Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB MaxScale'
  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-4563

when create cache filter MaxScale 23.02.1 received fatal signal 11



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • None
    • N/A
    • cache
    • None


      MaxScale crashing after creating cache filter and restarting. But, everytime I try to login in GUI it crashes.
      also maxctrl list filters does the same thing
      root@... ~ # maxctrl list filters
      Error: socket hang up. If MaxScale is configured to use HTTPS, use the --secure option.

      MariaDB MaxScale  /var/log/maxscale/maxscale.log  Fri Mar 24 07:52:09 2023
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module 'mariadbmon' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmariadbmon.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module 'masking' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmasking.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module 'readconnroute' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libreadconnroute.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module 'readwritesplit' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libreadwritesplit.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module 'cache' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libcache.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : The logging of info messages has been enabled.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Using up to 37.74GiB of memory for query classifier cache
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : syslog logging is disabled.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : maxlog logging is enabled.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Host: 'PapaBase' OS: Linux@5.10.0-18-amd64, #1 SMP Debian 5.10.140-1 (2022-09-02), x86_64 with 12 processor cores (12.00 available).
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Total main memory: 251.6GiB (251.6GiB usable).
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : MariaDB MaxScale 23.02.1 started (Commit: 5de96ecc39da80a992fc8f362d22a030a844bef5)
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : MaxScale is running in process 3384064
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Configuration file: /etc/maxscale.cnf
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Log directory: /var/log/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Data directory: /var/lib/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module directory: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Service cache: /var/cache/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Working directory: /var/log/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Module 'qc_sqlite' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libqc_sqlite.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : qc_sqlite loaded.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Query classification results are cached and reused. Memory used per thread: 3.15GiB
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Password encryption key file '/var/lib/maxscale/.secrets' not found, using configured passwords as plaintext.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : The systemd watchdog is Enabled. Internal timeout = 30s
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525978312192.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : No 'auto_tune' parameters specified, no auto tuning will be performed.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : [masking] Masking filter [Obfuscates-card] created.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : [masking] The parameter 'treat_string_arg_as_field' is enabled for Obfuscates-card, disabling the query classifier cache.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Query classifier cache disabled.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : [cache] Creating thread specific cache.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : [cache] Created cache per thread.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Using HS256 for JWT signatures
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Started REST API on []:8989
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : 'server1' sent version string '10.5.15-MariaDB-0+deb11u1'. Detected type: 'MariaDB', version: 10.5.15.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Server 'server1' charset: utf8mb4_general_ci
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Starting a total of 2 services...
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : (Read-Write-Listener); Listening for connections at [::]:4006
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Service 'Read-Write-Service' started (1/2)
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : (Read-Only-Listener); Listening for connections at [::]:4008
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : Service 'Read-Only-Service' started (2/2)
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525558560512.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525541775104.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525524989696.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525508204288.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525281732352.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525264946944.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140525248161536.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140524954580736.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140524937795328.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140524921009920.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140524904224512.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 140524677752576.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:52:09   notice : MaxScale started with 12 worker threads.
      2023-03-24 07:52:10   notice : Read 10 user@host entries from 'server1' for service 'Read-Write-Service'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:10   notice : Read 10 user@host entries from 'server1' for service 'Read-Only-Service'.
      2023-03-24 07:52:11   info   : Variables have changed on 'server1', next check in 10 seconds: 'session_track_system_variables = autocommit,character_set_client,character_set_connection,character_set_results,time_zone', 'wait_timeout = 28800'
      2023-03-24 07:54:39   info   : Accept authentication from 'admin', using password. Request: /v1/filters
      MaxScale 23.02.1 received fatal signal 11. Commit ID: 5de96ecc39da80a992fc8f362d22a030a844bef5, System name: Linux, Release string: undefined, Thread: maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:54:39   notice : For a more detailed stacktrace, install GDB and add 'debug=gdb-stacktrace' under the [maxscale] section.
      nm: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: no symbols
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZNK8maxscale13RoutingWorker5indexEv+0): server/core/routingworker.cc:835
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libcache.so(_ZN7CachePT12worker_cacheEv+0x4d): server/modules/filter/cache/cachept.cc:209
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libcache.so(_ZNK7CachePT9all_rulesEv+0x18): server/modules/filter/cache/cachept.hh:86
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libcache.so(_ZNK5Cache11do_get_infoEj+0x5a): /usr/include/c++/10/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:1325
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libcache.so(_ZNK7CachePT8get_infoEj+0x1b): server/modules/filter/cache/cachept.cc:106
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZNK9FilterDef9json_dataEPKc+0x14c): server/core/filter.cc:239
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN9FilterDef19filter_list_to_jsonEPKc+0x5b): server/core/filter.cc:276
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(+0x2aa909): server/core/resource.cc:745
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZNK8Resource4callERK11HttpRequest+0x16): server/core/resource.cc:153
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(+0x2b0fa5): server/core/resource.cc:1717
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN7maxbase6Worker14handle_messageERNS_12MessageQueueERKNS_19MessageQueueMessageE+0x79): maxutils/maxbase/src/worker.cc:778
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN7maxbase17EventMessageQueue18handle_poll_eventsEPNS_6WorkerEjNS_8Pollable7ContextE+0x73): maxutils/maxbase/src/messagequeue.cc:222
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN7maxbase6Worker14deliver_eventsEmNSt6chrono10time_pointINS1_3_V212steady_clockENS1_8durationIlSt5ratioILl1ELl1000000000EEEEEEPNS_8PollableEjNSA_7ContextE+0x8d): maxutils/maxbase/src/worker.cc:1100
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN7maxbase6Worker15poll_waiteventsEv+0x33c): maxutils/maxbase/src/worker.cc:1221
        /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmaxscale-common.so.1.0.0(_ZN7maxbase6Worker3runEPNS_9SemaphoreE+0x55): maxutils/maxbase/src/worker.cc:865
        /usr/bin/maxscale(main+0x289c): server/core/gateway.cc:2133
        /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xea): ??:0
        /usr/bin/maxscale(_start+0x2a): ??:?
      Writing core dump.
      MariaDB MaxScale  /var/log/maxscale/maxscale.log  Fri Mar 24 07:54:41 2023
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module 'mariadbmon' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmariadbmon.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module 'masking' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libmasking.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module 'readconnroute' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libreadconnroute.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module 'readwritesplit' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libreadwritesplit.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module 'cache' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libcache.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : The logging of info messages has been enabled.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Using up to 37.74GiB of memory for query classifier cache
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : syslog logging is disabled.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : maxlog logging is enabled.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Host: 'PapaBase' OS: Linux@5.10.0-18-amd64, #1 SMP Debian 5.10.140-1 (2022-09-02), x86_64 with 12 processor cores (12.00 available).
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Total main memory: 251.6GiB (251.6GiB usable).
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : MariaDB MaxScale 23.02.1 started (Commit: 5de96ecc39da80a992fc8f362d22a030a844bef5)
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : MaxScale is running in process 3384649
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Configuration file: /etc/maxscale.cnf
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Log directory: /var/log/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Data directory: /var/lib/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module directory: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Service cache: /var/cache/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Working directory: /var/log/maxscale
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Module 'qc_sqlite' loaded from '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/maxscale/libqc_sqlite.so'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : qc_sqlite loaded.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Query classification results are cached and reused. Memory used per thread: 3.15GiB
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Password encryption key file '/var/lib/maxscale/.secrets' not found, using configured passwords as plaintext.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : The systemd watchdog is Enabled. Internal timeout = 30s
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987977842176.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : No 'auto_tune' parameters specified, no auto tuning will be performed.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : [masking] Masking filter [Obfuscates-card] created.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : [masking] The parameter 'treat_string_arg_as_field' is enabled for Obfuscates-card, disabling the query classifier cache.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Query classifier cache disabled.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : [cache] Creating thread specific cache.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : [cache] Created cache per thread.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Using HS256 for JWT signatures
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Started REST API on []:8989
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : 'server1' sent version string '10.5.15-MariaDB-0+deb11u1'. Detected type: 'MariaDB', version: 10.5.15.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Server 'server1' charset: utf8mb4_general_ci
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Starting a total of 2 services...
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : (Read-Write-Listener); Listening for connections at [::]:4006
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Service 'Read-Write-Service' started (1/2)
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : (Read-Only-Listener); Listening for connections at [::]:4008
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : Service 'Read-Only-Service' started (2/2)
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987898930944.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987538405120.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987521619712.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987504834304.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987211253504.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987194468096.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987177682688.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139987160897280.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139986934425344.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139986917639936.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139986900854528.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : [qc_sqlite] In-memory sqlite database successfully opened for thread 139986607273728.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   info   : Epoll instance for listening sockets added to worker epoll instance.
      2023-03-24 07:54:41   notice : MaxScale started with 12 worker threads.
      2023-03-24 07:54:42   notice : Read 10 user@host entries from 'server1' for service 'Read-Only-Service'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:42   notice : Read 10 user@host entries from 'server1' for service 'Read-Write-Service'.
      2023-03-24 07:54:43   info   : Variables have changed on 'server1', next check in 10 seconds: 'session_track_system_variables = autocommit,character_set_client,character_set_connection,character_set_results,time_zone', 'wait_timeout = 28800'




            johan.wikman Johan Wikman
            kiskis igor kis
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            2 Start watching this issue



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