2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610452, view# 13: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer. 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139951958128384 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '3406' '' ' 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync| 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2) 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 80610452, protocol version: 3 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952045786880 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable. 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139951987484416 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (azabnl-id05) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (azabnl-id01)(SYNCED) as donor. 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139951987484416 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 80610452) 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0 2018-04-10 6:47:57 139952690793216 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610452 2018-04-10 6:47:59 139951995877120 [Note] WSREP: (565baa6d, 'tcp://') connection to peer 565baa6d with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S 2018-04-10 6:48:00 139951995877120 [Note] WSREP: (565baa6d, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off Terminated WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup. rsync PID: 3451 (20180410 06:49:26.805) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup done. (20180410 06:49:27.313) 2018-04-10 6:49:27 139951958128384 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '3406' '' : 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:49:27 139951958128384 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read uuid:seqno and wsrep_gtid_domain_id from joiner script. 2018-04-10 6:49:27 139952691112192 [ERROR] WSREP: SST failed: 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:49:27 139952691112192 [ERROR] Aborting 2018-04-10 6:49:27 139951987484416 [Warning] WSREP: 0.0 (azabnl-id01): State transfer to 2.0 (azabnl-id05) failed: -255 (Unknown error 255) 2018-04-10 6:49:27 139951987484416 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:gcs_group_handle_join_msg():736: Will never receive state. Need to abort. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so' 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 25.3.22(r3764) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /mnt/data/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /mnt/data/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /mnt/data//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 512M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; pc.announce_timeout = PT3S; pc.checksum = false; pc.ignore_quorum = 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab() 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/mnt/data//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'tgs_cluster_hp', peer ',,' 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') connection established to 9d1f4646 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Warning] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' points to own listening address, blacklisting 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') connection established to 080605d2 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') connection established to 2da75f6b tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: declaring 080605d2 at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: declaring 2da75f6b at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Node 080605d2 state prim 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,080605d2,15) memb { 080605d2,0 2da75f6b,0 9d1f4646,0 } joined { } left { } partitioned { }) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'tgs_cluster_hp' 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 2, memb_num = 3 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326793984 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 9ecc1129-3c7a-11e8-9a93-16373b5ef10f 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 9ecc1129-3c7a-11e8-9a93-16373b5ef10f from 0 (azabnl-id01) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 9ecc1129-3c7a-11e8-9a93-16373b5ef10f from 1 (azabnl-id02) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 9ecc1129-3c7a-11e8-9a93-16373b5ef10f from 2 (azabnl-id05) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 4, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 14, members = 2/3 (joined/total), act_id = 80610494, last_appl. = -1, protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl), group UUID = 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28] 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 80610494) 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610494 Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610494, view# 15: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139915326475008 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer. 2018-04-10 6:49:55 139914591074048 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '4101' '' ' 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync| 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2) 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 80610494, protocol version: 3 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139914678732544 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable. 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (azabnl-id05) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (azabnl-id01)(SYNCED) as donor. 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139914620430080 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 80610494) 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0 2018-04-10 6:49:56 139915326475008 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610494 2018-04-10 6:49:58 139914628822784 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') connection to peer 9d1f4646 with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S 2018-04-10 6:49:58 139914628822784 [Note] WSREP: (9d1f4646, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off Terminated WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup. rsync PID: 4146 (20180410 06:51:25.305) /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync: line 36: 4146 Killed rsync --daemon --no-detach --port $RSYNC_PORT --config "$RSYNC_CONF" WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup done. (20180410 06:51:33.604) 2018-04-10 6:51:33 139914591074048 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '4101' '' : 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:51:33 139914591074048 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read uuid:seqno and wsrep_gtid_domain_id from joiner script. 2018-04-10 6:51:33 139915326793984 [ERROR] WSREP: SST failed: 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:51:33 139915326793984 [ERROR] Aborting 2018-04-10 6:51:33 139914620430080 [Warning] WSREP: 0.0 (azabnl-id01): State transfer to 2.0 (azabnl-id05) failed: -255 (Unknown error 255) 2018-04-10 6:51:33 139914620430080 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:gcs_group_handle_join_msg():736: Will never receive state. Need to abort. 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so' 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 25.3.22(r3764) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration. 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /mnt/data/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /mnt/data/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /mnt/data//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 512M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; pc.announce_timeout = PT3S; pc.checksum = false; pc.ignore_quorum = 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab() 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/mnt/data//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory) 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'tgs_cluster_hp', peer ',,' 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') connection established to e42cda46 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Warning] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' points to own listening address, blacklisting 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') connection established to 080605d2 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') connection established to 2da75f6b tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: declaring 080605d2 at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: declaring 2da75f6b at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Node 080605d2 state prim 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,080605d2,17) memb { 080605d2,0 2da75f6b,0 e42cda46,0 } joined { } left { } partitioned { }) 2018-04-10 6:51:54 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'tgs_cluster_hp' 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 2, memb_num = 3 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884667042048 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: e5fef7de-3c7a-11e8-be8e-4a425ba5b665 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: e5fef7de-3c7a-11e8-be8e-4a425ba5b665 from 0 (azabnl-id01) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: e5fef7de-3c7a-11e8-be8e-4a425ba5b665 from 1 (azabnl-id02) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: e5fef7de-3c7a-11e8-be8e-4a425ba5b665 from 2 (azabnl-id05) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 4, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 16, members = 2/3 (joined/total), act_id = 80610567, last_appl. = -1, protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl), group UUID = 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28] 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 80610567) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610567 Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610567, view# 17: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883930711808 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '4843' '' ' 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync| 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 80610567, protocol version: 3 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884018370304 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (azabnl-id05) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (azabnl-id01)(SYNCED) as donor. 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139883960067840 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 80610567) 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0 2018-04-10 6:51:55 139884666723072 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80610567 2018-04-10 6:51:57 139883968460544 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') connection to peer e42cda46 with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S 2018-04-10 6:51:58 139883968460544 [Note] WSREP: (e42cda46, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off Terminated WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup. rsync PID: 4892 (20180410 06:53:24.555) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup done. (20180410 06:53:25.062) 2018-04-10 6:53:39 139883930711808 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '4843' '' : 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:53:39 139883930711808 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read uuid:seqno and wsrep_gtid_domain_id from joiner script. 2018-04-10 6:53:39 139884667042048 [ERROR] WSREP: SST failed: 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:53:39 139884667042048 [ERROR] Aborting 2018-04-10 6:53:39 139883960067840 [Warning] WSREP: 0.0 (azabnl-id01): State transfer to 2.0 (azabnl-id05) failed: -255 (Unknown error 255) 2018-04-10 6:53:39 139883960067840 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:gcs_group_handle_join_msg():736: Will never receive state. Need to abort. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so' 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 25.3.22(r3764) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /mnt/data/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /mnt/data/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /mnt/data//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 512M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; pc.announce_timeout = PT3S; pc.checksum = false; pc.ignore_quorum = 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab() 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/mnt/data//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'tgs_cluster_hp', peer ',,' 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') connection established to 317e1b08 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Warning] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' points to own listening address, blacklisting 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') connection established to 080605d2 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') connection established to 2da75f6b tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: declaring 080605d2 at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: declaring 2da75f6b at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Node 080605d2 state prim 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,080605d2,19) memb { 080605d2,0 2da75f6b,0 317e1b08,0 } joined { } left { } partitioned { }) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'tgs_cluster_hp' 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 2, memb_num = 3 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678481152 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 33633f47-3c7b-11e8-8b5e-9f3764f1b747 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 33633f47-3c7b-11e8-8b5e-9f3764f1b747 from 0 (azabnl-id01) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 33633f47-3c7b-11e8-8b5e-9f3764f1b747 from 1 (azabnl-id02) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 33633f47-3c7b-11e8-8b5e-9f3764f1b747 from 2 (azabnl-id05) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 4, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 18, members = 2/3 (joined/total), act_id = 80611256, last_appl. = -1, protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl), group UUID = 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28] 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 80611256) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611256 Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611256, view# 19: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085945169664 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '5563' '' ' 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync| 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 80611256, protocol version: 3 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086032828160 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (azabnl-id05) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (azabnl-id01)(SYNCED) as donor. 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140085974525696 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 80611256) 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0 2018-04-10 6:54:04 140086678162176 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611256 2018-04-10 6:54:07 140085982918400 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') connection to peer 317e1b08 with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S 2018-04-10 6:54:07 140085982918400 [Note] WSREP: (317e1b08, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off Terminated WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup. rsync PID: 5610 (20180410 06:55:34.343) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup done. (20180410 06:55:34.850) 2018-04-10 6:55:46 140085945169664 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '5563' '' : 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:55:46 140085945169664 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read uuid:seqno and wsrep_gtid_domain_id from joiner script. 2018-04-10 6:55:46 140086678481152 [ERROR] WSREP: SST failed: 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:55:46 140086678481152 [ERROR] Aborting 2018-04-10 6:55:46 140085974525696 [Warning] WSREP: 0.0 (azabnl-id01): State transfer to 2.0 (azabnl-id05) failed: -255 (Unknown error 255) 2018-04-10 6:55:46 140085974525696 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:gcs_group_handle_join_msg():736: Will never receive state. Need to abort. 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so' 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 25.3.22(r3764) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration. 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /mnt/data/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /mnt/data/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /mnt/data//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 512M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; pc.announce_timeout = PT3S; pc.checksum = false; pc.ignore_quorum = 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab() 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/mnt/data//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory) 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'tgs_cluster_hp', peer ',,' 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') connection established to 8827c5c2 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Warning] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' points to own listening address, blacklisting 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') connection established to 080605d2 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') connection established to 2da75f6b tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: declaring 080605d2 at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: declaring 2da75f6b at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Node 080605d2 state prim 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,080605d2,21) memb { 080605d2,0 2da75f6b,0 8827c5c2,0 } joined { } left { } partitioned { }) 2018-04-10 6:56:29 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'tgs_cluster_hp' 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909376768 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 2, memb_num = 3 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: 89e94976-3c7b-11e8-b6b7-47154490fc2f 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 89e94976-3c7b-11e8-b6b7-47154490fc2f from 0 (azabnl-id01) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 89e94976-3c7b-11e8-b6b7-47154490fc2f from 1 (azabnl-id02) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: 89e94976-3c7b-11e8-b6b7-47154490fc2f from 2 (azabnl-id05) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 4, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 20, members = 2/3 (joined/total), act_id = 80611407, last_appl. = -1, protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl), group UUID = 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28] 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 80611407) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611407 Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611407, view# 21: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814175241984 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '6283' '' ' 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync| 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 80611407, protocol version: 3 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814262900480 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (azabnl-id05) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (azabnl-id01)(SYNCED) as donor. 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814204598016 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 80611407) 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0 2018-04-10 6:56:30 139814909057792 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611407 2018-04-10 6:56:32 139814212990720 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') connection to peer 8827c5c2 with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S 2018-04-10 6:56:33 139814212990720 [Note] WSREP: (8827c5c2, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off Terminated WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup. rsync PID: 6329 (20180410 06:57:59.704) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup done. (20180410 06:58:00.403) 2018-04-10 6:58:00 139814175241984 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '6283' '' : 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:58:00 139814175241984 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read uuid:seqno and wsrep_gtid_domain_id from joiner script. 2018-04-10 6:58:00 139814909376768 [ERROR] WSREP: SST failed: 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 6:58:00 139814909376768 [ERROR] Aborting 2018-04-10 6:58:00 139814204598016 [Warning] WSREP: 0.0 (azabnl-id01): State transfer to 2.0 (azabnl-id05) failed: -255 (Unknown error 255) 2018-04-10 6:58:00 139814204598016 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:gcs_group_handle_join_msg():736: Will never receive state. Need to abort. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Read nil XID from storage engines, skipping position init 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): loading provider library '/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so' 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_load(): Galera 25.3.22(r3764) by Codership Oy loaded successfully. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: CRC-32C: using hardware acceleration. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Found saved state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1, safe_to_bootstrap: 0 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Passing config to GCS: base_dir = /mnt/data/; base_host =; base_port = 4567; cert.log_conflicts = no; debug = no; evs.auto_evict = 0; evs.delay_margin = PT1S; evs.delayed_keep_period = PT30S; evs.inactive_check_period = PT0.5S; evs.inactive_timeout = PT15S; evs.join_retrans_period = PT1S; evs.max_install_timeouts = 3; evs.send_window = 4; evs.stats_report_period = PT1M; evs.suspect_timeout = PT5S; evs.user_send_window = 2; evs.view_forget_timeout = PT24H; gcache.dir = /mnt/data/; gcache.keep_pages_size = 0; gcache.mem_size = 0; gcache.name = /mnt/data//galera.cache; gcache.page_size = 128M; gcache.recover = no; gcache.size = 512M; gcomm.thread_prio = ; gcs.fc_debug = 0; gcs.fc_factor = 1.0; gcs.fc_limit = 16; gcs.fc_master_slave = no; gcs.max_packet_size = 64500; gcs.max_throttle = 0.25; gcs.recv_q_hard_limit = 9223372036854775807; gcs.recv_q_soft_limit = 0.25; gcs.sync_donor = no; gmcast.segment = 0; gmcast.version = 0; pc.announce_timeout = PT3S; pc.checksum = false; pc.ignore_quorum = 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 -> 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: -1, protocol version: -1 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_sst_grab() 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Start replication 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Setting initial position to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: protonet asio version 0 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Using CRC-32C for message checksums. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: backend: asio 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: gcomm thread scheduling priority set to other:0 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Warning] WSREP: access file(/mnt/data//gvwstate.dat) failed(No such file or directory) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: restore pc from disk failed 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: GMCast version 0 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') listening at tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') multicast: , ttl: 1 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: EVS version 0 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connecting to group 'tgs_cluster_hp', peer ',,' 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') connection established to d393e236 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Warning] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' points to own listening address, blacklisting 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') connection established to 080605d2 tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting on, nonlive peers: 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') connection established to 2da75f6b tcp:// 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: declaring 080605d2 at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: declaring 2da75f6b at tcp:// stable 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Node 080605d2 state prim 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: view(view_id(PRIM,080605d2,23) memb { 080605d2,0 2da75f6b,0 d393e236,0 } joined { } left { } partitioned { }) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: save pc into disk 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: gcomm: connected 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Changing maximum packet size to 64500, resulting msg size: 32636 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Shifting CLOSED -> OPEN (TO: 0) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Opened channel 'tgs_cluster_hp' 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: New COMPONENT: primary = yes, bootstrap = no, my_idx = 2, memb_num = 3 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: Waiting for state UUID. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678145026304 [Note] WSREP: Waiting for SST to complete. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: sent state msg: d5827a09-3c7b-11e8-b3cf-aa734a97de8a 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: d5827a09-3c7b-11e8-b3cf-aa734a97de8a from 0 (azabnl-id01) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: d5827a09-3c7b-11e8-b3cf-aa734a97de8a from 1 (azabnl-id02) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: STATE EXCHANGE: got state msg: d5827a09-3c7b-11e8-b3cf-aa734a97de8a from 2 (azabnl-id05) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: Quorum results: version = 4, component = PRIMARY, conf_id = 22, members = 2/3 (joined/total), act_id = 80611504, last_appl. = -1, protocols = 0/7/3 (gcs/repl/appl), group UUID = 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: Flow-control interval: [28, 28] 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: Trying to continue unpaused monitor 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: Shifting OPEN -> PRIMARY (TO: 80611504) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: State transfer required: Group state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 Local state: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:-1 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: New cluster view: global state: 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504, view# 23: Primary, number of nodes: 3, my index: 2, protocol version 3 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Warning] WSREP: Gap in state sequence. Need state transfer. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677411571456 [Note] WSREP: Running: 'wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '6991' '' ' 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: Prepared SST request: rsync| 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 7 (3, 2) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 80611504, protocol version: 3 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677499229952 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to prepare for incremental state transfer: Local state UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) does not match group state UUID (3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d): 1 (Operation not permitted) at galera/src/replicator_str.cpp:prepare_for_IST():482. IST will be unavailable. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: Member 2.0 (azabnl-id05) requested state transfer from '*any*'. Selected 0.0 (azabnl-id01)(SYNCED) as donor. 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139677440927488 [Note] WSREP: Shifting PRIMARY -> JOINER (TO: 80611504) 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: Requesting state transfer: success, donor: 0 2018-04-10 6:58:36 139678144707328 [Note] WSREP: GCache history reset: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000:0 -> 3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 2018-04-10 6:58:39 139677449320192 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') connection to peer d393e236 with addr tcp:// timed out, no messages seen in PT3S 2018-04-10 6:58:39 139677449320192 [Note] WSREP: (d393e236, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off Terminated WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup. rsync PID: 7037 (20180410 07:00:06.305) WSREP_SST: [INFO] Joiner cleanup done. (20180410 07:00:06.811) 2018-04-10 7:00:12 139677411571456 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_rsync --role 'joiner' --address '' --datadir '/mnt/data/' --parent '6991' '' : 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 7:00:12 139677411571456 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read uuid:seqno and wsrep_gtid_domain_id from joiner script. 2018-04-10 7:00:12 139678145026304 [ERROR] WSREP: SST failed: 3 (No such process) 2018-04-10 7:00:12 139678145026304 [ERROR] Aborting 2018-04-10 7:00:12 139677440927488 [Warning] WSREP: 0.0 (azabnl-id01): State transfer to 2.0 (azabnl-id05) failed: -255 (Unknown error 255) 2018-04-10 7:00:12 139677440927488 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_group.cpp:gcs_group_handle_join_msg():736: Will never receive state. Need to abort. [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 2 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7881 7865 0 80 0 - 30380 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 7882 7881 99 80 0 - 30445 - 07:01 ? 00:00:05 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 R root 7933 1809 0 80 0 - 28165 - 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 1 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7950 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7952 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7953 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 7955 7953 65 80 0 - 30543 - 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7956 7952 17 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7957 7950 31 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7964 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7965 7964 17 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7974 7830 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:01 ? 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7977 1809 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 1 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7950 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7952 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7953 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 7955 7953 77 80 0 - 30543 - 07:01 ? 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7956 7952 11 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7957 7950 20 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7964 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7965 7964 11 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7986 7830 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:01 ? 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7988 1809 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 0 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7950 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7952 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7953 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7955 7953 56 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7956 7952 16 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7957 7950 21 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7964 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7965 7964 19 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7996 7830 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:01 ? 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7998 1809 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 0 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7950 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7952 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7953 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7955 7953 43 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7956 7952 22 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7957 7950 20 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7964 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7965 7964 16 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 8008 7830 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:01 ? 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 8010 1809 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 0 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7950 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7953 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7955 7953 31 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:04 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7957 7950 21 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 8015 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 8016 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 8017 8015 17 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 8018 8016 4 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 8026 7830 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:01 ? 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 8030 1809 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 7820 1 0 80 0 - 186807 futex_ 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:80611504 0 S mysql 7830 7820 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:00 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 7820 0 S mysql 7865 7830 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:00 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 8015 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 8016 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 8017 8015 8 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 8018 8016 7 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 8035 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 8036 8035 0 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 8041 7865 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 8046 8041 0 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:01 ? 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 8056 7830 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:01 ? 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 8109 1809 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# service mysql stop Stopping mysql (via systemctl): [ OK ] [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 0 S root 8879 1809 0 80 0 - 28165 pipe_w 07:02 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 0 S root 8942 1809 0 80 0 - 28165 pipe_w 07:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 0 S root 8945 1809 0 80 0 - 28165 pipe_w 07:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# reboot login as: al041220@azure al041220@azure@azabnl-id05's password: Access denied al041220@azure@azabnl-id05's password: login as: al0412220@azure Last login: Tue Apr 10 07:05:41 2018 from [al0412220@azure.cloud.corp.local@azabnl-id05 ~]$ sudo -i [sudo] password for al0412220@azure.cloud.corp.local: [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 5644 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:18 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 5645 5644 7 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:18 pts/1 00:00:04 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 5652 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:18 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 5653 5652 10 80 0 - 30543 - 07:18 pts/1 00:00:05 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 5702 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:18 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 5707 5702 2 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:18 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 5841 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:19 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 5842 5841 8 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:19 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 6015 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:19 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 6017 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:19 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# mysql -u TMSAdmin -pzj1lzfgqJ5 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111 "Connection refused") [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 5652 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:18 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 5653 5652 8 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:18 pts/1 00:00:07 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 5841 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:19 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 5842 5841 6 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:19 pts/1 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 6085 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:19 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 6087 6085 16 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:19 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 6107 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:19 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 6111 6107 6 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:19 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 6183 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:20 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 6186 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:20 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7421 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7422 7421 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7489 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7490 7489 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7582 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7587 7582 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7598 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7601 7598 1 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S root 7666 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:24 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7421 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7422 7421 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7489 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7490 7489 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7582 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7587 7582 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7598 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7601 7598 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7676 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7678 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:24 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7421 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7422 7421 3 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7489 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7490 7489 5 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7582 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7587 7582 3 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7598 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7601 7598 3 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7690 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7692 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7582 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7587 7582 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7598 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7601 7598 4 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7711 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7717 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7718 7711 9 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7719 7717 9 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7766 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7768 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7582 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7587 7582 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7598 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7601 7598 4 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7711 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7717 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7718 7711 8 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:25 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 7719 7717 7 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:25 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7778 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7780 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# mysql -u TMSAdmin -pzj1lzfgqJ5 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111 "Connection refused") [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 2276 1947 0 80 0 - 189869 futex_ 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 2284 2276 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:07 pts/1 00:00:01 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 2276 0 S mysql 2319 2284 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:07 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7582 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7587 7582 3 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7598 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7601 7598 4 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:24 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7711 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7717 2319 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7718 7711 6 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 7719 7717 6 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:25 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 7811 2284 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:25 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 7813 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:25 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 1 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10368 10349 0 80 0 - 30380 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 10369 10368 72 80 0 - 30445 - 07:39 pts/1 00:00:05 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 10406 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 10408 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:39 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# mysql -u TMSAdmin -pzj1lzfgqJ5 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111 "Connection refused") [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# mysql -u TMSAdmin -pzj1lzfgqJ5 ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111 "Connection refused") [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 0 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10432 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10434 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10438 10432 3 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10439 10434 2 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 10602 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 - 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 10603 10602 4 80 0 - 30543 - 07:40 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10658 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10659 10658 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 10748 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 10751 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 0 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10602 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10603 10602 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10658 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10659 10658 6 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10790 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10791 10790 25 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10794 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10795 10794 98 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 10799 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 10802 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 0 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10602 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10603 10602 4 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10658 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10659 10658 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10790 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10791 10790 8 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10794 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 10795 10794 65 80 0 - 30543 - 07:40 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 10812 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 10814 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 0 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10602 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10603 10602 4 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10658 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10659 10658 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:01 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10790 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10791 10790 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10794 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 R mysql 10795 10794 60 80 0 - 30543 - 07:40 pts/1 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 10823 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:40 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 10825 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 0 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10929 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10930 10929 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:41 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10961 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10962 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10963 10962 8 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:41 pts/1 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 10964 10961 6 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:41 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 11108 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 D mysql 11113 11108 5 80 0 - 30543 block_ 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 11189 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:42 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 0 S root 11191 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 0 80 0 - 192942 futex_ 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 S mysql 10314 10306 0 80 0 - 28316 do_wai 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/bash -ue /usr//bin/wsrep_sst_rsync --role joiner --address --datadir /mnt/data/ --parent 10306 0 S mysql 10349 10314 0 80 0 - 28663 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10961 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10962 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10963 10962 8 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:03 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 10964 10961 6 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:02 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 11108 10349 0 80 0 - 30478 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 11113 11108 5 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:41 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S mysql 11189 10314 0 80 0 - 26976 hrtime 07:42 pts/1 00:00:00 sleep 1 1 R mysql 11192 10349 2 80 0 - 30478 - 07:42 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 1 S mysql 11193 11192 0 80 0 - 30543 poll_s 07:42 pts/1 00:00:00 rsync --daemon --no-detach --port 4444 --config /mnt/data//rsync_sst.conf 0 S root 11197 5965 0 80 0 - 28166 pipe_w 07:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# ps -aelf | grep mysql 4 S mysql 10306 1947 2 80 0 - 688636 poll_s 07:39 pts/1 00:02:30 mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mnt/data --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so --log-error=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.err --pid-file=/mnt/data/AZABNL-ID05.azure.cloud.corp.local.pid --wsrep_start_position=3b836c50-a528-11e7-8e1f-2f4e7221cd1d:0 0 R root 31364 5965 0 80 0 - 28165 - 09:12 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# mysql -u TMSAdmin -pzj1lzfgqJ5 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 4509 Server version: 10.1.32-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> MariaDB [(none)]> MariaDB [(none)]> MariaDB [(none)]> MariaDB [(none)]> use DB_clustne_PP; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> use DB_clustne_PP; Database changed MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> select * from TEST123; +------+--------+ | id | name | +------+--------+ | 2 | Check | | 3 | Check | | 15 | 3nodet | | 18 | 3nodet | | 189 | 3nodet | | 99 | 2nodet | | 399 | 2nodet | | 699 | Loadba | | 999 | Loadba | | 999 | Loadba | | 999 | Loadba | | 999 | Loadba | | 999 | Loadba | | 9 | caches | | 12 | caches | | 15 | caches | | 111 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 9 | Loadba | | 12 | Loadba | | 15 | Loadba | | 15 | caches | | 18 | Loadba | | 21 | Loadba | | 24 | rsync | | 27 | rsync | | 30 | rsync | | 33 | rsync | | 36 | rsync | | 39 | rsync | | 39 | rsync | | 42 | rsync | +------+--------+ 37 rows in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [DB_clustne_PP]> exit Bye [root@azabnl-id05 ~]# [root@azabnl-id05 ~]#