Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0 log4j:WARN Continuable parsing error 45 and column 76 log4j:WARN Element type "rollingPolicy" must be declared. log4j:WARN Continuable parsing error 52 and column 14 log4j:WARN The content of element type "appender" must match "(errorHandler?,param*,layout?,filter*,appender-ref*)". log4j:WARN Please set a rolling policy for the RollingFileAppender named 'pdi-execution-appender' 17:19:46,678 INFO [KarafBoot] Checking to see if org.pentaho.clean.karaf.cache is enabled 17:19:46,775 INFO [KarafInstance] ******************************************************************************* *** Karaf Instance Number: 1 at /home/jens/MCOL-1578/mariadb-columnstore-da *** *** ta-adapters/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/test/data-integration/./system/karaf/caches/kitchen/data-1*** *** FastBin Provider Port:52901 *** *** Karaf Port:8802 *** *** OSGI Service Port:9051 *** ******************************************************************************* Jul 27, 2018 5:19:47 PM org.apache.karaf.main.Main launch INFO: Installing and starting initial bundles Jul 27, 2018 5:19:47 PM org.apache.karaf.main.Main launch INFO: All initial bundles installed and set to start Jul 27, 2018 5:19:47 PM org.apache.karaf.main.Main$KarafLockCallback lockAquired INFO: Lock acquired. Setting startlevel to 100 2018/07/27 17:19:47 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Detailed 2018/07/27 17:19:47 - Kitchen - Start of run. Creating configuration from Creating configuration from Creating configuration from org.apache.activemq.webconsole.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.kar.cfg Creating configuration from org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.activemq.server-default.cfg Creating configuration from jmx.acl.cfg Creating configuration from Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.system.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.config.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.scope_bundle.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.features.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.log.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.kar.cfg Creating configuration from Creating configuration from Creating configuration from org.apache.aries.rsa.provider.fastbin.cfg Creating configuration from org.pentaho.pdi.engine.spark.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.felix.fileinstall-deploy.cfg Creating configuration from Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.webconsole.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.jaas.cfg Creating configuration from org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg Creating configuration from mondrian.cfg Creating configuration from org.pentaho.caching-default.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.features.repos.cfg Creating configuration from Creating configuration from Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.bundle.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.features.obr.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.jaas.cfg Creating configuration from org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg Creating configuration from org.apache.karaf.command.acl.feature.cfg Creating configuration from org.pentaho.features.cfg Jul 27, 2018 5:19:51 PM org.pentaho.caching.impl.PentahoCacheManagerFactory$RegistrationHandler$1 onSuccess INFO: New Caching Service registered 2018-07-27 17:19:52.214:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-8.1.15.v20140411 2018-07-27 17:19:52.261:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started NIOSocketConnectorWrapper@ SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/jens/MCOL-1578/mariadb-columnstore-data-adapters/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/test/data-integration/launcher/../lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/jens/MCOL-1578/mariadb-columnstore-data-adapters/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/test/data-integration/plugins/pentaho-big-data-plugin/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: See for an explanation. SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory] Creating configuration from Creating configuration from pentaho.metaverse.cfg Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-management (192) [] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-wsdl (195) [org.apache.cxf.wsdl.WSDLManager] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-xml (197) [org.apache.cxf.binding.xml.XMLBindingFactory, org.apache.cxf.binding.xml.wsdl11.XMLWSDLExtensionLoader] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-soap (198) [org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapBindingFactory, org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapTransportFactory] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-http (199) [org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPTransportFactory, org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPWSDLExtensionLoader, org.apache.cxf.transport.http.policy.HTTPClientAssertionBuilder, org.apache.cxf.transport.http.policy.HTTPServerAssertionBuilder, org.apache.cxf.transport.http.policy.NoOpPolicyInterceptorProvider] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws (201) [org.apache.cxf.jaxws.context.WebServiceContextResourceResolver] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-transports-local (213) [org.apache.cxf.transport.local.LocalTransportFactory] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-bindings-object (214) [org.apache.cxf.binding.object.ObjectBindingFactory] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-ws-policy (217) [, org.apache.cxf.policy.PolicyDataEngine,,,,,,,,,,,] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-ws-addr (234) [,,,,$WSAddressingFeatureApplier,$MAPAggregatorLoader] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-ws-security (236) [,] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-ws-rm (238) [,,,,,,] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.osgi.CXFExtensionBundleListener addExtensions INFO: Adding the extensions from bundle org.apache.cxf.cxf-rt-javascript (239) [org.apache.cxf.javascript.JavascriptServerListener] Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:56 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register INFO: Registered blueprint namespace handler for Jul 27, 2018 5:19:57 PM org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl initDestination INFO: Setting the server's publish address to be /lineage Jul 27, 2018 5:19:57 PM org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl initDestination INFO: Setting the server's publish address to be /i18n Creating configuration from pentaho.geo.roles.cfg Creating configuration from pentaho.marketplace.di.cfg Jul 27, 2018 5:20:11 PM org.apache.cxf.endpoint.ServerImpl initDestination INFO: Setting the server's publish address to be /marketplace 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - test - Start of job execution log4j:ERROR No output stream or file set for the appender named [pdi-execution-appender]. 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - Carte - Installing timer to purge stale objects after 1440 minutes. 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - test - exec(0, 0, START.0) 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - START - Starting job entry 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - test - Starting entry [prepare tables] 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - test - exec(1, 0, prepare tables.0) 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - prepare tables - Starting job entry 2018/07/27 17:20:11 - MariaDB JDBC - New database connection defined 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - Running SQL :DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_test_data; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_test_data 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - INSERT INTO kettle_test_data VALUES (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1.234, 2.34567, "ABCD", "Hello World", "2017-09-08", "2017-09-08 13:58:23", 123, "Hello World Longer", true, 9223372036854775807, -0.000000001); 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - INSERT INTO kettle_test_data VALUES (0, -9223372036854775806, 0, -2147483646, 0, -32766, 0, -126, 1.234, 2.34567, "A", "B", "1000-01-01", "1000-01-01 00:00:00", -123, "C", false, 18446744073709551613, 100000000.999999999); 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - INSERT INTO kettle_test_data VALUES (9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807, 4294967293, 2147483647, 65533, 32767, 253, 127, 1.234, 2.34567, "ZYXW", "012345678901234567890123456789", "9999-12-31", "9999-12-31 23:59:59", 123, "012345678901234567890123456789", true, 2342, 23.42); 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_jdbc_innodb; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_jdbc_innodb 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_jdbc_columnstore; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_jdbc_columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - engine=columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_api_columnstore; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_api_columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - engine=columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - prepare tables - ; 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_test_data 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_test_data 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - INSERT INTO kettle_test_data VALUES (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1.234, 2.34567, "ABCD", "Hello World", "2017-09-08", "2017-09-08 13:58:23", 123, "Hello World Longer", true, 9223372036854775807, -0.000000001) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - INSERT INTO kettle_test_data VALUES (0, -9223372036854775806, 0, -2147483646, 0, -32766, 0, -126, 1.234, 2.34567, "A", "B", "1000-01-01", "1000-01-01 00:00:00", -123, "C", false, 18446744073709551613, 100000000.999999999) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - INSERT INTO kettle_test_data VALUES (9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807, 4294967293, 2147483647, 65533, 32767, 253, 127, 1.234, 2.34567, "ZYXW", "012345678901234567890123456789", "9999-12-31", "9999-12-31 23:59:59", 123, "012345678901234567890123456789", true, 2342, 23.42) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_jdbc_innodb 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_jdbc_innodb 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_jdbc_columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_jdbc_columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - engine=columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - DROP TABLE IF EXISTS kettle_api_columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - launch DDL statement: 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kettle_api_columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ( 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - uint64 BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , vch30 VARCHAR(30) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int64 BIGINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint32 INT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , tx TEXT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int32 INT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint16 SMALLINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , int16 SMALLINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , uint8 TINYINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , intEight TINYINT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , f FLOAT 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , d DOUBLE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , ch4 VARCHAR(5) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , bit TINYINT(1) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dt DATE 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dtm DATETIME 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc DECIMAL(18) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , mathInt BIGINT UNSIGNED 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - , dc2 DECIMAL(18,9) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - ) 2018/07/27 17:20:12 - MariaDB JDBC - engine=columnstore 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB JDBC - 11 statements executed 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB JDBC - Connection to database closed! 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - test - Starting entry [export to database] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - test - exec(2, 0, export to database.0) 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - Starting job entry 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - Opening transformation: [file:///home/jens/MCOL-1578/mariadb-columnstore-data-adapters/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/test/tests/all-datatype-ingestion-test/export-to-mariadb.ktr] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - Loading transformation from XML file [file:///home/jens/MCOL-1578/mariadb-columnstore-data-adapters/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/test/tests/all-datatype-ingestion-test/export-to-mariadb.ktr] ColumnStore BulkWrite SDK /home/jens/MCOL-1578/mariadb-columnstore-data-adapters/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/test/data-integration/plugins/kettle-columnstore-bulk-exporter-plugin/lib/ loaded by child classloader. Native code library failed to load by parent classloader. Ensure that it is loaded by a child classloader java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no javamcsapi in java.library.path I/O warning : failed to load external entity "${COLUMNSTORE_XML}" 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - com.mariadb.columnstore.api.kettle.KettleColumnStoreBulkExporterStepMeta@30cd3096 - Warning: can't instantiate the ColumnStoreDriver with configuration file: ${COLUMNSTORE_XML} 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - Starting transformation...(file=${Internal.Entry.Current.Directory}/export-to-mariadb.ktr, name=export to database, repinfo=null) 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - Using run configuration [Pentaho local] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - Using legacy execution engine 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is pre-loaded. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Dispatching started for transformation [export-to-mariadb] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Nr of arguments detected:0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - This is not a replay transformation 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - I found 6 different steps to launch. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets for step 0 --> MariaDB input table 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation allocated new rowset [MariaDB input table.0 - Sort rows.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocated 1 rowsets for step 0 --> MariaDB input table 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets for step 1 --> Sort rows 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation allocated new rowset [Sort rows.0 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation allocated new rowset [Sort rows.0 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation allocated new rowset [Sort rows.0 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocated 4 rowsets for step 1 --> Sort rows 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets for step 2 --> Native Pentaho Input 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - prevcopies = 1, nextcopies=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation allocated new rowset [Native Pentaho Input.0 - Sort rows.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocated 5 rowsets for step 2 --> Native Pentaho Input 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets for step 3 --> JDBC InnoDB Output 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocated 5 rowsets for step 3 --> JDBC InnoDB Output 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets for step 4 --> JDBC ColumnStore Output 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocated 5 rowsets for step 4 --> JDBC ColumnStore Output 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating rowsets for step 5 --> MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocated 5 rowsets for step 5 --> MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Allocating Steps & StepData... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is about to allocate step [MariaDB input table] of type [TableInput] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - distribution de-activated 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Starting allocation of buffers & new threads... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Step info: nrinput=0 nroutput=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - output rel. is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Found output rowset [MariaDB input table.0 - Sort rows.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Finished dispatching 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation has allocated a new step: [MariaDB input table].0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is about to allocate step [Sort rows] of type [SortRows] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - distribution de-activated 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Starting allocation of buffers & new threads... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Step info: nrinput=2 nroutput=3 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Got previous step from [Sort rows] #0 --> MariaDB input table 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - input rel is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Found input rowset [MariaDB input table.0 - Sort rows.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Got previous step from [Sort rows] #1 --> Native Pentaho Input 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - input rel is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Found input rowset [Native Pentaho Input.0 - Sort rows.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - output rel. is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Found output rowset [Sort rows.0 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - output rel. is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Found output rowset [Sort rows.0 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - output rel. is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Found output rowset [Sort rows.0 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Finished dispatching 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation has allocated a new step: [Sort rows].0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is about to allocate step [Native Pentaho Input] of type [DataGrid] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - distribution de-activated 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - Starting allocation of buffers & new threads... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - Step info: nrinput=0 nroutput=1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - output rel. is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - Found output rowset [Native Pentaho Input.0 - Sort rows.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - Finished dispatching 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation has allocated a new step: [Native Pentaho Input].0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is about to allocate step [JDBC InnoDB Output] of type [TableOutput] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - distribution activated 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Starting allocation of buffers & new threads... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Step info: nrinput=1 nroutput=0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Got previous step from [JDBC InnoDB Output] #0 --> Sort rows 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - input rel is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Found input rowset [Sort rows.0 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Finished dispatching 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation has allocated a new step: [JDBC InnoDB Output].0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is about to allocate step [JDBC ColumnStore Output] of type [TableOutput] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - distribution activated 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Starting allocation of buffers & new threads... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Step info: nrinput=1 nroutput=0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Got previous step from [JDBC ColumnStore Output] #0 --> Sort rows 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - input rel is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Found input rowset [Sort rows.0 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Finished dispatching 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation has allocated a new step: [JDBC ColumnStore Output].0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation is about to allocate step [MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader] of type [KettleColumnStoreBulkExporterPlugin] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - distribution activated 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - Starting allocation of buffers & new threads... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - Step info: nrinput=1 nroutput=0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - Got previous step from [MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader] #0 --> Sort rows 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - input rel is 1:1 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - Found input rowset [Sort rows.0 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - Finished dispatching 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Transformation has allocated a new step: [MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader].0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - This transformation can be replayed with replay date: 2018/07/27 17:20:13 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Initialising 6 steps... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Released server socket on port 0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Sort rows.0 - Released server socket on port 0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Native Pentaho Input.0 - Released server socket on port 0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Released server socket on port 0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Released server socket on port 0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - New database connection defined 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - New database connection defined 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - New database connection defined 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - Released server socket on port 0 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : The ColumnStoreDriver couldn't be instantiated. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : Error initializing step [MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader] 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC InnoDB Output.0 - Connected to database [ColumnStore JDBC] (commit=1000) 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Connected to database... 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - Auto commit off 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - JDBC ColumnStore Output.0 - Connected to database [ColumnStore JDBC] (commit=1000) 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - Auto commit off 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Step [MariaDB input table.0] initialized flawlessly. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Step [Sort rows.0] initialized flawlessly. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Step [Native Pentaho Input.0] initialized flawlessly. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Step [JDBC InnoDB Output.0] initialized flawlessly. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - Step [JDBC ColumnStore Output.0] initialized flawlessly. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export-to-mariadb - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : Step [MariaDB ColumnStore Bulk Loader.0] failed to initialize! 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - MariaDB input table.0 - Finished reading query, closing connection. 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - Connection to database closed! 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - Connection to database closed! 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - ColumnStore JDBC - Connection to database closed! 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : Unable to open transformation: null 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : java.lang.NullPointerException 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at com.mariadb.columnstore.api.kettle.KettleColumnStoreBulkExporterStep.dispose( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.trans.Trans.prepareExecution( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.trans.Trans.execute( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.job.entries.trans.JobEntryTrans.execute( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at org.pentaho.di.job.Job.execute( 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - export to database - at 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - test - Finished job entry [export to database] (result=[false]) 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - test - Finished job entry [prepare tables] (result=[false]) 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - test - Job execution finished 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Kitchen - Finished! 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Kitchen - ERROR (version, build from 2018-04-30 09.42.24 by buildguy) : Finished with errors 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Kitchen - Start=2018/07/27 17:19:47.664, Stop=2018/07/27 17:20:13.487 2018/07/27 17:20:13 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 25 seconds.