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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-25274

OPTIMIZE TABLE does not ignore read_only




      If you try to run the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement while the read_only system variable is set, you see an error:

      MariaDB [(none)]> OPTIMIZE TABLE mydb.tab;
      ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MariaDB server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement

      This contradicts the KB, which says that OPTIMIZE TABLE should ignore the read_only system variable:

      When the variable read_only is set to 1, no updates are permitted except from users with the SUPER privilege (<= MariaDB 10.5.1) or READ ONLY ADMIN privilege (>= MariaDB 10.5.2) or replica servers updating from a primary. Inserting rows to log tables, updates to temporary tables and OPTIMIZE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE statements are excluded from this limitation.


      And this also contradicts the MySQL 5.6 documentation, which also says that OPTIMIZE TABLE should ignore the read_only system variable:

      Even with read_only enabled, the server permits these operations:

      • Updates performed by replica threads, if the server is a replica. In replication setups, it can be useful to enable read_only on replica servers to ensure that replicas accept updates only from the source server and not from clients.
      • Use of ANALYZE TABLE or OPTIMIZE TABLE statements. The purpose of read-only mode is to prevent changes to table structure or contents. Analysis and optimization do not qualify as such changes. This means, for example, that consistency checks on read-only replicas can be performed with mysqlcheck --all-databases --analyze.
      • Operations on TEMPORARY tables.
      • Inserts into the log tables (mysql.general_log and mysql.slow_log; see Section 5.4.1, “Selecting General Query Log and Slow Query Log Output Destinations”).



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              nikitamalyavin Nikita Malyavin
              GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive)
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