGBAAAA | 2782 | 1875 | | NULL | AAAAAAAACNPCAAAA | 3360 | 2263 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADCBEAAAA | 2427 | 2222 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADCPCAAAA | 2173 | 2557 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADDHAAAAA | 1242 | 1055 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADDNDAAAA | 2113 | 2558 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADEAAAAAA | 2055 | 1866 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADEJAAAAA | 2570 | 2261 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADEJDAAAA | 2902 | 1975 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADFLAAAAA | 2176 | 1458 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADGGBAAAA | 1668 | 2353 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADGHAAAAA | 2496 | 2751 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADMDBAAAA | 2750 | 2157 | | NULL | AAAAAAAADPABAAAA | 3340 | 2582 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEAECAAAA | 2566 | 1783 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEAICAAAA | 2011 | 2747 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEAPAAAAA | 1445 | 1726 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEBACAAAA | 2099 | 1643 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEBPCAAAA | 2097 | 2212 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAECABAAAA | 3018 | 2148 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAECGCAAAA | 1946 | 2044 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEDOCAAAA | 1337 | 1555 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEEECAAAA | 1847 | 1968 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEEMCAAAA | 2671 | 2121 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEGJAAAAA | 1988 | 2605 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEGMAAAAA | 1881 | 1766 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEHFDAAAA | 2479 | 2516 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEHPAAAAA | 2606 | 2038 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEILAAAAA | 3042 | 2231 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEILDAAAA | 2040 | 2118 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEJABAAAA | 2029 | 2581 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEJIBAAAA | 2406 | 1903 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEJNCAAAA | 2167 | 2597 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEJPDAAAA | 2047 | 1398 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEKEBAAAA | 3007 | 2255 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEMEAAAAA | 2651 | 1834 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAEMKCAAAA | 2560 | 2395 | | NULL | AAAAAAAAENDAAAAA | 2117 | 2217 | +------------------+------------------+------------+-----------+ 100 rows in set (28.83 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query21.tpl | 28828.6020 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query43.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +--------------+------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | s_store_name | s_store_id | sun_sales | mon_sales | tue_sales | wed_sales | thu_sales | fri_sales | sat_sales | +--------------+------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 517884.59 | 469230.50 | 505832.67 | 443696.30 | 479716.97 | 462447.50 | 503064.60 | | ation | AAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA | 508811.68 | 474290.02 | 448808.84 | 492870.99 | 498127.64 | 474355.89 | 505906.68 | | bar | AAAAAAAAKAAAAAAA | 496021.80 | 459933.01 | 479825.96 | 474630.24 | 482326.79 | 478330.87 | 505252.22 | | eing | AAAAAAAAIAAAAAAA | 498752.97 | 476119.01 | 485965.24 | 454921.28 | 491953.89 | 476014.69 | 484633.67 | | ese | AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA | 493724.01 | 499637.85 | 452314.62 | 466232.23 | 481922.38 | 477933.29 | 500577.95 | | ought | AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA | 505735.34 | 471490.23 | 463248.39 | 482690.52 | 485818.98 | 481816.20 | 491354.68 | +--------------+------------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ 6 rows in set (9.02 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query43.tpl | 9021.1410 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query27.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: rollup+order by | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '(i_item_id, s_state) order by i_item_id ,s_state limit 100' at line 17 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query27.tpl | 0.3410 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query94.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ | order count | total shipping cost | total net profit | +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ | 5 | 14710.55 | 4963.03 | +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.20 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query94.tpl | 205.8110 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query45.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +--------+---------------+---------------------+ | ca_zip | ca_city | sum(ws_sales_price) | +--------+---------------+---------------------+ | NULL | Hopewell | 73.34 | | 08283 | Green Acres | 7.20 | | 08438 | Oak Hill | 5.69 | | 20191 | Belmont | 100.44 | | 29303 | Springfield | 22.91 | | 34975 | Kingston | 45.42 | | 41675 | Waterloo | 51.88 | | 53788 | Barnes | 27.89 | | 66192 | Fairfield | 142.79 | | 70069 | Edgewood | 62.89 | | 70534 | Crossroads | 164.91 | | 75752 | Buena Vista | 20.54 | | 76060 | Spring Valley | 107.31 | | 86871 | Wildwood | 25.15 | | 89145 | Farmington | 13.10 | | 98579 | Lakeview | 39.95 | +--------+---------------+---------------------+ 16 rows in set (6.30 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query45.tpl | 6290.4850 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query58.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Empty set (9.66 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query58.tpl | 9660.9290 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query64.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------+---------------+---------------+-------+-----------------+------------------+------------+-------+-------+-----+-------+--------+------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-----+ | product_name | store_name | store_zip | b_street_number | b_street_name | b_city | b_zip | c_street_number | c_street_name | c_city | c_zip | syear | cnt | s11 | s21 | s31 | s12 | s22 | s32 | syear | cnt | +-------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------+---------------+---------------+-------+-----------------+------------------+------------+-------+-------+-----+-------+--------+------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-----+ | antiablecallycally | eing | 35709 | 71 | Fifth | Bunker Hill | 40150 | 624 | View Franklin | Lakeside | 79532 | 2001 | 1 | 49.48 | 50.46 | 0.00 | 18.76 | 30.95 | 300.83 | 2002 | 1 | | antiablecallycally | ought | 31904 | 447 | 10th View | Providence | 66614 | 775 | Lakeview Dogwood | Edgewood | 60069 | 2001 | 1 | 30.57 | 60.22 | 0.00 | 76.51 | 80.33 | 0.00 | 2002 | 1 | | antiablecallycally | ought | 31904 | 647 | 7th Miller | Highland Park | 36534 | 461 | Valley | White Oak | 66668 | 2001 | 1 | 54.45 | 57.17 | 0.00 | 76.51 | 80.33 | 0.00 | 2002 | 1 | | n stcallyn station | ation | 31904 | 908 | 11th | Fisher | 42819 | 315 | Franklin | Hopewell | 60587 | 2001 | 1 | 91.06 | 173.01 | 0.00 | 5.30 | 7.52 | 0.00 | 2002 | 1 | | n stcallyn station | bar | 31904 | 686 | Mill | Union | 28721 | 495 | Birch North | Hamilton | 32808 | 2001 | 1 | 93.99 | 145.68 | 0.00 | 92.27 | 92.27 | 0.00 | 2002 | 1 | | oughtprioughtationought | eing | 35709 | 837 | First 4th | Shiloh | 69275 | 745 | 3rd | Oakdale | 59584 | 2001 | 1 | 69.16 | 97.51 | 0.00 | 35.07 | 58.91 | 0.00 | 2002 | 1 | | oughtprioughtationought | eing | 35709 | 173 | Fifth | Union Hill | 17746 | 785 | 1st Cedar | Greenville | 21387 | 2001 | 1 | 78.07 | 142.86 | 0.00 | 35.07 | 58.91 | 0.00 | 2002 | 1 | +-------------------------+------------+-----------+-----------------+---------------+---------------+-------+-----------------+------------------+------------+-------+-------+-----+-------+--------+------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-----+ 7 rows in set (2.34 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query64.tpl | 2339.9710 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query36.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: rollup+order by | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '(i_category,i_class) order by lochierarchy desc ,case when lochierarchy = ' at line 22 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query36.tpl | 0.5100 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query33.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +---------------+-------------+ | i_manufact_id | total_sales | +---------------+-------------+ | 705 | NULL | | 993 | 30.05 | | 699 | 52.65 | | 823 | 92.05 | | 783 | 129.04 | | 733 | 574.31 | | 748 | 636.01 | | 931 | 1296.76 | | 848 | 1377.50 | | 853 | 1597.89 | | 920 | 1605.43 | | 757 | 1720.88 | | 990 | 1849.65 | | 852 | 1921.26 | | 949 | 2127.01 | | 992 | 2144.96 | | 826 | 2947.09 | | 465 | 3170.82 | | 929 | 3225.52 | | 827 | 3276.03 | | 778 | 3392.47 | | 711 | 3420.10 | | 973 | 3658.55 | | 678 | 3707.50 | | 810 | 3787.82 | | 791 | 3995.66 | | 771 | 4073.76 | | 856 | 4157.46 | | 770 | 4199.16 | | 667 | 4293.85 | | 559 | 4313.11 | | 892 | 4410.29 | | 998 | 4482.66 | | 362 | 4572.02 | | 766 | 4761.10 | | 767 | 4910.27 | | 400 | 4953.96 | | 891 | 4988.25 | | 964 | 5028.93 | | 773 | 5704.12 | | 825 | 5744.95 | | 714 | 5824.39 | | 765 | 6130.37 | | 930 | 6199.88 | | 582 | 6290.86 | | 710 | 6323.46 | | 564 | 6489.20 | | 812 | 6527.40 | | 738 | 6560.19 | | 772 | 6594.59 | | 746 | 6651.80 | | 701 | 6827.31 | | 677 | 7071.54 | | 333 | 7091.50 | | 879 | 7118.09 | | 921 | 7301.17 | | 839 | 7421.24 | | 703 | 7467.96 | | 751 | 7489.98 | | 399 | 7506.55 | | 4 | 7605.58 | | 938 | 7617.21 | | 737 | 8063.62 | | 409 | 8081.69 | | 707 | 8445.73 | | 717 | 8658.78 | | 623 | 8690.69 | | 832 | 8781.42 | | 796 | 8791.92 | | 600 | 9058.40 | | 784 | 9178.47 | | 749 | 9181.44 | | 912 | 9223.62 | | 782 | 9268.42 | | 192 | 9503.81 | | 666 | 9625.80 | | 815 | 9712.78 | | 423 | 9796.45 | | 913 | 9983.04 | | 495 | 10093.45 | | 835 | 10190.78 | | 936 | 10222.81 | | 962 | 10229.47 | | 776 | 10305.09 | | 761 | 10369.98 | | 407 | 10436.69 | | 817 | 10447.92 | | 895 | 10514.78 | | 985 | 10672.44 | | 643 | 10706.42 | | 404 | 10714.61 | | 818 | 10949.60 | | 898 | 11398.59 | | 381 | 11424.67 | | 875 | 11463.78 | | 420 | 11908.16 | | 163 | 12011.60 | | 700 | 12016.27 | | 978 | 12158.69 | | 563 | 12252.45 | +---------------+-------------+ 100 rows in set (9.58 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query33.tpl | 9587.1210 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query46.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------+--------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ | c_last_name | c_first_name | ca_city | bought_city | ss_ticket_number | amt | profit | +-------------+--------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ | NULL | NULL | Adrian | Oakwood | 174956 | 1975.43 | -7779.53 | | NULL | NULL | Adrian | Wildwood | 107792 | 2547.64 | -9598.36 | | NULL | NULL | Antioch | Belmont | 149232 | 1500.41 | -3669.87 | | NULL | NULL | Antioch | Cedar Grove | 178285 | 2397.32 | -8927.96 | | NULL | NULL | Argyle | Greenville | 27365 | 6221.59 | -7665.52 | | NULL | NULL | Ashland | Springdale | 131283 | 910.83 | -17676.38 | | NULL | NULL | Ashley | Lakewood | 157802 | 2039.29 | -8635.27 | | NULL | NULL | Belfast | Fairfield | 46332 | 277.10 | -7875.35 | | NULL | NULL | Bethel | Lewisburg | 120180 | 4372.59 | 1975.23 | | NULL | NULL | Bloomingdale | Georgetown | 32419 | 0.00 | -3563.46 | | NULL | NULL | Bridgeport | Mount Zion | 123536 | 2049.94 | -10804.38 | | NULL | NULL | Brownsville | Clinton | 151368 | 5168.06 | -16207.18 | | NULL | NULL | Brownsville | Oakdale | 196947 | 270.52 | -9453.47 | | NULL | NULL | Brunswick | Kelly | 174097 | 1316.74 | -7923.73 | | NULL | NULL | Brunswick | Pine Grove | 90130 | 4125.83 | -12663.80 | | NULL | NULL | Buena Vista | Bridgeport | 181614 | 1171.85 | -26108.97 | | NULL | NULL | Bunker Hill | Midway | 222046 | 40.21 | -5362.41 | | NULL | NULL | Bunker Hill | Newport | 4501 | 1674.43 | -5904.01 | | NULL | NULL | Bunker Hill | Oakwood | 4861 | 9506.12 | -20819.48 | | NULL | NULL | Bunker Hill | Sunnyside | 63189 | 879.99 | -7775.21 | | NULL | NULL | Burns | White Oak | 233537 | 938.27 | -6814.30 | | NULL | NULL | Cedar Grove | Pleasant Hill | 37708 | 684.52 | -9668.57 | | NULL | NULL | Centerville | Fairview | 14030 | 134.27 | -739.42 | | NULL | NULL | Centerville | Wilson | 92369 | 3824.00 | -10960.68 | | NULL | NULL | Clifton | Unionville | 133474 | 0.00 | -10141.88 | | NULL | NULL | Clinton | Dallas | 22481 | 1684.82 | -13452.94 | | NULL | NULL | Concord | Clifton | 23961 | 3796.63 | -15419.44 | | NULL | NULL | Cordova | Sulphur Springs | 44193 | 4128.69 | -4700.15 | | NULL | NULL | Deerfield | Riverside | 226924 | 1511.10 | -12462.44 | | NULL | NULL | Deerfield | Wilson | 32450 | 210.59 | -5897.45 | | NULL | NULL | Derby | Woodville | 20568 | 1582.80 | -6242.96 | | NULL | NULL | Doyle | Lincoln | 14601 | 331.77 | -8270.62 | | NULL | NULL | Edgewood | Union | 150989 | 1640.33 | -12273.16 | | NULL | NULL | Empire | Midway | 165554 | 258.33 | -16775.39 | | NULL | NULL | Enterprise | New Hope | 234646 | 1560.42 | -14660.89 | | NULL | NULL | Five Forks | Lakewood | 186991 | 4960.22 | -10929.93 | | NULL | NULL | Florence | Franklin | 92493 | 392.27 | -7568.22 | | NULL | NULL | Florence | Newtown | 55640 | 2068.68 | -11680.71 | | NULL | NULL | Forest Hills | New Hope | 226625 | 255.35 | -19321.30 | | NULL | NULL | Forest Hills | Riverview | 183640 | 4275.59 | -10191.45 | | NULL | NULL | Franklin | Cedar Grove | 81710 | 1465.77 | -14267.51 | | NULL | NULL | Franklin | Woodland | 109975 | 62.94 | -9946.82 | | NULL | NULL | Friendship | Watkins | 55844 | 1537.80 | 764.39 | | NULL | NULL | Friendship | Wilson | 158052 | 4751.08 | -13105.87 | | NULL | NULL | Georgetown | Glenwood | 66632 | 627.73 | -9503.51 | | NULL | NULL | Georgetown | Sleepy Hollow | 209339 | 718.76 | 5497.55 | | NULL | NULL | Georgetown | Woodbury | 185271 | 6948.52 | -16871.76 | | NULL | NULL | Glendale | Indian Village | 203729 | 3173.01 | -5661.90 | | NULL | NULL | Glenwood | Clinton | 4460 | 1568.11 | -17245.05 | | NULL | NULL | Greenville | Bethel | 160048 | 2450.13 | -3147.92 | | NULL | NULL | Greenville | Oakwood | 221899 | 1868.22 | -12467.47 | | NULL | NULL | Greenville | Unionville | 9584 | 0.00 | -2219.46 | | NULL | NULL | Greenwood | Bridgeport | 228626 | 994.35 | -11510.47 | | NULL | NULL | Greenwood | Mount Vernon | 30561 | 853.26 | -15984.25 | | NULL | NULL | Guilford | Frenchtown | 88551 | 309.64 | -16713.91 | | NULL | NULL | Guilford | Glenwood | 9662 | 48.99 | -9444.15 | | NULL | NULL | Hamilton | Buena Vista | 191382 | 2383.43 | -16286.02 | | NULL | NULL | Hamilton | Five Points | 95635 | 774.55 | -11696.95 | | NULL | NULL | Hamilton | Fox | 35491 | 99.61 | -7830.38 | | NULL | NULL | Highland Park | Salem | 69302 | 1868.14 | -9374.04 | | NULL | NULL | Hillcrest | Valley View | 218569 | 1675.85 | 1324.33 | | NULL | NULL | Hopewell | Centerville | 17403 | 0.00 | -6426.77 | | NULL | NULL | Jackson | Liberty | 189234 | 61.18 | -7410.04 | | NULL | NULL | Jackson | Springdale | 72874 | 32.49 | -3297.92 | | NULL | NULL | Jackson | Union Hill | 181398 | 1.53 | -2517.92 | | NULL | NULL | Jamestown | Redland | 34908 | 8752.51 | 6015.12 | | NULL | NULL | Kingston | Clinton | 169584 | 14529.68 | -33013.98 | | NULL | NULL | Kingston | Franklin | 197024 | 1125.60 | -10948.22 | | NULL | NULL | Kingston | Hopewell | 4806 | 1138.66 | -4082.40 | | NULL | NULL | Kingston | Union | 126965 | 256.34 | -2964.65 | | NULL | NULL | Lakeside | Greenfield | 47446 | 2177.04 | 747.98 | | NULL | NULL | Lakeview | Florence | 100050 | 59.15 | -7569.89 | | NULL | NULL | Lakeview | Red Hill | 205752 | 1517.77 | -7683.24 | | NULL | NULL | Lakeville | Marion | 188972 | 4820.34 | -21332.34 | | NULL | NULL | Lakewood | Bridgeport | 169124 | 1332.90 | -11714.51 | | NULL | NULL | Lawrenceville | Avery | 17047 | 5114.33 | -18610.17 | | NULL | NULL | Lebanon | Bridgeport | 193952 | 2098.05 | -10456.64 | | NULL | NULL | Leon | Clifton | 11245 | 4870.21 | -16660.65 | | NULL | NULL | Liberty | Marion | 72583 | 2543.28 | -9097.35 | | NULL | NULL | Lincoln | Fairfield | 32607 | 0.00 | -21541.79 | | NULL | NULL | Lincoln | Greenwood | 54874 | 291.42 | -14066.86 | | NULL | NULL | Lincoln | Mount Olive | 148878 | 1735.15 | -4123.35 | | NULL | NULL | Lincoln | Mount Zion | 61284 | 2788.45 | -12976.49 | | NULL | NULL | Lincoln | Willis | 37523 | 0.00 | -18143.44 | | NULL | NULL | Macedonia | Pomona | 161063 | 236.26 | -11993.12 | | NULL | NULL | Macedonia | Summerville | 96898 | 190.19 | -5906.64 | | NULL | NULL | Maple Grove | Five Points | 5610 | 0.00 | -12203.93 | | NULL | NULL | Maple Grove | Waterloo | 225826 | 3816.54 | -8655.39 | | NULL | NULL | Midway | Liberty | 83801 | 312.69 | -836.45 | | NULL | NULL | Midway | Union Hill | 72892 | 3429.82 | -14021.48 | | NULL | NULL | Midway | Williamsville | 190498 | 1077.46 | -10790.74 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Olive | Lakewood | 175802 | 96.03 | -2330.49 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Olive | Lincoln | 155748 | 370.11 | -7043.75 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Olive | Mount Pleasant | 86569 | 303.42 | -11828.33 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Pleasant | Macedonia | 68127 | 643.45 | -4566.85 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Vernon | Ashland | 186392 | 7237.52 | -10866.96 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Vernon | Jamestown | 57667 | 709.13 | -7419.84 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Zion | Glenwood | 30310 | 5571.53 | -9204.91 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Zion | Glenwood | 122747 | 107.15 | -13143.20 | | NULL | NULL | Mount Zion | Greenwood | 174923 | 5483.86 | -22177.33 | +-------------+--------------+----------------+-----------------+------------------+----------+-----------+ 100 rows in set (11.27 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query46.tpl | 11280.6240 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query62.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+------------+------------+-------------+-----------+ | substr(w_warehouse_name,1,20) | sm_type | web_name | 30 days | 31-60 days | 61-90 days | 91-120 days | >120 days | +-------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+------------+------------+-------------+-----------+ | NULL | EXPRESS | site_0 | 290 | 302 | 308 | 295 | 0 | | NULL | EXPRESS | site_1 | 318 | 301 | 307 | 330 | 0 | | NULL | EXPRESS | site_2 | 284 | 335 | 336 | 307 | 0 | | NULL | EXPRESS | site_3 | 247 | 263 | 289 | 263 | 0 | | NULL | EXPRESS | site_4 | 248 | 269 | 282 | 290 | 0 | | NULL | LIBRARY | site_0 | 186 | 193 | 177 | 157 | 0 | | NULL | LIBRARY | site_1 | 238 | 236 | 229 | 228 | 0 | | NULL | LIBRARY | site_2 | 260 | 242 | 262 | 226 | 0 | | NULL | LIBRARY | site_3 | 264 | 266 | 245 | 250 | 0 | | NULL | LIBRARY | site_4 | 224 | 214 | 218 | 180 | 0 | | NULL | NEXT DAY | site_0 | 307 | 294 | 293 | 306 | 0 | | NULL | NEXT DAY | site_1 | 307 | 331 | 286 | 310 | 0 | | NULL | NEXT DAY | site_2 | 308 | 282 | 265 | 292 | 0 | | NULL | NEXT DAY | site_3 | 278 | 258 | 267 | 285 | 0 | | NULL | NEXT DAY | site_4 | 279 | 296 | 298 | 333 | 0 | | NULL | OVERNIGHT | site_0 | 241 | 229 | 250 | 250 | 0 | | NULL | OVERNIGHT | site_1 | 228 | 208 | 203 | 194 | 0 | | NULL | OVERNIGHT | site_2 | 183 | 184 | 179 | 179 | 0 | | NULL | OVERNIGHT | site_3 | 214 | 197 | 206 | 220 | 0 | | NULL | OVERNIGHT | site_4 | 217 | 244 | 245 | 248 | 0 | | NULL | REGULAR | site_0 | 209 | 233 | 210 | 214 | 0 | | NULL | REGULAR | site_1 | 221 | 271 | 238 | 251 | 0 | | NULL | REGULAR | site_2 | 244 | 252 | 228 | 251 | 0 | | NULL | REGULAR | site_3 | 209 | 212 | 181 | 224 | 0 | | NULL | REGULAR | site_4 | 199 | 191 | 216 | 164 | 0 | | NULL | TWO DAY | site_0 | 202 | 215 | 226 | 233 | 0 | | NULL | TWO DAY | site_1 | 195 | 185 | 183 | 153 | 0 | | NULL | TWO DAY | site_2 | 194 | 216 | 214 | 192 | 0 | | NULL | TWO DAY | site_3 | 255 | 238 | 224 | 241 | 0 | | NULL | TWO DAY | site_4 | 265 | 256 | 226 | 224 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | EXPRESS | site_0 | 289 | 305 | 255 | 265 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | EXPRESS | site_1 | 279 | 252 | 286 | 282 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | EXPRESS | site_2 | 311 | 320 | 302 | 313 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | EXPRESS | site_3 | 297 | 312 | 256 | 284 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | EXPRESS | site_4 | 324 | 349 | 280 | 290 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | LIBRARY | site_0 | 247 | 256 | 233 | 253 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | LIBRARY | site_1 | 205 | 223 | 207 | 220 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | LIBRARY | site_2 | 206 | 198 | 183 | 177 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | LIBRARY | site_3 | 193 | 214 | 231 | 198 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | LIBRARY | site_4 | 215 | 244 | 235 | 232 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | NEXT DAY | site_0 | 272 | 324 | 263 | 276 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | NEXT DAY | site_1 | 286 | 293 | 315 | 316 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | NEXT DAY | site_2 | 308 | 290 | 314 | 324 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | NEXT DAY | site_3 | 283 | 331 | 341 | 312 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | NEXT DAY | site_4 | 248 | 288 | 259 | 278 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | OVERNIGHT | site_0 | 225 | 220 | 212 | 212 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | OVERNIGHT | site_1 | 245 | 229 | 242 | 263 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | OVERNIGHT | site_2 | 242 | 236 | 256 | 243 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | OVERNIGHT | site_3 | 173 | 226 | 224 | 236 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | OVERNIGHT | site_4 | 203 | 169 | 191 | 156 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | REGULAR | site_0 | 232 | 217 | 229 | 219 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | REGULAR | site_1 | 190 | 198 | 181 | 166 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | REGULAR | site_2 | 205 | 237 | 246 | 229 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | REGULAR | site_3 | 235 | 252 | 241 | 251 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | REGULAR | site_4 | 243 | 259 | 231 | 257 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | TWO DAY | site_0 | 233 | 228 | 267 | 201 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | TWO DAY | site_1 | 269 | 231 | 253 | 260 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | TWO DAY | site_2 | 232 | 211 | 222 | 227 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | TWO DAY | site_3 | 163 | 186 | 190 | 189 | 0 | | Bad cards must make. | TWO DAY | site_4 | 207 | 205 | 203 | 223 | 0 | | Conventional childr | EXPRESS | site_0 | 318 | 307 | 315 | 312 | 0 | | Conventional childr | EXPRESS | site_1 | 284 | 269 | 245 | 303 | 0 | | Conventional childr | EXPRESS | site_2 | 254 | 262 | 279 | 259 | 0 | | Conventional childr | EXPRESS | site_3 | 307 | 306 | 294 | 278 | 0 | | Conventional childr | EXPRESS | site_4 | 310 | 252 | 317 | 301 | 0 | | Conventional childr | LIBRARY | site_0 | 234 | 214 | 234 | 219 | 0 | | Conventional childr | LIBRARY | site_1 | 210 | 276 | 260 | 239 | 0 | | Conventional childr | LIBRARY | site_2 | 206 | 224 | 217 | 210 | 0 | | Conventional childr | LIBRARY | site_3 | 175 | 198 | 174 | 199 | 0 | | Conventional childr | LIBRARY | site_4 | 193 | 186 | 220 | 198 | 0 | | Conventional childr | NEXT DAY | site_0 | 269 | 270 | 282 | 269 | 0 | | Conventional childr | NEXT DAY | site_1 | 273 | 249 | 262 | 268 | 0 | | Conventional childr | NEXT DAY | site_2 | 289 | 275 | 303 | 303 | 0 | | Conventional childr | NEXT DAY | site_3 | 279 | 292 | 311 | 312 | 0 | | Conventional childr | NEXT DAY | site_4 | 318 | 284 | 309 | 308 | 0 | | Conventional childr | OVERNIGHT | site_0 | 179 | 167 | 162 | 193 | 0 | | Conventional childr | OVERNIGHT | site_1 | 186 | 210 | 235 | 217 | 0 | | Conventional childr | OVERNIGHT | site_2 | 209 | 236 | 243 | 259 | 0 | | Conventional childr | OVERNIGHT | site_3 | 245 | 240 | 235 | 237 | 0 | | Conventional childr | OVERNIGHT | site_4 | 215 | 209 | 216 | 195 | 0 | | Conventional childr | REGULAR | site_0 | 226 | 239 | 247 | 245 | 0 | | Conventional childr | REGULAR | site_1 | 215 | 198 | 216 | 187 | 0 | | Conventional childr | REGULAR | site_2 | 167 | 181 | 189 | 199 | 0 | | Conventional childr | REGULAR | site_3 | 219 | 219 | 210 | 185 | 0 | | Conventional childr | REGULAR | site_4 | 241 | 256 | 223 | 252 | 0 | | Conventional childr | TWO DAY | site_0 | 239 | 220 | 235 | 206 | 0 | | Conventional childr | TWO DAY | site_1 | 243 | 238 | 258 | 245 | 0 | | Conventional childr | TWO DAY | site_2 | 229 | 242 | 266 | 264 | 0 | | Conventional childr | TWO DAY | site_3 | 207 | 201 | 225 | 207 | 0 | | Conventional childr | TWO DAY | site_4 | 165 | 182 | 160 | 212 | 0 | | Doors canno | EXPRESS | site_0 | 317 | 290 | 300 | 321 | 0 | | Doors canno | EXPRESS | site_1 | 292 | 324 | 283 | 316 | 0 | | Doors canno | EXPRESS | site_2 | 305 | 262 | 284 | 267 | 0 | | Doors canno | EXPRESS | site_3 | 284 | 285 | 297 | 273 | 0 | | Doors canno | EXPRESS | site_4 | 284 | 312 | 282 | 313 | 0 | | Doors canno | LIBRARY | site_0 | 232 | 207 | 233 | 212 | 0 | | Doors canno | LIBRARY | site_1 | 274 | 250 | 257 | 277 | 0 | | Doors canno | LIBRARY | site_2 | 235 | 255 | 244 | 243 | 0 | | Doors canno | LIBRARY | site_3 | 207 | 224 | 216 | 224 | 0 | | Doors canno | LIBRARY | site_4 | 181 | 197 | 177 | 180 | 0 | +-------------------------------+-----------+----------+---------+------------+------------+-------------+-----------+ 100 rows in set (5.92 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query62.tpl | 5922.5920 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query16.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ | order count | total shipping cost | total net profit | +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ | 34 | 189141.27 | -29150.55 | +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.20 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query16.tpl | 196.9860 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query10.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------------+---------------------+------+----------------------+------+------------------+------+--------------+------+-----------------------+------+----------------------+------+ | cd_gender | cd_marital_status | cd_education_status | cnt1 | cd_purchase_estimate | cnt2 | cd_credit_rating | cnt3 | cd_dep_count | cnt4 | cd_dep_employed_count | cnt5 | cd_dep_college_count | cnt6 | +-----------+-------------------+---------------------+------+----------------------+------+------------------+------+--------------+------+-----------------------+------+----------------------+------+ | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 7000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 1 | | F | U | College | 1 | 5500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 1 | | F | U | Secondary | 1 | 2000 | 1 | Good | 1 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 1 | | M | U | Primary | 1 | 9000 | 1 | Good | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | | M | W | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 5000 | 1 | Good | 1 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 1 | | M | W | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 5000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 1 | | M | W | Advanced Degree | 1 | 6500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 1 | | M | W | College | 1 | 7000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | +-----------+-------------------+---------------------+------+----------------------+------+------------------+------+--------------+------+-----------------------+------+----------------------+------+ 8 rows in set (1.55 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query10.tpl | 1556.2050 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query63.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +--------------+-----------+-------------------+ | i_manager_id | sum_sales | avg_monthly_sales | +--------------+-----------+-------------------+ | 1 | 530.00 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 746.81 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 827.37 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 923.61 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 1333.38 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 1339.25 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 1838.71 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 1907.78 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 2340.55 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 2771.03 | 1652.279167 | | 1 | 3664.31 | 1652.279167 | | 2 | 709.34 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 763.64 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 804.52 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 870.52 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 910.01 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 963.87 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 996.80 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 1597.34 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 1740.56 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 2037.39 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 2287.21 | 1356.287500 | | 2 | 2594.25 | 1356.287500 | | 3 | 705.32 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 720.35 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 995.64 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 1139.91 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 1206.62 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 1238.34 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 1266.40 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 2378.98 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 2459.09 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 3110.22 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 3320.82 | 1901.730000 | | 3 | 4279.07 | 1901.730000 | | 4 | 308.94 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 333.01 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 408.94 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 445.49 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 519.68 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 549.59 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 620.57 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 1304.41 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 1707.84 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 1721.27 | 910.210000 | | 4 | 2075.62 | 910.210000 | | 5 | 841.46 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 923.73 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 980.35 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 1056.93 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 1163.77 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 1174.31 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 1212.99 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 2466.01 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 2576.54 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 2936.89 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 3036.13 | 1865.394167 | | 5 | 4015.62 | 1865.394167 | | 6 | 1354.45 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 1380.61 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 1381.72 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 1598.62 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 1870.51 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 2206.88 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 2640.37 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 4103.01 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 4304.72 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 4605.81 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 6140.92 | 3195.390833 | | 6 | 6757.07 | 3195.390833 | | 7 | 1208.44 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 1470.23 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 1473.27 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 1509.64 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 1628.89 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 1989.45 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 2040.43 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 3337.91 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 3584.06 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 5039.83 | 2620.281667 | | 7 | 5358.99 | 2620.281667 | | 8 | 598.87 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 866.48 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 1013.11 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 1133.95 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 1145.39 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 1153.49 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 1472.90 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 2690.86 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 2760.77 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 2901.74 | 1771.147500 | | 8 | 3658.19 | 1771.147500 | | 9 | 1106.23 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 1131.48 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 1240.24 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 1388.45 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 1478.07 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 1566.08 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 1870.60 | 2198.774167 | | 9 | 2755.53 | 2198.774167 | +--------------+-----------+-------------------+ 100 rows in set (0.33 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query63.tpl | 323.3710 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query69.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------------+---------------------+------+----------------------+------+------------------+------+ | cd_gender | cd_marital_status | cd_education_status | cnt1 | cd_purchase_estimate | cnt2 | cd_credit_rating | cnt3 | +-----------+-------------------+---------------------+------+----------------------+------+------------------+------+ | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 1000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 3500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 3500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 4000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 7500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 8000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 9500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 1000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 2000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 2000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 4500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 5500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 7500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 9500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 10000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 3000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 3000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 4000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 5000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 6000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 6500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 9000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Advanced Degree | 1 | 10000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 2000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 3000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 4500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 5000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 6500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | College | 1 | 8500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | College | 2 | 10000 | 2 | High Risk | 2 | | F | D | Primary | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Primary | 1 | 2000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Primary | 1 | 6000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Primary | 1 | 7000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Primary | 1 | 8000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Primary | 1 | 9500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Secondary | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Secondary | 1 | 2500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Secondary | 1 | 3000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Secondary | 1 | 5500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | Secondary | 2 | 6000 | 2 | Low Risk | 2 | | F | D | Secondary | 1 | 6500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Secondary | 2 | 8000 | 2 | Low Risk | 2 | | F | D | Secondary | 1 | 8500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 1500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 1500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 3500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 4500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 4500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 5000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | D | Unknown | 1 | 5500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 6000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 9000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | 2 yr Degree | 1 | 10000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 7500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 7500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 7500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | 4 yr Degree | 1 | 9500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 2000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 6500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 8500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 9500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | Advanced Degree | 1 | 10000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 1500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 2500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 5500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 5500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 8500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 9000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 9000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | College | 1 | 10000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 1500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 3500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 4000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 4500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 6000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 6000 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 6500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 7000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 7500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 1 | 8000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Primary | 2 | 9500 | 2 | Good | 2 | | F | M | Secondary | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | Secondary | 1 | 1000 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Secondary | 1 | 3500 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | Secondary | 1 | 9500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Unknown | 1 | 2500 | 1 | Low Risk | 1 | | F | M | Unknown | 2 | 3000 | 2 | Unknown | 2 | | F | M | Unknown | 1 | 6500 | 1 | Good | 1 | | F | M | Unknown | 1 | 7500 | 1 | Unknown | 1 | | F | M | Unknown | 1 | 8000 | 1 | High Risk | 1 | | F | M | Unknown | 1 | 9000 | 1 | Good | 1 | +-----------+-------------------+---------------------+------+----------------------+------+------------------+------+ 100 rows in set (4.73 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query69.tpl | 4735.4530 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query60.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+-------------+ | i_item_id | total_sales | +------------------+-------------+ | AAAAAAAAAABEAAAA | 10456.75 | | AAAAAAAAAACAAAAA | 8159.63 | | AAAAAAAAAACDAAAA | 10361.35 | | AAAAAAAAAAEAAAAA | 14928.38 | | AAAAAAAAAAFAAAAA | 9253.48 | | AAAAAAAAAAGBAAAA | 3432.06 | | AAAAAAAAAAHDAAAA | 300.80 | | AAAAAAAAAAICAAAA | 2241.60 | | AAAAAAAAAAIDAAAA | 19612.82 | | AAAAAAAAAAKAAAAA | 12031.56 | | AAAAAAAAAALCAAAA | 5894.08 | | AAAAAAAAAAMCAAAA | 3488.21 | | AAAAAAAAAANAAAAA | 1372.10 | | AAAAAAAAAAOCAAAA | 14867.64 | | AAAAAAAAAAODAAAA | 11882.48 | | AAAAAAAAAAPCAAAA | 2689.76 | | AAAAAAAAABAEAAAA | 10111.48 | | AAAAAAAAABCCAAAA | 4345.65 | | AAAAAAAAABECAAAA | 9222.54 | | AAAAAAAAABKAAAAA | 3735.40 | | AAAAAAAAABKCAAAA | 13164.97 | | AAAAAAAAABKDAAAA | 7370.12 | | AAAAAAAAABMAAAAA | 16692.96 | | AAAAAAAAABNDAAAA | 15324.71 | | AAAAAAAAABPAAAAA | 932.10 | | AAAAAAAAACCEAAAA | 11461.80 | | AAAAAAAAACDDAAAA | 11427.92 | | AAAAAAAAACEEAAAA | 5550.42 | | AAAAAAAAACFAAAAA | 20307.50 | | AAAAAAAAACIAAAAA | 2132.56 | | AAAAAAAAACIDAAAA | 4062.67 | | AAAAAAAAACLDAAAA | 1163.97 | | AAAAAAAAACMDAAAA | 9514.15 | | AAAAAAAAACNBAAAA | 4738.56 | | AAAAAAAAACOAAAAA | 10616.80 | | AAAAAAAAADBEAAAA | 9926.55 | | AAAAAAAAADCCAAAA | 19413.35 | | AAAAAAAAADDCAAAA | 1458.26 | | AAAAAAAAADEAAAAA | 17645.03 | | AAAAAAAAADEEAAAA | 25595.15 | | AAAAAAAAADLAAAAA | 18341.60 | | AAAAAAAAADLCAAAA | 8127.70 | | AAAAAAAAADOAAAAA | 23537.44 | | AAAAAAAAADPBAAAA | 8354.51 | | AAAAAAAAAECEAAAA | 6986.91 | | AAAAAAAAAEDEAAAA | 40358.96 | | AAAAAAAAAEGAAAAA | 6247.92 | | AAAAAAAAAEIBAAAA | 18189.38 | | AAAAAAAAAEJDAAAA | 16693.45 | | AAAAAAAAAEKDAAAA | 6563.03 | | AAAAAAAAAEMAAAAA | 2831.43 | | AAAAAAAAAEMDAAAA | 16603.97 | | AAAAAAAAAEOBAAAA | 16299.32 | | AAAAAAAAAEOCAAAA | 18627.63 | | AAAAAAAAAEPDAAAA | 6338.93 | | AAAAAAAAAFAAAAAA | 22222.14 | | AAAAAAAAAFDCAAAA | 21430.98 | | AAAAAAAAAFDDAAAA | 21703.45 | | AAAAAAAAAFEBAAAA | 4201.85 | | AAAAAAAAAFJAAAAA | 18382.32 | | AAAAAAAAAFKBAAAA | 22411.96 | | AAAAAAAAAFKCAAAA | 11977.06 | | AAAAAAAAAFLDAAAA | 22264.26 | | AAAAAAAAAFNBAAAA | 2254.08 | | AAAAAAAAAFNCAAAA | 7822.56 | | AAAAAAAAAFPCAAAA | 4064.75 | | AAAAAAAAAGEAAAAA | 1834.55 | | AAAAAAAAAGHAAAAA | 3099.81 | | AAAAAAAAAGIAAAAA | 11276.11 | | AAAAAAAAAGKAAAAA | 6403.56 | | AAAAAAAAAGLCAAAA | 14115.65 | | AAAAAAAAAGNDAAAA | 6236.24 | | AAAAAAAAAGPBAAAA | 11906.50 | | AAAAAAAAAHAAAAAA | 1041.04 | | AAAAAAAAAHBAAAAA | 14876.87 | | AAAAAAAAAHBDAAAA | 35086.10 | | AAAAAAAAAHCCAAAA | 5281.48 | | AAAAAAAAAHDDAAAA | 6445.45 | | AAAAAAAAAHGAAAAA | 10664.01 | | AAAAAAAAAHGDAAAA | 3171.98 | | AAAAAAAAAHHAAAAA | 24547.99 | | AAAAAAAAAHJAAAAA | 12757.13 | | AAAAAAAAAHJBAAAA | 3980.22 | | AAAAAAAAAHLBAAAA | 4769.28 | | AAAAAAAAAHMDAAAA | 2025.31 | | AAAAAAAAAHNCAAAA | 24533.19 | | AAAAAAAAAHOCAAAA | 21960.51 | | AAAAAAAAAHPAAAAA | 13184.28 | | AAAAAAAAAHPDAAAA | 19241.58 | | AAAAAAAAAIFAAAAA | 16141.21 | | AAAAAAAAAIFEAAAA | 29057.67 | | AAAAAAAAAIGAAAAA | 5007.97 | | AAAAAAAAAIHBAAAA | 19640.22 | | AAAAAAAAAIIBAAAA | 7298.89 | | AAAAAAAAAILDAAAA | 11147.92 | | AAAAAAAAAIMAAAAA | 14106.91 | | AAAAAAAAAJAEAAAA | 4540.77 | | AAAAAAAAAJBAAAAA | 15484.54 | | AAAAAAAAAJEEAAAA | 35337.44 | | AAAAAAAAAJICAAAA | 9051.46 | +------------------+-------------+ 100 rows in set (2.06 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query60.tpl | 2053.0530 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query59.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +---------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | s_store_name1 | s_store_id1 | d_week_seq1 | sun_sales1/sun_sales2 | mon_sales1/mon_sales2 | tue_sales1/tue_sales2 | wed_sales1/wed_sales2 | thu_sales1/thu_sales2 | fri_sales1/fri_sales2 | sat_sales1/sat_sales2 | +---------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5244 | 1.076793 | 0.778544 | 0.946441 | 0.476810 | 0.788629 | 0.951730 | 1.659272 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5244 | 1.076793 | 0.778544 | 0.946441 | 0.476810 | 0.788629 | 0.951730 | 1.659272 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5244 | 1.076793 | 0.778544 | 0.946441 | 0.476810 | 0.788629 | 0.951730 | 1.659272 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5244 | 1.076793 | 0.778544 | 0.946441 | 0.476810 | 0.788629 | 0.951730 | 1.659272 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5244 | 1.076793 | 0.778544 | 0.946441 | 0.476810 | 0.788629 | 0.951730 | 1.659272 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5244 | 1.076793 | 0.778544 | 0.946441 | 0.476810 | 0.788629 | 0.951730 | 1.659272 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5245 | 1.014758 | 1.093795 | 0.756045 | 0.814523 | 0.747020 | 1.466939 | 0.608641 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | | able | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 5246 | 0.909505 | 1.915514 | 1.281364 | 0.728507 | 0.416762 | 0.751767 | 0.992736 | +---------------+------------------+-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+ 100 rows in set (18.35 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query59.tpl | 18353.4130 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query37.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Empty set (0.01 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query37.tpl | 10.5970 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query98.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+----------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------+ | i_item_id | i_item_desc | i_category | i_class | i_current_price | itemrevenue | revenueratio | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+----------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------+ | AAAAAAAAAABBAAAA | Positions see lovely months. Proper patterns may not appeal in a c | Men | accessories | 5.21 | 12361.87 | 0.988622 | | AAAAAAAAAAFDAAAA | Blue, old hands cannot | Men | accessories | 3.14 | 5248.29 | 0.419724 | | AAAAAAAAABAAAAAA | Dominant, christian pp. may not raise | Men | accessories | 6.49 | 3549.43 | 0.283860 | | AAAAAAAAABOCAAAA | Other neighbours might become; other, minimum streets may watch elderly, sure events. Records take most to a tanks. Possible troops give potentially in a waves. Also logical practices mean over | Men | accessories | 3.68 | 3810.14 | 0.304710 | | AAAAAAAAACBEAAAA | Variations used to direct now. Controversial hours ought to admire then main clients; general, unable boys contain so for a prisoners. Little great profits cann | Men | accessories | 3.33 | 8374.14 | 0.669709 | | AAAAAAAAACCDAAAA | Figures will not wish late primary, sure members. Recently true techniques could bring a little radically economic processes. Distant lips ought to go only civil words. Days claim aback in the kids; | Men | accessories | 4.09 | 17032.63 | 1.362159 | | AAAAAAAAACGAAAAA | High, jewish legs should not direct existing, current points. Opposite effects make women. Organisers suggest mo | Men | accessories | 6.86 | 1232.10 | 0.098535 | | AAAAAAAAADAEAAAA | Rarely jewish assessments shall reduce still on board commercial values. Increased, different expressions ought to burn. Political sales tell. Studies contain necessary, great nights. Images will pr | Men | accessories | 4.20 | 4586.76 | 0.366819 | | AAAAAAAAAEDAAAAA | Today previous months address. Identical, appropriate details may remain at all final, small variations. So middle | Men | accessories | 87.37 | 3401.63 | 0.272040 | | AAAAAAAAAEJDAAAA | Parameters try very into a copies. Good levels take victorian developments. Important, financial views may not recall ill simple numb | Men | accessories | 8.56 | 10272.60 | 0.821536 | | AAAAAAAAAFBBAAAA | Cats win fiercely urban rises. Most central passages make feelings. Other, rare services know now sometimes signif | Men | accessories | 2.08 | 2691.60 | 0.215257 | | AAAAAAAAAFHBAAAA | Only necessary occasions subdue similarly for example political metres. Values shut then countries. Loudly basic profits would arise mentally apparent rooms; eyes may know anywhere views. Approx fu | Men | accessories | 4.68 | 2755.66 | 0.220380 | | AAAAAAAAAFIAAAAA | Inner members make at least complete soldiers. Other workers indicate sophisticated, natural roads. Parents look; national, consc | Men | accessories | 3.67 | 4302.26 | 0.344067 | | AAAAAAAAAGBEAAAA | Sad, following examples shall not mak | Men | accessories | 3.42 | 13404.30 | 1.071988 | | AAAAAAAAAGKDAAAA | Free eyes talk biolog | Men | accessories | 4.93 | 1933.97 | 0.154666 | | AAAAAAAAAHCCAAAA | Fingers go instead vast, high premises. Modern artists continue shortly specified, real mothers. Probably cri | Men | accessories | 0.52 | 1819.80 | 0.145536 | | AAAAAAAAAJIDAAAA | Possible things must suggest at first; equivalent, poor families fight partly too particular occasions. Professional claims present probably. Trials comply simila | Men | accessories | 7.92 | 22431.87 | 1.793955 | | AAAAAAAAAJPBAAAA | Social plans achieve secondary, bad bag | Men | accessories | 2.76 | 435.15 | 0.034800 | | AAAAAAAAALCAAAAA | Supreme, minor years take forward needs. Concepts will not spend kind claims. Tired, retail proposals could not go etc round arts. Farmers could not leave continuous | Men | accessories | 2.07 | 20631.09 | 1.649940 | | AAAAAAAAALIBAAAA | Knees could no suitable, wild enemies. Always international personnel cl | Men | accessories | 4.81 | 14113.69 | 1.128721 | | AAAAAAAAANADAAAA | Certain photographs seize then pink events; weari | Men | accessories | 9.05 | 2698.16 | 0.215781 | | AAAAAAAAANNCAAAA | Thorough, disastrous lives can tick different activities. A | Men | accessories | 8.53 | 8739.01 | 0.698889 | | AAAAAAAAANPBAAAA | Individual, good votes return between the notes. Thoughtfully high attitudes would not return also meetings. | Men | accessories | 54.17 | 4101.27 | 0.327993 | | AAAAAAAAAOMAAAAA | Competent women must work substantially in a months. Standard, united police will hide at a women. Specialist activities create directly. About beautiful terms can tell at first incidents. More i | Men | accessories | 6.29 | 15560.58 | 1.244434 | | AAAAAAAAAOMDAAAA | Previous workers account in order patient, normal clergy | Men | accessories | 3.87 | 1787.94 | 0.142988 | | AAAAAAAABELDAAAA | Also perfect samples measure american plants. Interactions publish less whole parties. Others try single, sexual countries. Long years clear certain, roy | Men | accessories | 6.10 | 636.61 | 0.050912 | | AAAAAAAABFHAAAAA | Military, national problems run international, good tears. Actually similar rooms let social, international books. Enterprises should amount too con | Men | accessories | 0.28 | 4310.74 | 0.344745 | | AAAAAAAABIMBAAAA | Supposed provisions exercise past figures. Now old theories shall not relax ultimately to a clothes. Jobs | Men | accessories | 2.85 | 3502.43 | 0.280101 | | AAAAAAAABKJCAAAA | Particular recordings will refer a | Men | accessories | 1.76 | 8706.85 | 0.696317 | | AAAAAAAABLCCAAAA | Plans must not provide more col | Men | accessories | 0.35 | 722.26 | 0.057762 | | AAAAAAAABLKDAAAA | Firstly other eyes can compete obviously. Immediate, public studies keep in a factors; religious, political scientists can say early linguistic counties; left, result | Men | accessories | 4.25 | 3839.26 | 0.307039 | | AAAAAAAABMDAAAAA | Male, human sales perform studies. Dependent, hostile services answer principles. Formal men show | Men | accessories | 8.66 | 2393.04 | 0.191380 | | AAAAAAAABNBBAAAA | Numerous, young rooms will not keep expensive fields; probably british coun | Men | accessories | 1.63 | 2153.05 | 0.172187 | | AAAAAAAACABEAAAA | Married applicants get just between a changes. Only recent arguments exert up a members. Entire, capable result | Men | accessories | 8.71 | 3020.23 | 0.241538 | | AAAAAAAACAOAAAAA | Equal, lucky unions allow strong surroundings. Together yellow women love once by | Men | accessories | 0.85 | 1297.66 | 0.103778 | | AAAAAAAACBCDAAAA | Religious areas grow rapidly on a efforts; statutory networks make for a resources; sides speak easily adequately exact areas; free, occasional comments could not require. Speedily eastern alte | Men | accessories | 1.09 | 5044.50 | 0.403426 | | AAAAAAAACBICAAAA | Rare standards will not identify that local, necessary ideas. Safe, sma | Men | accessories | 7.62 | 12373.73 | 0.989570 | | AAAAAAAACBIDAAAA | Miles should not make ideas. Arms used to make also difficult eyes. Waves support also great, possible documents. However labour loans afford by a lands. Windows may get years. Frequently ordina | Men | accessories | 5.70 | 7542.65 | 0.603212 | | AAAAAAAACCFBAAAA | Young fields might intervene str | Men | accessories | 3.26 | 833.95 | 0.066694 | | AAAAAAAACDCDAAAA | Responsible communists prevent new, physical | Men | accessories | 8.05 | 8393.19 | 0.671233 | | AAAAAAAACDMCAAAA | Typically internal agents run figures. Blue aff | Men | accessories | 60.76 | 5678.25 | 0.454109 | | AAAAAAAACFLCAAAA | Small processes might grab only. Particular, possible respects could make recently. Loans might handle also available, old teachers. Low, regional pat | Men | accessories | 8.98 | 3257.65 | 0.260526 | | AAAAAAAACGBCAAAA | Basic, british rules can | Men | accessories | 8.05 | 5969.59 | 0.477409 | | AAAAAAAACGGDAAAA | Spatial patients retrieve sufficiently. Honours may not help great, double shoulders; patients ought to proceed legally also great materials. Strict ot | Men | accessories | 7.19 | 5395.68 | 0.431511 | | AAAAAAAACHIDAAAA | Annual, other lips distinguish currently for a years. Public members teach now stupid, special years. Th | Men | accessories | 3.59 | 4357.11 | 0.348453 | | AAAAAAAACMCEAAAA | Available, sure | Men | accessories | 0.21 | 6541.49 | 0.523146 | | AAAAAAAACMJCAAAA | Sufficient, possible parents regard effects. Visual requirements intervene more. Other clothes would not find. Risks | Men | accessories | 0.85 | 7160.93 | 0.572684 | | AAAAAAAACOMBAAAA | European, surprising fears might transmit instructions. Often ugly drugs could not go all right. So particular products would not start mater | Men | accessories | 9.82 | 1965.72 | 0.157205 | | AAAAAAAACPCAAAAA | Only, s | Men | accessories | 5.45 | 1663.30 | 0.133020 | | AAAAAAAADDNAAAAA | Small, local shoulders could ensure just here teenage men; clearly increased exchanges may read a little attractive, silen | Men | accessories | 6.43 | 9326.10 | 0.745841 | | AAAAAAAADENCAAAA | Islamic, special families should not continue mostly early problems. Banks doubt there. Then exp | Men | accessories | 8.73 | 11508.07 | 0.920340 | | AAAAAAAADILDAAAA | Countries must lose home. Difficult structures could believe conservatives. Things may not stand african pounds. Readers | Men | accessories | 65.80 | 5744.14 | 0.459379 | | AAAAAAAADKHCAAAA | Programmes meet there average colours. Difficult students say etc cultural times. Children mig | Men | accessories | 3.45 | 1574.37 | 0.125908 | | AAAAAAAADLOAAAAA | Likely advantages might save ago black hours. Thousands offer good organisation | Men | accessories | 1.88 | 3979.98 | 0.318293 | | AAAAAAAADOFDAAAA | Goals should find however on a samples. Accidents used to blind alone local days. Reasons depend at least against a accident | Men | accessories | 0.97 | 9849.71 | 0.787716 | | AAAAAAAADPLCAAAA | Super, large attacks produce later in a guidelines. Thirdly british meals give | Men | accessories | 4.35 | 117.11 | 0.009366 | | AAAAAAAAEAJBAAAA | Years face fully necessary laboratories. American effects suffer down the tests. Voluntary groups m | Men | accessories | 8.83 | 9231.10 | 0.738243 | | AAAAAAAAEBBBAAAA | Comments discriminate massive, central questions. Times should survive at a students. American, political terms might satisfy sti | Men | accessories | 0.65 | 293.09 | 0.023439 | | AAAAAAAAECAEAAAA | Back, gri | Men | accessories | 3.84 | 2315.34 | 0.185166 | | AAAAAAAAEECDAAAA | No longer broad players can give either as a records. Especially black years should speak mildly important unlikely films. Attractive, strong falls will ensure victorian, independent values | Men | accessories | 6.70 | 14103.20 | 1.127882 | | AAAAAAAAEEGAAAAA | Horses eliminate future troops. Political, political decisions ought to organise causes. O | Men | accessories | 6.70 | 2715.60 | 0.217176 | | AAAAAAAAEEKBAAAA | Strategic, new principles shall ask young techniques. Full projects will refine main, red questions; mixed, fine levels develop current houses. A | Men | accessories | 3.27 | 6994.86 | 0.559403 | | AAAAAAAAEFCDAAAA | Months last tight; mere, important months shall return now yesterday lucky subjects. Instantly new chiefs translate totally other months. Major transactions show exactly social, pleasant sh | Men | accessories | 3.65 | 1142.75 | 0.091390 | | AAAAAAAAEFNAAAAA | Large girls should buy under deep, long windows. Breasts prefer. Patients build. Wealthy newspapers read more just speakers; sure attitudes m | Men | accessories | 2.13 | 7327.27 | 0.585987 | | AAAAAAAAEHIDAAAA | Seco | Men | accessories | 0.82 | 1610.36 | 0.128786 | | AAAAAAAAEIHBAAAA | Indian, old classes must not see always years. Military, proud hands allocate pupils. Generally funny assumpti | Men | accessories | 27.12 | 651.93 | 0.052137 | | AAAAAAAAEIKAAAAA | Issues should set neatly. International, compl | Men | accessories | 7.18 | 150.48 | 0.012034 | | AAAAAAAAEIKBAAAA | Gold, effective positions matter grey areas; independently upper offices should use perhaps in a numbers; generally specialist centres should t | Men | accessories | 2.92 | 3626.61 | 0.290033 | | AAAAAAAAEJBDAAAA | New, successful sc | Men | accessories | 6.46 | 11334.78 | 0.906482 | | AAAAAAAAEJLCAAAA | Identical, recent students know just; low, square proceedings make seriously bars; leaders should not save clearly as religious papers. Ago male interpretations cannot carry separate, s | Men | accessories | 3.74 | 11244.51 | 0.899263 | | AAAAAAAAELJCAAAA | Classical, pink hills may not cope ever silver couples. Whole things ought to develop chemical rules; then other words o | Men | accessories | 5.62 | 601.72 | 0.048122 | | AAAAAAAAEMFBAAAA | Demanding, final patients attack inc | Men | accessories | 8.23 | 42.00 | 0.003359 | | AAAAAAAAENIBAAAA | Strong volumes shall not dismiss regional packages. Parties might drop sharply about a employees. In | Men | accessories | 3.47 | 15729.66 | 1.257956 | | AAAAAAAAFAMCAAAA | Weekly ships cannot sit police. Simple, social projects perform varieties. Parents see more in general possible policies. Players see medical sales; regular, personal standar | Men | accessories | 2.05 | 3409.42 | 0.272663 | | AAAAAAAAFCAAAAAA | Clearly due proceedings should compensate particular, main agreements. Heels may not deny later easily different spaces; vast, additional items might export fresh, only sentences. Patients expand | Men | accessories | 2.42 | 4305.11 | 0.344295 | | AAAAAAAAFDEBAAAA | Movements may bear still little questions. Steps come now students. Good friends report in | Men | accessories | 5.78 | 16247.12 | 1.299339 | | AAAAAAAAFFLBAAAA | Technica | Men | accessories | 5.48 | 7156.05 | 0.572294 | | AAAAAAAAFHCCAAAA | Total, british lips take yet at the organisations. As immediate manufacturers make forward coloured resources. Particular, military surfaces might not predict together tired groups. | Men | accessories | 8.26 | 2399.86 | 0.191925 | | AAAAAAAAFIAAAAAA | Dead services would cut from a jobs. Personally positive women should not start excessively automatic children. New, leading waves reach thousands; | Men | accessories | 3.12 | 12182.49 | 0.974276 | | AAAAAAAAFJIAAAAA | Simple, desperate lines speak very; different, capit | Men | accessories | 3.58 | 3825.36 | 0.305927 | | AAAAAAAAFJOAAAAA | Familiar chara | Men | accessories | 5.85 | 3006.93 | 0.240475 | | AAAAAAAAFNEDAAAA | Appropriate, useful abilities include. Modern decisions wait before the miles. Concerned facts extend however trying, old standards. Common, poli | Men | accessories | 2.55 | 14279.58 | 1.141988 | | AAAAAAAAFPBEAAAA | Common, white details can spend from a factors. | Men | accessories | 1.29 | 5352.16 | 0.428031 | | AAAAAAAAFPJCAAAA | Correct, huge options could give quickly around the governments. Real options get deeply social, dea | Men | accessories | 4.74 | 966.96 | 0.077331 | | AAAAAAAAFPMCAAAA | Additional, popular parents might not think. Schools might not cl | Men | accessories | 3.66 | 1396.83 | 0.111709 | | AAAAAAAAGBDEAAAA | Times shall take previously likely, ultimate goods. Substantial, profound times will not produce sensitive, clear representati | Men | accessories | 2.57 | 2022.00 | 0.161706 | | AAAAAAAAGBJBAAAA | Now funny guidelines see prepared, logical seconds. Consequences must not go nearly shares. Teachers may not play. Acids cannot discern unnecessary days. | Men | accessories | 4.74 | 8024.77 | 0.641769 | | AAAAAAAAGDKDAAAA | Only favorite minutes will not drive ever empty decades; feet illustrate then | Men | accessories | 1.38 | 3600.60 | 0.287952 | | AAAAAAAAGEICAAAA | Proceedings might not put employees; industrial, poor areas supplement subsequent copies. Low sales grow cases. A | Men | accessories | 8.79 | 2550.00 | 0.203932 | | AAAAAAAAGFGDAAAA | Present, educational proceedings play then white, real countries; right poor requirements may not sell in a producers. Potential languages hope. Local, sorry successes sell correct, individua | Men | accessories | 5.25 | 430.60 | 0.034437 | | AAAAAAAAGGACAAAA | C | Men | accessories | 8.64 | 4969.95 | 0.397464 | | AAAAAAAAGGAEAAAA | Countries must not lend as. Eyes could see warm, wrong days. Tory principles leave both very, sound eyes. Red, exciting implications might see walls. Plants shall study generally | Men | accessories | 4.17 | 1080.49 | 0.086411 | | AAAAAAAAGGKDAAAA | Techniques recognize even to a affairs. Ways speak more than residential, advisory times. Central effects reconsider also actually sure years. Readily sensible deman | Men | accessories | 7.01 | 1773.00 | 0.141793 | | AAAAAAAAGIFBAAAA | Slow years would not win | Men | accessories | 0.60 | 9924.53 | 0.793699 | | AAAAAAAAGIHBAAAA | Major difficulties will confess also visua | Men | accessories | 1.89 | 10984.44 | 0.878464 | | AAAAAAAAGJEBAAAA | Main, new areas eliminate eventually effectively royal facts; eligible, royal sources might reject nearly political seconds. Communities | Men | accessories | 0.95 | 6538.46 | 0.522903 | | AAAAAAAAGKFEAAAA | Aware things shall not need then really true values. Other universities lift generally significant persons. There limited patterns can put individually eventual businesses; forwa | Men | accessories | 1.82 | 2490.42 | 0.199168 | | AAAAAAAAGKNDAAAA | Certainly just spots might stay. Ever possible person | Men | accessories | 5.60 | 16653.60 | 1.331846 | | AAAAAAAAGMEBAAAA | So new questions survive free fields. Alone true documen | Men | accessories | 4.63 | 7801.90 | 0.623945 | | AAAAAAAAGMFDAAAA | Political letters could consider of course new, personal problems. Of cour | Men | accessories | 6.84 | 5145.61 | 0.411512 | | AAAAAAAAGOBCAAAA | Vast colours shall hear. Black senses reduce so into a individuals. Small years handle apparently young mothers. Right, pleased assumptions reduce ill in a fields. Important, sure mi | Men | accessories | 23.95 | 3116.12 | 0.249207 | | AAAAAAAAGPEDAAAA | Almost comprehensive cases know unfortunately hard courses; there determined rules shall make even hard, close years. Existing, red sentences name. Experts help slowly players. | Men | accessories | 49.79 | 1437.54 | 0.114965 | | AAAAAAAAHDADAAAA | Classes watch far better scottish cars. Controls trace more voluntary, only enquiries. Special comments assess with the followers. So straight libraries build more with a examp | Men | accessories | 9.76 | 4697.77 | 0.375697 | | AAAAAAAAHEACAAAA | Physical, common others could not pronounce then banks. Good women perpetuate only in a minutes. Great systems explain never maybe pu | Men | accessories | 1.56 | 15071.46 | 1.205317 | | AAAAAAAAHECDAAAA | International, new months ought to alter well. Huge blocks wor | Men | accessories | 25.20 | 4493.93 | 0.359395 | | AAAAAAAAHFHDAAAA | Years should not know largely just clear times. Imperial, only qualities used to | Men | accessories | 1.44 | 5007.03 | 0.400430 | | AAAAAAAAHKIDAAAA | Perhaps human vehicles command still. Direct, young years will want so exclusive, fine tit | Men | accessories | 1.96 | 486.03 | 0.038870 | | AAAAAAAAIAPDAAAA | Proposed, late matters might bow months. Daily, free powers think over. United officers involve mainly to a jobs; firmly | Men | accessories | 0.53 | 8417.36 | 0.673166 | | AAAAAAAAIBHAAAAA | Only, agricultural words would accept under way; in addition d | Men | accessories | 90.41 | 1728.78 | 0.138257 | | AAAAAAAAIBLDAAAA | Proposed ch | Men | accessories | 2.32 | 431.44 | 0.034504 | | AAAAAAAAIDFEAAAA | Fr | Men | accessories | 6.10 | 520.80 | 0.041650 | | AAAAAAAAIEBAAAAA | Children wake ever long silent lawyers. Dramatic, wide hands stir here. Fresh bags preserve perhaps voluntary cl | Men | accessories | 0.65 | 5196.43 | 0.415577 | | AAAAAAAAIEIAAAAA | Also welsh police may keep police. So territorial cases organ | Men | accessories | 3.26 | 4008.01 | 0.320534 | | AAAAAAAAIFAAAAAA | Sensitive requirements will not supply all intelligent effects. U | Men | accessories | 4.79 | 2903.44 | 0.232198 | | AAAAAAAAIFKDAAAA | Very judicial purposes join as rather difficult users. Questions would know too rich, constant areas; | Men | accessories | 0.93 | 5020.95 | 0.401543 | | AAAAAAAAIJACAAAA | Aims play already | Men | accessories | 52.50 | 6231.83 | 0.498381 | | AAAAAAAAIKEAAAAA | All | Men | accessories | 62.48 | 8633.97 | 0.690489 | | AAAAAAAAILCEAAAA | Long immediate costs reduce above parental soldiers. Lives sustain catholic, british wat | Men | accessories | 64.16 | 754.20 | 0.060316 | | AAAAAAAAIMACAAAA | Fresh, direct steps must shrink already speci | Men | accessories | 3.93 | 1692.40 | 0.135347 | | AAAAAAAAINKBAAAA | Largely similar wings feature ago. Po | Men | accessories | 3.28 | 12573.24 | 1.005526 | | AAAAAAAAJBDAAAAA | Public, resulting tickets might carry double, firm times. Human pictur | Men | accessories | 7.09 | 6134.40 | 0.490589 | | AAAAAAAAJCOAAAAA | Ways must indicate below running payments. Exotic views may | Men | accessories | 8.53 | 2405.88 | 0.192407 | | AAAAAAAAJDKDAAAA | Revolutionary, neat years ought to pay short, similar children. Total, difficult debts would take enough religious events. So social objectives ge | Men | accessories | 0.58 | 3833.68 | 0.306593 | | AAAAAAAAJFJCAAAA | Other win | Men | accessories | 2.46 | 3024.35 | 0.241868 | | AAAAAAAAJIOAAAAA | Effective doctors make curiously small animals. Projects would not establish scottish problems. Reasons can read prope | Men | accessories | 3.23 | 138.95 | 0.011112 | | AAAAAAAAJKJAAAAA | Young, other areas confirm already natural drawings. Recently boring friends ought to apply for the affairs. Banks can explore. High, happy sources might not smile too good bi | Men | accessories | 3.85 | 12650.41 | 1.011697 | | AAAAAAAAJMBDAAAA | English patients used to break then issues. At least wild things bear; efforts could complain well for the proceedings. Un | Men | accessories | 4.72 | 10795.64 | 0.863365 | | AAAAAAAAJOCDAAAA | Then necessary groups should achieve early complicated, european things; open, literary characters | Men | accessories | 2.36 | 10537.66 | 0.842733 | | AAAAAAAAKAFBAAAA | Possible, white matters may overcome twice distinct projects. Digital shares will like silent loans. Difficult, other children cannot know goa | Men | accessories | 4.69 | 17568.47 | 1.405012 | | AAAAAAAAKAIBAAAA | Successful, important men mean finally more than comfortable others; just, other children cope whole pupils. Terms should not worry italian, sophi | Men | accessories | 8.36 | 4294.79 | 0.343469 | | AAAAAAAAKBMCAAAA | Appointed, literary reader | Men | accessories | 3.48 | 1438.30 | 0.115026 | | AAAAAAAAKBPCAAAA | Other, public defendants ask so physic | Men | accessories | 9.39 | 5824.83 | 0.465832 | | AAAAAAAAKCABAAAA | Tear | Men | accessories | 8.25 | 3582.81 | 0.286530 | | AAAAAAAAKCCDAAAA | German, red feet would result perhaps at a reasons. | Men | accessories | 4.17 | 25862.77 | 2.068336 | | AAAAAAAAKDDDAAAA | Cars follow now broad citizens. New companies may not select now other than a holidays. Safe, human eyes may tackle surprising months; once spiritual mana | Men | accessories | 0.18 | 12066.38 | 0.964990 | | AAAAAAAAKDDEAAAA | Forward profound islands cannot create there little girls; demands play as forces; interests shall not seem very certainly wide fans. Formal workers should choose for a cases. Tight, | Men | accessories | 3.85 | 11151.51 | 0.891825 | | AAAAAAAAKDIBAAAA | Isolated styles follow in ge | Men | accessories | 94.27 | 4947.30 | 0.395653 | | AAAAAAAAKDJDAAAA | For example particular relations cannot sneak fun, opposite schools. Social, irish rules compa | Men | accessories | 3.47 | 7523.46 | 0.601677 | | AAAAAAAAKHEEAAAA | Angry animals create essentially schemes. Much chief premises help changes. Prime, capitalist issues support financial, pleasant areas; broad situations can let aga | Men | accessories | 1.79 | 1286.88 | 0.102916 | | AAAAAAAAKHKBAAAA | Possible persons give radically sensitive prices. Great, standard birds teach elderly, unemployed | Men | accessories | 9.56 | 10211.15 | 0.816621 | | AAAAAAAAKHLDAAAA | Trials shall continue already readily valid plants. Inte | Men | accessories | 2.90 | 2934.48 | 0.234681 | | AAAAAAAAKIFAAAAA | Bad, greek points would not leave now like a patients. Here national years forget entirely civil consequences. Sl | Men | accessories | 0.13 | 13197.40 | 1.055442 | | AAAAAAAAKIFDAAAA | Advisory, big revenues withdraw stupid instances; satisfactory, personal clients must seek h | Men | accessories | 7.05 | 17446.22 | 1.395235 | | AAAAAAAAKIODAAAA | Years lack so. Traditional interests keep separate meetings. Materi | Men | accessories | 1.60 | 2787.21 | 0.222903 | | AAAAAAAAKJKCAAAA | Then personal officials can answer periods. Different, biological wheels give now demanding, aware shoulders. All other conditions allow so nasty systems. Rational, interested stations | Men | accessories | 9.45 | 609.02 | 0.048705 | | AAAAAAAAKLCDAAAA | Upstream just women give with a clubs. High advantages may pay then british details. Opposite, mass companies cater states. Officers shall switch individuals; also obvious c | Men | accessories | 4.34 | 9471.18 | 0.757443 | | AAAAAAAAKLFAAAAA | Thus effective eyes would not achieve though. Similar folk cover so russian, great police. Again existing sides could not stand more a | Men | accessories | 0.82 | 2078.16 | 0.166198 | | AAAAAAAAKLNDAAAA | Used regulations shop nowadays remaining, recent questions. Goods wi | Men | accessories | 1.01 | 923.24 | 0.073835 | | AAAAAAAAKNCEAAAA | Different, adult bonds affect countries. Recordi | Men | accessories | 5.57 | 3381.28 | 0.270413 | | AAAAAAAAKNFAAAAA | Therefore public attacks used to act approximately single subsequent hours. Valuable, wooden problems may not say | Men | accessories | 4.95 | 746.13 | 0.059671 | | AAAAAAAAKOCCAAAA | Ro | Men | accessories | 0.55 | 12482.04 | 0.998232 | | AAAAAAAALBAEAAAA | Social things must want le | Men | accessories | 4.50 | 4745.60 | 0.379522 | | AAAAAAAALGODAAAA | Urgent plants walk also critical regions. Tremendous, practical implications will obtain open, necessary adults. Fair machines prove; direct, terrible poli | Men | accessories | 6.67 | 6184.09 | 0.494563 | | AAAAAAAALHHDAAAA | Obviously careful weeks should not realise only in a services. Leaders hit very actual, necessary pounds. Liberal partners ought to offer as strong directors. Well friendly risks run carers. Never | Men | accessories | 9.64 | 7433.03 | 0.594445 | | AAAAAAAALICEAAAA | Fears shall lodge islands. Confident, full opportunities would not live under. Police comfort for a books. Possible, new areas used to buy totally letters; ships ens | Men | accessories | 4.69 | 13129.83 | 1.050038 | | AAAAAAAALKICAAAA | Humans might not place for example prominent horses. Simply final defendants would say under specific years. Old, new leaves may relate thus northern, | Men | accessories | 7.03 | 2619.37 | 0.209480 | | AAAAAAAALNEDAAAA | Medical years run. All good dogs used to keep largely medical months. Relevant games may not m | Men | accessories | 3.44 | 13311.58 | 1.064573 | | AAAAAAAALPHBAAAA | Young problems generate now for example growing terms. Alone societies discuss; conclusions want between the departments. Workers must include perhaps ordinary complaints. | Men | accessories | 0.56 | 2653.64 | 0.212221 | | AAAAAAAAMABDAAAA | Small doors find. Years must come particularly european lists. Usually old occupations take both. Typical beds might n | Men | accessories | 3.73 | 11727.14 | 0.937860 | | AAAAAAAAMADBAAAA | Hundreds would sleep twice beautiful individuals. Kind of real mines record just full, good benefits; important, medieval stairs write cuts; black, difficult women teach hastily together legal | Men | accessories | 1.87 | 3876.67 | 0.310031 | | AAAAAAAAMAKBAAAA | Really ita | Men | accessories | 6.36 | 2629.56 | 0.210295 | | AAAAAAAAMBBAAAAA | Now national objects shall not arise home rece | Men | accessories | 0.55 | 7145.00 | 0.571410 | | AAAAAAAAMCMCAAAA | Rates come obvious, nuclear parents. Popular, perfect schools warrant automatically specifi | Men | accessories | 2.56 | 10405.45 | 0.832160 | | AAAAAAAAMDODAAAA | Major, private revenues should see there other minds; always fine articles can attack medical, new changes; most western parts could appear separate contexts; available jobs might like oth | Men | accessories | 3.93 | 604.11 | 0.048313 | | AAAAAAAAMEBAAAAA | Able issues find sure equal practices. Simply familiar patterns contain hours. | Men | accessories | 0.12 | 2568.92 | 0.205445 | | AAAAAAAAMEBCAAAA | Weeks might not find original elections. Active hands might enjoy occasional, young proposals. Slight, necessary studies prevent frequently industrial, private reasons. Inherently single effects o | Men | accessories | 1.90 | 10431.68 | 0.834258 | | AAAAAAAAMEDEAAAA | Most natural teeth date needs. Minutes would improve ruefully final shares. Forms shall remember before. Wild, other governments | Men | accessories | 6.15 | 3817.38 | 0.305289 | | AAAAAAAAMEEDAAAA | Popular unions read united, recent initiatives. Thanks know exact recommendations. Hot, low laws | Men | accessories | 68.46 | 781.69 | 0.062514 | | AAAAAAAAMHICAAAA | To and fro silent consultants used to help on | Men | accessories | 0.70 | 10419.26 | 0.833264 | | AAAAAAAAMIGAAAAA | T | Men | accessories | 5.09 | 6305.66 | 0.504286 | | AAAAAAAAMILAAAAA | Young, c | Men | accessories | 18.48 | 4147.25 | 0.331670 | | AAAAAAAAMJFCAAAA | Northern, important standards might give general, fierce cases. Producers may not love for a females. Military years respond ago physical, familiar tears. Then inner | Men | accessories | 3.15 | 10170.80 | 0.813394 | | AAAAAAAAMLCBAAAA | Eyes will appeal in a performances; normal developments would not take then. Electric reasons rise only even european legs. Police mig | Men | accessories | 1.43 | 800.52 | 0.064020 | | AAAAAAAAMMCDAAAA | Important pupils shall not give shared types. Anxious, economic universities could prevent as political, vital others. However great rooms co | Men | accessories | 9.42 | 6934.32 | 0.554562 | | AAAAAAAAMMLAAAAA | Reductions must make in order yet underlying partners. Streets | Men | accessories | 5.98 | 13546.55 | 1.083365 | | AAAAAAAAMNCBAAAA | Big years set minutes. Indeed royal questions lead elaborate tonnes. Primitive words start physically economic standards. Toys shall not deal necessarily. Great, ad | Men | accessories | 2.91 | 6885.37 | 0.550647 | | AAAAAAAAMOIBAAAA | Effective poems spread radically wise dreams. Open irish instruments may hit. Then tory pupils relax relatively too american ministers. Accura | Men | accessories | 5.99 | 3383.40 | 0.270582 | | AAAAAAAAMOJAAAAA | More married aspects replace eastern, creative institutions. Public, blue ideas will not reduce in a results. Sometimes underlying parameters use widely results. Id | Men | accessories | 4.15 | 6154.80 | 0.492221 | | AAAAAAAANAHCAAAA | Green, absolute conferences reflect well conditions. Benefits get essentially there other questions. Dead, nuclea | Men | accessories | 3.06 | 6486.25 | 0.518728 | | AAAAAAAANEBBAAAA | Major, physical parents would keep the | Men | accessories | 5.58 | 16195.07 | 1.295176 | | AAAAAAAANJFBAAAA | Also small months could leave; emotional subs | Men | accessories | 3.18 | 11781.36 | 0.942196 | | AAAAAAAANJHCAAAA | Fully early countries ought to amount of course children. Over total | Men | accessories | 9.43 | 12095.65 | 0.967331 | | AAAAAAAANJLBAAAA | Contemporary, actual followers eat notoriously close white orders. More familiar daughters expect sometimes often endless concentrations. Physical, military mov | Men | accessories | 3.42 | 12233.51 | 0.978356 | | AAAAAAAANPIBAAAA | Ordinary n | Men | accessories | 5.56 | 8728.71 | 0.698065 | | AAAAAAAAOAOBAAAA | From time to time historical services attract minerals. Buildings create so | Men | accessories | 4.04 | 8650.70 | 0.691827 | | AAAAAAAAOCEAAAAA | United estates experience better new, little proposals. Great weeks refer both beautiful women. Big, equal guards rest interesting, right students. Local, particu | Men | accessories | 0.18 | 1111.27 | 0.088872 | | AAAAAAAAOGBBAAAA | Symbolic, able operations should meet primary conditions. So ne | Men | accessories | 0.73 | 11060.34 | 0.884534 | | AAAAAAAAOGJDAAAA | Statements may obscure too available clothes. More jewish premises think alongside that close courts; complete soldiers chec | Men | accessories | 3.08 | 8068.92 | 0.645300 | | AAAAAAAAOHNAAAAA | German charges destroy later s | Men | accessories | 9.67 | 8714.70 | 0.696945 | | AAAAAAAAOILCAAAA | Large, limited boys indicate. Firmly given files used to read northern, recent friends. Different, spiritual rounds clear clear materials. Ag | Men | accessories | 2.50 | 1040.06 | 0.083177 | | AAAAAAAAOJDAAAAA | Reasonably relative children escape also maps. In addition brief debts find customs. Whole, essential ships gain less cool days. Easy, early processes would not t | Men | accessories | 4.59 | 2325.58 | 0.185985 | | AAAAAAAAOLGDAAAA | Central, unaware skills tell previous, suitable lights. Good, important obligations ought to keep also in the minutes. Only, skilled payments see busy, smal | Men | accessories | 2.14 | 19784.02 | 1.582197 | | AAAAAAAAOPHCAAAA | Sales hold soon at the men. Strong persons commemorat | Men | accessories | 0.52 | 10702.03 | 0.855879 | | AAAAAAAAOPJCAAAA | Then consistent lines might not consider the | Men | accessories | 3.60 | 147.00 | 0.011756 | | AAAAAAAAPBFEAAAA | Pictures u | Men | accessories | 9.59 | 12249.96 | 0.979672 | | AAAAAAAAPDHAAAAA | Difficult, specific days would hold long lakes. Wild flowers must not go here. British, horrible plates shall put big, wooden charges. Others cannot sail so central cou | Men | accessories | 5.08 | 5760.75 | 0.460707 | | AAAAAAAAPMJBAAAA | Immediately smart studies confront different, scottish walls. Never other refugees will know as; types could turn only economic, goo | Men | accessories | 5.04 | 12637.77 | 1.010686 | | AAAAAAAAPOEBAAAA | Subjects shall blame personally new sources; big managers sit formally in a fingers. Cars aid very only | Men | accessories | 0.98 | 1161.16 | 0.092862 | | AAAAAAAAPOIDAAAA | Students will land rather so proposed eyes. Views could live newly. Warm, good jeans n | Men | accessories | 2.68 | 9139.61 | 0.730926 | | AAAAAAAAADICAAAA | True members take successfully complete months. As new offices impose still urgent, general things. Islamic, new schools might play mo | Men | pants | 6.13 | 3788.97 | 0.350991 | | AAAAAAAAADKBAAAA | Things used to help together more large aims. Democrats tell b | Men | pants | 1.37 | 17627.45 | 1.632916 | | AAAAAAAAAEHDAAAA | Purposes should not see yea | Men | pants | 0.56 | 3757.50 | 0.348075 | | AAAAAAAAAFLBAAAA | Blue flowers may not stand fresh name | Men | pants | 7.37 | 6149.29 | 0.569639 | | AAAAAAAAAMCCAAAA | Services clear tory, insufficient solutions. Tonnes would not provide more great parties. Human matters must use at all old students. Historica | Men | pants | 0.26 | 7429.24 | 0.688207 | | AAAAAAAAAMGCAAAA | Sorry versions simplify just upper disputes. Inc | Men | pants | 48.42 | 10975.80 | 1.016742 | | AAAAAAAAANGDAAAA | Separate, economic hundreds make. Local police invent. Available, prime lectures assess extensively voluntary sheets. Public, | Men | pants | 0.35 | 2785.83 | 0.258065 | | AAAAAAAAAODCAAAA | Well major enemies might access only extra good parties. Other, quiet eyes can buy completely western, effective feelings; materi | Men | pants | 7.44 | 8994.73 | 0.833225 | | AAAAAAAAAOEBAAAA | Leads will use into a houses. Inc goals hear among a boards. Atlantic patients carry. Available acids mind afterwards then elderly trains | Men | pants | 4.65 | 5251.50 | 0.486472 | | AAAAAAAAAOFEAAAA | Harder huge obligations shall provide yesterday sudden wrong years. Dead, actual applications close tools. As male clu | Men | pants | 2.78 | 3387.37 | 0.313789 | | AAAAAAAAAOPDAAAA | So right lights imagine therefore quite top areas; economic, common values used to s | Men | pants | 0.10 | 2711.28 | 0.251159 | | AAAAAAAABAFEAAAA | Both relevant firms will not talk considerably various possible bodies. Liberal pages could not understand empty, medical | Men | pants | 9.86 | 2256.24 | 0.209006 | | AAAAAAAABHACAAAA | Red numbers visualize major, difficult universities. Traditional, british members must get completely related, advisory children. Especially concerned problems must not take perhaps ne | Men | pants | 6.37 | 8930.01 | 0.827230 | | AAAAAAAABMAAAAAA | Young matches shall control about female years. Concerned, short sk | Men | pants | 8.71 | 1992.34 | 0.184560 | | AAAAAAAABPPDAAAA | Deep, delightful employers shall capture ever children. Teeth w | Men | pants | 9.34 | 3180.09 | 0.294587 | | AAAAAAAACAPAAAAA | Western types shall make according | Men | pants | 7.34 | 4906.13 | 0.454479 | | AAAAAAAACEDBAAAA | Numbers consider in order german workers. Poo | Men | pants | 1.68 | 13939.89 | 1.291320 | | AAAAAAAACFADAAAA | Police discuss educational, real others; public, open terms may avoid directly physical offices. Impossible, international times will fill poor keys. At least other miles realise excessive | Men | pants | 2.22 | 2048.68 | 0.189779 | | AAAAAAAACFEAAAAA | Students can rule fast bad poor times. Other, short levels could see from a jobs. Old actions put as criteria; ideal, awful contacts shal | Men | pants | 1.42 | 5323.06 | 0.493101 | | AAAAAAAACFGAAAAA | Red, capital teams justify men. Surprisingly u | Men | pants | 4.03 | 3020.64 | 0.279817 | | AAAAAAAACFMDAAAA | Benefits cannot happen so | Men | pants | 66.85 | 3380.14 | 0.313119 | | AAAAAAAACHCDAAAA | Funds must see here other points; royal years overcome. Pure, rich times ought to get ot | Men | pants | 0.61 | 1229.46 | 0.113891 | | AAAAAAAACHKDAAAA | Unlikely costs should risk low whole, new officials. Other eyes carry in the students. Main, lovely feelings must not allow | Men | pants | 6.70 | 2366.03 | 0.219177 | | AAAAAAAACIDBAAAA | Also public names should choose spanish, local things; slow aims use elderly bills. Workers might choose home local windows. Weekly, relative | Men | pants | 2.52 | 2772.07 | 0.256790 | | AAAAAAAACIJAAAAA | Dreadful, actual relations bar conditions. Usual, net lives must want chief, foreign hands. Units must see pure, vast victims. Main, specific children aid | Men | pants | 2.45 | 3904.72 | 0.361713 | | AAAAAAAACJBCAAAA | Negative, late offices hire just sound buyers. Doubtful seconds would die just structures. Higher i | Men | pants | 0.94 | 15272.08 | 1.414727 | | AAAAAAAACJHBAAAA | Good children shall pass fairly free, current cards. German tactics know | Men | pants | 0.36 | 4374.78 | 0.405257 | | AAAAAAAACMACAAAA | Circles say on the pairs. Political police support already level flats. Once more normal students may offend under a advantage | Men | pants | 6.44 | 2217.19 | 0.205389 | | AAAAAAAACMBCAAAA | Very front flowers could not get too to a notes. Other models find national, unlikely beings. Sel | Men | pants | 62.56 | 3943.73 | 0.365327 | | AAAAAAAACMNBAAAA | Churches would want harder large aspects. Points turn small banks. Gates find yes | Men | pants | 3.71 | 8463.58 | 0.784022 | | AAAAAAAACOBDAAAA | Nationa | Men | pants | 4.20 | 16582.51 | 1.536118 | | AAAAAAAACOEAAAAA | High, high allowances change gradually arts. Possible clients grant properly ways. Children should avert as in an machines. Relevant offences continu | Men | pants | 9.70 | 10844.97 | 1.004622 | | AAAAAAAACOKDAAAA | Years attend earlier connections. Enormous, smart kinds ought to close formerly. Just excell | Men | pants | 7.30 | 6900.46 | 0.639223 | | AAAAAAAACPCBAAAA | Gentle surveys cannot take hard releva | Men | pants | 41.50 | 2611.95 | 0.241958 | | AAAAAAAACPFAAAAA | Annual demands win ever for a things. Scientific, good policies shall think less dead, new instances. Youn | Men | pants | 3.58 | 130.72 | 0.012109 | | AAAAAAAADBJDAAAA | Quite dry thousands should not save new years. Orthodox sources can form somet | Men | pants | 7.73 | 10284.36 | 0.952690 | | AAAAAAAADDDBAAAA | Either other thanks | Men | pants | 4.44 | 5934.86 | 0.549775 | | AAAAAAAADFCDAAAA | Conservative, difficult funds seem more than capital standards. Developments add even miles. Countries imitate modern, other police | Men | pants | 0.78 | 2224.87 | 0.206100 | | AAAAAAAADGHAAAAA | Current feelings c | Men | pants | 1.37 | 17730.79 | 1.642489 | | AAAAAAAADKNCAAAA | Selective mountains cannot stay in a thoughts. Good banks might send well in a theories. Then primary pp. offer also. Indirect children used to provide always huge | Men | pants | 0.66 | 3535.53 | 0.327513 | | AAAAAAAADPHAAAAA | Too curious regions work. New drugs describe na | Men | pants | 4.87 | 2946.45 | 0.272944 | | AAAAAAAAEAKAAAAA | Old, moving times might look available cuts. Rates come. Resources used to take also at a questions. Times move strong earnings. White, economic committees must marry. Progress | Men | pants | 5.00 | 5280.96 | 0.489201 | | AAAAAAAAEBOBAAAA | Overseas, permanent clothes should treat just left, darling liabilities. However main others let later colours. Model ministers slip brave, official gl | Men | pants | 18.48 | 6415.34 | 0.594284 | | AAAAAAAAEENCAAAA | Terms know members. | Men | pants | 9.45 | 6186.48 | 0.573084 | | AAAAAAAAEFHAAAAA | Frankly sufficient men use either ordinary findings; offices shoul | Men | pants | 8.80 | 5484.02 | 0.508011 | | AAAAAAAAEGLCAAAA | Authorities bow. Available facilities may not nee | Men | pants | 0.57 | 5194.80 | 0.481220 | | AAAAAAAAEHGAAAAA | So important payments develop respectable, small eyes; evident processes might n | Men | pants | 4.55 | 8594.35 | 0.796136 | | AAAAAAAAEJCBAAAA | Ago unhappy countries mak | Men | pants | 8.98 | 3095.51 | 0.286752 | | AAAAAAAAEJKCAAAA | Short, total children come points; direct pupils clear strong boxes. Wide things might not budge simply dead, minor settlements. National forms smell | Men | pants | 3.93 | 737.50 | 0.068318 | | AAAAAAAAEJMBAAAA | Local, physical diseases shall walk sometimes always national performances. Substances shall pass once more. Wrong, novel decisions trust and so on wee | Men | pants | 9.94 | 1383.20 | 0.128133 | | AAAAAAAAEKPDAAAA | So other problems involve in the foundations | Men | pants | 4.09 | 348.72 | 0.032304 | | AAAAAAAAEMEAAAAA | Technical, successful orders make. Past eyes shall love for a tasks. Tiny cities ought to catch. Unpleasant cells should write either female shares; frequently useful effects ought to implement | Men | pants | 1.14 | 7944.27 | 0.735916 | | AAAAAAAAEMOCAAAA | Royal cases deman | Men | pants | 57.84 | 13018.03 | 1.205923 | | AAAAAAAAENDCAAAA | Private engineers take especially fellow attempts. Reforms reply. Aga | Men | pants | 5.62 | 10381.26 | 0.961666 | | AAAAAAAAEOAEAAAA | Old, final citizens lose long distinguished conditions. National, little authorities get already; correctly dramatic communities repeat better local, intense months. Even thin years | Men | pants | 3.30 | 2318.40 | 0.214765 | | AAAAAAAAEOBBAAAA | Interesting, environmental judge | Men | pants | 3.93 | 10083.56 | 0.934089 | | AAAAAAAAEOCCAAAA | Able criteria could break normal, normal documents. Then metropolitan taxes may possess more huge early eyes. Sure long | Men | pants | 1.64 | 7773.71 | 0.720116 | | AAAAAAAAEOEBAAAA | Fairly different lights can strike already vast, british minutes. So labour followers disturb plus a groups. Scottish, su | Men | pants | 4.81 | 5224.86 | 0.484004 | | AAAAAAAAEPDDAAAA | Perhaps distinctive years will show refugees; necessary, pure eyes should provide. Apparent years seem as charming, eager figures; essential, other disputes can face sub | Men | pants | 1.65 | 7051.10 | 0.653178 | | AAAAAAAAFAEEAAAA | New markets come faintly different readers; possible, right claims should apply most future, elderly functions. Free others result deliberately efforts. | Men | pants | 6.47 | 1844.49 | 0.170864 | | AAAAAAAAFAOAAAAA | International wars may make that is into a issues. Windows should not a | Men | pants | 0.60 | 331.25 | 0.030685 | | AAAAAAAAFBAEAAAA | Regular years appear again; most racial images will not eliminate please; payabl | Men | pants | 9.78 | 5386.25 | 0.498954 | | AAAAAAAAFCMDAAAA | Ladies share available, sorry hours. National eyes evolve eggs. Simply great thoughts could form scientists. Interesting names | Men | pants | 2.65 | 1049.13 | 0.097186 | | AAAAAAAAFFAAAAAA | Again common customers should make hardly proposals. Close groups can prevent after a cars. Physical, human banks will not roll simply for instance agricultural hours. Northern centre | Men | pants | 39.31 | 888.30 | 0.082288 | | AAAAAAAAFHLCAAAA | Significant stones suggest there. Practical groups may include however practical scholars. Actions marry. Words mea | Men | pants | 3.20 | 1321.78 | 0.122443 | | AAAAAAAAFHOCAAAA | Relations work accidentally american prices. Services ought to gro | Men | pants | 2.29 | 9250.59 | 0.856927 | | AAAAAAAAFICEAAAA | All brown crowds create be | Men | pants | 1.83 | 733.22 | 0.067922 | | AAAAAAAAFJCDAAAA | Happy, existing | Men | pants | 2.10 | 4189.01 | 0.388048 | | AAAAAAAAFLPDAAAA | Shoes could choose closely increased vegetables. Other indian | Men | pants | 88.38 | 278.40 | 0.025790 | | AAAAAAAAFODAAAAA | Isolated, good conditions ought to know triumphantly by the teams. Markets may go probably. Streets believe still new, equal individuals. | Men | pants | 7.92 | 12.32 | 0.001141 | | AAAAAAAAFPACAAAA | Still personal products publish periods. Arrangements would seek separately outside a events. Minutes may complete aut | Men | pants | 4.88 | 396.40 | 0.036720 | | AAAAAAAAGABEAAAA | Quite hu | Men | pants | 9.76 | 3356.35 | 0.310915 | | AAAAAAAAGADEAAAA | Appropria | Men | pants | 98.47 | 636.73 | 0.058983 | | AAAAAAAAGAGCAAAA | Ever unable pools ought to say at least perfect, young cars. Elderly, interesting weeks tell approx | Men | pants | 1.04 | 2624.64 | 0.243133 | | AAAAAAAAGAMBAAAA | Forwards religious cards deny never average, mass powers; big, particular critics prevent reforms. | Men | pants | 1.00 | 3435.52 | 0.318249 | | AAAAAAAAGANAAAAA | Brown, united systems take very. Costs shall go almost to a houses. Social feelings ought to expect very. Grey, hot pr | Men | pants | 0.87 | 11035.89 | 1.022308 | | AAAAAAAAGBNCAAAA | Good authorities might not offend very. Less small forces get at a individuals; agencies could assume then turkish experiences. Silent, high databases may not know | Men | pants | 85.35 | 3583.30 | 0.331938 | | AAAAAAAAGCGAAAAA | Moments incur pa | Men | pants | 6.14 | 10026.40 | 0.928794 | | AAAAAAAAGFCBAAAA | Difficulties prevent better small, mere operations. States provide now from a advantages; prime, ultimate thanks must set how | Men | pants | 8.28 | 2190.74 | 0.202939 | | AAAAAAAAGFFEAAAA | Liabilities ensure together closed players. Relevant, only seats contest central, happy animals; total, likely neighbours address to a characters. International tables make however public temperature | Men | pants | 9.11 | 10056.07 | 0.931543 | | AAAAAAAAGFGAAAAA | Even so blue fathers shall not let more to the pounds; walls shall raise important activities. Passive sounds may | Men | pants | 8.15 | 2828.37 | 0.262006 | | AAAAAAAAGIACAAAA | Regular motives gain only just public societies. Upwards little men live issues. Changes may not like elderly ministers. Observations ought to see | Men | pants | 3.78 | 11511.61 | 1.066376 | | AAAAAAAAGJOAAAAA | Bright areas will let; famous conditions say halfway | Men | pants | 0.81 | 8961.87 | 0.830181 | | AAAAAAAAGKGAAAAA | Eventually super values take sources. Other bacteria make mou | Men | pants | 1.19 | 3880.39 | 0.359459 | | AAAAAAAAGKKDAAAA | Indeed sensitive words used to come significantly alone european matters. Sufficient, arbitrary attitudes should come again local, foreign comparisons. Public, patient initiatives migh | Men | pants | 1.97 | 489.73 | 0.045366 | | AAAAAAAAGMBEAAAA | Then royal observations make even. British, quick employees must save typically british politicians. Left, reasonable words get even types. Never united members show corres | Men | pants | 4.01 | 9478.05 | 0.877998 | | AAAAAAAAHAMAAAAA | S | Men | pants | 4.91 | 3554.91 | 0.329309 | | AAAAAAAAHAPAAAAA | Even apparent goals make over up to excellent environments. Figures used to alter anywhere. Here slight agreements match. Statutory, old men get old personnel. Effects manage | Men | pants | 0.20 | 5347.40 | 0.495356 | | AAAAAAAAHBCDAAAA | Even gross partners send features; away true years | Men | pants | 2.89 | 7041.91 | 0.652326 | | AAAAAAAAHBGCAAAA | Major, able children make always small priests. Young hands aim for a locations; compatible, female films finish a | Men | pants | 8.90 | 5277.02 | 0.488836 | | AAAAAAAAHGHCAAAA | Y | Men | pants | 9.58 | 6914.34 | 0.640509 | | AAAAAAAAHJCBAAAA | Systematically poor girls solve so available, general witnesses; windows could compete generally early men. Final eyes shall know | Men | pants | 2.55 | 12239.06 | 1.133763 | | AAAAAAAAHJGDAAAA | Now available countries go days. New heads apply yet. Again german changes shall not feel. Ridiculous, maxim | Men | pants | 1.31 | 912.77 | 0.084554 | | AAAAAAAAHKFDAAAA | For once ashamed estates collect. On board local eyes would work well still tough visitors. Further following papers shall not mean just somehow late points. Women shall not | Men | pants | 4.88 | 4470.02 | 0.414080 | | AAAAAAAAHKNBAAAA | Fine, white men vary almost natural, running companies. Obviously lost colleagues stop alike. White, impor | Men | pants | 6.80 | 8617.42 | 0.798273 | | AAAAAAAAHLJBAAAA | Much conservative factors used to build then hard, due contexts. Just left eyes shall earn quickly. Excellent months work for the hours. Voluntary circles | Men | pants | 35.53 | 3429.64 | 0.317704 | | AAAAAAAAHMJAAAAA | Really soviet rights resign for a models. Quickly impossible injuries shall refer tory, obvious mothers; here american statements determine. Costs should n | Men | pants | 1.95 | 4158.24 | 0.385198 | | AAAAAAAAHNMCAAAA | Name | Men | pants | 6.71 | 3382.88 | 0.313373 | | AAAAAAAAIBGCAAAA | Everyday rates debate silently f | Men | pants | 3.09 | 2509.13 | 0.232433 | | AAAAAAAAIBKAAAAA | So effective animals used to live to | Men | pants | 4.76 | 811.20 | 0.075145 | | AAAAAAAAIBKDAAAA | Peaceful customers try now still past races; devices should not buy so as a clergy; in order remaining trees agree sure charts. Evenings might not mean otherwise please fine audiences. Physical, | Men | pants | 3.95 | 11471.98 | 1.062705 | | AAAAAAAAICFEAAAA | Days will become initial others. Real, round reasons all | Men | pants | 8.63 | 460.00 | 0.042612 | | AAAAAAAAICPBAAAA | Well northern countries trust in charge of a others. Rural, black courts w | Men | pants | 5.99 | 5056.98 | 0.468453 | | AAAAAAAAIDCBAAAA | Powerful, ab | Men | pants | 7.17 | 5495.70 | 0.509093 | | AAAAAAAAIFCEAAAA | Total courts might see later problems. Anonymous plants could give with a businessmen. Other | Men | pants | 3.97 | 2089.02 | 0.193516 | | AAAAAAAAIFMAAAAA | As public farmers will wait pages. Waste, small consequences prepare also rocks. Characters must not attend quickly early individua | Men | pants | 9.33 | 7173.90 | 0.664553 | | AAAAAAAAIHBAAAAA | Real techniques intend by the fields; mothers interpret aut | Men | pants | 4.49 | 10790.15 | 0.999544 | | AAAAAAAAIJDCAAAA | However legal surroundings ought to reflect probably foreign new materials. Little genuine waves ought to need even product | Men | pants | 3.75 | 11541.54 | 1.069149 | | AAAAAAAAIJHBAAAA | Small collections save at present international boxes. Efforts could not know less than months. Da | Men | pants | 8.12 | 4365.71 | 0.404417 | | AAAAAAAAIMKCAAAA | Local resources determine biological customers. Small, primary customers will bother to a students. Schemes make also. New, level demands teac | Men | pants | 4.22 | 8582.15 | 0.795006 | | AAAAAAAAINEDAAAA | Political cars screen before a resident | Men | pants | 3.91 | 2555.88 | 0.236764 | | AAAAAAAAIOGAAAAA | Possibly general transactions would keep po | Men | pants | 0.21 | 9756.49 | 0.903791 | | AAAAAAAAIOKDAAAA | Never equal islands go. Public groups could set just to a | Men | pants | 4.24 | 8573.10 | 0.794168 | | AAAAAAAAIPPCAAAA | Direct, active books remain; then heavy managers shall pay typically terrible, soviet men. Soviet thousands look long dogs. Easily musical others | Men | pants | 9.15 | 1103.30 | 0.102204 | | AAAAAAAAJBECAAAA | Workers could reveal more | Men | pants | 6.04 | 10575.19 | 0.979631 | | AAAAAAAAJCHBAAAA | Clear advantages see. Phases think good, long-term attempts. Urgently good futures would not supply softly for a fees; other, appropriate records should create now major children. B | Men | pants | 3.31 | 4227.66 | 0.391629 | | AAAAAAAAJCMCAAAA | Special, cold supporters see operators. Sales must meet. Doubtfully distinct months cannot raise painful, other parts; evolutionary animals might choose also; | Men | pants | 24.74 | 4127.69 | 0.382368 | | AAAAAAAAJGCCAAAA | Arab eyes love both public, excellent problems. Just black countries see pa | Men | pants | 2.50 | 10589.76 | 0.980981 | | AAAAAAAAJGOCAAAA | Years ought to find from an techniques. All thinking approaches take almost | Men | pants | 6.39 | 9261.62 | 0.857949 | | AAAAAAAAJHMAAAAA | Old men rise too busy projects. Terms shall not speak assu | Men | pants | 4.34 | 4365.56 | 0.404403 | | AAAAAAAAJJDEAAAA | Rises wou | Men | pants | 0.52 | 9734.08 | 0.901715 | | AAAAAAAAJLKBAAAA | Scholars promote little for | Men | pants | 4.52 | 2687.39 | 0.248946 | | AAAAAAAAKCFAAAAA | High, clear characters might believe still. Weak others might reassure impossible weeks. Tiny months could not map earlier. Far, | Men | pants | 3.70 | 74.12 | 0.006866 | | AAAAAAAAKDEDAAAA | Voters shall not go later simultaneously thin floors; good authorities can place quickly in the ways. Sole jobs anticipate; following, bright girls act rooms. New, various units cou | Men | pants | 2.65 | 20091.27 | 1.861152 | | AAAAAAAAKDJAAAAA | Professionals know in o | Men | pants | 4.21 | 5803.11 | 0.537570 | | AAAAAAAAKHACAAAA | Great, acceptable governments expect recently complicated plants. Additional emotions can take. Inside fresh lines can en | Men | pants | 3.75 | 749.48 | 0.069428 | | AAAAAAAAKHCAAAAA | Always similar signs ask. Social, real knees ought to live apparently women. Also similar hands may think private governments. Fr | Men | pants | 1.59 | 11484.22 | 1.063839 | | AAAAAAAAKHFAAAAA | Cuts raise simply in a things. Lips can apply. Basic branches keep low chief difficulties. Products quit about groups. | Men | pants | 8.11 | 2388.00 | 0.221212 | | AAAAAAAAKHOAAAAA | Now lengthy problems face profits; outer, outstanding buildings shall dictate sharply classes. Forms should accept enough hot, possible women. Able, le | Men | pants | 2.09 | 12041.56 | 1.115468 | | AAAAAAAAKKBCAAAA | Childre | Men | pants | 4.75 | 5215.65 | 0.483151 | | AAAAAAAAKLGCAAAA | Children must want before a men. Items provide then educational flowers. Developments will feel fully double workers. | Men | pants | 88.64 | 5940.30 | 0.550279 | | AAAAAAAAKMBDAAAA | Other hours make small studies. Old lines should run fast different children. Only large tr | Men | pants | 9.61 | 1473.47 | 0.136495 | | AAAAAAAAKOABAAAA | Months go indian books. National, royal hands must care huge losses; attitudes support immediately great, developing cells. Complex times will sit certainly visitors. Afraid seeds attribute over gl | Men | pants | 3.39 | 3965.42 | 0.367336 | | AAAAAAAAKOLDAAAA | Peasants would blow almost relations; old clothes will not see ingredients. Effective questions cause | Men | pants | 5.12 | 2465.39 | 0.228381 | | AAAAAAAALADCAAAA | Rural, good models throw then from an dollars. Sudden buildings affect always quick children. Legal, quick members ensure then; times pick | Men | pants | 3.37 | 2216.28 | 0.205305 | | AAAAAAAALDBEAAAA | Most new lovers drive real | Men | pants | 0.94 | 1016.18 | 0.094134 | | AAAAAAAALFFBAAAA | Remarkable, pos | Men | pants | 1.43 | 80.22 | 0.007431 | | AAAAAAAALFPDAAAA | Other students might support again; dependent tourists may recognize tales; today far sales might not claim still pure, basic shareholders. Educational, previous tests dare we | Men | pants | 2.46 | 13262.39 | 1.228559 | | AAAAAAAALJPCAAAA | Just awar | Men | pants | 7.38 | 3312.12 | 0.306818 | | AAAAAAAALKAEAAAA | Much labour students build only female studies. Never progressive dates sh | Men | pants | 40.27 | 17481.13 | 1.619362 | | AAAAAAAALKNDAAAA | Super, or | Men | pants | 7.74 | 140.55 | 0.013020 | | AAAAAAAALPNBAAAA | All bad figures get brown games. Circumstances cannot understand just. Bio | Men | pants | 1.30 | 139.61 | 0.012933 | | AAAAAAAAMCPDAAAA | Contributions might not expect eve | Men | pants | 3.00 | 18990.31 | 1.759164 | | AAAAAAAAMDBDAAAA | International applications should see then com | Men | pants | 4.79 | 8418.63 | 0.779859 | | AAAAAAAAMGDEAAAA | Masters provide. Forces shall keep quickly social, foreign amer | Men | pants | 5.11 | 894.88 | 0.082897 | | AAAAAAAAMIOAAAAA | Social, soft forms must deal a bit into a hours. Middle details would increase originally australian others. Somewhere single sounds must recognise then. Councillors will | Men | pants | 42.04 | 3737.09 | 0.346185 | | AAAAAAAAMJCDAAAA | Sounds turn. | Men | pants | 2.23 | 9347.75 | 0.865927 | | AAAAAAAAMJICAAAA | Now confidential facts must not pay however against a feet. Existing, personal windows pa | Men | pants | 1.70 | 6003.09 | 0.556095 | | AAAAAAAAMJODAAAA | Certain, light forms work years. Political, british movements | Men | pants | 56.28 | 7493.83 | 0.694190 | | AAAAAAAAMLLAAAAA | Lovers help just basic rights. At lea | Men | pants | 6.53 | 10701.22 | 0.991306 | | AAAAAAAAMLODAAAA | Ready, prospective seconds afford perhaps by a relations. Solar, senior subjects go neatly available words. Delicate, present wages go types. Visitors dress alr | Men | pants | 76.80 | 42.63 | 0.003949 | | AAAAAAAAMLPCAAAA | Social, old governments impress on | Men | pants | 4.53 | 614.65 | 0.056938 | | AAAAAAAAMMHDAAAA | Often old chemicals used to dismiss especially financia | Men | pants | 31.56 | 9761.02 | 0.904211 | | AAAAAAAANEHBAAAA | Too sharp rates look recently secondly international arrangements. Events survive thus main numbers. Police shall ask home in the others. Groups shall sense somewhat to a method | Men | pants | 35.22 | 214.23 | 0.019845 | | AAAAAAAANJPDAAAA | Surprising, disabled standards get | Men | pants | 2.55 | 10017.92 | 0.928009 | | AAAAAAAAODFEAAAA | Detailed, creative kings will act also papers. Due shows find soon new, cool publishers. Days can print how | Men | pants | 8.31 | 7401.87 | 0.685671 | | AAAAAAAAODGCAAAA | Bizarre, national goods pass in the police. Isolated colours use always prices. Also creative patients say even in the numbers. Proposed brothers find services. Crazy, whole aspects woul | Men | pants | 4.49 | 16868.53 | 1.562614 | | AAAAAAAAODHCAAAA | Objects speed once houses; proper, proposed bars may not see specimens; dark, old things cost separate places. Parliamentary, certain supporters will look companies; fine me | Men | pants | 56.15 | 9292.80 | 0.860837 | | AAAAAAAAODJCAAAA | Animals offer still; very secret possibilities establish loose fingers. Go | Men | pants | 8.63 | 9789.73 | 0.906870 | | AAAAAAAAOECCAAAA | Reluctant, electric images finish usually other citizens. Colonial rooms could not ensure. New, modern models should go ideas. Appearances could n | Men | pants | 3.06 | 798.00 | 0.073923 | | AAAAAAAAOEDEAAAA | National, new hotels mean for a variables. Countries may not spend on the quarters. Else common differences used to call much on a months. New events perform too. Immense, perfect things reform | Men | pants | 9.13 | 17706.12 | 1.640204 | | AAAAAAAAOFDAAAAA | Candidates will hold. Chief ages used to choose with the foundations; horrible, complex rates meet | Men | pants | 1.08 | 2584.70 | 0.239433 | | AAAAAAAAOFDDAAAA | Patterns swear altogether mathematical magazines. General words ma | Men | pants | 8.60 | 4518.46 | 0.418567 | | AAAAAAAAOFPBAAAA | Other, bad features may mean. Pol | Men | pants | 1.00 | 11485.38 | 1.063946 | | AAAAAAAAOIBCAAAA | Nearly full speakers shall not live lexical, chief figures. Excepti | Men | pants | 79.14 | 5129.70 | 0.475189 | | AAAAAAAAOIHDAAAA | Other decisions will not think with a members. Much actual sections stop still. Together able others come | Men | pants | 3.35 | 9955.60 | 0.922235 | | AAAAAAAAOIMDAAAA | Capable profits work. Large, powerful instruments shall insist officially too royal cases. Traditional days check sharp, small ministers. Old child | Men | pants | 8.31 | 116.03 | 0.010748 | | AAAAAAAAOJFDAAAA | Generally | Men | pants | 1.11 | 7189.73 | 0.666020 | | AAAAAAAAOKPBAAAA | Only, mental qualifications cannot turn united goods. Minds afford so early experiments. Together | Men | pants | 0.33 | 4699.28 | 0.435317 | | AAAAAAAAOMDDAAAA | Convincing departments accept grap | Men | pants | 1.58 | 12857.92 | 1.191091 | | AAAAAAAAOMGAAAAA | Words might not sell to a rounds; duties must exceed never systems; quiet, shy years advertise in a poles; easy, large customers might consider as yet hostile shares. Indeed formal c | Men | pants | 6.59 | 2873.16 | 0.266155 | | AAAAAAAAOMMAAAAA | Special objectives shall appear patients. Exciting minutes shall attend. Proud, british details learn comm | Men | pants | 0.39 | 5826.94 | 0.539778 | | AAAAAAAAONEBAAAA | Doubtful years control very benefits. Beautiful, surprised spirits could integrate international, causal techniques. Lists will accept for example | Men | pants | 0.96 | 732.78 | 0.067881 | | AAAAAAAAOOKCAAAA | Necessarily li | Men | pants | 3.47 | 8609.50 | 0.797540 | | AAAAAAAAOPMDAAAA | Models may ban pictures. Officials exist rough, bad children. Free reactions predict away lives. Accurate objectives get often then dutch expenses. Important windows can extend w | Men | pants | 5.20 | 340.08 | 0.031503 | | AAAAAAAAPBKCAAAA | Heavy, traditional unions could come markedly international, warm n | Men | pants | 4.19 | 6594.38 | 0.610869 | | AAAAAAAAPCPCAAAA | Systems read too | Men | pants | 32.09 | 5131.23 | 0.475331 | | AAAAAAAAPEJAAAAA | In common casual provisions shall balance then. Actively private conditions deal ago cells. Networks shall not dance in a questions. Short circumstances oug | Men | pants | 0.86 | 2792.29 | 0.258663 | | AAAAAAAAPGBDAAAA | Men bring difficult stands. Free movements used to stay about. Styles like. Ill sharp years say for instance effective, economic rates. No | Men | pants | 8.47 | 6485.74 | 0.600806 | | AAAAAAAAPHDDAAAA | Individual flowers used to give thanks. Particular doubts refer a bit for a directions. Police could | Men | pants | 1.74 | 10109.09 | 0.936454 | | AAAAAAAAPIBBAAAA | Colours produce heavily to a passengers. Available, unique studies kill popular, true fields. Full, r | Men | pants | 6.54 | 6903.61 | 0.639515 | | AAAAAAAAPICDAAAA | Sectors bear. Never difficult cases come exactly particular chemicals. Cold comments provide still sweet, competitive companies. Days must not use generally whole questions. Observations may | Men | pants | 4.85 | 6209.91 | 0.575254 | | AAAAAAAAPIHBAAAA | Below voluntary results should become with a teachers. Constant movements might not develop again in the plans. | Men | pants | 3.90 | 3587.32 | 0.332311 | | AAAAAAAAPJBAAAAA | Recent points used to see socie | Men | pants | 5.65 | 1117.56 | 0.103525 | | AAAAAAAAPJDBAAAA | Sure falls will not visit. Merely clear eyes will not finance no doubt major clear miles. Cells intro | Men | pants | 2.89 | 489.62 | 0.045356 | | AAAAAAAAPJDEAAAA | Great, large needs take unable, economic flowers. Etc new companies should stay over subjective new approaches; desirable years keep now gold differences. Well full objects will tell also; d | Men | pants | 3.23 | 4399.56 | 0.407553 | | AAAAAAAAPLPCAAAA | Public, national years should use twice in a procedures. Rare members like also other difficulties. Suspicious, possible eyes will make needs. Terms know apart to the marks. Wrong, re | Men | pants | 8.60 | 2230.00 | 0.206576 | | AAAAAAAAPMBDAAAA | Invisible year | Men | pants | 2.67 | 2884.06 | 0.267164 | | AAAAAAAAPOJCAAAA | Advanced, certain fields miss electronically for the books. Open measures match therefore s | Men | pants | 3.97 | 393.05 | 0.036410 | | AAAAAAAAPPDBAAAA | Mainly superior results bat fast efforts; categories may not supply so just local areas. Priorities would eat easily prime secrets. Blind, ma | Men | pants | 2.47 | 3169.47 | 0.293603 | | AAAAAAAAPPKAAAAA | Further appropriate children keep dear clubs. Profitable, wooden representatives could diversify; civil, bright seats could not buy. Inner ingredients should not promote isolated, outside talks. F | Men | pants | 18.08 | 7005.48 | 0.648952 | | AAAAAAAAAACAAAAA | Suitable, free others might run in a parts. Once material conditions might get real, top dogs. Key, | Men | shirts | 74.88 | 11394.59 | 0.818919 | | AAAAAAAAAAFCAAAA | Oral, final studies will like after a families. Future, high profits see evident acts. Unnecessary, political clothes expect truly. Fundamental, single lines used to take environmenta | Men | shirts | 5.10 | 6211.06 | 0.446384 | | AAAAAAAAABDEAAAA | Indeed similar feel | Men | shirts | 3.48 | 19558.72 | 1.405668 | | AAAAAAAAACECAAAA | Quiet, modern institutions ought to mean already thin, sweet | Men | shirts | 2.00 | 5532.47 | 0.397614 | | AAAAAAAAACPCAAAA | Industrial parties could find respective, huge leaders. Much serious indicators murder just political, various drugs. Involved, established users m | Men | shirts | 4.19 | 8452.69 | 0.607488 | | AAAAAAAAADLDAAAA | Circumstances say well also ideal magazines. Available committees bet even aged a losses. Likely hot services identify. Disabled, single example | Men | shirts | 4.10 | 12288.39 | 0.883156 | | AAAAAAAAAEABAAAA | Tropical adults give ready, absent estimates. Available, special horses find human types. Great effects handle obviously christian instit | Men | shirts | 4.84 | 2703.15 | 0.194273 | | AAAAAAAAAEPBAAAA | Long key contracts must make. Other others look just highly open things; stars would n | Men | shirts | 7.49 | 1576.13 | 0.113275 | | AAAAAAAAAGHBAAAA | Very minor pairs would end particularly free bad houses. Regulations will learn; as superb hopes suit further here economic weeks. Only monthly leaves could emulate at las | Men | shirts | 1.50 | 7854.37 | 0.564487 | | AAAAAAAAAGKBAAAA | Problems will solve too priests. Forward sufficie | Men | shirts | 3.12 | 1369.20 | 0.098403 | | AAAAAAAAAHKAAAAA | Years cannot attract frantically. Low designers think with a subsidies. Clear, joint forests go especially simple, tiny complaints. Lists can run never strong | Men | shirts | 72.34 | 8733.88 | 0.627696 | | AAAAAAAAAIADAAAA | Impossible fingers might report similar | Men | shirts | 2.14 | 11055.38 | 0.794541 | | AAAAAAAAAIBEAAAA | Even young stores extend largely. Wro | Men | shirts | 0.67 | 700.56 | 0.050349 | | AAAAAAAAAINBAAAA | Overall | Men | shirts | 2.69 | 4915.44 | 0.353268 | | AAAAAAAAAJHAAAAA | American, excellent police can kill for example vertical clothes. | Men | shirts | 5.85 | 8173.85 | 0.587448 | | AAAAAAAAAJHBAAAA | Of course special proposals support certainly social objects. Very urgent tests | Men | shirts | 1.51 | 8204.70 | 0.589665 | | AAAAAAAAAKFCAAAA | Interpretations pro | Men | shirts | 3.42 | 241.98 | 0.017391 | | AAAAAAAAAKHCAAAA | Yesterday ill charges used to know further slow, beautiful proposal | Men | shirts | 6.93 | 1874.63 | 0.134728 | | AAAAAAAAAKKCAAAA | Good, sad difference | Men | shirts | 8.05 | 9028.53 | 0.648873 | | AAAAAAAAALMCAAAA | Widely high subjects write so men. Forth growing expectations will meet years. Glasses may mind again for the times. Incidentally continuous windows would say functions; most old councillors may ret | Men | shirts | 0.41 | 8180.13 | 0.587899 | | AAAAAAAAALPAAAAA | In part wooden sides ought to diversify sites. White, green forests penetrate cult | Men | shirts | 5.41 | 3459.97 | 0.248665 | | AAAAAAAAAMFCAAAA | Permanent, horizontal workers tell bad in a concepts. Indeed familiar parents should make under a researchers. Trees ought to get surely now sound soldiers. Negotiations will talk | Men | shirts | 3.62 | 6770.96 | 0.486623 | | AAAAAAAAAMPBAAAA | Free, high rights call abruptly from a banks. Main institutions imply closely old drugs. Swiss, new clothes would not come hopefully standard products. Certainly economic auditors could adm | Men | shirts | 1.03 | 18434.77 | 1.324891 | | AAAAAAAAAMPCAAAA | Hungry, junior hours must make reluctantly physical, local costs. Small criteria must obtain closely. Social events will fail accurate, useful roles. Great, ea | Men | shirts | 3.00 | 13534.29 | 0.972698 | | AAAAAAAAANAAAAAA | Cheerful daughters take on a shops. Far definite parties withdraw talks. Years quantify. Miraculously fast membe | Men | shirts | 5.62 | 1596.16 | 0.114715 | | AAAAAAAAANJAAAAA | Widely young years might not assemble secondly nearly little profits. Boys live years; forwards head yea | Men | shirts | 0.73 | 4196.20 | 0.301577 | | AAAAAAAAANPDAAAA | Comparative, other directors might not study however for a travellers. Desperately neighbouring seeds adopt to the senses. Black, actual proceedings shall not | Men | shirts | 0.57 | 817.02 | 0.058719 | | AAAAAAAAAOGDAAAA | Local types reduce no crucial men. Services may talk most in a parts. Formidable demands | Men | shirts | 5.82 | 3517.17 | 0.252776 | | AAAAAAAAAOHBAAAA | Specific, basic debts take relevant, commo | Men | shirts | 29.12 | 5981.09 | 0.429856 | | AAAAAAAAAOOBAAAA | Right, respectable values cannot remember seriously considerable, national contacts. Most statistical hours speak across mental, democratic ex | Men | shirts | 3.31 | 466.92 | 0.033557 | | AAAAAAAAAPGBAAAA | Local, ol | Men | shirts | 0.10 | 8900.67 | 0.639683 | | AAAAAAAABCJBAAAA | Regions arrest too modern, clever hours. Obvious miles might buy good, light stars; really digital cells will find. Necessary students track rather. Bad, local observers take causes. Academic, sh | Men | shirts | 3.16 | 5456.40 | 0.392147 | | AAAAAAAABFPBAAAA | Global, financial lives make incentives. Patient results could reject more than now basic machines. Old roa | Men | shirts | 0.85 | 492.03 | 0.035362 | | AAAAAAAABHCAAAAA | Deep, various children convince already. Good, pregnant boys gain so girls. Long-term, large industries might pay much difficult approaches. Strategic, christian crimes serve uniformly new, strong mil | Men | shirts | 4.16 | 5012.80 | 0.360266 | | AAAAAAAABJBCAAAA | Contacts avoid better british, sad men. New, autonomous abilities must appeal only accounts. European, recent companies tell approxim | Men | shirts | 5.10 | 5291.87 | 0.380322 | | AAAAAAAABLEAAAAA | Rough, great men should tell again isolated plants. Firms ought to describe formerly children. Times mig | Men | shirts | 2.46 | 2012.64 | 0.144647 | | AAAAAAAABLJBAAAA | Accidents pick about the windows. Injuries understand in a parties. Sexual glasses must recover now. Major roles shall lose boxes. Again true courses mak | Men | shirts | 9.49 | 1048.76 | 0.075373 | | AAAAAAAABPHCAAAA | French, neighbouring words speak evenly big divisions. Completely urban employers may return efforts. Almost rich buildings keep. Rows wear. Royal, new meetings must lift still | Men | shirts | 8.31 | 2303.90 | 0.165579 | | AAAAAAAACAMCAAAA | Relevant conditions worry by the stages. Attractive products wish also | Men | shirts | 3.63 | 19493.31 | 1.400967 | | AAAAAAAACBABAAAA | Total, hard relationships can get there partly definite circumstances. Children must supp | Men | shirts | 2.88 | 15604.04 | 1.121449 | | AAAAAAAACBEDAAAA | National, suitable actions create other firms. Impossible lives cannot produce however such as a men. Details recall tomorrow. Simple, individ | Men | shirts | 3.91 | 2222.29 | 0.159714 | | AAAAAAAACCFEAAAA | Courses will show to the hours. Simple feelings | Men | shirts | 9.12 | 963.45 | 0.069242 | | AAAAAAAACDEEAAAA | A | Men | shirts | 0.17 | 18697.01 | 1.343738 | | AAAAAAAACEDCAAAA | Offences free somehow. Right, statistical eyes hate also now senior themes. Local, new planes prevent carefully | Men | shirts | 4.08 | 11486.82 | 0.825548 | | AAAAAAAACENAAAAA | Urban generations lay sorry routes. Angry activities shall face however. Original words prove to the lights. | Men | shirts | 8.60 | 4742.26 | 0.340822 | | AAAAAAAACFICAAAA | Regularly british officers associate. Messages know special forces. Children replace | Men | shirts | 0.96 | 1434.26 | 0.103079 | | AAAAAAAACHHDAAAA | Total, b | Men | shirts | 1.38 | 3326.04 | 0.239040 | | AAAAAAAACHICAAAA | Tables detain probably labour systems; european, particular cells cannot escape much level persons. Other, m | Men | shirts | 86.10 | 6219.32 | 0.446977 | | AAAAAAAACILCAAAA | Existing, hot substances come as intern | Men | shirts | 3.67 | 9346.38 | 0.671716 | | AAAAAAAACJNCAAAA | Negative democrats exploit by the markets. Obvious systems help. International complaints reduce easily s | Men | shirts | 1.64 | 5376.57 | 0.386409 | | AAAAAAAACKCDAAAA | Involved | Men | shirts | 2.95 | 3306.78 | 0.237655 | | AAAAAAAACKEEAAAA | Popular, false eyes would not indulge in particular. Links compare con | Men | shirts | 8.29 | 1038.08 | 0.074606 | | AAAAAAAACKFCAAAA | Aspects should reply individual teams. Even possible lives shall give years. Negative, difficult images might commit through a patients. Too central children say onl | Men | shirts | 1.02 | 11577.60 | 0.832072 | | AAAAAAAACKOCAAAA | Literary, unable proceedings must recognise full, white estates; national banks would take roughly also capital proceedings. | Men | shirts | 2.46 | 2230.38 | 0.160295 | | AAAAAAAACLEDAAAA | Interested, physical parts ought to behave furthermore. Primary rates convert just fellow, possib | Men | shirts | 3.05 | 4173.66 | 0.299957 | | AAAAAAAACOGBAAAA | Facil | Men | shirts | 8.46 | 12101.79 | 0.869745 | | AAAAAAAACPHBAAAA | Nearby unaccep | Men | shirts | 3.04 | 12893.93 | 0.926676 | | AAAAAAAADAAEAAAA | Due, australian rivers might not know great situations. Schemes take then issues. Important milli | Men | shirts | 7.62 | 10629.35 | 0.763922 | | AAAAAAAADAPBAAAA | Important branches live that previous missiles. Fresh, immediate parties must compete far tiny pictures. Then relative companies obtain home generally right problems. Also exis | Men | shirts | 2.47 | 787.87 | 0.056624 | | AAAAAAAADBGDAAAA | Words review. Old, productive pieces can frighten for the most part certainly amazing things; organisations exist satisfactorily | Men | shirts | 64.05 | 538.79 | 0.038722 | | AAAAAAAADDCCAAAA | Japanese programs shall come less situations. Too used components enable senses. Feet develop only only whole allies. Right years bring on the asso | Men | shirts | 5.79 | 2280.36 | 0.163888 | | AAAAAAAADJKDAAAA | Social, only relationships speak even societies. Most basic areas cover basic things; main resourc | Men | shirts | 93.54 | 4345.00 | 0.312271 | | AAAAAAAADLACAAAA | Big problems apply members. Faces must launch particul | Men | shirts | 3.33 | 3789.52 | 0.272350 | | AAAAAAAADOLAAAAA | New r | Men | shirts | 2.10 | 10219.30 | 0.734452 | | AAAAAAAADPICAAAA | Letters affect yesterday. Huge, silver relations complain fortunately white, serious | Men | shirts | 7.01 | 347.22 | 0.024954 | | AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA | Normal systems would join simply different theories. Full, new clothes may eat instead achievements. D | Men | shirts | 4.00 | 9632.98 | 0.692314 | | AAAAAAAAEAHDAAAA | Enough japanese walls disguise often. Problems provide however particularly long times; best clear years exceed too old, unpleasant companies. Just left patterns emerge certainly too old | Men | shirts | 5.71 | 7238.05 | 0.520192 | | AAAAAAAAEBGCAAAA | Streets should create so chemical, close pp.. Principal falls might create as to a offices; much freq | Men | shirts | 3.09 | 13869.14 | 0.996763 | | AAAAAAAAECBBAAAA | Customs can say still contracts; arrangements organise so. Good, formal patients face even. Collea | Men | shirts | 0.63 | 8675.12 | 0.623473 | | AAAAAAAAEFMCAAAA | Too sensitive results might breach | Men | shirts | 5.47 | 3710.19 | 0.266648 | | AAAAAAAAEGKAAAAA | Solutions might look much indian holidays. Already other lads sh | Men | shirts | 0.40 | 6543.17 | 0.470252 | | AAAAAAAAEHPAAAAA | Particular, possible signs tend lips. Economic centres should get; surprising, poor flats used to clinch similar terms. Agricultural words ought t | Men | shirts | 1.33 | 11108.33 | 0.798346 | | AAAAAAAAEINDAAAA | German, thin experiences will not contribute. Issues must not explain later again democr | Men | shirts | 17.78 | 13060.18 | 0.938624 | | AAAAAAAAEJFEAAAA | New, new trees reflect yellow, redundant organizations. Regular women consider central, present windows. For example british arrangem | Men | shirts | 2.14 | 897.60 | 0.064510 | | AAAAAAAAEJHDAAAA | Additional pp. come. At first african forces seek maybe; unknown stages may raise off a papers; books lead above hard terms. Inches show intimately ordinary questions. Great, silly anim | Men | shirts | 4.88 | 2088.05 | 0.150066 | | AAAAAAAAEJICAAAA | Systems provide only particular companies. Also l | Men | shirts | 1.59 | 15708.31 | 1.128943 | | AAAAAAAAEJPBAAAA | Libraries sell great friends. Characteristics will write too. Fully right homes take very neither immediate targets. Children maintain more feet. Too australian terms claim only, broken ga | Men | shirts | 6.93 | 2321.92 | 0.166874 | | AAAAAAAAELCAAAAA | Yards would not explore apparently with the attitudes. Difficult circumstances ought to work too to a interactions. Royal, slim states must produce | Men | shirts | 4.95 | 7256.62 | 0.521527 | | AAAAAAAAENFDAAAA | Southern, new claims could repeat there stupid, political profits. Changes will reject of course different movies. Other events should silence. Tasks could keep pretty on a discussions. Othe | Men | shirts | 1.07 | 4615.02 | 0.331678 | | AAAAAAAAENJAAAAA | Available pupils take necessarily good payments. Beneficial, detailed figures understand obviously with a lines. Commercial, poor changes used t | Men | shirts | 7.36 | 8888.23 | 0.638789 | | AAAAAAAAEOCDAAAA | Villages must not seem below simply sexual courses. Remaining candidates keep just essential stages. There simple factors see recent companies. Important, essential goals tak | Men | shirts | 6.97 | 4114.89 | 0.295734 | | AAAAAAAAEPGAAAAA | English theories experience only in charge of the office | Men | shirts | 5.22 | 5043.87 | 0.362499 | | AAAAAAAAEPGBAAAA | Sick, contemporary stores extend useful, wrong circumstances. Men used to make all more encouraging accounts. Valuable members ought | Men | shirts | 2.36 | 379.78 | 0.027294 | | AAAAAAAAFEGEAAAA | Specific, sad clubs shall achieve too widespread you | Men | shirts | 2.10 | 959.05 | 0.068926 | | AAAAAAAAFGBEAAAA | Centres may spend in the problems. Important journals may give suddenly. Years must not wash now success | Men | shirts | 2.03 | 3065.48 | 0.220313 | | AAAAAAAAFGIAAAAA | Just hungry members leave generally constant, multiple | Men | shirts | 4.54 | 6990.81 | 0.502423 | | AAAAAAAAFILBAAAA | Thus front journals will not go hot, available sentences. Fun buyers could force plus a nee | Men | shirts | 5.66 | 2169.72 | 0.155936 | | AAAAAAAAFNGBAAAA | Usually social eyes can get available, coastal things. Better social talks should accept as unique measures. Extreme | Men | shirts | 6.00 | 1480.86 | 0.106428 | | AAAAAAAAFPDCAAAA | Available, simple accounts might get also exotic minutes. Circumstances may balance surprising polls. Stories will think naturally both social months. Wrong, fair persons flee full lines; | Men | shirts | 2.91 | 13290.94 | 0.955208 | | AAAAAAAAFPFDAAAA | Scots should not tell before the eyes. About different months constitute valuable characters. Once again false memories can go colleges. Appropriate households | Men | shirts | 1.99 | 4412.84 | 0.317147 | | AAAAAAAAGBEDAAAA | Great, possible arguments should not interfere so studies. Proposals identify a bit. Old courts tell here times. Amounts prove c | Men | shirts | 92.80 | 5079.04 | 0.365026 | | AAAAAAAAGBHDAAAA | However wild years get very probably open police. Now clinical women like for example fr | Men | shirts | 3.72 | 618.57 | 0.044456 | | AAAAAAAAGBPAAAAA | Sudden lights provide both possible films; again electronic entries could keep widely from the men. Then able women cannot uphold thorou | Men | shirts | 6.58 | 5767.92 | 0.414535 | | AAAAAAAAGBPBAAAA | Changes cannot unload often new nations. Civil ambitions cannot look. As simple members ge | Men | shirts | 4.82 | 815.36 | 0.058599 | | AAAAAAAAGCODAAAA | Tiles see a little. Standards say post-war | Men | shirts | 81.22 | 10787.93 | 0.775319 | | AAAAAAAAGDCAAAAA | Still final relationships ought to apply quite outdoor judicial relations. Inland homes provide hours. Unique eyes may claim however attractive pp.; ef | Men | shirts | 8.65 | 5741.84 | 0.412661 | | AAAAAAAAGDNBAAAA | Towns compete longer. Sizes get. Alone, ready edges pass at once. Walls see windows. Minutes remain gently military games. Possible, white relations fade. Ideas c | Men | shirts | 7.33 | 7406.52 | 0.532300 | | AAAAAAAAGFIAAAAA | Crucial tests must not come merely continuing variables. Interests used to take lengthy, easy efforts. Specific men admit. Relevant names shall not f | Men | shirts | 1.54 | 1752.66 | 0.125962 | | AAAAAAAAGGBAAAAA | Patiently full features speculate heavily in the r | Men | shirts | 4.94 | 13379.49 | 0.961572 | | AAAAAAAAGHIBAAAA | Issues clear senior, minor towns. Huge women should accept feet. Very full standards bring normal, sm | Men | shirts | 0.63 | 4928.66 | 0.354219 | | AAAAAAAAGHOCAAAA | Annual, intact wages get all. Tr | Men | shirts | 2.79 | 1.68 | 0.000121 | | AAAAAAAAGHPAAAAA | Pains get. Tonnes must consider rare, other owners. Personally high comparisons should develop small, proper patients. In particular hard visitors m | Men | shirts | 2.22 | 1243.06 | 0.089338 | | AAAAAAAAGJPCAAAA | Also able components could not include eventually soldiers. Senior, subject skills go fragments. Ready | Men | shirts | 7.00 | 3555.23 | 0.255511 | | AAAAAAAAGKHAAAAA | Ideas must display as remarkable trees. Organic offenders create yet under large writings. Legal, white programmes print badly typically specific teachers. There pos | Men | shirts | 0.42 | 6109.29 | 0.439069 | | AAAAAAAAGLGCAAAA | Open plants end. Newly | Men | shirts | 8.79 | 775.71 | 0.055750 | | AAAAAAAAGLIDAAAA | British, other decisions melt writings. Anywhere ordinary facts ought to suggest already laboratories; however compulsory opportunities like perhaps typically senior deputies. Now literary | Men | shirts | 44.65 | 5640.36 | 0.405368 | | AAAAAAAAGMBDAAAA | Vulnerable b | Men | shirts | 3.95 | 687.40 | 0.049403 | | AAAAAAAAGMPCAAAA | Temporary calls will protect strong, specific police; full government | Men | shirts | 1.65 | 14628.28 | 1.051322 | | AAAAAAAAGNFBAAAA | Cases see officers. Monthly, confident expectations keep. Too possible regulations see however important producers. Forces bear possible, weekly others | Men | shirts | 8.52 | 4771.87 | 0.342950 | | AAAAAAAAGNJAAAAA | Small friends might illustrate perhaps dead minutes. Similar areas say principles. Good, useful patients may vote | Men | shirts | 2.09 | 263.60 | 0.018945 | | AAAAAAAAGOCDAAAA | Yesterday final prices may oppose inexorably drawings. Major views show ago single, | Men | shirts | 3.84 | 8879.63 | 0.638171 | | AAAAAAAAGOFBAAAA | Industrial dollars communicate margins. Negative, financial others might make also | Men | shirts | 2.00 | 1516.07 | 0.108959 | | AAAAAAAAGPEAAAAA | Parts race joint teachers. Strong, potential group | Men | shirts | 2.68 | 1873.38 | 0.134638 | | AAAAAAAAGPHDAAAA | Nuclear, long women improve better years; complex characters should not take away middle, clear players. Arms delete. Doors may not remember expensive, old develo | Men | shirts | 4.61 | 244.15 | 0.017547 | | AAAAAAAAGPODAAAA | Also long subjects know sentences. Real developments should not want just with the weeks; massive, important others | Men | shirts | 7.39 | 6030.55 | 0.433410 | | AAAAAAAAHANCAAAA | However glorious rates think simultaneously clear, perfect proteins. Manufacturers can narrow on | Men | shirts | 2.82 | 276.21 | 0.019851 | | AAAAAAAAHBBEAAAA | As usual new functions ought to go locally. Eligible, relative russians say privately vulnerable, apparent mechanisms. Accurate americans must make far from networks. A | Men | shirts | 7.72 | 4734.84 | 0.340289 | | AAAAAAAAHCBAAAAA | Available preparations ought to glimpse either from a prisoners; royal occasions camp at all cases. Short doctors like again symbolic children. Large, medical families crea | Men | shirts | 6.20 | 4330.58 | 0.311235 | | AAAAAAAAHCJBAAAA | Particularly particular managers provide provisions. Long men must not know instead accused deputies. Highly left deaths would want different students | Men | shirts | 3.76 | 308.13 | 0.022145 | | AAAAAAAAHIFCAAAA | Perfect producers should cover traditionally sure groups. Now bitter years outweigh on a difficulties. Judicial companies nod soon; opening computers achieve almost fr | Men | shirts | 9.96 | 8210.97 | 0.590115 | | AAAAAAAAHKODAAAA | Small prisoners merge good, social spaces. Seats want only certain children. Current, early mechanisms wo | Men | shirts | 1.38 | 5333.81 | 0.383336 | | AAAAAAAAHNACAAAA | Numbers discuss all still, very firms. Necessary, strange guar | Men | shirts | 0.87 | 9116.16 | 0.655171 | | AAAAAAAAHNGCAAAA | Acute, uncertain consequences might want; certainly unlikely trials used to take also. Years stay no longer. Only right trees will notice generally. Excessive, peaceful vis | Men | shirts | 7.75 | 2950.16 | 0.212025 | | AAAAAAAAHNOAAAAA | Individuals sa | Men | shirts | 64.97 | 1566.98 | 0.112618 | | AAAAAAAAIAEBAAAA | That local texts want in a rights. Doubts might not change private, double years; clear children take even sure generations. International, good costs know happy, particular findings. Duties can unde | Men | shirts | 76.30 | 3245.25 | 0.233233 | | AAAAAAAAIAGCAAAA | Often english levels can pass differently in the advantages. Private, handsome machines expose so left products. Local, statistical candidates maintain hesitantly rat | Men | shirts | 2.93 | 13528.62 | 0.972290 | | AAAAAAAAIBFAAAAA | Comprehensive reasons follow so from | Men | shirts | 8.00 | 7016.73 | 0.504286 | | AAAAAAAAIBJBAAAA | Better wide yards clarify due afraid roads. Skilled sets should not distinguish simply well | Men | shirts | 1.96 | 2235.11 | 0.160635 | | AAAAAAAAICAEAAAA | Factors record short budgets. Significant candidates decide higher. Able payments will not change clearly local years. Living events ought to win quite long years; mass, effe | Men | shirts | 4.34 | 4004.16 | 0.287776 | | AAAAAAAAICEAAAAA | Agents show days. Economic councillors can get merely large con | Men | shirts | 14.21 | 16130.00 | 1.159249 | | AAAAAAAAICEDAAAA | Terrible tears notice well. Great, prime stations must speak more teams. Measures will tell clear | Men | shirts | 0.79 | 5486.03 | 0.394276 | | AAAAAAAAICMAAAAA | Wee | Men | shirts | 8.55 | 320.32 | 0.023021 | | AAAAAAAAIDNBAAAA | Expensive reasons shall not carry hardly ri | Men | shirts | 7.71 | 2128.40 | 0.152966 | | AAAAAAAAIFOBAAAA | Passive, heavy lawyers would confront yet. Popular, extended figures should say moving decisions. Final, australian difficulties co | Men | shirts | 5.68 | 3476.62 | 0.249862 | | AAAAAAAAIGFDAAAA | Subjects must make virtually careful feelings. Possible years could get fixed ideas. Irish candidates use nuclear, separate years. All able times may not put virtually good employers; however british | Men | shirts | 2.66 | 267.76 | 0.019244 | | AAAAAAAAIIDDAAAA | Parents reduce always. Patterns used to investigate basically comparisons. Current, massive lines detect hurriedly active, separate committees. | Men | shirts | 0.82 | 15052.05 | 1.081778 | | AAAAAAAAIKLDAAAA | Detailed calls kill perhaps so-called activities. Particular, back proposals shall not observe just normally administrative commitments. Girls begin single trousers. Consequently yo | Men | shirts | 4.94 | 2223.88 | 0.159828 | | AAAAAAAAIMCAAAAA | Offences would not slip sometimes strange questions; causal schemes say successfully by the moments; reasons focus foreign years. Merely red | Men | shirts | 2.98 | 2821.47 | 0.202777 | | AAAAAAAAINDCAAAA | Visible, national regulations should tax. Delegates draw; away green residents cannot land less at last intelligent observers | Men | shirts | 1.48 | 4034.63 | 0.289965 | | AAAAAAAAINHBAAAA | Minutes return too political times. Then social terms will say thus accurate, ad | Men | shirts | 8.82 | 10964.97 | 0.788043 | | AAAAAAAAIOGBAAAA | Even sexual operations could not bring internal, present bits; proper, safe cattle murder easily right paintings. Strong rules eat however labour numbers. Male brothers call so classes. Emissions must | Men | shirts | 2.12 | 3520.50 | 0.253015 | | AAAAAAAAIOGDAAAA | Relatively professional pages should face surely because of a studies. Ministers must d | Men | shirts | 4.94 | 11270.94 | 0.810033 | | AAAAAAAAIOJDAAAA | Little, old years used to get hotels; common chips might not improve still into a members. Curious para | Men | shirts | 32.98 | 11823.84 | 0.849769 | | AAAAAAAAIOLCAAAA | Confident, good men should decide small men. Literary, bad parties ought to balance successfully | Men | shirts | 1.30 | 1447.02 | 0.103996 | | AAAAAAAAJBBCAAAA | As huge types see conservative, main years. As it were separate groups may not lift soon on a studies. Dependent, due aspects shall count just environmental, national years. Damages shall allow | Men | shirts | 77.79 | 6406.52 | 0.460431 | | AAAAAAAAJDICAAAA | Acres move. Differences use tomorrow northern relations. Other tears may manipulate still. Highly secondary occasions take. Sharp folk | Men | shirts | 6.58 | 921.84 | 0.066252 | | AAAAAAAAJDKAAAAA | Little colleagues ought to matter subsequently sharp practices. General, small metals pass on the circumstances. Special, social guns raise personally fresh | Men | shirts | 2.29 | 3453.64 | 0.248210 | | AAAAAAAAJEOBAAAA | Together cold languages use | Men | shirts | 2.51 | 9806.55 | 0.704788 | | AAAAAAAAJEPAAAAA | Adults reply hence outside weak lives. Chief beliefs put hence open police. Concrete, private conservatives result in a securities. Suddenly dear findings can stop completely during | Men | shirts | 7.13 | 4535.85 | 0.325988 | | AAAAAAAAJFLAAAAA | Increasingly political sorts will win. Male trees must interfere yet possible terms. Local sides disclose only others. Very countries find edges. | Men | shirts | 71.39 | 6114.60 | 0.439451 | | AAAAAAAAJGBDAAAA | Naked, foreign years help here | Men | shirts | 5.77 | 8472.76 | 0.608930 | | AAAAAAAAJGEDAAAA | Therefore free conditions ride actually upper worlds. Tomorrow d | Men | shirts | 92.26 | 97.98 | 0.007042 | | AAAAAAAAJJEAAAAA | Only, particular claims go as recent universities. Sessions would intimidate particular, identical figures. Levels ought to want better senior functions. Cons | Men | shirts | 0.83 | 1187.33 | 0.085332 | | AAAAAAAAJJEDAAAA | Houses enter personal, strange lips. Religious, irrelevant hours would bear also. Naked, national miles rely lacking women. Foreign prob | Men | shirts | 4.02 | 8555.33 | 0.614864 | | AAAAAAAAJOBBAAAA | Labour, mutual numbers impress useful bills. Narrow, import | Men | shirts | 3.93 | 3889.76 | 0.279554 | | AAAAAAAAJPDBAAAA | Only costs exist also towards a suppliers. Men could tell any lo | Men | shirts | 5.62 | 12128.48 | 0.871663 | | AAAAAAAAKCBAAAAA | Plants will build new, hot articles; students could cover high girls. Low services shall opt really businessmen. National, he | Men | shirts | 0.26 | 5208.04 | 0.374297 | | AAAAAAAAKCJBAAAA | Forever medical years must leave together. Almost high points ensure bars. Large children could not take later by a companies. Shar | Men | shirts | 3.58 | 2943.21 | 0.211526 | | AAAAAAAAKDCEAAAA | Big, huge goals add usually here commercial things; keen, pregnant years might imagine somewhere rules. Highly respo | Men | shirts | 0.71 | 6105.82 | 0.438820 | | AAAAAAAAKDGAAAAA | Issues work to a solutions. Other, environmental heroes shall not develop still strong problems; very, male proportions should become. Good habits ought to gain simply on a pl | Men | shirts | 0.84 | 12752.38 | 0.916503 | | AAAAAAAAKDKDAAAA | Reports might find ago aware questions | Men | shirts | 8.31 | 13033.70 | 0.936721 | | AAAAAAAAKDPBAAAA | Stations work enough fellow difficulties. Spanish conditions discuss also things. Levels shall n | Men | shirts | 3.15 | 10850.20 | 0.779795 | | AAAAAAAAKGBDAAAA | Able, plain approaches would break yet yesterday soci | Men | shirts | 81.71 | 5376.49 | 0.386404 | | AAAAAAAAKGDBAAAA | Consistent, post-war attitudes try again. Yet interested islands might not reduce offices. Available, academic days care low visitors. Vehicles used to take massive, united efforts | Men | shirts | 2.76 | 9072.16 | 0.652008 | | AAAAAAAAKGGBAAAA | Sudden, eligible workers pour french, capable d | Men | shirts | 4.53 | 8808.53 | 0.633061 | | AAAAAAAAKGPAAAAA | Creditors should fall; possible years must feel only sure posts. Young shops know rapidly permanent, prime doctors; minutes ought | Men | shirts | 4.07 | 4747.93 | 0.341230 | | AAAAAAAAKJBDAAAA | Workers should argue t | Men | shirts | 5.14 | 3172.87 | 0.228031 | | AAAAAAAAKJFBAAAA | Thin p | Men | shirts | 74.30 | 8999.58 | 0.646792 | | AAAAAAAAKLGBAAAA | Foreign, lucky components must reduce t | Men | shirts | 5.10 | 14890.47 | 1.070165 | | AAAAAAAAKLHAAAAA | Never basic chairs should not discover able, federal animals. Li | Men | shirts | 6.58 | 9206.35 | 0.661652 | | AAAAAAAAKMDBAAAA | Basic lectures can achieve. Separate purposes might help. N | Men | shirts | 7.20 | 21739.46 | 1.562396 | | AAAAAAAAKMDEAAAA | New workers mean there at a miles; visitors investigate hardly necessary, heavy fact | Men | shirts | 3.79 | 10121.07 | 0.727393 | | AAAAAAAAKNIDAAAA | Big, | Men | shirts | 7.62 | 2346.70 | 0.168655 | | AAAAAAAAKPDAAAAA | Prisoners shall not come jobs. Now other activities must present hot children. Fresh, light implications compare from a buildings. Always good years must | Men | shirts | 5.13 | 7034.31 | 0.505550 | | AAAAAAAAKPJDAAAA | Sensible, academic partners can campaign so full, public polls; roses ought to visit difficult legs. Faster capable blacks may not introduce too in a proceedings. Marks should ex | Men | shirts | 1.63 | 14148.40 | 1.016833 | | AAAAAAAALACAAAAA | Very free names explain elsewhere. Alternatively innocent parts may not support as for a ways. Black organ | Men | shirts | 1.86 | 584.68 | 0.042020 | | AAAAAAAALAFDAAAA | Me | Men | shirts | 7.40 | 7191.18 | 0.516824 | | AAAAAAAALGLDAAAA | Even political rules can worry weeks. Employees know english causes. Low shops used to help police. Also inc eyes should not find further in the ministers. Unusual, significant pilots should let pe | Men | shirts | 4.82 | 3422.02 | 0.245938 | | AAAAAAAALLJAAAAA | Hot, full appointments reduce forward ever distinguished relationships. Under way soph | Men | shirts | 2.41 | 2553.10 | 0.183489 | | AAAAAAAALMIAAAAA | Then bad dishes like open at a workers. Accurate, cu | Men | shirts | 3.21 | 4882.02 | 0.350867 | | AAAAAAAALOMAAAAA | Developments produce joint, little points. So palestinian children research finally more agricultural estates. Appropriate miles may cost ministers; dirty terms mig | Men | shirts | 6.72 | 1886.88 | 0.135608 | | AAAAAAAAMEDAAAAA | Social, national goals apply oral pubs; old requirements retain incredibly old plants. Concepts gain rather dramatically m | Men | shirts | 6.48 | 1541.16 | 0.110762 | | AAAAAAAAMFECAAAA | Brief cases act. Favorite, personal elements promote therefore scores; now brave earnings think investigatio | Men | shirts | 1.20 | 3703.15 | 0.266142 | | AAAAAAAAMHADAAAA | Most other passages can collect even feet. Common flames maximise more pub | Men | shirts | 1.34 | 2247.45 | 0.161522 | | AAAAAAAAMHFCAAAA | Alone, small conditions get either likely companies. Inner, long-term patients make hot rebels. Procedures see fi | Men | shirts | 8.30 | 8427.14 | 0.605651 | | AAAAAAAAMIDCAAAA | Also little arms result feelings; minutes order. Feet explore. Trying, important contexts can observe however out of a men. Organisational, other products must administer as old, m | Men | shirts | 1.20 | 12661.40 | 0.909964 | | AAAAAAAAMIODAAAA | Presidentia | Men | shirts | 6.84 | 1750.91 | 0.125836 | | AAAAAAAAMJFDAAAA | Workers cannot settle there new camps. Likely leaders could face directly up a cars. Services will work in a needs. Youn | Men | shirts | 2.17 | 19927.07 | 1.432141 | | AAAAAAAAMJHBAAAA | Very other statements ease ways. Provisions occur. Terms arrive only rural sons. Foreign estates provide outside in a patients. Select, formal cases shout near liberal th | Men | shirts | 5.15 | 449.08 | 0.032275 | | AAAAAAAAMJPCAAAA | Sanctions eat. Deliberately mature camps let common, young banks. Apparently stable days deal very following flights. Players need empty, nuclear talks; far present affair | Men | shirts | 6.58 | 9251.50 | 0.664897 | | AAAAAAAAMKHCAAAA | Much national technologies settle so. Items see between a years. Following bills must not get. Cats say still average, genetic times. New hours could control cha | Men | shirts | 9.84 | 5282.96 | 0.379682 | | AAAAAAAAMKIBAAAA | Good, concerned funds require indeed. Symptoms can reduce away actually true orga | Men | shirts | 5.46 | 2897.14 | 0.208215 | | AAAAAAAAMKPDAAAA | High sons must sign home expensive games; boats hit hardly. Customers judge today recent, main gods. Then tory organisations describe also partners. Otherwise jo | Men | shirts | 0.82 | 271.08 | 0.019482 | | AAAAAAAAMLJDAAAA | Fresh beaches can see days. Good, romantic rules might appear later men. Then like sites may find so here great authorities. Cold days will find su | Men | shirts | 9.88 | 16684.39 | 1.199093 | | AAAAAAAAMMDEAAAA | Women support almost | Men | shirts | 9.69 | 5815.35 | 0.417944 | | AAAAAAAAMMKBAAAA | More than rich ideas will mean further in a | Men | shirts | 7.56 | 503.12 | 0.036159 | | AAAAAAAAMPNDAAAA | Major, small cases can feel justly related priorities. Common, royal numbers may want also. Visitors may prevent very tightly typical houses. Other parents f | Men | shirts | 4.89 | 18768.05 | 1.348844 | | AAAAAAAANEDCAAAA | Human, human children used to go base situations. Innocent sources might conform over dark, arb | Men | shirts | 1.25 | 1372.80 | 0.098662 | | AAAAAAAANHIDAAAA | Away clinical communications give angry areas. Difficult commitme | Men | shirts | 4.01 | 6928.75 | 0.497963 | | AAAAAAAANINAAAAA | Potential, unknown surfaces will not comment indeed only only clothes. Magistrates move only, elderly jobs. Similar curtains work; open walls may propose now joint systems. Common, mass drivers find s | Men | shirts | 4.32 | 5879.33 | 0.422542 | | AAAAAAAANIOCAAAA | Violent regions must suggest material products. Then nuclear lessons widen already things. Associat | Men | shirts | 8.58 | 4071.59 | 0.292622 | | AAAAAAAANLDBAAAA | Nights ought to see in a operations; whole, ordinary leaders ensure again plants. Revolutionary, rural years can say public others; sensitive, important r | Men | shirts | 3.74 | 376.84 | 0.027083 | | AAAAAAAANLNDAAAA | Perhaps guilty users go more private systems. Simply national months will eat in a colours. Clinical patients keep only in a feeling | Men | shirts | 9.21 | 1799.26 | 0.129311 | | AAAAAAAANPADAAAA | Secrets will not walk. Plates could listen. Various arms may | Men | shirts | 4.48 | 7064.55 | 0.507723 | | AAAAAAAANPGAAAAA | Nice charges live new, military men; red tonnes should seem islamic methods. | Men | shirts | 6.44 | 5855.05 | 0.420797 | | AAAAAAAAOACDAAAA | Important, sure words continue forward ways. Old, corporate troops may not speak well public holidays. At all diplomatic years bet on | Men | shirts | 4.20 | 4061.86 | 0.291922 | | AAAAAAAAOAJAAAAA | Arab months lead elements. Long warm rates turn. Partly safe chil | Men | shirts | 4.81 | 5597.92 | 0.402318 | | AAAAAAAAOBNDAAAA | Levels undermine unfortunately efficient weeks | Men | shirts | 1.16 | 1472.88 | 0.105855 | | AAAAAAAAOBPCAAAA | Either subject shops can provide well just eastern attitudes. Minutes get often in a teachers. Years would achieve pieces; illegal, new | Men | shirts | 9.07 | 161.82 | 0.011630 | | AAAAAAAAOCKCAAAA | Provincial statements shall expect other, dead eyes. Perfect differences must lose too musical events. Competitive, goo | Men | shirts | 3.59 | 2611.72 | 0.187702 | | AAAAAAAAODFDAAAA | Too married humans must come. Clean, old-fashioned systems can remember clear, french teachers. Then equal services should not get with a companies. Faint parts shall speak anywhere years. Al | Men | shirts | 1.43 | 1803.63 | 0.129625 | | AAAAAAAAOEOAAAAA | Hard, close others should reflect. More high hands should like so political constraints. Patients need with a names. Even sweet men encounter sure tender, evil problems. Else | Men | shirts | 1.57 | 5649.75 | 0.406043 | | AAAAAAAAOFJBAAAA | Reasonable, political grants know organic qualifications | Men | shirts | 0.28 | 7761.69 | 0.557826 | | AAAAAAAAOGEBAAAA | Free businessmen cause too basic, nice ideas. Great paintings used to advise now clothes; feelings shall occur just positive, assistant others. L | Men | shirts | 4.90 | 4203.28 | 0.302086 | | AAAAAAAAOGPDAAAA | Considerations can ask full, original cuts. Powerful, artistic members feel often ner | Men | shirts | 0.76 | 8133.98 | 0.584582 | | AAAAAAAAOIEAAAAA | Occasional, main sites result often to the figures. Again diplomatic years could place about often large experts. Spanish parties se | Men | shirts | 3.38 | 10827.57 | 0.778168 | | AAAAAAAAOIICAAAA | Separate participants cannot support. Decisions can find only stairs. Literary implications could tell ironically apparent, proper tests. Historical, natural notes live there chapters. Babies provide | Men | shirts | 5.31 | 4893.86 | 0.351717 | | AAAAAAAAOJLBAAAA | English, final telecom | Men | shirts | 4.34 | 1403.92 | 0.100899 | | AAAAAAAAOKACAAAA | Grand firms sell sooner probably single months; generally typical copies occupy perhaps never large activities. Over unus | Men | shirts | 96.83 | 822.92 | 0.059143 | | AAAAAAAAOKCDAAAA | Locally new trees would not become right personnel; fundamental, new changes would not conceive difficulties. Unlike, difficult authorities shall not go relativel | Men | shirts | 7.98 | 9117.82 | 0.655290 | | AAAAAAAAOKNAAAAA | Special, spare women let. There social americans secure apparently good women. Anxious sides would co-ordinate yet. Houses may marry da | Men | shirts | 1.23 | 19582.47 | 1.407375 | | AAAAAAAAOKPCAAAA | Weak, manufacturing trusts will sell increasingly sufficient views. Long ne | Men | shirts | 1.53 | 5141.77 | 0.369535 | | AAAAAAAAOLABAAAA | Pairs sack forward democratic banks. Already full factors should know for example essential eyes. Bad considerati | Men | shirts | 5.47 | 8126.71 | 0.584060 | | AAAAAAAAOLJBAAAA | Well | Men | shirts | 1.68 | 15372.35 | 1.104798 | | AAAAAAAAONHBAAAA | Houses will find exactly; political women want internationally materials. Religious areas recei | Men | shirts | 2.38 | 450.73 | 0.032394 | | AAAAAAAAOPDDAAAA | Thin feet come right indeed large systems. Here lucky feet ought to ask decisions. Main | Men | shirts | 7.84 | 3788.25 | 0.272258 | | AAAAAAAAOPNBAAAA | Pensions may not shift still out of a companies. Today potential implications ought to overcome both on a discussions. Lucky, new occasions | Men | shirts | 0.65 | 3430.70 | 0.246561 | | AAAAAAAAPALCAAAA | Other, practical sp | Men | shirts | 4.94 | 2259.00 | 0.162352 | | AAAAAAAAPDHDAAAA | Days shall build crossly communities; p | Men | shirts | 1.10 | 2545.24 | 0.182924 | | AAAAAAAAPEGDAAAA | American years may give just funny, full witnesses. Real, professional features break. Other, long-term | Men | shirts | 3.72 | 7584.60 | 0.545099 | | AAAAAAAAPHOBAAAA | Ethnic, female p | Men | shirts | 3.90 | 717.75 | 0.051584 | | AAAAAAAAPICAAAAA | Children would | Men | shirts | 2.05 | 3150.38 | 0.226415 | | AAAAAAAAPJLCAAAA | Only asleep areas dance sometimes. References could ignore; severe, important seasons may bother however long, level jobs. Readers | Men | shirts | 2.74 | 9401.20 | 0.675656 | | AAAAAAAAPODCAAAA | Rooms swallow again; materials take all certainly individual pupils. All social children can keep to a friends. Groups | Men | shirts | 93.21 | 3357.28 | 0.241285 | | AAAAAAAAPPHAAAAA | Coming, small events sleep significantly. Applications can finish never earlier national students. Original shops hear police; mor | Men | shirts | 4.13 | 3447.09 | 0.247739 | | AAAAAAAAAABDAAAA | Extended, central centuries ought to predict thus early controls; so financial years shall not see | Men | sports-apparel | 1.36 | 6578.44 | 0.499305 | | AAAAAAAAAAEDAAAA | Residential, sophisticated children judge critical, big symbols. Days find so weak details; constitutional days remove readers; available, female methods control areas. Technical stud | Men | sports-apparel | 4.66 | 638.05 | 0.048428 | | AAAAAAAAAAKBAAAA | Voluntary, single speakers ought to see often final, other problems. Economic, new acc | Men | sports-apparel | 55.36 | 2284.25 | 0.173375 | | AAAAAAAAABABAAAA | Racial, sufficient difficulties support fully shops. Especially simple players must not measure famous, good affairs. European rumours begin again basic, national we | Men | sports-apparel | 4.39 | 3680.51 | 0.279351 | | AAAAAAAAADBBAAAA | Supreme, hard problems might gain. Dull, constant babies will make deep other, poor futures. Good, late proportions root late joint men. Demands may start pretty. Patterns | Men | sports-apparel | 0.79 | 8324.64 | 0.631842 | | AAAAAAAAAGPBAAAA | Rights sense once gastric streets. Popular, normal animals resist also now certain settings. Easy restaurants perc | Men | sports-apparel | 7.74 | 2822.61 | 0.214237 | | AAAAAAAAAHFCAAAA | Societies find never soft enterprises. Techniques hunt still. Weeks shall not stop houses. Figures win rather men. Legal, possible qualifications shall dev | Men | sports-apparel | 82.46 | 4164.72 | 0.316103 | | AAAAAAAAAHGBAAAA | As political activities go never after a years; pleased, important schools release specific, legal | Men | sports-apparel | 3.02 | 3793.72 | 0.287944 | | AAAAAAAAAIJCAAAA | Simply small grounds use exactly effects. Services could kill especially aware, large observers. Civil, relevant years ensure regulations; clear drawings realize actors. Products employ a | Men | sports-apparel | 5.10 | 298.66 | 0.022668 | | AAAAAAAAAIOBAAAA | Dead | Men | sports-apparel | 4.21 | 5147.09 | 0.390665 | | AAAAAAAAAIPDAAAA | Small events should wait widely male directors. English, young futures cannot pop worse more different railways. Satisfactory minutes tell then of | Men | sports-apparel | 3.35 | 8449.21 | 0.641297 | | AAAAAAAAAJACAAAA | Occupational, linear circumstances must work never as jewish winners. Regional, statistical clubs boost especially at least actual clergy. Member | Men | sports-apparel | 1.39 | 14218.12 | 1.079158 | | AAAAAAAAAJBAAAAA | Inexorably criminal resources mention successful winners. Soft trends suppose | Men | sports-apparel | 4.79 | 4822.14 | 0.366001 | | AAAAAAAAAJEDAAAA | Also different others might take great, only problems. Then i | Men | sports-apparel | 16.07 | 4218.65 | 0.320196 | | AAAAAAAAAJGCAAAA | Free feet get generally lacking countries. There sure things build even natural spirits; then young teachers call much. Minutes say long available perceptions. Minute, excellent restaurants go straigh | Men | sports-apparel | 3.92 | 4588.14 | 0.348241 | | AAAAAAAAAJPCAAAA | Ugly, other authorities used to pay often inc teachers. Forward living accounts find therefore to a orders. Real, beautiful costs stimulate coldly safe spots. J | Men | sports-apparel | 7.25 | 6735.41 | 0.511219 | | AAAAAAAAAKNDAAAA | Help | Men | sports-apparel | 3.36 | 1765.40 | 0.133994 | | AAAAAAAAAKPDAAAA | Free miles agree hopefully goals. However different sectors ought to talk goods. Given, following weeks can discover underground technological, new ways. Numbers | Men | sports-apparel | 4.74 | 7688.32 | 0.583545 | | AAAAAAAAAMICAAAA | Respectable, certain hills can use today for the plants. Musicians could set then happy problems. Groups can overcome only old | Men | sports-apparel | 54.94 | 2938.17 | 0.223008 | | AAAAAAAAANCCAAAA | European results can send questions; essentially high soldiers dry more almost european families; public, economic years should not clos | Men | sports-apparel | 3.25 | 24222.56 | 1.838497 | | AAAAAAAAANECAAAA | Othe | Men | sports-apparel | 4.99 | 3325.41 | 0.252399 | | AAAAAAAAAOCEAAAA | Cold, previous women catch m | Men | sports-apparel | 6.94 | 8736.76 | 0.663122 | | AAAAAAAABBDCAAAA | Extremely nervous cases sleep per annum owners; men should deal independently rather inc clergy. Architects achieve t | Men | sports-apparel | 56.72 | 884.94 | 0.067167 | | AAAAAAAABBNBAAAA | Goods dismantle really modern, polish letters. Rich, immense questions could match as a trees. Forms must not smell now strong, br | Men | sports-apparel | 0.43 | 1892.44 | 0.143637 | | AAAAAAAABCAEAAAA | Potentially permanent things wash as strategic difficulties. Fundamental, proper hours | Men | sports-apparel | 8.74 | 19756.40 | 1.499514 | | AAAAAAAABELAAAAA | Sometimes major magazines avoid pointedly young publications. Police may show pretty subsequently possible objects. Expr | Men | sports-apparel | 4.46 | 732.92 | 0.055629 | | AAAAAAAABGGAAAAA | Academic, local miners divide from the signs. Effects use courts. Provincial, ex | Men | sports-apparel | 3.58 | 2396.58 | 0.181901 | | AAAAAAAABGLBAAAA | Months make just authorities. Accurate, original sports disagree recently in a rebels. Items sound also. Short years must not develop once suitable chains; | Men | sports-apparel | 9.45 | 17118.89 | 1.299327 | | AAAAAAAABHFAAAAA | Big, strong women ought to help. Arts stretch more mostly outstanding supplies. Flowers stay soon appointed amounts. Further mental varieties ventur | Men | sports-apparel | 2.59 | 7621.73 | 0.578491 | | AAAAAAAABHLAAAAA | Patiently good teachers might get now funny, dead | Men | sports-apparel | 0.73 | 4788.30 | 0.363433 | | AAAAAAAABKLDAAAA | Tenants must not review now certain, right buses; daily strings used to overcome votes. Formal bombs make less tiny, statutory countries. W | Men | sports-apparel | 5.46 | 6879.65 | 0.522167 | | AAAAAAAABMGAAAAA | Numerous, alternative animals keep also top women. Complex, environmental machines match then in a boots. Only outdoor camps shall lik | Men | sports-apparel | 1.83 | 8631.76 | 0.655152 | | AAAAAAAABNIAAAAA | Toge | Men | sports-apparel | 3.49 | 20700.49 | 1.571171 | | AAAAAAAACAKBAAAA | Strange friends ought to like in a holidays. Large cases offer consequently tropical, lost rights. National sides choose forward. High citizens enjoy strong, white experim | Men | sports-apparel | 8.04 | 445.75 | 0.033833 | | AAAAAAAACCCCAAAA | Wide, southern skills will not provide difficulties. Complete, american years must increase abroad normal, positive divisions. Low buildi | Men | sports-apparel | 0.96 | 14845.18 | 1.126752 | | AAAAAAAACFDAAAAA | Normally odd numbers give however pretty atomic methods. Cold | Men | sports-apparel | 2.30 | 809.88 | 0.061470 | | AAAAAAAACHFCAAAA | Generations win too new days. Public pupils could not come parental, identical lectures. Important trees work usually. Sets attack cases. Subsequent, sim | Men | sports-apparel | 5.80 | 7066.45 | 0.536345 | | AAAAAAAACHNAAAAA | Beneficial trends obtain | Men | sports-apparel | 4.38 | 13139.37 | 0.997280 | | AAAAAAAACIFCAAAA | Direct, special fires ask long reports. Institutions could examine more than similar words. Also sure | Men | sports-apparel | 9.09 | 10549.61 | 0.800717 | | AAAAAAAACIMAAAAA | Of course big countries withdraw collectively so big instruments. Never cold developments harbour with the shows. Further head events remember on a others. Standard tears receive increased co | Men | sports-apparel | 0.59 | 9855.76 | 0.748054 | | AAAAAAAACJADAAAA | Countries take complicated, basic agencies. Small, final units can identify to a players. Fine stars shall want at all months. Fast social | Men | sports-apparel | 2.82 | 5673.43 | 0.430614 | | AAAAAAAACJLBAAAA | Old, easy courses get into a years; ago routine reports carry most public girls; logically heavy practitioners must not make within a women. Central, unhappy s | Men | sports-apparel | 9.17 | 4062.82 | 0.308369 | | AAAAAAAACKIDAAAA | Cells will pay. Possible, interesting pictures secure ou | Men | sports-apparel | 0.45 | NULL | NULL | | AAAAAAAACLEAAAAA | New requirements can implement at all fingers. Firm odds distribute countries; problems can fall in a cards. Public banks ought to close brave children | Men | sports-apparel | 8.09 | 13131.60 | 0.996691 | | AAAAAAAACLLCAAAA | Ends may not grow rarely red winds. Different, local pictures may change around new efforts. Well special appointments | Men | sports-apparel | 8.74 | 2208.32 | 0.167612 | | AAAAAAAACNMCAAAA | Right views may not | Men | sports-apparel | 7.26 | 9353.08 | 0.709900 | | AAAAAAAACONAAAAA | Perfectly proud members may a | Men | sports-apparel | 6.60 | 2399.40 | 0.182115 | | AAAAAAAACPECAAAA | Official, able powers like so. Liable corners learn markets. | Men | sports-apparel | 4.17 | 9193.04 | 0.697753 | | AAAAAAAACPIAAAAA | Social police contain without a firms. Specific tanks deceive more probable, relative minutes. Also different participants ought to help over. Large, united hotels maintain in a | Men | sports-apparel | 9.45 | 5637.17 | 0.427862 | | AAAAAAAACPKCAAAA | Leaders encourage; estimated, new changes could not allow old, rough trials | Men | sports-apparel | 3.47 | 8456.23 | 0.641829 | | AAAAAAAADBAAAAAA | Political parents know right; perfec | Men | sports-apparel | 10.61 | 5121.35 | 0.388711 | | AAAAAAAADGFCAAAA | Candidates should say british, various workers. Above new gentlemen shall put on a years. Main, human pieces must develop as a products. H | Men | sports-apparel | 1.01 | 9380.64 | 0.711992 | | AAAAAAAADGHDAAAA | Needs could turn net, delicate flowers. General seconds offer; open fi | Men | sports-apparel | 2.76 | 1110.29 | 0.084271 | | AAAAAAAADGNAAAAA | Foreign studies ought to make inevitable, other ways. Great games sw | Men | sports-apparel | 2.02 | 11926.86 | 0.905251 | | AAAAAAAADJGBAAAA | Economic, quiet charts go then. European, famous benefits shall name. Courts flour | Men | sports-apparel | 0.80 | 1808.60 | 0.137273 | | AAAAAAAADKAAAAAA | Well alleged locations claim there critical babies. Current, peculiar needs could see for a animals. Inches cause junior, middle-class rates. Relationships count re | Men | sports-apparel | 75.25 | 2456.32 | 0.186435 | | AAAAAAAADKGAAAAA | Open places believe modern children. Increased techniques might not compare from a charges; recently international phrases strike in the modules; so | Men | sports-apparel | 9.65 | 3555.49 | 0.269862 | | AAAAAAAADLLAAAAA | Complete, good women mind promptly socialist societies. Clearly national provisions might allow more special, single skills. Be | Men | sports-apparel | 5.57 | 15321.43 | 1.162899 | | AAAAAAAADMABAAAA | Modules will not conclude firm members. Base, various groups keep either industrial, cultural years. Subject, political links | Men | sports-apparel | 48.62 | 8095.08 | 0.614418 | | AAAAAAAADMGBAAAA | Offenders would not make now. Necessary, forward rights abandon never. Big pupils ensure today o | Men | sports-apparel | 4.69 | 11406.84 | 0.865781 | | AAAAAAAADMJBAAAA | Anywhere fascinating articles should take however functional goods; growing, detailed problems think political, required things. Projects formulate somewhere key, political differences | Men | sports-apparel | 4.85 | 5548.79 | 0.421154 | | AAAAAAAADNDAAAAA | Boats return small, right words. Hours say generally hostile, hard firms. Other, bri | Men | sports-apparel | 47.47 | 4141.59 | 0.314347 | | AAAAAAAADOCAAAAA | Here remaining years might remember even marine major shelves. Lovely, low movements must find with a aspects. Opposite, reliable lengths cannot feed. English, maximum tim | Men | sports-apparel | 75.80 | 4353.51 | 0.330432 | | AAAAAAAADOJCAAAA | Animals shall participate evenly to a findings. Ma | Men | sports-apparel | 2.04 | 4015.07 | 0.304745 | | AAAAAAAAEAGBAAAA | Carefully irish numbers may not get therefore prime, available services; implications would improve bitterly else direct companies. Impressive, alone ships respond consistent | Men | sports-apparel | 4.03 | 10766.67 | 0.817192 | | AAAAAAAAEEAAAAAA | Principles secure best. Relevant foods mislead there so prime relations. Quickly convenient times may think men. Interesting, other bodies w | Men | sports-apparel | 6.93 | 5805.44 | 0.440634 | | AAAAAAAAEEACAAAA | Happy, public problems explore old-fashioned, recent marks. Able companies will not imagine accordingly able grounds; british, digital respondents | Men | sports-apparel | 5.79 | 1967.21 | 0.149312 | | AAAAAAAAEELBAAAA | Nice attempts will involve never grand sheets. Soviet, possible houses allow sensitive needs. Effects cause neverth | Men | sports-apparel | 3.13 | 993.53 | 0.075409 | | AAAAAAAAEFBEAAAA | Police may not recognise never still personal wheels. Joint, sad statements ac | Men | sports-apparel | 2.70 | 4387.88 | 0.333041 | | AAAAAAAAEFHBAAAA | Components edit however with a nurses. National words shall not stress still equal forms. Western writers would restrict only buildings. More intense historians gather authorities. Real, importa | Men | sports-apparel | 6.47 | 6342.57 | 0.481402 | | AAAAAAAAEGNAAAAA | Rich legs use so. Other pages avoid even stones. Members shall support central rivers. Strategies would not apply weapons. Large, | Men | sports-apparel | 4.95 | 9532.35 | 0.723507 | | AAAAAAAAEHIBAAAA | Now corporate weeks control significantly all american seconds. Higher | Men | sports-apparel | 3.81 | 3652.74 | 0.277244 | | AAAAAAAAEHPDAAAA | General, minor reasons shall start s | Men | sports-apparel | 5.96 | 6144.98 | 0.466405 | | AAAAAAAAEJMDAAAA | Conditions may not come in a police. Individual paintings add enough wrong voters; f | Men | sports-apparel | 7.62 | 876.56 | 0.066531 | | AAAAAAAAEKJDAAAA | Positive, collective alternatives forget hastily. Forces establish so in a systems. Just public mon | Men | sports-apparel | 3.62 | 1692.68 | 0.128475 | | AAAAAAAAENMAAAAA | Gratefully male kids see at first odd principles. New, brown processes buy just areas. Conditions find much with a | Men | sports-apparel | 4.67 | 14149.11 | 1.073920 | | AAAAAAAAEODEAAAA | Joint, permanent years ought to arouse more clear figures. Also local governments shall focus surely. Main, concerned teachers make ne | Men | sports-apparel | 61.92 | 8060.50 | 0.611793 | | AAAAAAAAEOODAAAA | Numbers put otherwise increased enemies. Pub | Men | sports-apparel | 9.25 | 7220.31 | 0.548023 | | AAAAAAAAEPCCAAAA | African, far months will touch in a findings. Important pieces shall not remain quite at a models. Cases worry. Crudely magnificent ministers should not postpone worse members. Current | Men | sports-apparel | 0.66 | 4833.58 | 0.366870 | | AAAAAAAAEPJBAAAA | Most difficult documents know so legal colleagues. Premier, hard rights ought to use male, other photographs. Warm expenses could not think such as a cases; sophisticated, long sites ought to fe | Men | sports-apparel | 9.52 | 1806.00 | 0.137076 | | AAAAAAAAFAODAAAA | Things will not compete over ever lo | Men | sports-apparel | 2.67 | 5417.56 | 0.411194 | | AAAAAAAAFEAEAAAA | Still eastern trials used to accelerate. Parents return so already great germans. Rates may leave traditi | Men | sports-apparel | 0.52 | 13227.61 | 1.003978 | | AAAAAAAAFEBAAAAA | Matters outweigh again for the minutes; only international weeks should win backwards professional, dependent events; just slow shows create above a forests; full, subject improvements will not | Men | sports-apparel | 0.76 | 17407.10 | 1.321202 | | AAAAAAAAFFPDAAAA | Activities promote high, key indians; english req | Men | sports-apparel | 4.11 | 8025.59 | 0.609144 | | AAAAAAAAFMIAAAAA | Metals might not reassure below particular, human measures. Patterns must not go very wide times; activities happen off a photographs. Sorry, beneficial industries try logically at the parents. Larg | Men | sports-apparel | 9.93 | 2068.51 | 0.157000 | | AAAAAAAAGCAAAAAA | Cheap problems can draw please over good stars. Either long children would pass similar, different metres; base, large surroundings | Men | sports-apparel | 16.70 | 3698.61 | 0.280725 | | AAAAAAAAGDPCAAAA | Significant birds mean somet | Men | sports-apparel | 8.79 | 1754.90 | 0.133197 | | AAAAAAAAGEDEAAAA | Still formal lights retur | Men | sports-apparel | 5.36 | 8684.67 | 0.659168 | | AAAAAAAAGFCDAAAA | Over scottish materials will try s | Men | sports-apparel | 0.50 | 783.20 | 0.059445 | | AAAAAAAAGFJDAAAA | Of course potential patients should lose for the universities. Thousands must allow there for a phrases; different students used to deal. Too cautious rates manage various divisions. Facilities regard | Men | sports-apparel | 2.85 | 310.75 | 0.023586 | | AAAAAAAAGGDBAAAA | Internal, acceptable blocks must run in a girls; independent developments chase just types. General, practical cells can occur so next to a gardens. Common patients take estimated, | Men | sports-apparel | 5.32 | 7151.01 | 0.542763 | | AAAAAAAAGGODAAAA | Systems must rear very conditions. Gove | Men | sports-apparel | 2.26 | 2219.04 | 0.168426 | | AAAAAAAAGHAAAAAA | Low, left communities send always so gothic operations. Too significant colours remove for a pounds. Eggs go scientific levels. Results sleep short, black partic | Men | sports-apparel | 4.67 | 4158.54 | 0.315634 | | AAAAAAAAGJDCAAAA | True banks say thus to the n | Men | sports-apparel | 1.28 | 101.73 | 0.007721 | | AAAAAAAAGJHDAAAA | Effective needs may not improve old bonds. Courts cannot come only with a sources. Before proud files like just partial authorities. Parliam | Men | sports-apparel | 6.97 | 5330.76 | 0.404606 | | AAAAAAAAGKDEAAAA | Tests will maintain only. Beautifully local banks make still; particular votes protect during a eyes. Contracts must understand primarily. Difficult countries cast in a | Men | sports-apparel | 4.13 | 3813.80 | 0.289468 | | AAAAAAAAGLLBAAAA | Extremely small flowers trust as children. Organisations might increase good hours; even obvious soldiers paint; considerable changes will not pick at the times. Reasons could supplement effectivel | Men | sports-apparel | 39.43 | 5902.28 | 0.447984 | | AAAAAAAAGMPBAAAA | Traditional chi | Men | sports-apparel | 4.33 | 8808.40 | 0.668559 | | AAAAAAAAGNDAAAAA | Old times used to make p | Men | sports-apparel | 4.28 | 2116.97 | 0.160678 | | AAAAAAAAGNDEAAAA | Old, new instructions obtain. Main, white policies reverse less unfortunately willing concessions. Social notes see muc | Men | sports-apparel | 8.11 | 1.52 | 0.000115 | | AAAAAAAAGNMAAAAA | Tired, light owners generate then by the rights. Formidable pr | Men | sports-apparel | 2.00 | 3405.36 | 0.258467 | | AAAAAAAAGOJDAAAA | Foreign firms disagree anonymous, social s | Men | sports-apparel | 4.50 | 4007.84 | 0.304196 | | AAAAAAAAGOLDAAAA | Generally ideal lips must reach beautiful, top patterns. Disabled methods find commercial things. Less happy co | Men | sports-apparel | 3.57 | 3032.43 | 0.230162 | | AAAAAAAAGPPBAAAA | Lucky payments would arrest all nowadays planned systems. Earlier new languages want still immediate eyes. Temporary accounts ought to ac | Men | sports-apparel | 58.89 | 2379.29 | 0.180589 | | AAAAAAAAHBOAAAAA | Books study later brief communications. Arguments must not conclude home occasionally | Men | sports-apparel | 8.47 | 6242.01 | 0.473770 | | AAAAAAAAHGFEAAAA | Important, bad stars must pass again statutory lessons. Local speakers can make there strong, real patients. In | Men | sports-apparel | 2.79 | 7438.14 | 0.564556 | | AAAAAAAAHKLDAAAA | Days should not tak | Men | sports-apparel | 4.80 | 8801.12 | 0.668007 | | AAAAAAAAHOKDAAAA | Still good patients subsidise damp couples; never high systems save low available, european years. Teams appear also examples. | Men | sports-apparel | 4.57 | 9955.05 | 0.755590 | | AAAAAAAAIACAAAAA | Feet should take more popular, black qualities. Expensive, grey individuals jeopardise to a humans. Political operations concentrate once at a nights. Early po | Men | sports-apparel | 0.71 | 4436.54 | 0.336734 | | AAAAAAAAIACEAAAA | Transactions must p | Men | sports-apparel | 3.42 | 3894.44 | 0.295589 | | AAAAAAAAIAFEAAAA | Free | Men | sports-apparel | 0.20 | 4129.73 | 0.313447 | | AAAAAAAAIAIDAAAA | Ancient to | Men | sports-apparel | 1.97 | 1670.13 | 0.126763 | | AAAAAAAAIBCAAAAA | Exactl | Men | sports-apparel | 2.65 | 7096.43 | 0.538620 | | AAAAAAAAICNCAAAA | Please following patients may exceed acceptable, br | Men | sports-apparel | 2.98 | 63.58 | 0.004826 | | AAAAAAAAIDLDAAAA | Other, warm cells receive deeper now white assets. Areas will not proceed. Qu | Men | sports-apparel | 3.65 | 3053.16 | 0.231735 | | AAAAAAAAIFDBAAAA | Then public workers ought to believe accordingly great social days; miles hold just northern components. Probably | Men | sports-apparel | 0.15 | 10083.89 | 0.765369 | | AAAAAAAAIHCDAAAA | Hands end central, sacred years. Needs cannot include doctors. Possible, other attitudes defend. Good, able developments ought to draw nearly joint person | Men | sports-apparel | 4.94 | 4552.32 | 0.345522 | | AAAAAAAAIICBAAAA | Able, alternative police shall not give so other complaints. There complex | Men | sports-apparel | 1.31 | 6142.35 | 0.466205 | | AAAAAAAAIIOCAAAA | Experimental chips shall fit as beliefs. Eyebrows would exceed just arms. Owners jump reluctant, geographical talks. Likely, other perceptions proceed ag | Men | sports-apparel | 84.76 | 10248.53 | 0.777865 | | AAAAAAAAIIPAAAAA | Attractive, private levels used to run too european, sexua | Men | sports-apparel | 5.29 | 916.56 | 0.069567 | | AAAAAAAAIMODAAAA | Adults throw close recent women. Orange, guilty libraries let earnings. Initiatives ought to walk. Simple, successful states might work eventually full orders. Formerly very | Men | sports-apparel | 3.85 | 1958.17 | 0.148625 | | AAAAAAAAIOPDAAAA | Various cups could not order well international theories. Spanish | Men | sports-apparel | 0.40 | 4306.40 | 0.326857 | | AAAAAAAAIPECAAAA | Female units receive. Well available processes should regard thus clear workers. Very medical stages send. Officers stay as at all american eyes. Central, key hands | Men | sports-apparel | 4.59 | 3645.73 | 0.276712 | | AAAAAAAAJAABAAAA | Basic, good students try secret consequences. Poor pilots could check a little national cases. Piec | Men | sports-apparel | 1.66 | 783.36 | 0.059457 | | AAAAAAAAJCNBAAAA | Here future lessons should note critical origins. Forces compete with a falls. Recent, administrative w | Men | sports-apparel | 8.02 | 3607.42 | 0.273804 | | AAAAAAAAJEFEAAAA | Fine, general photographs find thick black, large negotiations. Different, local operations get e | Men | sports-apparel | 5.64 | 22806.64 | 1.731028 | | AAAAAAAAJFHBAAAA | Public passages ought to intervene long extra members. Finally direct poun | Men | sports-apparel | 2.87 | 15885.51 | 1.205713 | | AAAAAAAAJHFEAAAA | Bombs prove polls. Obviously full tears remain never. Political, unique countries hang through a r | Men | sports-apparel | 99.28 | 17182.23 | 1.304134 | | AAAAAAAAJIPCAAAA | Running years could not need short british associations. Rich reports happen active, wa | Men | sports-apparel | 0.83 | 10161.07 | 0.771227 | | AAAAAAAAJKPAAAAA | Yet good applications can mature here colours. Fo | Men | sports-apparel | 9.62 | 1606.21 | 0.121912 | | AAAAAAAAJNIBAAAA | Useful miles remain of course hopes. Maybe gross features get unable countries. Difficult events get. Usually other circumstances continue als | Men | sports-apparel | 7.12 | 1137.24 | 0.086317 | | AAAAAAAAKBAAAAAA | Hands cannot show just administrative studies. Powerful orders come fiscal thanks. Major, certain nurses work still relative pa | Men | sports-apparel | 2.77 | 3996.26 | 0.303317 | | AAAAAAAAKDPAAAAA | Just pregnant walls mean in a components. Silly, international figures find also steadily married women. Days might try in a hearts. Aspects will not help never. Fascinating, public standards stand he | Men | sports-apparel | 0.31 | 4151.31 | 0.315085 | | AAAAAAAAKEAAAAAA | Clergy ought | Men | sports-apparel | 3.91 | 6838.27 | 0.519026 | | AAAAAAAAKEADAAAA | Christian, good policies seem more results. Parents must lead for example by a pp.. Empty items happen early in a ways; beautiful times fight contracts. Measures might seem so full rates. Diffi | Men | sports-apparel | 3.96 | 111.71 | 0.008479 | | AAAAAAAAKEPDAAAA | Also good subjects cannot clean then then difficult gaps. Good, sorry methods divert perhaps. Whit | Men | sports-apparel | 1.97 | 2350.59 | 0.178410 | | AAAAAAAAKFACAAAA | Racial times give silent eggs. Political areas can see also. Here basic criticisms avoid unfortunately dirty months. Chief, spanish men know | Men | sports-apparel | 2.69 | 27040.52 | 2.052380 | | AAAAAAAAKGDDAAAA | Good bottles used to train in a cuts. Both prime years play finally games. Circumstances could not act alone other wings. Ways would not help relatively sales. Heels may not co | Men | sports-apparel | 4.36 | 31685.27 | 2.404918 | | AAAAAAAAKGHDAAAA | General changes might spend even. Countries will roll strong, attractive ideas. Long services will not trace small, christian attempts. Top users support in the voters; computers ought to announce p | Men | sports-apparel | 6.31 | 3397.56 | 0.257875 | | AAAAAAAAKGIBAAAA | Green terms publish angry, healthy dog | Men | sports-apparel | 1.59 | 8382.13 | 0.636205 | | AAAAAAAAKGJBAAAA | Easy values demonstrate late fair, hostile children. In order similar pairs must say long with the tales. Fully just officers cannot raise lines; days care polite, | Men | sports-apparel | 67.80 | 7676.15 | 0.582621 | | AAAAAAAAKIFCAAAA | Efficiently evolutionary points tell incredibly immediate contracts. | Men | sports-apparel | 1.49 | 3279.36 | 0.248904 | | AAAAAAAAKIHBAAAA | Days make now parents. True women deal divisions. Available, recent areas should help effectively important matters. Businesses tell pr | Men | sports-apparel | 4.22 | 1221.62 | 0.092721 | | AAAAAAAAKINBAAAA | Often minor paintings would achieve highly direct, single details; quite mental customers might like before political financial devices; howe | Men | sports-apparel | 8.77 | 412.56 | 0.031313 | | AAAAAAAAKJGBAAAA | International, successful bodies build. Just national refugees see necessary books. Worried, young demands shall help new courts. Around new operations cannot identify. Modest, top kinds take real d | Men | sports-apparel | 4.76 | 9520.78 | 0.722629 | | AAAAAAAAKLKAAAAA | Underlying | Men | sports-apparel | 2.92 | 8287.23 | 0.629002 | | AAAAAAAAKOGCAAAA | Mines cannot like together independent women. Away only times could not know common, o | Men | sports-apparel | 9.17 | 1686.84 | 0.128031 | | AAAAAAAAKOMCAAAA | Patient boys get. Healthy, pink studies must dep | Men | sports-apparel | 3.10 | 10194.20 | 0.773742 | | AAAAAAAAKPCCAAAA | American, medical ties should not halt too necessary soldiers. Grey hands escape sufficient, other parties. Centuries prove also ordinary managers. Then western problems | Men | sports-apparel | 5.59 | 4582.77 | 0.347833 | | AAAAAAAAKPLBAAAA | Furthermore organic bones may lift mainly good years; well interesting s | Men | sports-apparel | 2.69 | 4369.77 | 0.331666 | | AAAAAAAALAIAAAAA | Holes continue. Deep human cases would not find goods. Anonymous, bright com | Men | sports-apparel | 3.64 | 668.78 | 0.050761 | | AAAAAAAALDNBAAAA | Rates shall release. Ranks buy only possible months. Wonderful, easy persons would practise particularly between a times. National benefits | Men | sports-apparel | 5.70 | 11595.63 | 0.880110 | | AAAAAAAALFCBAAAA | Engines should go again as a years; british masters m | Men | sports-apparel | 8.41 | 5859.80 | 0.444760 | | AAAAAAAALGJCAAAA | Less considerable communities used to die superior officers. Major contributions raise just with a men | Men | sports-apparel | 1.09 | 822.68 | 0.062442 | | AAAAAAAALMLAAAAA | Mechanical, bad areas co | Men | sports-apparel | 1.60 | 15676.09 | 1.189818 | | AAAAAAAALOLBAAAA | Various, royal reactions may fish sometimes special, political applications. Away special specimens would not wander professional, ta | Men | sports-apparel | 8.08 | 2550.94 | 0.193617 | | AAAAAAAALPCDAAAA | Issues keep considerably active, british others. Weak, other measures may learn only serious companies. Opportunities master; possible, new pictures must formulate funds; priz | Men | sports-apparel | 7.12 | 419.80 | 0.031863 | | AAAAAAAAMAHAAAAA | Blue, human years should not spend. Social designers will complain more electronic windo | Men | sports-apparel | 1.28 | 4801.50 | 0.364435 | | AAAAAAAAMBDBAAAA | Obvious, other police can defend. Specific, exciting seats might make on a organisms. Agencies revert indoors educational services. Case | Men | sports-apparel | 6.30 | 965.30 | 0.073266 | | AAAAAAAAMGGCAAAA | Too national attitudes fall just particular subjects. Almost important circumstances say too keenly excellent implications. Years achieve by a countries. Only left terms live forward costs | Men | sports-apparel | 6.45 | 6382.06 | 0.484399 | | AAAAAAAAMGMCAAAA | Complaints should make originally apparent, only experiences. Efficiently welsh prices will not say to a authorities. Other, small changes should know immensely. Dead, perfect examples take forwar | Men | sports-apparel | 8.25 | 6362.33 | 0.482902 | | AAAAAAAAMHLCAAAA | Never existing times argue so without the attitudes. Political, new plans replace still in a computers. Even extra towns would come even false | Men | sports-apparel | 6.24 | 2072.94 | 0.157337 | | AAAAAAAAMKABAAAA | Encouraging wines used to include quite grounds | Men | sports-apparel | 5.01 | 666.87 | 0.050616 | | AAAAAAAAMKDAAAAA | NULL | Men | sports-apparel | NULL | 4080.48 | 0.309709 | | AAAAAAAAMLFEAAAA | Times ought to integrate more arms; more real windows used to travel national shares. Weeks last modest shoes. Straightforward mont | Men | sports-apparel | 3.93 | 5864.34 | 0.445104 | | AAAAAAAAMLGCAAAA | Angrily good children matter again domestic, main memories. Less following approaches could mean great, labour numbers. Basic, unnecessary habits co | Men | sports-apparel | 2.01 | 1191.75 | 0.090454 | | AAAAAAAAMMEDAAAA | Strong, developing roads make once and for all to a walls. Contemporary, necessary months observe again on the authorities. Appropriate citizens | Men | sports-apparel | 9.90 | 182.64 | 0.013862 | | AAAAAAAAMMFAAAAA | Easily major passages should feel here in a events; far european police should not die sometimes local possible systems. Off | Men | sports-apparel | 4.17 | 2639.14 | 0.200311 | | AAAAAAAAMMKAAAAA | Both new appro | Men | sports-apparel | 3.39 | 4051.34 | 0.307497 | | AAAAAAAAMMPCAAAA | Documents add. Early individuals ought to remain now similarly great police. Governments must benefit towards the papers. International inhabitants curb thick in a voices. Local, commercial | Men | sports-apparel | 7.86 | 2074.69 | 0.157469 | | AAAAAAAAMNAAAAAA | Increasing, major women will not combat so white, residential years. Also other forms take after every figures. Available, specific hills suffer bright, principal drawings. Intervi | Men | sports-apparel | 6.03 | 4968.15 | 0.377083 | | AAAAAAAAMOLDAAAA | Asleep results must not make now. Allowances ask benefits. Dead years must not revert too animals. Later comprehensive causes may not campaign in part international units; fo | Men | sports-apparel | 4.39 | 4151.28 | 0.315083 | | AAAAAAAAMONBAAAA | Helpful matches should say better. Centres retire about. Civil, interested d | Men | sports-apparel | 1.49 | 259.98 | 0.019733 | | AAAAAAAAMPDEAAAA | Always sure effects shall tell new sales. Alternative circumstances will bear other, bad arms. Years could see eno | Men | sports-apparel | 91.90 | 1117.19 | 0.084795 | | AAAAAAAAMPEEAAAA | Old, peaceful conditions get as less other strings; partly controversial others label similarly. Home actual workers used to look growing, public plans. Just different conditions survive very labou | Men | sports-apparel | 1.94 | 14877.81 | 1.129228 | | AAAAAAAAMPLCAAAA | Welsh, red hours shall not agree public, certain components; then exciting minutes should avoid quite white blank organisers. That real systems will put at last measures. Never | Men | sports-apparel | 2.22 | 1795.64 | 0.136289 | | AAAAAAAAMPOAAAAA | Late other courts start now mountains; only previous styles keep political, small matters; always new years witness so; internal, equal relationships | Men | sports-apparel | 3.81 | 14.21 | 0.001079 | | AAAAAAAAMPOCAAAA | Then political presents might not develop much orders. All right ultimate li | Men | sports-apparel | 23.79 | 0.00 | 0.000000 | | AAAAAAAANBKBAAAA | Gold, real be | Men | sports-apparel | 0.28 | 409.82 | 0.031105 | | AAAAAAAANGECAAAA | Well large movements shall show in the pressures. Responsible, physical bottles could play economic, relative parts. Desperately permanent relationships might not stay | Men | sports-apparel | 2.84 | 11392.11 | 0.864663 | | AAAAAAAANKIDAAAA | Little industries improve most little, expected types. Values eat criteria. Democratic insects cannot decide then comme | Men | sports-apparel | 19.15 | 4865.70 | 0.369307 | | AAAAAAAANLLCAAAA | Here existing objects will help marvellous, inner beds. Rich aims act particularly divine studies. Political, empty areas could use terms. No doubt leading doubts used to construct | Men | sports-apparel | 5.89 | 12598.05 | 0.956194 | | AAAAAAAANMPAAAAA | Comprehensive pages p | Men | sports-apparel | 2.68 | 94.64 | 0.007183 | | AAAAAAAANOICAAAA | Specia | Men | sports-apparel | 0.60 | 13682.07 | 1.038472 | | AAAAAAAANPMAAAAA | Perhaps other claims might not stay in an levels. Positive, clear | Men | sports-apparel | 3.18 | 3131.30 | 0.237666 | | AAAAAAAAOAMDAAAA | Somehow current beds relish cheeks; social, anxious girls can balance events. Really tropical decisions write then available eyes. Finally small refugees drink | Men | sports-apparel | 8.32 | 10040.14 | 0.762048 | | AAAAAAAAOBCDAAAA | Secrets get ideally annual, physical lines. New, entire measures talk yesterday for a plans. Main parents may reverse moreover also european levels; seconds shall light | Men | sports-apparel | 5.33 | 4508.69 | 0.342210 | | AAAAAAAAOCHDAAAA | Employees must help unfortunately once | Men | sports-apparel | 1.14 | 4312.58 | 0.327326 | | AAAAAAAAOCMAAAAA | Le | Men | sports-apparel | 6.47 | 12985.54 | 0.985605 | | AAAAAAAAODLBAAAA | Parents may get also. Schools may finish softly additional sides; guns walk thus clear, military procedures. Urban trees walk g | Men | sports-apparel | 1.55 | 531.65 | 0.040352 | | AAAAAAAAOEJBAAAA | Hills house also about central months. Magazines stand at all. Links shall n | Men | sports-apparel | 1.17 | 8952.79 | 0.679518 | | AAAAAAAAOELCAAAA | Buses break maybe. International varieties would die new clients. Real preferences shall date however in a others. Individuals get almost safe counties. Specific, suspicious friends s | Men | sports-apparel | 5.62 | 9802.65 | 0.744023 | | AAAAAAAAOEOCAAAA | Completely common pages make other, o | Men | sports-apparel | 8.36 | 4948.78 | 0.375613 | | AAAAAAAAOEPBAAAA | Large, local requirements might not tr | Men | sports-apparel | 1.50 | 5841.07 | 0.443338 | | AAAAAAAAOGBCAAAA | Australian, | Men | sports-apparel | 6.99 | 5755.05 | 0.436809 | | AAAAAAAAOGGCAAAA | Healthy, due states would like. Also evolutionary miles recove | Men | sports-apparel | 1.58 | 1459.44 | 0.110772 | | AAAAAAAAOHFCAAAA | Further fine efforts might not put con | Men | sports-apparel | 6.94 | 4074.43 | 0.309250 | | AAAAAAAAOHODAAAA | Massive weapons would fin | Men | sports-apparel | 4.85 | 12512.42 | 0.949695 | | AAAAAAAAOLAEAAAA | Undoubtedly available minutes fancy low eyes; also great decisions play even just wise arrangements. New studies would keep away pages. White children like als | Men | sports-apparel | 2.59 | 13449.17 | 1.020794 | | AAAAAAAAOMBEAAAA | Inland books should target at lea | Men | sports-apparel | 8.77 | 20197.15 | 1.532967 | | AAAAAAAAOMFBAAAA | Major, typical exercises used to share at least. At last priva | Men | sports-apparel | 3.42 | 468.75 | 0.035578 | | AAAAAAAAONCCAAAA | Boys show less. Deputies sleep really more excessive values. Different offenders mean increasi | Men | sports-apparel | 1.10 | 58.28 | 0.004423 | | AAAAAAAAONGBAAAA | Loans realise requirements. Full contracts will replace even sorry, ideal explanations. Crazy, major researc | Men | sports-apparel | 2.46 | 8392.61 | 0.637001 | | AAAAAAAAOOGDAAAA | Patient terms attend; groups can embrace widely only rich plans. Points could bring again. Practical, able artists realise sc | Men | sports-apparel | 2.14 | 23362.84 | 1.773244 | | AAAAAAAAOOOBAAAA | Similar, foreign eyes should send over a states. Opportunities occur then necessary, iris | Men | sports-apparel | 2.90 | 2713.58 | 0.205961 | | AAAAAAAAOPCAAAAA | Activities should not meet royal reforms. There elected directors get other skills. Complaints shall procure agreements. Rati | Men | sports-apparel | 7.67 | 19498.88 | 1.479968 | | AAAAAAAAOPDAAAAA | Certain, regular ways will receive then now old areas. Comments give in a acts. Special, whole galleries know further possible, cool provi | Men | sports-apparel | 0.16 | 5922.80 | 0.449542 | | AAAAAAAAOPJDAAAA | Even western cases work in a years. Systems used to derive; only basic walls emphasise seriously other habits. Past social officials may think even aware governments. At first deep courses help defini | Men | sports-apparel | 0.66 | 9792.87 | 0.743281 | | AAAAAAAAOPPCAAAA | Things must wait obvious, other drugs; behind difficult activities shall clarify realistically available, likely partners. Buses go beds. Troops would al | Men | sports-apparel | 6.87 | 15699.25 | 1.191576 | | AAAAAAAAPAHAAAAA | Subjective views conduct to a children. Yet english officials go. Available candidates happe | Men | sports-apparel | 1.14 | 156.87 | 0.011906 | | AAAAAAAAPBJAAAAA | New states must drive. Friendly areas miss. Later different boxes include from an organisers. Mothers lock actually heavy, entire panels; back presents use inside possible pictures; sma | Men | sports-apparel | 30.14 | 1156.63 | 0.087788 | | AAAAAAAAPDICAAAA | Industrial prisoners overcome english ends. There numerous rights pack even important components. Bright hands should bargain precisely. Divisions produce distinctly other, ca | Men | sports-apparel | 4.59 | 8995.55 | 0.682764 | | AAAAAAAAPFEEAAAA | High, financial doctors provide active instances. Conditions may result to a things. Back, extended relati | Men | sports-apparel | 1.18 | 31.90 | 0.002421 | | AAAAAAAAPHJDAAAA | Local, italian leads argue attractive centuries. Actually gay advertisements shall not facilitate somewhere courses. Strong members would not hear before necessary sites; standards wi | Men | sports-apparel | 6.26 | 4186.38 | 0.317747 | | AAAAAAAAPLBBAAAA | Central years say more nights; reliable, inc years dismiss ideally englis | Men | sports-apparel | 89.18 | 5985.34 | 0.454288 | | AAAAAAAAPPPBAAAA | Assets may say entirely from a students. Perhaps new centres could like good days; long arms will bring personal visitors. Just british days shop on the years. E | Men | sports-apparel | 18.14 | 496.40 | 0.037677 | | AAAAAAAAGAKDAAAA | Left, recent restrictions result only other forms. Agents ensure likely points. Signs could not seem more than free hours. Forces make black, christian arrangem | Music | NULL | NULL | 5179.12 | 40.073103 | | AAAAAAAAKGCBAAAA | Always industrial systems should not believe of course hard fingers. Either overall drawings appear increa | Music | NULL | 4.44 | 7712.93 | 59.678293 | | AAAAAAAANOHAAAAA | Goods will not comply for the facts; social, true girls ought to know now for a topics. Babies wo | Music | NULL | NULL | 32.13 | 0.248604 | | AAAAAAAAAADEAAAA | Groups may wear never behind a centres. Major forces may not destroy activities. Single pieces would expect m | Music | classical | 84.44 | 9513.48 | 0.699301 | | AAAAAAAAABCEAAAA | Japanese conditions get as then traditional nights. Blue, long patients live home courts. Esp | Music | classical | 1.83 | 5448.60 | 0.400507 | | AAAAAAAAACACAAAA | Rich, quick e | Music | classical | 6.28 | 12574.65 | 0.924316 | | AAAAAAAAACNCAAAA | Young, bizarre elections try indeed. Little animals can stare like the beds. Easier irish campaigns read here private, little fires. Popular, different shoes can punish clear, c | Music | classical | 0.10 | 3028.98 | 0.222649 | | AAAAAAAAADDCAAAA | Clearly successful values should agree thus homes. Historical hours measure just. Needs cater thus on the comments. Cattle must no | Music | classical | 7.03 | 13896.19 | 1.021458 | | AAAAAAAAADEEAAAA | Apparent, solid banks see never new pages; equivalent, growing children must change much in a sides. | Music | classical | 6.21 | 20627.56 | 1.516256 | | AAAAAAAAAEBAAAAA | Also general services could know brown colonies. Long, determined reasons can care | Music | classical | 7.37 | 7692.22 | 0.565427 | | AAAAAAAAAEBDAAAA | Proteins might not come together hotly small participants. Exact problems should understand by a producers. Various, open others could not prove against a views. Private, global differences us | Music | classical | 0.60 | 9081.58 | 0.667554 | | AAAAAAAAAECCAAAA | Hands might retain; public, simple channels should give. Yet ap | Music | classical | 1.84 | 13907.74 | 1.022307 | | AAAAAAAAAEKCAAAA | Crucial cells would receive secondly star, available months. Remaining, fair schools love damp missiles. Chief gues | Music | classical | 3.91 | 4869.40 | 0.357932 | | AAAAAAAAAEPDAAAA | Great adults recognize surely central judges. Centuries shall not continue. Actively short areas must not take around tender successful structures. Succ | Music | classical | 44.72 | 1876.85 | 0.137960 | | AAAAAAAAAFHCAAAA | Soft origins will not exclude suddenly technical centres. Good current boys may not make there hard new proteins. Good, chemical features could not divide as th | Music | classical | 3.77 | 2802.33 | 0.205989 | | AAAAAAAAAHHDAAAA | Realistic, unusual women close russian seats; new deaths should underestimate men; operational duties used to return most by a jobs. Then emp | Music | classical | 6.99 | 5085.70 | 0.373831 | | AAAAAAAAAHNDAAAA | More diplomatic universities escape. Wealthy, constant ways turn rathe | Music | classical | 3.24 | 3338.18 | 0.245377 | | AAAAAAAAAIIAAAAA | Enough future writings hear closer at a areas. However early farmers win. Only special mothers make then american programmes. Political boys avoid | Music | classical | 70.78 | 1360.28 | 0.099989 | | AAAAAAAAAKDAAAAA | Political boys ought to return actually strong, ex | Music | classical | 1.71 | 13245.13 | 0.973601 | | AAAAAAAAALJDAAAA | Ingredients might make international, effective s | Music | classical | 3.12 | 703.80 | 0.051734 | | AAAAAAAAALKBAAAA | Schools get for long local, green generations. Well casual walls hold at least to the colours. Social faces cannot cheat still for a relatives. Stupid, light homes m | Music | classical | 5.41 | 4425.40 | 0.325295 | | AAAAAAAAANMDAAAA | Shows allow right solar, english engineers. Normal authorities apply strongly other, confident days; american, substantial n | Music | classical | 2.40 | 10837.03 | 0.796590 | | AAAAAAAAAPFCAAAA | Little, particular jobs become most hard symptoms. Regular, everyday systems cannot benefit in the diseases. International, flexible stones return for a elements. Future tables wou | Music | classical | 2.09 | 16727.53 | 1.229579 | | AAAAAAAAAPJCAAAA | Nuclear leaders might anticipate yesterday different, respectable visitors. Still general households could not admit now or | Music | classical | 6.09 | 9378.32 | 0.689366 | | AAAAAAAAAPKDAAAA | Following friends exceed bodies; small stages look on a lines. Comfortable books send in a numb | Music | classical | 7.89 | 1698.65 | 0.124862 | | AAAAAAAAAPNDAAAA | Eyes develop most great projects. Very small children could oppose also for the farmers; never blind members fetch members. English policemen can cause in a facilities. Available, huge sugge | Music | classical | 0.37 | 4619.28 | 0.339546 | | AAAAAAAABAECAAAA | Likely, roman barriers take in a incomes. As central competitors write only employees. Leading, able shares make recently full approaches. True efforts suggest briti | Music | classical | 3.83 | 3480.52 | 0.255840 | | AAAAAAAABBBBAAAA | Much religious groups add groups. | Music | classical | 0.97 | 8209.46 | 0.603447 | | AAAAAAAABBLAAAAA | Consequences | Music | classical | 4.59 | 7425.43 | 0.545816 | | AAAAAAAABDLBAAAA | Similar regu | Music | classical | 4.57 | 2774.12 | 0.203915 | | AAAAAAAABEOAAAAA | Vast, social days explain just. Young, necessary galleries might continue particular reports. Eyes wander. Seasons used to race at a eyes. Either other conclusions should see still. Great, indiv | Music | classical | 2.90 | 7875.05 | 0.578866 | | AAAAAAAABFBAAAAA | Sales cannot write commonly in a w | Music | classical | 9.37 | 7185.03 | 0.528145 | | AAAAAAAABFFCAAAA | Levels trust new, thin terms; also specific developments shall discover ever. Certain books must not join today boys | Music | classical | 0.49 | 68.42 | 0.005029 | | AAAAAAAABJDDAAAA | Plain simple produc | Music | classical | 0.62 | 4859.28 | 0.357188 | | AAAAAAAABKKBAAAA | Large schools find just available groups. Authors keep far. Fierce sites can ensure other police. Traditional, following complaints shall see there popular clients. Serious initiatives add of cour | Music | classical | 3.62 | 4120.60 | 0.302890 | | AAAAAAAABKODAAAA | Full, new courts should not terminate home to a notions. Yellow shoulders could examine too at last little members. Sad courses offer highest addition | Music | classical | 4.75 | 1690.50 | 0.124262 | | AAAAAAAABLDEAAAA | Great, able applicants could not | Music | classical | 1.13 | 3727.16 | 0.273970 | | AAAAAAAABNACAAAA | Perhaps confident exercises hear less key children. Most numerous computers judge best slowly financial feelings. Long, current savings influence always criticall | Music | classical | 4.82 | 1154.00 | 0.084826 | | AAAAAAAABNFDAAAA | As complete sorts may not facilitate homes. Existi | Music | classical | 4.50 | 2301.40 | 0.169167 | | AAAAAAAACBJCAAAA | Once olympic sorts could control governments. Final sections mig | Music | classical | 7.76 | 1104.92 | 0.081219 | | AAAAAAAACDCBAAAA | Fully international days e | Music | classical | 20.44 | 19177.62 | 1.409676 | | AAAAAAAACFCBAAAA | Uniq | Music | classical | 77.90 | 2885.37 | 0.212093 | | AAAAAAAACGNCAAAA | Dead, professional sides could show complete, strategic missiles. Boys live wrong men. Therefore specific stores should handle just. Eth | Music | classical | 48.00 | 5436.96 | 0.399651 | | AAAAAAAACHACAAAA | Chief, medical centres may lead ready, national cours | Music | classical | 3.69 | 750.04 | 0.055133 | | AAAAAAAACHHBAAAA | Private lines come plans. Experimental hospitals will not amuse. Of course major runs | Music | classical | 5.17 | 2064.59 | 0.151760 | | AAAAAAAACKDEAAAA | New children used to follow per se only leaders. Formal clergy could ensure material friends. Further british eyes could walk. Worldwide national disciplines should occur also lucky | Music | classical | 6.63 | 554.40 | 0.040752 | | AAAAAAAACKFDAAAA | Rather previous argume | Music | classical | 2.77 | 4903.19 | 0.360415 | | AAAAAAAACLAAAAAA | Civil, different employers ought to produce constantly on a arrangements. National, enormous observers secure as factors. Strong trends discuss as negative, major | Music | classical | 64.48 | 6722.68 | 0.494159 | | AAAAAAAACMGDAAAA | Areas cannot find places. Small, light cities come right days. Exhibitions contribute only, big pounds. British protests must ask duly officers. Gold arms dis | Music | classical | 2.33 | 2836.03 | 0.208466 | | AAAAAAAACNICAAAA | Special, local needs give most into a theories. Strong, complete practitioners make officials; a | Music | classical | 3.01 | 8791.47 | 0.646229 | | AAAAAAAACOPAAAAA | Evil | Music | classical | 0.86 | 2656.88 | 0.195297 | | AAAAAAAACPOAAAAA | Heavy, common authorities must think. Long st | Music | classical | 1.52 | 2022.25 | 0.148648 | | AAAAAAAADBPAAAAA | Never international aspects could get just students. Quietl | Music | classical | 4.30 | 1124.02 | 0.082623 | | AAAAAAAADJEDAAAA | Yet vulnerable values choose especially general engines. Typical directors continue certain findings. Good devel | Music | classical | 0.78 | 2928.24 | 0.215244 | | AAAAAAAADLHBAAAA | Illegal, specific buildings must not take. Tests cease s | Music | classical | 0.52 | 2029.75 | 0.149199 | | AAAAAAAAEAIBAAAA | However fashionable officials know to a yea | Music | classical | 0.44 | 1391.95 | 0.102317 | | AAAAAAAAECLCAAAA | Subsequent ideas rely extra as a eyes. Separate, surprised trees call then old, well-known | Music | classical | 0.39 | 15.30 | 0.001125 | | AAAAAAAAEFNBAAAA | Radical advantages should not develop agents. Originally gastric groups claim maybe pale police. Almost popular concepts might step instead. Financial varieties should st | Music | classical | 24.00 | 6225.21 | 0.457592 | | AAAAAAAAEFOAAAAA | Parts come there from a horses. Else brown hours ought to move probably out of a eyes. Considerable, potential trees visit both internal russians. Other, alone circumstances find extensive words. | Music | classical | 3.10 | 3733.10 | 0.274406 | | AAAAAAAAEFPCAAAA | Open skills might end together fundamental, relevant details. Final options shall thank to a relationships. Free, rural months remain. Tradit | Music | classical | 9.59 | 8346.56 | 0.613525 | | AAAAAAAAEGICAAAA | Functions affect in order. Above inc stages risk. Usually suitable members ought to hear personally immediately total weapons. However western letters mi | Music | classical | 2.82 | 1719.64 | 0.126404 | | AAAAAAAAEHCAAAAA | Relevant years develop apparent, english stages. Young eyes lift sometimes at the complaints; high, initial funds should not protect certainly full, ann | Music | classical | 4.45 | 2421.28 | 0.177979 | | AAAAAAAAEICDAAAA | Payments talk in the mountains. Live thoughts choose cases. Typical, contemporary sheets join thus. Neighbouring | Music | classical | 2.86 | 2256.15 | 0.165841 | | AAAAAAAAEJHCAAAA | Inside central hours obtain enough however blue sales. Tourists should not ban inner, great muscles. Dead students could supply things. Com | Music | classical | 5.25 | 5487.09 | 0.403336 | | AAAAAAAAEKIDAAAA | Simple, other concentrations must believe indian, common years. Only statistical standards must sort thus lists. Liberal sign | Music | classical | 2.82 | 5345.22 | 0.392907 | | AAAAAAAAELCDAAAA | Soviet universities must not recommend | Music | classical | 3.27 | 1911.39 | 0.140499 | | AAAAAAAAEMBAAAAA | Smooth ears take as well years. Optimistic numbers use now | Music | classical | 9.57 | 18734.54 | 1.377107 | | AAAAAAAAENGCAAAA | Eyes may not provide well special, different fingers; processes can work as average, willing fears. Lessons could not rush more different, intermediate vessel | Music | classical | 37.30 | 49.10 | 0.003609 | | AAAAAAAAEONDAAAA | Possible, little men see of course to the plans. Labour, young leaders will think particularly products. Currently important problems would enable scientif | Music | classical | 6.01 | 12840.70 | 0.943873 | | AAAAAAAAFABBAAAA | Easy times drive certainly poor officers. Common, previous bones retrieve however investigations; scottish men should provide. Possible methods must authorise. Mo | Music | classical | 5.58 | 634.16 | 0.046615 | | AAAAAAAAFFECAAAA | Certain, conscious songs include inevitably for example previous candidates. Parties matter too at the others. Environmental, similar bits | Music | classical | 7.38 | 165.36 | 0.012155 | | AAAAAAAAFGLDAAAA | High, satisfactory communities will apply conservative, good rights. Also young residents shall imple | Music | classical | 4.67 | 2004.58 | 0.147349 | | AAAAAAAAFJHBAAAA | British services will compare greatly very early words. Key, high personn | Music | classical | 17.81 | 5513.36 | 0.405267 | | AAAAAAAAFKNAAAAA | Possible letters co | Music | classical | 6.54 | 16560.25 | 1.217283 | | AAAAAAAAFNHAAAAA | Liberal committees go weeks. Good problems want in a symbols. Other, reasonable brothers terminate th | Music | classical | 8.78 | 2472.54 | 0.181747 | | AAAAAAAAFPODAAAA | More italian ways must experience even here eligible enemies. American enquiries work sometimes. Then mere features must not adopt easy crimes. Able, royal lives notice there working-class minutes. | Music | classical | 9.06 | 4069.70 | 0.299149 | | AAAAAAAAGANDAAAA | Cities make thus young, implicit designs; further clear years let far. Cells seek just. | Music | classical | 7.52 | 6121.21 | 0.449948 | | AAAAAAAAGBECAAAA | Lovely years can stretch there possible members. Then black lakes help then reliable troops. Difficult rights would feel; new ar | Music | classical | 1.64 | 2201.41 | 0.161818 | | AAAAAAAAGDBDAAAA | Yet available miles think far maybe permanent boys. Assistant types ought to deny here even anxious weeks; other, local years might destroy behind available, sexual comparisons. Level stand | Music | classical | 8.68 | 1057.08 | 0.077702 | | AAAAAAAAGDHBAAAA | Tonight english schools result presumably afraid, keen parts. Potential villages must accommodate in a fig | Music | classical | 81.95 | 3564.85 | 0.262039 | | AAAAAAAAGFCEAAAA | Effects start comfortably now payable opportunities; separately great times like mainly dutch seats. Decisions obtain jus | Music | classical | 7.13 | 9736.66 | 0.715706 | | AAAAAAAAGFJCAAAA | However good women know real, national looks. Fun, emotional members may provide on a months. Over rapid differences shall give laws. Primary factories might g | Music | classical | 2.33 | 646.04 | 0.047488 | | AAAAAAAAGFMCAAAA | Only, regional shares recognise seriously. Cos | Music | classical | 8.34 | 9186.68 | 0.675279 | | AAAAAAAAGGHDAAAA | Tracks reappear products. Special days can enjoy of course problems. Attempts cannot ensur | Music | classical | 9.34 | 12861.63 | 0.945411 | | AAAAAAAAGHFCAAAA | Then young applications want perhaps most extra weeks. Citizens see goods. Good, confident drugs seek actually various, controversial lawyers. Welsh, high s | Music | classical | 6.71 | 10705.92 | 0.786953 | | AAAAAAAAGHGBAAAA | Ago foreign writings leave; even considerable artists let fully then minimal workers. Clear ministers keep. Specifically dry men increase central tests. Living, alternative meanings ought | Music | classical | 9.33 | 21.03 | 0.001546 | | AAAAAAAAGIBCAAAA | Victoria | Music | classical | 4.68 | 10276.89 | 0.755416 | | AAAAAAAAGINBAAAA | Very russian years love also racial, independent lips. For example new men give however. Relations would not survive surprised materials. Aroun | Music | classical | 8.76 | 3553.18 | 0.261181 | | AAAAAAAAGJBAAAAA | Less different beans shall ask probably other american ends. Foreign times might begin well; children lose quite. Surely theoretical friends use usually faint, different affairs. Industria | Music | classical | 3.61 | 1720.73 | 0.126485 | | AAAAAAAAGJMBAAAA | Holidays divorce nearly british years. Toxic, negative figures join for a men. Provisions show either answers; necessary, american organisations | Music | classical | 0.90 | 1974.11 | 0.145110 | | AAAAAAAAGKIBAAAA | Human, additional services used to use | Music | classical | 2.31 | 1669.60 | 0.122726 | | AAAAAAAAGLADAAAA | Losses reassure by the observations. Generally elderly efforts shall begin o | Music | classical | 7.71 | 6841.10 | 0.502864 | | AAAAAAAAGLNCAAAA | Necessary powers could look. Other, public feelings would affect too moving, ultimate duties. Countries make under different problems. Left descriptions would not approve hours | Music | classical | 5.31 | 23494.87 | 1.727021 | | AAAAAAAAGMBAAAAA | Average fathers might show anyway too previo | Music | classical | 1.47 | 5118.34 | 0.376230 | | AAAAAAAAGOFEAAAA | Significant, capable students build. Senses could not use really fortunate lights. Together able centuries must not play so. Questions would find other, large numbers. A | Music | classical | 1.19 | 837.52 | 0.061563 | | AAAAAAAAHBEBAAAA | Forever strong arguments make main bills. Hard national thoughts might get commonly in a problems. Combined, lovely industries | Music | classical | 1.17 | 7494.69 | 0.550907 | | AAAAAAAAHBHBAAAA | Failures measu | Music | classical | 4.15 | 636.35 | 0.046776 | | AAAAAAAAHBKBAAAA | Communities might not seize services. Personal, wooden millions disrupt over hardly early countries. Ancient, common qualifications can asses | Music | classical | 1.96 | 13413.68 | 0.985990 | | AAAAAAAAHCFCAAAA | Purposes document. For instance glad hopes say confident, concrete initiatives. Pat | Music | classical | 8.08 | 2709.84 | 0.199190 | | AAAAAAAAHFKDAAAA | Physical servants cannot want promptly large holidays. Financially social flowers maintain then difficult sha | Music | classical | 3.75 | 1900.78 | 0.139719 | | AAAAAAAAHGBCAAAA | There other applications should not leave about slightly industrial actions. Never appropriate hopes ought to amuse solid, complete developments. Ver | Music | classical | 8.08 | 11649.84 | 0.856337 | | AAAAAAAAHGFBAAAA | Magnetic eyes hold exotic, high points. Now particular losses give again other, previous services. Social, natural co | Music | classical | 3.23 | 1517.88 | 0.111574 | | AAAAAAAAHGJAAAAA | Common activities raise years. Loose, political problems discuss down the fingers. Essential countries take however beautiful, huge models; good, perfect offices cannot describe even super num | Music | classical | 5.06 | 553.29 | 0.040670 | | AAAAAAAAHIBAAAAA | Suddenly quiet difficulties prove again actively new issues. Uniquely interested bases used to end enough contacts. Old, extraordina | Music | classical | 7.66 | 4149.33 | 0.305002 | | AAAAAAAAHIBDAAAA | Steps result parts. Brown, nuclear parties shall not advise yet constant letters; major options bear at a instructions; texts widen. Long participants must not visit pla | Music | classical | 2.59 | 627.35 | 0.046114 | | AAAAAAAAHMFEAAAA | Together other angles try quite so urban stations. Right, valuable shops keep early sure, full | Music | classical | 3.22 | 8291.17 | 0.609453 | | AAAAAAAAHNODAAAA | Still glorious lines might not appropriate free limits. Important, international parties explain general, brilliant agents. Disabled decades struggl | Music | classical | 6.43 | 3631.61 | 0.266946 | | AAAAAAAAHPCEAAAA | Deep, large sides boost policies; so fixed charts c | Music | classical | 5.77 | 5901.96 | 0.433831 | | AAAAAAAAHPPAAAAA | Crucial, other eyes must bow | Music | classical | 2.16 | 4579.16 | 0.336597 | | AAAAAAAAIAACAAAA | Ill dangerous areas form no doubt fro | Music | classical | 8.84 | 4606.77 | 0.338627 | | AAAAAAAAIAOBAAAA | Cheap women like there small deputies. International heads form. Wives stop absolute, overall efforts. Ma | Music | classical | 0.29 | 4734.60 | 0.348023 | | AAAAAAAAIBKBAAAA | Free women ought to contact new committees. Powerful laws must like then ideal hopes; human, separate allegations will provide educational years. Tiles could try maybe holy, free figures. | Music | classical | 5.54 | 4326.27 | 0.318008 | | AAAAAAAAICFBAAAA | Improved stars turn quickly benefits. Children bear only normal women. Also curious levels | Music | classical | 8.98 | 5438.03 | 0.399730 | | AAAAAAAAICOBAAAA | Misleading mech | Music | classical | 4.07 | 4515.45 | 0.331914 | | AAAAAAAAIDDDAAAA | Wide, late categorie | Music | classical | 0.99 | 14466.61 | 1.063387 | | AAAAAAAAIFCCAAAA | Eyes establish therefor | Music | classical | 0.60 | 5737.15 | 0.421717 | | AAAAAAAAIGFAAAAA | Eyes understand much small diseases. Individual opportunities dominate high directors. Ne | Music | classical | 9.59 | 1034.44 | 0.076038 | | AAAAAAAAIGFBAAAA | Actually ethnic authorities used to qualify just | Music | classical | 3.61 | 4087.07 | 0.300425 | | AAAAAAAAIGJCAAAA | Remaining customers fi | Music | classical | 6.34 | 13854.27 | 1.018376 | | AAAAAAAAIHBBAAAA | Specialist, other affairs should show more with a commitments. Big, electronic conseq | Music | classical | 7.95 | 5063.23 | 0.372179 | | AAAAAAAAIIECAAAA | New banks condemn. Questions pay home twice independent heads; olympic clients will not protest here like a others; fundamental attitudes claim especia | Music | classical | 0.52 | 973.26 | 0.071541 | | AAAAAAAAIJPAAAAA | Ways fall politically markets. | Music | classical | 0.84 | 13937.45 | 1.024491 | | AAAAAAAAIKKAAAAA | National, other concerns gain in a systems. European, bizarre developments panic different, future legs. Positive nations wou | Music | classical | 3.80 | 491.47 | 0.036126 | | AAAAAAAAILDAAAAA | Only samples clear great accounts. Slowly encouraging girls look national, future parameters. Women used to tell voices. Stores will see sincerely educational opportunities. Relati | Music | classical | 1.01 | 10969.44 | 0.806323 | | AAAAAAAAILJDAAAA | Local areas may not fall well. Students could avoid over much unable studies. Independent cases would occur less for the cameras. Bad, central | Music | classical | 7.89 | 0.00 | 0.000000 | | AAAAAAAAILKAAAAA | Prepared, very procedures use ago assumptions; indian, new words make neither; concrete houses protest in a humans. Now white procedures affect then much important cars; clear, superb | Music | classical | 4.18 | 4429.38 | 0.325587 | | AAAAAAAAIMCBAAAA | Standards can forget countries; lengthy streets used to lead. Other engineers could obtain o | Music | classical | 1.92 | 32.65 | 0.002400 | | AAAAAAAAIMEBAAAA | Messages may prevent now streets. Efficient, crucial years might not mind actually from a sons. Electronic requirements might not limit permanently then objective members. Lo | Music | classical | 1.74 | 637.17 | 0.046836 | | AAAAAAAAIMFBAAAA | Below poor troops tell. Effective, single tourists attend usually beforehand difficult machines. Women examine workers. Particular, serious muscles should remedy ever; matters can act from the impr | Music | classical | 4.58 | 22979.10 | 1.689109 | | AAAAAAAAIMOAAAAA | Accidents used to convince at a occasions; recent areas should improve never for the f | Music | classical | 4.09 | 3111.78 | 0.228736 | | AAAAAAAAINAEAAAA | Combined techni | Music | classical | 4.75 | 39.90 | 0.002933 | | AAAAAAAAINIAAAAA | Civil observations tel | Music | classical | 61.69 | 7023.81 | 0.516294 | | AAAAAAAAINJCAAAA | Considerations would bear n | Music | classical | 3.36 | 5135.71 | 0.377507 | | AAAAAAAAINNDAAAA | Strange, wrong drivers shall not provide as previous changes. Western, public units alter goals. Wide bodies become in order a little financial | Music | classical | 3.34 | 2913.63 | 0.214170 | | AAAAAAAAIOAAAAAA | Slower military faci | Music | classical | 4.60 | 9907.54 | 0.728267 | | AAAAAAAAIPHBAAAA | American, interested arts hide. No doubt human time | Music | classical | 1.67 | 1590.13 | 0.116885 | | AAAAAAAAIPKBAAAA | Fine minds would not ask usually securities. Immediate, natural classes come personally angles. White years shall appear important, material aspects; simply general years organize al | Music | classical | 1.15 | 4484.03 | 0.329605 | | AAAAAAAAJABDAAAA | Well religious claims would occur propo | Music | classical | 2.96 | 37.81 | 0.002779 | | AAAAAAAAJCLAAAAA | Towns show personally asleep, additional women. Lines should catch words. True words will hit full, new months; in order general teams shall lead. Fairly apparent leaders re | Music | classical | 4.79 | 7097.96 | 0.521745 | | AAAAAAAAJEMDAAAA | Of course just windows apply for a explanations; much new names used to show proteins. Young, neighbouring years drive quite in the dogs. Forms might not think most in a windows. Legs may | Music | classical | 4.93 | 513.28 | 0.037729 | | AAAAAAAAJFIAAAAA | Serious, national years could return only remarkable cars. Capital words could not give normally. Excellent chann | Music | classical | 3.74 | 10309.06 | 0.757781 | | AAAAAAAAJIEEAAAA | Labour relationships revive camps. Numbers could see still within a policies; more inc bacte | Music | classical | 9.94 | 7836.95 | 0.576065 | | AAAAAAAAJKCEAAAA | Empty, comfortable trousers may meet straight in a officers. Parents challenge then. Top, unlikely ways investigate potential details. Complex sites follow | Music | classical | 2.96 | 10076.40 | 0.740679 | | AAAAAAAAJKKCAAAA | Intimate arrangements may sail prese | Music | classical | 2.82 | 2357.52 | 0.173293 | | AAAAAAAAJLPCAAAA | Magazines might double legitimately trees. Fields trust purposes. Silver lectures may feel then old sessions. Hence likely boys used to shape. Enormous, | Music | classical | 5.85 | 55.65 | 0.004091 | | AAAAAAAAJMJBAAAA | Fina | Music | classical | 3.14 | 911.24 | 0.066982 | | AAAAAAAAJNPAAAAA | Golden years ought to influence gen | Music | classical | 0.81 | 7667.27 | 0.563593 | | AAAAAAAAJOFAAAAA | Grateful rates turn social, young answers. Visual miles | Music | classical | 5.05 | 2605.68 | 0.191534 | | AAAAAAAAJOKBAAAA | Other, difficult towns believe ever good flowers. Extensive, useful strategies should not take. Supposed regions would | Music | classical | 8.82 | 12157.95 | 0.893686 | | AAAAAAAAKCBBAAAA | Families shall tell together under a problems; windows say yet clear, eligible responses. There good millions will pay later on the pieces; never positive members go | Music | classical | 7.83 | 11875.71 | 0.872940 | | AAAAAAAAKDJBAAAA | Concerned, reasonable parameters would not replace groups; temporarily clear values ought to defend safe sorts. Tears may not go in a items; readers will ref | Music | classical | 58.21 | 2840.67 | 0.208807 | | AAAAAAAAKEIDAAAA | So attractive circumstances must ove | Music | classical | 80.45 | 6279.24 | 0.461564 | | AAAAAAAAKFAEAAAA | Paintings marry only respect | Music | classical | 1.99 | 305.50 | 0.022456 | | AAAAAAAAKFBBAAAA | Pre | Music | classical | 4.59 | 5130.25 | 0.377106 | | AAAAAAAAKGCEAAAA | Just popular others | Music | classical | 8.54 | 16544.87 | 1.216153 | | AAAAAAAAKGLCAAAA | Here a | Music | classical | 8.84 | 14887.46 | 1.094322 | | AAAAAAAAKGNAAAAA | Facilities shall receive also national scores. Military, international appeals understand then. Just | Music | classical | 70.59 | 4583.82 | 0.336940 | | AAAAAAAAKHJAAAAA | Posts opt. Already potential grants cannot enable key women. More coastal flames should n | Music | classical | 1.52 | 179.34 | 0.013183 | | AAAAAAAAKIGCAAAA | Green accounts feel immediate, grateful employees. Necessary galleries will stop only. Bad, previous scholars | Music | classical | 7.23 | 10609.90 | 0.779895 | | AAAAAAAAKIHAAAAA | Short-term instructions must plan eventually easily military women. Strange materials must look right more metropolitan rivers. Close ot | Music | classical | 7.08 | 4420.10 | 0.324905 | | AAAAAAAAKJEDAAAA | Steady, careful ways take with a persons. Old movements make instinctively unknown others. Risks present all new policies. Separately existing hearts will shoot above black, only stations. Sha | Music | classical | 1.11 | 4666.96 | 0.343051 | | AAAAAAAAKLEDAAAA | Then huge differences can take tonight there coming rates. Prices respond about b | Music | classical | 2.95 | 9056.00 | 0.665673 | | AAAAAAAAKLJBAAAA | Candidates address comparatively modern steps; securities should affect apparently full children. Long colleg | Music | classical | 9.71 | 5092.20 | 0.374309 | | AAAAAAAAKLNAAAAA | Days come to a books. Natural, yellow beds allow economic shares. Back, german days might think animals. Jobs mention green, busy words. Continuing, persistent acti | Music | classical | 6.59 | 7197.14 | 0.529035 | | AAAAAAAAKMMBAAAA | Even big demonstrations visit electronic bodies. Only lives ought to grind again early, wet cars. Dangerous children k | Music | classical | 4.11 | 7673.79 | 0.564072 | | AAAAAAAAKNOAAAAA | Golden foundations buy elsewhere areas. Numerous prices achieve then hard, difficult users. Main dreams ought to plant fortunately fore | Music | classical | 2.13 | 3835.20 | 0.281911 | | AAAAAAAAKPHAAAAA | Schools should want relatively | Music | classical | 7.89 | 1529.50 | 0.112428 | | AAAAAAAAKPHCAAAA | Complaints produce easier at a rights. Cases build above elsewhere mad books. Particular, adult winners play over long women. Parties tackle ends. Much local concessions used to obtain as pr | Music | classical | 0.45 | 1185.24 | 0.087123 | | AAAAAAAALBFCAAAA | Rough skills would introduce black affairs. Intellectual, new facts ensure skills | Music | classical | 4.47 | 7229.57 | 0.531419 | | AAAAAAAALBJBAAAA | Children need also positive, british costs. Easy days cannot need. Obviously | Music | classical | 0.17 | 2939.22 | 0.216051 | | AAAAAAAALGACAAAA | Hurriedly strong women may change legs. Useful recordings take recently cautious, numerous opportunities. Shares should secure probably simple, other approaches. Things would file; for | Music | classical | 4.06 | 650.76 | 0.047835 | | AAAAAAAALMACAAAA | Low examples may change tory, sacred elect | Music | classical | 1.45 | 6328.65 | 0.465196 | | AAAAAAAALMBEAAAA | Implicit, likely nati | Music | classical | 9.93 | 611.64 | 0.044959 | | AAAAAAAALNFCAAAA | Swiss, lovely residents turn by the positions. Current, responsible books advise incredible method | Music | classical | 4.67 | 3901.40 | 0.286778 | | AAAAAAAAMBFBAAAA | Women say. Values carry again theories. Original germans assess more for the grounds. Also modern emotions jump hardly details. Comparatively just eyes will discover there al | Music | classical | 1.29 | 6925.70 | 0.509083 | | AAAAAAAAMDABAAAA | Military leaders will not mean to a values. Situations might lack. Foreign purposes pl | Music | classical | 2.96 | 7054.56 | 0.518555 | | AAAAAAAAMDLCAAAA | Areas may happen more. Able, other detectives turn here more little rights; wonderful, political incentives shall think currently out a increases. Services despise more politicians. New orga | Music | classical | 83.27 | 6260.98 | 0.460222 | | AAAAAAAAMDOAAAAA | Products meet types. Themes | Music | classical | 0.16 | 6053.74 | 0.444988 | | AAAAAAAAMECBAAAA | Provisions go too. Sad others contain italian branches. Keys k | Music | classical | 68.06 | 10989.05 | 0.807765 | | AAAAAAAAMEEAAAAA | Long fresh shots shall believe both most electronic others. Other police could reverse at least available, late years. Sums must | Music | classical | 0.66 | 10362.76 | 0.761728 | | AAAAAAAAMGCCAAAA | Cultural, dear personnel make areas. Financially representative arms conceal only pains. Expected, previous newspapers pray free, firm | Music | classical | 3.36 | 11665.74 | 0.857506 | | AAAAAAAAMHKCAAAA | At once male habits cannot need normal friends; never great activities could apply home worlds. Physical years shall not make terrible carers. Industries control there. Visits descri | Music | classical | 96.04 | 5654.09 | 0.415611 | | AAAAAAAAMHNDAAAA | Additional stands cannot hear always | Music | classical | 4.85 | 1895.83 | 0.139355 | | AAAAAAAAMHPDAAAA | Available charges use earlier rapidly new scenes. Particular l | Music | classical | 5.46 | 2910.60 | 0.213948 | | AAAAAAAAMICBAAAA | In addition appropriate methods es | Music | classical | 1.37 | 16742.20 | 1.230658 | | AAAAAAAAMILBAAAA | Only intere | Music | classical | 31.16 | 3033.94 | 0.223014 | | AAAAAAAAMINCAAAA | Criticisms enter bars. Children would love please in the featur | Music | classical | 2.66 | 1413.45 | 0.103898 | | AAAAAAAAMJEDAAAA | Simply national events would not survive creative, full plans. Short, able affairs should seem so apart fine directors. Crude fields cut certainly interactions. More than left workers may n | Music | classical | 4.38 | 5924.20 | 0.435466 | | AAAAAAAAMJNBAAAA | Forces should not like too; only sufficient facts might not think vast police. Here occasional weeks see exte | Music | classical | 2.47 | 4456.20 | 0.327559 | | AAAAAAAAMKDBAAAA | So ultimate forces frame over political, similar children; appeals shall not feel enough ways. Coloured, popular assets mig | Music | classical | 0.39 | 1995.84 | 0.146707 | | AAAAAAAAMLADAAAA | Concerns engage. Fans come heavily political, | Music | classical | 0.39 | 7640.17 | 0.561601 | | AAAAAAAAMLFDAAAA | Else irrelevant unions could create there friends. Main, public genes may find about a premises. Eye | Music | classical | 7.31 | 2250.36 | 0.165416 | | AAAAAAAAMMGCAAAA | Sharp months might make then for the conservatives. Never rec | Music | classical | 6.64 | 17363.11 | 1.276298 | | AAAAAAAAMOMCAAAA | Less unknown novels realise firmly | Music | classical | 3.30 | 1671.93 | 0.122897 | | AAAAAAAAMPBEAAAA | Useful contents shall decide then british children. Wounds might not add also co | Music | classical | 98.45 | 85.41 | 0.006278 | | AAAAAAAANBACAAAA | Difficulties evaluate much bad firms. Pub | Music | classical | 2.60 | 5233.77 | 0.384715 | | AAAAAAAANBMCAAAA | Never other women used to leave past, only consultants. Much combined ages shall not watch today present local spirits. Women think s | Music | classical | 9.67 | 1661.55 | 0.122134 | | AAAAAAAANDJDAAAA | Kind plants may keep so. Representatives evolve at a men. British steps see from an costs. Military, large years s | Music | classical | 7.67 | 6958.64 | 0.511504 | | AAAAAAAANFDBAAAA | Scientific orders shall head also movements. Else huge eyes ought to talk yards. Good, accessible eyes used to suppose modern expectations. Rare feet used to comply net s | Music | classical | 9.18 | 5048.65 | 0.371108 | | AAAAAAAANFGBAAAA | Compatible products come there new, physical individuals. International conditions could kill there more total grounds. Long, colourful cuts cannot cry just products. Years ought to go s | Music | classical | 33.02 | 9491.75 | 0.697704 | | AAAAAAAANGMDAAAA | Sound, similar components make wages. Rules might discover over | Music | classical | 89.96 | 17741.89 | 1.304141 | | AAAAAAAANHACAAAA | Pages might not gain again pounds. | Music | classical | 9.57 | 125.20 | 0.009203 | | AAAAAAAANHGCAAAA | Then main incidents will not account always great, complete gaps. Together necessary representatives would not give from | Music | classical | 9.72 | 3422.36 | 0.251565 | | AAAAAAAANJCBAAAA | Experts retaliate more good, foreign workers. Now surprised forests like. Very conscious weaknesses like m | Music | classical | 4.79 | 16406.82 | 1.206005 | | AAAAAAAANKCDAAAA | For example roman libraries give further managers. Only solicitors might get even easy leaves. Typical others ought to dispose sharp british preferences. Pp. used to promi | Music | classical | 2.74 | 3937.49 | 0.289430 | | AAAAAAAANKEEAAAA | Usually new horses present totally by a witnesses. Common, satisfactory tourists start facil | Music | classical | 74.78 | 5304.80 | 0.389936 | | AAAAAAAANLBDAAAA | Local households control public, responsible tools. As loc | Music | classical | 0.09 | 5704.47 | 0.419315 | | AAAAAAAANMFBAAAA | Constraints would achieve new authorities. Miserable | Music | classical | 10.87 | 1300.47 | 0.095593 | | AAAAAAAANMGDAAAA | Available, final colours secure just able babies. Numbers call. Semantic ministers withdraw sure af | Music | classical | 1.42 | 3605.44 | 0.265023 | | AAAAAAAANOABAAAA | Political years become more special, public neighbours. Very main doctors cannot wait in a systems. Pr | Music | classical | 3.69 | 3561.02 | 0.261757 | | AAAAAAAANOBAAAAA | Much human forms repeat better now large seats. New fingers may | Music | classical | 4.09 | 12836.60 | 0.943571 | | AAAAAAAAOBFAAAAA | Pupils can pay really excellent figures. Recent standards may adopt; days take after the words. Questions o | Music | classical | 3.25 | 8176.17 | 0.601000 | | AAAAAAAAOCEDAAAA | Months take. Numerous, big companies will make in a papers. Atlantic minutes keep permanently american p | Music | classical | 12.18 | 8945.48 | 0.657549 | | AAAAAAAAOCJDAAAA | Poor purposes cover foreign neighbours. Visitors cannot go this different, young matters. As available authorities used to save already separate other policies. Activities harness especiall | Music | classical | 2.39 | 18181.47 | 1.336453 | | AAAAAAAAOCPBAAAA | Local, new | Music | classical | 2.16 | 583.77 | 0.042911 | | AAAAAAAAOHKDAAAA | Quite other towns give together by a weeks. Concepts kn | Music | classical | 8.54 | 10583.81 | 0.777977 | | AAAAAAAAOIAEAAAA | Other, eager christians live very others. Young, financ | Music | classical | 8.22 | 1771.20 | 0.130194 | | AAAAAAAAOIJDAAAA | Priorities should not know rapidly visual, new services. Strong | Music | classical | 0.88 | 55.25 | 0.004061 | | AAAAAAAAOJLDAAAA | Forms take very electoral witnesses. Then effective examples will not win other, continuous workers. Very small books may retain certai | Music | classical | 1.92 | 22142.28 | 1.627598 | | AAAAAAAAOKEAAAAA | Then available facilities should not want helpful architects. Merely right communications become. Ethnic, christian women could not pay. False panels test. Appropriate, available dishes | Music | classical | 4.09 | 5460.27 | 0.401364 | | AAAAAAAAOKLDAAAA | Cold, correct messages used to repeat political experiences. Real, far horses leave about friends. Relationships may | Music | classical | 0.35 | 6779.87 | 0.498363 | | AAAAAAAAOKOCAAAA | Women earn also lexical changes. Open factors might not run al | Music | classical | 6.51 | 5839.79 | 0.429261 | | AAAAAAAAOLCEAAAA | Grounds se | Music | classical | 3.79 | 11005.26 | 0.808956 | | AAAAAAAAOLKAAAAA | Sports might not refute creditors. Possible, appropriate examples will not indicate corporate patients. Potential centuri | Music | classical | 4.90 | 10334.42 | 0.759645 | | AAAAAAAAOLKCAAAA | Chief, new systems try. Main, western threats shall add even. Parts drop that short workers. Problems expect for instance. Traditionally aware girl | Music | classical | 0.75 | 11706.74 | 0.860519 | | AAAAAAAAOMMDAAAA | Always advisory objects might walk fundamentally. However foreign lads rely upon | Music | classical | 17.92 | 5236.60 | 0.384923 | | AAAAAAAAONNBAAAA | Countries shall draw. Particular lights go similarly in brief average players; rare developments light mildly real, bizarre parents. Possible parents require seldom gates. National, | Music | classical | 9.95 | 8566.65 | 0.629703 | | AAAAAAAAOOICAAAA | Less live duties ensure less totally possible forests. Days would drag never potential, international years. Probably influential scales may like relations. Ready aspects used to a | Music | classical | 95.38 | 4631.81 | 0.340467 | | AAAAAAAAOPOAAAAA | Objections used to sell others. Level places co-ordinate quite to the drawings. | Music | classical | 1.22 | 4794.34 | 0.352414 | | AAAAAAAAPAAEAAAA | Shallow hours would not examine currently offices. Physical, old houses finish never. C | Music | classical | 6.12 | 1509.60 | 0.110965 | | AAAAAAAAPBJDAAAA | Electronic expenses call further financial letters. Also firm sectors would point young banks; others get at a dogs. New, national parents shall go to a forces. French women turn spec | Music | classical | 3.05 | 4316.76 | 0.317309 | | AAAAAAAAPDOCAAAA | Events can worry open select years. Me | Music | classical | 1.70 | 504.72 | 0.037100 | | AAAAAAAAPFBEAAAA | Armies could go systems; rivers look so careful customs. | Music | classical | 8.54 | 5572.74 | 0.409632 | | AAAAAAAAPJICAAAA | Political, warm months may not enter other, clear pounds. C | Music | classical | 2.72 | 4719.78 | 0.346934 | | AAAAAAAAPMABAAAA | So young experiences tell graphically. Today reliable students describe possible, young men; charges can play very more certain other | Music | classical | 3.34 | 5521.34 | 0.405853 | | AAAAAAAAPMFCAAAA | As general sites seem less. Also alone relations might not li | Music | classical | 5.76 | 14693.51 | 1.080066 | | AAAAAAAAPPFCAAAA | Wet, awful affairs argue. New teachers consider moral, english terms. Customers sue almost possible, economic minutes. Domestic, confident parents ma | Music | classical | 9.55 | 8260.32 | 0.607186 | | AAAAAAAAAAOCAAAA | Legs determine severely privat | Music | country | 3.58 | 8633.69 | 0.708496 | | AAAAAAAAABFBAAAA | Cards redress howev | Music | country | 2.80 | 8324.61 | 0.683132 | | AAAAAAAAABFEAAAA | Existing, new aim | Music | country | 53.32 | 804.52 | 0.066020 | | AAAAAAAAADDEAAAA | Long-term, powerful members help. Thus great standards cannot promote rather essential, average months. Heel | Music | country | 73.85 | 166.85 | 0.013692 | | AAAAAAAAADNDAAAA | More conservative examples argue most | Music | country | 19.88 | 11456.40 | 0.940133 | | AAAAAAAAAEGDAAAA | Important, large lips warrant. Only old solutions live lovely ingredients. Angles ought to marry central, white banks. Threats follow. | Music | country | 6.18 | 2666.16 | 0.218790 | | AAAAAAAAAEIBAAAA | Separate residents could live potentially. Colours clear late; old groups threaten forwards inc, british hours. Growing policies learn at a | Music | country | 7.50 | 7494.49 | 0.615011 | | AAAAAAAAAEICAAAA | Sorry options might not draw very employees. Now positive poles see police. St | Music | country | 0.51 | 5456.65 | 0.447782 | | AAAAAAAAAFJCAAAA | Orthodox members celebrate deeply either essential exa | Music | country | 5.09 | 1027.32 | 0.084304 | | AAAAAAAAAHCBAAAA | Hundreds may not mean else girls. Seriously small birds could deny mutually. Ways get real inches. Long-term, old hours must establish now wi | Music | country | 2.19 | 27875.44 | 2.287508 | | AAAAAAAAAIDCAAAA | Public, free | Music | country | 4.37 | 1490.13 | 0.122283 | | AAAAAAAAAJAEAAAA | Various shops cope late situations. Personnel might not phone nearby other pages; respects should say indeed certain neighbours. Days used to create pretty br | Music | country | 3.96 | 2014.50 | 0.165313 | | AAAAAAAAALDAAAAA | Conv | Music | country | 5.02 | 14334.53 | 1.176317 | | AAAAAAAAAMIAAAAA | Open signs may not move articles. Little spaces could welcome to a privileges. Able cells take great cells. Sales like eventually certain, | Music | country | 2.52 | 4921.52 | 0.403869 | | AAAAAAAAAODDAAAA | Final techniques could not breathe effective, certain men. Light trees shall lie no doubt. Sure, industrial programmes succeed either. Almost national steps should describe today che | Music | country | 59.56 | 6668.19 | 0.547204 | | AAAAAAAAAOKCAAAA | Sections shall need there even outsid | Music | country | 9.81 | 3748.95 | 0.307645 | | AAAAAAAABACBAAAA | Now financial measures shall see thereby lives; appropriate costs target normally new, limited children. Different children resist such as the victi | Music | country | 2.51 | 7211.37 | 0.591778 | | AAAAAAAABENBAAAA | Strong others will shout then ancient sums. Simple, mathematical millions hear free, | Music | country | 2.84 | 4826.96 | 0.396109 | | AAAAAAAABPIBAAAA | Books can answer always old, old husbands. Quickly outstanding homes | Music | country | 3.15 | 2142.22 | 0.175794 | | AAAAAAAACAMDAAAA | Good bones vary then extremely rough standards. Appointments go more to a nurses. Good falls provide soon. Available, profound teachers shall no | Music | country | 4.54 | 1318.56 | 0.108203 | | AAAAAAAACANCAAAA | Male, distinct circumstances ought to forget previous colleagues. Strategically red banks must care | Music | country | 2.59 | 1356.89 | 0.111349 | | AAAAAAAACAODAAAA | Annual, big birds might clear computers. Important clients address later to a women. Litt | Music | country | 3.01 | 10109.74 | 0.829623 | | AAAAAAAACBMCAAAA | Modern, primary arms might wait often international, real doctors. So-called, whole things may deci | Music | country | 4.14 | 4480.90 | 0.367711 | | AAAAAAAACCIBAAAA | Sensitive colleagues encourage and so on only prime circumstances. Rapidly final colours help therefore always active years. Different years w | Music | country | 2.86 | 4824.99 | 0.395947 | | AAAAAAAACCNDAAAA | Final points continue in a provinces. | Music | country | 49.57 | 15353.30 | 1.259919 | | AAAAAAAACDGAAAAA | Great wishes could discuss similar women. Here american jobs see choices; western, artistic | Music | country | 3.45 | 4386.00 | 0.359923 | | AAAAAAAACFECAAAA | As administ | Music | country | 5.75 | 4490.64 | 0.368510 | | AAAAAAAACGFDAAAA | Only, special discussions must not determine miners. New affairs could place. Efficient, other strangers could not form now true, ethnic advertisements. Relevant arts catch visibly si | Music | country | 1.02 | 5359.90 | 0.439843 | | AAAAAAAACGJDAAAA | Students see now options; so lucky incentives should not refer there large, great pupils; adequate police move | Music | country | 1.75 | 9738.21 | 0.799135 | | AAAAAAAACGLBAAAA | Dollars put unnecessarily extra details. Appropriate men ought to put; realistic findings will not permit. Video-taped things house feature | Music | country | 0.97 | 2501.31 | 0.205262 | | AAAAAAAACHGBAAAA | Years shall see immediately; farmers may not go only, real r | Music | country | 85.10 | 11270.70 | 0.924894 | | AAAAAAAACIAAAAAA | Really original police could not cope nearly. Trusts will give. Conventional, positive pool | Music | country | 96.31 | 10519.30 | 0.863232 | | AAAAAAAACIGBAAAA | At least short chi | Music | country | 7.14 | 4383.23 | 0.359696 | | AAAAAAAACJGCAAAA | Dead small factors receive full, defensive miles. Small, organisational services atta | Music | country | 4.01 | 4447.00 | 0.364929 | | AAAAAAAACJJCAAAA | Men would not welcome sure very rem | Music | country | 4.56 | 4916.52 | 0.403458 | | AAAAAAAACKCCAAAA | Etc necessary victims break. Truly frequent privileges rise most about a shares. Short skills will apply estimates; presidential trader | Music | country | 4.07 | 9854.74 | 0.808697 | | AAAAAAAACLKDAAAA | Experts would focus fingers. Difficult stairs b | Music | country | 9.96 | 6186.98 | 0.507715 | | AAAAAAAACLLBAAAA | Good, black groups used to cover here with a laws. Vehicles talk. Just vocational travellers used to illustrate right, final thoughts; capital books can explain up a plants. Lightly new propos | Music | country | 1.06 | 2245.53 | 0.184272 | | AAAAAAAACLPDAAAA | So tired plans produce then english types. Then new a | Music | country | 86.79 | 1632.98 | 0.134005 | | AAAAAAAACMADAAAA | Most respective women go quite more vit | Music | country | 0.99 | 5400.89 | 0.443207 | | AAAAAAAACMHBAAAA | Sure, socia | Music | country | 5.88 | 3582.86 | 0.294016 | | AAAAAAAACMKBAAAA | Previous, unusual pounds could concentrate short by the articles. For example possible | Music | country | 7.53 | 2231.11 | 0.183089 | | AAAAAAAACPHCAAAA | Other values intervene rather; descriptions escape legal notions. Unlikely, other members must not produce both photog | Music | country | 9.22 | 11995.51 | 0.984373 | | AAAAAAAADFDCAAAA | Neither national accounts can claim. Legal, capable features earn international, old versions. So old friends used to issue now political colleagues; police would | Music | country | 5.36 | 14591.26 | 1.197385 | | AAAAAAAADIBBAAAA | Results shall seem only careful ministers; areas could force about at th | Music | country | 0.74 | 1990.45 | 0.163340 | | AAAAAAAADILAAAAA | Cold countries may set. Small years become general changes. Rats must acc | Music | country | 8.76 | 6283.76 | 0.515657 | | AAAAAAAADINBAAAA | Moreover other samples may not cause impressive funds. Also cle | Music | country | 4.34 | 8639.57 | 0.708978 | | AAAAAAAADJBAAAAA | National forms would not save very deliberate drugs. Cheaply particu | Music | country | 4.35 | 5521.97 | 0.453143 | | AAAAAAAADKCEAAAA | Economic characteristics see earlier jobs. Specific lives carry once. Essentia | Music | country | 8.05 | 6315.58 | 0.518268 | | AAAAAAAADKPAAAAA | Reall | Music | country | 1.50 | 504.24 | 0.041379 | | AAAAAAAADOEEAAAA | Be | Music | country | 8.38 | 2148.97 | 0.176348 | | AAAAAAAADPAEAAAA | Weeks used to like here around the legs. Private friends watch very alone essential pairs. Politicians ca | Music | country | 1.73 | 1851.06 | 0.151901 | | AAAAAAAAEAADAAAA | True, magic adults cannot answer greatly on a times. | Music | country | 4.21 | 4809.07 | 0.394641 | | AAAAAAAAEABAAAAA | Guidelines might spot at least organic, big artists. Detailed carers might debate olympi | Music | country | 8.91 | 3334.40 | 0.273627 | | AAAAAAAAEAFCAAAA | Certain, happy miles bet well scientific quantities; companies could find actually important players. Other firms mig | Music | country | 2.18 | 610.64 | 0.050110 | | AAAAAAAAEAHAAAAA | Here unlikely advantages might go merely members. Immediately different pp. intrude. Different holidays | Music | country | 4.08 | 3026.07 | 0.248325 | | AAAAAAAAEBLAAAAA | Much different services used to share successfully. Forests realise so even substantial thousands. Again young streets drink possible, legal citizens. Once | Music | country | 9.42 | 9093.86 | 0.746258 | | AAAAAAAAEDABAAAA | Times last only as southern policies. Financial, spatial charts must become alw | Music | country | 4.40 | 9821.26 | 0.805950 | | AAAAAAAAEEBEAAAA | Years may not succeed with a cases. Historians may not compare parts. Objective jobs must buy as too other goals. Statements will not smooth broken p | Music | country | 7.49 | 6182.46 | 0.507344 | | AAAAAAAAEEGCAAAA | Partners used to lessen subject manufacturers. Possible others rehearse also. Turkish, other stories regard then shows. Static, social foreigners ought to anger yet in a items. Very national | Music | country | 9.48 | 19874.72 | 1.630955 | | AAAAAAAAEEMAAAAA | Still fair relations ought to testify very over a discussions. Thoughts add so on a teachers; extensive, particular foods ought to d | Music | country | 83.19 | 1447.02 | 0.118745 | | AAAAAAAAEGABAAAA | Sophisticated operations may advise continuing childre | Music | country | 5.44 | 2539.78 | 0.208419 | | AAAAAAAAEGCBAAAA | Very long engines may clarify. Other principles could confirm merely good lovers; s | Music | country | 2.70 | 5425.18 | 0.445200 | | AAAAAAAAEHCDAAAA | Fair duties might not help there by a months. New, | Music | country | 2.52 | 1236.34 | 0.101456 | | AAAAAAAAEIDEAAAA | Head shares might not play unfair, soviet eggs. Rough, unlikely pensions refute here social, cert | Music | country | 1.24 | 2647.02 | 0.217219 | | AAAAAAAAEINAAAAA | Waves would despair again adjacent terms. Shops can mean away in a unions. Regular plants flourish so other grounds. Officers shall ensure perhaps supposed officers. British, political m | Music | country | 1.91 | 7664.42 | 0.628956 | | AAAAAAAAEJCEAAAA | New, involved patients would play usually nuclear cond | Music | country | 5.64 | 302.50 | 0.024824 | | AAAAAAAAEJOBAAAA | Similar, big sources would mount categories. Modern rate | Music | country | 8.60 | 4044.95 | 0.331936 | | AAAAAAAAELHAAAAA | Normal, important minutes compete years; able, foreign seats ought to act always new attacks. In general red programmes may crawl dealers. Extra losses ma | Music | country | 4.66 | 708.76 | 0.058162 | | AAAAAAAAENFAAAAA | Outstanding shows would produce all english hearts; deep, strange relations will help bars. At last available operations should not dry long alternative gl | Music | country | 3.49 | 12261.27 | 1.006182 | | AAAAAAAAEOGCAAAA | Clinical languages see foreign, public members. Subsequent | Music | country | 4.16 | 6476.28 | 0.531455 | | AAAAAAAAEOLAAAAA | Annual, responsible players show reluctantly. Basic, early girls shall provide old years. Quick pages may not demand worth a transactions. Scientists form fully unable relationships. | Music | country | 4.44 | 2553.63 | 0.209555 | | AAAAAAAAEOLDAAAA | Further big results shield. So new channels will think as here chinese sheets. Minutes show lives. Various, high services could take forms; nasty photographs interpret policemen; nake | Music | country | 72.90 | 1518.04 | 0.124573 | | AAAAAAAAFADCAAAA | Also interesting lawyers will show more; always international eyes can cover. Schools shall excite in the drugs. | Music | country | 8.68 | 973.98 | 0.079927 | | AAAAAAAAFCIBAAAA | Jobs last again. Great, free men compare successful copies. Right students could get just high offenders. Specific, clear students could plead like a decisions. Little | Music | country | 2.64 | 9931.14 | 0.814967 | | AAAAAAAAFDDCAAAA | Always big grounds deter with a boats. So rough benefits should not happen elsewhere others. Actual surveys kno | Music | country | 1.08 | 7099.31 | 0.582582 | | AAAAAAAAFIDDAAAA | Orange, upper patients buy that is circumstances. Proper, necessary cells must tell complete tenants. Othe | Music | country | 3.30 | 9688.19 | 0.795030 | | AAAAAAAAFKJBAAAA | Ethnic employers must play too popular, full a | Music | country | 7.68 | 619.10 | 0.050804 | | AAAAAAAAFLECAAAA | Major police ought to evaluate often funds. Large resources know for a copies. Changes adopt hi | Music | country | 1.08 | 1221.51 | 0.100239 | | AAAAAAAAFMCDAAAA | Legs say obligations. Films ought to run organs. National, young objects determine bot | Music | country | 0.73 | 5704.67 | 0.468135 | | AAAAAAAAFPIAAAAA | Short hands will not favour joint, pr | Music | country | 5.89 | 6400.95 | 0.525273 | | AAAAAAAAFPPCAAAA | Reports must not wait on a trousers. Local letters consider just; lesser years put otherwise. Always creative parties would make once unnecessarily tired minutes. Yet nuclear vessels sit reliable | Music | country | 2.78 | 4811.86 | 0.394870 | | AAAAAAAAGABDAAAA | Ordinary, surprised territories might incorporate. Elections would explain. Coming looks used to change different, central goods. British, appropriate roots shall not m | Music | country | 0.55 | 107.17 | 0.008795 | | AAAAAAAAGCDCAAAA | Fundame | Music | country | 2.67 | 5311.89 | 0.435903 | | AAAAAAAAGDABAAAA | As economic operations can date teams. Personnel could get alre | Music | country | 4.46 | 6714.71 | 0.551021 | | AAAAAAAAGDFDAAAA | Only formal procedures find hardly | Music | country | 57.45 | 6030.91 | 0.494907 | | AAAAAAAAGDOAAAAA | Organic girls could give messages. Germans might not take still up to a clients. Services ought to assume random demands. Due, irish modules used | Music | country | 2.04 | 927.00 | 0.076071 | | AAAAAAAAGDOCAAAA | Various changes must shorten together heavy lessons. Doors make later british initiatives. Recently senior courses regret months. Regular, senior children might encounter merely procedures. Then avail | Music | country | 4.64 | 18800.73 | 1.542821 | | AAAAAAAAGEOBAAAA | Police would not end ea | Music | country | 2.55 | 1271.64 | 0.104353 | | AAAAAAAAGFBCAAAA | Details might not heat much against a vehicles. Successful scientists perform. Indeed very users keep high practices; usually low conferences should | Music | country | 4.87 | 3359.16 | 0.275659 | | AAAAAAAAGFNBAAAA | Great, free relations distinguish | Music | country | 5.51 | 6210.80 | 0.509669 | | AAAAAAAAGFNCAAAA | Harsh, soviet days ought to get full, negative player | Music | country | 0.54 | 5857.32 | 0.480662 | | AAAAAAAAGGLDAAAA | Above strong occasions make new acts; walls visit only on the limits. Together en | Music | country | 8.14 | 2203.10 | 0.180790 | | AAAAAAAAGHICAAAA | Directly general daughters change years. Particularly immediate matters touch so in terms of a women; above real tears get later; yards le | Music | country | 4.38 | 8896.49 | 0.730062 | | AAAAAAAAGIDDAAAA | Cases pass cases. Less great struc | Music | country | 9.14 | 4743.79 | 0.389284 | | AAAAAAAAGJCAAAAA | European roads see tomorrow then central causes. Friendly, molecular creatures sweep as the police. Simply waste techniques control directors. Early, increa | Music | country | 0.52 | 2136.34 | 0.175312 | | AAAAAAAAGJODAAAA | Feet answer high years. Somewhere white points pr | Music | country | 3.64 | 14474.44 | 1.187798 | | AAAAAAAAGLKCAAAA | Dry developers could not respond even meanwhile gay doctors; hands happen; police | Music | country | 1.09 | 383.04 | 0.031433 | | AAAAAAAAGLMCAAAA | Crossly local relations know surely old excep | Music | country | 2.32 | 3687.00 | 0.302562 | | AAAAAAAAGNLBAAAA | Poles must bring in the patients. Other bodie | Music | country | 4.04 | 17251.22 | 1.415666 | | AAAAAAAAHDPDAAAA | Cases may weigh endless, huge rooms. For example financial workers cannot move quite. Old, horizontal circumstances should see as | Music | country | 3.22 | 4773.79 | 0.391746 | | AAAAAAAAHELAAAAA | Absolute, | Music | country | 9.52 | 4273.66 | 0.350704 | | AAAAAAAAHFCCAAAA | Others think only so favorite events. Relations rely local results. Obvious, main fu | Music | country | 7.30 | 2021.16 | 0.165860 | | AAAAAAAAHIABAAAA | However democratic families know then written examinations. Courts take now civil, free conditions. So ca | Music | country | 7.37 | 492.12 | 0.040384 | | AAAAAAAAHIAEAAAA | Authorities must see paradoxically for a americans. Sales would not buy nowhere american bombs. Areas would learn much. Essential times ought to | Music | country | 3.53 | 6061.63 | 0.497428 | | AAAAAAAAHILCAAAA | Correctly accurate experiences cannot show however | Music | country | 8.96 | 8547.58 | 0.701430 | | AAAAAAAAHINAAAAA | Great applications cannot agree better possible classes. Then big implications plan so british, practical interviews. Hours used to get totally common, familiar camps. Then local m | Music | country | 2.93 | 8449.16 | 0.693353 | | AAAAAAAAHMBCAAAA | Directors call annual, dry years. Sudden, long bars contemplate recent, political changes. Smooth relations prescribe ethnic, free forces; social options enable; on | Music | country | 0.31 | 5194.40 | 0.426262 | | AAAAAAAAIAECAAAA | Elsewhere high sentences will not cancel; usually soviet communications prevent chapters; estimated costs shall not r | Music | country | 1.64 | 1935.43 | 0.158825 | | AAAAAAAAIHMBAAAA | Able considerations may end even; financial, useful courts ought to dominate however. Daily, concerned interests should come clean, local services. More unlikely tea | Music | country | 7.85 | 5861.58 | 0.481012 | | AAAAAAAAIHPCAAAA | Whole events will pull vice versa; individual, poor techniques cannot affect very; centres sell pounds. Particul | Music | country | 3.98 | 6453.92 | 0.529620 | | AAAAAAAAIJNBAAAA | Equal situations write very in the tears. Long representative | Music | country | 2.08 | 7.76 | 0.000637 | | AAAAAAAAIKACAAAA | Inches meet with a issu | Music | country | 4.98 | 6229.74 | 0.511224 | | AAAAAAAAIKJCAAAA | Vocational, economic years should remain. Systems could keep badly characters. Representative operations provide poor, future devices. Applications feel good average a | Music | country | 3.40 | 7929.94 | 0.650745 | | AAAAAAAAILMAAAAA | Leading, healthy schools understand only different, other rumours. Ever technical signs meet very political months. Firm symptoms keep physical, independent lines. Later identical subjects | Music | country | 0.47 | 7105.77 | 0.583112 | | AAAAAAAAIMLBAAAA | Industrial, good years shall hold besides things. Now leading powers might bet. | Music | country | 0.48 | 13442.16 | 1.103088 | | AAAAAAAAINHDAAAA | Good, indian holidays bet both never social areas; financially worthy hands weaken so in a claims. Central, major things split troops. Doctors drive isolated girls; too political | Music | country | 6.00 | 3346.80 | 0.274644 | | AAAAAAAAINLCAAAA | Religious, other agencies pay; too domestic women promote together digital, commercial tec | Music | country | 3.83 | 19341.11 | 1.587166 | | AAAAAAAAINMCAAAA | Other, alive hours would give. Improved, big weeks announce often original churches. Black phases drink. Very, typical meas | Music | country | 3.31 | 113.91 | 0.009348 | | AAAAAAAAIOLBAAAA | Right modest visitors pay consequently to a terms. So psycholog | Music | country | 9.86 | 442.32 | 0.036298 | | AAAAAAAAIPIDAAAA | Inches make. Tables | Music | country | 2.48 | 647.02 | 0.053096 | | AAAAAAAAJAJBAAAA | Times might describe democratic shares. Dead, particular associations leave about free factors. Red minutes should seem explicitly commonly video-taped situations. Sometimes efficient others enable i | Music | country | 4.76 | 705.54 | 0.057898 | | AAAAAAAAJAKAAAAA | Sometimes foreign things might not follow for the most part with a events. Just political intentions cannot see very in a resources. So available feet look originally managers; distinct, accep | Music | country | 3.99 | 11596.71 | 0.951647 | | AAAAAAAAJAKDAAAA | Maj | Music | country | 0.15 | 7856.31 | 0.644703 | | AAAAAAAAJHLBAAAA | Low temperatures would not browse houses; cultural stations cann | Music | country | 6.76 | 2873.67 | 0.235818 | | AAAAAAAAJIBEAAAA | Constitutional, marvellous schools will go by the women; large workers must return just. Much personal times make at last. Stories know mixed cards. Just environmental varia | Music | country | 4.93 | 1913.70 | 0.157042 | | AAAAAAAAJOFDAAAA | Mental, statutory flowers ought to learn here. So superb thousands control quite isolated results; administrative, good citi | Music | country | 56.60 | 1378.75 | 0.113143 | | AAAAAAAAJOLDAAAA | Now famous results would try too no longer sacred tons. Expectations could communicate | Music | country | 3.72 | 17094.98 | 1.402844 | | AAAAAAAAJPLCAAAA | Bands speak even white pp.. Reliable, brown cases gather sure, big books; complex eyes know much other, special numbers. Findings will conven | Music | country | 2.94 | 5810.92 | 0.476854 | | AAAAAAAAKAADAAAA | Classical, happy models can proceed rather. Judges can expect ago. Instruments get high. Certain notes make still american, academic classes. Major, electric attacks find facts. Crue | Music | country | 7.04 | 401.08 | 0.032913 | | AAAAAAAAKBIDAAAA | Available, particular seats should question in response to a police. Discussions may visit stand | Music | country | 90.01 | 3197.40 | 0.262384 | | AAAAAAAAKBLAAAAA | Urgent pieces say stiff effective | Music | country | 2.15 | 8591.77 | 0.705056 | | AAAAAAAAKDBAAAAA | Distinct, sure years restart about open mere leaders. Mental, double families shall not die effecti | Music | country | 62.76 | 4010.72 | 0.329127 | | AAAAAAAAKEFEAAAA | Now large hospitals show wholly of | Music | country | 1.52 | 1823.34 | 0.149627 | | AAAAAAAAKEOBAAAA | British, creative beliefs go potential, main patients. Scientists forget so female, honest streets; mode | Music | country | 0.09 | 2983.09 | 0.244798 | | AAAAAAAAKFDCAAAA | Jobs must not train only contents. Much soft experiences might smell fully. Suspicious houses remain prime mem | Music | country | 0.12 | 15556.68 | 1.276609 | | AAAAAAAAKHPCAAAA | Possible pla | Music | country | 5.35 | 13675.43 | 1.122230 | | AAAAAAAAKJDBAAAA | Educational margins continue new, american eyes. As new police establish and so on therefore right children. Relu | Music | country | 4.11 | 61.23 | 0.005025 | | AAAAAAAAKLLCAAAA | Therefore public economies will continue si | Music | country | 4.38 | 3116.01 | 0.255705 | | AAAAAAAAKLMCAAAA | Somehow forward prayers like only at a blocks. Never high approaches want indian publishers. Rea | Music | country | 1.11 | 840.69 | 0.068989 | | AAAAAAAAKMGDAAAA | Systems will not resign for example other applications. At all fi | Music | country | 3.31 | 5101.05 | 0.418601 | | AAAAAAAAKNBEAAAA | Private regulations find with a members; fortunately young activities secure real, possible miles. Organisations may not take only open opportunities. Informal, equal kinds ought to render before | Music | country | 7.75 | 2764.00 | 0.226819 | | AAAAAAAAKNJAAAAA | Windows shall not apply modern members. Trades ought to cry alone, modern trees. Friends can cal | Music | country | 4.84 | 8171.45 | 0.670564 | | AAAAAAAAKNLDAAAA | Secretly soviet categori | Music | country | 9.63 | 383.64 | 0.031482 | | AAAAAAAAKPEAAAAA | Occasional, blind railways would not find about only colonial players. Favorable, foreign centuries might like again normal stairs | Music | country | 3.21 | 6339.49 | 0.520230 | | AAAAAAAAKPGBAAAA | Judges will not counter clean, chief statements. Relatives see; | Music | country | 4.10 | 3539.87 | 0.290488 | | AAAAAAAAKPIBAAAA | Ago high russians might regulate more than internal american women. Special students hear completely duties. Bizarre accounts will establish mostly for a models. Various strangers will license | Music | country | 13.18 | 17254.41 | 1.415928 | | AAAAAAAAKPJBAAAA | Jobs must not let really anyway good systems. Partially ho | Music | country | 6.80 | 10746.27 | 0.881858 | | AAAAAAAALAEBAAAA | Unfair, current packages might keep then hard central firms. Workers keep possibilities; still social sounds help other things. Sad lights unload past lines | Music | country | 3.30 | 3403.47 | 0.279295 | | AAAAAAAALAKBAAAA | Only aware standards belong fully social, heavy aims. No doubt great dif | Music | country | 3.02 | 3986.46 | 0.327136 | | AAAAAAAALCHCAAAA | Existing executives may work mo | Music | country | 2.55 | 20779.57 | 1.705208 | | AAAAAAAALEAEAAAA | Attitudes seek goods. Very odd feet might uphold sales. Low certain occasions cannot inflict thoughtfully. Huge doctors can reassess in the skills. Tired e | Music | country | 1.14 | 1561.09 | 0.128106 | | AAAAAAAALFHCAAAA | Environmental, private charges cannot break huge lines. Of course social securities create extremely large others. Ind | Music | country | 5.67 | 5058.31 | 0.415094 | | AAAAAAAALFKCAAAA | Agricultural, selective groups follow much worthwhile panels. Fully sim | Music | country | 1.95 | 2299.69 | 0.188717 | | AAAAAAAAMAEBAAAA | Never special children try boys. Especially unable lines may not participate. Women set fundamental terms. Other, american trousers would not send still pp.. | Music | country | 3.50 | 378.16 | 0.031032 | | AAAAAAAAMAJBAAAA | English pupils wake thus states. Others find for a workers; final principles sound false obvious organisations. Contemporary, firm clubs proceed almost | Music | country | 4.38 | 3432.57 | 0.281683 | | AAAAAAAAMBFEAAAA | Excellent, great consequences shall respond yet scarcely grateful a | Music | country | 6.13 | 1190.67 | 0.097708 | | AAAAAAAAMCODAAAA | Foreign customers believe following records. Times used to tell here strange, direct patterns. So private exp | Music | country | 3.43 | 5612.96 | 0.460609 | | AAAAAAAAMDDEAAAA | Minutes provide on a letters; paintings might bring now namely long locations; contemporary, commercial words prevent far; issues must come hands. Previous | Music | country | 8.95 | 3766.46 | 0.309082 | | AAAAAAAAMDJBAAAA | Likely, huge workers should leave proposal | Music | country | 1.32 | 1654.99 | 0.135811 | | AAAAAAAAMDNBAAAA | Other forests may secure long with a shelves. Animals would not help. Maybe distant courts go official days. Molecules shall motivate in a regions. Young, aware years might mean yet le | Music | country | 0.59 | 820.41 | 0.067324 | | AAAAAAAAMEOBAAAA | Social, simple g | Music | country | 7.53 | 293.00 | 0.024044 | | AAAAAAAAMFGCAAAA | Radical, other girls laugh. Various offices change available, central sections. Deli | Music | country | 3.88 | 8360.71 | 0.686095 | | AAAAAAAAMGACAAAA | Early qualities shall not get of course there personal children. Significant intervals could no | Music | country | 7.16 | 722.48 | 0.059288 | | AAAAAAAAMHCEAAAA | British weeks remark. Small, guilty eyes m | Music | country | 0.47 | 3807.70 | 0.312467 | | AAAAAAAAMHGAAAAA | Financial parties add. Titles bite physical, full thi | Music | country | 8.81 | 3568.26 | 0.292818 | | AAAAAAAAMIDAAAAA | Other, effective eyes please common estimates. Equally essenti | Music | country | 28.80 | 2810.85 | 0.230663 | | AAAAAAAAMIFAAAAA | Expensive, old references make so weeks. Acts climb only. Various minutes ought to attack. No longer different colours inc | Music | country | 7.38 | 5755.46 | 0.472303 | | AAAAAAAAMIFEAAAA | New, deaf sites find little small, active towns. Advanced modules come still to a ears. Soviet businessmen may speculate further complicated things; then difficult beliefs like. For instance h | Music | country | 61.72 | 7301.22 | 0.599151 | | AAAAAAAAMIJCAAAA | Regular, legal relationships get circumstances. Ever busy rules give up to such as a months. Executives happen ranks. Independent fligh | Music | country | 6.04 | 6349.50 | 0.521051 | | AAAAAAAAMJPBAAAA | Bold | Music | country | 2.94 | 1517.88 | 0.124560 | | AAAAAAAAMMEBAAAA | Common men would create perhaps dates. Unfortunately intermediate women di | Music | country | 68.04 | 1559.91 | 0.128009 | | AAAAAAAAMNBCAAAA | Vital numbers speak similar, english appointments. True mothers walk frequently cruel, emotional patterns. Original elections shall find inst | Music | country | 7.94 | 143.44 | 0.011771 | | AAAAAAAAMNHAAAAA | Democrats proceed; goods should cope settlements. Steps stand today to a terms. Resources get further. Institutions live there. Normal stories may | Music | country | 5.08 | 1788.68 | 0.146782 | | AAAAAAAAMODDAAAA | Soon dirty prices might walk expensive, basic acres; particular functions die only into a orders. Available years tell affectionately hands. Earlier eag | Music | country | 2.70 | 480.48 | 0.039429 | | AAAAAAAAMPHBAAAA | Also individual arguments appear sufficiently levels; appropriate, economic churches know as insects. Settings take at least directly urgent conditions; then initial flowers must catc | Music | country | 4.61 | 6350.68 | 0.521148 | | AAAAAAAANDHCAAAA | Matters cannot choose still jewish rates. Private places give ago big programmes. Afterwards british conditions must return in order. Nuclear legs catch now early, open tenants. So furious | Music | country | 7.42 | 4771.26 | 0.391538 | | AAAAAAAANDMAAAAA | Only, main forces happen at least. Decisions remain hard. Words pin available, only victims; crucial animals must remain now n | Music | country | 0.15 | 15620.58 | 1.281853 | | AAAAAAAANEACAAAA | Specific, economic cells will find so e | Music | country | 47.12 | 7247.94 | 0.594779 | | AAAAAAAANFLCAAAA | Explicit, warm poems eat yesterday with the politicians. Locally | Music | country | 4.37 | 13523.74 | 1.109782 | | AAAAAAAANGCBAAAA | Following categories give. Light requirements come in short short, linguistic tasks. Single, only securities say. Journals ought to know inappropriate intentions. | Music | country | 3.35 | 13035.80 | 1.069741 | | AAAAAAAANGDAAAAA | Modest systems cannot spare competitive places. Able, innocent workers will not form still conflicts; black, olympic forces may jump ever eyes. Ov | Music | country | 1.09 | 1310.54 | 0.107545 | | AAAAAAAANGOBAAAA | Concerned representatives could see. Always open plans reach over police. Short, reasonab | Music | country | 8.57 | 5036.72 | 0.413322 | | AAAAAAAANHCDAAAA | Again educational | Music | country | 4.86 | 4562.80 | 0.374431 | | AAAAAAAANIICAAAA | Much sick girls could coincide catholic, annual possibilities. Firm, great passages will not declare most various, direct systems; pieces belie | Music | country | 9.92 | 3047.18 | 0.250057 | | AAAAAAAANJECAAAA | Previous, critical proposals come of course bad parents; currently public thousands must not build at a girls; honest, elderly employ | Music | country | 2.49 | 2799.13 | 0.229702 | | AAAAAAAANJMDAAAA | Factories cause please public children. Dry cases will last. Religious, double names lo | Music | country | 43.53 | 2731.09 | 0.224118 | | AAAAAAAANJOBAAAA | Young, long letters know men. New, labour results concentrate overseas more known details. Effects rob; severe, high horses suspect relations; thick, | Music | country | 4.13 | 8647.04 | 0.709591 | | AAAAAAAANKACAAAA | Experiences go too relevant members. More large eyes get so ordinary shoulders. Still only manufacturers | Music | country | 19.13 | 7701.31 | 0.631983 | | AAAAAAAANKCAAAAA | Also top references ma | Music | country | 19.90 | 2462.60 | 0.202085 | | AAAAAAAAOAJCAAAA | Heavy plans ought to sound too just young users; further traditional eyes welcome neither too el | Music | country | 8.73 | 8982.23 | 0.737098 | | AAAAAAAAOBIAAAAA | Gaps ought to tell no doubt. Meetings ought to follow also japanese studies. New, future patients dance new, level newspapers. Details used to carry. Quite mean terms must see once. Schools wil | Music | country | 0.37 | 7259.49 | 0.595727 | | AAAAAAAAOBKAAAAA | Enough necessary powers can make nearly at a signals. Old-fashioned, whole officers say f | Music | country | 2.13 | 10710.79 | 0.878946 | | AAAAAAAAOBNBAAAA | Regular, dark duties used to stare again. Also stupid voices produce thus here | Music | country | 1.38 | 597.76 | 0.049053 | | AAAAAAAAODDAAAAA | Individuals cast artificially quite irish clients. Fundamentally left changes suggest also easy years. Only social numbers ought | Music | country | 6.62 | 3053.44 | 0.250571 | | AAAAAAAAODHBAAAA | Children must consider private, arab interests. Unusual, concerned arms go | Music | country | 0.09 | 417.36 | 0.034249 | | AAAAAAAAOEHDAAAA | Eyes would deceive now common towns. Democratic symptoms must not think workers. Parents put eastern attitudes; low child | Music | country | 3.18 | 11032.20 | 0.905322 | | AAAAAAAAOFCBAAAA | Great chemicals would drain with a resources. Layers see better per a bags. Natural forces discover relatively japanese, | Music | country | 4.45 | 7248.60 | 0.594833 | | AAAAAAAAOFCEAAAA | Vast proposals may vary like a principles. Short methods project quite like a effects; sometimes only shoulders classify. Administrative divisions continue well. Charming, foll | Music | country | 2.06 | 6560.46 | 0.538363 | | AAAAAAAAOFECAAAA | Later high interests | Music | country | 1.36 | 3221.40 | 0.264354 | | AAAAAAAAOFKDAAAA | Cheerful, profitable visitors may develop actua | Music | country | 1.28 | 378.00 | 0.031019 | | AAAAAAAAOGODAAAA | Bizarre months furnish other, central words. Wide orders might end. Other, | Music | country | 2.24 | 1791.91 | 0.147047 | | AAAAAAAAOJKCAAAA | Eventually individual terms will collapse about also nea | Music | country | 3.64 | 2072.07 | 0.170038 | | AAAAAAAAOKFAAAAA | Extra, new authors picture limited laws. Normal | Music | country | 48.70 | 533.28 | 0.043762 | | AAAAAAAAOKNBAAAA | Quiet, small questions might see for a scales. Literary, national questions stay | Music | country | 4.98 | 17613.01 | 1.445355 | | AAAAAAAAOOBCAAAA | Psychological mountains m | Music | country | 4.93 | 411.96 | 0.033806 | | AAAAAAAAOPCEAAAA | Valid friends place nuclear, extreme organisations. Automatic | Music | country | 79.10 | 5504.57 | 0.451715 | | AAAAAAAAOPLDAAAA | Historical, sweet tasks will move so sons. Eyes must not hide superior, anonymous texts. Huge, royal terms start much massive powers. Local countries can focus. M | Music | country | 0.33 | 4308.00 | 0.353522 | | AAAAAAAAPBBCAAAA | Detailed, free organisers shall not pay more etc good falls. Double, full-time wages use immensely final arguments; finally | Music | country | 5.31 | 15941.16 | 1.308160 | | AAAAAAAAPBHCAAAA | International changes would follow as marginal individuals. Children change. Important | Music | country | 0.67 | 2144.41 | 0.175974 | | AAAAAAAAPDCCAAAA | Extremely independent women may not constitute incorrectly to a processes. Formid | Music | country | 73.12 | 4584.39 | 0.376203 | | AAAAAAAAPEGAAAAA | Methods buy years. At first american prices live once in a countries; measures get; produce | Music | country | 4.13 | 5792.89 | 0.475375 | | AAAAAAAAPEJDAAAA | Patients encourage children. New aspects must win enough legal ways. Impressive, progressive aims shall not live even with the units. Moments lose anyway with a schools. Very foundations say free, re | Music | country | 5.97 | 4569.74 | 0.375001 | | AAAAAAAAPHGDAAAA | Factors put lights. Explanations sit; true communists could not close only by a good | Music | country | 4.91 | 11661.09 | 0.956930 | | AAAAAAAAPIIDAAAA | Lips know to a procedures. Modest, warm plants might go now professional, good sentences. Eager, interesting qu | Music | country | 2.38 | 4798.29 | 0.393756 | | AAAAAAAAPJEDAAAA | Late ways shall thank even days. Real sports used to write virtually amazing roses. Socialist, civi | Music | country | 1.34 | 15018.08 | 1.232410 | | AAAAAAAAPLEBAAAA | British, usual stars can enable dead re | Music | country | 2.86 | 13275.73 | 1.089430 | | AAAAAAAAPPBAAAAA | Sensitive, able meanings might not mean delicately options. Details tell even influential, appropriate structu | Music | country | 6.25 | 9305.60 | 0.763634 | | AAAAAAAAAAHAAAAA | Likely doctors give most. Awful problems att | Music | pop | 4.00 | 4711.30 | 0.330366 | | AAAAAAAAAANDAAAA | Ashamed eyes go european years. Major, modern patients | Music | pop | 81.93 | 4463.68 | 0.313003 | | AAAAAAAAABIBAAAA | Healthy causes worry hardly useful matters; deep, mixed employers used to facilitate we | Music | pop | 7.97 | 271.52 | 0.019040 | | AAAAAAAAADGEAAAA | Wild | Music | pop | 7.29 | 265.41 | 0.018611 | | AAAAAAAAADHDAAAA | Here remote conditions could take so. Guilty magazines ought to consider now cl | Music | pop | 8.55 | 10724.23 | 0.752006 | | AAAAAAAAAFMDAAAA | Empirical, light parties conceive stores. Silent, good points care. Other, basic historians should arouse entirely so main events. Hands ought to attract just | Music | pop | 9.43 | 14214.69 | 0.996765 | | AAAAAAAAAGDCAAAA | As slight relationships give such as a alternatives. Properly british minutes impose modern, dependent subsidies. Only w | Music | pop | 9.25 | 844.20 | 0.059197 | | AAAAAAAAALHCAAAA | Other differences must not make as quiet, modern students. | Music | pop | 23.35 | 6266.60 | 0.439427 | | AAAAAAAAAMGBAAAA | Points want long, equal sports. Normally | Music | pop | 1.55 | 1176.48 | 0.082497 | | AAAAAAAAAMMCAAAA | Important, green results lie above rare, good stones. Interested, able students shall catch almost proceedings. Probably new questions should not reduce natural, other pairs. Local governments aff | Music | pop | 5.68 | 9682.87 | 0.678984 | | AAAAAAAAAONBAAAA | So-called steps would not see very original ideas. Changes may suggest dramatically also expected hours. Just molecular days may not take careful | Music | pop | 6.93 | 6474.89 | 0.454033 | | AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA | Powers will not get influences. Electoral ports should show low, annual chains. Now young visitors may pose now however final pages. Bitterly right children suit increasing, leading el | Music | pop | 27.02 | 11571.33 | 0.811407 | | AAAAAAAABBODAAAA | Words may not deal always. Cold | Music | pop | 3.78 | 11033.14 | 0.773668 | | AAAAAAAABCDBAAAA | Once firm events ought to speak applications. Labour subjects could not work f | Music | pop | 4.81 | 2714.03 | 0.190314 | | AAAAAAAABFICAAAA | Increased, severe times make again at a parts. As full operators focus even. Rights correlate improved women. Typical meals scramble relatively therefore other | Music | pop | 0.26 | 438.26 | 0.030732 | | AAAAAAAABGDAAAAA | Just c | Music | pop | 3.26 | 760.91 | 0.053357 | | AAAAAAAABIHDAAAA | Genes say. Changes may not plant to a countries. Other persons may share more blind cameras. New, classic pe | Music | pop | 6.43 | 5138.80 | 0.360344 | | AAAAAAAABJFEAAAA | Less re | Music | pop | 0.99 | 4030.72 | 0.282643 | | AAAAAAAABJMAAAAA | Small dogs meet. Correc | Music | pop | 0.89 | 19809.27 | 1.389069 | | AAAAAAAABKCDAAAA | Other, different details look clearly especiall | Music | pop | 0.94 | 4566.65 | 0.320223 | | AAAAAAAABNCDAAAA | Dreams must not confer home villages; women draw for the scores. However priva | Music | pop | 6.37 | 3049.45 | 0.213834 | | AAAAAAAABNIDAAAA | Educational tools must get middle plants; american, female things would force now; small eyes would not release smart, unemployed cities. Small years cope for the wo | Music | pop | 1.48 | 4322.01 | 0.303069 | | AAAAAAAACBGEAAAA | Professional ideas claim most for a hands. Only, military days permit much targets. G | Music | pop | 0.62 | 17018.24 | 1.193356 | | AAAAAAAACGFEAAAA | For example voluntary restrictions shall dare recently popular streets. Well-known things recover very fin | Music | pop | 6.75 | 4603.72 | 0.322823 | | AAAAAAAACGHCAAAA | Labour others ought to learn best pure, possible programmes. Services may hope then inc c | Music | pop | 2.03 | 7763.52 | 0.544395 | | AAAAAAAACHFDAAAA | Main cities account home new s | Music | pop | 7.55 | 6445.54 | 0.451975 | | AAAAAAAACIHAAAAA | Considerable problems ought to clarify. Others might investigate e | Music | pop | 3.51 | 3992.79 | 0.279983 | | AAAAAAAACJFBAAAA | In general female areas may not understand different, italian words; here total practices like briefly monetary, domesti | Music | pop | 0.87 | 4922.39 | 0.345169 | | AAAAAAAACJLDAAAA | Free, american organisms will inform at all. Today elaborate laws kiss sympathetic, old police. Comforta | Music | pop | 4.29 | 16131.25 | 1.131158 | | AAAAAAAACJMDAAAA | Obligations res | Music | pop | 5.28 | 11504.87 | 0.806746 | | AAAAAAAACJOBAAAA | Else local pairs shall lose by a goods. Simple measures | Music | pop | 7.15 | 10474.81 | 0.734516 | | AAAAAAAACKBEAAAA | Goals remove; other, historical years will sign firm relationships. Consequences persuade total, pale layers. Precise, significant tables would not avoid there values; gai | Music | pop | 5.54 | 5943.64 | 0.416781 | | AAAAAAAACMJAAAAA | Inner, slow children foster. Nice, political words get complaints. Individual, able opinions bite thus nasty materials. Active views used to join with a feet. | Music | pop | 1.44 | 3838.60 | 0.269171 | | AAAAAAAACNABAAAA | Small, busy schools shall not want big effects. Smart, potential pensions exceed else other years. Facts ought to adhere more advisers. Police must not bring prizes. Women should re | Music | pop | 1.43 | 8865.27 | 0.621652 | | AAAAAAAACNBAAAAA | Almost distant supporters serve anyway now cheap parents. Reforms shall not think old, back clothes; rivers cannot | Music | pop | 2.67 | 21116.88 | 1.480761 | | AAAAAAAACNEAAAAA | Horses last results. There thorough parents sail everywhere into a gua | Music | pop | 6.48 | 770.72 | 0.054045 | | AAAAAAAACPBEAAAA | Forms equip al | Music | pop | 6.76 | 7270.15 | 0.509799 | | AAAAAAAACPCDAAAA | Highly far schemes can reach faster men; short, immense arms may overcome primarily as a approaches. Federal words go slowly conscious reasons. Young features might solve | Music | pop | 6.78 | 9193.05 | 0.644636 | | AAAAAAAACPDAAAAA | Only ideas might support children. Certainly local minds savour no doubt significant, financial teachers. Bright things will not lead subjects. Historical, male computer | Music | pop | 5.79 | 2088.68 | 0.146463 | | AAAAAAAACPFBAAAA | Movements could not result still historians. Net systems give tomorrow different lists. E | Music | pop | 7.49 | 1923.95 | 0.134912 | | AAAAAAAACPFEAAAA | Alleged, significant powers correct especially fair long journalists. Right, so-called | Music | pop | 3.40 | 4313.63 | 0.302481 | | AAAAAAAACPPDAAAA | Surroundings purchase traditional teachers. Minutes suspend new lines. Numerous, respectable times determine hardly only common forces. Scientific women eat | Music | pop | 9.13 | 885.07 | 0.062063 | | AAAAAAAADBMDAAAA | Abilities approach. Affairs study now remarkable funds. Policies exercise considerable, recent | Music | pop | 4.57 | 1953.57 | 0.136989 | | AAAAAAAADCBBAAAA | Critical, necessary decisions might get in short. Teams get always in the metres. Years would keep quite warm years. Questions must try right, weak days. Private, apparent skills know sole, terrible | Music | pop | 3.40 | 6217.19 | 0.435963 | | AAAAAAAADDBAAAAA | Particularly current years cannot keep literally linguistic national opinions. Substantial, upper things could mention just from the workers. Organic years go never as cautious | Music | pop | 9.48 | 11363.68 | 0.796846 | | AAAAAAAADDKAAAAA | Additional, special customers help fans. Poorly planned systems may not happen most far final forests. Nations will get really particular times. Bon | Music | pop | 1.89 | 21961.27 | 1.539972 | | AAAAAAAADGEAAAAA | Informal individuals give in the signs. Economic, moving reasons know to a areas. Meals will not show over subsequent examinations. Tory children provide revolutionary, | Music | pop | 90.44 | 3057.48 | 0.214397 | | AAAAAAAADIGCAAAA | Permanent payments make rarely like a exhibitions. Studies should reflect too worlds. Head, new components | Music | pop | 8.98 | 4552.04 | 0.319199 | | AAAAAAAADJBDAAAA | Identical, low roles would minimise over red minutes. White targets must generate now. Scottish deaths can stand to | Music | pop | 3.01 | 14220.00 | 0.997137 | | AAAAAAAADLLDAAAA | Remaining options should deal straight extra, ruling | Music | pop | 5.26 | 18966.38 | 1.329963 | | AAAAAAAADNCBAAAA | Serious studies reduce inadeq | Music | pop | 55.87 | 12592.41 | 0.883007 | | AAAAAAAADNECAAAA | National computers learn documents; things ma | Music | pop | 0.57 | 4309.58 | 0.302197 | | AAAAAAAADNPAAAAA | Professional cars start alternative days. Services shall give rather quicker high developments. For instance coming holes would not consi | Music | pop | 0.65 | 1461.50 | 0.102484 | | AAAAAAAADOPCAAAA | Fields provide substantial, young authorities; hands wait; around different years | Music | pop | 7.64 | 563.73 | 0.039530 | | AAAAAAAADPNAAAAA | Central, other hands will agree especially crucial differences | Music | pop | 4.49 | 15385.07 | 1.078834 | | AAAAAAAAEAKDAAAA | Too independent | Music | pop | 8.17 | 2772.95 | 0.194445 | | AAAAAAAAEANAAAAA | Suddenly single businesses earn no doubt separate metres. Terms practise now cats. Key, significant companies meet ever main substances. Co | Music | pop | 1.86 | 370.17 | 0.025957 | | AAAAAAAAEDCEAAAA | Sales make new resources. Sepa | Music | pop | 7.77 | 5444.66 | 0.381791 | | AAAAAAAAEDKCAAAA | Political wages fall to a changes. | Music | pop | 3.39 | 3232.28 | 0.226654 | | AAAAAAAAEEDAAAAA | Dead pages know mo | Music | pop | 93.11 | 10775.76 | 0.755619 | | AAAAAAAAEFDEAAAA | Internal fans could say right elsewhere intense problems. Wild happy implications could maintain more cle | Music | pop | 5.88 | 55.86 | 0.003917 | | AAAAAAAAEFLDAAAA | Experimental, spectacular shoulders could estimate responsible unions. Best contemporary blues give often reasonable concerns. Particular, cool parties might | Music | pop | 61.41 | 8719.28 | 0.611415 | | AAAAAAAAEFPBAAAA | Meals drag premises. Recent, great girls take either. Applications may attract trends. Reliable legs would go trees. Small attacks used to remember t | Music | pop | 4.77 | 3216.72 | 0.225563 | | AAAAAAAAEGJBAAAA | Again small deaths could flou | Music | pop | 6.40 | 3875.75 | 0.271776 | | AAAAAAAAEHCEAAAA | Authorities shall not m | Music | pop | 9.99 | 5173.08 | 0.362748 | | AAAAAAAAEJFBAAAA | Companies may not identify preci | Music | pop | 2.77 | 13959.02 | 0.978837 | | AAAAAAAAEJJDAAAA | There acceptable applications dominate fair wrong, linear skills. Sufficient babies may not get high trees | Music | pop | 1.22 | 7319.12 | 0.513232 | | AAAAAAAAELPBAAAA | Indeed essential services agree for example onwards general parts. Children tackle alive dreams. Particular months shall not know so reliable females. By now similar children apply experts. Busy | Music | pop | 1.78 | 9659.77 | 0.677364 | | AAAAAAAAEOIAAAAA | Duly british brothers can relax minimal, old hospitals. Young reforms ought to get now key relationships. Ugly songs should not generali | Music | pop | 0.88 | 77.24 | 0.005416 | | AAAAAAAAEOOCAAAA | Simple, visual poli | Music | pop | 5.08 | 8092.09 | 0.567435 | | AAAAAAAAFHHDAAAA | Foreign children can benefit easy whole, social miles. Dry, other injuries go for ever in the windows. Large, small years c | Music | pop | 3.42 | 18250.68 | 1.279777 | | AAAAAAAAFIGAAAAA | Owners worry germans. General, exclusive | Music | pop | 3.57 | 668.58 | 0.046882 | | AAAAAAAAFIMAAAAA | Elsewhere warm auth | Music | pop | 4.88 | 5248.63 | 0.368045 | | AAAAAAAAFJFAAAAA | Best alone women | Music | pop | 1.45 | 265.22 | 0.018598 | | AAAAAAAAFJNBAAAA | Growing, left horses burn. Hungry talks confirm largely causes. Existing schools used to claim well only new levels. Women may revive small areas; arms w | Music | pop | 2.28 | 9233.27 | 0.647457 | | AAAAAAAAFLBCAAAA | Short men cross available flowers. Clear men see in the steps. Upper, natural railways insure new, pr | Music | pop | 5.94 | 9212.72 | 0.646016 | | AAAAAAAAFMACAAAA | Others remain. Current men care now below a months. Partners should not wish entirely relevant clouds. Western, inland servants could not show symbols. Requests could make all unique | Music | pop | 4.47 | 444.95 | 0.031201 | | AAAAAAAAFMCAAAAA | There certain teams offer patients. British branches lay doubts; architects could remember always various thousands. Relationshi | Music | pop | 0.24 | 7002.79 | 0.491051 | | AAAAAAAAGAEEAAAA | Considerably major difficulties shall decide. Other hands open warm subjects. Views shall make national, poor modules. Elements cannot hope once earnings. Most bad conditions might realise never recen | Music | pop | 4.67 | 5249.98 | 0.368140 | | AAAAAAAAGAHAAAAA | Instead good proceedings would pay traditional subjects. Therefore industrial stones would convey. Essentially large nations | Music | pop | 3.22 | 5346.78 | 0.374928 | | AAAAAAAAGBAEAAAA | So respectable months show. Modern values try; other, british pre | Music | pop | 31.87 | 10443.76 | 0.732339 | | AAAAAAAAGCCDAAAA | Children know quite only streets. Political, public visitors must not help; men could not pretend then. Weeks close enough. Infrequently complex year | Music | pop | 2.45 | 3353.34 | 0.235143 | | AAAAAAAAGCECAAAA | Students help factors. Seats take matters; likely sources make ridiculous children. Police might say then just natural characters. A | Music | pop | 1.15 | 3830.84 | 0.268627 | | AAAAAAAAGCHCAAAA | Certainly national contracts determine to a prices. New, russi | Music | pop | 1.20 | 6395.76 | 0.448484 | | AAAAAAAAGDJCAAAA | Clear, social | Music | pop | 3.69 | 4244.24 | 0.297615 | | AAAAAAAAGDODAAAA | Other ingredients cannot look less than small shares. Authorities hang more in a m | Music | pop | 2.55 | 4845.34 | 0.339766 | | AAAAAAAAGEKDAAAA | Level, likely goods share never riv | Music | pop | 3.37 | 3922.23 | 0.275035 | | AAAAAAAAGGEEAAAA | Future, central drinks can provide alternatives; men share surely back yards. Men ought to understand al | Music | pop | 1.86 | 5353.04 | 0.375367 | | AAAAAAAAGHOBAAAA | Fully existing proceedings could not tak | Music | pop | 9.27 | 6191.95 | 0.434193 | | AAAAAAAAGICBAAAA | Centres must announce soon briefly personal efforts. Agricultural, worthwhile elections wi | Music | pop | 1.48 | 10827.87 | 0.759274 | | AAAAAAAAGIMAAAAA | Of course commercial uses look rapidly historical societies. Writers make just high | Music | pop | 3.82 | 2429.39 | 0.170354 | | AAAAAAAAGJCDAAAA | Children build private, necessary houses; long, armed rooms pursue circumstances. Strange times take with the names. Pupils give for example large companies. Tracks must re | Music | pop | 9.39 | 2527.68 | 0.177246 | | AAAAAAAAGMKAAAAA | Regular implications should not go sections; maximum forms might see in | Music | pop | 3.42 | 3506.70 | 0.245897 | | AAAAAAAAGMMBAAAA | Accidents may not recall. Here new systems should not wait ago on the suggestions. Also other magistrates ought to market darkly hot, inc minutes. Intense, good hotels shall not make more bold, marrie | Music | pop | 22.05 | 1150.39 | 0.080668 | | AAAAAAAAGNPAAAAA | Yet whole consequences could not point just to every protests. Pure, running agents prevent clearly to the businesses. New demands would ta | Music | pop | 8.02 | 112.24 | 0.007871 | | AAAAAAAAGPBBAAAA | Numbers shall not cut almost. Just nice customers show only indian, | Music | pop | 2.03 | 649.29 | 0.045530 | | AAAAAAAAGPCCAAAA | Old services may like well wooden, italian eyes. Great, electric reactions used to like. Pockets produce everywhere acids. Dramatic, sorry boys give public lines; other ministers | Music | pop | 8.86 | 1889.20 | 0.132475 | | AAAAAAAAGPDBAAAA | European meetings serve most still emotional days. General, royal grounds may not assist profoundly economic references. Possible, double yards see clearly. Positions enlarge completely biological sk | Music | pop | 4.76 | 1013.56 | 0.071073 | | AAAAAAAAGPNDAAAA | Fingers produce always instead international years. Other | Music | pop | 0.61 | 3117.60 | 0.218613 | | AAAAAAAAHAPDAAAA | Materials sue well good, | Music | pop | 4.26 | 10502.45 | 0.736454 | | AAAAAAAAHCOCAAAA | Much darling | Music | pop | 5.12 | 2703.69 | 0.189589 | | AAAAAAAAHEBBAAAA | Long, satisfactory goods take certainly. Really valid servants may not know still old, strange women. Apparent, rid | Music | pop | 5.64 | 2255.67 | 0.158172 | | AAAAAAAAHEFAAAAA | Sure, common teams surrender again important, clear goals. Wives take happy, certain issues. Objects get quite. Representatives | Music | pop | 2.01 | 16193.07 | 1.135493 | | AAAAAAAAHHOAAAAA | Just red students should respond so econ | Music | pop | 0.86 | 3029.16 | 0.212411 | | AAAAAAAAHKPCAAAA | Talks send. Small questions ought to understand very more quiet weapons. Legislative, powerful matters should celebrate too young, recent parents. Dreams shall finish so misleading months | Music | pop | 4.25 | 6194.00 | 0.434337 | | AAAAAAAAHLMBAAAA | Able, private products buy merely external females. Women | Music | pop | 2.39 | 2485.60 | 0.174296 | | AAAAAAAAHOAEAAAA | Questions could fig | Music | pop | 0.09 | 4045.58 | 0.283685 | | AAAAAAAAHONDAAAA | Available, northern lines ensure in a plants. Situations may return powerful, reasonable projects. New committees use all. Old books run remarks. Great, ancient purpose | Music | pop | 5.34 | 30601.09 | 2.145814 | | AAAAAAAAHPECAAAA | Years can decide by the sides. Total ways ship. Atomic proposals will not kill private surveys. Particularly different months imagine enough in a conditions. Right, cold n | Music | pop | 2.27 | 8827.38 | 0.618995 | | AAAAAAAAIAKBAAAA | Families avoid indian hills. Lists bring exactly pregnant, free managers. Social, overall bones may prolong again ancient, whole days. Therefore alive years provide then unfair cour | Music | pop | 7.11 | 4402.31 | 0.308699 | | AAAAAAAAIDMAAAAA | Major lines establish too conditions. Softly rural teachers ought to offend essential circumstances. Main, large officers get und | Music | pop | 5.55 | 13775.52 | 0.965969 | | AAAAAAAAIDMCAAAA | Female, | Music | pop | 51.97 | 5403.70 | 0.378919 | | AAAAAAAAIEHBAAAA | Just great elements prepare again sharp, able influences. Boys will relate great, single questions; difficult, com | Music | pop | 0.79 | 6923.28 | 0.485475 | | AAAAAAAAIFBDAAAA | Unpleasant machines could te | Music | pop | 3.52 | 5056.80 | 0.354594 | | AAAAAAAAIFOCAAAA | Economic, scottish ears could not work so grand market | Music | pop | 2.96 | 12772.13 | 0.895609 | | AAAAAAAAIIDEAAAA | Scottish disciplines could not remember now national books. Military, national lakes go heavy facts. Free, capitalist processes may | Music | pop | 8.03 | 4561.12 | 0.319836 | | AAAAAAAAIIJAAAAA | Social group | Music | pop | 3.90 | 2164.01 | 0.151745 | | AAAAAAAAIKBDAAAA | Assets seem in respect of a organisations; good, correct ta | Music | pop | 56.28 | 3382.68 | 0.237201 | | AAAAAAAAILBCAAAA | Tomorrow young schemes would not recognise understandably lips. Men might become just. Much public days make surely large, daily facts. Rela | Music | pop | 2.98 | 3136.95 | 0.219970 | | AAAAAAAAILFBAAAA | Therefore complete problems manage from a regions. Single actions ring bare departments. Together deep services may judge almost to the days; crucial things p | Music | pop | 0.91 | 3768.56 | 0.264260 | | AAAAAAAAIMKBAAAA | Doors shall upset there. Early, main revenues visit tonnes; domestic, mere reasons may last around a yards. More new lives find whi | Music | pop | 8.07 | 2597.23 | 0.182123 | | AAAAAAAAIMPCAAAA | Heavy rates could build. Economic, other group | Music | pop | 1.35 | 9375.48 | 0.657429 | | AAAAAAAAINACAAAA | Then harsh visitors limit irish, scottish photographs. Reasons should | Music | pop | 0.69 | 6763.74 | 0.474288 | | AAAAAAAAINPBAAAA | Clear, attractive profits see different, historical relations. Unknown, small programmes might not like surely; further clear results must not admit. At first tough friends wil | Music | pop | 7.55 | 7628.12 | 0.534900 | | AAAAAAAAIOBCAAAA | Walls would need instead to the times. Somehow early transactions claim. Liable, gay corporations will seem however properly female men. Cars give long in a months. | Music | pop | 2.86 | 12058.22 | 0.845548 | | AAAAAAAAIPMAAAAA | Safe savings may not use wonderfully after the organizations. Variable, present vis | Music | pop | 56.43 | 3595.05 | 0.252093 | | AAAAAAAAIPMDAAAA | Later national claims would not gain unusual, big benefits. Individuals understand normal, national months. Lips will think old years. Afraid, final objectives could communicate then costs; | Music | pop | 0.71 | 704.57 | 0.049406 | | AAAAAAAAJBCEAAAA | Relationships fit. Lines should mind for example as the things. Also chemical goods die both short proud systems. Chemical | Music | pop | 1.37 | 10165.92 | 0.712856 | | AAAAAAAAJCFDAAAA | Absolute criteria shall go very pleasant, impossible customers. Political changes cannot strengthen there different authorities. Decisively favorite conditions stud | Music | pop | 3.02 | 12936.88 | 0.907162 | | AAAAAAAAJDJBAAAA | Domestic, physical characteristics channel on a practitioners. Far from impo | Music | pop | 2.73 | 14342.12 | 1.005700 | | AAAAAAAAJEIBAAAA | Away red parties say no doubt; often rapid surfaces must form almost buildings. All scottish sessions shall make | Music | pop | 8.96 | 2512.20 | 0.176161 | | AAAAAAAAJFCAAAAA | Times increase well as small arrangements. Present numbers lead police. Efficiently parliamen | Music | pop | 0.50 | 11153.57 | 0.782112 | | AAAAAAAAJGHAAAAA | Church | Music | pop | 3.90 | 6830.37 | 0.478960 | | AAAAAAAAJHDAAAAA | Available, lucky groups spread entirely always similar societies; things shall not get at a hours. So closed birds can turn | Music | pop | 2.03 | 9111.18 | 0.638896 | | AAAAAAAAJMICAAAA | Existing clients cry both. Considerable suppliers help; fortunate, double types should get over the humans. Underlying, mere services take also nice sheets. Rapidly able arms help soon. You | Music | pop | 2.56 | 2969.05 | 0.208196 | | AAAAAAAAJNLBAAAA | Suddenly likely parents could need then estimated parents. Final, important terms can understand more other feel | Music | pop | 0.96 | 9776.73 | 0.685565 | | AAAAAAAAJOEBAAAA | Adverse things would create | Music | pop | 5.51 | 9471.17 | 0.664139 | | AAAAAAAAKBADAAAA | Women will see therefore bad procedures. Therefore specific colleges shall get over public tickets. New, important taxes continue flat asian, strong leaders. Administrative, n | Music | pop | 3.25 | 2295.54 | 0.160968 | | AAAAAAAAKCMCAAAA | Strange facts used to show much only, possible | Music | pop | 2.51 | 7263.67 | 0.509344 | | AAAAAAAAKFEEAAAA | Detailed problems clear likely difficulties. Central projects should play quiet, certain | Music | pop | 57.28 | 1996.26 | 0.139982 | | AAAAAAAAKFFDAAAA | Eventual divisions measure small, uncertain researchers. Obvious operations recognise slowly thin places. Closely obvious magistrates w | Music | pop | 6.60 | 3118.29 | 0.218661 | | AAAAAAAAKGDEAAAA | Possible days must play today of course easy figures. Bitter options listen necessarily disabled, foreign places. Orders shall rush to a images. Weak, top accidents make in the boats; rarel | Music | pop | 4.09 | 929.07 | 0.065148 | | AAAAAAAAKGHCAAAA | Even big conditions enforce there nev | Music | pop | 7.31 | 5477.12 | 0.384067 | | AAAAAAAAKGNCAAAA | Great partners can use years. Wrong islands must not send | Music | pop | 4.42 | 8868.77 | 0.621897 | | AAAAAAAAKICCAAAA | Heavy sources wear full, average countries. Just invisible workers secure by the nations. Awful daughters go also clear crowds. Acts curl however important lips. Chapters speak though in a rule | Music | pop | 2.80 | 7376.07 | 0.517226 | | AAAAAAAAKJCCAAAA | Firms shall not achieve in a rules. Never strong copies represent small clothes. Studies | Music | pop | 0.71 | 586.53 | 0.041129 | | AAAAAAAAKJFEAAAA | Facts should not win internal, cool hours. Spare wheels should not choose very other facts. Effective, local teachers keep small lines. Difficult, presiden | Music | pop | 1.22 | 4999.62 | 0.350584 | | AAAAAAAAKJHCAAAA | Female writers speak. Then fo | Music | pop | 9.43 | 5329.43 | 0.373711 | | AAAAAAAAKJNCAAAA | Good, guilty teams ask quite with a aspects. Crucial, co | Music | pop | 2.07 | 422.51 | 0.029627 | | AAAAAAAAKKIBAAAA | Black visitors hurt so increasingly greek publishers; trustees put. Perfect circles will cost about poor travellers. Above critical shar | Music | pop | 7.05 | 2.25 | 0.000158 | | AAAAAAAAKKLBAAAA | Good, wonderful lawyers stay other, awful concepts. Very acceptable states shall not say above by a trees; level foods could take at the purposes; hard ways will appear conventional rooms. Too | Music | pop | 8.83 | 2449.56 | 0.171768 | | AAAAAAAAKMBCAAAA | Else available flowers mean; about important contracts get nowadays high, able officials. Differences would get now entirely indivi | Music | pop | 81.73 | 3048.84 | 0.213791 | | AAAAAAAAKMPAAAAA | Central, magnetic sanctions may try both other voices. A little concrete shar | Music | pop | 2.96 | 13315.70 | 0.933726 | | AAAAAAAAKNEBAAAA | Dynamic rates should ban therefore willing, unable rights. Scientists used to elucidate short small, french trains. Statements could not surprise ever with a rooms; later goo | Music | pop | 4.32 | 227.61 | 0.015961 | | AAAAAAAAKNMCAAAA | Royal blues sort more systems; much public rules must not build over | Music | pop | 4.13 | 2281.10 | 0.159956 | | AAAAAAAAKOAEAAAA | Small, dead particles set recently other boxes. Bright, personal locations house novel jobs. Twice residential judges underpin directions. Others want. Other songs star too p | Music | pop | 8.35 | 1031.00 | 0.072296 | | AAAAAAAAKPDEAAAA | Simple parties guard capital museums. Abilities distort preliminary minutes. Extended markets must not obtain too various strategies. Arguments might not help by the families. | Music | pop | 4.19 | 8224.33 | 0.576708 | | AAAAAAAAKPGDAAAA | Smooth, specified times must believe men. Dead, bad companies shall not like simply used, overall meetings. Extraordinary, she | Music | pop | 0.34 | 4892.44 | 0.343068 | | AAAAAAAALABEAAAA | Sudden patients could come royal needs; directly specific contracts fight terrible, raw amounts; simple, | Music | pop | 3.21 | 3494.48 | 0.245040 | | AAAAAAAALCECAAAA | Effectively entire workers achieve earnings. Requirements ought to associate even colours. Broad, conservative hours cannot choose. Invol | Music | pop | 2.62 | 5232.22 | 0.366895 | | AAAAAAAALDMCAAAA | Other yards should not impede less detailed metres. There tired | Music | pop | 57.15 | 3560.13 | 0.249644 | | AAAAAAAALEMBAAAA | Parents could not bring n | Music | pop | 19.86 | 449.93 | 0.031550 | | AAAAAAAALENDAAAA | New ways would consult later public, foreign words. Useful, main teeth notice. Following, important stages should not help so from th | Music | pop | 2.83 | 171.76 | 0.012044 | | AAAAAAAALJACAAAA | More co | Music | pop | 0.39 | 2130.87 | 0.149421 | | AAAAAAAALJGCAAAA | Different, significant organisations might diminish there. Public gifts remember thus troops. Inte | Music | pop | 2.00 | 4398.72 | 0.308448 | | AAAAAAAALLGDAAAA | Responsible effects should maximise also good names. Impossible, old symbols can explain. Small holidays used to raise. As mal | Music | pop | 6.47 | 14797.98 | 1.037666 | | AAAAAAAALMMCAAAA | Only wishes should | Music | pop | 3.63 | 9201.60 | 0.645236 | | AAAAAAAALNOCAAAA | Occasions accept in a changes. Problems could tell. Inner friends arrange interviews. New feet ride all right white surfaces; doors seem in order; extensive, familiar years might find today | Music | pop | 3.88 | 6361.92 | 0.446112 | | AAAAAAAALOFEAAAA | Clear circumstances know then further white companies. Typical budgets take both required children. Appeals must not make civil, financial representatives. Emotional areas shall wear only. Ef | Music | pop | 4.31 | 11849.80 | 0.830933 | | AAAAAAAALOJAAAAA | Young waters used to like straight substantial, rare writers. Legs make | Music | pop | 3.92 | 23.76 | 0.001666 | | AAAAAAAAMACAAAAA | Events may accept | Music | pop | 5.42 | 8352.38 | 0.585687 | | AAAAAAAAMAHBAAAA | Warm workers should supply now unlike years. Tot | Music | pop | 78.55 | 555.18 | 0.038930 | | AAAAAAAAMBJAAAAA | Active lights s | Music | pop | 6.73 | 7444.71 | 0.522039 | | AAAAAAAAMCHBAAAA | Nuclear, limited police could not find most below fundamental months; bombs could indicate tall, ready hours; human, global rights re | Music | pop | 1.51 | 2420.06 | 0.169700 | | AAAAAAAAMCMAAAAA | Attempts feel; extre | Music | pop | 3.41 | 17763.56 | 1.245619 | | AAAAAAAAMDLDAAAA | Here new animals shall see at least hot international banks. Ready drawings mind with a pp.. Far relative profits think still previous persons. Equal feet help always also comfortab | Music | pop | 0.93 | 4357.03 | 0.305524 | | AAAAAAAAMFCBAAAA | Rich models believe to the concepts. In particular contemporary prisoners come on the questions; about willing sources used to afford below once additional males | Music | pop | 2.45 | 15317.23 | 1.074077 | | AAAAAAAAMFCDAAAA | In | Music | pop | 6.91 | 616.88 | 0.043257 | | AAAAAAAAMFIDAAAA | Correct eyes use often well shared papers. Excellent, living hundreds disagree s | Music | pop | 1.84 | 1606.96 | 0.112683 | | AAAAAAAAMFJCAAAA | Good, economic estates make right other, primitive eyes. Moments might save terrible, | Music | pop | 2.86 | 4367.91 | 0.306287 | | AAAAAAAAMFMCAAAA | Friends suffice also comple | Music | pop | 55.92 | 5530.24 | 0.387792 | | AAAAAAAAMHBAAAAA | Women begin. Workers ought to transform | Music | pop | 2.36 | 5089.32 | 0.356874 | | AAAAAAAAMHKDAAAA | Desperate communications select indeed on a children. Reactions might debate. Scottish years learn so in a accidents. Major, broad shoulders say however late, | Music | pop | 69.60 | 1869.88 | 0.131120 | | AAAAAAAAMIKBAAAA | T | Music | pop | 7.10 | 1000.71 | 0.070172 | | AAAAAAAAMJCAAAAA | Needs would go u | Music | pop | 1.40 | 12586.48 | 0.882591 | | AAAAAAAAMJEEAAAA | Often in | Music | pop | 8.79 | 1671.70 | 0.117223 | | AAAAAAAAMJKDAAAA | British shares respond foreign, economic things. Great, normal teachers restructure almost | Music | pop | 5.40 | 6058.67 | 0.424847 | | AAAAAAAAMKNAAAAA | Current sheets impose through a times. Political, great councils sound sensitive, civil probl | Music | pop | 0.22 | 1460.28 | 0.102398 | | AAAAAAAAMLMDAAAA | Harder national directors smoke right heroes. Extra new sides may like thi | Music | pop | 1.43 | 2444.40 | 0.171407 | | AAAAAAAAMMACAAAA | Alone different glasses could stop so numerous steps. Logical, social stages shall not afford letters. | Music | pop | 1.39 | 154.56 | 0.010838 | | AAAAAAAAMMEAAAAA | Aware players operate new, tough times. | Music | pop | 9.57 | 7183.36 | 0.503713 | | AAAAAAAAMMODAAAA | Various, inner objects become. New feelings devote very. Contents would take there parents. International police | Music | pop | 5.54 | 1693.79 | 0.118772 | | AAAAAAAANCHDAAAA | Neither alternativ | Music | pop | 5.13 | 5776.36 | 0.405051 | | AAAAAAAANFHAAAAA | Reluctant terms meet fingers. High long authors must offer local, new items. Political ways must help | Music | pop | 1.05 | 9144.30 | 0.641218 | | AAAAAAAANGFBAAAA | Small, surprising girls speak with a thousands. Important agreements approach statistical figures | Music | pop | 1.92 | 2610.00 | 0.183019 | | AAAAAAAANIEDAAAA | Top studies rely still. Splendid, unacceptable stars | Music | pop | 3.32 | 448.39 | 0.031442 | | AAAAAAAANJJDAAAA | Roman futures define disproportionately aware issues. Fundamental documents will discover cultural ships. Strong prisoners tell therefore magic aspects. National, specific sites | Music | pop | 1.79 | 12554.00 | 0.880313 | | AAAAAAAANMHCAAAA | Both inner employees would think also now financial houses. High, good programmes make most personal doctors. Hands see originally single structures. Flexible times refer. Years arrive big, bi | Music | pop | 1.28 | 13202.00 | 0.925753 | | AAAAAAAANNFAAAAA | Old males bring directly keen settlements. Late plants may defend apart social, necessary chips. Beds make soon carefully small measures; clear cases must not say more pos | Music | pop | 7.40 | 18535.04 | 1.299717 | | AAAAAAAAOAFEAAAA | Conditions used to take mentally. Local, good chapters must work total, white attitudes. Great, necessary steps used to fail financial, useful | Music | pop | 6.64 | 6776.51 | 0.475183 | | AAAAAAAAOBDCAAAA | Still given studies reach strong systems. Base countries study modern, independent eyebrows. Alt | Music | pop | 3.11 | 23.10 | 0.001620 | | AAAAAAAAOBGBAAAA | Additional, related fruits want previous, protective details. Sexu | Music | pop | 4.50 | 15896.59 | 1.114703 | | AAAAAAAAODFBAAAA | Available savings can find. Western, old fa | Music | pop | 3.14 | 11098.37 | 0.778242 | | AAAAAAAAODMAAAAA | Years used to affect so upper families; se | Music | pop | 3.00 | 10852.58 | 0.761006 | | AAAAAAAAOFAAAAAA | Institutions ought to provide good agents; large, comfortable | Music | pop | 2.55 | NULL | NULL | | AAAAAAAAOFADAAAA | Free, likely men mind artificial, good seats. | Music | pop | 2.07 | 7692.53 | 0.539417 | | AAAAAAAAOFCCAAAA | Responsible, western effects say far. Supplies show in a bodies. Orig | Music | pop | 0.59 | 1147.02 | 0.080432 | | AAAAAAAAOHHDAAAA | Together sheer samples shall rush so. Hours recognize low real inches. Important, visible chapters belong. Wrong, local arms ought to give actually all | Music | pop | 3.11 | 14891.07 | 1.044194 | | AAAAAAAAOJCAAAAA | Earnings get far new races. Roughly thick cases should not meet over years. Attractive, social actions may not help systems. Nice markets know at a expectations; points becom | Music | pop | 9.53 | 384.56 | 0.026966 | | AAAAAAAAOJIDAAAA | Expert casualties shall go by now for the thoughts; clients used to benefit entirely | Music | pop | 1.70 | 4216.52 | 0.295671 | | AAAAAAAAOJJAAAAA | Suitable, major villages look. Different, political payments vote new, good clergy. Rep | Music | pop | 2.71 | 2866.72 | 0.201021 | | AAAAAAAAOJOAAAAA | Upstairs legal institutions ought to back doctors. Always dark eyes can die resid | Music | pop | 18.74 | 7.82 | 0.000548 | | AAAAAAAAOJODAAAA | Appropriate, live acts will not administer earlier ready criticisms. Old taxes ought to go resulting, empty institutions; perhaps simpl | Music | pop | 1.74 | 909.81 | 0.063798 | | AAAAAAAAOKDEAAAA | Societies go great spaces; significant, practical teachers o | Music | pop | 4.52 | 3615.88 | 0.253553 | | AAAAAAAAOKIAAAAA | Just natural directors would limit. Necessarily ready parts spend more important refugees. Folk would not use events. Unacceptable dreams believe i | Music | pop | 70.08 | 13366.64 | 0.937298 | | AAAAAAAAOKKBAAAA | Weeks may not seem at least standard policemen. Together genetic be | Music | pop | 3.66 | 3318.28 | 0.232685 | | AAAAAAAAOLHAAAAA | Serious schools consider then no longer other talks; shares would bring never gold tasks; goo | Music | pop | 0.40 | 8017.34 | 0.562193 | | AAAAAAAAOMGCAAAA | Guilty drinks must not understand almost into a advantages. Prices call often rather social benefits; men load more women. There european videos will get. Proper, complete authori | Music | pop | 2.21 | 8567.93 | 0.600802 | | AAAAAAAAOMLBAAAA | Decisions get later overall, local women. Later direct results could seek finally large camps; other, main parts see lonely, central tho | Music | pop | 0.71 | 3422.68 | 0.240006 | | AAAAAAAAONHAAAAA | Drivers distort industrial, secondary nations. | Music | pop | 8.67 | 6645.27 | 0.465981 | | AAAAAAAAOOABAAAA | Almost possible attempts ought to check very difficult ways. Legs used to arrange almost outsid | Music | pop | 88.12 | 574.38 | 0.040277 | | AAAAAAAAOOCBAAAA | Young, academic variables advertise so; also able skills would not know more clear requests. Inter alia furious experiences may no | Music | pop | 2.93 | 6674.16 | 0.468006 | | AAAAAAAAOOIBAAAA | Final, final children know on a securities. Succe | Music | pop | 0.48 | 12339.76 | 0.865291 | | AAAAAAAAPCFDAAAA | Scientifi | Music | pop | 9.92 | 2300.88 | 0.161343 | | AAAAAAAAPDKDAAAA | Senior legs would understand groups. Positions mean inc requirements. Distinct, full persons expect altogether great, improved requirements. Businesses hope | Music | pop | 7.77 | 2491.21 | 0.174689 | | AAAAAAAAPFIAAAAA | As substantial texts rush occasionally once sufficient thousands. Then right prices agree over. Almost important losses need almost sisters. Men | Music | pop | 6.39 | 4054.60 | 0.284317 | | AAAAAAAAPGJBAAAA | For example silver voters escape here delightful, other injuries. Light countries would fear by now young, new men. Underlying ch | Music | pop | 3.55 | 7077.39 | 0.496282 | | AAAAAAAAPJKDAAAA | Difficulties might move. | Music | pop | 35.78 | 3937.38 | 0.276098 | | AAAAAAAAPJPBAAAA | New, small men ask afterwards. Local, small things leave less good orders. Agricultural positions get functions. Other papers keep however indep | Music | pop | 0.75 | 247.88 | 0.017382 | | AAAAAAAAPKAAAAAA | Articles | Music | pop | 1.26 | 3900.10 | 0.273483 | | AAAAAAAAPKBCAAAA | Away full counties seek at the goals. Apparently daily police maintain just. Gold, financial companies should improve rights; public, critical states should not lead as there tradi | Music | pop | 9.74 | 9447.07 | 0.662449 | | AAAAAAAAPLDCAAAA | Most economic elections bring to the questions. Important years c | Music | pop | 1.65 | 5110.89 | 0.358387 | | AAAAAAAAPMHDAAAA | So commercial comparisons might not show together able whole methods. Heavy concepts shall not remain only difficult provisions | Music | pop | 3.20 | 22680.17 | 1.590382 | | AAAAAAAAPNADAAAA | Areas might not make used, other years. Social, sensible problems may resign new arms. Black reaso | Music | pop | 2.95 | 1710.57 | 0.119949 | | AAAAAAAAPOGCAAAA | Usually massive passengers ought to treat light, charming accounts. Requirements adopt never; comparative questions fulfil public, old schools. Occasions wai | Music | pop | 1.55 | 6345.73 | 0.444976 | | AAAAAAAAADPCAAAA | Now old police come usually strong genes. Equally residential elections see from a articles. Members observe i | Music | rock | 4.24 | 9058.03 | 0.790924 | | AAAAAAAAAFFAAAAA | Local numbers may reap that in a shows. Useful, democratic methods effect under; resources catch. Wearily other roads ought to benef | Music | rock | 4.59 | 6296.29 | 0.549776 | | AAAAAAAAAGDEAAAA | Governments implement really important windows. Modern, important ideas impose again hours; | Music | rock | 2.55 | 4748.40 | 0.414618 | | AAAAAAAAAGJCAAAA | Unknown, new children may move gold, in | Music | rock | 69.40 | 6193.72 | 0.540820 | | AAAAAAAAAJCCAAAA | So surprising co | Music | rock | 5.66 | 16384.90 | 1.430688 | | AAAAAAAAAJODAAAA | Alternatives ought to look | Music | rock | 5.60 | 11876.47 | 1.037023 | | AAAAAAAAAKKAAAAA | Pounds will leave even so occasional results. Simple, overseas parties could hear new applications. Children treat. Essential positions form nearly details. Hard available details make under succ | Music | rock | 60.98 | 1527.94 | 0.133416 | | AAAAAAAAAKKDAAAA | All right deliberate difficulties wait still between a seats; final, actual jobs may mee | Music | rock | 8.41 | 4889.50 | 0.426939 | | AAAAAAAAAKOCAAAA | Households exist great during a leaders. Lucky, sorry profits adopt whole, international eggs; electrical woods occupy again young friends. Papers will not teach too difficult duties. Terrible, | Music | rock | 0.51 | 5956.17 | 0.520078 | | AAAAAAAAALCEAAAA | Conditions ought to need specially with a eyes. Large, african pounds appreciate chinese, only items; old, special uses examine | Music | rock | 1.08 | 3930.84 | 0.343231 | | AAAAAAAAAMEAAAAA | Very, true women eat. Left institutions may agree towards the kids; national, other terms open there then different prices; others settle however. Apparently normal | Music | rock | 9.42 | 4966.59 | 0.433670 | | AAAAAAAAAOEEAAAA | Advantag | Music | rock | 1.59 | 9080.58 | 0.792893 | | AAAAAAAAAPEEAAAA | Financial bodies shall shape wholly only additional organisations. Perhaps slight relations | Music | rock | 9.49 | 10637.04 | 0.928800 | | AAAAAAAABBPCAAAA | As national firms ought to make shortly virtually true attempts; now unlike views mu | Music | rock | 3.32 | 2429.91 | 0.212174 | | AAAAAAAABECAAAAA | Southern countries believe. Mentally different members view originally environmental eyes. Opinions express almost comfortable months. Local, underlying needs ima | Music | rock | 2.02 | 5999.30 | 0.523844 | | AAAAAAAABEEBAAAA | Real, essential things administer so joint, standard things; most main pupils act also in a grant | Music | rock | 2.31 | 7391.17 | 0.645378 | | AAAAAAAABGBCAAAA | Recent, detailed resources derive obvious, white families. Often full hours used | Music | rock | 4.77 | 4870.34 | 0.425266 | | AAAAAAAABGECAAAA | Dominant, small col | Music | rock | 4.54 | 11489.60 | 1.003243 | | AAAAAAAABIEDAAAA | Free periods discourage then old measures. Activities stick brown, small eyes. Professional, significant interests ought to exist short, evident materials. Real, essential years | Music | rock | 5.98 | 2109.85 | 0.184227 | | AAAAAAAABKFAAAAA | Computers ought to get apart f | Music | rock | 1.01 | 711.50 | 0.062126 | | AAAAAAAABLAEAAAA | Disciplinary signs could prepare particular, other councils. Live criteria ought to stand extra, basic bones. Local leaders tell now tasks. Most old recordings use ago in the governors; par | Music | rock | 8.96 | 9725.74 | 0.849227 | | AAAAAAAABLHDAAAA | Long, political terms change there; ugly forms stop apparently. Successful, public things will lose then. Serious banks mov | Music | rock | 5.88 | 2321.92 | 0.202744 | | AAAAAAAABMMDAAAA | Serious, substantial parties might look merely. Nearly large fingers used to get suitable, international answers. For example strange systems make just suitable q | Music | rock | 0.26 | 9416.98 | 0.822267 | | AAAAAAAACAPCAAAA | Relationships take entirely i | Music | rock | 5.95 | 2875.11 | 0.251047 | | AAAAAAAACCDDAAAA | Deaths make later | Music | rock | 3.16 | 912.49 | 0.079676 | | AAAAAAAACCJBAAAA | Ancient origins could apply houses; proper needs settle so mostly obvious hands. Completely persona | Music | rock | 4.82 | 11516.57 | 1.005598 | | AAAAAAAACCPDAAAA | Capital, central studies could know moreover upon a men. Parts create relatively. Basic terms might count bizarre, thick units. Just sad techniques make long, | Music | rock | 0.11 | 9251.08 | 0.807781 | | AAAAAAAACEFCAAAA | Indeed alone police wo | Music | rock | 5.13 | 6443.66 | 0.562644 | | AAAAAAAACENBAAAA | Months ought to challenge softly hours. Different firms give in a volumes. Features may explain very increased doctors. Only se | Music | rock | 4.44 | 2757.24 | 0.240755 | | AAAAAAAACFJBAAAA | Developments ought to preserve out of a branches. Progressive, popular amounts must not fulfil hence sensit | Music | rock | 2.46 | 5585.24 | 0.487689 | | AAAAAAAACHCAAAAA | Total, certain demands want in a men. Customs zer | Music | rock | 3.78 | 5889.64 | 0.514269 | | AAAAAAAACJAAAAAA | Day | Music | rock | 9.67 | 6173.50 | 0.539054 | | AAAAAAAACJODAAAA | More only homes can exceed only expensive, white aspects; afraid, old programmes get originally films. Problems must not get so. Supreme winners buy. Diverse | Music | rock | 2.59 | 3844.54 | 0.335696 | | AAAAAAAACKBBAAAA | Chemical dogs could not identify. Absolute | Music | rock | 2.40 | 16343.99 | 1.427116 | | AAAAAAAACLFEAAAA | Over late woods apply a | Music | rock | 3.57 | 1268.96 | 0.110802 | | AAAAAAAACLHDAAAA | Industria | Music | rock | 6.09 | 2468.48 | 0.215541 | | AAAAAAAACMIBAAAA | Professionals may introduce properly; powerful sons would wait how | Music | rock | 1.72 | 2024.00 | 0.176731 | | AAAAAAAACMLDAAAA | Purposes appear well eyes. Of course possible ways used | Music | rock | 5.29 | 1699.50 | 0.148396 | | AAAAAAAACOKCAAAA | Political, alive fragments recognize then friendly ladies. Domestic, top proposals monitor never | Music | rock | 4.08 | 18533.23 | 1.618275 | | AAAAAAAACPKBAAAA | Years say from a deaths. Polite jeans see standards. Parties check elderly mice. Long young values would disguise before | Music | rock | 4.64 | 1153.14 | 0.100689 | | AAAAAAAACPLBAAAA | Most other events take adequate conditions. Never unable books like then essential words. Centuries cannot place years. Political, aware numbers may change also states. Nuclear, possible vo | Music | rock | 0.10 | 5418.55 | 0.473134 | | AAAAAAAADADEAAAA | Obviously international officers may view moreover individual copies. Invisible, distant forces may not throw from time to time civil days. Endless months minimis | Music | rock | 4.47 | 298.82 | 0.026092 | | AAAAAAAADCFDAAAA | Long mean ri | Music | rock | 8.15 | 2576.16 | 0.224944 | | AAAAAAAADEJDAAAA | Unexpected days could change ideally. Years learn widespread, integrated variables. Richly general kinds should assure please silver new taxes. Bad universities attract no | Music | rock | 1.05 | 9394.55 | 0.820308 | | AAAAAAAADFACAAAA | Able, full elections see then for instance real categories. Constitutional trades would go around merchants. Once appointed individuals shall take | Music | rock | 2.12 | 6900.97 | 0.602575 | | AAAAAAAADGBAAAAA | Alive sources should drive upstairs interests. Elections shall meet severe, controversial lines. Central, full provisions determine as large officials; neatly select sources come; pregnant, wooden | Music | rock | 8.62 | 4252.52 | 0.371319 | | AAAAAAAADIIDAAAA | Elements read separately only other servants. Real relationships might want then well great risks. Usual players used to print members. Strange crimes may refuse. Origins used to prepare as white c | Music | rock | 2.76 | 15405.65 | 1.345183 | | AAAAAAAADIODAAAA | Aware, emotional lips judge only much criminal findings. More than distinctive things must distinguish lines. Primarily established observations lead for the walls; personal, clean parents will not | Music | rock | 4.88 | 3451.00 | 0.301333 | | AAAAAAAADJCCAAAA | Financial windows come | Music | rock | 0.24 | 1435.72 | 0.125363 | | AAAAAAAADLBEAAAA | Traditional cars shall not think often states. Necessary issues apply increased contracts. About royal lines cannot take to the papers. Nevertheless crucial | Music | rock | 54.92 | 6442.08 | 0.562506 | | AAAAAAAADNGAAAAA | Large reasons would not happen again generous terms; carers take | Music | rock | 7.82 | 9906.20 | 0.864984 | | AAAAAAAADNMAAAAA | Groups will not tell sales. Again harsh mice | Music | rock | 2.25 | 2905.05 | 0.253662 | | AAAAAAAADOIAAAAA | Particular parents run. Thus slow studies must think so much as in a women. Other courses would not mind by the images. Past, high families shall pray best still | Music | rock | 9.38 | 3497.44 | 0.305388 | | AAAAAAAADPFCAAAA | Special, american camps keep consequently late local walls. New, twin talks get once more mental books. Bad mal | Music | rock | 1.90 | 6976.33 | 0.609156 | | AAAAAAAAEAHCAAAA | Judges ought to mean so indian findings; flowers love totally royal poets. Obvious | Music | rock | 1.89 | 3569.34 | 0.311666 | | AAAAAAAAEBPAAAAA | Strange, big bodies beat behind high rates. Marginal, blank homes cannot begin int | Music | rock | 0.28 | 5873.93 | 0.512897 | | AAAAAAAAECGCAAAA | Spatial, chief boats discuss deeper theoretical, similar groups. Members might take of | Music | rock | 1.14 | 11996.30 | 1.047487 | | AAAAAAAAEDGAAAAA | Only expected governments used to describe; institutions can make bad, industrial years. Decidedly basic enemies must not send shortly maybe like reports; clearly free systems used to order ital | Music | rock | 0.90 | 3832.03 | 0.334603 | | AAAAAAAAEEECAAAA | Now level families record today organisational questions. Friendly investors meet even young females. Groups appear only boundaries. Afterwards minimal banks may see alone. Gladly yellow purposes wi | Music | rock | 1.08 | 7435.69 | 0.649266 | | AAAAAAAAEEPAAAAA | Easy, new days lock highly historians; families can go military powers. Perhaps alone places used to try orthodox enemies. Political, silent | Music | rock | 8.21 | 20487.41 | 1.788909 | | AAAAAAAAEFKBAAAA | New knees apply. Other activities wait only. Students will not meet especi | Music | rock | 2.81 | 4952.03 | 0.432399 | | AAAAAAAAEINBAAAA | Chemical, other times dismiss for the events. Middle, attractive opportunities lead virtually away american years. Full services involve left reasons. Now white times could not seem despite a meeting | Music | rock | 7.97 | 867.25 | 0.075726 | | AAAAAAAAEJLBAAAA | Then open operators should help inside the tr | Music | rock | 3.58 | 8958.57 | 0.782240 | | AAAAAAAAEKEBAAAA | Now major trac | Music | rock | 1.48 | 5480.93 | 0.478581 | | AAAAAAAAEKNCAAAA | Great doct | Music | rock | 4.32 | 813.48 | 0.071031 | | AAAAAAAAELMCAAAA | Free, military clouds work so for a situations. As naked days must play just good, central services. Then active ages could consider more narrow, big sh | Music | rock | 1.98 | 1614.03 | 0.140933 | | AAAAAAAAENDAAAAA | Police can decline politically lately late costs. Profitable, poor ac | Music | rock | 1.00 | 537.81 | 0.046960 | | AAAAAAAAENOAAAAA | Parliamentary, primary contents can work slig | Music | rock | 1.52 | 14816.20 | 1.293713 | | AAAAAAAAEPDAAAAA | High, separate soldiers must not refer strong, new terms; b | Music | rock | 1.47 | 6566.96 | 0.573410 | | AAAAAAAAFFNCAAAA | Detailed, valid projects t | Music | rock | 9.38 | 6921.10 | 0.604333 | | AAAAAAAAFHABAAAA | Presently contemporary facts could not get. Only shows get only unpleasant years; also rational negotiations marry w | Music | rock | 3.60 | 5870.47 | 0.512595 | | AAAAAAAAFIFBAAAA | Therefore remarkable results want later unlikely, great form | Music | rock | 7.39 | 12302.18 | 1.074195 | | AAAAAAAAFLGDAAAA | Light practitioners succeed as in a parents. Seasons break between a arrangements. Single, sole families can take delicious, voluntar | Music | rock | 5.44 | 16395.96 | 1.431654 | | AAAAAAAAFMNBAAAA | So informal words ought to sanction full, inc problems. Different figures should prove new, other years. Forms ought to announce as total characteristics. Particular men must not provide ve | Music | rock | 76.62 | 3359.84 | 0.293373 | | AAAAAAAAFPLAAAAA | General matters can imply then in terms of a operations. Eas | Music | rock | 3.00 | 5938.47 | 0.518532 | | AAAAAAAAGBBDAAAA | Live, important witnesses take. Str | Music | rock | 1.28 | 9444.20 | 0.824644 | | AAAAAAAAGFOAAAAA | Brief, old officials remove gradually; social, ashamed | Music | rock | 8.39 | 6817.40 | 0.595278 | | AAAAAAAAGFODAAAA | Awful homes ma | Music | rock | 9.64 | 6705.20 | 0.585481 | | AAAAAAAAGGEAAAAA | Again ideal supporters determine never suspicious, british days. Industrial techniques stir states. Precisely net p | Music | rock | 8.95 | 473.74 | 0.041366 | | AAAAAAAAGINCAAAA | Scottish, natural processes would not argue general p | Music | rock | 7.97 | 3748.20 | 0.327283 | | AAAAAAAAGJHAAAAA | Practical, related ideas cannot unravel ruling days. Late variations should keep so so complex scots; probable, pe | Music | rock | 4.32 | 18999.35 | 1.658975 | | AAAAAAAAGNPDAAAA | Scottish students might stop then general statements. Sad aspects experience more rights; satisfactory categories measure to a hon | Music | rock | 2.97 | 357.50 | 0.031216 | | AAAAAAAAGPGCAAAA | Numerous chil | Music | rock | 4.47 | 6737.22 | 0.588277 | | AAAAAAAAGPIDAAAA | Sexual, foreign attitudes follow previously other, so-called friends. Certain managers match reductions. States used to stop laws. Still similar magi | Music | rock | 4.97 | 3492.65 | 0.304969 | | AAAAAAAAHDFEAAAA | More charming ideas avoid all central keys. Only countries try at least guests; eggs must not signal bones. Electric russians revive here for a offices. Numerous, real weeks obta | Music | rock | 5.73 | 15212.34 | 1.328303 | | AAAAAAAAHIGBAAAA | Elections establish again quick years. Right groups might accompany urg | Music | rock | 7.62 | 2784.44 | 0.243130 | | AAAAAAAAHKMCAAAA | Unexpected examples see both s | Music | rock | 5.30 | 1374.10 | 0.119983 | | AAAAAAAAHMKCAAAA | Closely new stories d | Music | rock | 86.12 | 14649.30 | 1.279140 | | AAAAAAAAHNFAAAAA | Important, small areas will play often. Courses | Music | rock | 7.85 | 4228.85 | 0.369253 | | AAAAAAAAHPKCAAAA | Civil, present paintings formulate once hard healthy issues. Shortly old men improve enough cars. Equa | Music | rock | 2.54 | 5167.20 | 0.451187 | | AAAAAAAAIABBAAAA | Pregnant, secondary years choose about above courses. Angry cells should not vary ever. American, normal details would aim swiss corners. Traditionally classical balls might not face never only | Music | rock | 1.08 | 4609.48 | 0.402488 | | AAAAAAAAIBACAAAA | Reasonable, trying minds used to find wi | Music | rock | 2.37 | 587.04 | 0.051259 | | AAAAAAAAIBBEAAAA | Basic observers invite by a nations. | Music | rock | 9.20 | 1984.62 | 0.173292 | | AAAAAAAAIBLAAAAA | Hour | Music | rock | 4.81 | 2375.03 | 0.207382 | | AAAAAAAAICABAAAA | International, increased journalists transfer probably outside a resources. Together strong procedur | Music | rock | 5.96 | 3333.56 | 0.291078 | | AAAAAAAAICGBAAAA | Long, heavy police live; civil drawings face suddenly increased, new clothes. Problems run british, cultural sanctions. General, great cases shall see lessons; otherwise middle causes use | Music | rock | 6.26 | 11007.98 | 0.961189 | | AAAAAAAAICJBAAAA | Parents understand certainly villages. Women will call gradually like english churches. Local, real regulations may not like. Deep, unique years will see individual centuries. Parents shall hea | Music | rock | 8.35 | 4775.09 | 0.416949 | | AAAAAAAAIEDCAAAA | Recent organisa | Music | rock | 4.24 | 1038.32 | 0.090663 | | AAAAAAAAIFBAAAAA | Political, commercial expectations could say services. Royal, successful lists must not give areas. Feelings labour to a plans. Unique | Music | rock | 8.32 | 4032.78 | 0.352132 | | AAAAAAAAIGEBAAAA | Earlier hard authors worsen away successful readers. Technical, old ideas increase then. Glad, real colleagues should train eligibl | Music | rock | 56.31 | 3197.31 | 0.279181 | | AAAAAAAAIGFEAAAA | Grounds discuss on a regulations. Somewhere great years might provide identical | Music | rock | 6.48 | 7615.50 | 0.664966 | | AAAAAAAAIGOAAAAA | Technical centuries shall exercise less secret ra | Music | rock | 6.05 | 6732.99 | 0.587908 | | AAAAAAAAIIBAAAAA | Figures cannot make mere | Music | rock | 1.64 | 3439.17 | 0.300300 | | AAAAAAAAIIBCAAAA | Conditions broaden as shows; welsh years should not arrive | Music | rock | 88.80 | 2542.76 | 0.222027 | | AAAAAAAAIKFDAAAA | Enough digital women may produce straight o | Music | rock | 4.59 | 2802.07 | 0.244670 | | AAAAAAAAILEDAAAA | Rich layers can talk only by a places. Centres used to greet well. Red, established birds may | Music | rock | 7.06 | 467.46 | 0.040817 | | AAAAAAAAIMEEAAAA | Indian times must pretend. Surprising, electrical attempts | Music | rock | 5.52 | 2430.77 | 0.212249 | | AAAAAAAAIMFEAAAA | Feeli | Music | rock | 3.27 | 5146.48 | 0.449378 | | AAAAAAAAIMHCAAAA | Finally faint schools cannot reflect about from the lines. Particularly overseas tests encoura | Music | rock | 1.70 | 11696.48 | 1.021307 | | AAAAAAAAJCEEAAAA | Careful, mature forces could not accept as by a rates. Complete, liberal doors use. Yesterday actual personnel settle with a features; less | Music | rock | 4.54 | 7689.85 | 0.671458 | | AAAAAAAAJDBDAAAA | Very single matches look really primary, known machin | Music | rock | 3.62 | 5210.80 | 0.454994 | | AAAAAAAAJGDEAAAA | Other, big workers shall not tell all from a councillors. Primar | Music | rock | 1.73 | 5884.19 | 0.513793 | | AAAAAAAAJHCBAAAA | Yet left techniques phone very about other years. Costly, social examples estimate otherwise only western institutions. C | Music | rock | 0.62 | 1107.53 | 0.096707 | | AAAAAAAAJJBDAAAA | Birds stay foreign, chronic parts. So young cases shall not conclude buildings. About important months may not look; degrees catch just; other societies may not ge | Music | rock | 4.67 | 308.49 | 0.026937 | | AAAAAAAAJJOCAAAA | Fiercely internal fingers arrange away widespread right | Music | rock | 4.98 | 9676.90 | 0.844963 | | AAAAAAAAJLEEAAAA | Wrong, high terms make relatively holidays. Major, relevant theories consider difficult, new markets. Sure, real subjec | Music | rock | 3.29 | 102.24 | 0.008927 | | AAAAAAAAJMPBAAAA | Mature, total employers result on a evenings. Years must play; components seem yet good, available powers | Music | rock | 4.46 | 7858.98 | 0.686226 | | AAAAAAAAJNHCAAAA | E | Music | rock | 1.04 | 5891.39 | 0.514421 | | AAAAAAAAJNKCAAAA | Perfectly complete | Music | rock | 8.04 | 958.17 | 0.083665 | | AAAAAAAAKAECAAAA | Important, unique shows used to allow once; lines | Music | rock | 7.82 | 8901.14 | 0.777225 | | AAAAAAAAKBFDAAAA | Different genes used to reveal above around sorry benefits; appropriate, brief leaders bring about significant problems. Really heavy eyes te | Music | rock | 4.58 | 2244.81 | 0.196011 | | AAAAAAAAKCGEAAAA | Full rules may persuade pregnant cars. Earnings publish worried symptoms. Ready | Music | rock | 87.47 | 4978.19 | 0.434683 | | AAAAAAAAKDICAAAA | Extremely responsible individuals sh | Music | rock | 9.32 | 5038.74 | 0.439970 | | AAAAAAAAKEBBAAAA | Internal, pleasant statements might plan again better other d | Music | rock | 0.10 | 3265.20 | 0.285109 | | AAAAAAAAKEGAAAAA | Great buses shall | Music | rock | 1.78 | 17852.00 | 1.558792 | | AAAAAAAAKENCAAAA | Rare, distant animals interfere to a photographs. Yet white animals can read basically. New men may not trust | Music | rock | 1.02 | 1977.36 | 0.172658 | | AAAAAAAAKEPAAAAA | Times must produce. Also special areas change affairs. Legs join at a dreams. Guests make eastern, fine goals; political children should shift again immediate years. Attempts used to stop | Music | rock | 1.23 | 5184.10 | 0.452663 | | AAAAAAAAKFCDAAAA | Contemporary roles may not tell. Together european levels would not remain; lips vote patients; thin proceedings ought to k | Music | rock | 2.30 | 250.56 | 0.021878 | | AAAAAAAAKHNCAAAA | Distinct, other signs see later different, due themes. Sites mean with | Music | rock | 3.49 | 2802.36 | 0.244695 | | AAAAAAAAKIDBAAAA | Holidays may attract local days. Low, sympathetic teachers might not provide especially resources. Soviet matt | Music | rock | 1.04 | 6711.36 | 0.586019 | | AAAAAAAAKJHAAAAA | Initiatives expel wild. | Music | rock | 2.90 | 5865.14 | 0.512129 | | AAAAAAAAKJLBAAAA | New, large duties th | Music | rock | 6.27 | 2420.97 | 0.211393 | | AAAAAAAAKJPDAAAA | Straight words can attach more. European, high counties could use. Real, exciting christians lead today languages. General relations achieve recently positi | Music | rock | 0.34 | 1277.04 | 0.111508 | | AAAAAAAAKMJAAAAA | Only familiar goods will not lie old losses; also progressive assets could spawn american seconds. | Music | rock | 7.91 | 6824.10 | 0.595863 | | AAAAAAAAKOBBAAAA | Sources replace however typical, significant | Music | rock | 84.77 | 7744.93 | 0.676268 | | AAAAAAAAKPCEAAAA | New, causal hands give so then ideal articles. Complex companies would not look so vast characteristics. Always modern changes shift in a men. Simply average eyes should not make scots. | Music | rock | 1.25 | 336.06 | 0.029344 | | AAAAAAAAKPHDAAAA | Mainly future offices help services. Curiously wealthy patients prevent certainly. Consequences appear local gentlemen. Degrees bring t | Music | rock | 1.97 | 4520.97 | 0.394760 | | AAAAAAAALAIDAAAA | Military, easy objectives must not give large, close seats. Redundant, amazing points camp useful players. Social customs could upset. Social, small di | Music | rock | 55.19 | 1274.60 | 0.111295 | | AAAAAAAALBKDAAAA | Little working prisoners correct more at least hard awards. Kinds applaud again | Music | rock | 4.46 | 10077.80 | 0.879968 | | AAAAAAAALDCAAAAA | Fingers apply. Legs poison high windows; widespread, male effects will educate. Patterns leave only essentially mass drivers. Seats launch ext | Music | rock | 88.29 | 20334.39 | 1.775548 | | AAAAAAAALDIAAAAA | Thin, good units may feel to a | Music | rock | 1.09 | 6918.67 | 0.604121 | | AAAAAAAALEBDAAAA | Families must not interact hours. Later new sources used to preserve as from a shares. Then expected chiefs include at all virtually used letters. Flexible, orga | Music | rock | 5.65 | 9815.28 | 0.857046 | | AAAAAAAALEJBAAAA | Times shall not scramble frequently on a foreigners. Players see then effective companies. Unemployed penalties must stop in the countries; courses make just extra, famous difficulties. Whole, tiny pa | Music | rock | 1.58 | 14458.31 | 1.262463 | | AAAAAAAALEOCAAAA | General needs know only. Respons | Music | rock | 9.06 | 4273.17 | 0.373122 | | AAAAAAAALFDDAAAA | Colleges hold at the farmers. Days may not win ideally quick readers. Blank walls drop sometimes. True, friendly criticisms would taste very for a friends. Busy bodies | Music | rock | 6.99 | 5327.84 | 0.465214 | | AAAAAAAALKLCAAAA | Matters would control merely short girls. Judicial clouds w | Music | rock | 4.38 | 2222.69 | 0.194080 | | AAAAAAAALOAAAAAA | Agents see companies. Weekly clergy might not enable always mere studies. Men throw possible relations. Then static rights wr | Music | rock | 4.08 | 5483.18 | 0.478777 | | AAAAAAAAMAABAAAA | Increased times might know neither campaigns; probably written foods used to reduce then circles. Easte | Music | rock | 7.93 | 11173.32 | 0.975626 | | AAAAAAAAMCCAAAAA | Problems would use carefully chinese, good views. Joint, only officers study interesting areas. Ultimate dangers may work recently in a pictures. | Music | rock | 8.49 | 5623.03 | 0.490989 | | AAAAAAAAMDGEAAAA | Relations might not help also. Obligations used to list | Music | rock | 2.25 | 4359.56 | 0.380666 | | AAAAAAAAMDNAAAAA | Angles pro | Music | rock | 8.55 | 695.48 | 0.060728 | | AAAAAAAAMFDAAAAA | Other writers could mean. Facilities breed later. Creditors look in a knees. Scotti | Music | rock | 3.85 | 6986.01 | 0.610001 | | AAAAAAAAMGBAAAAA | Home certain acts adopt then new women. Statements reinforce thus mainly new rates. Real, other men must find. Late new children should not achieve years. Extr | Music | rock | 1.81 | 1112.76 | 0.097163 | | AAAAAAAAMGBEAAAA | Months can understand social responses. Other, local questions stand now for the girls. Ordinary, financial years must not face democratic records. Sad, | Music | rock | 8.87 | 15003.55 | 1.310072 | | AAAAAAAAMGLDAAAA | Overall, used personnel may grow with the sorts. Fin | Music | rock | 3.36 | 12977.51 | 1.133164 | | AAAAAAAAMHMDAAAA | Risks must wonder bad, necessary shares. Availabl | Music | rock | 5.83 | 15594.00 | 1.361629 | | AAAAAAAAMIPAAAAA | Unlikely ends look inside members. Small, heavy women would lay however armies. New thanks make rather | Music | rock | 4.19 | 2421.39 | 0.211430 | | AAAAAAAAMJBDAAAA | Even real developers convince at large public occasions; here joint gods close intensely possibly strong gaps. Aware, extreme years must call. Always quick dogs can happen sexual, soviet plans. So | Music | rock | 2.29 | 14679.49 | 1.281776 | | AAAAAAAAMKJAAAAA | Arms consolidate late seats; as important r | Music | rock | 3.81 | 634.50 | 0.055403 | | AAAAAAAAMLJCAAAA | Western, radical fields ought to emerge too conscious values. So forthcoming equations should get ab | Music | rock | 0.18 | 17352.47 | 1.515174 | | AAAAAAAAMLLBAAAA | Possibly regulatory women establish usually international lives. Soviet points watch between a individuals; enough english sales must win soon different | Music | rock | 91.10 | 5741.77 | 0.501357 | | AAAAAAAAMMBDAAAA | French, late metres will wind then among the politicians. Broad modes would not bind please availabl | Music | rock | 4.32 | 5925.36 | 0.517388 | | AAAAAAAAMMFDAAAA | There regulatory forms may kill sadly sure areas. Fine, permanent plans see in a plants. National, spatial characteristics shall not introduce below t | Music | rock | 2.61 | 2780.73 | 0.242806 | | AAAAAAAAMMMCAAAA | Provisions may use in a years. Likely suppliers inc | Music | rock | 37.63 | 6395.04 | 0.558399 | | AAAAAAAAMNMBAAAA | Long, elderly candidates steal. Methods maintain often necessary, video-taped breasts. Complex rates make conventions. Sure final damages must | Music | rock | 4.38 | 1933.93 | 0.168866 | | AAAAAAAAMOOAAAAA | Little, important newspapers use with a m | Music | rock | 15.91 | 3298.09 | 0.287981 | | AAAAAAAANCMBAAAA | Remaining children love then from a gu | Music | rock | 7.81 | 2939.88 | 0.256703 | | AAAAAAAANEPCAAAA | Necessary, small streets shall share. Almost sure places can cover right human, tiny d | Music | rock | 31.26 | 16897.72 | 1.475466 | | AAAAAAAANJDAAAAA | Sometimes bitter periods may get. Difficult, hot sources used to understand women. Patients may mention; awfu | Music | rock | 3.87 | 5530.08 | 0.482873 | | AAAAAAAANKMCAAAA | More african windows would think; special techniques may stick even new members. Just solar authoriti | Music | rock | 0.18 | 4407.62 | 0.384862 | | AAAAAAAANLJBAAAA | Hours can work afraid, unique arms. Natural, other costs demonstrate depending o | Music | rock | 4.60 | 835.24 | 0.072931 | | AAAAAAAAOBKDAAAA | Patterns want rapidly average, african sales. Surprising approaches die so round, revolutionary pages. Long, advisory areas eat. Now high times can carry other youngsters. Never fr | Music | rock | 4.55 | 5835.34 | 0.509527 | | AAAAAAAAOEKDAAAA | Years could escort great circumstances; extra, alleged shows pick even still main accountants. Hands may not explain pretty rights. Even dull examples hear else. Low commu | Music | rock | 0.56 | 7405.90 | 0.646665 | | AAAAAAAAOFFEAAAA | Clear benefits should not wake here efficient sons. Much other awards shall not give in a reasons. Lesser plants differ rec | Music | rock | 4.06 | 8155.09 | 0.712082 | | AAAAAAAAOGJCAAAA | Also visible hopes play active, contrary conditions. Sections race too to a users. Domestic terms cause generally as a arrangements. New groups | Music | rock | 9.46 | 3384.86 | 0.295557 | | AAAAAAAAOHOAAAAA | Shareholders hope suddenly new honours. Good children lie obviously strategic, final services. Others wake easily interested, right | Music | rock | 4.32 | 1772.62 | 0.154781 | | AAAAAAAAOINAAAAA | Therefore able arts tell yellow sites. Affairs buy ethnic, central efforts. Activities wish. Just socialist feet acknowledge more operational grounds. Perhaps obvious vehicles shall find clear | Music | rock | 3.98 | 2288.79 | 0.199851 | | AAAAAAAAOJFAAAAA | Clinical patients lead quite personnel. Developments could like also home statistical effects. Other ministers should want in a ways. Soon soft disputes will include over bot | Music | rock | 4.28 | 17292.14 | 1.509906 | | AAAAAAAAOKDCAAAA | Relevant, frequent drugs enable international foods. Complete waves may save always long o | Music | rock | 50.24 | 21710.29 | 1.895688 | | AAAAAAAAOLCCAAAA | Bodies exercise however. Already political police must | Music | rock | 4.31 | 3471.75 | 0.303144 | | AAAAAAAAOLNAAAAA | Ways ought to come vice versa capable claims. Commer | Music | rock | 90.51 | 1432.48 | 0.125081 | | AAAAAAAAONEAAAAA | Social, young days guide presumably. Somehow old servants return so | Music | rock | 17.32 | 3291.96 | 0.287446 | | AAAAAAAAOPGCAAAA | Often new doubts shall not take great friends. Industrial weekends put there senior, new cases. Nowadays actual cells explain afterwards. Days may expect visitors. Equal patients must r | Music | rock | 62.75 | 5956.71 | 0.520125 | | AAAAAAAAPCACAAAA | Designs manipulate managers. Orga | Music | rock | 2.70 | 8832.14 | 0.771200 | | AAAAAAAAPGCCAAAA | Social cattle arise pal | Music | rock | 0.21 | 14047.84 | 1.226622 | | AAAAAAAAPKPDAAAA | Weeks date just skills. Today black borders express horizontal chemicals; units cannot promote only, red schools. Bold businesses buy too far reasons. Overall, medical w | Music | rock | 1.42 | 804.62 | 0.070257 | | AAAAAAAAPMGBAAAA | Countries can create at least never progressive policies. Kind, common beans might find quite internal mothers. High loans should suit evident feet; differences prevent more necessary | Music | rock | 4.56 | 539.83 | 0.047137 | | AAAAAAAAPPOCAAAA | Likely systems should get there. Central, young years used to walk. Free wings cannot avoid rarely devices. Never unlike schools may go of cours | Music | rock | 84.49 | 2444.86 | 0.213479 | | AAAAAAAAAAODAAAA | Courses would facilitate professionally; intentionally extensive degrees ought to take in a cards. Now national reasons could get functions. Public strategies will not lift. Problems know a | Shoes | athletic | 9.41 | 11235.14 | 0.880445 | | AAAAAAAAABAEAAAA | Lips ought to break seriously ago top governments. High particular minds ought to light outside likely, fair parents. Feet may keep either times. Individual, encouraging ri | Shoes | athletic | 0.77 | 5250.17 | 0.411431 | | AAAAAAAAABKDAAAA | Impressive, northern curtains sustain as old, technical copies. Pop | Shoes | athletic | 3.96 | 12325.82 | 0.965916 | | AAAAAAAAAEKDAAAA | Continental others understand proceedings. Up to empty sequences mention for example military, central consequences. Ill southern associations | Shoes | athletic | 3.55 | 4080.90 | 0.319801 | | AAAAAAAAAEOCAAAA | Shy, different materials put as in a characteristics. Weekends should not read always too previous inhabitants. Smart kids can divorce to an a | Shoes | athletic | 1.05 | 28.05 | 0.002198 | | AAAAAAAAAFDDAAAA | Other hospitals pursue. Central passengers may install already priests. Good details can see now other, annual orders. Various, clear es | Shoes | athletic | 3.87 | 255.48 | 0.020021 | | AAAAAAAAAFKBAAAA | Human courts apply more etc strong men. Democratic, level parties ought to find; economic factors accept only great solutions; efforts might include case | Shoes | athletic | 6.70 | 1851.72 | 0.145111 | | AAAAAAAAAFNBAAAA | Jobs might not carry that is to say prior to the schools. Sole, cheerful types must not give very. Inland links should vary before a schemes. Vital directors reduce particularly after the companie | Shoes | athletic | 0.11 | 5225.27 | 0.409480 | | AAAAAAAAAHGAAAAA | Previously legitimate hearts may intervene right from a expectations. Reasonable, relevant leaders should defend so problems. Speakers shall receive n | Shoes | athletic | 1.98 | 228.78 | 0.017928 | | AAAAAAAAAHOCAAAA | Generally co | Shoes | athletic | 2.45 | 6752.22 | 0.529139 | | AAAAAAAAAIIBAAAA | Necessary, unique programmes announce very. Proper arms used to mean under a generations. Political sorts could not cancel to a | Shoes | athletic | 4.92 | 227.52 | 0.017830 | | AAAAAAAAAJICAAAA | At least large guards shall not control eventually serious years; wide, significant weeks get too rea | Shoes | athletic | 9.54 | 3237.52 | 0.253709 | | AAAAAAAAALIAAAAA | Only parties must choose in a police. Conventional, common men capture with a | Shoes | athletic | 0.27 | 4575.20 | 0.358537 | | AAAAAAAAAMLCAAAA | Things cover cheeks. Other minutes might take only white things. Recent, monetary activities come level, serious companies; e | Shoes | athletic | 8.65 | 7187.43 | 0.563245 | | AAAAAAAAANBDAAAA | Then specific values get there new transactions. All but whole s | Shoes | athletic | 3.21 | 2921.26 | 0.228925 | | AAAAAAAAANFCAAAA | Un | Shoes | athletic | 8.50 | 6046.06 | 0.473801 | | AAAAAAAAANHAAAAA | Ago regional objects finish courts. Large, serio | Shoes | athletic | 9.51 | 18315.58 | 1.435305 | | AAAAAAAAANMBAAAA | Quite terrible changes can lead then particular responsibilities. Too concerned arts exist to a views. | Shoes | athletic | 0.65 | 9209.86 | 0.721733 | | AAAAAAAAAOLDAAAA | Smooth, private scenes might say widely useful | Shoes | athletic | 5.97 | 5725.28 | 0.448663 | | AAAAAAAABBEEAAAA | Attractive hands will not mean soon. Other, big hospitals may not get degrees. Probably military feelings meet yesterday major standards; too possible famili | Shoes | athletic | 4.44 | 2815.24 | 0.220617 | | AAAAAAAABBFAAAAA | Days cannot catch particularly exciting, given teachers; | Shoes | athletic | 2.05 | 1279.60 | 0.100276 | | AAAAAAAABDKCAAAA | Supporters may arrive cars; conventional cheeks maintain all the same substantial fingers | Shoes | athletic | 0.13 | 2016.29 | 0.158007 | | AAAAAAAABEFAAAAA | Purpo | Shoes | athletic | 34.69 | 10558.49 | 0.827419 | | AAAAAAAABHHBAAAA | New, australian marks move. However loyal things collect commonly. | Shoes | athletic | 0.56 | 6.02 | 0.000472 | | AAAAAAAABILCAAAA | Implicit, cautious structures shall not recover new, delighted pri | Shoes | athletic | 9.09 | 5368.00 | 0.420665 | | AAAAAAAABJECAAAA | Men could refer regularly churches. Original parts could return international, general members. Professional others could become. Big versions ought to mean. Mutual collections hea | Shoes | athletic | 7.12 | 25369.68 | 1.988102 | | AAAAAAAABJIBAAAA | Video-taped functions mentio | Shoes | athletic | 0.95 | 2593.44 | 0.203236 | | AAAAAAAABKHBAAAA | Big, other animals get; tiny, active products shall take most both long facilities. Sexual, high councillors spare particular books. Already cognitive plans shall look in a | Shoes | athletic | 3.23 | 3111.12 | 0.243804 | | AAAAAAAABLABAAAA | Years include away whole, necessary ties; perhaps careful police reinforce especially full, evil readers; social, young conditions shall not la | Shoes | athletic | 7.32 | 63.55 | 0.004980 | | AAAAAAAABMPDAAAA | O | Shoes | athletic | 1.67 | 14587.49 | 1.143152 | | AAAAAAAABOCCAAAA | Specific, medical users could afford to a aspects; male pictures could think certainly english, short years. Profound choices establish in a products. Vital residents might take far t | Shoes | athletic | 1.09 | 524.40 | 0.041095 | | AAAAAAAABOEAAAAA | Black areas suggest central groups. Only children would release then bad, supreme ideas. Final ears bear always | Shoes | athletic | 2.24 | 31.92 | 0.002501 | | AAAAAAAACCCEAAAA | New, medical men ought to relinquish quicker away primary cases. Male, only products make entirely between a types. Blue chiefs ought to become hot, new differences | Shoes | athletic | 2.17 | 7703.76 | 0.603707 | | AAAAAAAACCEAAAAA | Still miserable views ought to remi | Shoes | athletic | 3.51 | 2790.69 | 0.218693 | | AAAAAAAACCEDAAAA | Positive colours ban popular, good prices; both inter | Shoes | athletic | 3.50 | 4024.54 | 0.315384 | | AAAAAAAACCJDAAAA | Hence environmental measures will win cards. Various ru | Shoes | athletic | 2.40 | 2089.23 | 0.163723 | | AAAAAAAACDAAAAAA | Activities cover | Shoes | athletic | 4.99 | 1914.86 | 0.150059 | | AAAAAAAACDLDAAAA | Simple, legal standards encompass finally spanish books; only societies pick for example only private advantages. Then hard b | Shoes | athletic | 2.51 | 880.92 | 0.069034 | | AAAAAAAACFBAAAAA | Measures get at a hopes. Clients complete arms. Front activities might bring sharp, medical areas. Fixed unions ought to limit later in the police. Workers allow soon dominant, physical meetings. N | Shoes | athletic | 3.51 | 13230.73 | 1.036830 | | AAAAAAAACFEDAAAA | Short, existing activities cannot know too various masses; european, french lists reach by a details. Laws think only. American leaders must not exclude young types. White, dead banks m | Shoes | athletic | 9.55 | 6033.40 | 0.472809 | | AAAAAAAACFMBAAAA | Minutes survive social, constitutional provinces. Insects control. Bitterly other tenants would realise requirements. Open wome | Shoes | athletic | 7.50 | 5726.88 | 0.448788 | | AAAAAAAACGGCAAAA | Hands might not take away in a police. Others could arrange even. New companies c | Shoes | athletic | 4.09 | 5960.67 | 0.467109 | | AAAAAAAACGODAAAA | Ever excellent towns used to try hard current private services. International, new minutes follow powerful recordings. Schools must not h | Shoes | athletic | 3.89 | 14443.92 | 1.131902 | | AAAAAAAACGPDAAAA | Ofte | Shoes | athletic | 3.00 | 2207.52 | 0.172993 | | AAAAAAAACHDBAAAA | Reasonably direct interests turn. Certainly existing | Shoes | athletic | 42.80 | 13985.92 | 1.096010 | | AAAAAAAACHLCAAAA | Cultural plants bring in a numbers. Other, possi | Shoes | athletic | 5.85 | 15915.44 | 1.247218 | | AAAAAAAACIJBAAAA | Principles distract apart at a roles. Middle forces should die there in a imports. Fol | Shoes | athletic | 1.96 | 1281.22 | 0.100403 | | AAAAAAAACKBAAAAA | Alternative plants know therefore by the tools. Much competitive firms should not identify in order anx | Shoes | athletic | 1.85 | 4510.30 | 0.353451 | | AAAAAAAACKLDAAAA | British, active changes must take with a babies. Leading, electoral muscles leave states. Parents take thus othe | Shoes | athletic | 85.50 | 16291.98 | 1.276725 | | AAAAAAAACMPCAAAA | Finally hard things cease enormous, serious examples; northern, conc | Shoes | athletic | 5.46 | 688.88 | 0.053984 | | AAAAAAAACOGAAAAA | Public, sex | Shoes | athletic | 9.09 | 6463.52 | 0.506515 | | AAAAAAAACOPDAAAA | Clear fortunes tell local boxes. Upper games could not know darling, recent scenes. Complex, small years consider partly by a workers; reports make at last. Active parts | Shoes | athletic | 1.50 | 9508.01 | 0.745098 | | AAAAAAAADEECAAAA | Important, direct players might follow just expenses. Cups cannot drive red goals. Minute areas see to a guests. Champions could adopt even other findings. Systems get. Beautiful, usual other | Shoes | athletic | 1.70 | 16241.70 | 1.272785 | | AAAAAAAADEHCAAAA | High huge targets would work of course below good figures. Light spaces own able images. Good changes must appre | Shoes | athletic | 0.41 | 7845.35 | 0.614803 | | AAAAAAAADHCBAAAA | Other, tired years create tomorrow by a fingers. Cells could not snap. Modern, light waters take details; often residential agents prepare further right walls; presents supply to a | Shoes | athletic | 52.93 | 2830.08 | 0.221780 | | AAAAAAAADHDDAAAA | Abroad sorry ways must make home satisfied, fat effec | Shoes | athletic | 2.87 | 11849.96 | 0.928625 | | AAAAAAAADLMCAAAA | Neatly single cases oug | Shoes | athletic | 1.51 | 2690.56 | 0.210846 | | AAAAAAAADNFBAAAA | Fixed men could seek sometimes diff | Shoes | athletic | 8.22 | 14698.86 | 1.151880 | | AAAAAAAADNLBAAAA | Small samples find doubtless foreign individuals. Quite scottish benefits will cause arrangements. Now desirable faces need always | Shoes | athletic | 1.28 | 609.42 | 0.047757 | | AAAAAAAAEALCAAAA | Constant, main examinations will not say benefits. Common, dependen | Shoes | athletic | 3.42 | 1252.68 | 0.098167 | | AAAAAAAAEBPDAAAA | Grey, social directors would quote never. Grossly financial courts go numbers. Strategic times might not tell less police. So basic months care ap | Shoes | athletic | 2.31 | 3632.84 | 0.284688 | | AAAAAAAAECJCAAAA | Other, mediterranean requirements fall certainly somewhat major a | Shoes | athletic | 0.64 | 1716.52 | 0.134516 | | AAAAAAAAECMBAAAA | A | Shoes | athletic | 6.61 | 4780.61 | 0.374634 | | AAAAAAAAEDIBAAAA | Electric, difficult schemes retain much new, senior feelings. Difficult, fierce advantages can pay eyes; religious, | Shoes | athletic | 32.44 | 1217.88 | 0.095439 | | AAAAAAAAEGDBAAAA | English, american yards shall cause thic | Shoes | athletic | 3.01 | 2549.34 | 0.199780 | | AAAAAAAAEGEDAAAA | Styles used to get inade | Shoes | athletic | 52.50 | 10170.48 | 0.797012 | | AAAAAAAAEKFAAAAA | Appropriate, magnificent police believe all small, small systems. About gradual patients shall not like both mixed gifts. Strong, european categories demonstrate early. Reve | Shoes | athletic | 0.78 | 3343.98 | 0.262052 | | AAAAAAAAELBEAAAA | Materials may know enough catholic, legitimate christians. Large, current things | Shoes | athletic | 7.30 | 1241.84 | 0.097317 | | AAAAAAAAEMADAAAA | Free, dependent police used to discuss low, spec | Shoes | athletic | 72.21 | 2084.89 | 0.163383 | | AAAAAAAAEPFBAAAA | Spiritual, cold jobs contain recent windows. Active, annual children create other miles. Suffi | Shoes | athletic | 5.85 | 10181.05 | 0.797841 | | AAAAAAAAEPLCAAAA | Guilty arms cannot go publicly new others. Respective, new details used to happen approximately subsequent pictures; low countries beat officials. Clear, new fees say. Letters become so sou | Shoes | athletic | 0.96 | 719.40 | 0.056376 | | AAAAAAAAFBHDAAAA | Flat legs hurt actually. Eastern, fatal sections carry somewhere shoes. Also whole groups shall decide very double spiritual languages; internal, critica | Shoes | athletic | 5.53 | 12336.95 | 0.966788 | | AAAAAAAAFGNBAAAA | Policies shall not cause early negotiations. Red topics can recall as by a engineers. Excellent, german boundaries say only at a products. Possible groups receive simply central, far occasions. | Shoes | athletic | 14.07 | 2807.96 | 0.220047 | | AAAAAAAAFGOAAAAA | Today possible men must not initiate previous bodies. Big hours shall gain there japanese pairs. Direct hands can find recent, national books. Good new weaknesses change firm | Shoes | athletic | 4.01 | 5564.81 | 0.436088 | | AAAAAAAAFIJAAAAA | Else competitive shares look alone, english years; large workers determine slowly as good ways; papers ought to dispose then to a years. High, royal lip | Shoes | athletic | 4.19 | 2487.67 | 0.194947 | | AAAAAAAAFNLCAAAA | Recently other animals hesitate real, theoretical examples. Afraid varieties cope more as the differences. Other, political cars operate scientists. New, subject yea | Shoes | athletic | 0.64 | 17177.86 | 1.346148 | | AAAAAAAAFOIBAAAA | Windows shall last; only deep thousands stay hence now poli | Shoes | athletic | 3.14 | 7088.63 | 0.555502 | | AAAAAAAAGAEBAAAA | Sizes use painfully advantages. Regular, similar hands would not ask seldom more great fingers. Of course wide creditors may engage exactly complicated inevitable e | Shoes | athletic | 0.29 | 862.80 | 0.067614 | | AAAAAAAAGBDAAAAA | Constantly other windows assume seriously indeed other schemes. More desirable lights cou | Shoes | athletic | 7.67 | 2294.55 | 0.179813 | | AAAAAAAAGBGDAAAA | Sometimes good areas can ask virtually wonderful social holders. Overall, excellent aspects solve similar points; courses must let probably warm, good da | Shoes | athletic | 5.05 | 3613.96 | 0.283209 | | AAAAAAAAGCFDAAAA | Gastric, diplomatic words see somehow assessments. Important courses shall not take most different, responsible program | Shoes | athletic | 51.70 | 6600.34 | 0.517237 | | AAAAAAAAGDLAAAAA | Poor, certain materials meet so time and again delicious attitudes. Original, growing thanks could sweep no doubt bad, matu | Shoes | athletic | 7.46 | 132.48 | 0.010382 | | AAAAAAAAGEGBAAAA | Only efficient hands may get always namely good questions. Social projects carry already usual councils. Legal, dear kids will like then | Shoes | athletic | 6.65 | 24255.38 | 1.900779 | | AAAAAAAAGEMDAAAA | Social sheets may explore marvellous, o | Shoes | athletic | 6.59 | 1404.88 | 0.110094 | | AAAAAAAAGGCAAAAA | Modes sha | Shoes | athletic | 8.65 | 1368.84 | 0.107270 | | AAAAAAAAGGJBAAAA | Authorities satisfy exactly conditions. Odd words might rule only only elderly words. Possible weekends reject sometimes. Particularly safe members could follow that is magic houses. Soon compa | Shoes | athletic | 4.56 | 2535.68 | 0.198709 | | AAAAAAAAGJFCAAAA | Fundamental posts simulate importa | Shoes | athletic | 3.99 | 11026.75 | 0.864114 | | AAAAAAAAGNAEAAAA | Human, other performances take before with a arrangements. Northern colours should say all. Heavily nuclear reports observe also old magistrate | Shoes | athletic | 4.10 | 3201.78 | 0.250908 | | AAAAAAAAGNECAAAA | Clear, thick times lead completely political occupation | Shoes | athletic | 2.55 | 2804.80 | 0.219799 | | AAAAAAAAGOBBAAAA | Quick, other areas could not get especially customers. Just isolated problems may not sneak | Shoes | athletic | 3.72 | 1824.72 | 0.142995 | | AAAAAAAAGOCAAAAA | Balls must not avoid today central problems. Yesterday existing friends must cling aspects. Principles find still also tory years. New, traditional | Shoes | athletic | 22.18 | 8138.27 | 0.637758 | | AAAAAAAAGOEBAAAA | Needs take blind, dramatic users; huge, american modules set so labour policies. Other rates might hold more realistic, private decisions. Practices see. New markets speak once again very old standard | Shoes | athletic | 1.74 | 614.10 | 0.048124 | | AAAAAAAAGOPAAAAA | Particular, arab cases shall like less current, different names. Computers start for the changes. Scottish, trying exercises operate marks; long, supreme miners may ro | Shoes | athletic | 31.25 | 5471.95 | 0.428811 | | AAAAAAAAGPDCAAAA | Designs would know inner armies. Also whole months belie | Shoes | athletic | 0.67 | 11424.48 | 0.895282 | | AAAAAAAAGPPCAAAA | Righ | Shoes | athletic | 4.01 | 5481.97 | 0.429596 | | AAAAAAAAHAJDAAAA | Largely orange crews will take as still possible examples. Human, just bishops ought to remove terms; forward, r | Shoes | athletic | 5.46 | 4995.75 | 0.391493 | | AAAAAAAAHBPCAAAA | Now other years adhere early. Pieces would not claim yet. Negative, clear police would not stay more special | Shoes | athletic | 5.03 | 14847.53 | 1.163531 | | AAAAAAAAHDBCAAAA | Increased, occasional events shall not reveal. Local, popular positions will not need adequate me | Shoes | athletic | 1.77 | 10418.64 | 0.816459 | | AAAAAAAAHDCBAAAA | Charges will not insist broken aspects. Questio | Shoes | athletic | 2.27 | 116.25 | 0.009110 | | AAAAAAAAHEJCAAAA | Ill able planes should like. Collections could score over. Already unlikely purposes used to need illustrations. Human, experimental services pursue. Hard alleged | Shoes | athletic | 9.41 | 4705.82 | 0.368773 | | AAAAAAAAHEOAAAAA | Most native photograph | Shoes | athletic | 3.89 | 10566.74 | 0.828065 | | AAAAAAAAHNKBAAAA | Main guests satisfy for a patterns. Particularly technical issues ought to know as others. Authoritie | Shoes | athletic | 0.68 | 1114.78 | 0.087360 | | AAAAAAAAHNLDAAAA | Terms teach much difficult workers. Important, major arms shall not allay in order living restaurants. Able skills used to affect private, decisive ideas. Eyes ou | Shoes | athletic | 4.99 | 2482.21 | 0.194519 | | AAAAAAAAHOICAAAA | Exclusively political countries would pay small payments. More inevitable shops find only items. Natural beds used to choose associated days. Strong men used to sto | Shoes | athletic | 4.03 | 6055.28 | 0.474524 | | AAAAAAAAIAADAAAA | Long patients would roll. Expensive, different causes would not use so young, full years. Orders will defend. Private, major conferences can test public problems. Hard metres should not | Shoes | athletic | 6.01 | 17548.52 | 1.375194 | | AAAAAAAAICMDAAAA | Also political forms find high periodically heavy waters; issues would remain in the germans. Reduced others help. Years might change single, royal years. Tin | Shoes | athletic | 1.91 | 9704.56 | 0.760500 | | AAAAAAAAIDGCAAAA | Brown, social offenders might expect just full, special comments. Male doors run adequate months. Spat | Shoes | athletic | 4.36 | 10731.35 | 0.840965 | | AAAAAAAAIDPAAAAA | Total organisations celebrate hard benefits. Points could not c | Shoes | athletic | 8.43 | 702.41 | 0.055045 | | AAAAAAAAIEHAAAAA | Players could master since. Wide impossible reactions must | Shoes | athletic | 6.97 | 10592.47 | 0.830082 | | AAAAAAAAIFCBAAAA | Able artists love all classical, roman runs. British childre | Shoes | athletic | 9.93 | 6259.90 | 0.490559 | | AAAAAAAAIHABAAAA | Levels identify however suddenly social circumstances. Advertisements | Shoes | athletic | 3.39 | 8356.09 | 0.654827 | | AAAAAAAAIHLCAAAA | Once clear relations produce confiden | Shoes | athletic | 9.29 | 456.68 | 0.035788 | | AAAAAAAAIIBDAAAA | International neighbours lead. Modern members could benefit rapid, young feet. More basic we | Shoes | athletic | 7.97 | 985.31 | 0.077214 | | AAAAAAAAIICEAAAA | Due, only artists assume always from a friends. Already huge controls might replace theoretically yesterday spiritual terms. Little issues reduce much past a letters. Numbers deal to | Shoes | athletic | 6.76 | 4777.11 | 0.374359 | | AAAAAAAAIIIBAAAA | Supplies give much common males; methods turn ways; common, useful users may operate financially by the teachers; weeks complete in general. National, good neighbours should not pursue | Shoes | athletic | 2.02 | 3662.88 | 0.287043 | | AAAAAAAAIILBAAAA | American, o | Shoes | athletic | 4.06 | 1191.52 | 0.093374 | | AAAAAAAAIJEBAAAA | Extra copies must check advanced, satisfied ages. Healthy, colonial actions used to give again appropriate services; objections listen to a feel | Shoes | athletic | 2.50 | 465.00 | 0.036440 | | AAAAAAAAIKCDAAAA | Most heavy needs would go social, casual children. Practices shall allow previously crucial women. Administrative, modern results should impose ago talks. Also difficu | Shoes | athletic | 9.34 | 1668.40 | 0.130745 | | AAAAAAAAILNCAAAA | Splendid, subsequent telecommunications could occupy victorian musicians; partn | Shoes | athletic | 7.54 | 927.56 | 0.072688 | | AAAAAAAAIMNBAAAA | Also alone objectives could challenge for a questions. International, dark prices can set ground | Shoes | athletic | 4.02 | 5010.66 | 0.392662 | | AAAAAAAAINCAAAAA | Organisations would consider both whole pubs. Adults like; revolutionary, personal officers verify much visual officers; hidden rights would market working prayers. Trial | Shoes | athletic | 1.58 | 5341.40 | 0.418580 | | AAAAAAAAINEBAAAA | Cold, federal banks shall not look simply a | Shoes | athletic | 85.47 | 563.64 | 0.044170 | | AAAAAAAAIODAAAAA | Young, right players | Shoes | athletic | 0.90 | 6640.95 | 0.520420 | | AAAAAAAAJEADAAAA | Daily packages shall suffer reportedly numbers. Committees begin environmental groups. Different others blame needs; other | Shoes | athletic | 35.79 | 13335.95 | 1.045075 | | AAAAAAAAJEHCAAAA | Broadly left categories may hate. Centres reach similarly; big examples should not pay particularly in a things. Quickly significant principles appea | Shoes | athletic | 4.77 | 19962.32 | 1.564352 | | AAAAAAAAJEPDAAAA | Duties stop then at the grounds; main areas keep enough hot videos. Records obse | Shoes | athletic | 5.67 | 5144.31 | 0.403135 | | AAAAAAAAJGKAAAAA | Exact powers keep so ago internal face | Shoes | athletic | 2.27 | 6824.86 | 0.534832 | | AAAAAAAAJGNAAAAA | Just senior recommendations serve important, other payments. Centres make orange images. As important tons guarantee extremely just massive letters. Supposed, western guests mig | Shoes | athletic | 2.64 | 11115.86 | 0.871097 | | AAAAAAAAJJKDAAAA | Disputes should not ensure. Spaces might see neither. Of course other students love. Proud bodies must wait too. New ways shall not ensure interests; professiona | Shoes | athletic | 21.30 | 2190.34 | 0.171647 | | AAAAAAAAJKADAAAA | Empty tests drown both studies. About effective girls may use by a shops; developing words hold quickly forces. General, availabl | Shoes | athletic | 7.58 | 9658.68 | 0.756905 | | AAAAAAAAJKGDAAAA | Forthcoming, political men throw with a officials. Police get wide members; even only metres should bet | Shoes | athletic | 5.58 | 13781.61 | 1.079999 | | AAAAAAAAJKHCAAAA | Numbers | Shoes | athletic | 0.18 | 3075.51 | 0.241013 | | AAAAAAAAJLLDAAAA | Expectations arise together feelings. Difficult allies make musical, indian conditions. Fairly healthy effects might make equally stones. | Shoes | athletic | 7.13 | 5813.81 | 0.455601 | | AAAAAAAAJNCEAAAA | Police accompany powerful things. Already other chains get indeed more proper shows. Other, very lines d | Shoes | athletic | 0.21 | 33.75 | 0.002645 | | AAAAAAAAJPGBAAAA | Economic, assistant unions play formerly all lacking times. Free operations suggest beautiful, old facilities. Odd, wide findings keep intentionally far ty | Shoes | athletic | 9.82 | 16853.55 | 1.320733 | | AAAAAAAAKBFEAAAA | British | Shoes | athletic | 7.00 | 5644.13 | 0.442304 | | AAAAAAAAKDLCAAAA | So dry differences take so basic, complete opportunities. Large provisions get hard financial, primary buildings. Police say now wrong rates. Occasional, other piece | Shoes | athletic | 8.13 | 6759.11 | 0.529679 | | AAAAAAAAKDNCAAAA | Criteria may climb for example patients. Human rules increase about over wi | Shoes | athletic | 3.25 | 9856.93 | 0.772441 | | AAAAAAAAKEDAAAAA | Welsh powers prevent automatically independent horses. Reduced | Shoes | athletic | 65.31 | 19158.43 | 1.501355 | | AAAAAAAAKFCAAAAA | Nation | Shoes | athletic | 53.95 | 6704.78 | 0.525422 | | AAAAAAAAKHMDAAAA | Yet physical refugees could not ask. Also right days could depend annual responses. Enormous objects cannot | Shoes | athletic | 2.97 | 539.32 | 0.042264 | | AAAAAAAAKIMCAAAA | Alternatively bi | Shoes | athletic | 28.72 | 13494.25 | 1.057480 | | AAAAAAAAKJICAAAA | Nice, old issues need there most slow sports. Married times cannot find then; nece | Shoes | athletic | 0.18 | 9267.21 | 0.726227 | | AAAAAAAAKKBEAAAA | Professional, essential parents ratify financial, able officers. Most small responsibilities might see. Civil, good hours can pronounce then shares. Exciting faces must not allow | Shoes | athletic | 2.72 | 3513.78 | 0.275358 | | AAAAAAAAKKJAAAAA | There different entries advertise usually too general groups; ministers would not make effective eyes; new, apparent ministers read so residential, expen | Shoes | athletic | 7.11 | 1313.60 | 0.102941 | | AAAAAAAAKLABAAAA | Other teachers come different, special pieces. Bri | Shoes | athletic | 67.20 | 6996.89 | 0.548313 | | AAAAAAAAKLIAAAAA | Resources must show at least available, beautiful nations. So | Shoes | athletic | 9.91 | 5894.31 | 0.461909 | | AAAAAAAAKMBAAAAA | Perhaps silver points join in order easy interests. Likely, tender individuals ought to give still cigarettes. At least criminal steps could not make now really apparen | Shoes | athletic | 1.53 | 4595.86 | 0.360156 | | AAAAAAAAKNAAAAAA | So recent procedures ought to like mental pupils. Still young respects should perform now medium words. High cells will | Shoes | athletic | 0.21 | 2835.52 | 0.222206 | | AAAAAAAAKNGDAAAA | Now narrow studies could achieve continued children. Afrai | Shoes | athletic | 3.69 | 9328.70 | 0.731046 | | AAAAAAAALAACAAAA | Responsible, sad eyes should sit highly minimum careers. Right likely ships shall not quantify big farmers. Open, good farmers obey splendid, whole products. Clothes replace i | Shoes | athletic | 1.01 | 5109.48 | 0.400406 | | AAAAAAAALBBDAAAA | Human offences shall develop environmental, lesser matters. Thereafter critical ro | Shoes | athletic | 2.58 | 8813.77 | 0.690693 | | AAAAAAAALDIDAAAA | Foreign, international services must answer structural pictures. Big mountains help private, deep partners. Specific | Shoes | athletic | 4.73 | 1223.55 | 0.095884 | | AAAAAAAALDLAAAAA | Signs receive in a rates; active days see to a weeks. So judicia | Shoes | athletic | 0.22 | 15406.85 | 1.207362 | | AAAAAAAALFDAAAAA | Rural, difficult categories bring possible politicians. Dead, other sentences use often traditional, inappropriate efforts. Beautiful mate | Shoes | athletic | 5.82 | 9725.88 | 0.762171 | | AAAAAAAALKHAAAAA | Past periods may not admit very white tickets; catholic, mo | Shoes | athletic | 8.13 | 6357.78 | 0.498229 | | AAAAAAAALKOCAAAA | Eyes should see on a others. Rare, true problems look local, poor months. Jewish orders will lo | Shoes | athletic | 1.23 | 1809.67 | 0.141815 | | AAAAAAAAMAGCAAAA | Before social members could last. Primitive, statistical winds can work issues. Fundamental authorities throw for a men. Far, black subjects visit ru | Shoes | athletic | 88.88 | 6187.15 | 0.484858 | | AAAAAAAAMAMBAAAA | Wild little results start sensitive, bare services. Big studies shall see with a men. Only services look | Shoes | athletic | 1.02 | 4631.97 | 0.362986 | | AAAAAAAAMBLCAAAA | Various frames cannot prevent in a jeans. Different, global processes decide all middle | Shoes | athletic | 6.28 | 9215.38 | 0.722166 | | AAAAAAAAMBMAAAAA | Immediately other fields stand then by a matters. Both big men can go as yet away important needs. Big traditions will arrive very about the experiments. Interesting, relevant claims affect rather fin | Shoes | athletic | 4.89 | 9943.79 | 0.779248 | | AAAAAAAAMEJDAAAA | For example front years must see however too britis | Shoes | athletic | 3.48 | 900.77 | 0.070589 | | AAAAAAAAMGDCAAAA | Bright individuals would use possibly normal tables. Aware beaches depend to a companies; different, mi | Shoes | athletic | 5.55 | 8474.69 | 0.664121 | | AAAAAAAAMHDAAAAA | Classical, major quantities fit to a prices. Reasons would know. Cold, direct groups may not charge interested, urban conclusions. Quite lively voters provid | Shoes | athletic | 1.55 | 4042.96 | 0.316828 | | AAAAAAAAMHEAAAAA | Symbols complete then benefits. Very, different relations listen between a beings; temporary competitors discuss late left companies. Important, big methods advertise operational streets. | Shoes | athletic | 2.32 | 7933.96 | 0.621747 | | AAAAAAAAMHKAAAAA | Interpretations should not remember furiously professionals. Continuous, successful effects may remain wholly obligations; more than financial jobs might fulfil other, common s | Shoes | athletic | 2.44 | 13687.18 | 1.072599 | | AAAAAAAAMJJCAAAA | Forei | Shoes | athletic | 0.55 | 7623.84 | 0.597444 | | AAAAAAAAMLACAAAA | Available preferences must trust now errors. Large publications would grow that is. Underlying, financial jobs shall develop medical, other crimes. Easily eventual skills | Shoes | athletic | 3.01 | 6994.07 | 0.548092 | | AAAAAAAAMLHBAAAA | Soviet, tired answers would call now negative plans. Able, social years accept low fine sales. New, new women could disce | Shoes | athletic | 1.80 | 4231.30 | 0.331587 | | AAAAAAAAMMAEAAAA | Either available effects know lines. Rel | Shoes | athletic | 1.03 | 926.74 | 0.072624 | | AAAAAAAAMMDBAAAA | Methods secure commentators. Once full-time co | Shoes | athletic | 2.05 | 1441.92 | 0.112996 | | AAAAAAAAMMHBAAAA | Losses use high. Clearly small customers must not lead there only remarkable suggestions. Much old policies receive then convincing affairs. Silent, british years may not take now | Shoes | athletic | 0.72 | 7400.25 | 0.579923 | | AAAAAAAAMMICAAAA | Of course influential calls may cease just here unacceptable fingers; yet italian businesses will not look necessarily international improvements. Modern, cultural aspirations sell b | Shoes | athletic | 2.39 | 11044.05 | 0.865470 | | AAAAAAAAMMKDAAAA | Only terrible comments know surely black districts. Outer, spectacular materials delegate so above a reactions. Positive costs may force thus parent | Shoes | athletic | 9.44 | 8683.94 | 0.680519 | | AAAAAAAAMMOAAAAA | Ever legal links improve owners; just sole acts breed ever hot, foreign doors. Bad books introduce. Obvious offices will not learn importa | Shoes | athletic | 9.21 | 1250.28 | 0.097979 | | AAAAAAAAMNBAAAAA | Golden, international studies will not occur still old holes. Small lines tear possible weaknesses. Once reasonable actions buy formerly interested results. Unions must no | Shoes | athletic | 1.79 | 1929.56 | 0.151210 | | AAAAAAAAMOADAAAA | Reforms find long-term, severe pupils. Auto | Shoes | athletic | 2.24 | 12556.04 | 0.983957 | | AAAAAAAAMPIDAAAA | Initially neighbouring pages hold then at a words. Direct, socia | Shoes | athletic | 9.81 | 7119.89 | 0.557952 | | AAAAAAAANEGCAAAA | Selectively impossible brothers used to suffer social, english cars. Heads could not become undo | Shoes | athletic | 4.15 | 54.00 | 0.004232 | | AAAAAAAANFEDAAAA | Public prices should | Shoes | athletic | 95.68 | 3577.31 | 0.280337 | | AAAAAAAANFKAAAAA | Proposed sources shall not disappear much also primary facilities; artists spring direct either british relationships. Sure pure arts leave well. Everyday, scottish benefits | Shoes | athletic | 4.94 | 2486.25 | 0.194836 | | AAAAAAAANFPBAAAA | Systems read previously | Shoes | athletic | 9.20 | 1787.89 | 0.140108 | | AAAAAAAANHIAAAAA | Simple guests leave british, skilled terms. Kind, little standards must suspect. Combinations may think like, distinguished inches. Artists beat awfully. Ide | Shoes | athletic | 1.68 | 2029.95 | 0.159078 | | AAAAAAAANIDBAAAA | Other tonnes test; sufficient indians tak | Shoes | athletic | 9.38 | 10707.76 | 0.839116 | | AAAAAAAANLICAAAA | Significantly professional appointments would not | Shoes | athletic | 10.87 | 711.00 | 0.055718 | | AAAAAAAANPKCAAAA | Over small forms bring only active facilities. Now complete resources go almost bad shops. Correct years should trace enormous grounds. Sweet acres might allow techniques. | Shoes | athletic | 90.21 | 2143.53 | 0.167978 | | AAAAAAAAOALDAAAA | Too recent authorities form warm, mass leaves. Major, parliamentary sanctions will see able days. Stations take only formal pro | Shoes | athletic | 7.27 | 1865.36 | 0.146179 | | AAAAAAAAOBHDAAAA | Large shares die rather. Members produce aside plans; muscles should not say earnings. Mammals know there somewhat major situations. Ever private countries should try gates. Workers impro | Shoes | athletic | 4.16 | 6754.95 | 0.529353 | | AAAAAAAAOBJCAAAA | Far, recent settlements help no both unique stages; commercial, british months should stay very to a instruments. Female, wonderful rates could see just ever foreign c | Shoes | athletic | 9.95 | 652.80 | 0.051157 | | AAAAAAAAOBODAAAA | Abstract, red patterns return definitely police; different studies wear mainly pr | Shoes | athletic | 8.18 | 4861.12 | 0.380943 | | AAAAAAAAOCFEAAAA | Level, extended emissions would not take clearly with a years. Interesting services should not write. Co | Shoes | athletic | 3.38 | 690.25 | 0.054092 | | AAAAAAAAOEFCAAAA | Just effective tables connect services. Yet valuable students will not see little free days. Ways squ | Shoes | athletic | 4.16 | 441.45 | 0.034594 | | AAAAAAAAOGLAAAAA | Wooden eyes see small | Shoes | athletic | 4.07 | 9961.35 | 0.780624 | | AAAAAAAAOIFBAAAA | Members shall not help increa | Shoes | athletic | 0.59 | 2598.19 | 0.203608 | | AAAAAAAAOIJBAAAA | New results stop beyond at a cuts. Natural powers find probably very constant characteristics. Members ought to convince still a bit semantic applications. Profession | Shoes | athletic | 3.12 | 2427.37 | 0.190221 | | AAAAAAAAOJACAAAA | Small, pretty bishops may not continue. Articles shall not set. Very special stages would not judge warm, old relations. Present allies cannot argue | Shoes | athletic | 9.00 | 2722.53 | 0.213352 | | AAAAAAAAOJGCAAAA | Here entire persons will not take still formal small problems. European prisoners can save by the men. Particular students must keep here. Deposits will embrace home powerful | Shoes | athletic | 5.19 | 8102.76 | 0.634975 | | AAAAAAAAOJHCAAAA | Quietly complex samples may not indicate eventually good major parties. Markets suppose shortly little, only centres. Cultural guests can experience institutional damages. Sales must not | Shoes | athletic | 2.50 | 1568.82 | 0.122941 | | AAAAAAAAOJPDAAAA | Lim | Shoes | athletic | 1.98 | 2357.18 | 0.184721 | | AAAAAAAAOKBDAAAA | Please rough groups may see very sisters. Small areas may act. Certainly wide ways ought to exploit. Open millions will inflict mostly excellent difficulties. Movem | Shoes | athletic | 3.14 | 7499.01 | 0.587662 | | AAAAAAAAOLOCAAAA | Signs perform still then far details. Clear techniques look thirdly out of a colleges. Rather cold students attract fully e | Shoes | athletic | 2.33 | 293.04 | 0.022964 | | AAAAAAAAOLPBAAAA | Local, ava | Shoes | athletic | 1.90 | 349.14 | 0.027360 | | AAAAAAAAOMAAAAAA | Figures could not require. Joint feet should provide here realistic, serious characters. Brief friends could not avoid professionally british women. Altogether past sales will not p | Shoes | athletic | 4.22 | 3498.44 | 0.274156 | | AAAAAAAAOMJCAAAA | Good ships get young points. Rarely extra countries like. Women rise better. Further permanent representatives ought to say substantial buildings. Less typical pre | Shoes | athletic | 7.08 | 8775.25 | 0.687675 | | AAAAAAAAOMOBAAAA | Please big pr | Shoes | athletic | 8.52 | NULL | NULL | | AAAAAAAAONDEAAAA | Managerial, english others might not | Shoes | athletic | 2.79 | 4588.82 | 0.359604 | | AAAAAAAAOODEAAAA | Special, hard creditors stay. Uncomfortably specific relationships would not threaten rapidly. Recently new points make too. Often other services ought to use. Jobs cause groups. Americans era | Shoes | athletic | 7.06 | 1236.39 | 0.096890 | | AAAAAAAAPBIBAAAA | Special workers produce even only, international parties. Cultures score from a colou | Shoes | athletic | 1.95 | 2216.40 | 0.173689 | | AAAAAAAAPFODAAAA | Likely actors would shed. Public, curious individuals might count never applications. New | Shoes | athletic | 3.77 | 19454.12 | 1.524527 | | AAAAAAAAPGAEAAAA | Then sure temperatures can speak still central services. Powerful findings follow. Also successive speakers may not see by now in the nations. Main, good patterns can ben | Shoes | athletic | 6.65 | 4153.65 | 0.325502 | | AAAAAAAAPIJCAAAA | Matters feel even gastric others. Notes may break also international, head powers. Then contemporary rounds start literally reason | Shoes | athletic | 9.85 | 4172.34 | 0.326967 | | AAAAAAAAPINBAAAA | New managers believe about conventional, famous women. Direct, excellent borders must snap pairs. Alone national miles contain more armed expenses; much young eggs must agree then dogs; firms us | Shoes | athletic | 7.22 | 20819.84 | 1.631552 | | AAAAAAAAPJHDAAAA | Nasty drugs beat recently still open facts. Bad sales go here too detailed producers. Priorities account also in a operations. | Shoes | athletic | 4.12 | 6109.77 | 0.478794 | | AAAAAAAAPLACAAAA | Tanks need urban, busy areas. Owners want. Pretty years must trim afterwards entries; full, british results should | Shoes | athletic | 3.78 | 4339.37 | 0.340056 | | AAAAAAAAPNCBAAAA | Relatively unable cultures shall sell changes. Relative, accessible initiatives go indeed main areas. Responsible, statut | Shoes | athletic | 0.99 | 6177.63 | 0.484112 | | AAAAAAAAPNJDAAAA | Issu | Shoes | athletic | 8.30 | 4247.64 | 0.332867 | | AAAAAAAAPONBAAAA | Difficult, necessary teams will not avoid apart. Allies may lo | Shoes | athletic | 3.20 | 297.62 | 0.023323 | | AAAAAAAAPPBDAAAA | Useful things mean bonds. Large, healthy rates would make though great pp.; gentlemen may describe national years. Less than wide minutes may not lecture now consciou | Shoes | athletic | 13.30 | 11259.89 | 0.882384 | | AAAAAAAAAAKAAAAA | Definitions wait simple books. New, whole services follow effectively popular parts. Also giant thoughts speed small owners. True, social miles shall give very national p | Shoes | kids | 71.25 | 4175.21 | 0.310799 | | AAAAAAAAABNDAAAA | Best independent estimates adopt here elderly men. Principal sancti | Shoes | kids | 4.93 | 1810.65 | 0.134783 | | AAAAAAAAAFAAAAAA | Particular, armed costs ought to spin certainly. Events get in the costs. Late, parliamentary foods shall not arrest there able men. Other, difficult officers hold high interests. Model shares dre | Shoes | kids | 2.16 | 1257.85 | 0.093633 | | AAAAAAAAAFNCAAAA | Extensively lovely times should keep against | Shoes | kids | 2.54 | 9612.13 | 0.715518 | | AAAAAAAAAGHAAAAA | Etc maximum restrictions should use for a observers. Just flexible employers frighten at last other pupils; british reasons must not tend howev | Shoes | kids | 41.66 | 3134.99 | 0.233366 | | AAAAAAAAAHBAAAAA | Social plans shall tell currently active demands. Bright, new perso | Shoes | kids | 22.00 | 10991.04 | 0.818163 | | AAAAAAAAAIFAAAAA | Years would not drop local chains; sometimes chief investors may not bear then common times. Scottish, adult eyes show. Schools ought to write only more lesser men. Di | Shoes | kids | 9.75 | 259.37 | 0.019307 | | AAAAAAAAAIHBAAAA | Sales will not know genuinely apparent, blue studies. Spare attempts can turn safely strange foods. International tears help only uses. Studies notify quickly only th | Shoes | kids | 7.95 | 15932.45 | 1.185997 | | AAAAAAAAAKMBAAAA | Wild scientific cri | Shoes | kids | 9.52 | 5054.58 | 0.376258 | | AAAAAAAAALLBAAAA | Following, different points will not attempt to a acres. Relationships pass on a representatives. Good towns might explain further down a areas. Flexible revenues would not pray purely cultural guns | Shoes | kids | 7.17 | 2615.31 | 0.194681 | | AAAAAAAAAMHDAAAA | Consistent parents get enough minute boys. Childr | Shoes | kids | 5.76 | 2224.75 | 0.165608 | | AAAAAAAAANCEAAAA | Safe pages get extraordinarily mentally able others. Social, differ | Shoes | kids | 28.75 | 6644.32 | 0.494597 | | AAAAAAAAAOLAAAAA | Owners find normally so persistent doctors. National, vast lessons shall hang now con | Shoes | kids | 5.38 | 15307.52 | 1.139478 | | AAAAAAAABAHCAAAA | Fascinating, royal comments use customers; trees would simplify. Familiar sons trav | Shoes | kids | 9.31 | 15860.25 | 1.180623 | | AAAAAAAABCFCAAAA | Poor letters think even internal, personal rates. Technical elements cannot follow jus | Shoes | kids | 0.14 | 11669.18 | 0.868643 | | AAAAAAAABEDCAAAA | Successfully interesting forests en | Shoes | kids | 8.02 | 4259.35 | 0.317062 | | AAAAAAAABJDAAAAA | Particular countries will choose by a studies. Strongly technical images cut. Over other games might not hold so political, attractive figures. Right sales used to overcome wooden farms. Experiments m | Shoes | kids | 2.15 | 10143.09 | 0.755043 | | AAAAAAAABLNDAAAA | Other stones vanish enough chief police; small, poor quantities shall promote clearly services. British, domestic publishers shall place o | Shoes | kids | 2.63 | 5880.04 | 0.437705 | | AAAAAAAABNFAAAAA | Dominant policies will not continue territories. Entire services show already always national waters. Children might make still foreign, grey enterprises. Ancient factors must not mention p | Shoes | kids | 1.97 | 634.56 | 0.047236 | | AAAAAAAABOOCAAAA | Students get completely terrible, tight negotiations. Failures may meet so into a organisations. Nurses provide impossible days; early silent countries pu | Shoes | kids | 6.63 | 2424.36 | 0.180467 | | AAAAAAAABPDDAAAA | Open clothes sit simply. Needs leave soon proud forces. Only capital products will teach upon the hotels. Now bad police speculate direct strange plans. So particular people | Shoes | kids | 0.77 | 2018.79 | 0.150277 | | AAAAAAAACAADAAAA | Ver | Shoes | kids | 1.42 | 3778.40 | 0.281261 | | AAAAAAAACAEBAAAA | Quite public | Shoes | kids | 7.57 | 22073.70 | 1.643147 | | AAAAAAAACBBAAAAA | Future, relative combinations could see working, bright women. Appropriate conditions shift yet front accounts. Human, main prisoners permit. Years could concentrate human, high points. | Shoes | kids | 2.87 | 1357.78 | 0.101072 | | AAAAAAAACBEBAAAA | Only long forms ought to stem exciting, ready companies. Activities may wish extraordinary entries. Please sorry banks can sing; known women can like always true units. Keen, upp | Shoes | kids | 3.74 | 3191.41 | 0.237566 | | AAAAAAAACDJAAAAA | Single, thin women would give police. Then e | Shoes | kids | 9.59 | 857.86 | 0.063858 | | AAAAAAAACDPCAAAA | Accessible, real efforts help less matters. Words might not explore limits. Creditors might meet. High, suitable hands derive already applications; other adults get much before | Shoes | kids | 1.62 | 779.70 | 0.058040 | | AAAAAAAACEDEAAAA | Ordinary groups will resist reportedly years. Careful, dry pubs shall get again considerable nights. Incidents like inc, poor examinations. New, skilled resources must not smell le | Shoes | kids | 78.72 | 232.55 | 0.017311 | | AAAAAAAACEIAAAAA | Solid, major partners tell about good letters; | Shoes | kids | 7.76 | 125.46 | 0.009339 | | AAAAAAAACFFBAAAA | Broad, external societies put. Either parental measurements look very future responses. Above local mountains eat. Houses react elsewhere legal guns. Technologies oug | Shoes | kids | 3.39 | 1359.73 | 0.101217 | | AAAAAAAACGACAAAA | Public, extensive plans must not proceed severely with the requirements. Legal, junior matters should receive; subsequent, intense words see in the ideas; major resources need long effe | Shoes | kids | 6.61 | 6719.95 | 0.500227 | | AAAAAAAACHDCAAAA | Prim | Shoes | kids | 92.01 | 11217.66 | 0.835033 | | AAAAAAAACHGCAAAA | Other, subject states get soon. Probably complete years shall achieve. Comm | Shoes | kids | 2.73 | 460.13 | 0.034252 | | AAAAAAAACILBAAAA | N | Shoes | kids | 73.62 | 160.32 | 0.011934 | | AAAAAAAACJMAAAAA | Evenly royal employees want safely royal, exact rights. Hours give. Immediate, important members used to build really also black years. African, continuous changes add legal ye | Shoes | kids | 4.37 | 3260.83 | 0.242733 | | AAAAAAAACKLAAAAA | Early peasants include scientists; running minutes could tell probably close profits. However asleep awards might retain for a errors. Pounds include hardly even large individuals. Seriously rough i | Shoes | kids | 3.30 | 1152.06 | 0.085758 | | AAAAAAAACLBCAAAA | Really geographical bars come from the demands. For example severe benefits would not come by a concentrations. | Shoes | kids | 20.76 | 9894.87 | 0.736565 | | AAAAAAAACMDDAAAA | Tall, legal features cou | Shoes | kids | 8.07 | 2784.89 | 0.207305 | | AAAAAAAACNEBAAAA | Initially dangerous things might not vote ago great, decisive proteins. Curre | Shoes | kids | 1.31 | 15212.00 | 1.132368 | | AAAAAAAACPDDAAAA | Still head improvements used to head always inevitably small matters. Inner examinations work scottish, conservative times. Total reports used to understand only, young concepts. | Shoes | kids | 4.13 | 325.64 | 0.024240 | | AAAAAAAADEJAAAAA | Thanks date right lips. So essential troops stay. Inhabitants should not deter very determined men. Various, increasing students must come | Shoes | kids | 1.04 | 6912.92 | 0.514592 | | AAAAAAAADFODAAAA | Foreigners used to depart as. Left, extensive times see very again direct reasons. Open, good topics provide new, favorite response | Shoes | kids | 3.90 | 5508.78 | 0.410069 | | AAAAAAAADGLCAAAA | Substanti | Shoes | kids | 3.31 | 36.04 | 0.002683 | | AAAAAAAADIJCAAAA | Clubs shall defeat so extra movements. Ago free books give alternatives. Different makers can | Shoes | kids | 4.41 | 1480.09 | 0.110177 | | AAAAAAAADJNDAAAA | Certainly alone police see well bad, german parts. Alone police pay even. | Shoes | kids | 34.44 | 4189.33 | 0.311850 | | AAAAAAAADLNBAAAA | Areas shall not follow achievements. Certain, political meetings hear just hor | Shoes | kids | 0.13 | 5312.26 | 0.395440 | | AAAAAAAADNADAAAA | Fast black days fight for a publishers; most other thoughts could suit circumstances; elections learn. Hot, black figures invite | Shoes | kids | 91.62 | 5920.56 | 0.440721 | | AAAAAAAAEAPBAAAA | Never christian pains may seem high resources. Never distinguished hundreds might refer now hard, di | Shoes | kids | 6.15 | 6722.15 | 0.500391 | | AAAAAAAAEBBCAAAA | Nowadays single parties look variable, common children. Back de | Shoes | kids | 0.34 | 988.57 | 0.073588 | | AAAAAAAAEBNCAAAA | Conditions m | Shoes | kids | 4.43 | 1943.04 | 0.144638 | | AAAAAAAAECJBAAAA | More ultimate chapters would not find even present late ingredients. Excellent things buy already in a boys. Sales may purchase so | Shoes | kids | 1.84 | 2838.00 | 0.211258 | | AAAAAAAAEDBAAAAA | Other, still members ou | Shoes | kids | 0.26 | 11887.99 | 0.884931 | | AAAAAAAAEDHAAAAA | Months cope new, significant guns. Following, other years might boil most instead elected tourists. Speci | Shoes | kids | 4.32 | 3908.73 | 0.290962 | | AAAAAAAAEDJDAAAA | Warm circumstances warrant sudden comments. S | Shoes | kids | 5.04 | 2999.78 | 0.223301 | | AAAAAAAAEDOBAAAA | Principally main prayers drive quickly. Various, added prisoners will not see open cal | Shoes | kids | 12.02 | 14984.94 | 1.115466 | | AAAAAAAAEEHBAAAA | Generally communist workers ought to speak to a quantities. Male, english decades take. Explanations retain comparatively large, enormous patterns. Mediterranean budget | Shoes | kids | 0.48 | 15289.87 | 1.138164 | | AAAAAAAAEFAEAAAA | General, satisfactory doubts may invade also public things. Conditions help more years. Central, wrong companies find so always necess | Shoes | kids | 8.45 | 10625.99 | 0.790989 | | AAAAAAAAEFJCAAAA | Big, payable areas might put more in a books. European men sit left, conservative types. Patient, | Shoes | kids | 63.25 | 847.94 | 0.063120 | | AAAAAAAAEGBCAAAA | Clothes mig | Shoes | kids | 3.54 | 8183.23 | 0.609152 | | AAAAAAAAEGPDAAAA | Main provisions must want neat eyes | Shoes | kids | 5.72 | 6535.76 | 0.486516 | | AAAAAAAAEHECAAAA | Environmental, academic disciplines | Shoes | kids | 1.10 | 5824.26 | 0.433553 | | AAAAAAAAEHLDAAAA | Following directors take big properties; specific, black sons used to send merely real, tiny refugees. Sufficiently open acids must prove also current competitors. | Shoes | kids | 7.86 | 9511.23 | 0.708008 | | AAAAAAAAEKKCAAAA | Universities should care as earlier apparent terms; major obligations settle brig | Shoes | kids | 21.29 | 301.99 | 0.022480 | | AAAAAAAAEKLDAAAA | Always interesting fields can use also funn | Shoes | kids | 2.42 | 346.32 | 0.025780 | | AAAAAAAAELKAAAAA | Advertisements care. | Shoes | kids | 5.98 | 1005.56 | 0.074853 | | AAAAAAAAEMAAAAAA | National citizens arrange totally ready, golden roads. Areas marry afraid, redundant pockets. Sections ought to know; feelings arise now revenues. A little great | Shoes | kids | 8.75 | 2372.56 | 0.176611 | | AAAAAAAAEOICAAAA | Women pass at least tremendous cells. Impressive operations might communicate extremely human, capable forms. O | Shoes | kids | 7.01 | 4070.54 | 0.303007 | | AAAAAAAAEOKBAAAA | Also female signs may leave other, successful birds; highly available objectives used to walk. Ready, short men celebrate likely situations. Rights can get. Complete projects would help ju | Shoes | kids | 3.73 | 26689.19 | 1.986720 | | AAAAAAAAEOPCAAAA | Long brilliant plans allow long powers; large, level things must allow vice versa red priorities. Sentences read briefly political programmes. Bad cuts need women. Difficulties publ | Shoes | kids | 8.45 | 3596.85 | 0.267746 | | AAAAAAAAEPADAAAA | Badly back designers limit right things. Exotic, modern lines signal perhaps. Rationally unexpected flowers set. | Shoes | kids | 3.06 | 153.12 | 0.011398 | | AAAAAAAAEPICAAAA | Important, mass views can work. Very political men | Shoes | kids | 7.57 | 6669.42 | 0.496466 | | AAAAAAAAFBGEAAAA | Thoughts replace again systems. Small methods tackle over a purposes. English solicitors must run explic | Shoes | kids | 6.21 | 9933.04 | 0.739407 | | AAAAAAAAFENDAAAA | Good images help sexually weapons. Demands might stem correctly; there educational feelings need scots. No longer easy points plan confident schools. Years | Shoes | kids | 0.29 | 1310.54 | 0.097555 | | AAAAAAAAFEPBAAAA | Golden, african protests rest there key paintings. Sole, national tears will recover to a companies. Good hopes exhibit quite troops. Often different attacks matter | Shoes | kids | 4.24 | 10906.09 | 0.811840 | | AAAAAAAAFGODAAAA | Social months comprise ago true causes; sorry flames build less. Active cells d | Shoes | kids | 1.35 | 2098.13 | 0.156183 | | AAAAAAAAFJBBAAAA | Controversial representatives believe places; open jobs unload only subsequently empty officers. Main, long models mention general students. Beings must use also to a | Shoes | kids | 2.08 | 3636.92 | 0.270729 | | AAAAAAAAFKFCAAAA | Meals may make as aware, ancient events; favorable opponents would think most star, lovely groups. Only quick troops will not clear too whole, western policies. Thus famous tables should not b | Shoes | kids | 1.13 | 4691.81 | 0.349254 | | AAAAAAAAFMBBAAAA | There bitter walls could provide now in a units. Awkward offices reveal ever really main dogs. Consequently poor figures give also big friends. Fol | Shoes | kids | 0.09 | 6165.76 | 0.458974 | | AAAAAAAAFMDCAAAA | Old, wrong departments may not know straigh | Shoes | kids | 2.18 | 315.30 | 0.023471 | | AAAAAAAAFOJDAAAA | Consta | Shoes | kids | 4.74 | 4940.37 | 0.367757 | | AAAAAAAAFOOBAAAA | English, soviet subjects explode even. Countries stand then on a techniques. However increased concepts introduce now agricultural parts. Open s | Shoes | kids | 0.74 | 2429.45 | 0.180846 | | AAAAAAAAGAPBAAAA | Less | Shoes | kids | 5.72 | 2118.25 | 0.157681 | | AAAAAAAAGBDDAAAA | Very new costs might not arise completely strong, chris | Shoes | kids | 3.64 | 3469.66 | 0.258278 | | AAAAAAAAGBICAAAA | Possible services tell manufacturing properties. Japanese, internal policies used to draw. Farms might com | Shoes | kids | 4.14 | 10042.32 | 0.747541 | | AAAAAAAAGBNDAAAA | Aggressive, personal | Shoes | kids | 50.14 | NULL | NULL | | AAAAAAAAGBOBAAAA | Thanks may know outdoor, special eyes. Cultural, y | Shoes | kids | 20.34 | 11686.14 | 0.869906 | | AAAAAAAAGEFCAAAA | Standards drink. Royal weeks settle premier years. Various causes could say. Rough, free terms let more | Shoes | kids | 4.98 | 5646.03 | 0.420285 | | AAAAAAAAGFDAAAAA | Western, different stages will help sharp documents. Royal, serious classes develop sometimes high windows. Lips thi | Shoes | kids | 0.93 | 12909.82 | 0.960996 | | AAAAAAAAGGEDAAAA | Connections can feel rather old, good proposals. Cases can take in the hills. Public, grey firms know either outer, financial enemies. Hundreds coul | Shoes | kids | 8.93 | 5768.19 | 0.429379 | | AAAAAAAAGGOAAAAA | Following, accurate matters shall see persistently increased procedures. Others could mind inside special, alone combinations. Concerned units think ofte | Shoes | kids | 4.59 | 1078.21 | 0.080261 | | AAAAAAAAGHHCAAAA | Walls used to see. Related, new items may appoint. Strong areas may use forward beds. Most practical authors move available, pale | Shoes | kids | 6.32 | 4807.21 | 0.357844 | | AAAAAAAAGHMDAAAA | Extra, eager needs should leave positive, new knees. Senior, acute things appoint too very personal channels. Benefit | Shoes | kids | 5.91 | 7311.51 | 0.544262 | | AAAAAAAAGIAAAAAA | Exactly | Shoes | kids | 3.56 | 12004.57 | 0.893610 | | AAAAAAAAGIPAAAAA | Terms would look women. Long-term, remote arms see more willing w | Shoes | kids | 2.19 | 17646.63 | 1.313599 | | AAAAAAAAGJAEAAAA | Gentl | Shoes | kids | 7.81 | 3495.57 | 0.260207 | | AAAAAAAAGJGCAAAA | Things stand alone but for the situations. Dirty engines look almost communists. Fair files see effectively for a changes. Soft tracks used to give however religious forms. Boards allow on | Shoes | kids | 3.35 | 2575.47 | 0.191716 | | AAAAAAAAGKECAAAA | British days might think just british, successful clothes; conditions draw. Apparent rates clear in a rates; only, serious schemes lose no young eyes. Common, extreme lines can test even political, | Shoes | kids | 0.93 | 8102.07 | 0.603111 | | AAAAAAAAGLHCAAAA | Dimensions might eat closely ways; r | Shoes | kids | 5.58 | 785.30 | 0.058457 | | AAAAAAAAGLOBAAAA | Finally h | Shoes | kids | 3.12 | 320.12 | 0.023829 | | AAAAAAAAGMGBAAAA | Winners can start very. Women stay unlikely names; double words ought to buy straight in a fathers. Both good bodies will attend. National others must not get reasonably in a conditions. Times | Shoes | kids | 52.04 | 122.43 | 0.009114 | | AAAAAAAAGPAEAAAA | Forward, welsh comments look social, minor conditions. Related soldiers should not go difficult | Shoes | kids | 2.57 | 10873.62 | 0.809423 | | AAAAAAAAHCABAAAA | English, good democrats split for a states. Acceptable, likely eyes used to find anyway features. At least full taxes surprise for the sales. | Shoes | kids | 0.97 | 32559.49 | 2.423700 | | AAAAAAAAHEODAAAA | Confident words may enable old, human files; frequent, active patients could not give good immediately positive c | Shoes | kids | 20.68 | 2773.00 | 0.206420 | | AAAAAAAAHGPDAAAA | Architects can damage for a parties. Old events increase later reasonable victims. Coming, white critics can develop in a plants. Modern, long doors would get surely tickets; main, large | Shoes | kids | 9.04 | 3991.78 | 0.297145 | | AAAAAAAAHHLDAAAA | Provincial, high matters can perform mutual duties; old, adequate months advise much good times. There reasonable authorities disturb similar things. Now gol | Shoes | kids | 0.93 | 11380.31 | 0.847140 | | AAAAAAAAHIDBAAAA | Structural, possible organisations can experience too relations. High stars guarantee hence small issues. T | Shoes | kids | 0.39 | 7636.45 | 0.568451 | | AAAAAAAAHKHBAAAA | Clean w | Shoes | kids | 1.35 | 12068.80 | 0.898391 | | AAAAAAAAHLKDAAAA | Lips add for a effects. Concerned, very visits shall finish single budgets. Now interesting hands shall hear. Respectively english vegetables deal hotly. Combined, fascinating farme | Shoes | kids | 1.39 | 1855.76 | 0.138141 | | AAAAAAAAHLOCAAAA | Irish, close variations used to get years. Royal arts see increasingly hundreds. Empty trials prefer again nearly open ways; already human materials seize even | Shoes | kids | 1.39 | 6958.84 | 0.518010 | | AAAAAAAAHMCEAAAA | Ordinary orders can inspect. New int | Shoes | kids | 9.58 | 7086.43 | 0.527508 | | AAAAAAAAHMDDAAAA | Small, good plants work direct, profitable applications. As fat results smell then; classes must | Shoes | kids | 2.57 | 721.16 | 0.053683 | | AAAAAAAAHMMAAAAA | Appropriate, high businesses bind young, social championships. Boxes present. Unfortunately single carers should heed primarily vertically | Shoes | kids | 2.88 | 7715.00 | 0.574298 | | AAAAAAAAHPDDAAAA | As local provisions tak | Shoes | kids | 19.20 | 3544.76 | 0.263869 | | AAAAAAAAHPMAAAAA | Aware, popular elements used to examine red enemies. Able, adequate countries go minutes; young, | Shoes | kids | 4.74 | 762.03 | 0.056725 | | AAAAAAAAIBBBAAAA | Services pick thus | Shoes | kids | 6.87 | 2862.98 | 0.213118 | | AAAAAAAAIBGBAAAA | Particular departments draw never most stupid shoulders. Lonely areas see again high, british units; sure, english seats might round arguments. Running, interesting weeks ought to handle | Shoes | kids | 57.77 | 6263.40 | 0.466242 | | AAAAAAAAIFICAAAA | Women will demonstrate at last | Shoes | kids | 8.01 | 8467.90 | 0.630343 | | AAAAAAAAIGODAAAA | Rumours would kill so strange, dark meetings. Women might co-operate systems. Strong | Shoes | kids | 1.97 | 20983.29 | 1.561977 | | AAAAAAAAIHODAAAA | Li | Shoes | kids | 3.26 | 4369.13 | 0.325234 | | AAAAAAAAIIKAAAAA | So individual vehicles repeat then similar supporters. Serious, young par | Shoes | kids | 0.31 | 5938.98 | 0.442092 | | AAAAAAAAIJIAAAAA | Obligations stay efficiently | Shoes | kids | 58.43 | 20848.63 | 1.551954 | | AAAAAAAAIJIDAAAA | Positively powerful armies may not include more too special stairs. Normally full activities could not help more possible wild comments. Extra effects provide about. Then expensive boys might no | Shoes | kids | 3.16 | 6475.50 | 0.482030 | | AAAAAAAAIJMDAAAA | Growing, organic rights go now cases. Main windows shake there committees. Citizens love occasionally hot, common habits. Important, average miles help however flo | Shoes | kids | 1.80 | 989.06 | 0.073625 | | AAAAAAAAIKABAAAA | Worthy groups would hurt after a systems. Panels can use | Shoes | kids | 1.67 | 11071.16 | 0.824127 | | AAAAAAAAIKBAAAAA | Targets will give functional, continental cases. Documents will stand mistakenly short interested groups | Shoes | kids | 94.88 | 585.15 | 0.043558 | | AAAAAAAAIKCAAAAA | All right instruments would ensure perhaps old years. Pale, given decisions prevent heavily significant, industrial authorities. U | Shoes | kids | 9.05 | 7481.75 | 0.556935 | | AAAAAAAAILBAAAAA | Always working matters may worry now important new officers. Faster likel | Shoes | kids | 3.16 | 2892.82 | 0.215339 | | AAAAAAAAILHAAAAA | Prime systems used to raise ever classical forms. Well sure preparations view tonight. Directly appr | Shoes | kids | 6.39 | 2559.08 | 0.190496 | | AAAAAAAAILNDAAAA | Companies would not cut then. Hardly right steps examine more great deposits. National, practical groups would like representative, great te | Shoes | kids | 6.18 | 2938.16 | 0.218714 | | AAAAAAAAILPAAAAA | Subsequently straight deve | Shoes | kids | 8.64 | 891.02 | 0.066327 | | AAAAAAAAIMCEAAAA | Relationships can endeavour also other ways. Vast, good sites should arrange. Soon commercial eyes must give as well other available directors. Som | Shoes | kids | 7.37 | 6681.66 | 0.497377 | | AAAAAAAAIMIBAAAA | Access | Shoes | kids | 0.66 | 3997.93 | 0.297602 | | AAAAAAAAIMJDAAAA | Other, available police should make previously from a rises; great, confident designs run still, occasional years. Facts used to get exactly. | Shoes | kids | 7.50 | 506.68 | 0.037717 | | AAAAAAAAIOPAAAAA | Features should direct. Me | Shoes | kids | 0.16 | 2971.82 | 0.221220 | | AAAAAAAAIPGDAAAA | Publishers possess dangerous, intensive tonnes. Else other workers find wrong eyes. Miles should remove very with a rises | Shoes | kids | 4.62 | 7582.16 | 0.564409 | | AAAAAAAAIPIBAAAA | Local operations ought to affect regular, coherent increases. Empirical witnesses could | Shoes | kids | 3.37 | 5799.55 | 0.431713 | | AAAAAAAAJELBAAAA | Other securities used to prevent again over domestic components; easy, detailed women would ans | Shoes | kids | 4.58 | 14088.68 | 1.048749 | | AAAAAAAAJGICAAAA | Homes would open with a authors. Then high times should find away that single cultures. Quite pos | Shoes | kids | 4.59 | 4082.58 | 0.303904 | | AAAAAAAAJLEBAAAA | Particular victims get slightly hospitals. Spiritual comments express sooner. Courts reduce new, electric eyes. English eyes could not ensure later on a files; central members make rural managers. Ne | Shoes | kids | 1.99 | 2040.53 | 0.151895 | | AAAAAAAAJNCBAAAA | All b | Shoes | kids | 1.54 | 7866.50 | 0.585575 | | AAAAAAAAJODCAAAA | More important humans cannot say into a troops. Irritably long standards may pass again costs. Ugly, expected changes confirm | Shoes | kids | 4.78 | 7162.57 | 0.533175 | | AAAAAAAAJOLAAAAA | Communist, yellow objectives might come ever for a investors. Highly general users come again highest red councils. Problems welcome relatively therefore low units. Broadly close fac | Shoes | kids | 3.04 | 3973.98 | 0.295820 | | AAAAAAAAKAFEAAAA | Too other thanks ought to play illustrations. Main, high terms can tell organizations; together available publi | Shoes | kids | 7.11 | 5578.41 | 0.415252 | | AAAAAAAAKAMDAAAA | Overall, key opinions mu | Shoes | kids | 3.97 | 4465.83 | 0.332432 | | AAAAAAAAKDFEAAAA | High courts subscribe small officers; black, vi | Shoes | kids | 1.20 | 1736.43 | 0.129258 | | AAAAAAAAKEDCAAAA | Quite effective contracts would not draw pure, local students. Buses would assess mutual costs. Doubtful subjects may interfere nearly. As french reasons m | Shoes | kids | 1.43 | 7470.69 | 0.556112 | | AAAAAAAAKEGDAAAA | Serious others | Shoes | kids | 3.64 | 6550.32 | 0.487600 | | AAAAAAAAKELAAAAA | Modern weeks will kill predominantly visual scientists; con | Shoes | kids | 0.92 | 5173.79 | 0.385132 | | AAAAAAAAKGMDAAAA | Ages must enjoy soon new tools. Hands would identify closely capable | Shoes | kids | 3.08 | 10756.01 | 0.800668 | | AAAAAAAAKGOCAAAA | Studies may admit of cours | Shoes | kids | 7.26 | 11554.82 | 0.860131 | | AAAAAAAAKHBBAAAA | Busy, available departments ought to weaken etc apparent reports. Smooth, successful others could last somewhere. Days make t | Shoes | kids | 9.20 | 28269.47 | 2.104354 | | AAAAAAAAKICAAAAA | Easier economic con | Shoes | kids | 0.34 | 3186.04 | 0.237166 | | AAAAAAAAKKHBAAAA | Trousers | Shoes | kids | 1.87 | 9.69 | 0.000721 | | AAAAAAAAKKNCAAAA | Far, small levels get then public computers. Far experienced newspapers divide eventually in a careers. Objectives see black plants. Modern wome | Shoes | kids | 8.93 | 2706.74 | 0.201487 | | AAAAAAAAKLFDAAAA | Victorian, artificial studies used to light just to a lives. British consequences shall collect substantially. As it were ruling ma | Shoes | kids | 4.53 | 1808.56 | 0.134628 | | AAAAAAAAKMHDAAAA | Available, consistent women hold still complex diseases. Married, good children would work there movements | Shoes | kids | 2.01 | 502.87 | 0.037433 | | AAAAAAAAKNHCAAAA | French figures help all years. Other, afraid deaths would cope also purposes; female minutes enter then instead incredible positions. Outsid | Shoes | kids | 7.58 | 6622.63 | 0.492983 | | AAAAAAAAKOJCAAAA | Economies increase sometimes consultants; available, special emissions need otherwise. Patients say eve | Shoes | kids | 2.41 | 6853.20 | 0.510146 | | AAAAAAAAKPBDAAAA | Basic results may cover with a children. About exact rates could agree there subjects. Colours prefer now stories. High, other animals must make notes; either | Shoes | kids | 1.41 | 2761.53 | 0.205566 | | AAAAAAAAKPKAAAAA | New patients could accept sooner most left styles. Closed, free troops push just t | Shoes | kids | 0.64 | 2027.86 | 0.150952 | | AAAAAAAALBHAAAAA | Findings buy most afraid tests. Ostensibly chief organisms act over databases. Bitter, exciting parents lose just real years. Again slow countries concentrate with a children. Huge, new policies prod | Shoes | kids | 1.43 | 1430.22 | 0.106464 | | AAAAAAAALBHDAAAA | Small, black hours accommodate plans. Great, parental records appl | Shoes | kids | 0.39 | 816.57 | 0.060785 | | AAAAAAAALENAAAAA | Progressive projects construct only ever only groups. Private responses allow even different, new animals; fellow, realistic i | Shoes | kids | 5.77 | 1415.28 | 0.105352 | | AAAAAAAALGDCAAAA | Rather english applications get a little. J | Shoes | kids | 7.88 | 3072.86 | 0.228741 | | AAAAAAAALJBBAAAA | Parents would undertake. Things can go materials. Different, mechanical tasks make there windows. Further high books explore often foreign, technical owners; increased matters get togeth | Shoes | kids | 2.36 | 3929.16 | 0.292483 | | AAAAAAAALJEEAAAA | Annually cheerful interest | Shoes | kids | 1.43 | 14191.13 | 1.056375 | | AAAAAAAALJFDAAAA | Detailed, associated police wait already above new opponents; economic individuals will need lights. British, c | Shoes | kids | 2.10 | 4192.43 | 0.312081 | | AAAAAAAALKDEAAAA | Never hot accounts appreciate possibly available leaders. S | Shoes | kids | 80.88 | 1439.94 | 0.107188 | | AAAAAAAALMCAAAAA | Scottish speakers support finally fundamental, severe days. Reasonably labour images would ease. Complete, different guards must not relieve structures; high, good windows will f | Shoes | kids | 47.77 | 1568.75 | 0.116776 | | AAAAAAAALOKCAAAA | Wounds establis | Shoes | kids | 9.31 | 5978.04 | 0.445000 | | AAAAAAAALPBEAAAA | Corporate politicians must break local doors. Free, great experiences would not take best too following claims. Elderly points used to know aware, good cent | Shoes | kids | 2.92 | 3215.09 | 0.239328 | | AAAAAAAAMAJCAAAA | Provinces shall bury in a | Shoes | kids | 5.16 | 106.22 | 0.007907 | | AAAAAAAAMAOCAAAA | Gates might press here solid applicants; novel, probable minutes get basic processes. Happy bonds might admit even for the words. Only, royal languages used to back again yesterday | Shoes | kids | 2.05 | 2117.06 | 0.157592 | | AAAAAAAAMBBCAAAA | Women appear for example things. Sure strengths go recent flights. Walls see more expen | Shoes | kids | 4.54 | 117.96 | 0.008781 | | AAAAAAAAMBKCAAAA | Else good forms can hear hence ye | Shoes | kids | 7.58 | 8067.00 | 0.600500 | | AAAAAAAAMBNAAAAA | Computers used to eat. Pink flowers maintain | Shoes | kids | 91.00 | 519.48 | 0.038670 | | AAAAAAAAMCFBAAAA | Rural phenomena would not sound more than key, moral rates. Also subsequent aspec | Shoes | kids | 6.50 | 6508.90 | 0.484517 | | AAAAAAAAMDDBAAAA | Special, realistic friends will comply. Opening concentrations could not look too major, soviet proceedings. National children might get following, hig | Shoes | kids | 9.56 | 5093.63 | 0.379165 | | AAAAAAAAMDGCAAAA | Groups live then. Free, victorian members may not aid all players. Genes dive in the farmers. Groups make on a | Shoes | kids | 6.93 | 8682.25 | 0.646299 | | AAAAAAAAMDMCAAAA | Total theories fail over p | Shoes | kids | 3.15 | 9207.10 | 0.685368 | | AAAAAAAAMEAEAAAA | Difficult matters provide just mental, moving attitudes. In particular active relatives sustain here political participants. | Shoes | kids | 3.01 | 1558.03 | 0.115978 | | AAAAAAAAMEKDAAAA | Large levels should add futures; fresh, good limitations may carry later units | Shoes | kids | 0.50 | 7623.94 | 0.567519 | | AAAAAAAAMFKCAAAA | Once electronic workers eat. Eastern girls will cause then key goods; things go at a operations. Other, delicious explanations could deny safe, particular courts. Really big fla | Shoes | kids | 8.23 | 4377.63 | 0.325867 | | AAAAAAAAMGFCAAAA | Ways may gain there total skills. Identical, industrial men ought to say. Fo | Shoes | kids | 1.31 | 13964.50 | 1.039505 | | AAAAAAAAMHJAAAAA | Too western officers give less clear trends; nevertheless positive st | Shoes | kids | 0.62 | 11154.34 | 0.830319 | | AAAAAAAAMJEBAAAA | Permanently following units keep then different, preliminary heads. Still legal pounds must suppor | Shoes | kids | 6.55 | 1462.24 | 0.108848 | | AAAAAAAAMJMCAAAA | Husbands drive open arms. Then competitive blacks will improve across a couples. Ready sections keep soon able firms. Political rates would continue boys; issues may take presumably | Shoes | kids | 3.82 | 12197.98 | 0.908007 | | AAAAAAAAMKCEAAAA | So small heads ought to help parents. Second | Shoes | kids | 3.35 | 9423.18 | 0.701453 | | AAAAAAAAMKKDAAAA | Literally special schemes steady nuclear houses. Certain, working rules shift. Productive, determined mech | Shoes | kids | 6.38 | 9727.43 | 0.724101 | | AAAAAAAAMKNCAAAA | Perhaps victorian questions pick a bit; african, cheap reasons give then areas. Hours shall ensure | Shoes | kids | 6.76 | 8981.14 | 0.668548 | | AAAAAAAAMLGAAAAA | Electric buildings get items. Pregnant, good fruits appear to a blues. Single, su | Shoes | kids | 9.66 | 10693.43 | 0.796009 | | AAAAAAAAMLIAAAAA | Seconds would n | Shoes | kids | 5.71 | 12798.22 | 0.952688 | | AAAAAAAAMLMCAAAA | Ideal areas give forwards continuous, exciting priorities; parts will not make officers; individuals come future months. Open, big liabilities shall not pull just from a deaths; ju | Shoes | kids | 19.11 | 18707.81 | 1.392593 | | AAAAAAAANDIBAAAA | Men should consider so breasts. Probably american functions teach. Bonds shall enable much extended members. Lines think to a prayers. Years could use; classes will think oft | Shoes | kids | 2.91 | 14117.77 | 1.050914 | | AAAAAAAANDLBAAAA | White posts find all on a attempts. Very formidable governments may not provoke then effective, average things. Foreig | Shoes | kids | 33.28 | 427.05 | 0.031789 | | AAAAAAAANLKDAAAA | Intentions should understand however controversial colleagues; just clear letters ought to last inadequate pictures. Changes control upon a terms. Very imposs | Shoes | kids | 1.43 | 2312.52 | 0.172142 | | AAAAAAAAOBCCAAAA | Current definitions reflect already soldiers. Children arrange fat, linear requirements. Open ideas lay poor, important forms. Other bars fall none | Shoes | kids | 1.97 | 11138.24 | 0.829121 | | AAAAAAAAOCBCAAAA | Totally new stories describe beyond a hands; more different men see over cases. Serious, other cases spoil concerned teeth. Traditional movies run as. General, other cells | Shoes | kids | 94.83 | 5535.60 | 0.412065 | | AAAAAAAAOCBDAAAA | Progressive surveys succeed still. Systems lack so willing, good names. Years shall not talk really to a buses. Panels fulfil international genes. | Shoes | kids | 7.11 | 9064.72 | 0.674770 | | AAAAAAAAOCCBAAAA | Amounts must not choose never to | Shoes | kids | 91.94 | 4653.34 | 0.346391 | | AAAAAAAAOCCEAAAA | Themes will work all penalties. Old, radical germans confess of course econom | Shoes | kids | 9.66 | 5055.96 | 0.376361 | | AAAAAAAAOFAEAAAA | P | Shoes | kids | 51.57 | 12366.91 | 0.920582 | | AAAAAAAAOFKAAAAA | Direct ways topple inches. Complex years can take also across a words. Stupid, global implications would provide sure things. Russians take much for the spots. Indoors local men w | Shoes | kids | 7.18 | 7682.88 | 0.571907 | | AAAAAAAAOGMDAAAA | Chemical, | Shoes | kids | 8.98 | 2571.23 | 0.191400 | | AAAAAAAAOHMCAAAA | Trees could include ahead marked payments; sizes could see golden, left members. Books can raise generally western circumstances. Military, s | Shoes | kids | 6.13 | 2736.34 | 0.203691 | | AAAAAAAAOJMCAAAA | Lucky, private centuries tell still bodies. Instead special readers publicise also alleged drivers. Joint fe | Shoes | kids | 8.37 | 6711.18 | 0.499574 | | AAAAAAAAOKODAAAA | Employers work and so on | Shoes | kids | 0.28 | 4919.46 | 0.366200 | | AAAAAAAAOLLBAAAA | Reservations | Shoes | kids | 0.44 | 15582.57 | 1.159953 | | AAAAAAAAOLMBAAAA | The | Shoes | kids | 8.67 | 4235.04 | 0.315253 | | AAAAAAAAOMLAAAAA | Disabled relations express doubtfully common hours; very inappropriate ideas make bad, light theorie | Shoes | kids | 0.86 | 5095.47 | 0.379302 | | AAAAAAAAONCAAAAA | Prices wou | Shoes | kids | 5.81 | 11341.45 | 0.844247 | | AAAAAAAAOODDAAAA | Times ought to satisfy explicitly practical hours; harsh, polite walls make in a fie | Shoes | kids | 2.80 | 13126.43 | 0.977120 | | AAAAAAAAOPDCAAAA | Especially local thousands withdraw as workers. Else direct teams renew long indu | Shoes | kids | 8.40 | 2815.22 | 0.209562 | | AAAAAAAAOPNCAAAA | Considerable, grand lives include now annually opening childr | Shoes | kids | 0.61 | 6226.48 | 0.463494 | | AAAAAAAAPAKDAAAA | Germans consider high, representative doors; somewhat right countries would not strive absolutely rough old needs. Whole, possible communities will go also past, other departments. Ele | Shoes | kids | 3.46 | 1582.02 | 0.117764 | | AAAAAAAAPFIDAAAA | Inc, good scores clear only following hours. Involved, pale terms manoeuvre however actu | Shoes | kids | 5.31 | 11177.69 | 0.832057 | | AAAAAAAAPHNCAAAA | Only magic moments should adjust also | Shoes | kids | 1.22 | 20068.89 | 1.493910 | | AAAAAAAAPIPCAAAA | Private incentives tell. Measures enjoy then grey hands. | Shoes | kids | 9.89 | 2176.88 | 0.162045 | | AAAAAAAAPMNDAAAA | Left, minor sets used to take for a contributions. Level feet can touch there great owners. Technical campaigns mu | Shoes | kids | 1.67 | 11421.90 | 0.850236 | | AAAAAAAAPOCDAAAA | Reliable, interesting heads may check in the rooms. New musc | Shoes | kids | 0.65 | 3733.99 | 0.277955 | | AAAAAAAAAABEAAAA | La | Shoes | mens | 1.99 | 418.76 | 0.031057 | | AAAAAAAAACMDAAAA | Classical goods involve long, blank interpretations. Committees cause immensely trials. Passive ways can demonstrate mainly very clean years. Vast, other agreements prove good expensive, hard | Shoes | mens | 1.61 | 11107.67 | 0.823780 | | AAAAAAAAAFEBAAAA | Collections shall not adju | Shoes | mens | 3.01 | 1907.60 | 0.141474 | | AAAAAAAAAGLCAAAA | Red, growing matters must not worry downstream high, continued sites. Poor contracts pay now. Co | Shoes | mens | 0.25 | 2883.89 | 0.213879 | | AAAAAAAAAHBDAAAA | Communist, big others should shake less; rapid, different procedures can enable very badly spiritual men; directly furious live | Shoes | mens | 8.37 | 7409.61 | 0.549520 | | AAAAAAAAAHJBAAAA | International patterns may expect with a | Shoes | mens | 1.29 | 2659.90 | 0.197267 | | AAAAAAAAAHPAAAAA | Surveys shall not ne | Shoes | mens | 9.42 | 9227.08 | 0.684310 | | AAAAAAAAAKGAAAAA | Efficiently excellent surfaces shall slide therefore chips. A | Shoes | mens | 5.89 | 14101.07 | 1.045781 | | AAAAAAAAALGDAAAA | Shoes happen straight new pp.. Complex tr | Shoes | mens | 3.17 | 15064.28 | 1.117215 | | AAAAAAAAALHBAAAA | Over concerned paymen | Shoes | mens | 4.50 | 8816.48 | 0.653858 | | AAAAAAAAAMIDAAAA | Things ought to say now criminal, new circumstances. Colonial systems say projects. Successful, poor pensions will care particularly initially total others. | Shoes | mens | 4.82 | 383.35 | 0.028430 | | AAAAAAAAAOADAAAA | Before difficult years ought to override parents. English, true women must provoke more severe times. Only, short cases may not spend usually by a objects | Shoes | mens | 9.10 | 10471.19 | 0.776577 | | AAAAAAAABBACAAAA | Else left resources understand gold shadows. Slowly voluntary | Shoes | mens | 7.22 | 6596.88 | 0.489246 | | AAAAAAAABBCDAAAA | More civil police put often sure members. Ot | Shoes | mens | 7.74 | 3021.77 | 0.224104 | | AAAAAAAABCHDAAAA | Increased, special pound | Shoes | mens | 2.52 | 8056.72 | 0.597512 | | AAAAAAAABFEAAAAA | Letters make around elderly, clear supporters; sales can wish securely darling mechanisms. Authorities used to keep conditions. Political sports may matter also. Po | Shoes | mens | 9.23 | 1851.24 | 0.137294 | | AAAAAAAABKLAAAAA | Private, tiny questions take. Arms will cause circa. Levels shall enforce by the years. Points may perpetuate conversely by a ways. Medical organisations see | Shoes | mens | 2.70 | 18456.76 | 1.368812 | | AAAAAAAABLICAAAA | Disabled results will lead still however right armies. Much social men shift then teenage em | Shoes | mens | 0.12 | 1583.10 | 0.117408 | | AAAAAAAABMFEAAAA | Active, available books should react more processes. Only democratic fac | Shoes | mens | 0.97 | 534.24 | 0.039621 | | AAAAAAAABOEDAAAA | Ever spare ingredients ought to judge never p | Shoes | mens | 3.12 | 766.40 | 0.056839 | | AAAAAAAABPLBAAAA | Conflicts must bring cold, bol | Shoes | mens | 2.77 | 3892.64 | 0.288691 | | AAAAAAAACADDAAAA | Still fat boys privatise. Fo | Shoes | mens | 7.94 | 5485.89 | 0.406851 | | AAAAAAAACAFBAAAA | Attractive organizations will turn other, effective patients. Social, christian mo | Shoes | mens | 3.31 | 781.00 | 0.057921 | | AAAAAAAACALBAAAA | Days protect most bad hours; at present empty things ought to speak usually further able profits. Feelings may know. Clients will not help | Shoes | mens | 2.79 | 5099.17 | 0.378171 | | AAAAAAAACCJAAAAA | As linear factors continue national, addition | Shoes | mens | 4.79 | 3288.31 | 0.243872 | | AAAAAAAACDCAAAAA | Issues must raise obviously reasons. Particles meet easily for the years. Problems say with the things. Sha | Shoes | mens | 7.17 | 4785.20 | 0.354886 | | AAAAAAAACEGCAAAA | Imperial, firm ways used to overwhelm rarely | Shoes | mens | 4.35 | 6259.06 | 0.464192 | | AAAAAAAACEIDAAAA | Wheels used to complete for example bare seconds. Very natural matters get old lips. Domestic dimensions will not fill below joint, great rules. Only, late crimes support almo | Shoes | mens | 2.15 | 3375.52 | 0.250339 | | AAAAAAAACGECAAAA | Certain countries produce then recent, foreign ends. Details shall claim at a figures. Effective days should see local interests. Outer courses mig | Shoes | mens | 6.66 | 7433.27 | 0.551275 | | AAAAAAAACHNDAAAA | Functional, criminal services discern victims. Frequently different firms ought | Shoes | mens | 70.16 | 17886.19 | 1.326497 | | AAAAAAAACIFBAAAA | Free proced | Shoes | mens | 0.30 | 369.15 | 0.027377 | | AAAAAAAACINAAAAA | Payme | Shoes | mens | 9.54 | 18099.66 | 1.342329 | | AAAAAAAACJPCAAAA | Almost disabled women should travel on a terms. Readers will win. Generations extend red arms. Soon large adults take important negotiations. Excellent problems know important, social videos. Acce | Shoes | mens | 0.16 | 17582.61 | 1.303983 | | AAAAAAAACKCAAAAA | Very conventional quantities would turn on a clients. | Shoes | mens | 4.49 | 6608.03 | 0.490073 | | AAAAAAAACLGAAAAA | Rather suitable weapons could prosecute ago labour, large users. Affairs use normally at the unions; emotions can say; armed, | Shoes | mens | 1.40 | 8541.53 | 0.633467 | | AAAAAAAACNFDAAAA | Critical cities stop often. Earlier tender offenders make. Less than true drawings can provide elsewhere recently vulnerable days. | Shoes | mens | 5.55 | 8974.41 | 0.665571 | | AAAAAAAACOBAAAAA | Young, impossible illustration | Shoes | mens | 1.79 | 6873.53 | 0.509763 | | AAAAAAAACPGAAAAA | Economic cars support extremely important responsibilities. Better other teachers forgive together with a jobs. Educational, political times will recognise. Widely final | Shoes | mens | 61.81 | 7962.91 | 0.590555 | | AAAAAAAACPIBAAAA | New, pure children canno | Shoes | mens | 3.51 | 8801.92 | 0.652779 | | AAAAAAAACPMCAAAA | Hands provide now big measures. Loyal, additional limitations land sets; yet similar obligations used to | Shoes | mens | 4.89 | 4200.42 | 0.311517 | | AAAAAAAADAKDAAAA | Sexual buildings wake immediately commercial, little witnesses. Just local collections sit all right common con | Shoes | mens | 4.75 | 6433.31 | 0.477115 | | AAAAAAAADBHCAAAA | Once recent stations used to accept limited, original | Shoes | mens | 2.81 | 974.95 | 0.072305 | | AAAAAAAADBJAAAAA | Certain, star systems make never competitive increases. For ever technical masters inform as. Bare, soviet activities can identif | Shoes | mens | 42.19 | 1048.60 | 0.077768 | | AAAAAAAADFGCAAAA | Reasons begin much. Illegal, basic materials gain in a months. So small levels counter heavily whole lives; big rooms win clear, alone months. Necessary, commo | Shoes | mens | 0.35 | 3421.28 | 0.253733 | | AAAAAAAADGEDAAAA | Small eyes can support significant, electronic scores; boots can stand. Urgent, noble rats wear however. Exchanges might give trades. | Shoes | mens | 3.21 | 682.36 | 0.050606 | | AAAAAAAADHLBAAAA | Trousers understand patients. Less royal associa | Shoes | mens | 63.39 | 1204.80 | 0.089352 | | AAAAAAAADJABAAAA | Difficult, public games know slightly right proceedings. Days may say attractiv | Shoes | mens | 2.94 | 13140.97 | 0.974576 | | AAAAAAAADJLCAAAA | Large services shall not add. Affairs prepare about brief issues. Average roads increase silent pairs. Approximately private arguments shall approach rule | Shoes | mens | 2.43 | 22722.88 | 1.685202 | | AAAAAAAADKPDAAAA | Just about blue women can lose thanks. Comprehensive years wish soon as usual memb | Shoes | mens | 1.16 | 4618.59 | 0.342529 | | AAAAAAAADNOBAAAA | Never certain bars name then naked, little schools. Forever single leaves distinguish; activities wait far final women. Ways should not arise. Close, big hours believ | Shoes | mens | 7.81 | 6127.61 | 0.454443 | | AAAAAAAADPABAAAA | European, incredible years might manage relatively in a trust | Shoes | mens | 1.02 | 20454.66 | 1.516983 | | AAAAAAAADPDEAAAA | Others play. Totally new appearances should not pray strong campaigns; normal, new doors bear still. Skills prove then golden types. Additional, high things make; probably s | Shoes | mens | 1.99 | 5647.28 | 0.418820 | | AAAAAAAADPKDAAAA | Really special ministers supplement men. Relevant, new goods tell about at least ot | Shoes | mens | 4.89 | 2806.31 | 0.208125 | | AAAAAAAAEADDAAAA | Then concerned prices could not go little costs. Tomorrow possible securities cannot obtain with a voters. Bright, reluctant pieces may cover again residential, soft affairs; schools know r | Shoes | mens | 86.10 | 3583.11 | 0.265735 | | AAAAAAAAEBIDAAAA | Real, central systems should know low traditional products. Facilities will go else. Early weeks can say once. Modern interests want white women. Like | Shoes | mens | 0.92 | 3132.27 | 0.232299 | | AAAAAAAAEBODAAAA | Popular, video-taped letters would drag so local, international levels; twi | Shoes | mens | 98.80 | 338.10 | 0.025075 | | AAAAAAAAECIAAAAA | Unusual boundaries answer apart resources. Ethnic, tragic methods might not operate rather so rich representatives. Poor nurses go. Short systems keep highly anywhere central | Shoes | mens | 3.23 | 4507.36 | 0.334280 | | AAAAAAAAECNAAAAA | Rates indicate minor counci | Shoes | mens | 51.01 | 4973.30 | 0.368836 | | AAAAAAAAEDDEAAAA | Areas impose on a places. Agricultural masses might persuade since. Professional, heavy months might not give essential classes. There old homes rise tomorrow exampl | Shoes | mens | 0.48 | 1177.35 | 0.087316 | | AAAAAAAAEDFEAAAA | Just | Shoes | mens | 6.41 | 4914.09 | 0.364445 | | AAAAAAAAEDICAAAA | Full foreigners contain currently from a months. New, statutory feelings will not tr | Shoes | mens | 3.37 | 15057.77 | 1.116732 | | AAAAAAAAEEMDAAAA | Operators may take running days. Minimal things used to take without the sectors. Funny, high clients wait with a employees. Important, quick workers should save as. Chief sources woul | Shoes | mens | 3.19 | 9433.70 | 0.699633 | | AAAAAAAAEEOBAAAA | Years must find ultimately down an parents. National, literary | Shoes | mens | 2.95 | 3872.82 | 0.287221 | | AAAAAAAAEILCAAAA | Full, other years should wear european members; magnetic pictures would show; today cultural feet must not watch. Int | Shoes | mens | 4.11 | 2842.47 | 0.210807 | | AAAAAAAAEKBBAAAA | Funds wander months. Advisory forms meet finally; complaints shall please to a roads. Often presen | Shoes | mens | 1.71 | 4041.71 | 0.299746 | | AAAAAAAAEKMAAAAA | Christian years wo | Shoes | mens | 1.63 | 15178.30 | 1.125671 | | AAAAAAAAELGBAAAA | New, fat questions will think into the children. Teachers meet at all well real years. Collections put only metres. Properties offer essential | Shoes | mens | 2.71 | 3358.46 | 0.249074 | | AAAAAAAAEMKCAAAA | Ever nearby industries ought to feed best peac | Shoes | mens | 1.32 | 15299.76 | 1.134679 | | AAAAAAAAENAAAAAA | Forms end social tons. Level, only fruits establish alone more decisive differences. Also persistent wi | Shoes | mens | 0.52 | 5257.88 | 0.389941 | | AAAAAAAAEOEDAAAA | Territorial resources enquir | Shoes | mens | 0.84 | 1766.52 | 0.131011 | | AAAAAAAAEPAEAAAA | Instructions must change successful clothes. Here appropriate procedures will say hori | Shoes | mens | 3.94 | 244.16 | 0.018108 | | AAAAAAAAEPPBAAAA | Only far effor | Shoes | mens | 3.55 | 6334.16 | 0.469762 | | AAAAAAAAFCFEAAAA | Ago other colours will drive to a band | Shoes | mens | 54.73 | 597.15 | 0.044287 | | AAAAAAAAFEABAAAA | Environmental days will dodge there electoral issues. Disputes requir | Shoes | mens | 0.43 | 1064.64 | 0.078957 | | AAAAAAAAFGFAAAAA | Average teachers go single men. Now integrated women include however in order clean materials. British, white doors take more. Even true holes state substantially later other rats; downs | Shoes | mens | 5.87 | 6255.76 | 0.463947 | | AAAAAAAAFHHAAAAA | Badly small sentences must make important, previous weapons. Back, economic careers stand despite a differences. | Shoes | mens | 0.40 | 9134.91 | 0.677474 | | AAAAAAAAFHMBAAAA | New, simple women may meet ago other ears. Either unknown thoughts cannot manage relatively. Other machines join as in a clouds. Men must answer police; casually | Shoes | mens | 8.63 | 5211.60 | 0.386509 | | AAAAAAAAFHNAAAAA | Common children could leave nearly so labour officers. Just decisive orders distinguish essentially regul | Shoes | mens | 7.60 | 9077.65 | 0.673228 | | AAAAAAAAFJPCAAAA | Less british services change together never considerable reasons. Feelings shall go later later old eyes | Shoes | mens | 6.56 | 1192.04 | 0.088406 | | AAAAAAAAFKABAAAA | Mostly natural brothers would follow probably. Old dangers will not drag. Slightly acceptable voices could not recom | Shoes | mens | 9.81 | 21600.72 | 1.601979 | | AAAAAAAAFOBCAAAA | Just | Shoes | mens | 0.58 | 8449.11 | 0.626613 | | AAAAAAAAGACCAAAA | Prayers persuade countries. Buildings must review forwards on a investors. As other values could want subsequently assessments; major, annual taxes can settle perhaps originally impo | Shoes | mens | 8.00 | 9937.28 | 0.736981 | | AAAAAAAAGAOCAAAA | Political, dramatic banks used to st | Shoes | mens | 8.62 | 13675.70 | 1.014234 | | AAAAAAAAGAODAAAA | Wrong, good values could not work in a minds. Normal structures correct here later massive boo | Shoes | mens | 4.17 | 133.50 | 0.009901 | | AAAAAAAAGBMDAAAA | Fine feelings may recall; there damp memories know even incomes. Judicial, new others mitigate below too alone emotions. Early, liberal children cannot let in the writers. Available | Shoes | mens | 1.45 | 9734.15 | 0.721916 | | AAAAAAAAGCIAAAAA | Missiles accept more police; police take neighbours. Other patients support brilliantly. Creative, other dates ought to assess successes. A | Shoes | mens | 1.40 | 5078.66 | 0.376650 | | AAAAAAAAGELBAAAA | Increased to | Shoes | mens | 0.37 | 3707.58 | 0.274966 | | AAAAAAAAGFEEAAAA | Loc | Shoes | mens | 3.23 | 650.72 | 0.048259 | | AAAAAAAAGIKBAAAA | Moreover new items will not cause cases. Competitive, common figures issue further. Holes raise finally elections. New, open var | Shoes | mens | 3.51 | 1462.32 | 0.108450 | | AAAAAAAAGJABAAAA | Russian, coming methods must not evolve valid, relative boards; immediately nat | Shoes | mens | 1.30 | 4658.14 | 0.345463 | | AAAAAAAAGJLCAAAA | Different, responsible numbers could increas | Shoes | mens | 6.77 | 1904.75 | 0.141262 | | AAAAAAAAGLCAAAAA | Houses reflect so. Thereby sig | Shoes | mens | 2.08 | 951.28 | 0.070550 | | AAAAAAAAGLEBAAAA | Stars should talk less than with a gains. Lives must give with | Shoes | mens | 1.07 | 1913.17 | 0.141887 | | AAAAAAAAGMEEAAAA | Australian, open things shall not cover often small rates. Goals provide ever however grim records. Enough ready objec | Shoes | mens | 4.03 | 14054.22 | 1.042306 | | AAAAAAAAGMHAAAAA | Rural issues take cool; busy, necessary pools ought to fail forward other, national institutions. Elegant parents ab | Shoes | mens | 0.35 | 3221.66 | 0.238929 | | AAAAAAAAGMKDAAAA | Best odd changes used to pass underlying minutes; good others could | Shoes | mens | 4.79 | 205.21 | 0.015219 | | AAAAAAAAGPABAAAA | So islamic names used to force. Really good affairs used to walk actively british, other wings. Important classes equate simply inches. | Shoes | mens | 1.33 | 13701.34 | 1.016135 | | AAAAAAAAHCGEAAAA | Figures impose easy, distinct terms. Apparent calls kiss currently from a sites. Then recent roots can feel content players. | Shoes | mens | 3.12 | 3018.30 | 0.223847 | | AAAAAAAAHCLCAAAA | Pools ought to get progressive, yellow workers. Effectively new women can convict fully. Kids would not know minutes. Friendly forests read educational, possible products; very, politic | Shoes | mens | 9.73 | 19459.69 | 1.443193 | | AAAAAAAAHCMBAAAA | Then widespread tourists make besides nation | Shoes | mens | 2.44 | 9531.22 | 0.706866 | | AAAAAAAAHCNDAAAA | Odd videos answer stores; regular, new years survive far in the hands; habits shall not find now other examinations; happy, awful things obtain. Round rates listen content | Shoes | mens | 9.08 | 1227.20 | 0.091013 | | AAAAAAAAHGIBAAAA | Normally welsh sports s | Shoes | mens | 1.33 | 19032.70 | 1.411526 | | AAAAAAAAHGLBAAAA | New alternatives point from a partners. Leaders would not put pp.; practices wear only to the areas. Most previous cattle know very local families. A little ex | Shoes | mens | 9.16 | 1157.21 | 0.085822 | | AAAAAAAAHHFAAAAA | Pictures shall offer royal, british details. Just new issues will inflict pure functions. Options notice only; tightly local sides shall not make now ago other years. Successful wom | Shoes | mens | 0.23 | 81.30 | 0.006029 | | AAAAAAAAHHGCAAAA | Suddenly small terms realise very from a parts. Apart private gifts think then common services. Legs reduce well in order extensive wounds. Quite adverse | Shoes | mens | 3.84 | 1173.49 | 0.087030 | | AAAAAAAAHHJCAAAA | Then you | Shoes | mens | 8.13 | 81.90 | 0.006074 | | AAAAAAAAHLHAAAAA | Teachers should not maximise among a areas. Old police can say all right golden views; ideas must understand later. As usual paintings used to miss even at a charges. Systems pick. Home supre | Shoes | mens | 1.15 | 2947.89 | 0.218625 | | AAAAAAAAHMIBAAAA | Other, pleased views might get corporate groups. Impatiently efficient texts show productive groups. Supposed, public politicians enter for a shares. Armies underst | Shoes | mens | 9.15 | 9663.50 | 0.716676 | | AAAAAAAAHNDCAAAA | About european ways remain secondly expensive, powerful kinds. Dome | Shoes | mens | 6.36 | 4677.71 | 0.346914 | | AAAAAAAAHOBDAAAA | Great methods evacuate in order free stations. Seats | Shoes | mens | 1.00 | 2790.84 | 0.206978 | | AAAAAAAAIBBAAAAA | Holidays let safely camps. Babies sm | Shoes | mens | 6.58 | 7021.16 | 0.520712 | | AAAAAAAAIBEAAAAA | Almost other shares go. Soft, old items used to understand. Typically complete names stop here correct enemies. | Shoes | mens | 2.62 | 42.00 | 0.003115 | | AAAAAAAAIDBEAAAA | Pupils bear early judges. Other, british things argue in vain unlikely authorities. Somewhere english sons aim good, local projects. New, nece | Shoes | mens | 7.96 | 520.74 | 0.038620 | | AAAAAAAAIDHCAAAA | Main, different pockets should not make | Shoes | mens | 7.17 | 10835.05 | 0.803562 | | AAAAAAAAIDKCAAAA | Leaders miss inevitably new, central u | Shoes | mens | 3.18 | 5405.79 | 0.400911 | | AAAAAAAAIGCBAAAA | German answers like. Cultural, general characters go always into a hands. Necessary, impossible girls make. Slow, attractive regulations must | Shoes | mens | 2.26 | 5238.70 | 0.388519 | | AAAAAAAAIHEBAAAA | Ways might not sense. Merely alone sentences may check payments; developments used to help ruthlessly between the republics. Usually | Shoes | mens | 4.95 | 12739.27 | 0.944785 | | AAAAAAAAIJKBAAAA | Links lend nearly english women. Black, high questions identify early cont | Shoes | mens | 1.65 | 9782.32 | 0.725488 | | AAAAAAAAIJPCAAAA | Mammals win with a modes. Liberal, sensible ladies ought to walk appropriate others. Eyes continue quite annual dangers. Rates throw | Shoes | mens | 0.54 | 887.03 | 0.065785 | | AAAAAAAAIKDCAAAA | Utterly possible decisions require assumptions. Obviously secret skills might disturb special, satisfactory levels. Categories oug | Shoes | mens | 11.10 | 1939.63 | 0.143849 | | AAAAAAAAIMGAAAAA | Much informal clothes may decide. Stud | Shoes | mens | 77.09 | 4139.12 | 0.306970 | | AAAAAAAAIMGCAAAA | However little parties open straightforward months; new judges used t | Shoes | mens | 0.37 | 514.40 | 0.038150 | | AAAAAAAAIOFEAAAA | Prime, social parents join in full women. Demands stand slowly important laws. Also old members say outside a words. Towns help with a policies. Best ordinary seeds seem | Shoes | mens | 1.81 | 4390.40 | 0.325606 | | AAAAAAAAIOHAAAAA | Current prices could take safely fingers. Once other subjects appear then; key, following courses should not slow n | Shoes | mens | 8.61 | 109.86 | 0.008148 | | AAAAAAAAJDDBAAAA | Basically amazing years would avoid statutory, abl | Shoes | mens | 1.29 | 7705.33 | 0.571452 | | AAAAAAAAJDGBAAAA | Military rounds come months. Young crops see fine degrees. Points used to use economic calculations. Better great wings conclude; somewhat american cases see now big days. Still | Shoes | mens | 7.77 | 5422.86 | 0.402177 | | AAAAAAAAJEFBAAAA | Times clean plants; academic, ancient speeches get other authorities; subjective needs may not ta | Shoes | mens | 4.35 | 936.44 | 0.069449 | | AAAAAAAAJEGDAAAA | Molecular, popular claims may stimulate now coming, other lights; authorities could | Shoes | mens | 4.20 | 10905.13 | 0.808759 | | AAAAAAAAJEJDAAAA | Mixed levels want in order changes; victorian, upper bones accept legal, national winners. Often wrong points appreciate freely international companies. Systems say easier perfect eyes; mi | Shoes | mens | 3.93 | 4979.49 | 0.369295 | | AAAAAAAAJFOAAAAA | Unable, great investigations must no perhaps adverse emotions. For example perfect prices feel then other, initial reactions. Cases predict champions; british, liable questions react reall | Shoes | mens | 4.61 | 13192.58 | 0.978404 | | AAAAAAAAJGFCAAAA | Also remarkable audiences follow both marked, great activities. Well-known, possible ideas enable particularly just black concentrations. Absolute, individual metres shall not reflec | Shoes | mens | 3.04 | 892.98 | 0.066226 | | AAAAAAAAJGGBAAAA | Yet average schemes help therefore else confident taxes. Facts used to slip black studies. Northern gardens forget. Poor, high users might not show now with a things. Little plants view at last hig | Shoes | mens | 96.49 | 2670.14 | 0.198026 | | AAAAAAAAJIDCAAAA | Alive, abstract contacts will not know easy, classical paintings. Above styles control frequently directors; powerful powers allow only c | Shoes | mens | 2.84 | 1843.36 | 0.136709 | | AAAAAAAAJLOAAAAA | Dangerous relations believe about birds; western officials start assistant, high nights. | Shoes | mens | 1.55 | 9288.24 | 0.688846 | | AAAAAAAAJMFCAAAA | New shoes support still. Explicit agencies imply mad, english children. Different times should sit very new sources. Special, alleged streets should relate unusual, industrial | Shoes | mens | 6.14 | 218.08 | 0.016174 | | AAAAAAAAJNADAAAA | Late, available estates may | Shoes | mens | 5.15 | 5043.60 | 0.374050 | | AAAAAAAAKADEAAAA | Deliberately significant customers | Shoes | mens | 1.90 | 4040.05 | 0.299623 | | AAAAAAAAKAGBAAAA | Dear feet ought to wear never home other stages. Systems get other, high flowers; late, protective sales want of course horses. Divisions shake as more certain problems. Recently other years ac | Shoes | mens | 4.69 | 2043.99 | 0.151589 | | AAAAAAAAKAOBAAAA | Probably general concentrations cannot reach in the institutions. Old centres may ask yesterday average elections. Foreigners look over royal plants. Rich phenomena shall | Shoes | mens | 7.47 | 2385.78 | 0.176937 | | AAAAAAAAKBBBAAAA | Main children tell. Recently white plans offer often in a ambitions. Barely mere arguments might not use still grand difficulties; valid exampl | Shoes | mens | 4.99 | 2849.42 | 0.211322 | | AAAAAAAAKBCDAAAA | Concerned, formal dogs m | Shoes | mens | 8.88 | 3897.57 | 0.289056 | | AAAAAAAAKCEDAAAA | In situ black conditions win by no mea | Shoes | mens | 1.91 | 11153.94 | 0.827212 | | AAAAAAAAKCLDAAAA | Local changes exclude detailed, rich police; critical, major times must stay about either evi | Shoes | mens | 1.25 | 1358.36 | 0.100740 | | AAAAAAAAKCODAAAA | Weeks used to obtain true; certain rules make with a movements. Criteria know traditional, mutual | Shoes | mens | 2.38 | 8278.25 | 0.613942 | | AAAAAAAAKEFAAAAA | Social quantities shoul | Shoes | mens | 2.48 | 2813.08 | 0.208627 | | AAAAAAAAKFJCAAAA | Specific, blue publications will help. In order successful files could import seldom black, scottish bombs. Other things remain days. Mo | Shoes | mens | 6.84 | 1834.41 | 0.136046 | | AAAAAAAAKGICAAAA | Officers insert reasonable parents. Perhaps unlike situations might control then. Indeed western routes seize new citizens; then electronic years shall | Shoes | mens | 0.81 | 2591.20 | 0.192172 | | AAAAAAAAKHADAAAA | New students create as in | Shoes | mens | 2.03 | 668.70 | 0.049593 | | AAAAAAAAKHLBAAAA | Thirdly classical others travel; details write | Shoes | mens | 2.15 | 8715.45 | 0.646366 | | AAAAAAAAKHNBAAAA | Services must feel double, yellow examples. Anywhere | Shoes | mens | 2.50 | 3652.67 | 0.270894 | | AAAAAAAAKIIDAAAA | Global others could not manage much. Yellow projects defraud again projects. Efficient laws shall knit from a measures. Laws should announce in the issues. About coll | Shoes | mens | 81.46 | 5926.97 | 0.439563 | | AAAAAAAAKJCBAAAA | Still existing judges expect eventually ethnic schools. Films prevent chronic millions. Foreign photographs used to use more back individuals. Missiles become just happy, arti | Shoes | mens | 0.72 | 109.80 | 0.008143 | | AAAAAAAAKKACAAAA | Minutes should ensure available millions. Bars reduc | Shoes | mens | 0.12 | 11462.35 | 0.850085 | | AAAAAAAAKKOAAAAA | Large novels ought to carry | Shoes | mens | 1.89 | 6762.40 | 0.501521 | | AAAAAAAAKMGBAAAA | Big, full efforts may allocate long often new members. Inhabitants believe views. Little, level circumstances expand for a provisions. Criminal studies used to ra | Shoes | mens | 0.66 | 9934.42 | 0.736768 | | AAAAAAAAKNCDAAAA | Nuclear orders find quite now direct materials. Ago alive markets affect often public rights; words bring actually. Available services may not vote thus to a functions; too given parties | Shoes | mens | 3.67 | 2904.23 | 0.215387 | | AAAAAAAAKNPAAAAA | Other, short-term arrangements shall pay other, known times. Only coming men may answer for the strategies. Good thanks will not want actually general industries. Brothers should not win further. | Shoes | mens | 9.53 | 29123.59 | 2.159899 | | AAAAAAAAKOICAAAA | Responsible, major women give else great, literary actions. Good, small causes kill women. Alone, serious artists could not send glad parts. Other, little authorities introduce | Shoes | mens | 3.75 | 9603.04 | 0.712192 | | AAAAAAAAKONDAAAA | Other sons may not hold millions. Ends will come massive colours. Even unfair countries feel thus. Minds used to k | Shoes | mens | 52.73 | 7797.97 | 0.578322 | | AAAAAAAAKPBCAAAA | Other stars must credit. Scottish, anxious gardens used to wait hardly. Alternatively spectacular sales change with the aspects; harsh, other activities would m | Shoes | mens | 1.33 | 1274.00 | 0.094484 | | AAAAAAAAKPOCAAAA | Stones must analyse enough other, good areas. Aware, safe opponents think anyway volumes; essential leaders know. Reliable changes pay n | Shoes | mens | 3.36 | 8402.60 | 0.623164 | | AAAAAAAALACDAAAA | British windows allow | Shoes | mens | 9.97 | 1487.62 | 0.110327 | | AAAAAAAALCNCAAAA | Final activities hope alongside p | Shoes | mens | 7.90 | 4723.78 | 0.350331 | | AAAAAAAALDJCAAAA | Economic mountains inhibit now. Messages keep useful, special figures; social, fat objections ought to meet available, cool things | Shoes | mens | 3.19 | 1774.29 | 0.131587 | | AAAAAAAALFLBAAAA | Finally reasonable lengths could use recent goods; quite orthodox services could not run efficiently really major sides. Ethical members should take also by the researchers. Sex | Shoes | mens | 7.42 | 2893.44 | 0.214587 | | AAAAAAAALHDEAAAA | Extensive laboratories | Shoes | mens | 3.98 | 14063.50 | 1.042994 | | AAAAAAAALIGDAAAA | Regional devices need a | Shoes | mens | 7.62 | 2613.67 | 0.193838 | | AAAAAAAALIIBAAAA | Expressions could support yesterday widespread comments. Also level features used to cook to a places. Materials gather. Better different members reflect more than systems. Here | Shoes | mens | 0.65 | 1165.28 | 0.086421 | | AAAAAAAALIKCAAAA | Practical situations produce even so; military, unlike organizations encourage good, great industries. Regular, efficient others cover modern classes. Usually new lives would remember inside to the b | Shoes | mens | 35.61 | 1413.28 | 0.104813 | | AAAAAAAALJCAAAAA | Lexical areas would not start ago in the beings. Territorial districts must fall even economic | Shoes | mens | 8.61 | 6141.62 | 0.455482 | | AAAAAAAALKMBAAAA | Then young ideas leave. Alternative details must answer previously pp.. Of course key | Shoes | mens | 1.40 | 515.60 | 0.038239 | | AAAAAAAALNICAAAA | Potentially close things relea | Shoes | mens | 5.38 | 446.50 | 0.033114 | | AAAAAAAALOADAAAA | Great classes marry. Wooden employees seize communities. Complete days upgrade again under a contributions; contemporary, black neighbours like early on a arrangement | Shoes | mens | 9.56 | 1562.94 | 0.115913 | | AAAAAAAALOMDAAAA | Flexible a | Shoes | mens | 1.65 | 2879.88 | 0.213581 | | AAAAAAAALPIDAAAA | Potential, diplomatic proceedings might not dispose absolutely. Modern, able results see so properties. Short cars may serve together terms. Immense wishes will not stand little games. Quiet, full t | Shoes | mens | 93.27 | 5287.03 | 0.392103 | | AAAAAAAAMCPAAAAA | Proudly personal costs cut very able, big rights. Sufficient years will promote nearly achievements. Nations woul | Shoes | mens | 0.93 | 5904.04 | 0.437863 | | AAAAAAAAMDCCAAAA | Practices look during a ends. Yesterday easy organisations could serve. Decent, main matters may not contend surely financial fe | Shoes | mens | 0.44 | 22000.52 | 1.631629 | | AAAAAAAAMHGBAAAA | Correct, personal years will draw above spiritual, reasonable parents. Things shall go very to a fee | Shoes | mens | 3.19 | 3236.73 | 0.240046 | | AAAAAAAAMIACAAAA | Simple, powerful efforts may like | Shoes | mens | 3.92 | 13507.83 | 1.001784 | | AAAAAAAAMIMDAAAA | Appropriate, great hands refuse clearly double pools. Passages could not observe for example objects; immediately important days may dry immediate, military wounds. Her | Shoes | mens | 7.00 | 9484.83 | 0.703425 | | AAAAAAAAMIPDAAAA | Applications buy medieval reasons. Real, syst | Shoes | mens | 53.02 | 1145.76 | 0.084973 | | AAAAAAAAMKADAAAA | Great profits understand so very domestic societies. Terms want sure. Successful, difficult cases add longer companies. As well crude troops | Shoes | mens | 9.29 | 7605.46 | 0.564045 | | AAAAAAAAMKCBAAAA | So very difficulties may say approximately new, rec | Shoes | mens | 3.79 | 7953.20 | 0.589835 | | AAAAAAAAMLCAAAAA | Members might surrender relatively now standard friends. Soviet thanks go either fortunate arrangements. Main manufacturers must try into a police. Almost difficult plans must | Shoes | mens | 5.08 | 10220.98 | 0.758021 | | AAAAAAAAMLECAAAA | Lines identify perhaps. Red teams must kill interviews. Necessary, great schools connect so empty, visible steps. Other crowds must insist passages; | Shoes | mens | 4.06 | 1414.77 | 0.104924 | | AAAAAAAAMMLDAAAA | Wet, new increases bring. Questions used to answer even. Systems must respond specifically classical atti | Shoes | mens | 3.36 | 5879.75 | 0.436061 | | AAAAAAAAMNCCAAAA | Forwards public lives could not stabilise enough national economic cars. False, public versions look places. Surprising, unique years drag; potential, common tr | Shoes | mens | 0.23 | 1109.31 | 0.082270 | | AAAAAAAAMOEEAAAA | Other, temporary suggestions leave however years. Teachers could not pass anyway short parties. Personal, physical cars phone too dirty children; more young strategies | Shoes | mens | 2.28 | 4553.08 | 0.337671 | | AAAAAAAAMONCAAAA | Subsequently proper reasons ought to come jewish, other things. Only foreign schemes lead for instance specific students. As key flowers might adjust. Sensitive universities must not think | Shoes | mens | 4.10 | 13593.70 | 1.008152 | | AAAAAAAAMPCCAAAA | In general estimated reasons say the | Shoes | mens | 2.87 | 4601.31 | 0.341248 | | AAAAAAAANBHBAAAA | Women may speak upon a | Shoes | mens | 3.17 | 2461.84 | 0.182578 | | AAAAAAAANDCEAAAA | Only benefits will | Shoes | mens | 1.81 | 5638.08 | 0.418138 | | AAAAAAAANECDAAAA | Researchers develop ever on the elements; resources land as concerned proceedings. Russian, single hours create very real, broad schools. Running police cannot di | Shoes | mens | 3.52 | 13370.68 | 0.991612 | | AAAAAAAANGBCAAAA | Individual children show unlikely years; capital, southern police might not go so collective, military individuals. Long serious years lie severely local, similar others. Poll | Shoes | mens | 7.78 | 4269.56 | 0.316644 | | AAAAAAAANGGDAAAA | More than modern women used to matter tonight able, federal claims; at last available rules move uses; then independent centres see eastern, deep bars. Arguments become nuclear | Shoes | mens | 1.58 | 8706.84 | 0.645727 | | AAAAAAAANHBBAAAA | Direct, concerned users discuss pretty only great lines. Well late men add oddly electronic, personal refugees. Working, critical hours let a | Shoes | mens | 4.06 | 9306.20 | 0.690178 | | AAAAAAAANIEAAAAA | Very financial engineers believe at the teeth. Short, current influences will not carry main, appropriate eyes. Well likely books used to read. New sites might la | Shoes | mens | 6.71 | 11126.32 | 0.825164 | | AAAAAAAANIGBAAAA | Criteria say evenly beyond a terms. Terrible, full seeds cannot need slightly just revolutionary papers. Psychological friends take elsewhere. Elsewhere | Shoes | mens | 2.36 | 2163.97 | 0.160487 | | AAAAAAAANJJAAAAA | Little models cannot go obvious sub | Shoes | mens | 9.57 | 7102.04 | 0.526710 | | AAAAAAAANPBCAAAA | Disputes may put just men; opinions could appear various books. Big metres fulfil high cases. Courts like now new races. Calmly possible t | Shoes | mens | 3.17 | 16934.02 | 1.255881 | | AAAAAAAAOACAAAAA | Ltd. fees ought to pass everyday numbers. Criminal reso | Shoes | mens | 4.50 | 148.61 | 0.011021 | | AAAAAAAAOADCAAAA | Exclusively damp terms shall not recover ages. High, industrial boards reach major citizens. Words decide comparatively. Current influences shall not increase at a ambitions; then delicious organis | Shoes | mens | 3.33 | 3535.14 | 0.262177 | | AAAAAAAAOAGCAAAA | Extensive things will come precisely boys. Just post-war consequ | Shoes | mens | 5.50 | 16098.04 | 1.193882 | | AAAAAAAAOBABAAAA | Negative, general goods might not go. A | Shoes | mens | 7.76 | 3026.34 | 0.224443 | | AAAAAAAAOCDDAAAA | Previous effects would help. Most victorian gains shall emerge rather lines. Forthcoming boxes re | Shoes | mens | 9.53 | 20613.77 | 1.528783 | | AAAAAAAAOCFCAAAA | External forms survive just quite environmental men; teeth recommend arts. Exactly important areas must not keep hard really total numbers. | Shoes | mens | 1.53 | 5232.98 | 0.388095 | | AAAAAAAAOKEEAAAA | Late clothes must receive frequently then large things. Volunteers make parents. Available forces shall tell with a hospitals; however prime days could take long local sweet years. Normal, hard depar | Shoes | mens | 2.08 | 9422.44 | 0.698798 | | AAAAAAAAOLGAAAAA | Years control nice, possible rights. Apparent, level costs will mark instead consistent units. Lin | Shoes | mens | 5.55 | 7824.22 | 0.580269 | | AAAAAAAAOMMCAAAA | Extensive, special opportunities may turn reactions; largely civil brothers | Shoes | mens | 5.94 | 2495.55 | 0.185078 | | AAAAAAAAOMPDAAAA | Living, good gifts make still by a numbers. Increasi | Shoes | mens | 2.76 | 2340.94 | 0.173612 | | AAAAAAAAONBEAAAA | Settlements cover closely different groups. Thin results appreciate present, unacceptable circumstances. Edges show pure, reliable meetings. At present independent journalists can a | Shoes | mens | 2.85 | 7613.16 | 0.564616 | | AAAAAAAAONLAAAAA | Too public churches shall say importa | Shoes | mens | 24.17 | 13306.57 | 0.986858 | | AAAAAAAAONLDAAAA | Backs stop very prices. Very available years withstand often eyebrows. Syste | Shoes | mens | 6.43 | 1018.19 | 0.075512 | | AAAAAAAAOOAEAAAA | Rath | Shoes | mens | 4.34 | 2786.64 | 0.206666 | | AAAAAAAAOONCAAAA | Police | Shoes | mens | 91.24 | 7672.31 | 0.569003 | | AAAAAAAAOPBEAAAA | High, combined visitors go particularly. Police share loans. Romantic doors will not take abo | Shoes | mens | 7.12 | 11830.15 | 0.877362 | | AAAAAAAAPCJCAAAA | Nice studies increase at a leads; indirectly foreign techniques should not happen never overseas, civil gods. Criminal, typical theories shall boost ab | Shoes | mens | 1.40 | 1909.29 | 0.141599 | | AAAAAAAAPDMBAAAA | Definitely jewish scientists give fiercely rapidly lucky clergy. Differently | Shoes | mens | 0.50 | 4520.88 | 0.335283 | | AAAAAAAAPDNDAAAA | International, international scales could see. Too misleading forces assume. Other markets give coins; now personal problems used to communicate now rights; white, accused talks go right | Shoes | mens | 1.22 | 3665.02 | 0.271810 | | AAAAAAAAPHMAAAAA | As available women may test british, other strategies. Interior estates will feel now living police. As strategic documents ought to take just far bright | Shoes | mens | 97.44 | 10382.95 | 0.770033 | | AAAAAAAAPJMBAAAA | Sensible bases bother up a priorities; tiny hands make importantly effective options. Notable, supreme ra | Shoes | mens | 7.42 | 4835.47 | 0.358614 | | AAAAAAAAPNNCAAAA | Often old girls can remain so in the mines. Beautiful times find into a cards. Political, married walls may restrain different, easy demonstrations; nervous prices beli | Shoes | mens | 1.34 | 2960.20 | 0.219538 | | AAAAAAAAAACDAAAA | Tired, coloured items shall manage. Small schools use ever so so | Shoes | womens | 1.32 | 3527.07 | 0.257781 | | AAAAAAAAAAICAAAA | Able, long mammals can want new, serious years. Questions would not cope again mainly unable contributions. Less responsible shelves lose records; leading, similar | Shoes | womens | 2.49 | 2501.12 | 0.182798 | | AAAAAAAAABECAAAA | Advanced, lucky investments shall see opposite, old calculations. Real numbers will not watch however by no means in | Shoes | womens | 3.92 | 367.08 | 0.026829 | | AAAAAAAAACCEAAAA | Homes make. Hospitals might gain for a lives. As | Shoes | womens | 3.27 | 3952.05 | 0.288842 | | AAAAAAAAADLAAAAA | Conditions set persistently fresh contacts. Special, only women sing as. Organisations regard nice kinds. Stupid, other parties mention gently future, warm birds. Internal sorts | Shoes | womens | 0.21 | 2921.24 | 0.213503 | | AAAAAAAAAECEAAAA | Substantial colleagues would take away sexual needs; surprising, commercial features feed abroad from | Shoes | womens | 9.21 | 4402.51 | 0.321764 | | AAAAAAAAAEDEAAAA | Industrial pools used to use. Islamic, low months would not get only areas. Additional, strong computers withdraw just true, minor women. | Shoes | womens | 0.55 | 22809.79 | 1.667089 | | AAAAAAAAAFDCAAAA | Minutes should stir. Respectively other statements could decide in a leaders. Only gree | Shoes | womens | 1.01 | 6665.90 | 0.487188 | | AAAAAAAAAGKAAAAA | British, wrong scales shall look. Everywhere modern shares ought to raise. Recent consumers make so ready years; stro | Shoes | womens | 5.96 | 2558.24 | 0.186973 | | AAAAAAAAAHNCAAAA | Very old newspapers could feel much av | Shoes | womens | 3.79 | 3905.58 | 0.285445 | | AAAAAAAAAIGAAAAA | Civil, soft children take also restrictio | Shoes | womens | 50.89 | 3510.19 | 0.256548 | | AAAAAAAAAIMAAAAA | Machines might let nowhere effects. Major, | Shoes | womens | 3.24 | 4849.92 | 0.354464 | | AAAAAAAAAJLDAAAA | Quick possible jobs m | Shoes | womens | 0.57 | 4410.74 | 0.322366 | | AAAAAAAAAKDEAAAA | Vast, invisible | Shoes | womens | 6.73 | 3182.20 | 0.232576 | | AAAAAAAAAMBBAAAA | Educational months reduce straight different attitudes. Quite serious facts could believe usually realistic ways. Then human cats touch quite moving lips. Strong, collective schools mig | Shoes | womens | 1.97 | 8832.47 | 0.645535 | | AAAAAAAAAMFAAAAA | High select countries will debate new, able workers. Peaceful, irish signs may come considerably always gentle factor | Shoes | womens | 3.14 | 739.84 | 0.054072 | | AAAAAAAAAMKDAAAA | Theoretical, expert m | Shoes | womens | 2.22 | 16379.22 | 1.197101 | | AAAAAAAAANEDAAAA | Wrong men go a little maximum areas. Views look then n | Shoes | womens | 7.23 | 19570.61 | 1.430348 | | AAAAAAAAANLBAAAA | Commercial schemes evaluate however records. Also narrow stories survey always current, american resources; social details should take about only | Shoes | womens | 7.18 | 1960.22 | 0.143266 | | AAAAAAAAAOJDAAAA | Bits should celebrate almost social expectations. | Shoes | womens | 6.54 | 1859.58 | 0.135910 | | AAAAAAAABAMDAAAA | Extra respondents would improve encoura | Shoes | womens | 0.63 | 234.17 | 0.017115 | | AAAAAAAABANCAAAA | Democratic, british practitioners can depart however. Senior, formal offences operate conventionally perhaps recent efforts; new, inner objects carry | Shoes | womens | 6.53 | 2351.15 | 0.171837 | | AAAAAAAABCABAAAA | Minutes achieve however for a allies. Areas pay apparently alive officers | Shoes | womens | 3.28 | 13270.20 | 0.969873 | | AAAAAAAABDMAAAAA | Brief, main shareholders give. Sites help higher. Grey resources roll usually clear, true corners. Balls claim. Pe | Shoes | womens | 4.27 | 4996.17 | 0.365153 | | AAAAAAAABFJBAAAA | Stages i | Shoes | womens | 5.37 | 167.04 | 0.012208 | | AAAAAAAABHIAAAAA | Clearly particular affairs must close patterns. Urban, proper women hear open words. About central arts ought to intervene anxiously in general main problems. | Shoes | womens | 9.02 | 6637.12 | 0.485084 | | AAAAAAAABHOAAAAA | So certain things cannot fall all past local doubts. Ever able leads may return as important, lengthy legs. Evil politicians will not make so. Potential fa | Shoes | womens | 7.67 | 6321.94 | 0.462049 | | AAAAAAAABOKAAAAA | Also general seconds use | Shoes | womens | 9.56 | 1774.96 | 0.129726 | | AAAAAAAACBNDAAAA | Natural plans shall not put. Only old resources used to cause perhaps years. Systematic, changing demands ought to indicate easy, great arms. Still old events may push services; legal, detailed ton | Shoes | womens | 79.46 | 12033.36 | 0.879477 | | AAAAAAAACCMAAAAA | Illegal processes need social, true wives. Australian, new deputies | Shoes | womens | 7.10 | 2343.60 | 0.171286 | | AAAAAAAACEBAAAAA | Somehow similar prisoners forget at a companies. Points matter; small, isolated studies travel necessarily that chri | Shoes | womens | 5.72 | 1979.62 | 0.144684 | | AAAAAAAACEICAAAA | Experiments may find there political groups. Groups take on a structures. Ministers stop gentl | Shoes | womens | 0.25 | 8170.08 | 0.597123 | | AAAAAAAACFDBAAAA | National months express truly in the votes; competent, liberal costs include international, red complaints. All essenti | Shoes | womens | 33.51 | 8701.61 | 0.635971 | | AAAAAAAACIOBAAAA | Sure, agricultura | Shoes | womens | 3.50 | 3380.02 | 0.247034 | | AAAAAAAACKGCAAAA | Sure, new nations ought to spare long drugs. Previous | Shoes | womens | 1.56 | 5808.57 | 0.424528 | | AAAAAAAACMDAAAAA | Commercial, popular processes give later now wooden facts. Black, outer purposes examine national, precise heels. Invisible times s | Shoes | womens | 5.25 | 10057.62 | 0.735077 | | AAAAAAAACMIDAAAA | Social, heavy differences could not keep in order national, adequate | Shoes | womens | 2.78 | 10837.39 | 0.792067 | | AAAAAAAACMMCAAAA | Interests fall really head, able theories. B | Shoes | womens | 5.26 | 705.42 | 0.051557 | | AAAAAAAACMNCAAAA | Full, bottom levels would buy. Districts ought to make somehow shareholders. Different counties commit long by the details. English, presidential years afford | Shoes | womens | 3.15 | 12789.22 | 0.934720 | | AAAAAAAACNOCAAAA | Especially alone lines hear; chinese careers could ask. Police phone however | Shoes | womens | 7.92 | 6652.14 | 0.486182 | | AAAAAAAADCHBAAAA | Usually dark centres should not give | Shoes | womens | 1.68 | 3905.80 | 0.285461 | | AAAAAAAADCLAAAAA | Political, top victims make again still private members. Other, t | Shoes | womens | 4.16 | 8560.42 | 0.625652 | | AAAAAAAADDAEAAAA | Too important profits hesitate complete pupils. British, brilliant members would turn in order pu | Shoes | womens | 7.29 | 3631.08 | 0.265383 | | AAAAAAAADDEDAAAA | Therefore economic wages shall | Shoes | womens | 4.07 | 156.60 | 0.011445 | | AAAAAAAADEADAAAA | Full shareholders alert also such as a men. Dead memories can accompany different estates; national, great years shall develop just on the years. Visitors will not display ser | Shoes | womens | 2.94 | 1666.52 | 0.121800 | | AAAAAAAADFIDAAAA | Police develop well. Corporations wish precisely. Th | Shoes | womens | 2.77 | 2731.64 | 0.199646 | | AAAAAAAADFOAAAAA | Tiny tensions used to find secondary, careful inches; important forms ask gently. Similar words think additional, positive discussio | Shoes | womens | 0.45 | 4817.32 | 0.352081 | | AAAAAAAADIACAAAA | Professional services can resume in common alone parlia | Shoes | womens | 6.20 | 1354.32 | 0.098983 | | AAAAAAAADIIAAAAA | Members tell very new, final legs; expensive skills will break gradually also provincial differences. Legally red areas perform institutions. E | Shoes | womens | 0.43 | 8471.30 | 0.619138 | | AAAAAAAADJPBAAAA | Flat, important teachers know highly foreign, great authors. Names might set as to a situations. Clean policies can buy orders. Emotional, individual pr | Shoes | womens | 2.92 | 26142.76 | 1.910684 | | AAAAAAAADKKCAAAA | Small, solid prices must go indoors. Less past | Shoes | womens | 7.49 | 5872.52 | 0.429202 | | AAAAAAAADOIDAAAA | Necessary accounts portray necessary, apparent parties. Valuable schemes would display new communities. Rural birds might | Shoes | womens | 3.80 | 2104.27 | 0.153794 | | AAAAAAAAEACBAAAA | Awkward, typical places must not check only workers; bright parties restore studies. Men show about finally interested programmes; certainly economic soldiers meet there | Shoes | womens | 1.72 | 1353.09 | 0.098893 | | AAAAAAAAEBMAAAAA | Always orange cases should insist exciting fears. Overseas things will see. Bedrooms shall not define just in a books. Informal, close eyes could benefit awards; now curio | Shoes | womens | 1.73 | 770.64 | 0.056323 | | AAAAAAAAEBMDAAAA | Practical passages might not form nevertheless simply unable incentives. Social, significant audiences last still away apparent countries. Centres catch often around a suggestions. Profess | Shoes | womens | 0.43 | 12942.92 | 0.945953 | | AAAAAAAAEDADAAAA | Global actions slip etc windows. Probably true papers know both with a months. Other states let industrial, open lectures. Expressions climb within a doubts. So western details | Shoes | womens | 51.87 | 670.58 | 0.049010 | | AAAAAAAAEFIAAAAA | Coloured, foreign words may expe | Shoes | womens | 1.96 | 334.70 | 0.024462 | | AAAAAAAAEFMBAAAA | Little, brown | Shoes | womens | 76.96 | 24551.73 | 1.794401 | | AAAAAAAAEGDDAAAA | Just personal gardens love other services. Catholic years judge so. Other, other eyes improve seriously | Shoes | womens | 9.06 | 17266.18 | 1.261926 | | AAAAAAAAEGEAAAAA | New, new signals would not take gently exactly brief games. Devices should feel always efforts. Obvious manage | Shoes | womens | 0.22 | 10157.98 | 0.742412 | | AAAAAAAAEHOAAAAA | Royal, british farmers deceive over results. Al | Shoes | womens | 0.22 | 6057.38 | 0.442713 | | AAAAAAAAEHPCAAAA | Beautifully high proceedings imitate in a matters. Political numbers ought to sell considerable, deep workers. Too traditional holes should p | Shoes | womens | 8.47 | 3159.03 | 0.230883 | | AAAAAAAAEIDBAAAA | Ever british schools advise as personal machines. Properties explain then. Unable, dirty materials close inside to the streets. That is other books would not give links. Unions ought to guess publ | Shoes | womens | 0.14 | 813.07 | 0.059424 | | AAAAAAAAEKECAAAA | Improvements must not reduce therefore in a friend | Shoes | womens | 1.89 | 9949.66 | 0.727186 | | AAAAAAAAEKNBAAAA | Golden, financial generations should mind however instead yellow dates; british faces should not squeeze then; firm, important drivers know passages. Reasonable, severe hands me | Shoes | womens | 2.38 | 1814.26 | 0.132598 | | AAAAAAAAENFEAAAA | British, possible pupils attend nev | Shoes | womens | 0.22 | 620.67 | 0.045363 | | AAAAAAAAEPFEAAAA | Commercial crews will not say potentially large, political heroes; average women allow grey, clean feet. Dirty feelings bring however. Wrong, similar teachers | Shoes | womens | 7.37 | 15409.46 | 1.126224 | | AAAAAAAAEPKDAAAA | Simple, pure services serve to a students. Sometimes yellow tons should give together alone | Shoes | womens | 1.62 | 5340.38 | 0.390310 | | AAAAAAAAFBHAAAAA | Free stati | Shoes | womens | 4.69 | 189.00 | 0.013813 | | AAAAAAAAFCCBAAAA | Gently sexual poems will need just different, subject negotiations. Christians survive crudely; local, unlikely forms used to make so full deci | Shoes | womens | 2.58 | 271.16 | 0.019818 | | AAAAAAAAFCNCAAAA | Proper rats must send jewish contracts. Financial, domestic functions would not take sure. Expected, important sides plant observations. Easte | Shoes | womens | 3.65 | 3398.13 | 0.248358 | | AAAAAAAAFEHAAAAA | Healthy forests could admit regulatory, single heads. S | Shoes | womens | 1.53 | 3620.80 | 0.264632 | | AAAAAAAAFEOCAAAA | Usually american demands play legitimately superb elements. Subsequent, whole sales see more than main students. Tenderly technical powers | Shoes | womens | 4.86 | 14997.00 | 1.096079 | | AAAAAAAAFKHDAAAA | Departments make once again police. Very acceptable results call still extended, known ends; relationships shoot strangely. Acids shall discharge in order ethnic, ric | Shoes | womens | 1.38 | 203.30 | 0.014858 | | AAAAAAAAFMLDAAAA | Green, right pounds take very barely little systems. Police ought to appear then old movies. Strictly national products can decide below. Just emotional sides could not r | Shoes | womens | 8.06 | 7956.34 | 0.581501 | | AAAAAAAAFOHCAAAA | Existing computers occur es | Shoes | womens | 0.47 | 11314.41 | 0.826931 | | AAAAAAAAGAICAAAA | Designs would talk. There open plans mind again concrete, true solutions. Alone considerable figures kill extra, popular orders. Good, fixed republics may hear also. Similar, angry authorities spread | Shoes | womens | 0.25 | 399.06 | 0.029166 | | AAAAAAAAGAIDAAAA | Again sure relations will not amuse criminal, annual thousands. European, sorry minis | Shoes | womens | 2.45 | 3298.80 | 0.241098 | | AAAAAAAAGCCBAAAA | Excellent, practical police shall | Shoes | womens | 4.08 | 14334.99 | 1.047695 | | AAAAAAAAGCMCAAAA | British lines ought to realise then clothes. Unlikely plants exercise absently fully new neighbours. Capitalist agencies start more. Eventual, lucky children must pronounce on a minerals | Shoes | womens | 0.98 | 7104.10 | 0.519214 | | AAAAAAAAGDLDAAAA | Locations know faces. Remote areas can give narrow times. Early welsh police watch often. National, lexical obje | Shoes | womens | 6.40 | 233.01 | 0.017030 | | AAAAAAAAGFGCAAAA | Also multiple lives might see just well nice wars. Exact, reasonable regulations used to move simply old | Shoes | womens | 9.59 | 6610.56 | 0.483143 | | AAAAAAAAGGFAAAAA | Spare players will not remove fo | Shoes | womens | 1.79 | 5038.67 | 0.368259 | | AAAAAAAAGGKAAAAA | Physical others would not involve home ancient, possible shops; powers may not keep mo | Shoes | womens | 6.82 | 6231.81 | 0.455462 | | AAAAAAAAGHFEAAAA | Certain, historical champions can infl | Shoes | womens | 84.93 | 4525.24 | 0.330734 | | AAAAAAAAGHJDAAAA | Really blue talks will manage past. Excellent, social systems shall not speak via a groups. Human, intern | Shoes | womens | 1.63 | 3499.05 | 0.255734 | | AAAAAAAAGHNCAAAA | Here main sounds must not acquire more concerned important requests. All private men may not find therefore local dry levels; different processes | Shoes | womens | 3.18 | 1902.96 | 0.139081 | | AAAAAAAAGIDCAAAA | Others manufacture even into the children. Seldom small years get reluctantly. Involved words cannot begin words. Close eyes ought | Shoes | womens | 21.23 | 9967.62 | 0.728499 | | AAAAAAAAGIGDAAAA | Very previous friends will not delete either into a groups. Maximum, ab | Shoes | womens | 1.25 | 5220.72 | 0.381564 | | AAAAAAAAGIKCAAAA | Able prisoners used to say more than similar materials. Long-term, pale women go. Male, likely doors remain simple, young jews. Very single letters sit thereby scottish poi | Shoes | womens | 7.87 | 21663.69 | 1.583324 | | AAAAAAAAGJDBAAAA | Plants will not assist then expe | Shoes | womens | 8.26 | 1713.27 | 0.125217 | | AAAAAAAAGMCCAAAA | Low, inc attempts get tomorrow long small tests. Possible | Shoes | womens | 3.58 | 9563.71 | 0.698979 | | AAAAAAAAGNCEAAAA | Child | Shoes | womens | 9.70 | 1030.37 | 0.075306 | | AAAAAAAAGNHAAAAA | White, familiar months agree fully. Significantly political services used to portray abruptly types. Simply ill funds used to damage real sales. Changes would occur more than great r | Shoes | womens | 45.37 | 5797.00 | 0.423683 | | AAAAAAAAGPEBAAAA | Proposals might sum rightly complex, social eyes. Over basic sy | Shoes | womens | 4.41 | 9476.06 | 0.692573 | | AAAAAAAAHALBAAAA | Occasionally united figures must not | Shoes | womens | 5.89 | 3112.54 | 0.227485 | | AAAAAAAAHCCCAAAA | Swiss, capable lovers handle at least present details. Over here uncomfortable stations take by a lips. Private organisations can supply in a examinatio | Shoes | womens | 8.15 | 268.38 | 0.019615 | | AAAAAAAAHDCEAAAA | Poor sons hold to a cattle; folk make real words. Close new mistakes would say investigations. Top bo | Shoes | womens | 0.29 | 8317.97 | 0.607932 | | AAAAAAAAHDFBAAAA | Available operations should go as walls; optimistic, dangerous others succeed helplessly dyna | Shoes | womens | 2.19 | 287.28 | 0.020996 | | AAAAAAAAHFLCAAAA | Comparative notes lose; decisions shall consider still in the tasks. Only urban years like here at once s | Shoes | womens | 0.69 | 22111.23 | 1.616034 | | AAAAAAAAHGAAAAAA | Fair, continental thanks see. Ideological stairs would not make local, civil employees. Light children would appear short away funny speakers. Little, other genes can dete | Shoes | womens | 4.30 | 2573.84 | 0.188113 | | AAAAAAAAHGCBAAAA | Very blank arguments remember in a magistrates. Great, black adults consider more real, decisive countries. Away f | Shoes | womens | 2.86 | 4808.60 | 0.351444 | | AAAAAAAAHGMDAAAA | New consultants must not provide in order ordinary boys; mothers throw only at a wishes. Procedures stay. Total, clear years used to mount both actually | Shoes | womens | 3.50 | 7096.51 | 0.518659 | | AAAAAAAAHHPCAAAA | Other, old students should sleep only only large differences. Grateful, equal cases set just. Trees manage. Other, early years see more simple miles. Mechanisms counter facts. About southern j | Shoes | womens | 2.23 | 2183.11 | 0.159556 | | AAAAAAAAHJBCAAAA | Everyday, available functions must go too; particular, strict processes would increase so common years. International, absolute cases consider to the questions. Categories | Shoes | womens | 3.11 | 10847.55 | 0.792810 | | AAAAAAAAHLCCAAAA | Procedures give principal, social interviews. All star police could prevent highly new poor days; british systems hear also full troop | Shoes | womens | 13.98 | 7041.01 | 0.514603 | | AAAAAAAAHLHDAAAA | Environmental stations stand there usually regular feet. Women match mainly american, social words; important females used to present more both unable times. Social cells say wel | Shoes | womens | 4.23 | 604.35 | 0.044170 | | AAAAAAAAHOBAAAAA | Ordinary, high strings should argue for instance monetary teams; bright, major problems will not make less annually unexpected years. Affairs must not maintain in vitro for a concentrations. Other, s | Shoes | womens | 4.61 | 2135.41 | 0.156070 | | AAAAAAAAHOPBAAAA | Previous years should not work against the colleagues. Studies can feel surprised, famous descriptions. Drinks use. Evil, deep cars discuss public, positive parts; aware, present parents might permit | Shoes | womens | 6.90 | 4533.67 | 0.331350 | | AAAAAAAAIAFAAAAA | Able responses might think in a sciences. Really other prices start far by a issues. Alone fatal females increase important authorities; jobs could know o | Shoes | womens | 2.94 | 3901.81 | 0.285170 | | AAAAAAAAIALAAAAA | Always entire activities shall not grow all at a pieces. Running crowds ought to approach civ | Shoes | womens | 63.92 | 4546.22 | 0.332268 | | AAAAAAAAICCCAAAA | Implications come really forces. Free, insufficient games may not put. Officials force and so on others. Typical, different supplies may try onl | Shoes | womens | 0.90 | 619.80 | 0.045299 | | AAAAAAAAICKAAAAA | Now social arrangements publish men. Global, personal corners estimate together old things. There poor officers like perhaps french, available women. Natural, great answers must not contend ex | Shoes | womens | 4.91 | 12641.43 | 0.923919 | | AAAAAAAAIDGDAAAA | Annual ways change here by an makers. Basic, local issues arrive european hours. Questions get so. Also hot charges may vote adequately. Actually possible years take already legal sciences. Explic | Shoes | womens | 1.79 | 10533.98 | 0.769892 | | AAAAAAAAIECAAAAA | Quite top models laugh now scenes. Thanks characterize as minimal posts. Developers flush no longer in the prefer | Shoes | womens | 0.16 | 15522.57 | 1.134491 | | AAAAAAAAIFBCAAAA | Colleague | Shoes | womens | 4.10 | 7318.76 | 0.534903 | | AAAAAAAAIFFEAAAA | Else ashamed temperatures sue negative things. Groups will | Shoes | womens | 6.98 | 5032.09 | 0.367778 | | AAAAAAAAIFKCAAAA | Upwards soviet bacteria see followi | Shoes | womens | 38.09 | 14472.03 | 1.057711 | | AAAAAAAAIGGDAAAA | Never anxious children shall encourage levels. Teams might not stand clearly | Shoes | womens | 6.02 | 558.18 | 0.040795 | | AAAAAAAAIHFDAAAA | Concepts deal effectively details. Ideal, public dogs use words. Central eyes m | Shoes | womens | 3.72 | 11427.29 | 0.835181 | | AAAAAAAAIHOCAAAA | Other, southern wings see then both old colleges; writers start usually at once correct moments. Various matters tell directly european forms. Things buy indeed again roman example | Shoes | womens | 8.25 | 346.92 | 0.025355 | | AAAAAAAAIJCDAAAA | Military, red shares show. Big, available examples would turn just roses; birds slide commonly directions. Much changing demands may not remember students; associat | Shoes | womens | 8.87 | 1160.64 | 0.084827 | | AAAAAAAAIJFEAAAA | Human thousands appreciate. | Shoes | womens | 26.15 | 808.40 | 0.059083 | | AAAAAAAAIKBBAAAA | Involved, jewish sanctions fill very regulatory miles. Drinks used to get below; sequences act very. For example lost prices must shake now normal, odd | Shoes | womens | 6.20 | 678.50 | 0.049589 | | AAAAAAAAINNAAAAA | Also significant lives make errors. More eastern cuts could exchange to a meetings; other, old years used to suggest as new, original weapons. Useful, month | Shoes | womens | 2.22 | 8662.25 | 0.633094 | | AAAAAAAAIPDAAAAA | Australian, current gentlemen ought to go other drawings. Subjects go for a women. Level, personal lawyers turn aside so minimum recommendations. New places despair just peaceful refugee | Shoes | womens | 4.79 | 2505.79 | 0.183140 | | AAAAAAAAIPEBAAAA | Today e | Shoes | womens | 1.56 | 7128.21 | 0.520976 | | AAAAAAAAIPLAAAAA | Prices used to examine clearly home effective members. In short bad sums may not make chief prices. Duties hear commercial, mental indi | Shoes | womens | 8.51 | 333.33 | 0.024362 | | AAAAAAAAJBJDAAAA | Ridiculous candidates will show incredible, late authorities. Too underlying things can know sometimes additional, good wee | Shoes | womens | 1.91 | 13739.82 | 1.004196 | | AAAAAAAAJCCDAAAA | As tropical products conform also about a proportions. Then final rights would grow major operations. Women leave | Shoes | womens | 4.46 | 8434.52 | 0.616450 | | AAAAAAAAJDMBAAAA | Judges sit enormous bodies. Always social versions shall not tell around special, new negotiations. Short, interest | Shoes | womens | 3.34 | 6854.20 | 0.500950 | | AAAAAAAAJIHBAAAA | Large occasions will dance more great objections. Certain firms recommend quite in a areas. Much intimate goals sound so patient relations. True notio | Shoes | womens | 9.80 | 131.46 | 0.009608 | | AAAAAAAAJKCBAAAA | Things might not provide in a features. Countries break seldom critical, social issues. Main, | Shoes | womens | 25.82 | 1579.75 | 0.115458 | | AAAAAAAAJLFDAAAA | Very odd circumstances will not learn after a topics. United workers would initiate now words; really good details ought to | Shoes | womens | 1.15 | 1299.22 | 0.094956 | | AAAAAAAAJNJDAAAA | More real losses say so only passengers. Sorts recognise softly yet following goods. Just internal patients get. Hardly interested gates might | Shoes | womens | 5.86 | 4386.60 | 0.320601 | | AAAAAAAAJOCAAAAA | Millions give like the models. To | Shoes | womens | 7.43 | 9497.47 | 0.694137 | | AAAAAAAAJPEAAAAA | Interesting, slim students will supervise by a councils. Wild, european sets convey com | Shoes | womens | 0.75 | 5785.80 | 0.422864 | | AAAAAAAAJPEDAAAA | Social settlements can forget also at a managers; different, flexible countries will know even increasingly fina | Shoes | womens | 7.62 | 2394.00 | 0.174969 | | AAAAAAAAKAAEAAAA | Users extend in the workers. Full, relative elements get civil, extra children. Profits buy already yellow ambitions. Once necessar | Shoes | womens | 2.10 | 3228.10 | 0.235931 | | AAAAAAAAKAJDAAAA | Short neighbours implement innocently tiny titles. Briefly simple years should not tell potentially successful, whole years. Orange workers carry; home hot feet l | Shoes | womens | 5.74 | 1552.44 | 0.113462 | | AAAAAAAAKALCAAAA | Small players shall tend often other, conservative demands. Particular, common resources keep for example prime hours; politically little customers look much. New, in | Shoes | womens | 1.86 | 7616.07 | 0.556632 | | AAAAAAAAKAMBAAAA | Today current things cannot ensure well sorry, possible pupils. | Shoes | womens | 0.32 | NULL | NULL | | AAAAAAAAKBIAAAAA | Services contain plans. There colourful prospects might not know now sides. Dual pupils can a | Shoes | womens | 7.32 | 10559.16 | 0.771733 | | AAAAAAAAKBMDAAAA | Much necessary buildings will | Shoes | womens | 4.15 | 3823.10 | 0.279417 | | AAAAAAAAKCACAAAA | Hundreds might excuse heavy countries. So new attacks might integrate strong, light terms. L | Shoes | womens | 9.64 | 1218.60 | 0.089063 | | AAAAAAAAKCDEAAAA | Light practices shall not get really as the services. So significant plans know so for a programs. Long | Shoes | womens | 4.11 | 12388.26 | 0.905415 | | AAAAAAAAKDCCAAAA | Ho | Shoes | womens | 42.11 | 6232.68 | 0.455525 | | AAAAAAAAKEGCAAAA | Full, large-scale children get possibly details. There geographical practices should not increase both ill, formal trees; only modern parents might recreat | Shoes | womens | 6.66 | 4450.90 | 0.325301 | | AAAAAAAAKEMDAAAA | Parliamentary expectations would not result too deliberately serious problems. Issues deliver more | Shoes | womens | 7.10 | 4947.00 | 0.361559 | | AAAAAAAAKFGCAAAA | Women forget | Shoes | womens | 9.50 | 688.16 | 0.050295 | | AAAAAAAAKGGDAAAA | Particular, regular children shall not attain at the cities. Problems include toge | Shoes | womens | 4.74 | 7570.55 | 0.553305 | | AAAAAAAAKGHAAAAA | Public | Shoes | womens | 0.50 | 12036.25 | 0.879688 | | AAAAAAAAKHDDAAAA | Entire, related interests obtain typically. Narrow patients | Shoes | womens | 8.72 | 625.24 | 0.045697 | | AAAAAAAAKJKDAAAA | Political, following police fit perceptions. Also vague recommendations retaliate less other scientists. Economic interests see jus | Shoes | womens | 1.56 | 2263.10 | 0.165402 | | AAAAAAAAKKGCAAAA | Other pra | Shoes | womens | 4.72 | 8299.28 | 0.606566 | | AAAAAAAAKKJDAAAA | At least other consequences get true islands; writers should go in a rocks. Modest, | Shoes | womens | 0.56 | 11650.33 | 0.851482 | | AAAAAAAAKLFCAAAA | Then significant foreigners come more able conservatives | Shoes | womens | 85.33 | 10082.14 | 0.736869 | | AAAAAAAAKMKAAAAA | Old tears like with a mammal | Shoes | womens | 86.73 | 7849.18 | 0.573670 | | AAAAAAAAKMLCAAAA | Deaf, involved churches cannot conduct especially in public fundamental shares. Brief difficulties use | Shoes | womens | 9.15 | 15181.58 | 1.109569 | | AAAAAAAAKNNCAAAA | Overseas comments want particularly intensive, local words. Long churches must cause there by a products; homes get particular, local individ | Shoes | womens | 6.58 | 2647.23 | 0.193477 | | AAAAAAAAKOEDAAAA | Aside united experts fight royal, eastern standards. Materials ensure much trees. Images imagine compr | Shoes | womens | 9.44 | 7497.66 | 0.547978 | | AAAAAAAALAMCAAAA | Different, social years should resign. International clothes exist | Shoes | womens | 4.54 | 8271.67 | 0.604548 | | AAAAAAAALEHDAAAA | Essential methods used to identify far different moveme | Shoes | womens | 3.86 | 9338.16 | 0.682494 | | AAAAAAAALHJBAAAA | All international functions can improve. Visitors take possible companies. Important eyes shall not follow at a sports. Glad p | Shoes | womens | 4.31 | 2090.40 | 0.152780 | | AAAAAAAALHMBAAAA | Professional, political days would beat human, only relationships. Difficulties pull more lucky members; high places look about a outcomes. Weeks pay really | Shoes | womens | 58.49 | 8306.26 | 0.607076 | | AAAAAAAALJDCAAAA | Memories suggest with a achievements; now aware events can let at a streets; ancient, historic examinations would | Shoes | womens | 1.00 | 1881.00 | 0.137476 | | AAAAAAAALJODAAAA | As difficult calculations handle home in the acts. Active righ | Shoes | womens | 13.87 | 312.60 | 0.022847 | | AAAAAAAALKABAAAA | Good christians decide too satisfied hands. Glasses might not spend never main feelings. Other, precious parents will record far true combinations | Shoes | womens | 70.55 | 14468.02 | 1.057418 | | AAAAAAAALMBBAAAA | Medical policies expand open companies. Genetic, light years provide wide at least real equations. Everyday dogs vary formally simila | Shoes | womens | 4.27 | 3607.52 | 0.263661 | | AAAAAAAAMAOAAAAA | French systems happe | Shoes | womens | 4.94 | 2248.13 | 0.164308 | | AAAAAAAAMAPBAAAA | Pe | Shoes | womens | 0.59 | 551.10 | 0.040278 | | AAAAAAAAMBDEAAAA | Direct perfect funds come long easily national problems; traditional men live forward volumes. Alo | Shoes | womens | 2.92 | 8442.06 | 0.617001 | | AAAAAAAAMBJBAAAA | Other, good posts could lure. Beautiful, dead names leave so ago parental others. Curious democrats refer now; good yards sign. Accordingly mere mistakes identify perhaps. Limitations admit all | Shoes | womens | 2.03 | 8683.19 | 0.634624 | | AAAAAAAAMDIAAAAA | Suitable ways tell below. Domestic, chronic ears start so. Outside, front tiles co | Shoes | womens | 3.15 | 3460.57 | 0.252921 | | AAAAAAAAMDPCAAAA | Later great problems should not go about on a countries; again natural payments ought to gain more actual artists. Tools get additional angles. Na | Shoes | womens | 9.00 | 13457.91 | 0.983592 | | AAAAAAAAMEBDAAAA | Recently familiar children shall not fade alternativ | Shoes | womens | 1.96 | 7192.38 | 0.525666 | | AAAAAAAAMEDBAAAA | Genetic days see in the months. New standards shall experiment general patients. Men ask in order far differences. Parts look more new, aware properties. Wrong, unk | Shoes | womens | 1.90 | 10523.24 | 0.769107 | | AAAAAAAAMEDDAAAA | Scottish contacts wipe details. American, supreme facilities leave still bad boys. Somehow private shoulders ask | Shoes | womens | 3.40 | 9580.64 | 0.700216 | | AAAAAAAAMFCAAAAA | Years could move suddenly on the systems. Drawings used to go even final contacts; differences look today workers; bare, superior ci | Shoes | womens | 0.10 | 2958.36 | 0.216216 | | AAAAAAAAMGOCAAAA | Doctors fix completely | Shoes | womens | 3.25 | 9305.41 | 0.680100 | | AAAAAAAAMHDDAAAA | Goods go further recent words. Special, specific rights used to challenge then. Tomorrow concerned musicians must not lend from a shelves. Once | Shoes | womens | 3.00 | 3219.30 | 0.235288 | | AAAAAAAAMHNCAAAA | Primary members answer no longer by a novels. Only full-time minds join in a peasants. New, oth | Shoes | womens | 0.85 | 1245.61 | 0.091037 | | AAAAAAAAMIJDAAAA | Symptoms will increase others. Legal days ask upper, current developments. Specific, complete purposes might light again | Shoes | womens | 9.27 | 2595.34 | 0.189684 | | AAAAAAAAMJGCAAAA | International, public costs must not face however thin, free difficulties; sure questions beat | Shoes | womens | 1.79 | 1025.13 | 0.074923 | | AAAAAAAAMKBDAAAA | As comparable eyes will possess in a bars. Ideas would not get quickly full, beautiful companies. Taxes ought to fear understandably wit | Shoes | womens | 7.76 | 11637.34 | 0.850533 | | AAAAAAAAMMFCAAAA | Important, liable travellers make to a commentators. Particularly likely colleagues might avoid early quickly good towns; so partial decisions grieve about for a corners. Forever social sources se | Shoes | womens | 7.76 | 1544.88 | 0.112910 | | AAAAAAAAMNBDAAAA | Public, formidable addresses can prevent further by a circumstances. Ever medical ladies must stay slow institutions; public pregnant groups should fail ver | Shoes | womens | 2.49 | 5929.06 | 0.433335 | | AAAAAAAAMNDBAAAA | Good, social contents used | Shoes | womens | 1.64 | 15682.82 | 1.146203 | | AAAAAAAAMOODAAAA | Full, following books merge alive, urban farms. Boys take certainly eventually future trees | Shoes | womens | 0.22 | 186.42 | 0.013625 | | AAAAAAAAMPEDAAAA | Journals may note much difficult, literary diffe | Shoes | womens | 7.13 | 7507.76 | 0.548716 | | AAAAAAAAMPFDAAAA | Close agencies used to see. Certainly continuing eyes could not object etc thin broad organ | Shoes | womens | 7.91 | 6662.58 | 0.486945 | | AAAAAAAAMPHAAAAA | Payments appear forces. New proceedings pursue at least financial, current angles. Remarkable, main documents comply unusual, solid aspects. Wrong, just films ask different, l | Shoes | womens | 4.26 | 23479.35 | 1.716025 | | AAAAAAAAMPLAAAAA | Discussions would not call designs. Labour reasons handle conservative, mean level | Shoes | womens | 9.53 | 6926.15 | 0.506208 | | AAAAAAAANENBAAAA | Coming, western ladies will train difficult, small examples. Very small models find recent, | Shoes | womens | 9.39 | 3108.36 | 0.227179 | | AAAAAAAANKBBAAAA | New developers used to receive newly funds. Important, absolute hours could construct so christian, bad services. Thin eyes may sell individual | Shoes | womens | 8.05 | 5745.35 | 0.419908 | | AAAAAAAANNLDAAAA | Important offices clear now; official compon | Shoes | womens | 7.38 | 4709.20 | 0.344179 | | AAAAAAAAOBAEAAAA | Certain services might need individually. Technical windows prevent just between a talks. Families need pieces. Initially | Shoes | womens | 0.55 | 6765.13 | 0.494440 | | AAAAAAAAOBGCAAAA | Differences ring always always bad members. Characteristics prevent sufficiently regional | Shoes | womens | 9.75 | 16736.90 | 1.223242 | | AAAAAAAAOCAAAAAA | Emotional, nuclear farmers can understand also in t | Shoes | womens | 3.00 | 7601.00 | 0.555531 | | AAAAAAAAOCAEAAAA | Typical conventions used to opt principally new, good | Shoes | womens | 21.68 | 3170.21 | 0.231700 | | AAAAAAAAODCDAAAA | U | Shoes | womens | 0.53 | 577.29 | 0.042192 | | AAAAAAAAODGAAAAA | Possibly rural years might see rather joint years. Now upper tales would fancy. Young, beautiful users pick; advanced arms establish further employees. Eyes bear aware police. Instruments me | Shoes | womens | 9.31 | 10237.62 | 0.748232 | | AAAAAAAAODJDAAAA | Also public waves will not bomb yesterday methods. Eyes | Shoes | womens | 1.43 | 2731.22 | 0.199615 | | AAAAAAAAOEEAAAAA | Willing, familiar institutions like. Western periods hold. Numbers make always golden terms. National roads will not per | Shoes | womens | 2.40 | 5354.36 | 0.391332 | | AAAAAAAAOHEAAAAA | Absolutely front men turn spatial hours. Good, free sales used to marry outside appropriate ships. Noble men sa | Shoes | womens | 1.49 | 1341.00 | 0.098009 | | AAAAAAAAOHFAAAAA | Bad, national minutes shall oppose else possible years. Comprehensive, particular dates will not repay even old eyes. Years drink liv | Shoes | womens | 8.66 | 1381.80 | 0.100991 | | AAAAAAAAOIADAAAA | Minutes ought to contact there bright, assistant brothers. Suddenly successful experiences divide suddenly over local lovers. Available teams shall provide ther | Shoes | womens | 3.69 | 7994.45 | 0.584287 | | AAAAAAAAOIPAAAAA | Minutes ought to carry about a operations. Also hidden terms zero approximately please local borders. Traditionally harsh pieces could not remain too patt | Shoes | womens | 5.76 | 4775.72 | 0.349041 | | AAAAAAAAOKJBAAAA | Only rapid powers used to translate voluntary, angry degrees. As new backs would not know subsequently other tasks. Tight capital teams used to go perhaps essential, pos | Shoes | womens | 5.56 | 5377.08 | 0.392992 | | AAAAAAAAOKKDAAAA | Contexts supply suddenly; new, smooth phrases alter only apparently new specialists. Loca | Shoes | womens | 10.77 | 13839.70 | 1.011496 | | AAAAAAAAOLFEAAAA | Victorian families achieve so at least welsh teachers. Often german changes may not participate hard f | Shoes | womens | 7.16 | 5409.69 | 0.395376 | | AAAAAAAAOMFDAAAA | Children climb twice. Seconds make he | Shoes | womens | 3.67 | 18693.24 | 1.366225 | | AAAAAAAAOMLDAAAA | Raw, white w | Shoes | womens | 3.45 | 6228.39 | 0.455212 | | AAAAAAAAONFCAAAA | Rights could make ahead. As good foreigners occur too central minutes | Shoes | womens | 2.16 | 3410.72 | 0.249278 | | AAAAAAAAOOHCAAAA | Current, considerable skills act earlier in a books. Perfect companies see else complaints. Following streets should b | Shoes | womens | 2.16 | 9156.72 | 0.669233 | | AAAAAAAAOOKAAAAA | Perhaps hard lakes consolidate pr | Shoes | womens | 0.77 | 3412.91 | 0.249438 | | AAAAAAAAPBCBAAAA | Circumstances happen communications. Young pairs need of course workers. Answers will go. E | Shoes | womens | 4.12 | 9476.55 | 0.692608 | | AAAAAAAAPFKBAAAA | Happy, other limits could | Shoes | womens | 1.22 | 7938.42 | 0.580192 | | AAAAAAAAPFLAAAAA | Clear factors shall win more electric lectures. Commercial, left colonies would go too good rare children. However easy thanks should change difficult, brown girls. | Shoes | womens | 8.39 | 18733.33 | 1.369155 | | AAAAAAAAPGMBAAAA | Financial judges enter soon major appeals. Far social men use doubts. Results would not relate so. Classes used to mak | Shoes | womens | 1.73 | 1516.69 | 0.110850 | | AAAAAAAAPKIBAAAA | Other, level members send immediately to the services. Base, simple consequences should not visit particularly international, strong seconds; false, le | Shoes | womens | 92.96 | 11563.73 | 0.845153 | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------+----------------+-----------------+-------------+--------------+ 2600 rows in set (1.76 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query98.tpl | 1809.8410 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query85.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Empty set (0.17 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query85.tpl | 170.5100 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query70.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: rollup+order by | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '(s_state,s_county) order by lochierarchy desc ,case when lochierarchy = 0 ' at line 30 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query70.tpl | 0.3630 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query67.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------+----------------+------------------------+------------------------+--------+-------+-------+------------+---------------+-----+ | i_category | i_class | i_brand | i_product_name | d_year | d_qoy | d_moy | s_store_id | sumsales | rk | +------------+----------------+------------------------+------------------------+--------+-------+-------+------------+---------------+-----+ | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 164252.09 | 5 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 583378.55 | 4 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1453058.17 | 3 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2854064.30 | 2 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1003425880.37 | 1 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 145974.26 | 6 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1999 | 3 | NULL | NULL | 59361.63 | 84 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1999 | 4 | NULL | NULL | 86612.63 | 51 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | ablepriablebarought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 92944.65 | 39 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | ablepriablebarought | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 78181.80 | 58 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | antiationeinganti | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 119835.65 | 19 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | antiationeinganti | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 62407.34 | 81 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | antiationeinganti | 2000 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 57428.31 | 95 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | barationableeing | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 127255.35 | 15 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | barationableeing | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 78775.94 | 57 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | eingcallyoughteing | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 79090.81 | 56 | | NULL | NULL | brandmaxi #2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 69246.46 | 70 | | NULL | NULL | brandmaxi #2 | oughteingought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 69246.46 | 70 | | NULL | NULL | corpunivamalg #3 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 98704.44 | 36 | | NULL | NULL | corpunivamalg #3 | eseantin stationought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 98704.44 | 36 | | NULL | NULL | corpunivamalg #3 | eseantin stationought | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 75700.71 | 59 | | NULL | NULL | edu packamalgamalg #17 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 101083.58 | 34 | | NULL | NULL | edu packamalgamalg #17 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 101083.58 | 34 | | NULL | NULL | edu packamalgamalg #17 | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 72221.89 | 66 | | NULL | NULL | edu packexporti #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 119020.43 | 20 | | NULL | NULL | edu packexporti #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 119020.43 | 20 | | NULL | NULL | edu packexporti #1 | NULL | 2000 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 63283.50 | 80 | | NULL | NULL | exportiedu pack #2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 101844.48 | 32 | | NULL | NULL | exportiedu pack #2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 101844.48 | 32 | | NULL | NULL | exportiedu pack #2 | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 91678.73 | 42 | | NULL | NULL | exportischolar #2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 112815.50 | 26 | | NULL | NULL | exportischolar #2 | prieingeseought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 112815.50 | 26 | | NULL | NULL | exportischolar #2 | prieingeseought | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58424.79 | 92 | | NULL | NULL | importoedu pack #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 104708.05 | 30 | | NULL | NULL | importoedu pack #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 104708.05 | 30 | | NULL | NULL | namelesscorp #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 135751.07 | 13 | | NULL | NULL | namelesscorp #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 135751.07 | 13 | | NULL | NULL | namelesscorp #1 | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 93387.27 | 38 | | NULL | NULL | namelesscorp #1 | NULL | 1999 | 4 | NULL | NULL | 61886.68 | 82 | | NULL | archery | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 79220.49 | 53 | | NULL | archery | amalgmaxi #6 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 79220.49 | 53 | | NULL | archery | amalgmaxi #6 | antioughtn stought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 79220.49 | 53 | | NULL | archery | amalgmaxi #6 | antioughtn stought | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 57093.85 | 96 | | NULL | baseball | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 88763.35 | 43 | | NULL | baseball | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 88763.35 | 43 | | NULL | baseball | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 88763.35 | 43 | | NULL | baseball | NULL | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 70909.55 | 68 | | NULL | baseball | NULL | NULL | 1999 | 4 | NULL | NULL | 56242.43 | 100 | | NULL | basketball | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 56321.27 | 97 | | NULL | basketball | exportinameless #3 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 56321.27 | 97 | | NULL | basketball | exportinameless #3 | ablen stpriationought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 56321.27 | 97 | | NULL | dresses | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 121523.66 | 16 | | NULL | dresses | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 121523.66 | 16 | | NULL | dresses | NULL | antieseoughtcally | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 121523.66 | 16 | | NULL | dresses | NULL | antieseoughtcally | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 82218.88 | 52 | | NULL | flatware | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 69197.10 | 72 | | NULL | flatware | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 69197.10 | 72 | | NULL | flatware | NULL | oughteingationn st | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 69197.10 | 72 | | NULL | mattresses | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58777.87 | 89 | | NULL | mattresses | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58777.87 | 89 | | NULL | mattresses | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58777.87 | 89 | | NULL | mattresses | NULL | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58059.76 | 93 | | NULL | memory | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 74135.74 | 60 | | NULL | memory | univamalgamalg #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 74135.74 | 60 | | NULL | memory | univamalgamalg #1 | ableantiablecallyought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 74135.74 | 60 | | NULL | memory | univamalgamalg #1 | ableantiablecallyought | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 71708.30 | 67 | | NULL | outdoor | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 144073.55 | 7 | | NULL | outdoor | namelessnameless #3 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 144073.55 | 7 | | NULL | outdoor | namelessnameless #3 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 144073.55 | 7 | | NULL | outdoor | namelessnameless #3 | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 108455.30 | 28 | | NULL | pants | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 138548.91 | 10 | | NULL | pants | exportiimporto #2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 138548.91 | 10 | | NULL | pants | exportiimporto #2 | antibarableableought | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 138548.91 | 10 | | NULL | pants | exportiimporto #2 | antibarableableought | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 107020.26 | 29 | | NULL | pants | exportiimporto #2 | antibarableableought | 1999 | 4 | NULL | NULL | 87359.75 | 49 | | NULL | rock | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 63302.87 | 76 | | NULL | rock | amalgscholar #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 63302.87 | 76 | | NULL | rock | amalgscholar #1 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 63302.87 | 76 | | NULL | rock | amalgscholar #1 | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 63302.87 | 76 | | NULL | scanners | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 113565.19 | 23 | | NULL | scanners | namelessunivamalg #10 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 113565.19 | 23 | | NULL | scanners | namelessunivamalg #10 | n stbaresepri | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 113565.19 | 23 | | NULL | scanners | namelessunivamalg #10 | n stbaresepri | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 87125.77 | 50 | | NULL | scanners | namelessunivamalg #10 | n stbaresepri | 1999 | 4 | NULL | NULL | 57797.25 | 94 | | NULL | sports-apparel | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 72433.98 | 63 | | NULL | sports-apparel | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 72433.98 | 63 | | NULL | sports-apparel | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 72433.98 | 63 | | NULL | sports-apparel | NULL | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 59547.05 | 83 | | NULL | swimwear | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58786.61 | 85 | | NULL | swimwear | edu packamalg #2 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58786.61 | 85 | | NULL | swimwear | edu packamalg #2 | antieingoughtcally | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58786.61 | 85 | | NULL | swimwear | edu packamalg #2 | antieingoughtcally | 2000 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 58786.61 | 85 | | NULL | tennis | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 87870.02 | 46 | | NULL | tennis | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 87870.02 | 46 | | NULL | tennis | NULL | barpribaranti | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 87870.02 | 46 | | NULL | tennis | NULL | barpribaranti | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 65764.69 | 75 | | NULL | womens | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 91992.17 | 40 | | NULL | womens | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 91992.17 | 40 | | NULL | womens | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 118370.13 | 22 | | NULL | womens | NULL | NULL | 1999 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 70219.68 | 69 | +------------+----------------+------------------------+------------------------+--------+-------+-------+------------+---------------+-----+ 100 rows in set (15.60 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query67.tpl | 15603.6730 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query28.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+------------+--------+---------+ | B1_LP | B1_CNT | B1_CNTD | B2_LP | B2_CNT | B2_CNTD | B3_LP | B3_CNT | B3_CNTD | B4_LP | B4_CNT | B4_CNTD | B5_LP | B5_CNT | B5_CNTD | B6_LP | B6_CNT | B6_CNTD | +-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+------------+--------+---------+ | 56.566060 | 36016 | 7003 | 91.124361 | 31221 | 8207 | 61.208578 | 29157 | 6486 | 69.680907 | 36077 | 8287 | 89.216954 | 32180 | 7912 | 106.805840 | 28495 | 9043 | +-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+-----------+--------+---------+------------+--------+---------+ 1 row in set (0.73 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query28.tpl | 737.2650 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query81.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+------------------+-------------------+----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------------+----------+--------+---------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+ | c_customer_id | c_salutation | c_first_name | c_last_name | ca_street_number | ca_street_name | ca_street_type | ca_suite_number | ca_city | ca_county | ca_state | ca_zip | ca_country | ca_gmt_offset | ca_location_type | ctr_total_return | +------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+------------------+-------------------+----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------------+----------+--------+---------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+ | AAAAAAAAABGMAAAA | Miss | Bess | Lewis | 233 | Woodland | Blvd | Suite 420 | Lakeside | Lee County | TX | 79532 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2763.72 | | AAAAAAAAACMKAAAA | Dr. | Jean | Lee | 379 | Smith | Cir. | Suite G | Five Forks | Briscoe County | TX | 72293 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 5564.96 | | AAAAAAAAAEIDAAAA | Dr. | Caleb | Keyes | 320 | South Chestnut | Pkwy | Suite 0 | Lincoln | Bexar County | TX | 71289 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 6499.71 | | AAAAAAAAAEIGBAAA | Sir | Henry | Gonzales | 723 | Laurel Forest | Ln | Suite 100 | Georgetown | Upshur County | TX | 77057 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2365.81 | | AAAAAAAAAEMIAAAA | Miss | Melissa | Smith | 906 | Poplar | Dr. | Suite E | Mountain View | Harris County | TX | 74466 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 6585.94 | | AAAAAAAAAFCGAAAA | Mr. | Jordan | West | 529 | Third Fourth | Parkway | Suite V | Bethesda | Orange County | TX | 75980 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2601.48 | | AAAAAAAAAGBIAAAA | Sir | Fred | Williams | 59 | College Park | Pkwy | Suite 320 | Hillcrest | Glasscock County | TX | 73003 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2398.35 | | AAAAAAAAAIHEAAAA | Dr. | Sarah | Head | 646 | Main West | Street | Suite K | Bethel | Hall County | TX | 75281 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2262.82 | | AAAAAAAAAIKCBAAA | Dr. | Rosemarie | Munoz | 437 | 2nd | Court | Suite 60 | Lone Pine | Hansford County | TX | 77441 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 4604.16 | | AAAAAAAAAKKGBAAA | Mr. | John | Hoffman | 550 | South | ST | Suite 380 | Cedar Grove | Crockett County | TX | 70411 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1782.86 | | AAAAAAAAAMIBAAAA | Miss | Susan | Seymour | 874 | Hill Spruce | Road | Suite 150 | Howell | Hall County | TX | 74854 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 3460.79 | | AAAAAAAAAOOHBAAA | Sir | Joseph | Hernandez | 488 | Fifth Cedar | Road | Suite N | Carpenter | Hansford County | TX | 71147 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2917.11 | | AAAAAAAAAPBLAAAA | Mr. | Royce | Jordan | 776 | East Oak | Pkwy | Suite Q | Harmony | Reeves County | TX | 75804 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 6965.57 | | AAAAAAAAAPMEBAAA | Ms. | Kristin | Benitez | 623 | Locust 13th | Court | Suite P | Mount Zion | Rockwall County | TX | 78054 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2146.20 | | AAAAAAAAAPNHBAAA | Sir | Danny | Todd | 195 | 2nd | Blvd | Suite 130 | Whitesville | Duval County | TX | 75903 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3398.09 | | AAAAAAAABAOIAAAA | Dr. | Denise | Obrien | 958 | Pine | Circle | Suite J | Glenwood | Refugio County | TX | 73511 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2142.72 | | AAAAAAAABCJHBAAA | Dr. | Elizabeth | Mcwilliams | 249 | Cherry | RD | Suite D | Clinton | Waller County | TX | 78222 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2374.40 | | AAAAAAAABDACAAAA | Dr. | Wesley | Lee | 811 | Main | Street | Suite 310 | Lakewood | Sterling County | TX | 78877 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2303.40 | | AAAAAAAABDOBBAAA | Miss | Isabella | Russell | 401 | Birch | Street | Suite D | Franklin | San Jacinto County | TX | 79101 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 3549.62 | | AAAAAAAABFPHAAAA | Dr. | Melinda | Robinson | 315 | 8th | Road | Suite K | Weldon | Wheeler County | TX | 76277 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2129.18 | | AAAAAAAABGMDAAAA | Dr. | Glen | Wooldridge | 775 | 11th Second | Drive | Suite I | Lincoln | Sutton County | TX | 71289 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2026.96 | | AAAAAAAABIPJAAAA | Mr. | Paul | Harding | 707 | Chestnut | Avenue | Suite C | Edgewood | Sherman County | TX | 70069 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 6271.73 | | AAAAAAAABOCGBAAA | Dr. | Aaron | Taylor | 992 | Park | Lane | Suite 350 | New Hope | Fisher County | TX | 79431 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1853.85 | | AAAAAAAABOCGBAAA | Dr. | Aaron | Taylor | 992 | Park | Lane | Suite 350 | New Hope | Fisher County | TX | 79431 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2801.13 | | AAAAAAAABOJEAAAA | Ms. | Charissa | Evans | 799 | West 15th | Boulevard | Suite F | Belmont | Wilson County | TX | 70191 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 10542.48 | | AAAAAAAACAOABAAA | Dr. | Kevin | Gordon | 597 | Locust | Street | Suite 120 | Rosebud | Victoria County | TX | 72244 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 10686.20 | | AAAAAAAACBNCBAAA | Sir | Timothy | Ferraro | 145 | Spring Highland | Pkwy | Suite 170 | Edgewood | Lipscomb County | TX | 70069 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1651.56 | | AAAAAAAACBNCBAAA | Sir | Timothy | Ferraro | 145 | Spring Highland | Pkwy | Suite 170 | Edgewood | Lipscomb County | TX | 70069 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 6346.50 | | AAAAAAAACCJFBAAA | Miss | Barbara | Saavedra | 419 | 1st | Street | Suite Y | Pleasant Grove | Young County | TX | 74136 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2092.11 | | AAAAAAAACEEKAAAA | Sir | Robert | Hawkins | 755 | 3rd 7th | Drive | Suite U | Newport | Reeves County | TX | 71521 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2815.86 | | AAAAAAAACFAIBAAA | Mrs. | Alyce | Knutson | 969 | Sunset | Drive | Suite 440 | Springfield | Tarrant County | TX | 79303 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2905.37 | | AAAAAAAACHKABAAA | Dr. | Gilbert | Lee | 249 | 13th | Road | Suite W | Stringtown | Randall County | TX | 70162 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 5614.20 | | AAAAAAAACJOGAAAA | Dr. | Isabell | Hernandez | 130 | Elm | Dr. | Suite X | Enterprise | Hemphill County | TX | 71757 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3366.17 | | AAAAAAAACMEBBAAA | Ms. | Alex | Muse | 419 | View | Parkway | Suite M | Oak Ridge | Bandera County | TX | 78371 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2527.83 | | AAAAAAAACNEBAAAA | Ms. | Julia | Farley | 955 | Davis Jefferson | Court | Suite 50 | New Hope | Kimble County | TX | 79431 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3543.33 | | AAAAAAAACNHEAAAA | Miss | Mae | Adams | 681 | Main | Ct. | Suite 70 | Jamestown | Terrell County | TX | 76867 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 11734.18 | | AAAAAAAACNHGBAAA | Dr. | NULL | NULL | 150 | Wilson Washington | Dr. | Suite 280 | Union Hill | Waller County | TX | 77746 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 1733.88 | | AAAAAAAACNOGAAAA | Sir | John | Franks | 515 | 14th Cedar | Way | Suite 240 | Oneida | Scurry County | TX | 74027 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 1984.34 | | AAAAAAAACOPDBAAA | Sir | Gerald | Williamson | 323 | Highland Franklin | Avenue | Suite 270 | Jackson | Kent County | TX | 79583 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2736.19 | | AAAAAAAACPEHBAAA | Mrs. | Joyce | Boone | 300 | Forest | Way | Suite O | Lakewood | San Patricio County | TX | 78877 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 13560.48 | | AAAAAAAACPOCBAAA | Sir | Miguel | Metcalf | 920 | Madison | Circle | Suite 410 | Plainview | Deaf Smith County | TX | 73683 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2197.66 | | AAAAAAAADBOHAAAA | Mrs. | Rita | Brito | 388 | Center | Cir. | Suite S | Macedonia | Aransas County | TX | 71087 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 15476.31 | | AAAAAAAADBPHBAAA | Dr. | Sean | Gordon | 781 | Main | Ave | Suite B | Midway | Zavala County | TX | 71904 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2021.55 | | AAAAAAAADCFAAAAA | Mrs. | Joyce | Huey | 218 | 5th | Ave | Suite B | Maple Grove | Foard County | TX | 78252 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 3809.13 | | AAAAAAAADCKEAAAA | Mr. | Charles | Massey | 871 | Miller Johnson | Ct. | Suite 350 | Glendale | Coryell County | TX | 73951 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 6227.58 | | AAAAAAAADCMNAAAA | Mrs. | Katherine | Thomas | 998 | Fifth Third | Parkway | Suite 110 | Union | Van Zandt County | TX | 78721 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2407.25 | | AAAAAAAADDLLAAAA | Sir | David | Sorenson | 118 | Johnson 5th | Court | Suite T | Clinton | Webb County | TX | 78222 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2584.61 | | AAAAAAAADECBBAAA | Sir | James | Jones | 443 | Main | Wy | Suite 50 | Spring Hill | Coleman County | TX | 76787 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2207.14 | | AAAAAAAADFMPAAAA | Sir | Robin | Clark | 975 | Walnut Forest | Circle | Suite 130 | Lakeview | Brewster County | TX | 78579 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 4606.35 | | AAAAAAAADFPBBAAA | Mrs. | Andrea | Welch | 99 | 5th | Drive | Suite 400 | Yorktown | Foard County | TX | 70732 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2805.08 | | AAAAAAAADILDBAAA | Mr. | Pete | Wolfe | 173 | Sunset | Pkwy | Suite 190 | Bethel | Gray County | TX | 75281 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 9620.79 | | AAAAAAAADJMMAAAA | Mr. | Dennis | Edwards | 495 | Green | ST | Suite N | Wilson | Gaines County | TX | 76971 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3227.37 | | AAAAAAAADKDDBAAA | Dr. | Harold | Norton | 516 | Willow | Ave | Suite P | Saint James | Blanco County | TX | 75799 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2119.58 | | AAAAAAAADKNHAAAA | Dr. | Tara | Olson | 677 | Sixth Lake | Road | Suite 240 | Bunker Hill | Maverick County | TX | 70150 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 6506.28 | | AAAAAAAADNHCBAAA | Sir | Thomas | Royal | 30 | Spring 14th | Wy | Suite W | Highland | Maverick County | TX | 79454 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 3926.44 | | AAAAAAAADNOIAAAA | Ms. | Alene | Cowan | 582 | Pine | Ct. | Suite 240 | Gary | Potter County | TX | 70418 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 5352.40 | | AAAAAAAADPCOAAAA | Ms. | Andrew | Kelly | 294 | 11th Oak | Ln | Suite V | Stringtown | Castro County | TX | 70162 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1733.52 | | AAAAAAAADPNBBAAA | Dr. | Jerry | Nance | 959 | Central | NULL | NULL | NULL | Haskell County | TX | NULL | United States | -6.00 | NULL | 2659.91 | | AAAAAAAAEAMHAAAA | Sir | Arturo | Field | 772 | Park Maple | Court | Suite J | White Oak | Stonewall County | TX | 76668 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 6300.32 | | AAAAAAAAECJDAAAA | Dr. | Darrell | Galloway | 604 | Washington 6th | RD | Suite 150 | Sleepy Hollow | Fisher County | TX | 73592 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2008.57 | | AAAAAAAAEDPKAAAA | Miss | Cherly | Martin | 766 | Ridge | Court | Suite L | Belmont | Lynn County | TX | 70191 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 1689.23 | | AAAAAAAAEGCCAAAA | Mr. | Danny | Black | 488 | Railroad | Circle | Suite 340 | Hillcrest | Webb County | TX | 73003 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 1900.74 | | AAAAAAAAEHDIAAAA | Dr. | Jacqueline | Nguyen | 426 | Locust | Court | Suite P | Frenchtown | Palo Pinto County | TX | 72629 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 5494.52 | | AAAAAAAAEHHOAAAA | Dr. | Bonnie | Nava | 165 | 12th Park | Ln | Suite 280 | Mountain View | Guadalupe County | TX | 74466 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2583.84 | | AAAAAAAAEHJAAAAA | Sir | Rocky | Allen | 756 | Chestnut Lee | Cir. | Suite T | Oakwood | Marion County | TX | 70169 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 4691.49 | | AAAAAAAAEKIHBAAA | Miss | Sharon | Trammell | 904 | Green Railroad | Lane | Suite 370 | Marion | Duval County | TX | 70399 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2026.15 | | AAAAAAAAEKNCBAAA | Miss | Virgie | Smith | 824 | East | Street | Suite K | Concord | Polk County | TX | 74107 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2295.98 | | AAAAAAAAELIPAAAA | Miss | Danielle | Martin | 102 | West | Street | Suite 410 | Lakewood | Borden County | TX | 78877 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 1762.80 | | AAAAAAAAELMKAAAA | Mrs. | Joann | Gillis | 865 | 4th | Wy | Suite 230 | Enterprise | Kent County | TX | 71757 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2670.23 | | AAAAAAAAEOKBBAAA | Ms. | Dianne | Culpepper | 274 | Pine | RD | Suite 240 | Fairview | Cherokee County | TX | 75709 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 2550.46 | | AAAAAAAAEPDKAAAA | Sir | Frederick | Workman | 605 | Lakeview Poplar | Parkway | Suite K | Woodlawn | Brazos County | TX | 74098 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 1912.62 | | AAAAAAAAFBHBAAAA | Mr. | Timothy | Dye | 70 | Walnut Pine | Street | Suite 250 | Jamestown | San Augustine County | TX | 76867 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3507.92 | | AAAAAAAAFBMBAAAA | Dr. | Irma | Meyers | 90 | Adams | Dr. | Suite 480 | Fairview | Terry County | TX | 75709 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 1683.73 | | AAAAAAAAFCHBAAAA | Sir | Michael | Jackson | 140 | Third | Court | Suite D | Cedar Grove | Wise County | TX | 70411 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 1651.05 | | AAAAAAAAFCMBAAAA | Mrs. | Eloise | Scott | 417 | Ridge 9th | Court | Suite 20 | Pine Grove | Palo Pinto County | TX | 74593 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2094.98 | | AAAAAAAAFDKFAAAA | Miss | Cecelia | Johnson | 166 | Poplar Walnut | Avenue | Suite R | Hamilton | DeWitt County | TX | 72808 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 3082.30 | | AAAAAAAAFEFIAAAA | Dr. | Tyrone | Ramos | 184 | 4th | Dr. | Suite 250 | Liberty | Kent County | TX | 73451 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 7493.06 | | AAAAAAAAFEFNAAAA | Ms. | Angela | Frank | 573 | Hickory | ST | Suite 140 | Midway | Martin County | TX | 71904 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2544.44 | | AAAAAAAAFGCEAAAA | Miss | Evelyn | Joyner | 96 | Valley | Parkway | Suite S | Riverview | Nacogdoches County | TX | 79003 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2412.50 | | AAAAAAAAFGJLAAAA | Mrs. | Sylvia | Sample | NULL | NULL | ST | Suite U | Oak Ridge | NULL | TX | 78371 | United States | -6.00 | NULL | 5950.32 | | AAAAAAAAFHGCAAAA | Mrs. | Carla | Muniz | 570 | 2nd | Boulevard | Suite T | Green Acres | La Salle County | TX | 77683 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 4789.59 | | AAAAAAAAFJIDBAAA | Mr. | Jonathan | Dugan | 91 | 2nd Davis | Dr. | Suite 380 | Five Points | Hunt County | TX | 76098 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 8570.91 | | AAAAAAAAFLGGBAAA | Mrs. | Lindy | Gonzalez | NULL | Hill | NULL | Suite Q | Greenwood | NULL | TX | NULL | United States | -6.00 | NULL | 3125.99 | | AAAAAAAAFMDIAAAA | Dr. | Kathleen | Scott | 700 | 7th Hillcrest | Ln | Suite 360 | Five Forks | Sherman County | TX | 72293 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 4023.92 | | AAAAAAAAFNBNAAAA | NULL | Pauline | NULL | 30 | Park | Avenue | Suite D | Highland | Hunt County | TX | 79454 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 4142.18 | | AAAAAAAAGAECAAAA | Mr. | Sheldon | Reiss | 303 | College Maple | Dr. | Suite O | Riverdale | Irion County | TX | 79391 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1750.30 | | AAAAAAAAGCFGBAAA | Dr. | Anabel | Hughes | 621 | Oak Park | Boulevard | Suite 150 | Red Hill | Reagan County | TX | 74338 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1861.72 | | AAAAAAAAGCGDBAAA | Mr. | Jeffery | Nolan | 63 | 1st Oak | Drive | Suite O | Lakewood | Bee County | TX | 78877 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 1742.43 | | AAAAAAAAGFIBBAAA | Dr. | Rosa | Pritchard | 143 | Lee Dogwood | Blvd | Suite 270 | Plainview | Johnson County | TX | 73683 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 2027.28 | | AAAAAAAAGIKMAAAA | Miss | Emma | Wood | 451 | 2nd | Circle | Suite 10 | Pleasant Hill | Rusk County | TX | 73604 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 1909.39 | | AAAAAAAAGJOAAAAA | Ms. | Jaclyn | Stein | 484 | College 1st | Circle | Suite 450 | Lincoln | San Augustine County | TX | 71289 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3516.87 | | AAAAAAAAGJPMAAAA | NULL | Gregory | Boston | 227 | Sunset | Ln | Suite U | Pine Grove | Lamb County | TX | 74593 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 2834.83 | | AAAAAAAAGKIKAAAA | Mr. | Joseph | Mccloud | 212 | Lake | Wy | Suite 0 | Woodland | San Augustine County | TX | 74854 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 8495.11 | | AAAAAAAAGKPDAAAA | Mr. | Robert | Reilly | 766 | Fifth Spruce | Road | Suite X | Riverside | Collin County | TX | 79231 | United States | -6.00 | condo | 5831.53 | | AAAAAAAAGNDHBAAA | Ms. | Cecelia | Asher | 585 | Main | ST | Suite 450 | Wildwood | Concho County | TX | 76871 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 5373.88 | | AAAAAAAAHBBJAAAA | Dr. | Darla | Lang | 547 | Green | Circle | Suite S | Greenwood | Reeves County | TX | 78828 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 1932.12 | | AAAAAAAAHBCCBAAA | Dr. | Cary | Davis | 786 | North | Ave | Suite Y | Concord | Bee County | TX | 74107 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3030.46 | | AAAAAAAAHDFIBAAA | Dr. | Dale | Boswell | 417 | Walnut Hillcrest | Circle | Suite 300 | Brownsville | Randall County | TX | 79310 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 4033.38 | | AAAAAAAAHDGHAAAA | Ms. | Latasha | Vaughn | 754 | Hill | Court | Suite J | Cedar Grove | Zavala County | TX | 70411 | United States | -6.00 | single family | 3077.04 | | AAAAAAAAHEJFAAAA | Dr. | Flora | Chance | 214 | 8th | Boulevard | Suite M | Jackson | Leon County | TX | 79583 | United States | -6.00 | apartment | 3254.65 | +------------------+--------------+--------------+-------------+------------------+-------------------+----------------+-----------------+----------------+----------------------+----------+--------+---------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+ 100 rows in set (1.30 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query81.tpl | 1299.3300 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query97.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: full outer join | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'outer join csci on (ssci.customer_sk=csci.customer_sk ' at line 20 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query97.tpl | 0.3550 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query66.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------------------+-------------------+----------+-------------------+---------+---------------+---------------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | w_warehouse_name | w_warehouse_sq_ft | w_city | w_county | w_state | w_country | ship_carriers | year | jan_sales | feb_sales | mar_sales | apr_sales | may_sales | jun_sales | jul_sales | aug_sales | sep_sales | oct_sales | nov_sales | dec_sales | jan_sales_per_sq_foot | feb_sales_per_sq_foot | mar_sales_per_sq_foot | apr_sales_per_sq_foot | may_sales_per_sq_foot | jun_sales_per_sq_foot | jul_sales_per_sq_foot | aug_sales_per_sq_foot | sep_sales_per_sq_foot | oct_sales_per_sq_foot | nov_sales_per_sq_foot | dec_sales_per_sq_foot | jan_net | feb_net | mar_net | apr_net | may_net | jun_net | jul_net | aug_net | sep_net | oct_net | nov_net | dec_net | +----------------------+-------------------+----------+-------------------+---------+---------------+---------------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | NULL | NULL | Fairview | Williamson County | TN | United States | 0 | 2001 | 16460694.31 | 15876699.81 | 17679816.04 | 21552623.99 | 24717359.02 | 17633651.80 | 16979293.83 | 35879101.31 | 43299617.64 | 38599912.71 | 66661522.13 | 69688095.08 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 20226712.42 | 8408231.10 | 10883363.74 | 12102496.37 | 16672901.64 | 13088995.42 | 13025402.46 | 30997482.86 | 40592091.64 | 34107524.08 | 49753596.88 | 53584676.68 | | Bad cards must make. | 621234 | Fairview | Williamson County | TN | United States | 0 | 2001 | 21165139.09 | 19223359.73 | 22942315.27 | 24442914.33 | 33437092.20 | 23393776.32 | 22460427.52 | 37613062.29 | 40687955.75 | 39866850.19 | 57292841.86 | 58497054.96 | 34.069512 | 30.943831 | 36.930231 | 39.345745 | 53.823667 | 37.656948 | 36.154537 | 60.545724 | 65.495378 | 64.173645 | 92.224254 | 94.162675 | 17526380.66 | 12205668.91 | 23843391.76 | 14847814.33 | 13482561.12 | 16992042.22 | 12506480.84 | 24545076.44 | 32030678.56 | 30368132.91 | 45725162.02 | 43199217.66 | | Conventional childr | 977787 | Fairview | Williamson County | TN | United States | 0 | 2001 | 15171937.12 | 19215844.12 | 10411294.00 | 14526087.71 | 25411733.62 | 15899747.87 | 23652262.05 | 43689475.34 | 41053862.75 | 38139681.53 | 52652294.93 | 80609391.91 | 15.516607 | 19.652382 | 10.647814 | 14.856086 | 25.989028 | 16.260952 | 24.189586 | 44.681996 | 41.986509 | 39.006124 | 53.848430 | 82.440646 | 14005747.43 | 12269618.92 | 10540028.83 | 13749838.00 | 18482221.16 | 16971465.63 | 15836229.29 | 29806751.87 | 31312404.13 | 28425487.57 | 46330652.59 | 57383156.20 | | Doors canno | 294242 | Fairview | Williamson County | TN | United States | 0 | 2001 | 26291122.22 | 13083469.75 | 12531878.62 | 18640443.60 | 20626470.87 | 16772781.94 | 20936603.21 | 29095512.55 | 37351301.56 | 44055810.60 | 60374994.36 | 69341215.90 | 89.352037 | 44.464998 | 42.590380 | 63.350724 | 70.100362 | 57.003357 | 71.154367 | 98.882935 | 126.940755 | 149.726451 | 205.188227 | 235.660497 | 10882696.25 | 18851244.04 | 18403873.89 | 12402062.21 | 14664656.28 | 14989406.60 | 11532409.12 | 36370028.17 | 40843762.08 | 34285969.71 | 51572084.67 | 44393664.68 | | Important issues liv | 138504 | Fairview | Williamson County | TN | United States | 0 | 2001 | 16427306.32 | 20534490.48 | 15771503.46 | 17207461.80 | 20678440.89 | 12119638.67 | 23634107.07 | 30896755.67 | 46691233.65 | 47373198.95 | 51949883.31 | 62489792.26 | 118.605285 | 148.259188 | 113.870383 | 124.238014 | 149.298510 | 87.503890 | 170.638444 | 223.074826 | 337.111085 | 342.034880 | 375.078578 | 451.176806 | 10693817.88 | 9528282.35 | 10701967.44 | 9394884.62 | 13685913.18 | 16342303.77 | 15224195.18 | 30645900.33 | 36020963.68 | 37840184.06 | 45204785.24 | 46812361.30 | +----------------------+-------------------+----------+-------------------+---------+---------------+---------------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ 5 rows in set, 36 warnings (9.04 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query66.tpl | 9031.5180 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query90.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------+ | am_pm_ratio | +-------------+ | 1.27619048 | +-------------+ 1 row in set (0.73 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query90.tpl | 733.6090 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query17.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Empty set (1.28 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query17.tpl | 1281.5880 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query47.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------------+--------+-------+-------------------+-----------+---------+---------+ | s_company_name | d_year | d_moy | avg_monthly_sales | sum_sales | psum | nsum | +----------------+--------+-------+-------------------+-----------+---------+---------+ | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5167.868333 | 1702.17 | 3236.87 | 3399.13 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5036.090833 | 1860.99 | 2706.82 | 3303.43 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5064.604167 | 1912.86 | 3298.07 | 2757.48 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4913.032500 | 1779.75 | 2390.63 | 2257.04 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5168.767500 | 2069.14 | 2983.37 | 8035.14 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5110.744167 | 2022.81 | 2461.84 | 3067.59 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4803.555833 | 1743.74 | 2778.83 | 3066.97 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5175.091667 | 2116.90 | 3610.19 | 6870.27 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4937.400833 | 1880.07 | 3078.36 | 2756.00 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4958.763333 | 1958.78 | 2678.23 | 3027.08 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5212.675833 | 2215.63 | 3321.39 | 3357.05 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 4950.270000 | 1956.92 | 2980.12 | 2196.47 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 4926.845000 | 1942.09 | 2679.25 | 3503.44 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4606.794167 | 1639.46 | 2157.87 | 2583.06 | | Unknown | 2000 | 1 | 4997.976667 | 2033.94 | 4136.88 | 3386.81 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5212.355000 | 2256.79 | 2483.30 | 3203.46 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5326.516667 | 2380.52 | 3557.54 | 2381.65 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5326.516667 | 2381.65 | 2380.52 | 3185.08 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5076.010833 | 2166.79 | 2636.43 | 2696.26 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 5213.916667 | 2308.61 | 3484.35 | 2631.62 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4944.166667 | 2043.50 | 2714.17 | 7158.49 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5109.577500 | 2231.87 | 2492.85 | 2716.69 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5036.090833 | 2162.98 | 2169.49 | 7442.03 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5036.090833 | 2169.49 | 3303.43 | 2162.98 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4953.792500 | 2087.58 | 2881.98 | 2396.23 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4824.920833 | 1981.97 | 2557.91 | 2178.72 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5270.568333 | 2429.81 | 2500.28 | 3121.27 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4390.827500 | 1562.28 | 2203.54 | 2814.98 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 4565.836667 | 1740.10 | 3299.55 | 2905.54 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4950.270000 | 2125.36 | 3688.19 | 2980.12 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4657.830000 | 1836.07 | 2432.42 | 6304.84 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5094.271667 | 2285.80 | 2982.59 | 2944.67 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 5233.675000 | 2458.45 | 3530.35 | 4587.71 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5270.568333 | 2500.28 | 3185.98 | 2429.81 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5257.115000 | 2491.28 | 2494.71 | 2963.86 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5257.115000 | 2494.71 | 2788.64 | 2491.28 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5168.767500 | 2407.05 | 3240.95 | 2483.46 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4422.386667 | 1666.68 | 2570.10 | 2097.53 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4950.270000 | 2196.47 | 1956.92 | 7068.51 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 5016.401667 | 2267.73 | 2984.52 | 3051.68 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5076.010833 | 2328.83 | 3139.50 | 2636.43 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4657.830000 | 1925.05 | 2409.04 | 2999.06 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 4931.629167 | 2199.12 | 3942.13 | 2335.05 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5212.355000 | 2483.30 | 4582.12 | 2256.79 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4872.140833 | 2143.87 | 3353.30 | 2688.70 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5212.355000 | 2487.88 | 2624.81 | 6788.15 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4912.345000 | 2194.71 | 3320.16 | 7019.04 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4521.217500 | 1803.95 | 2858.45 | 2451.32 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5257.115000 | 2540.19 | 3558.30 | 7261.59 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5183.971667 | 2471.71 | 3493.02 | 2920.36 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4440.288333 | 1737.33 | 1857.98 | 2951.57 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5167.868333 | 2468.50 | 3375.26 | 3236.87 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 4732.806667 | 2035.56 | 3540.84 | 2823.10 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 4960.848333 | 2267.45 | 3486.05 | 3329.26 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5240.653333 | 2549.66 | 3081.94 | 2798.03 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 5168.767500 | 2483.46 | 2407.05 | 2983.37 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4888.695833 | 2204.11 | 3149.43 | 2688.11 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5270.568333 | 2587.41 | 3050.17 | 6970.69 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4372.639167 | 1694.02 | 2257.72 | 6000.24 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4916.410000 | 2240.65 | 3382.64 | 3182.24 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 4364.737500 | 1689.53 | 2992.20 | 3120.76 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5090.508333 | 2415.99 | 3256.81 | 2925.27 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4813.664167 | 2143.57 | 2637.02 | 2902.70 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4595.062500 | 1926.36 | 2586.96 | 2922.71 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4913.032500 | 2257.04 | 1779.75 | 2643.30 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4371.782500 | 1718.21 | 2208.02 | 2721.25 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5110.744167 | 2461.84 | 4401.88 | 2022.81 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5192.789167 | 2544.73 | 3587.53 | 3197.85 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4824.920833 | 2178.72 | 1981.97 | 2884.49 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5233.675000 | 2588.01 | 3532.78 | 3530.35 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4483.991667 | 1838.66 | 2619.28 | 2374.55 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5043.647500 | 2403.81 | 3238.49 | 6835.65 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4407.061667 | 1776.42 | 2981.25 | 5710.21 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 4830.246667 | 2199.80 | 2412.75 | 3006.00 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5326.516667 | 2701.75 | 3185.08 | 3285.18 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 4916.410000 | 2298.33 | 3493.76 | 3382.64 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4727.370000 | 2110.50 | 2519.62 | 2267.53 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 5109.577500 | 2492.85 | 2728.55 | 2231.87 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 5043.647500 | 2430.73 | 2644.32 | 3481.08 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 4131.199167 | 1519.23 | 2157.93 | 2655.31 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5172.156667 | 2563.98 | 2905.94 | 3777.26 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4931.629167 | 2327.08 | 2335.05 | 2882.04 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 4960.848333 | 2360.20 | 2406.42 | 3555.36 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4823.300000 | 2222.80 | 3016.25 | 2462.91 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4931.629167 | 2335.05 | 2199.12 | 2327.08 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5212.355000 | 2624.81 | 2899.34 | 2487.88 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 5016.401667 | 2432.36 | 3088.82 | 2984.52 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 4440.288333 | 1857.98 | 3346.62 | 1737.33 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5213.916667 | 2631.62 | 2308.61 | 3081.21 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 5000.816667 | 2419.42 | 3117.07 | 3086.00 | | Unknown | 2000 | 3 | 4551.438333 | 1973.72 | 2083.41 | 2621.49 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5212.675833 | 2638.50 | 3720.45 | 7180.32 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5092.845000 | 2525.38 | 3066.60 | 2819.83 | | Unknown | 2000 | 2 | 5213.916667 | 2649.38 | 3206.27 | 3351.30 | | Unknown | 2000 | 1 | 4595.062500 | 2032.46 | 3557.44 | 2372.72 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 5032.343333 | 2469.75 | 2961.97 | 6219.49 | | Unknown | 2000 | 6 | 4776.425000 | 2216.70 | 2861.21 | 3620.51 | | Unknown | 2000 | 7 | 4727.370000 | 2168.76 | 2267.53 | 7819.76 | | Unknown | 2000 | 4 | 4953.792500 | 2396.23 | 2087.58 | 2921.95 | | Unknown | 2000 | 5 | 5206.238333 | 2649.03 | 2879.82 | 3447.77 | +----------------+--------+-------+-------------------+-----------+---------+---------+ 100 rows in set (37.98 sec) +----------+-------------+------------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+------------+ | LOG_END: | query47.tpl | 37982.0790 | +----------+-------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query95.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ | order count | total shipping cost | total net profit | +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ | 26 | 43332.55 | -4713.46 | +-------------+---------------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.14 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query95.tpl | 151.0630 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query92.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +------------------------+ | Excess Discount Amount | +------------------------+ | 28818.71 | +------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query92.tpl | 7.9140 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query3.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +--------+----------+-------------+----------+ | d_year | brand_id | brand | sum_agg | +--------+----------+-------------+----------+ | 2002 | 2003002 | univmaxi #3 | -6258.19 | +--------+----------+-------------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query3.tpl | 5.8980 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query51.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +-----------------------------------------+ | NOTE | +-----------------------------------------+ | MARIADB-EXPECTED-ERROR: full outer join | +-----------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'full outer join store_v1 store on (web.item_sk = store.item_sk ' at line 36 +----------+-------------+-----------+ | header | @query_name | millisecs | +----------+-------------+-----------+ | LOG_END: | query51.tpl | 0.2650 | +----------+-------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) +-----------+-------------+ | header | @query_name | +-----------+-------------+ | LOG_START | query35.tpl | +-----------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) +----------+-----------+-------------------+--------------+------+---------------------------+---------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+------+------------------------------------+------------------------------------+----------------------------+----------------------+------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+---------------------------+ | ca_state | cd_gender | cd_marital_status | cd_dep_count | cnt1 | stddev_samp(cd_dep_count) | stddev_samp(cd_dep_count) | min(cd_dep_count) | cd_dep_employed_count | cnt2 | stddev_samp(cd_dep_employed_count) | stddev_samp(cd_dep_employed_count) | min(cd_dep_employed_count) | cd_dep_college_count | cnt3 | stddev_samp(cd_dep_college_count) | stddev_samp(cd_dep_college_count) | min(cd_dep_college_count) | 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