Logging: /home/sachin/15867/server/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl rpl_mdev_15867 --force vardir: /home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var Checking leftover processes... Removing old var directory... Creating var directory '/home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var'... Checking supported features... MariaDB Version 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug - SSL connections supported - binaries are debug compiled Collecting tests... Installing system database... ============================================================================== TEST RESULT TIME (ms) or COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- worker[1] Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD 300, with reserved ports 16000..16019 include/master-slave.inc [connection master] CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT); CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t; rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 'mix' [ fail ] Test ended at 2018-05-16 10:50:05 CURRENT_TEST: rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 === SHOW MASTER STATUS === ---- 1. ---- File slave-bin.000001 Position 469 Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB ========================== === SHOW SLAVE STATUS === ---- 1. ---- Slave_IO_State Waiting for master to send event Master_Host Master_User root Master_Port 16000 Connect_Retry 1 Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Read_Master_Log_Pos 612 Relay_Log_File slave-relay-bin.000002 Relay_Log_Pos 770 Relay_Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Slave_IO_Running Yes Slave_SQL_Running No Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno 1093 Last_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Skip_Counter 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos 470 Relay_Log_Space 1221 Until_Condition None Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos 0 Master_SSL_Allowed No Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert No Last_IO_Errno 0 Last_IO_Error Last_SQL_Errno 1093 Last_SQL_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids Master_Server_Id 1 Master_SSL_Crl Master_SSL_Crlpath Using_Gtid No Gtid_IO_Pos Replicate_Do_Domain_Ids Replicate_Ignore_Domain_Ids Parallel_Mode conservative SQL_Delay 0 SQL_Remaining_Delay Slave_SQL_Running_State ========================= === SHOW PROCESSLIST === ---- 1. ---- Id 1 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge worker Info Progress 0.000 ---- 2. ---- Id 4 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge worker Info Progress 0.000 ---- 3. ---- Id 2 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge coordinator Info Progress 0.000 ---- 4. ---- Id 3 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge worker Info Progress 0.000 ---- 5. ---- Id 5 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB shutdown handler Info Progress 0.000 ---- 6. ---- Id 10 User root Host localhost:54034 db test Command Sleep Time 0 State Info Progress 0.000 ---- 7. ---- Id 11 User root Host localhost:54036 db test Command Sleep Time 0 State Info Progress 0.000 ---- 8. ---- Id 12 User system user Host db Command Slave_IO Time 0 State Waiting for master to send event Info Progress 0.000 ---- 9. ---- Id 14 User root Host localhost:54048 db test Command Query Time 0 State init Info SHOW PROCESSLIST Progress 0.000 ---- 10. ---- Id 15 User root Host localhost:54050 db test Command Sleep Time 0 State Info Progress 0.000 ======================== analyze: sync_with_master mysqltest: At line 5: sync_slave_with_master failed: 'select master_pos_wait('master-bin.000001', 612, 300, '')' returned NULL indicating slave SQL thread failure == /home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/analyze-sync_with_master-mysqld.2.err == ############################## default ############################## **** SHOW WARNINGS on default **** SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message **** SELECT replication-related variables on default **** SELECT NOW(), @@SERVER_ID; NOW() @@SERVER_ID 2018-05-16 10:50:05 2 **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS on default **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS; Slave_IO_State Waiting for master to send event Master_Host Master_User root Master_Port 16000 Connect_Retry 1 Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Read_Master_Log_Pos 767 Relay_Log_File slave-relay-bin.000002 Relay_Log_Pos 770 Relay_Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Slave_IO_Running Yes Slave_SQL_Running No Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno 1093 Last_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Skip_Counter 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos 470 Relay_Log_Space 1376 Until_Condition None Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos 0 Master_SSL_Allowed No Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master NULL Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert No Last_IO_Errno 0 Last_IO_Error Last_SQL_Errno 1093 Last_SQL_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids Master_Server_Id 1 Master_SSL_Crl Master_SSL_Crlpath Using_Gtid No Gtid_IO_Pos Replicate_Do_Domain_Ids Replicate_Ignore_Domain_Ids Parallel_Mode conservative SQL_Delay 0 SQL_Remaining_Delay NULL Slave_SQL_Running_State **** SHOW MASTER STATUS on default **** SHOW MASTER STATUS; File slave-bin.000001 Position 469 Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on default **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS; **** SHOW PROCESSLIST on default **** SHOW PROCESSLIST; Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress 1 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge worker NULL 0.000 4 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge worker NULL 0.000 2 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge coordinator NULL 0.000 3 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge worker NULL 0.000 5 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB shutdown handler NULL 0.000 12 system user NULL Slave_IO 0 Waiting for master to send event NULL 0.000 16 root localhost NULL Query 0 init SHOW PROCESSLIST 0.000 **** SHOW BINARY LOGS on default **** SHOW BINARY LOGS; Log_name File_size slave-bin.000001 469 **** SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on default **** binlog_name = 'slave-bin.000001' SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'slave-bin.000001'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info slave-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 2 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 slave-bin.000001 256 Gtid_list 2 285 [] slave-bin.000001 285 Binlog_checkpoint 2 328 slave-bin.000001 slave-bin.000001 328 Gtid 1 370 GTID 0-1-1 slave-bin.000001 370 Query 1 469 use `test`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT) **** SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS on default **** relaylog_name = 'slave-relay-bin.000002' SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN 'slave-relay-bin.000002'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info slave-relay-bin.000002 4 Format_desc 2 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 slave-relay-bin.000002 256 Rotate 1 0 master-bin.000001;pos=4 slave-relay-bin.000002 304 Format_desc 1 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 slave-relay-bin.000002 556 Gtid_list 1 285 [] slave-relay-bin.000002 585 Binlog_checkpoint 1 329 master-bin.000001 slave-relay-bin.000002 629 Gtid 1 371 GTID 0-1-1 slave-relay-bin.000002 671 Query 1 470 use `test`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT) slave-relay-bin.000002 770 Gtid 1 512 GTID 0-1-2 slave-relay-bin.000002 812 Query 1 612 use `test`; CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t slave-relay-bin.000002 912 Gtid 1 654 GTID 0-1-3 slave-relay-bin.000002 954 Query 1 767 use `test`; DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `t` connection default; == /home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/analyze-sync_with_master-mysqld.1.err == ############################## default ############################## **** SHOW WARNINGS on default **** SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message **** SELECT replication-related variables on default **** SELECT NOW(), @@SERVER_ID; NOW() @@SERVER_ID 2018-05-16 10:50:05 1 **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS on default **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS; **** SHOW MASTER STATUS on default **** SHOW MASTER STATUS; File master-bin.000001 Position 767 Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on default **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS; Server_id 2 Host Port 16001 Master_id 1 **** SHOW PROCESSLIST on default **** SHOW PROCESSLIST; Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress 8 root localhost:36764 NULL Binlog Dump 0 Master has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog to be updated NULL 0.000 11 root localhost NULL Query 0 init SHOW PROCESSLIST 0.000 **** SHOW BINARY LOGS on default **** SHOW BINARY LOGS; Log_name File_size master-bin.000001 767 **** SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on default **** binlog_name = 'master-bin.000001' SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000001'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 master-bin.000001 256 Gtid_list 1 285 [] master-bin.000001 285 Binlog_checkpoint 1 329 master-bin.000001 master-bin.000001 329 Gtid 1 371 GTID 0-1-1 master-bin.000001 371 Query 1 470 use `test`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT) master-bin.000001 470 Gtid 1 512 GTID 0-1-2 master-bin.000001 512 Query 1 612 use `test`; CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t master-bin.000001 612 Gtid 1 654 GTID 0-1-3 master-bin.000001 654 Query 1 767 use `test`; DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `t` **** SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS on default **** relaylog_name = 'No such row' SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN 'No such row'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info connection default; - saving '/home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/log/rpl.rpl_mdev_15867-mix/' to '/home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/log/rpl.rpl_mdev_15867-mix/' ***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown after running tests: rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 2018-05-16 10:50:05 140490398562048 [Warning] Slave: Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data Error_code: 1093 include/master-slave.inc [connection master] CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT); CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t; connection slave; connection master; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t; DROP TABLE t; include/rpl_end.inc rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 'row' [ pass ] 1078 include/master-slave.inc [connection master] CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT); CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t; rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 'stmt' [ fail ] Test ended at 2018-05-16 10:50:11 CURRENT_TEST: rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 === SHOW MASTER STATUS === ---- 1. ---- File slave-bin.000001 Position 469 Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB ========================== === SHOW SLAVE STATUS === ---- 1. ---- Slave_IO_State Waiting for master to send event Master_Host Master_User root Master_Port 16000 Connect_Retry 1 Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Read_Master_Log_Pos 612 Relay_Log_File slave-relay-bin.000002 Relay_Log_Pos 770 Relay_Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Slave_IO_Running Yes Slave_SQL_Running No Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno 1093 Last_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Skip_Counter 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos 470 Relay_Log_Space 1221 Until_Condition None Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos 0 Master_SSL_Allowed No Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert No Last_IO_Errno 0 Last_IO_Error Last_SQL_Errno 1093 Last_SQL_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids Master_Server_Id 1 Master_SSL_Crl Master_SSL_Crlpath Using_Gtid No Gtid_IO_Pos Replicate_Do_Domain_Ids Replicate_Ignore_Domain_Ids Parallel_Mode conservative SQL_Delay 0 SQL_Remaining_Delay Slave_SQL_Running_State ========================= === SHOW PROCESSLIST === ---- 1. ---- Id 1 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge worker Info Progress 0.000 ---- 2. ---- Id 3 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge coordinator Info Progress 0.000 ---- 3. ---- Id 4 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge worker Info Progress 0.000 ---- 4. ---- Id 2 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB purge worker Info Progress 0.000 ---- 5. ---- Id 5 User system user Host db Command Daemon Time State InnoDB shutdown handler Info Progress 0.000 ---- 6. ---- Id 10 User root Host localhost:54078 db test Command Sleep Time 0 State Info Progress 0.000 ---- 7. ---- Id 11 User root Host localhost:54080 db test Command Sleep Time 0 State Info Progress 0.000 ---- 8. ---- Id 12 User system user Host db Command Slave_IO Time 0 State Waiting for master to send event Info Progress 0.000 ---- 9. ---- Id 14 User root Host localhost:54092 db test Command Query Time 0 State init Info SHOW PROCESSLIST Progress 0.000 ---- 10. ---- Id 15 User root Host localhost:54094 db test Command Sleep Time 0 State Info Progress 0.000 ======================== analyze: sync_with_master mysqltest: At line 5: sync_slave_with_master failed: 'select master_pos_wait('master-bin.000001', 612, 300, '')' returned NULL indicating slave SQL thread failure == /home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/analyze-sync_with_master-mysqld.2.err == ############################## default ############################## **** SHOW WARNINGS on default **** SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message **** SELECT replication-related variables on default **** SELECT NOW(), @@SERVER_ID; NOW() @@SERVER_ID 2018-05-16 10:50:10 2 **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS on default **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS; Slave_IO_State Waiting for master to send event Master_Host Master_User root Master_Port 16000 Connect_Retry 1 Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Read_Master_Log_Pos 767 Relay_Log_File slave-relay-bin.000002 Relay_Log_Pos 770 Relay_Master_Log_File master-bin.000001 Slave_IO_Running Yes Slave_SQL_Running No Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno 1093 Last_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Skip_Counter 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos 470 Relay_Log_Space 1376 Until_Condition None Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos 0 Master_SSL_Allowed No Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master NULL Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert No Last_IO_Errno 0 Last_IO_Error Last_SQL_Errno 1093 Last_SQL_Error Error 'Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data' on query. Default database: 'test'. Query: 'CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t' Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids Master_Server_Id 1 Master_SSL_Crl Master_SSL_Crlpath Using_Gtid No Gtid_IO_Pos Replicate_Do_Domain_Ids Replicate_Ignore_Domain_Ids Parallel_Mode conservative SQL_Delay 0 SQL_Remaining_Delay NULL Slave_SQL_Running_State **** SHOW MASTER STATUS on default **** SHOW MASTER STATUS; File slave-bin.000001 Position 469 Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on default **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS; **** SHOW PROCESSLIST on default **** SHOW PROCESSLIST; Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress 1 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge worker NULL 0.000 3 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge coordinator NULL 0.000 4 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge worker NULL 0.000 2 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB purge worker NULL 0.000 5 system user NULL Daemon NULL InnoDB shutdown handler NULL 0.000 12 system user NULL Slave_IO 0 Waiting for master to send event NULL 0.000 16 root localhost NULL Query 0 init SHOW PROCESSLIST 0.000 **** SHOW BINARY LOGS on default **** SHOW BINARY LOGS; Log_name File_size slave-bin.000001 469 **** SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on default **** binlog_name = 'slave-bin.000001' SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'slave-bin.000001'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info slave-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 2 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 slave-bin.000001 256 Gtid_list 2 285 [] slave-bin.000001 285 Binlog_checkpoint 2 328 slave-bin.000001 slave-bin.000001 328 Gtid 1 370 GTID 0-1-1 slave-bin.000001 370 Query 1 469 use `test`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT) **** SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS on default **** relaylog_name = 'slave-relay-bin.000002' SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN 'slave-relay-bin.000002'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info slave-relay-bin.000002 4 Format_desc 2 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 slave-relay-bin.000002 256 Rotate 1 0 master-bin.000001;pos=4 slave-relay-bin.000002 304 Format_desc 1 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 slave-relay-bin.000002 556 Gtid_list 1 285 [] slave-relay-bin.000002 585 Binlog_checkpoint 1 329 master-bin.000001 slave-relay-bin.000002 629 Gtid 1 371 GTID 0-1-1 slave-relay-bin.000002 671 Query 1 470 use `test`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT) slave-relay-bin.000002 770 Gtid 1 512 GTID 0-1-2 slave-relay-bin.000002 812 Query 1 612 use `test`; CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t slave-relay-bin.000002 912 Gtid 1 654 GTID 0-1-3 slave-relay-bin.000002 954 Query 1 767 use `test`; DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `t` connection default; == /home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/tmp/analyze-sync_with_master-mysqld.1.err == ############################## default ############################## **** SHOW WARNINGS on default **** SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message **** SELECT replication-related variables on default **** SELECT NOW(), @@SERVER_ID; NOW() @@SERVER_ID 2018-05-16 10:50:10 1 **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS on default **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS; **** SHOW MASTER STATUS on default **** SHOW MASTER STATUS; File master-bin.000001 Position 767 Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on default **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS; Server_id 2 Host Port 16001 Master_id 1 **** SHOW PROCESSLIST on default **** SHOW PROCESSLIST; Id User Host db Command Time State Info Progress 8 root localhost:36808 NULL Binlog Dump 0 Master has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog to be updated NULL 0.000 11 root localhost NULL Query 0 init SHOW PROCESSLIST 0.000 **** SHOW BINARY LOGS on default **** SHOW BINARY LOGS; Log_name File_size master-bin.000001 767 **** SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on default **** binlog_name = 'master-bin.000001' SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000001'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 256 Server ver: 10.2.15-MariaDB-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4 master-bin.000001 256 Gtid_list 1 285 [] master-bin.000001 285 Binlog_checkpoint 1 329 master-bin.000001 master-bin.000001 329 Gtid 1 371 GTID 0-1-1 master-bin.000001 371 Query 1 470 use `test`; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t (i INT) master-bin.000001 470 Gtid 1 512 GTID 0-1-2 master-bin.000001 512 Query 1 612 use `test`; CREATE TABLE t AS SELECT * FROM t master-bin.000001 612 Gtid 1 654 GTID 0-1-3 master-bin.000001 654 Query 1 767 use `test`; DROP /*!40005 TEMPORARY */ TABLE IF EXISTS `t` **** SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS on default **** relaylog_name = 'No such row' SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN 'No such row'; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info connection default; - saving '/home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/log/rpl.rpl_mdev_15867-stmt/' to '/home/sachin/15867/build/mysql-test/var/log/rpl.rpl_mdev_15867-stmt/' ***Warnings generated in error logs during shutdown after running tests: rpl.rpl_mdev_15867 2018-05-16 10:50:10 140353469224704 [Warning] Slave: Table 't' is specified twice, both as a target for 'CREATE' and as a separate source for data Error_code: 1093