drop database if exists spidertest; drop database if exists spidertest_1; drop database if exists spidertest_2; create database spidertest default charset utf8; create database spidertest_1 default charset utf8; create database spidertest_2 default charset utf8; use spidertest_1; drop table if exists `spidertest`; CREATE TABLE `spidertest` ( `pkey` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `stat` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `testtext` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pkey`), INDEX `IDX_STAT` (`stat`) ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB; use spidertest_2; drop table if exists `spidertest`; CREATE TABLE `spidertest` ( `pkey` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `stat` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `testtext` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pkey`), INDEX `IDX_STAT` (`stat`) ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB; grant delete,insert,select,update,index,lock tables on `spidertest_1`.* to 'user'@'%' identified by 'pass'; grant delete,insert,select,update,index,lock tables on `spidertest_2`.* to 'user'@'%' identified by 'pass'; DROP SERVER if exists spidertest_1; DROP SERVER if exists spidertest_2; CREATE SERVER spidertest_1 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql OPTIONS (USER 'user', HOST '', PASSWORD 'pass', PORT 3306, DATABASE 'spidertest_1'); CREATE SERVER spidertest_2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql OPTIONS (USER 'user', HOST '', PASSWORD 'pass', PORT 3306, DATABASE 'spidertest_2'); use spidertest; drop table if exists `spidertest`; CREATE TABLE `spidertest` ( `pkey` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `stat` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `testtext` VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pkey`), INDEX `IDX_STAT` (`stat`) ) ENGINE=SPIDER DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 PARTITION BY KEY() ( PARTITION p1 COMMENT ='table "spidertest", server "spidertest_1"', PARTITION p2 COMMENT ='table "spidertest", server "spidertest_2"'); grant delete,insert,select,update,index,lock tables on `spidertest`.* to 'user'@'%' identified by 'pass'; insert into `spidertest` values ( '1',repeat('a',250) , repeat('test',50) ); insert into `spidertest` values ( '2',repeat('b',250) , repeat('fizz',50) ); insert into `spidertest` values ( '3',repeat('c',250) , repeat('buzz',50) ); select * from `spidertest` where `stat` like 'a%' order by `testtext` limit 2;